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It’s getting to be the same old, same old. Going to work everyday. I took Danny to the kennel today because my cleaning lady was coming. Danny barks at her and I don’t want to leave him alone with her. Besides, she probably would not come in if I weren’t here. I only left him there at the kennel in the morning as it was going to 91 degrees today and I didn’t want to leave him outside in the heat all day. It wasn’t too bad when I went to get him; it was cool inside the kennel. Danny barks at the horses and the donkeys. One of the horses whinnied at him.
When I got home from work, I walked him and then went to work on planting my flowers. I planted another flat and a half of pink and white impatiens. I still have to buy more. I ran out of pink. I have to finish the back yard and the west side yard. I have to plant my planters on the steps, too. I will be busy this weekend. I have grass to cut and a hedge to trim. The watering needs to be done. It is getting dry out there. Maybe we’ll get some rain.
I had the arugala with my salad. I looked in the frig to see what I could put in it. I had some walnuts, cheese, and apple along with the spinach. I used my Hawaiian dressing. It is papaya vinaigrette.
Well, Danny has been walked, his ears have been done and he is waiting for me to go in and turn out the light.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I planted another flat of flowers tonight. I finished the vincas across the front on the house and along the east and west sides toward the front. I also planted some irises that one of my neighbors had tossed to the curb. I had always admired them and one morning there they were dug up and tossed out to the curb. I grabbed 4 of them.
I have to do my planters along the steps and two more flats out back. I’ll plant some more tomorrow and finish up on the weekend.
I forgot to feed the fish so I’ll get that done now, do Danny’s ears and then off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was back to work today. The farmer gave us more spinach and arugula. Not sure of the spelling. It is a salad green rather bitter like dandelion. It looks like dandelion too. I went to Dr. Stuart, the Chiropractor that Ted and I went to. He is in Mays Landing. I had been going to Dr. Cooper in Vineland but he has daytime hours and I didn’t want to take off work to see him. My back was bothering me since I was digging the azaleas. Dr. Stuart was glad to see me. He liked Ted. They talked computers and other technical things as well as business strategies.
I had hoped to get in some planting but after I got back, I walked Danny and got dinner and it was getting late. Danny has gone off to bed. I will be joining him shortly. I hope to get some planting in tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday was a busy day. We sang two selections in the church choir. One was “America Our Heritage” and the other was “Be Still My Soul.” Between the songs, our choir director had a dedication to the service men and women who died during the Iraqi War and Afghanistan War. He had a book of about 4,000 names. He downloaded the names from CNN website.
I am grateful to Don for helping me as my grandparent’s Orrell’s headstone had been turned over and was sideways to their grave. Ted and I experienced this several times. The cemetery, Mt. Moriah in West Philadelphia is not well kept. Ted and I took a crowbar with us when we went to reseat the stone. It is a granite stone. The first time we found this, someone had cut down the large hedges next to the access road and we were able to use the logs to roll the stone into place. I brought a shovel and pitch fork this time but forgot the crow bar. The last time Ted and I reseated the stone was several years ago and we dug out the ground and placed the stone deeper into the ground. It was OK for a while until this year. I know it was upsetting to my father to see his parent’s grave so abused. I thought it was vandalism but I now believe it is the tractor knocking it over when cutting the grass. The stone is on the end of the row and there is not much room for the tractor to swing around on the access road. Many of the end stones are knocked out of place. Don and I managed to rock and slide the stone nearly into place using the Spade. The pitchfork wasn’t strong enough. Don asked if I had a tire iron but Hondas have mini tire irons. I planted a marigold but was discussed with the situation at that cemetery. The Friends of Mt. Moriah are also discussed with the owners of the cemetery. Some graves and under a jungle of bushes and vines.
Next, we went to my Grandparents, McConnell’s cemetery at Mt. Zion in Collingdale, PA. It’s about 5 miles from the other one. This cemetery is well kept and my grandparents are shaded by a maple tree. I used the pitchfork to loosen the soil and planted impatiens as they do well in the shade. Next to my grandparents is her sister, Aunt Hester’s family. I planted some impatiens on their graves and went on to my great-grandparents but some one had already planted two large geraniums there. It had to be either Cousin Joy, her son, Bob, or Cousin Kim. It was nice to see someone had done that, as I seemed to be the only one to be doing it for years. Bob is our Small family historian and Joy got Veterans markers for her uncle and grandfather.
One more stop at this cemetery for my McConnell great grandparents. They are over a few rows and out in the sun. My great Aunt Sue is also buried there. An ageratum was planted there. Don followed me with the water jug to give the plants a good soaking.
Next, we ventured up Springfield Road to route 320 and on to Glenwood Memorial Gardens where Ted and my parents are buried. This cemetery is also well kept although the veterans missed placing a flag in my father’s Veteran marker. It was surrounded by Easter arrangements so they probably didn’t see it. I’ll ask my brother Rick to take a flag up there. I placed a red, white and blue cross on my parent’s grave and two arrangements on Ted’s. One from his parents.
I walked Danny at the cemetery and tried to keep him hidden because walking dogs is not allowed. He didn’t do his business at Don’s house and I know he had to go. He finally went and after cleaning up his mess, we got back in the car for the ride back to Don’s. We stopped at Burger King’s drive in window and the girl said, “Can I help you?” Danny Boy said “Woof! Woof”! I could hardly order for laughing. The girl had been startled. She laughed when she gave us our order.
We ate our burgers and Danny had a little bit of mine. He wasn’t very hungry as he was too hot. Don went out and uncovered his air conditioner and cooled us down as we watched a John Wayne movie, Harare.
We walked Danny before I drove home. There were severe thunderstorm warnings on the radio as I drove down I 95 but we were able to get home before the storm arrived.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Memorial Day Arrangements on Ted's grave Sunday, May 27, 2007.
Due to the thunderstorm that just arrivied, I will blog tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This was taken by Ted last summer.
I got a lot crossed off my list today. First, I cleaned the fish tank and discovered a baby pineapple swordtail. It was large enough that it would not be eaten by the other fish. I was surprised as previous baby swordtails did not make it. I did have a lot of real and plastic plants for the fry to hide in. The mother swordtail is huge and will probably have more babies.
Next, I cut the grass and started watering. I moved the hose several times throughout the day but didn't get the whole yard done. I concentrated on the driest and most parched looking areas.
I made a glass of iced tea and after I cooled down, I went to get my flowers. I saw a birdbath for $18.99 at the garden center so I got it. The old one had a crack in it and it broke when I put it in its spot after cutting the grass. I found a nice red, white and blue silk bouquet at the garden center to take to the cemetery for Ted's grave. I got some white impatiens at this particular garden center but did not like the pink and lavender they had there. I drove around the corner to the other place where I got the previous flowers and found some real nice compact plants in light pink, lavender and I found the light pink vincas. I got some ageratums, lobelia, marigolds and moss roses.
I will be busy planting for the rest of the week.
I had some lunch and got cleaned up as I awaited my brother to come down to go to Ocean City. We had a nice walk on the boardwalk and a nice dinner at the Hula Grill. We both had to chuckle when the people next to us order cheeseburgers and fries at a Hawaiian restaurant. Don and I both got the Ahi Ahi. Which is fresh tuna on a bed of rice with garden salad with Hawaiian dressing. The restaurant has expanded to double its size from last year. There were tables inside but it was hot in there. We chose to eat outside. It is casual with picnic tables on a side portion of the boardwalk. The food is excellent and the prices are modest. Sorry, no ocean view. We walked some more on the boardwalk and got a custard before heading home.
Don helped me change the toner in my printer and I should be back in business printing photos and greeting cards. We both walked Danny before Don headed home. I relaxed a bit, did Danny’s ears and now am ready to turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I just got in from walking Danny Boy after returning from Vineland Nature Club. The program this evening was on the New Jersey Black Bear. The bears have moved down to the southern part of the state and are now found in all counties in NJ.
I am beat. I ran the dishwasher and took out the trash before I went to nature club. So I just have to do Danny’s ears and climb into bed. It will feel good to sleep in tomorrow. I hope Danny doesn’t need to go out during the night as he didn’t do his business when he was out.
It’s off to bed for me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, my Friday Flower Blog is a day early. The red rose is in my front yard. It is really pretty this year.
The job is getting better. It is frightening, however, to have to provide for myself. I was never really on my own. I always had Ted and before him. I had my parents. As the weekend approaches, I think of things Ted and I would do together: Our trip to the shore, our walk on the boardwalk, dinner at our favorite spot, our walk on the beach and the jetty as Ted took his pictures, our Strawberry Blizzard, and our journey home.
We might even catch the Spiderman Movie. It is good to picture the good times. For a long time all I could think of was the horror of his illness and decline.
I have a weekend of work lined up for me. Clean the fish tank, wash the car, plant my flowers, go to the cemeteries, cut the grass, and do some work for the business.
Danny had his ears done before I went to choir practice. When I got home, I walked him and now he has goon to bed. I’ll be joining him shortly.
Have a good weekend.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to work today. I did OK. I still have a cold but I've been taking Dayquil and NightQuil. I was a little tired but I'll get to bed early tonight. I didn't get the grass cut again tonight. It will have to wait until the weekend.
It will be Memorial Day Weekend. Ted used to help me take the flowers to the cemeteries. Now I have to take flowers to his grave. He helped me plant flowers in my grandparent’s graves. One cemetery is in Philadelphia and is in a state of neglect. Ted would use the weed trimmer and grass cutters and dig around so I could plant. He would water the plants as I planted them. I don't know if one of my brothers will go with me or not. They go to my parent’s cemetery but not the grandparents. One cemetery has two sets of my great grandparents as well as great aunt and uncles. There may even be great grandparents but I haven't tracked them down yet.
I still have to get the rest of my flowers to plant here. There's a lot to do this weekend. I hope I get it all done.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I stayed home from work today. I went to bed early last night with a sore throat and sinus pain and had it all night. I couldn’t take anything for it because I had taken a Clariton for my allergies and it is a 24 hour medication.
I got up about 6:30 and took Danny to do his business and dragged him back kicking and screaming. He wanted to continue with his walk. He didn’t seem to mind me going back to bed. He slept at my feet. I got up at 8:00 to call work. I had some coffee and felt a little better. My sinus cleared out.
I spent the day on the sofa except for taking Danny out a couple times. I make both of us some eggs. I had some fruit and spinach salad for lunch and more spinach salad for dinner.
I’ll be going to bed early tonight. I’ll walk Danny at 8:00 and then it’s off to bed.
I hope to go to work tomorrow. I don’t get any sick time so I have to go.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny is bugging me. He doesn’t like me to type. It takes attention away from him. He is ready to go out. I was going to cut the grass this evening but my allergies were really bad today. I sneezed all day. One of the farmers gave the employees each a box of fresh picked baby spinach leaves. I gave some to my friend Ellen and some to Sonia across the street. I bagged up some for Alex and the Champion’s but neither was home. I’ll have to try again later. I made my self a fresh spinach salad and ate it with my crab cake dinner from yesterday.
Danny got impatient, he went up to bed. I will do his ears and take him out. I will try to get to bed early.
I took some things to work with me to sort out. I have to file PA taxes. I tried to file in April but the PA tax site wouldn’t let me. I was on semi-annual payment last year but had to file quarterly this year. The site had not been updated so I figured I was still on semi-annually. Well, we know, never assume. I got a delinquent notice. Fortunately, I own no tax, we haven’t done any business. I can try to file again or phone it in.
Danny is back and is bugging me again. I’d better take care of him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I slept until 6:30 this morning and Danny woke up. I took him out and thought I’d go back to bed as he did. I laid on the sofa and vegetated for awhile and decided to have my coffee. I went through the Sunday paper and got my breakfast. Danny came down for his and for another walk.
By this time, I had to hurry to get ready for church. I sang in the choir. We had a guest minister who I believe is a candidate for the church pastor. His sermon went on for 45 minutes and I thought I was going to fall asleep. Ted always felt if the minister couldn’t make his point in 15 minutes, he would loose his audience.
After church, I went out to lunch with some ladies friends. We went to the Green Olive. Phyllis E. may know of it. It is a very nice Italian place just outside of Bridgeton. It took us a while to get there as the bridge at Rainbow Lake is out and we had to find another route to get there. The bridge has been out since the storm several weeks ago.
When I got home, I felt beat from our late night last night. I laid down on the sofa again but got back up to plant my flowers. I planted a flat of lavender impatiens around the rhododendron and will have to get another flat to go around the other rhododendron. I planted pink and white impatiens around the little maple tree on the east side. I planted two pinks and then a white. That is the pattern I chose for this year. I’ll have to buy more of them too as I have to plant the border of the back yard and the west side.
I put the car away and took Danny out again. I was still full from lunch so I had some antelope and cottage cheese for supper. I called the Vorlon niece, as I missed her graduation celebration yesterday. She lives in Michigan and I just started this new job and didn’t feel up to traveling yet. She will be starting a new job in Cincinnati and will be going off on her own. My cousin lives in Cincinnati so I put them in touch with each other. My cousin will show the Vorlon niece around Cincinnati.
I then called the Vorlon Parents to catch up on things. I took Danny out, did his ears and he is in bed. I will be joining him soon. Tomorrow will be a difficult day as it would have been our 36th anniversary.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Just go t home from my nephew's in Delaware. We had a belated Mother's Day Dinner for my sister-in-law , Sylvia and my nephew's wife, Michelle. Half of the family was away last week as Sylvia's neice got married in Florida.
I fixed the fish tank filter this morning. Some part needed to be cleaned that I didn't know existed. I got out the manual and discovered it. I went to the Vets to get Danny's Heartworm medication and went to the Acme to buy some food. I trimmed the hedge and took Danny for a walk. I saw my neighbor teh church choir director out watering his flowers and stopped to talk. He invited me in to see his wife Ellen who is recovering from surgery. Danny used to bark at them but was friendly today. We sat on the back porch and had some lemonade. Ray gave Danny some roast beef. He'll be his best friend for life.
We came home and both Danny and I got a bath. I packed up some things for Danny and myself and went to Rick's.
After arriving, they decided to go to a nice little Italian Restaurant. I let Danny out in their yard where he could run free as it is fenced in. There is a great big dog next door and he is friendly but Danny barked and barked at him. They chased each other up and down the fence. When we went to the restaurant, we left Danny downstairs and Sassy upstairs as they fight somtimes. They don't really fight but grow lat each other. Danny is very good he doesn't get into anything and he rarely has accidents in the house. He was friendly to everyone and likes to jump up in their laps and get petted. I did Danny's ears while I was there. It was getting late and I didn't know whether to stay the night or drive home. Since I sing in the choir, I decided to drive home. I made a couple wrong turns in the dark but was able to get back on track. Danny had to make a pit stop so I pulled into a convenience store parking lot to let him out.
Time to hit the hay Danny's already in bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took Danny to Erica’s again today. I had lunch at the office. They ought pizza and had a Safety Meeting for all the employees. I only took a half hour for lunch so I left at 4:30. I felt wiped out all day.
I didn’t sleep well last night. I woke up every two hours. Needless to say, I didn’t cut the hedge or anything else.
Yesterday, there was a power failure here at the house and I thought I’d have problems with the computers and the burglar alarm. They were fine; however, the filter on the fish tank went. Fortunately, I had the old one. It works but is smaller than the one I had been using. I’ll have to go to the pet store and get a new one.
It is really hard at work. They play the radio with Oldies songs. Some songs remind me of Ted and big tears swell up in my eyes. Sometime I feel as though I can’t bear it. It is especially hard when I don’t have much to do. I read some of Ted’s book today. He had ordered a book about interviews of people with different jobs. It is interesting and each person has a short story about there job. I don’t know why he ordered it. It is not the usual kind of book he would read. He must have read a review about it. Perhaps he wanted to see what other people thought of their jobs.
I have a large selection of video flowers and when I figure out how to post them onto the web, I’ll do it. I picked the tulips from the last batch I took.
Time to do Danny’s ears and get some sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Tulips taken April 21, 2007
I feel rather disappointed tonight. I was going to post my new photo of the back yard and for some reason, my last several photos are vides recording. I have no idea how that happened and I don’t know if I can just take the photo off the video. The video starts out as a nice photo of the back yard or a flower and proceeds to show my feet and the ground and what ever else the camera was pointing at between shot. What a bummer.
Danny Boy went to doggie daycare today. He will be going back tomorrow because the company is having a safety meeting with pizza for lunch. Danny likes it at Erica’s. He likes her collies. He gets to interact with other dogs. I put his blankey in the igloo and he pulls it out and plays with it. He also likes to eat his treats on it.
I took some orders today and it was quite busy just before lunch. The rest of the afternoon was rather boring with not much to do. I was able to balance the nature club checkbook. I take work with me to do while I don’t have anything to do.
I enjoy doing the blog. It’s my contact with the outside world. I enjoy the comments and it is wonderful to know how many people care. Keep the comments coming.
I’ll try to get a photo out there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
There doesn’t seem to be too much to write about. I have settled into the routine of going to work and that’s about it. There wasn’t much to do today. I filed and answered the phone and filled in the time reading the paper, doing crossword puzzles, playing solitaire and surfing the net. They are paying me to sit there so I guess I shouldn’t complain. I’m glad I have a job.
I decided not to go to Toastmaster’s tonight and Bible Study was canceled. I wanted to plant some of my flowers but the rain storm was coming. I walked Danny and went though some of me emails. I need to do some work for Eastern Business. There is still some unfinished business I have to take care of.
I got an email from one of Ted’s Great Plains Partners. He did not know Ted had passed. There are some other people who do not know. I have to go through my Christmas Cards and notify friends who do not know about Ted.
Sometimes there seems so much to do that it is overwhelming. I have some repairs to do on my house. Working full time doesn’t allow too much time to do that. Now that it’s spring, the yard work needs to be done.
Danny ears have been done and if the rain has let up, I’ll walk him before turning in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did a little more at work today. I entered some orders and am starting to get the hang of it.
I went to my grief support group tonight. It was the last night of our weekly session. We can attend a once a month meeting if we’d like. It is on the third Thursday though and I have 2 other things on the third Thursday.
I took some photos of my flowers this morning. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll put them in the computer. I didn’t have time today.
It’s time to do Danny’s ears and turn in for the night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I started doing a little more work today. I took an order and processed orders in the computer. I cut the grass before dinner and was able to start the mower again by myself. I took Danny for a walk and stopped to talk to a neighbor and his girlfriend who live at the end of the block. He liked Ted and watched him jogging past the house over the years.
Tomorrow is the last night for the grief support. The group has been very helpful. I will miss meeting with them.
Danny is ready for bed and I will be joining him shortly.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers reading my blog.
After church today, I went to lunch with two ladies who also had no plans for Mother's Day. We went to Larry's as we figured everything would be very crowded. We got the buffet and I was home by 1:15. I planted 1 1/2 flats of my flowers. I put a flat of Vincas across the front. I thought I had gotten all light pink but they slipped some fuchsia colored ones in on me. I will need another flat as I only got half way across. I planted pink and white impatiens along the east front side. I alternated one white and two pinks. I will need double of everything I bought yesterday. I will put the lavender impatiens around the rhododendrons. I will do the alternating of pink and white in the back yard. It was a very lonely afternoon and evening. My neighbor's mother came over to talk to me for a while. She is visiting from the Pocono’s. She is very friendly. The couple who live there are Peter and Yolanda Ocasio. Yolanda's sister lives with them. They are very nice and helpful to me.
I just did Danny's ears. I was going to do them before I sat down but when I picked up the eardrops, he took off down the stairs. He isn't scratching at them as much. He only scratches when I try to comb the tangles out of the fur on his ears. Poodles, even though they don't shed, must be brushed and combed daily or the fur will get knotted up. I was felling his ears and thought Oh my goodness, what is this big lump on his ear. It was matted fur. His fur is fine and silky and tangles easily.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This morning, I placed a couple photos on the blog. It takes some time to find them in the files. I went to the Laundromat and washed my quilt. It is very thick and wouldn’t fit in my washer. I bought three plastic storage bins from the Family Dollar. I figured I would start getting the house ready to sell. I might as well start with my winter clothes.
I went to the nursery and bought my summer flowers. I got pink, lavender and white impatiens for the back and side yards and light pink vincas for the front. I put my planters from last year out and I see the little moss roses coming up.
We just got back from my brother’s. I went over this afternoon and took some azaleas my neighbor had given me. It was hard digging in his yard because of the tree roots. I put five in his front flower bed and the large one was put out back where there are less roots.
Don cut the grass while I planted. We went and got a pizza and watched a movie. It started raining and was really coming down when left. It rained hard all the way home. It seems to have let up a little. I hope Danny doesn’t want to go out. I am ready for bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My cousin Scott singing at a dinner theatre. It was Italinan night and Scott sang in Italiian even though he is not Italian.
I feel rather beat tonight. After work, I trimmed the hedge. It was about 80 degrees and it was sticky. I found I had turned on the dehumidifier and forgot to make sure the sump pump was plugged in. It was overflowing into the basement. I’ll have to check it to make sure it’s working properly.
Danny has gone off to bed so I will be joining him shortly.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Dog Tooth Violet
Dog Tooth Violet
I finally got set up on the computer at work. I did one order on it. I went to the post office for myself and the company. I got stamps and sent out some mail. I picked up the mail in the company PO
I took Danny on his usual walks and gave him a bath this morning. He had walked in the wet grass and then in the dirt. He needed a bath anyway so he got it.
I went to choir practice tonight. He rehearsed the songs for the next few weeks. Memorial Day weekend will be the last the choir sings for the year.
I played around with the photo of Naomi and Danny Boy. I had to adjust the color and then figure how to import it to the program I need to arrange it to post it on the blog. It took awhile. Danny is jealous of the time I am on the computer. My niece called as I was working here and he is jealous when I talk on the phone so he was double jealous. He is ready for his evening walk and then it’s off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Naomi and Danny Boy in Parvin State Park late February, 2007
I’m blogging early today. I awoke at 1:30 last night. I felt dizzy and nauseous. Danny got up to and wanted out. I took him out to the tree and then came back to bed hoping I’d feel better in the morning. No such luck. I dragged myself to work and felt pretty cruddy. I called and made an appointment with the doctor for that afternoon. My allergies were acting up as it is a bad pollen year. He said to get some Claritin over the counter. He also gave me some prescriptions for blood work and so forth.
Ted’s client called to see how I was doing. It is so thoughtful of him to think of me. I thought I’d blog early and get to bed early.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another boring day at work. They still do not have me set up on the computer. I answer the phone when it rings and that’s about it. I come home at lunch and walk Danny Boy. I walk him before work and I noticed the lawn needed to be watered. That’s another thing that Ted did. I dragged the hose around to the west side and watered the west and half the south side. After I got ready for work, I dragged the hose back around so no one would trip over it. After work, I walked Danny and started the hose on the other half of the south side and the east side. I did manage to get one of the water timers working. I haven’t done the back one yet because I don’t have any flowers back there yet. I have to wait until Thursday to water the back yard. We have even/odd days to water.
I went to my grief support group tonight. I feel good when I’m there. I can report on my accomplishments for the week—new job, starting the mower, my trip to PA and DE. Sometimes, I even make them laugh. I am able to convey humor to the others in the group.
I did Danny’s ears earlier tonight. I will brush him before we go to bed. I need to rest up as I really get tired from the boredom at work.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We were up at 5:30 and out for our walk. I got ready for work and took him out again before going to work. I still was not set up on the computer so it was another boring day. I walked Danny at lunchtime and took my lap top to work with me. I was unable to get a signal so I was limited to playing solitaire.
After work, I walked Danny and then cut the grass. I was very proud that I was able to start the mower. I have never been able to get it started. Peter had gone out as I got home and Alex was home either. I was determined to get the thing started.
I am exhausted and now have to do Danny’s ears and turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and sang in the choir today. After church, six of us went to the Ramada Inn for breakfast/lunch. I order the Belgian waffles with strawberries and ice cream. It was delicious.
I trimmed the grass along the curb, as the mower doesn’t cut it. I had hoped to cut the grass but neither of my neighbors was home and I cannot start the thing.
I had to wash all the bedding because Danny threw up and it went through the pad I had on the bed and onto the quilt. I didn’t realize it went through the thick quilt until I went to change the sheets and saw it had gone clear through to the mattress pad. It is not easy to wash king size blankets. I have to do one at a time. I got the mattress pad and blanket done but the big quilt will have to go to the Laundromat in the big machine.
I figured out how to charge Ted’s iPod, however, it’s been on there all day and it says do not disconnect. It did have a lightning bolt on the battery when I first connected it. I’ll have to get the book back out and find out what’s going on with it.
I took some photos of my cousin and the opera singer, Rodolfo, and they were very dark. I played around with Ted’s PaintShop Pro software and was able to lighten it. I practiced on Rodolfo so I’ll lighten up a photo of my cousin Scott and post it tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was beat all day today. I rushed around too much on Friday. Although the food and the show were excellent, I was too tired to enjoy them. I woke up feeling hung over and I only had a couple sips of white wine with the dinner. Pennsylvania is not like New Jersey. New Jersey has no smoking law for restaurants and public places. Even though there were separate smoking areas in the restaurant, I could still smell the smoke and it got into my hair, on my clothes and on my skin.
Dottie went out to WaWa for coffee and a honey bun. She was going to take me to breakfast but I wasn’t up to it. We went for a walk around her new neighborhood and the local high school track, which is adjacent to her Mobile Home Park. She has a lovely double wide. It is very spacious. It has living room, dinning area, eat in kitchen, three bedrooms and two baths. It also has a screened in porch. The community is located on the PA, DE line. One mobile home sits right on the middle of the line. The PA side is more expensive because the taxes are higher there. Dottie was going to her campground in MD so I headed back to my brother, Don’s. Danny and I rested for a while before we all walked to WaWa’s. (There’s one on every corner in this area) He got a sandwich and I got a large coke. I was still feeling headachy. The coke did the trick. We watched a little of a James Bond movie and Don had to cut the grass. He gave me the movie to take home. I was feeling better so Danny and I took off.
We lazed around when we got home. He slept on my lap for most of the afternoon. He is in there sleeping now.
I found out what the commotion was the other morning. It seems the neighbor down the street was arrested for purchasing parts off the internet and assembling machine guns. Hence the State Police. Unbelievable!
Well, I’m going to call it a night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, I guess it's Saturday as it is just past midnight. I had a busy day. I took Blue Velvet to get new tires after dropping Danny off at the kennel. The Honda dealer took me back and forth to work. They picked me up at 3:15 and I went to get Danny. I walked him and loaded the car. We got to my brother's at 5:30 so I walked him again before going to dinner. The food was excellent and the entertainment was excellent, too. My cousin sang as did several others. We are all exhausted and Danny is woofing to go to bed. I am at my friend, Dotties in Delaware.
We'll call it a night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The Human Resource Association of Southern New Jersey at SHRM National Headquarters in Alexandria, VA.
Ted would say, " Take more pictures." A little out of line but the tulips and chapel at Annapolis were beautiful.
Danny went out to the Kennel today. He seems to like it there. He stayed half a day while my cleaning lady cleaned the house.
The new job is OK but so far, there isn’t much for me to do. Tomorrow will be hectic, as I have to take Danny back to the Kennel and take the car to the Honda dealer to get tires. The Honda dealer will take me to work and pick me up when the car is done. I’ll have to get Danny and pack up to go to my brothers. The dinner starts at 6:30.
I went to choir practice tonight. We sang some nice hymns. I’m beat to I’m going to turn in now.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny was up at 3:30 needing to go out. He did his piddling and we went back to bed. I’m not sure whether I got back to sleep or not. We got up again at 5:30 and went out for his morning constitutional. There was some commotion down the street where the nasty black dog lives. The street was blocked off by police cars and some police were going into the house. I couldn’t tell what was going on. I drove past when I went to work and saw it was State Police. I remembered the little dog being out day and night and wonder if he were abandoned. The house has been looking rather shabby with Christmas Decorations still on the porch and newspapers all over the lawn.
When I got to work, no one was there yet so I went to WaWa and got a coffee. When I came back, Ron was there. He told me some things to do when I first arrived and then I sat and waited for Ginny. She comes in at 8:30. She was unable to get me set up on the computer so I didn’t have much to do. It was a slow day and only a few calls came in. I did a crossword puzzle and read some magazines.
I came home for lunch and walked Danny and grabbed a PB&J. I took a crème soda back to work with me. The job is OK but I almost cried a couple times because I was not in my office with Ted and Sonia.
I walked Danny when I got home and went to work on the hedge. I wanted to get it trimmed as I will be going to my brother’s for the weekend. I’ll trim the weeds tomorrow and cut the grass on Sunday afternoon.
I didn’t go to Toastmasters because I wanted to get the hedge done and I was tired from being up so early and the first day on the job. I was too tired to go to Bible Study after cutting the hedge. I did Danny’s ears and will be taking him out soon before going to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This morning, I was upset to read an email about my cousin having ovarian cancer. She will have to have chemo. I just cried. I hope and pray that everything will turn out all right for Donna. To me the chemo was like taking Ted to the Chamber of Horrors. He didn’t seem to mind it. He always was fascinated with things. The side effects were terrible though. Food tasted terrible and the numbness in his feet was awful.
I took Blue Velvet aka Dasher2 to the Honda dealer for its six month check up and oil change. Everything checked out OK except it needs new tires. Ted told me last Fall it would need new tires but the last check up they were OK. I liked the Dunlap tires I got last time but the garage I got them from does not have transportation to take me to work. I looked on the internet at the tire reviews and they people liked the Kumho tires. The Honda dealer has them and they will take me to work and pick me up. Everyday I find something that Ted did for me such as following me to drop off the car and taking me to pick it up.
I went down to Millville and did some shopping. I went to Pet Smart to look at car seats and restraints for dogs. One halter needed his girth size so I’ll have to go back. I think I may get Danny the car seat so he can sit and look out the window. I have a halter but it is awkward to use and he cries when I put him in it.
I went to Kohl’s but didn’t like their running shoes that were on sale. The insole was not removable and I have to take it out and put my orthotics in. I saw were Dick’s Sporting Goods will be opening there soon so I’ll wait. Next, I went across the highway to Wal-Mart. I got a box of fish filters, a light bulb for my Tiffany Lamp, toner for the deskjet printer, and some wallpaper paste for a repair I have to do in the living room. It was well past lunchtime when I got home and Danny needed to be walked.
We both had our lunch and I vegetated on the sofa. I made some phone calls but no one was home.
I am arranging my weekend away. I will be going to a dinner theatre in PA with my brother and my friend. My cousin Scott will be singing there. I will be taking Danny Boy with me. I don’t know how I’m going to pack up the car and get to PA in time for the show. I’ll have everything ready in the morning but I’ll have to work Friday. I still have to pack up the car with my stuff and Danny’s stuff. He will stay at my brother’s during the show then I will get him and go to my friends to say overnight.
I didn’t go the Grief Support tonight. I went to the Women’s Service Circle with my church friends. I am the Secretary and I missed last month when I went to Grief Support. I’ll go to Grief Support next week. It meets weekly whereas the Service Circle meets monthly.
Danny was waiting at the door for me to come home and take him out. He wanted to chase some cats but there disappeared quickly. He kept walking back and forth trying to pick up their scent.
I ran downstairs when I was getting his eardrops ready. I hope he is back on the bed so I can get that job done.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Backyard Tulip Garden