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Danny in his kennel.
More of Danny's friends at the kennel. Danny barks at the horses, too.
Another of Danny's friends at the kennel.
One of Danny's friends at the kennel. He barks at the donkeys. I don't know if he thinks they are big dogs or what.
Last night, we went to the Boardwalk in Wildwood, NJ. Wildwood’s Boardwalk is the same but the town has changed. Condo’s everywhere. One block of Condos start at $699,000. It doesn’t have an ocean view or a bay view. It is beach block so I guess that’s why the high price. I don’t know who would pay that much for a place in Wildwood.
We enjoyed the Boardwalk. John was like a little kid who has seen the Boardwalk for the first time. He spent an hour looking in the first shop he came to. He bought T-shirts and a sweatshirt for his friends, relatives, and sunglasses for himself.
We went to the Great Nor’easter Roller Coaster. It’s quite a ride. You sit in it with your feet hanging down. Up you go and then down and around I a loop. The sky over the ocean is black because there are no lights out over the ocean to lighten the sky. The moon was full and shinning white. I had on brand new white sneakers and around I went with my feet flying over the moon. It’s a wild thing to experience. The first hill, I screamed for the fun of it because that’s what people do on roller coasters. Then I thought, What in the world am I doing on this thing and then all I could do was laugh as my feet went over the moon and though the cork screw. I got off walking like a drunken sailor but it wore off quickly. As we were going through the corkscrew, I heard Bang! Bang! Bang! They were having a fireworks display. We watch for a while and then went on the bumping cars. We just did the two rides and then Don and I got something to drink while John, Linda and Emily got pizza and funnel cake.
John and Emily play some kind of frog game where you put the frog on a plate and pound a button with a hammer. The frog goes leaping through the air and if it lands in a flower, you get a prize. Emily got two and John got one. Emily is about 9 years old.
We dot a Dairy Queen and headed home around 12:30. I wasn’t tire then but I was all day today when I got home. Don and I went on a walk on the beach where the “Sand Castles” are. I took some photos but they are pretty far back and I don’t know how well they will show up. I’ll post them tomorrow.
Meanwhile I’ll post some of Danny’s friends at the kennel.
New from the Vorlon Wife.
I had good intentions to get a lot done this morning. I didn’t get much of anything done. I slept in and walked Danny around 6:45. I was a couch potato while I waited for my sinuses to clear. I ironed my clothes for next week and did two loads of wash. The phone rang and my client was having a problem. I told her a couple things to do but she ran into more problems and I had to go into her office. I wasn’t even dressed yet. I had planned to get ready for the shore and to get Danny over to Indian Trail but that had to wait.
I went to work and got things straightened out for Kathy. I did some research for her husband to find if they had Customer Source from Microsoft. It turns out that they do.
I was there about an hour and left for home. I had some lunch and thought I got everything ready. I took Danny to Erica’s and he went right into his pen and into his igloo. I wasn’t sure if he went into his igloo as I hadn’t seen him in it. He looked happy in there. I had put his bed pad and his favorite toy in there.
I was off for Avalon. I got half way there and realized I forgot my medicine. I remembered the last time I had forgotten to take it and didn’t want to go through that again so I made a U turn and headed back home. I also forgot to put out the trash so I did that and headed back down the road to Avalon.
I arrived here around 3:30 and we headed for the beach. It was overcast and drizzled a little. I was reading a book from the library and I put it away so the rain wouldn’t splatter on it. Don’s friends were having a catch with the football and Linda and Emily went for a walk to find shells. Don and I started to take a walk but the tide was coming in and he left his sneakers in the sands so we went back to our chairs. It was getting cold so we packed up and came back to the house.
Don and I went to dinner at the Windrift. We both had sautéed lump crab. There was a lot of crab on the platter. I had to box mine. Ted would have liked it; crab without the work of cracking the shells. It was excellent. We have returned to the house and will some be going to the boardwalk in Wildwood.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A Red Stella Dora Lily I found in Wildwood, NJ.
Pink Lily
The Teepee at Erica's Indian Trail. She had birthday parties for kids in the "Tipi".
Avalon Sunrise. This time it is the Sunrise.
The Island Avalon is on, juts out one mile further than the other South Jersy Resorts.
Their motto is "Cooler by a Mile.:
It felt like I was back at Eastern Business doing training for our client but it will only be for a couple weeks. I don’t have to go in tomorrow but they will need me on Monday to help with the closing. There has been no change in Karen’s condition. Please keep her in your prayers.
A bonus about working in Millville is I go right past all the shopping centers. Last night, I went to Home Depot and BJ’s. Tonight, I went to Pet Smart and Dick’s Sporting Goods. I got a tether for Danny in the car so he won’t fly off the seat when I put on the brakes and a new pair of running shoes for me. My old ones are worn out.
I also went in the new Acme and got some things I needed for dinner and some milk for breakfast.
I got the Sunrise and Sunsets mixed up in my photos. I’ll have to try again.
Danny has been walked and is already in bed. I’ll join him soon but I want to read the book I got at the Library for a while.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Easter Lily
Avalon Sunset
Danny's friends at the kennel: Heidi and Cami.
Today was my last day at the Packaging Corporation of America. They were down by $200,000 on their profits so they had to let their temps go. They were going to keep me until Friday but One of Ted’s clients needed help. One of the partners had a stroke and all her knowledge about how to do the work was locked in her head. She is not conscious. I started there this afternoon and Ted would have been proud of me. I was able to help with a glitch that had them stumped. I only have to work 4 hours a day and will make more than I did as a temp. It will only be for a short time until I train them but it will be good experience for me and it will build up my confidence in finding a new job.
I will be posting more photos of last week.
Danny will need to be walked and then it will be time to cut some zzz’s.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Below are a few of the photos taken over the weekend. I will post more.
Today, the big boss came in the office and later in the day, Ginny told me that their profits were down $200,000 and they had to let their temps go. I wondered how long they could pay me to do crossword puzzles and play solitaire. When I got home, I called Ted's client who needed help. I had talked to Sonia and she had other things planned so I told Gary I was available to help him with his Great Plains. I will be seeing him tomorrow. Ginny is giving me to the end of the week but under the circumstances, I think I can leave early.
I need to walk Danny now and get ready to turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Sunrise In Avalon
Danny Boy in his kennel at Erica's.
Backyord facing south. You can see a late blooming azalea on the left.
I am beat tonight. I was fine until I got in the car and headed for home realizing that I would be going home to a house without my Teddy Bear. A dark gloom fell over me and I haven’t been able to shake it. I picked up my Danny Boy and he did real well at Erica’s. I walked him and fed him. I ate some veggies and now I am ready for bed.
I’ll tell you more about my trip and post some photos tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I awoke around 5am and looked out over the dock and thought big fat gulls were sitting on the poles of the dock. I thought I’d get a photo of them. I went out onto the balcony and saw they were plastic points that were placed on top of the poles to keep the gulls off them. I looked over toward the east and saw the sun was about to come up so I put on my jeans and my jacket and went out to east side. Don woke up and asked what time it was. He was going to go with me but when he heard it was 5:15 he went back to bed. I went over to the marina across the street and waited for the sun to rise. I got several shots and wasn’t shore if I’d see the sun come up as there were clouds. I did finally see the big red ball come up between some buildings. It was beautiful. I’ll post the photos later.
I came back and made some coffee and I guess I woke some of the others up with the smell of fresh coffee. Don and I went for a walk on the beach. We saw a school of dolphins heading north along the coast. There were people watching them. We walked up to the inlet and climbed up on the jetty. I took some panorama photos and will have to figure out how Ted stitched them together.
When we got back, I showered and had some breakfast. Then I went to the Presbyterian Church in Avalon. It is an historic church; it was the second church built in Avalon around the turn of the last century. It was packed and even had folding chair for people to sit. There were locals and visitors attending. The guest minister was from Salt Lake City, UT. He sang and played the guitar. They have a hymn sing 15 minutes before the service. It was nice. It is wonderful to go to a different church and be a part of the greater Christian Family.
When I got back, John’s sister was cooking breakfast for her family. I nibbled on some bacon and had some of the banana bread I brought. It was made by my friend Dottie. It was in the freezer so I brought it with me. It had been cut up in slices as I had done with the others so I figured I could share it with more people.
Don and I went to Wildwood and walked on the boardwalk. It was 2:00 and I wasn’t very Hungary because we had been eating all morning. I decided on a Dairy Queen Strawberry Blizzard Don got a caramel mocha chip. We headed back to Avalon.
I saw a pizza on the table when we got back so I ate a slice. We hung out for awhile and John and his sister, Jeannie wanted to go to the beach. We loaded two cars with beach chairs and towels and trekked to the beach. We are way back on the bay so it would be a long walk. I’ll have to measure it tomorrow. I walked into the water up to my knees and was surprised to find it was not bad as far a temperature goes. I expected it to be a lot colder. Last week the temp was 66 degrees. It was a lot warmer today. I thought I should have worn my swim suit. I was wearing Capri pants that I rolled up. Upon returning to my beach chair, I was glad I didn’t go for a swim because the wind was strong and felt cold. I wrapped my self in my beach towel to keep warm. I was glad I wasn’t wet. I gave Ted’s parents a call and talked to Phylis. The connection was bad so we didn’t talk long.
When we got back to the house, Jeannie and Debbie got the dinner ready. Debbie brought chicken, ribs, and sausage with her. She had been to a wedding yesterday and they were giving away the food so she brought it with her. Don and I had bought some coleslaw and potato salad yesterday so we had a nice meal. The other two girls did all the preparation so I cleaned up.
Ted’s brother called tonight. He did not know I was in Avalon. That is what is so amazing about cell phones. You don’t have to be home to answer the phone. I wondered who was calling on my cell. Not too many people have the number. At first I thought there was a problem with my little Danny Boy. I missed him sleeping at the foot of my bed last night. He probably missed me too. I’ll be seeing him tomorrow. It was good to hear from Tom.
There are more of John’s family staying at the house tonight so I had to move out of my room with the double bed so a couple could have it. I moved into the room with my brother and the twin beds. I was sad about losing my porch but it’s not my house, I am a guest of a guest. John’s teenage nephew is sleeping on the porch. I displaced him out of the twin bed. I think he will probably move into the living room as the dampness and coolness settle in later tonight.
John is ready to go out to the night clubs and I don’t think he can get any takers. Don is conked out on the sofa. I would have liked to go down to Avalon’s boardwalk but I think Don had enough boardwalk for today. Avalon’s boardwalk is just that a walkway. No stores or amusements. There is a pizza parlor and an arcade. There is also a fishing pier that looks interesting. Perhaps we can go there tomorrow. It’s time to call it a night.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I awoke around 5am and looked out over the dock and thought big fat gulls were sitting on the poles of the dock. I thought I’d get a photo of them. I went out onto the balcony and saw they were plastic points that were placed on top of the poles to keep the gulls off them. I looked over toward the east and saw the sun was about to come up so I put on my jeans and my jacket and went out to east side. Don woke up and asked what time it was. He was going to go with me but when he heard it was 5:15 he went back to bed. I went over to the marina across the street and waited for the sun to rise. I got several shots and wasn’t shore if I’d see the sun come up as there were clouds. I did finally see the big red ball come up between some buildings. It was beautiful. I’ll post the photos later.
I came back and made some coffee and I guess I woke some of the others up with the smell of fresh coffee. Don and I went for a walk on the beach. We saw a school of dolphins heading north along the coast. There were people watching them. We walked up to the inlet and climbed up on the jetty. I took some panorama photos and will have to figure out how Ted stitched them together.
When we got back, I showered and had some breakfast. Then I went to the Presbyterian Church in Avalon. It is an historic church; it was the second church built in Avalon around the turn of the last century. It was packed and even had folding chair for people to sit. There were locals and visitors attending. The guest minister was from Salt Lake City, UT. He sang and played the guitar. They have a hymn sing 15 minutes before the service. It was nice. It is wonderful to go to a different church and be a part of the greater Christian Family.
When I got back, John’s sister was cooking breakfast for her family. I nibbled on some bacon and had some of the banana bread I brought. It was made by my friend Dottie. It was in the freezer so I brought it with me. It had been cut up in slices as I had done with the others so I figured I could share it with more people.
Don and I went to Wildwood and walked on the boardwalk. It was 2:00 and I wasn’t very Hungary because we had been eating all morning. I decided on a Dairy Queen Strawberry Blizzard Don got a caramel mocha chip. We headed back to Avalon.
I saw a pizza on the table when we got back so I ate a slice. We hung out for awhile and John and his sister, Jeannie wanted to go to the beach. We loaded two cars with beach chairs and towels and trekked to the beach. We are way back on the bay so it would be a long walk. I’ll have to measure it tomorrow. I walked into the water up to my knees and was surprised to find it was not bad as far a temperature goes. I expected it to be a lot colder. Last week the temp was 66 degrees. It was a lot warmer today. I thought I should have worn my swim suit. I was wearing Capri pants that I rolled up. Upon returning to my beach chair, I was glad I didn’t go for a swim because the wind was strong and felt cold. I wrapped my self in my beach towel to keep warm. I was glad I wasn’t wet. I gave Ted’s parents a call and talked to Phylis. The connection was bad so we didn’t talk long.
When we got back to the house, Jeannie and Debbie got the dinner ready. Debbie brought chicken, ribs, and sausage with her. She had been to a wedding yesterday and they were giving away the food so she brought it with her. Don and I had bought some coleslaw and potato salad yesterday so we had a nice meal. The other two girls did all the preparation so I cleaned up.
Ted’s brother called tonight. He did not know I was in Avalon. That is what is so amazing about cell phones. You don’t have to be home to answer the phone. I wondered who was calling on my cell. Not too many people have the number. At first I thought there was a problem with my little Danny Boy. I missed him sleeping at the foot of my bed last night. He probably missed me too. I’ll be seeing him tomorrow. It was good to hear from Tom.
There are more of John’s family staying at the house tonight so I had to move out of my room with the double bed so a couple could have it. I moved into the room with my brother and the twin beds. I was sad about losing my porch but it’s not my house, I am a guest of a guest. John’s teenage nephew is sleeping on the porch. I displaced him out of the twin bed. I think he will probably move into the living room as the dampness and coolness settle in later tonight.
John is ready to go out to the night clubs and I don’t think he can get any takers. Don is conked out on the sofa. I would have liked to go down to Avalon’s boardwalk but I think Don had enough boardwalk for today. Avalon’s boardwalk is just that a walkway. No stores or amusements. There is a pizza parlor and an arcade. There is also a fishing pier that looks interesting. Perhaps we can go there tomorrow. It’s time to call it a night.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Here I am at Avalon, NJ. I made good time driving down until I was coming over the bridge of the causeway and traffic came to an abrupt halt. It took me another half hour to get ton the island. They were having a craft show and the roads were block off.
I found the house OK but no one was there. I saw Don walking down the street. He had gone down to the gazebo on the bay. The person who had the key hadn’t arrived yet so we went to the craft show. They were closing down but I managed to get a charm for my bracelet. It is a heart with March birthstone in it. Ted’s birthstone is March. We then went down to the boardwalk. There is a small area with a pizza pallor and arcade. The rest of the boardwalk goes though the dunes. The parking lot is free and it looks like the fishing pier is free. It is very nice here. There are hardly any motels. Its all houses and condos.
It is a nice house where we are staying. It is multilevel. I picked out a bedroom with its own porch that looks out over the bay. I am on the first level. There is another bedroom and a bath. The second level has another bedroom and bath. The third level has the kitchen, dining area and living room with a balcony. The fourth level has the master bedroom with another bath. There is a washer, dryer, dishwasher, garbage disposal, side by side frige/freezer with ice maker, microwave, coffeemaker, toaster and is well stocked with necessities. It also has a garage. It is air conditioned and has ceiling fans.
Don and I went to the Acme and bought some food. We got some steak sandwiches for supper. Some of Don’s friends are going out but it’s almost my bedtime.
I left Danny Boy at Erica’s. He cried when I shut him in the pen but he seemed OK when I left. I know he’ll be Ok but I miss the little guy. I took some photos of Erica’s place and will be posting them when I get home. I took some photos of the sunset. We’ll see how they come out.
It feels good to get away. I haven’t seen the ocean yet. You couldn’t see over the dunes. I’ll have to go to the beach tomorrow. Ted always wondered why people in this area went to the shore and other areas people go to the beach. I told him first you have to get to the shore then when you get there, you go to the beach.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I decided not to go to the Nature Club picnic. I wanted to get the hedge trimmed and I won’t have enough time to do it tomorrow. I have to do some chores tomorrow before I go to Avalon. I got the hedge trimmed and watered some of the lawn. I watered my house plants and had some dinner. I am tired out and ready for bed. First I have to walk Danny. He is anxious to get out. He hears the new dog across the street barking and he wants to go out and bark at him.
News from the v0rlon Wife.
Blue Hydrangea. We have acidic soil in Vineland. The color of the hydrangea depends on the ph. if the soil is on the basic side, the hydrangea would be pink. This hydrangea got a slow start as it is shaded by a large rhodadendron and maple tree. The one on the other side of the house is not yet blooming as it is in deeper shade by the red bud tree. It was a better bloomer before the red bud covered it.
I took Danny out about 5:45 then got ready and went to work. I came home and walked him at lunchtime and went back to work. When I got home, I walked him and gave him his dinner. I ate mine and gave him some tidbits of my dinner. This is my regular routine.
After eating, I went to get my routine mammogram then came home and cut the grass. It was getting long and I’ll be going away Saturday to Avalon. I’ll be going to the Nature Club picnic tomorrow. I’ll try to get some photos.
This morning, I went through my emails and found one from one of Ted’s clients. His sister-in-law, who also owns the company, had a stroke and is not conscious. She was an excellent client. No one in the office was familiar with her work and they wanted the name of the person who took over for Ted’s clients. I pray for Karen’s recovery and hope all of you will too. I replied to the email and sent a copy to Marty so he would know the situation.
Danny will not let me trim his feet. He pushes my hand away with his other paw, puts his paw under his body or squirms out of my hands and run away. He lets me do his face around his eyes but not his feet. I can’t reason with him because he’s a dog. Maybe I’ll have to give him tidbits of steak to reward him when he let’s me trim his feet.
I like the new photo of him. I’ll have to crop it, print and frame it. It had turned out very dark with only his white fur showing. I used Ted’s software to enhance it and it lightened it up like magic.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn’t have a good day today. I got up at 5:30 and took Danny Boy for a short walk to the fireplug because it was raining. I got ready for work. I had to pack both my breakfast and lunch as I had to take my car to the Honda dealer. I stopped at WaWa for my coffee and took Danny to Erica’s. The easiest way to get to the Kennel is to go up on her porch in the front and down the side to the path. Otherwise you’d have to walk in the wet grass. He almost got Erica’s cat who was sitting on the porch and being a friendly cat she didn’t move away from Danny. I got Danny settled in his pen and went to the Honda dealer. Bill from the Honda dealer took me to work. I arrived on time and all was well until I realized I forgot to take my medicine and let it at home. I took an Excedrin Migraine; it was all I had with me.
I got a phone call from some witch. It is my job to screen calls and some people are not courteous enough to identify themselves. When I guess, they are insulted if I call them the wrong name. Two ladies sound the same so I always ask: who’s calling please. She said, “This is the third time I called this morning, you should know who it is” I felt like hanging up. I put her on hold and told Ginny what she said. Ginny said she is a witch, don’t take it personally. If I had had my medicine, I won’t have been so upset by her.
I was not in any pain but it is not a medication you can stop taking suddenly. As the day went on, I felt tired and wiped out. I called the dealer at 12:30 and whoever answered the phone said my car was done and he would send Bill to come get me. An hour later I called and found that my car was not done and it would be another hour. Bill came promptly after they called me and told me my car was ready.
I went from the dealer to pick up Danny. He barked at the donkeys on the way out. The donkey wants to be friendly but Danny scares him and the donkey backs away. I came home and laid down. I didn’t think Danny needed to go out because he was out all day. I should have taken him out. When I got up he had pooed in the laundry room and I had to clean up the mess. I took him out and he went again.
I heated up some ham and corn for my dinner and cut a slice of watermelon for dessert. Danny had his dog food, a couple tidbits of ham, and a couple kernels of corn.
The fish have been fed and Danny will get one more walk before we both turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I filled a couple orders today. I did it correct this time, There are still long periods of time when there is nothing to do. I did my crossword puzzels and the number game, zudaku or something like that. I'm getting better at it.
I wish I could write like my brother-in-law, Ned. check out his story telling style at www.nedandkathyswift.com
I don't have much to report tonight. I will be taking Danyy Boy to Indian Trail tomorrow. Thet'a the name of Erica's Farm. I'll have to take some photos to post of where Danny spends his day care and of his friends there.
My parts came in for my car and I will be off the the Honda dealer after dropping Danny off. The Honda dealer will take me to work and I will be stuck there so I'll have to take my lunch. I hope I feel up to going to Toastmaster's tomorrow evening. It will not be in Ocesn City as the restaurtant needs the room for the summer crowd. It will be at the Atlantic County Recycling Center. Ted's friend Rich is retired from there and he is still able to get the room for us. Rich spoke at Ted's service.
Speaking of Ted's service. I felt so sad when I got an email from Ted's friend Dave Sloan. Actually he sent it to Ted and I had to let him know about Ted. I will have to go through my list of friends as I know some others do not know about Ted and I feel sad that I haven't yet got out those letters.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Danny. Was he surprized when the flash went off in his face. He took off running. I think he looks like he is smiling. Maybe he's saying "Cheese".
Danny is such a sweet little dog. He is lying on my lap. He walked and ate his dinner and had a few tidbits of my beef and Klondike Bar.
I talked to Erica today. She runs the Indian Trail with the kennel where I take Danny for Day Care. I will be going to Avalon on the weekend. My brother’s friend rents a house there every summer. The lease does not allow pets so Danny has to stay at the kennel. Erica puts the dogs in a kennel cage at night and if it’s hot she turns on the air conditioner. He likes it there and he is used to going there so I think he will be OK. I will worry about him missing his mommy.
I made a mistake on an order today. The customer order 6 pallets boxes and I used a previous invoice to get the correct item number and price. I copied the information and put 4 pallets as was on the previous invoice. The truck went out with 4 before the mistake was found. I was proud that I filled the order all by myself. What a bummer. I felt like an idiot.
I took some more photos tonight. My Easter lily is starting to bloom. I took a photo but there will be more blooming in the next couple days. I also took some photos of an azalea that is just now blooming. It is well shaded so maybe that is why the late bloom. I will continue to post Ted’s Ocean City Photos. Perhaps I can get some of my own in Avalon. Avalon is two islands south of Ocean City. Ted took a lot of time taking his photos. I don’t have the patience to do it. I just hurry up and snap the photo. I guess it shows. Maybe I’ll be able to relax for a couple days and take the time to get some good photos. I still have to take the time and learn the software to crop and enhance them.
I wish I could take the week off but I don’t get paid unless I work. I don’t get any vacation.
I believe Danny wants to go out again. Right now he is playing with his toy. He takes it to the door and drops it just before he goes out. He picks it up when he comes back in. He is cute when he plays with his toy. It is a plush, stuffed purple bone. He also has a plush beanie dog named Bonnie. He knows the difference between the words toy and Bonnie.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ocean City 2006 by Ted
I just got back from my brothers, Rick and Don. I took my wool clothes over to put in my father’s cedar wardrobe at Don’s house. It was empty so I figured I’d store them there for when I put my house on the market the closets would look more spacious.
Don and I picked up some chicken, corn and ice cream at the Acme. Actually, don picked it up and I waited in the car with Danny Boy. I couldn’t leave him in a hot car so I stayed and kept the air conditioner on.
I then drove to Rick and Sylvia’s. Danny jumped up on the sofa and took turns sitting on Don’s lap and Rick’s. He liked having more people to pet him. We had our dinner and Sylvia and I walked down to Joanne’s house. Joanne is my nephew Rick’s mother-in-law. Danny likes her too. At Easter, we went to my nephews and he jumped right up into her lap.
We then walked over to the playground where my nephew, Bob’s family was. Ashley was playing on the slide and she came running to Danny. He wasn’t barking at Ashley or Dana so he is getting friendlier to people. He is starting to know who is a friend and who is not. He barked at some strangers who came into the playground. Ashley liked Danny’s curly fur and his face. Dana liked his ears.
Dr. Donchez preached at church today. He is a retired Presbyterian minister. He fills in for Pastor Bennett occasionally. Pastor Bennett was visiting his son for Father’s Day.
Before I left for Don’s, I was walking Danny and we stopped at a neighbor’s. Rita was sitting on her porch and asked us to come up and sit. It was the first time Danny met Rita and he did not bark at her either. He wanted to jump in her lap but I picked him up in mine. Rita is in her late 80’s or early 90’s and I didn’t want him jumping on her.
Danny loves to walk and he knows the word “Walk.” He runs toward the door when I say it. He had a long day and is ready for bed. Me too.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got my molding up today. It did not go without problems. The nails were not long enough. I got a long skinny drill to drill deeper into the wood. Then I needed fatter nails as the pilot holes were bigger. I found some and did the nailing. Next, I did some spackling and drop the can with the particle of spackle going everywhere. I managed to get the job done.
I did a couple loads of wash and ironed my clothes for the week. I talked to Aunt Jean on the phone and then I talked to Don.
I rented a couple movies at the Block Buster. I got Superman Returns and the second Harry Potter movie. I now wash them with alcohol before playing. It’s made a big difference. I watched the Superman movie and will watch Harry Potter tomorrow.
I went to the Boston Market and got the roast beef dinner. For dessert, I had blueberry cake with blueberries, ice cream, whipped cream and a cherry on top. Danny got some vanilla ice cream.
Saturdays are most difficult. The day is so long and I miss Ted so much. It’s so lonely here. I feel trapped. I just have to get my house ready and put it up for sale. There is a lot to do and I don’t always feel up to it.
Danny was walked twice tonight and has gone up to bed. I’ll be joining him soon.
News fro the Vorlon Wife
Another day with not much to do. I wish I knew more so I could help Ginny. She was quite busy. My work comes in spurts with nothing to do in between.
I took several photos of my lilies and other flowers but they did not come out. Evidently, I bumped the setting on the camera and didn’t look to make sure it was on auto. I went around and took them again today. My Easter lily should be blooming tomorrow or Sunday. My prickly pear cactus is blooming. I wanted to post it as today’s flower blog but it was one of the ones that did not turn out. I took a photo of Danny Boy and the flash scared him and he ran away into the other room.
I tried putting my molding up but it’s not going too well. I need longer nails and the angle is difficult because it is easy to hit the plaster on the ceiling. I got it up but it is loose. I’ll work on it some more tomorrow.
My sister-in-law volunteered my brother, Rick to come down and help me with some of the projects that need to be cleaned up before I can put my house on the market.
I won’t have to trim the hedge this weekend because I just did it on Wednesday. I didn’t think I would have to cut the grass as it didn’t grow much but it seems to have grown a couple inches overnight. I guess I shouldn’t have watered it. I’ll do that in the morning. There will be no outdoor work on Sunday as it is going into the nineties.
Danny is trying to be patient as he waits to go for his walk. I will to taking him shortly.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Orange lily
Danny spent his day at the Doggie Day Care. I don’t know if Erica put him in with the other dogs or not. She was not there when I went to pick him up.
I had a doctor’s appointment to straighten out my medication. It was a third partner in the organization and I don’t know how many there are there. He was very understanding and felt if something isn’t broke, why fix it. The medication at 75cc work for me so he had no problem putting me back to the 75. The other doctor changed it to 150 which is double and double the side effects.
After work, I had a meeting with the Human Resource Assoc. of Southern NJ. It was the last meeting of the season and maybe the last one I’ll be with the group. I wanted to see everyone.
I plan to get the house ready and put up for sale. I want to move over to Pennsylvania and be near my family. My two brothers are over there along with my aunt, my cousins and my friends I grew up with. I will search for a job over there when I’m ready to make my move. I have a commitment to Packaging Corporation of America for the summer.
I took several photos of my lilies and will post them in the days to come. I still have several varieties that will be blooming shortly. Today we have the Stella Doro Lilies. The mauve colored lilies are Asiatic Lilies.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was another long day at work. I mostly answered the phone. In the late afternoon, it was quite busy but most of the day dragged. I went out at lunchtime and took some photos of my lilies. They are really coming on. I’ll post some of my photos and some of Ted’s.
Danny goes to doggie day care tomorrow. Erica will let him roam with the other dogs. I think he will like playing with them. He seems to like them. He doesn’t know he is a very little dog in comparison to the collies. We met a big brown dog on our walk tonight. They were friendly to each other until the other dog tried to sniff Danny’s butt. He doesn’t like anyone near his hind quarters. He started growling and I picked him up and told the other dog to get away. He seemed to be afraid of Danny but I didn’t want them to get in a fight.
I trimmed the hedge when I got home from work. It had some stray sprigs and I wanted to get it cut before it got over grown. I was able to get it done with the rain starting. It was very cloudy but no rain.
Danny had his walk. He is getting used to having his ears done and tolerates it. He is off to bed now. I will be following soon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I placed a couple orders today and I was kind of on my own. Ginny went home at 11:30. She had some personal business to take care of. I took the business checkbook with me and balanced it. I typed up the minutes for the Women’s Service Circle for the meeting tonight.
I started the sprinkler at lunchtime. It had rained but not even a quarter of an inch. When I got home, I moved the sprinkler around to the other side.
I walked Danny and got some dinner for both of us. Then I went to the Women’s Service Circle meeting. We had our business meeting and devotions and then adjourned for dessert. Beth made a delicious chocolate cake and served vanilla fudge ice cream.
When I got home, I walked Danny again and rolled up the hose. It had rained again and there may be another shower. I put my planters out so they could get some rain water. If it doesn’t rain, I’ll water them tomorrow. I’ll have to water my house plants, too.
News from the Vorlon Wife
For some reason, the lap top could not connect to the internet. I have my entry on the lap top so I'll post it tomorrow.
Danny is waiting for me to come to bed.
New from the Vorlong Wife
I just got back from the chiropractor. My sacroiliac was out of wack. I’ve been having a problem since I was digging to plant the azaleas at my brother’s house. I am feeling better now. I hope this treatment did the trick.
We had a Klondike Bar when I got back. Chocolate is not good for dogs so I scooped some vanilla out of the center and let Danny lick it. He likes ice cream. He always wants what I eat. Today, I had cream cheese on a bagel so I gave him a little taste of cream cheese. The texture was strange to him and he kind of gave me a look but he ate it. I guess he was hoping for some meat.
I can’t tell yet if my baby fish is male or female. It is still too little to tell. It looks like a female but it may not grow it’s tale until it’s older. It is a pineapple swordtail. It is orange, white and black. It has a black tail like its mother.
I didn’t get the hedge done tonight as it was getting late when I got home. I also didn’t get the molding nail up. It looks like I’ll have to do the hedge on Wednesday. Tomorrow, I have a meeting with the Women’s Service Circle of the church.
I have to finish ironing my clothes for the week and type up the minutes for the meeting.
I will be walking Danny soon and then it’s off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
After Church, I went out with some church friends. We went to the Big Apple. No, not NYC. It is the name of a local restaurant. There were 12 of us so it took awhile to get everyone served. I got the seafood combo and it was good. I brought some home for tomorrow's dinner. They had snow peas with were good although June didn't like them as they were crunchy. I like crunchy. Her baked potato was hard and so were all the baked potatoes. I had French fries, which were cold and so were everyone else's who got fries. I didn't get home until 3:00 so that shot most of the day. I then had to take Danny out to do his business.
I planted the flowers in my planters and fixed the hose. At least I hope I fixed the hose. I cut the broken end off and put a new one on. It fit a little loose so I put some goop on it and put on the clamp. The clamp was loose so I found another one that I could tighten up real good. I hope it holds up under the water pressure. I will let it dry overnight and find out tomorrow if my repair was successful.
I did some laundry but didn't get my molding up. I want to drill some pilot holes in it before I nail it. I don't want the wood to split. I don't know if I had mentioned the repair I did to the arm of my sofa. It has wicker arms and one had been broken for years. We glued it once but some one lifted it by the arm and it came unglued. I gooped it and put some braces on it. I drilled the holes and then screwed the braces on each side. The pillow hides the brace on the inside and I can't see the brace on the other side unless I bend down and look for it.
I didn't get the hedge trimmed either. I should have done that today as it was cool. It doesn't need much. Just some sprigs sticking up here and there but if I wait too long, it will get out of shape and take a long time to cut.
Danny has been walked and his ears done. His medicine is used up so I am using a vinegar solution I read about on the net for dog's ear infection. At least it doesn't smell as bad as the stuff the vet sold me. I don't understand why they perfume dog medication. Dog's noses are more sensitive then mine so strong fragrances must be bothersome to them.
Ted wrote a lot about politics but I am tired of it. It will be getting worse now that the presidential election will be coming up. As far as the war in Iraq, whether we are in favor of it or against it, we have no choice. We're there and we have to stay there until the job is done.
I talked to my brother this morning. He had a cold and couldn't get rid of the cough. He went to the doctor and he has summer bronchitis. Evidently, it's going around. I had a head cold but it cleared up. I always seem to have problems with allergies and sinus but it’s that time of year. The privet hedges are blooming and they really make me sick. Danny ran under a neighbor's bush to mark his territory and I got a good whiff of the privet hedge flowers. Yuck!
I guess I will join Danny in bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another of Ted's photos taken at Ocean City last year.
I couldn’t get to sleep last night so I came downstairs and turned on the television. I don’t remember what was on. Danny came down after a few minutes and laid on my lap. I went back up and fell asleep but was groggy in the morning. I took Danny out for his walk but after he did his business, he turned around and headed for home. I cooked ham and eggs for me and gave some to Danny.
It’s Saturday, a day for chores. I cut the grass and did four loads of wash. I went Blockbuster and complained about the blue screen. He apologized and offered to give me another Pirates of the Caribbean movie but I had watched it and didn’t want to see it again. He said some player are extreme sensitive to fingerprints and the slightest thing could cause the screen to go blue. I got a movie “George and the Dragon.”
I was going to go to K-Mart but saw the Acme had the potting soil and got it there. I did my grocery shopping while I was there. When I got home, I put the groceries away and started working on the molding in the living room. The molding over what I’ll call an archway, though it not an arch, its rectangular, has a large gap between it and the ceiling. I got a quarter round molding to fill in the gap. I mitered the ends and had the hardest time getting the angle correct. I was running out of wood but finally got it. I may have to fill in the end with some spackle or wood filler but it should come out fine when I paint it. I’ll nail it in place tomorrow.
I took the timer off the hose in the back and brought it in to figure out how to set the time for it to water the flowers. I got that done and went to fix the other hose I use to fill the bird bath and water the grass. It took one length of the hose off because the connection leaked. I put the attachment I use to fill the bird bath and the connection squirted all over me and everything else. I went to take the attachment off and end that screws in broke off inside the snap on connection. Now, I’ll have to cut the end off the hose and put a new end on it. It seems I never run out of projects to do.
I felt sad when 3:00 came. Ted and I used to get ready and go to Ocean City. It would have been a good day to go. We used to go almost every Saturday. It wouldn’t be the same to go by myself and I can’t take Danny Boy. Dogs are not allowed on the beach or Boardwalk. Bummer. It would be fun to take him to the beach and walk him on the Boardwalk. Wouldn’t he have fun barking at all the people? I thought about walking him at Parvin State Park but the place is full of ticks. He has tick repellent but I don’t.
I ironed some of my clothes for the week. I did the ones on the hot setting and tomorrow, I’ll finish with the cool setting. I needed the hot setting for the blouse I’ll be wearing to church tomorrow.
I’ll be walking Danny in a few minutes.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn’t do much at work besides answer the phone. I took Danny for a walk at lunch time and went to the cleaners after work. I stopped in the produce store near the cleaners and got some strawberries, apricots and carrots. I also stopped in the Family dollar and got a couple plastic bins to put my clutter in.
I walked Danny when I got home. He didn’t go very far. He was distracted by the neighbor boy who went running by. Danny wanted to follow him so turned around and headed toward home. He had done his business so I took him in the house as it was about 100 degrees out back. I gave him his dinner and made mine. I cook some of the spinach and had some ham and corn. Danny begged for some ham and got some. I also gave him some corn. I will take him out again before bed when it is cooler.
He wants to go out. I told him to get his toy and he ran into the other room and got it. He wants me to play with him. He fetches but does not give unless I squeak the toy then he lets go.
I have to work on setting the timer out back. The front flowers were ready before the back ones and I forgot how to set it. I turned it on manually and hope I remember to turn it off before going to bed.
The salmon rose looks real pretty. I have some other flowers blooming now. The mauve lilies and the some of the other lilies are blooming. I’ll post more of them.
I brought a big box of software from the storage bin into the house. It was in the trunk of my car all week. I need to go through it and figure out what to do with it.
I will cut the grass tomorrow and I haven’t figured out what else I will do. I need to go to K-Mart and get some potting soil for my planters on the front steps. I also have some planters to go on the back porch and picnic table.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Salmon rose
There wasn’t much to do at work today. I got my deposits ready for the bank and took them after work. I was going to trim the hedge but I was feeling down. I wanted to sit on the sofa with my Danny Boy on my lap. I got him his dog food and made a salad for myself. I used the spinach and arugala with some tuna salad and some corn. We had ice cream for dessert.
I walked him before dinner and played tug of war with him afterward. He isn’t sitting very still tonight. He wants to play. I’ll be walking him again before going to bed.
Tomorrow will not be good for cutting grass or trimming the hedge. A heat advisory is in effect from 12:00 noon until 8:00pm. I’ll have to do it Sat. and Sun.
News from the Vorlon wife.
I got Danny ready to go for his walk this morning. He stood at the door wagging his tail as usual. I opened the door and it was pouring rain again. We went out to the tree where he piddled and came right back in.
Work went Ok. I'm getting comfortable with the work and the people. I take some of my personal work to go when I don't have anything else. I do bills, balance checkbooks for Toastmaster and Nature Club, write cards and go through my mail.
I went to Toastmaster's tonight. It's hard driving down the road where Ted and I drove down. He took a lot of photos along the road. He posted some of them in previous years. I'll post them again for you to see.
It was a good meeting at Toastmasters. I was nice to see good friends. Tom couldn't stay and he was the Table Topics Master. He had written out the topics so I took them and did the Table Topics Mastering. I had a Burger. It was good to be able to eat it without Danny begging me for some. He likes beef.
I tried to get home before darkness closed in on the dark Mays Landing - Somers Point Road. There was slow moving traffic so I didn't make it. Someone was going 40 miles per hour in a 50 mph zone. A long line of cars was backed up. It is a narrow winding road so passing is out of the question.
When I got home I was greeted by a happy Danny Boy. I took him out for his walk and he is now off to bed. I will be joining him soon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I told Danny he was going to Erica’s and he was waiting by the door. Maybe he saw me gathering up his stuff. I take a rubber mat for him to lay on with his blankie and a mattress pad for his igloo. I also take his food and one of his toys. He seems happy to go there.
I dropped the car off at the Honda dealer and went to work in the Honda mobile.
They couldn’t find anything wrong with the gear shift lever but showed me what to do if it locks up and won’t unlock. I also had them check the rattle coming from under my car. The bad news is that it is the Catalictic converter. The good news is that it is still under warranty. I am grateful for that. The cost would have been $1100.00.
Danny was a tired little dog this evening. He ate his dinner and didn’t even beg for mine. He laid on my lap and went to sleep. When I got up to clean up the dishes and take out the trash, he went up to bed. He didn’t stop to play with his toys.
I will have to walk him later and then we both can turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I slept through until 6:30. I think it was because of the increase in the dosage of my medicine. I took Danny out but it was pouring down rain and he ran back into the house. I dragged him out to the tree so he could piddle. I got ready and went to have my blood work done. There was a long line and they were short handed. Afterward, I went to WaWa and got a breakfast sandwich and coffee.
I took another order and processed it today but the price had changed and Ginny had to fix it. I called the doctor about my medicine. He said to just take one pill at night instead of one in the morning and another at night.
I tried getting stamps at the post office at lunchtime but the line was too long and one of the clerks left the window to use the rest room. I left and will try again tomorrow if I get my car back in time.
My gear shift lever sticks and I can’t get it in gear. It is intermittent but I don’t won’t to get stuck somewhere. I’ll take Danny to the Doggie Day Care and my car to the Honda dealer. They will give me a ride to work. I’ll have to take my lunch. I don’t know when Honda will pick me up.
I planted the flowers on the West side tonight. I still have to plant some glads and my planters.
Danny is pestering me to go out but I want to wait until 9:00 if he’ll let me. He heard someone outside and is now barking. Now he wants to go out and bark at the people and is even more anxious to go out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny got me up at 6:20 this morning. I thought I’d walk him and go back to bed but once up and out I was awake to stay. I washed some winter sweaters to be put away for the summer. I think I’ll take my wool clothes over to my brothers and put them in my father’s cedar wardrobe. I believe it is empty. I need to de-clutter my house and I might as well store my winter clothes so that the closets look more spacious.
I ironed my clothes for church and for the rest of the week. I ate and got ready for church. Danny didn’t eat his food. Sometimes he’s not hungry in the morning.
I walked him and it was starting to drizzle. I went to church and then went out to lunch with some of the ladies of the church and the minister. Actually, we all had breakfast.
It was raining pretty hard by now and I walked Danny in the rain when I got home. When I dry him with a towel, he thinks I’m playing and tries to play tug of war with the towel.
I had to rush off to see the Singing Ambassadors, a choral group here in Vineland. It was their 50th Anniversary. Ted and I always enjoyed watching them. We have gone to their concerts for nearly 25 years. One of the men in our church choir, Peter, sings with them.
Our friends who moved to Virginia came back to sing with them for the 50th Anniversary. It was good to see Doreen and Carl. Doreen used to manage the building we had our office in. We missed them when they moved away. They had wonderful get togethers at their home. They had Christmas parties, Halloween parties and pool parties in the summer at their home. Doreen also hosted a great Christmas party at the office. We really enjoyed getting together with all the other tenants in the building. Doreen made it like a family setting.
I saw some other friends at the Singing Ambassadors Concert. Noreen I worked with at the Red Cross. Grace and Mally from the Nature Club. Sandy from the Church of the Nazarene. Vineland, although a city, can be very small town.
Danny was waiting by the door when I got home and I took him out in the rain again. I dried both of us off when we got back. I gave him his flea medicine and now have to do his ears. He should go out once more before going to bed. I hope the rain has let up.
I talked to the Vorlon Parents earlier tonight. We all miss Ted so much. Sometimes, I feel like I can’t stand being without him. I just take one day at a time.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I wanted to sleep in but Danny was ready to get up at 6:30. It was a busy day today. I walked Danny. I did two loads of wash, went to CVS, I was rather annoyed when the pharmacist said the Doctor had increased my dosage. He did not even let me know. Now being Saturday, I can’t contact him until Monday and I need the medication for the nerve damage done by the shingles. This is a new doctor who is a partner to my regular doctor. They gave me him with out telling me. I had to go over my whole history. The other doctor was familiar with my case and I was rather annoyed with the switch. Increasing the dosage means increasing the side effects. What a jerk. I left CVS fuming and went to the grocery store.
I had some breakfast and went to get two more flats of impatiens. Next, I cut the grass and started the sprinkler. After cooling down and having some lunch, I went to the video store and got "Pirates of The Caribbean, Dead Man’s Chest" and went to the dry cleaners and Family Dollar. When I got back, I finished planting the impatiens in the back yard. It was very hot out there even in the shade. I cooled down again with some iced tea and took Danny for his walk. I fed him and made myself a big salad using my spinach and arugala. I got some grape tomatoes when I was at the store and added some cheese and corn and topped it with Thousand Island Dressing.
I took Danny with me to the custard stand and got a strawberry Artic Swirl. When we got back, I put some in Danny’s bowl and popped in my movie. I am somewhat disappointed in the Video store. Almost every movie is filled with blue screen. I guess they are handled by children and have fingerprints all over them. I was beginning to think it was my player but new movies work fine.
I will walk Danny, do his ears and then will be off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Last night while I was planting flowers, I chained Danny Boy to his 30 foot lead out in the back yard. I thought he’d like to sit out there with me. He wanted to go back into the house but contented himself with rolling on his back in the grass. I went about my planting then looked around and saw Danny on the back porch. I had him attached to the tree and didn’t think the lead would reach the porch. Somehow he had gotten unhooked from his lead. At least he headed for the house with no distractions with cats or other dogs. He must have unhooked himself when he was rolling around in the grass.
I’m getting settled in at work. I took another order today and I handled an accounts receivable problem. It does get boring though when I have nothing to do.
I cut the hedge when I got home. It went rather quickly as the growth has slowed down. I watered the plants I planted yesterday. I found the squirrel had dug a few up with the roots drying out. One looked totally gone; I hope the other two will survive.
I hope to get a couple projects done tomorrow. I hope to sleep a little longer, too.
Danny has been walked and I need to do his ears before turning in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The only remaing rose bush of my mother's. The yard had become too shaded over the years and her many rose bushes died off.