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It was a long day. Danny woke me up at 4:00 crying to go out. He drank a lot of water before he went to bed just like a little kid. I took him out and he didn’t even make to the hedge, he piddled on the grass.
The server at work went down so there was not much I could do. In a way, it was fortunate, as Ted’s client needed help so I was able to leave the hospital and go to help the client. Their sister is not any better from her stroke and the insurance is trying to kick her out of the rehab, as it’s been 30 days. The family wants her to stay there. They feel she is getting the proper care.
I picked up some corn and peaches at the Mennonite Farm Stand on my way home. The corn was not as tasty as the corn I had gotten at the Farm stand near the mall but it was still good and Danny liked it, too.
I talked to my cousin, Joy. Darby, PA is having their 325th Birthday. Many members of my family came from Darby or Colwyn which is right next to it. Joy talked to the Darby Historian and they are making a list of Civil War Veterans from Darby. Joy told the lady of her Grandfather and the lady asked if she had a photo. She did not but she knew who did. (Me) Not only do I have a photo but I have one in his Calvary Uniform. My uncle found it on a post card at a rest stop in Virginia. It doesn’t say that’s its him but everyone who sees it recognizes him. It was from a painting. I’ll have to find out who the artist is. Now all I have to do is find the photos.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We were up at 5:20 and out for our morning walk. I would have gone sooner but it was dark. I got ready, ate my breakfast and took Danny to Doggie Day Care. I allowed extra time because I wasn’t sure what bridges were out from last spring’s storm.
There was an inch of rain in the rain gage this morning.
My first day went well. They had just had the offices renovated and everything was in boxes. I spent most of the day unpacking the files and putting them in the file cabinets. I put the job postings on the bulletin board. The computer was hooked up but needs some more tweaking by the IT person. I’ll learn all my jobs tomorrow. I will be taking Roz’s place as she is moving up to another job in the hospital. I’ll be there until they get a replacement. They asked me to apply but I want to be free to move to PA.
We finished our work for the day so we left a little early. I picked up Danny. He had a new guy in Day Care today. I didn’t see Erica so I don’t know if the collie is an over night boarder or a day care doggie. He seemed young. He had a haircut except for his mane, face and tail. He barked a lot. I think he missed his owner. He and Danny sniffed at each other.
I’m beat so I’m turning in early. Wednesday, they want me to start at 7:00. That’s the time Roz usually starts. The good part is I go home at 3:30.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I came home after church to walk Danny Boy before I met the ladies for brunch. He got as far as the hedge when it thundered. I had to drag him over to the hedge to tinkle and then he made a bee line back to the house. He wasn’t hungry so I went on my way to meet the ladies. We had a good downpour while we were in the restaurant.
I did the wallpaper job this afternoon. It went pretty well. It is a little whiter than the rest of the paper but you can’t tell if you don’t put the lamp on in that corner. The wallpaper was put up about 25 years ago. It was our first project.
I went to return my curtains at Boscov’s and took the wrong receipt. What a bummer. I went to the mall for nothing. I was going past Ann’s house and remembered I had some dog treats in the trunk that Danny didn’t like so I took them to her for her dog. She invited me in and offered me some juice. We had a nice visit and I continued with my errands. My Harry Potter movie was defective so I returned it. They didn’t have that one in stock so I got another that I had not seen.
When I got home, I walked Danny and was able to get him walked without rain or thunder. It was drizzling a little but it was more like a heavy humidity. He ate his dinner and I fed the fish before feeding myself. I tried to call the Vorlon parents but got no answer.
I start my new job tomorrow so I’ll be going to bed early.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny and I both had our baths. He tolerates it. I put him on the floor and he rubs his face in the towel. I let him air dry as it’s 90 degrees today and we don’t need the heat of the hair dryer. Even the cool setting is too hot for today. He is running around the house now.
I went to the grocery store early this morning. I should have gone to the farm market. Ted and I would go together and pick out our produce. I can picture him picking out things he liked to eat. I don’t know if I can go there.
I sanded the patch over the kitchen door. I don’t know if it’s smooth enough or not. I used a rough sanding so I’ll use a fine one and that will be it.
I tried to edge the grass with Ted’s edger. I got it started and the hard tough grass would make it stall out. I got about 18 inches done. It was getting too hot so I called it quits.
I had some iced tea and took Danny for his noontime walk. When we got back, we both had some lunch. He had dog food and a couple nibbles of cheese. I had tuna salad with wheat thins, a few slices of cheese, a bowl of cherries and more iced tea.
I cleaned up the sanding mess and found the tools I’ll need to wallpaper the corner. It is a tight fit with the ladder in the corner. I turned the bookcase sideways but it is still a tight fit. I won’t be able to fit the water tray and the ladder in there. I’ll have to think about how to get the job done.
I looked up some houses on the internet over where my brothers live. There is a large selection of what I can afford. I got a lot more houses when I sorted by Ridley School District. That covers Holmes, Folsom, Ridley Park, as well as areas of Ridley Twp that have different Post Offices such as Morton. Secane, Swarthmore, and Springfield. Ridley Park is a separate Boro but merged with Ridley Twp School District many years ago.
Now, I just have to find a job over there and get my house on the market to get it sold.
At 4:00, I took Danny out for his afternoon walk. Ted and I would head to Ocean City on Saturday afternoon. It is very difficult. I just can’t comprehend how this happened to Ted. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.
I returned my mystery to the library and got another in the series. The series is by Rita Mae Brown and involves foxhunting in Virginia. I guess don’t go there as someone is always getting killed off. Ted said that about Angela Lansbury and Cavot Cove. It’s only a small town and they have an awful lot of murders.
I also went to Blockbuster and got another Harry Potter movie. I am slowly catching up.
I’m going to see what I can cook up for dinner and watch my movie. I got some Klondike Bars so I’ll have one for dessert. I give Danny some of the vanilla inside the Klondike. He loves ice cream.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I finished stripping the wall paper. It came off easily. I sprayed the Kilz on the ceiling and in the closet. I also sprayed a little tray that had rusted. Everything worked out well except that I got the odorless Kilz and it was either mismarked or I would hate to smell the regular. I had to put the fan in the window and pull the fumes out.
I received a call from the life insurance company and my claim has been approved and they will be sending my money next week. What a relief.
I was going to go to my brother Rick’s but they are dog sitting Fred, my nephew’s German Sheppard. The two dogs haven’t met yet so I don’t know how they would get along. I can work on some of my projects tomorrow morning. I may go to my brother Don’s in the afternoon.
Danny has been walked. I hope he is done for the night. I still have to do his ears.
It is Sci-Fi night. I have been watching Stargate and Dr. Who is on next. I’ll do some reading and then turn in.
News From the Vorlon Wife.
This is one of my favorite gladiolas. I love the yellow and orange. It blooms later than the others. I am please with the glads this year. I planted a lot of lavender and pink glads over ther years, but only seemed to get red, orange and yellow. This year, for some reason, I got the pinks, and purlples. Still missing the lavendar. I will dig some of them up to take with me. I can start digging up the daffadils and tulips. I can store the bulbs easily until fall.
I started stripping the section of wall paper that was damaged in the livingroom. I got the vinyl coating off and now have to work on the paper backing. I have to be careful not to damage the sections next to the piece I am removing. I will spray the water spot on the ceiling and then replace the section of wall paper. I hope this project keeps going as well as it has been.
News for the Vorlon Wife.
One of Ted's photos of the Ocean City Surf with lots of foam.
Danny woke me up at 2:00am having to go to the bathroom. I took him out to the hedge and the fireplug and brought him back in.
The cleaning lady came today and I had been using the vacuum cleaner in the computer room. I had it plugged in to a power strip with the shredder and a radio, which was turned off. She was using the vacuum cleaner when all the computers started beeping and the cleaner stopped running. I went to the basement and found the circuit had tripped. It flicked it back and went upstairs. Some computers were still beeping. I couldn’t figure out why this one wasn’t getting power. I finally found a reset button and all was well.
I had taken Danny to Doggie Day Care as I felt he hadn’t been there for a while and it’s good for him. I picked him up around 2:00 and bought some coleslaw at Kentucky Fried. I could hardly order with Danny barking. I wanted to take it to a picnic I was invited to,
I didn’t do much but pay some bills and water the grass.
A lady from church had the picnic at her new house. It was located in Port Norris, a town along the Maurice River near the Delaware Bay. I drove down a long road in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. I thought I must have been getting close because I’d be running out of road and into the Bay. Barbara had a nice house. She had an apartment attached to her son’s house. Both units opened onto a deck with a pool. It is a nice property with trails cut into the woods that lead to three ponds. We walked to one of the ponds that was filled with frogs.
The food was excellent and everyone had a nice time.
I walked Danny twice tonight. I did his ears and he has gone to bed. That is where I’m off to.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today, I went and got my hair done. I needed it. Now I look just like my Danny Boy with a poodle perm. Ted used to wonder who was sleeping next to him me or the dog. They say dogs look like their owners.
I got to work on painting the closet. It needed a primer to seal the wood and plaster that had the water damage. I will have to paint it with a top coat. I’ll wait until I paint the kitchen wall and use that paint. Tomorrow, I’ll work on another project. I have plenty of them. Painting isn’t too bad it’s the clean up that is the pits. At least it’s latex paint. Oil based paint is really awful to clean up.
I’ll be walking Danny early tonight and getting to sleep early.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is a neighbor's lily. It is huge. The blossoms must be 10 inches. I wish I had something to compare it to.
I am unable to log into the blog program. I hope it I will be able to by the time I finish writing.
I washed the curtains that I took down in the computer room. I sanded a little in the kitchen with the sponge sander. I packed up some photos that I had in the living room and on the sun porch. I made some phone calls. I am getting a new perm tomorrow. I hope it turns out better than the last one.
I went to the post office to take the company taxes to be mailed. I went to the bank to make a deposit and then went to the storage unit. I put the vacuum cleaner in and searched around for the company incorporation binder. I found it and the first class envelopes that had been missing. I also found some Country Time Lemonade and Hot Chocolate mix that someone had thrown in a bag. Many people bagged and boxed things up and I have no idea what is there or where it is. I also dusted the dust and cobwebs. They seem to have accumulated over the past few months.
I got a call today telling me that my job will be delayed until Monday. There is good and bad in this. I am disappointed that I am not starting my job however; it gives me more time to work on the house.
I got a call from one of the companies I applied to in Pennsylvania. She asked if I was still interested. I asked her if she provide healthcare benefits and she said “No”. I told her I needed to find a job with healthcare benefits. It was a bookkeeping position in a company that would be just her and me.
I hope I get a call from the hospital in PA.
A teller at the bank saw me walking Danny last night. Another lady went jogging by and said to the dog, “You must be Danny Boy”. He woofed at her. He saw another neighbor, Rita, sitting on her porch. He likes Rita. He wagged his tail and wanted to go up to see her. I headed him off as I saw Rita’s cat lounging on the steps. Danny is too little to see over the bushes.
Let’s hope I can post this. If not, I’ll have to post it tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was unable to post last night. I was on the other computer and I don't know if the set up is different or why I was unable to get into the program. I wrote it up in word so I'll try again in a few minutes.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I’m feeling rather beat. I was up at 5:30 for Danny’s walk. I got ready and took my car to the Honda dealer to get the wheel bearing done. Bill who drives the Honda Mobile to shuttle customers back and forth to work, said my flowers were beautiful when he dropped me off at the house. He picked me back up at 10:30 to take me back to get the car. I went down to Value City to look at curtains and then went into Boscov’s to exchange the ones I bought on Saturday.
When I returned home, I scraped the chipping paint in the closet in the computer room. It will need a little sanding. I tried hanging my new curtains but one was too little and the other too big. I also thought they were sheer but they were not. I’ll have to take them back to Boscov’s again. I’ll look in the hall closet and see if I can find something packed away in there. I may put the curtains I have in the laundry room in there. The laundry room has curtains and panels. I’ll leave the panels in the laundry room.
I walked Danny and had some lunch. It stopped raining and dried out so I cut the grass. Even though it is cooler today, it was still hot cutting the grass. I decided to have the real estate lady’s husband give me some estimates on the hall ceiling, the laundry room ceiling, and patch the roof on the garage where the copula was.
I was tire out after cutting the grass but it feels good after doing physical labor. I packed some stuff away and put in the car to take to the storage bin.
A couple people called today about Dodecahedron programs. I told them the business was closed and gave them the information on where they could get help with their software.
I’ll be walking Danny at 8:30 and I’ll probably turn in early.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I went out to the supermarket early this morning. It was my turn for Fellowship refreshments. I needed some crackers and fresh fruit. I had purchased the other items yesterday at BJ's. They hav a cheese platter that is already cut up. I did have to cut the slices in half as they were twice the size that would fit on a cracker. The plater has four varieties of cheese; cheddar, jack cheddar, pepper jack and swiss. It is handy and the people like it. I also took chocolate chip cookies and brownies.
I had to go early to set up. I took Danny out for his walk right before I left and saw the new neighbors moving in some furniture. I went over to interduce myself and welcome them. A lady moved in with her daughter. It will be easy to remember her name because she has the same name as a friend of mine and the daughter's name is the same as my friend's daughter. Danny greeted them, too. He likes them.
After church, I went to lunch with my church friends. I had a lot of food at home but I like the companionship. When I got home, the loneliness set in. I had a lot of work I had planned to do but somehow I lost interest. I just wanted to lose myself in my book. I read for a while and came up to look some things up on the computer. I wanted to find Ted's photo of the Japanese Festival. I don't know how to post it again so if you are interested, scroll down to Ausgust 2005. Open up August and scroll down to August 15th.
I went to work on cleaning out the closet in the computer room. It needs to be repaired from some water damage that happened years ago. We didn't get to renovet this room so I have to get the closet fixed up. I broke down when I saw Ted's jogging sweaters, his coveralls, his braces (suspenders) and his ties. Things he will never wear. i kept working through my tears. The paint was peeling off the wall so I vacuumed it up. I will have to scrape the rest, seal the wall and paint it.
I went back to reading my book, got some dinner and called the Vorlon Parents. It was good to talk to them. It got me out of my funky mood. I thought you would like the two backyard photos. The hawk doesn't look very big in the photo but he is. It's a Red Tail.
Danny hears something out side. The people across the street got a dog that barks a lot and makes Danny bark.
I better see what he's up to.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I went to open the back door and thought what is that. Our hawk friend paid us a visit. I took the photo right through the back door and the storm door. I knew if I opened the door he or she would be gone. I ran upstair to get a shot out the bathroom window but he had gone. We never know what we will find in the yard.
What's this, Autumn Leaves? No it's summer drought. The leaves fall when the trees don't get enough water.
My brother, Don, came down today. He and my neighbor Alex took the copula down from on top of the garage. It was extremely heavy and was a more difficult job than I had thought. The roof has a steep pitch and they couldn’t carry it. I got a rope and they tire it up and lowered it down by sliding it on the roof. When it went over the side, it swung and hit the side of the garage and broke apart. There was no salvaging it and I don’t know how we’d get it back up if we were able to repair it.
I guess we’ll patch up the roof and be done with it. Don and I took the shingles off the copula in cases we couldn’t find any to match we would have them. We had some lunch and rested for awhile. It was hot on that roof. Don could feel the heat through the leather gloves.
Our next project was to fix the electrical boxes in the basement. Ted had hung the joist with joist hangers and 4 electrical boxes are still hanging. The plan was to turn off the power, mark the holes to drill, screw them in and turn the power back on. I got out the electric drill and realized how am I going to use this with the power turned off? I picked up the portable battery operated drill and of course it needed to be charged. If only I could find the charger. Don took a look and we figured we can turn off the power, mark the holes, and move the boxes over out of the way. Turn the power back on and drill. Turn the power back off and screw them in. It’s a project for another day.
I received the DVD I bought for the Singing Ambassadors 50th Anniversary. It was done by professionals. At lest that what they claimed to be. I was extremely disappointed. The sound quality is terrible. I’ll have to call them; maybe I got a bad copy.
It was time to walk Danny and get ready for the Japanese Obon Festival in Seabrook. We cleaned up and I fed Danny and we left for the festival. We took our folding chair and got a good seat in the second row. We went to get some food. We got the beef and onions over rice. It is quite tasty. Ted and would share a bowl and we would also get the sushi. It is not raw fish. It is a rice roll stuffed with various things. It could be raw fish but they serve it stuffed with avocado.
There were two problems with our seats. One was we were facing west into the setting sun. The other was three ladies in front of us put up their parasols and we could see. We went and stood in back of the last row of seats and had a great view.
The ladies do their Japanese Folk Dances and then the Drummers begin. They had four groups this year. One was a children’s group who started while we were getting our food. The next group was the local Seabrook Group named Hoh Daiko. The had a very good performance. Next was a group from Washington, DC named Lin Daiko. They also had a very good performance. Finally, came the Soh Daiko group from New York City. They were outstanding. They had so much energy and they danced and jumped around while they beat the drums. To learn more about them, go to www.sohdaiko.org
Ted has a clip of their performance from a previous year. I will try to find it.
It’s been a long day. Danny has been walked and he has gone to bed. I’ll be joining him shortly.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I got to the Honda Dealer about 7:30 this morning. What I thought was a problem with the new catalytic converter making the engine sound loud turned out to be a wheel bearing. I have to take it back on Monday to have that fixed. I had them check out why my air conditioner makes a noise when I put it on 3 or 4. It sounded like a leaf got in the blower. Evidently several leaves or some kind of debris got in there. They took it apart and cleaned it out while I waited. I had some coffee and cream cheese on a bagel. I took my book and the lady I will be working with next week came into the waiting room with her son. Her car was in for its 30,000 mile check up. She was waiting for a loaner car from the rental agency.
I walked Danny when I got home and ran into my neighbor, Alex. He has a ladder and will help me and my brother to get the copula down tomorrow. I went to work on the hedge and got it trimmed. I also trimmed some other bushes around the house. It was well past lunch time when I got done and put the cord and trimmers away.
I was beat and almost fell asleep. I ran over to Joe’s Poultry and got some Bar-b-Que Chicken, potato salad and cole slaw for tomorrow’s lunch. I finished up my sweet corn and Danny begged for some. He really loves it.
I have to walk him now before it gets dark.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got to the Honda Dealer about 7:30 this morning. What I thought was a problem with the new catalytic converter making the engine sound loud turned out to be a wheel bearing. I have to take it back on Monday to have that fixed. I had them check out why my air conditioner makes a noise when I put it on 3 or 4. It sounded like a leaf got in the blower. Evidently several leaves or some kind of debris got in there. They took it apart and cleaned it out while I waited. I had some coffee and cream cheese on a bagel. I took my book and the lady I will be working with next week came into the waiting room with her son. Her car was in for its 30,000 mile check up. She was waiting for a loaner car from the rental agency.
I walked Danny when I got home and ran into my neighbor, Alex. He has a ladder and will help me and my brother to get the copula down tomorrow. I went to work on the hedge and got it trimmed. I also trimmed some other bushes around the house. It was well past lunch time when I got done and put the cord and trimmers away.
I was beat and almost fell asleep. I ran over to Joe’s Poultry and got some Bar-b-Que Chicken, potato salad and cole slaw for tomorrow’s lunch. I finished up my sweet corn and Danny begged for some. He really loves it.
I have to walk him now before it gets dark.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This photo is unenhanced. You can see the specks that are the hawks a little better.
You can see the one hawk near the center. Another is a dot near under the wires to the left. a third is a smaller dot on the cloud on the lower right. It looks like a speck of dust.
Ok, I jumped ahead of my self. It was early morning and I thought I’d better hurry up and get the flower up on the blog. After I had my coffee, I realized it was Thursday.
Yesterday, Danny and I were awakened by the shrill whistle of a hawk. I woke up and Danny’s head popped up and he turned it from side to side to determine what the noise was and where it was coming from. We went out for our walk and four of them were flying high in the sky. I didn’t get a good photo but you can see the hawk high in the sky.
This morning, we wee walking and there were more shrill whistles from the hawks. They may be young ones screaming for there parents to feed them. Then again, maybe they were screaming at us. On the way back from our walk down State Street, I saw two of them sitting in a tree branch over my neighbor’s roof. They appeared huge. I went in and got my camera and my binoculars. Just as I was raising my binoculars, my neighbor drove into her driveway, opened the car door and the hawks flew away. They flew around in a circle and I heard the in another neighbors tree. I found one in my binoculars and identified it as a Red Tail Hawk. It must have been 2 feet from head to tail.
They were screaming around all day.
I went to my accountant and got things straightened out with my taxes for the company. I get a fat refund from the Feds but the State of NJ is another story. This year they started taxing receipts and not profit. So even though I had a net loss, I have to pay those vultures $800.00. The good news is the Federal refund will more than cover it.
Today was a good day. One of the ladies from the South Jersey Hospital who I asked to give me a reference called the temp agency and requested me for a job. It’s nice to be wanted. I was getting worried about not having any work but I start next Thursday at the Elmer Branch. It’s a little longer drive but it is very nice there. The last time I worked for them, they kept me for a while and sent me to their various divisions. They all seem happy to have me.
Danny will be going to day care for a while. I’m glad I have a good place for him to go.
The real estate lady came today with her husband. He made some good suggestions on what to do with my house to make it presentable for selling. He said to leave the computer room as it is maybe change the curtains. (The ones I have are ugly and dated)
He also said to paint that one wall in the kitchen white and it will hide the imperfections of the patchwork. I would have never thought of that. The whole in the plaster on the stair way needs sheetrock to fill in the whole area covering the stairs up to where the landing is. Then feather it in with spackling. It may need a molding if the fit is not tight enough. If it is tight then it can be caulked.
I found a partial roll of wallpaper left over from when we did the living room so I’ll strip the one sheet off that is damaged and replace it. I’ll need to paint the ceiling with some kind of sealer called Kilz.
He recommended taking down the ceiling tiles and replacing them with new ceiling tiles that are stapled to firing strips. He feels it will be the least expensive and easiest. My brother just replaced he tiles in his hallway so he may be able to help me with that project. I’ll hire the real estate lady’s husband to do the ceiling over the stairway.
Another thing that needs to be fixed is the copula on the garage roof. It is leaning like the tower of Pisa. I’ll ask my neighbor if I can borrow his ladder and have my brother go up and bring it down. Hopefully, we’ll be able to repair it.
Things are looking up today. Danny will be ready for his walk if it is not storming.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted and I picked out this flower last year. We have two of them in the front flowerbed.
We got some much needed rain this evening. It started raining just when I was about to go to the Toastmaster’s meeting. It came down hard for about 15 minutes then stopped. I caught up with the storm in Mays Landing and each time I stopped for a light, the storm passed then I caught up with it again.
I did some more work on the plaster patching project and I did some more weeding in the yard. I got an email from the hospital I sent my resume to. They said they received it and will forward it to the proper person. At least I know they got it.
It was good to see my Toastmaster friends. The drive is difficult. It’s a drive Ted and I made twice a month for at least 15 years. It’s a lonely drive now.
Danny was waiting at the door when I got home. He was ready to go out for his walk. He ran through the puddles like a little kid. I dried his feet when we got back. He is now ready for bed and so am I.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A Swallowtail Butterfly is on my Butterfly Bush.
This is our church group. The Women's Service Circle invites the church members and friends to our annual summer luncheon. I should have had the waitress take the photo. The empty seat in the front left is mine.
I believe this is a stargazer lily. It is beautiful and they are just starting to bloom. I have more lilies so I'll post them once a week.
I searched the internet looking for jobs and found on at a hospital near where I want to move in PA. I sent an email with my resume. The job is an HR position and sounds very much like the HR work I did for the South Jersey Hospital. I called the girls I worked with there to see if they’d give me a reference. They were glad to.
I looked at clothes I could use for interviewing and thought I’d like a pale blue blouse to go with my outfits. I went down to Boscov’s but could only find pale turquoise. I picked out two and made another run around the ladies departments when I phone rang. It was Ted’s client. They ran into a problem. My cell was breaking up and I almost ran outside with the blouses. I left them at the counter with the saleslady and went outside to get better reception. I wasn’t able to help them on the phone so I told them I was at the mall which is half way to the clients. I went back in the store to pay for my blouses then went to the clients. I was there about 15 minutes training them on how to fix the problem they were having. Their sister is not doing well. Keep Karen in your prayers. She is not responsive. She is in rehab but they can’t do much for her. I hope and pray she improves. It is very hard on the family.
I stopped at the farm stand to get more corn and a cantaloupe. Danny ate his dog food and went upstairs. He came running down when he smelled my corn cooking. He jumped in the air woofing at me as if he was jumping for joy. He loves it. When I take my dish to the counter, he thinks I’m done and goes back upstairs. I was able to eat my second ear in peace.
He ears seem to be better. I’m only going to do them once a week now. If he starts scratching them, I’ll go back to twice daily. He has been walked and is now back upstairs in bed. He is like Ted. He likes to switch sides on the bed. He keeps me guessing.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I crossed some more jobs off my list. I did a couple sewing projects. I connected with my accountant and have an appointment for Thursday afternoon. I have some things to go over with him about the business. I called a friend of Ted’s from his BNI group who is a real estate lady. I had her come look at the house and determine what needs to be done to put the house on the market. First and foremost is to fix the ceilings where the holes are and fix the wall paper in the corner of the living that got some water damage when we had an ice dam on the roof and the water came up over the flashing. If people see water damage it scares them away so those things must be done. Her husband does construction work so he can look at my ceiling problems and suggest the cheapest and easiest way to do the repairs.
She also did not like the computer room. It has not been renovated. It has paint over wallpaper. It is an ugly green.
She will look up some figures and information on what houses are selling for or have sold for in the past 6 months to determine how much I should put into sprucing it up.
There is a lot she liked about the house. She liked the large rooms and the spaciousness it has. She liked the fireplace and the sun porch. She liked the pantry and the closets. She liked the hardwood floors and the oak staircase. The two car garage is also a plus. She liked the sump pump Ted rigged up to the dehumidifier that pumps the water out to the flowerbeds. We don’t have to empty the bucket. It was a blessing when he rigged that up. We need dehumidifiers in the basements in South Jersey because of the condensation in the summer. Mold will grow on everything. Carrying the bucket upstairs to empty it twice a day was the pits. If it didn’t shut off when full, then water overflowed onto the floor. Or even if it did shut off and we forgot to empty it, then it got musty smelling down there.
She said houses have been on the market an average of 7 months in this area. I’ve seen some in my neighborhood on the market for years.
I sent out a couple resumes today to jobs over in PA so we’ll see what comes of them. I’ll keep sending them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Footprints of a gull in the sand. Avalon, NJ
I went to church and then to the church luncheon at the Green Olive. It took a little longer to get there than I anticipated. In April, we had a storm come through and it knocked out several bridges along the Maurice River. They are still being repair and we have to detour ten miles around them.
I sat next to the Pastor who had his daughter and grandson visiting. They live over in Pennsylvania near where I am from. It was after 3:00 when I got home. I walked Danny Boy and watered my flowers along the back yard. I tried to look up some jobs on the computer but had trouble getting the screens to come up. I have a weak signal. Maybe there are a lot of hits to the web page that I’m trying to access. Most jobs are far from where I want to live and require an hour’s drive through heavy traffic. I’ll keep searching.
The people across the street got a new dog that they keep chained outside. He is always barking at something which causes Danny to bark. Danny is too little to see out the window so he runs around the house barking.
I talked to the Vorlon parents earlier tonight and now I am finishing the movie I didn’t get to finish last night. Danny pestered me to take him out and we met my neighbor, Adelpha along the way. She invited us into her house. She will be having surgery and the go to rehab for about a month. Her granddaughter is coming to help her. I’m glad for that as her children haven’t helped her much.
Danny ran in and jumped on her bed. He made himself at home. She likes Danny and he likes her. He hadn’t done his business yet so I was a little worried. He was a little restless but Adlepha is very lonely and she wanted us to stay.
Danny is pestering to go out now. I hope I can finish the movie. Last night when I restarted it, it went back to the beginning. I tried to find where I left off but I didn’t make a note of it. I took a guess but it didn’t get to where I had left off. Tonight when I turned it on, it continued where I had shut it off last night. I don’t know why it continues sometimes and sometimes it doesn’t.
New from the Vorlon Wife.
I got a few things crossed off my list today. I cleaned the fish tank. I did some weeding on the east side. I watered the plants and I watered the grass. I even did some spackling over the kitchen door. It will need more but at least I worked on it.
I have a beautiful bouquet of gladiolas. They get very heavy and fall over so I cut them and bring them in.
Danny will need another walk after the movie is done. He hates when I type. He has to be the center of attention.
I talked to my aunt on the phone for over an hour today. It was like a mini visit.
Around 3:30, I felt very sad because it’s the time Ted and I would finish up our chores and go to the shore. I took Danny out for his walk and talked with some neighbors at the end of the block. We were motioned up to the porch and Danny greeted our hostess and then made friends with her father-in-law. He had never met him before he gave a little woof, wagged his tail and greeted him.
I have to make a new list and start on that tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I’m getting the weekend blues. I did some weeding this morning. I finished across the front and around the east side up to the rhododendrons. I’ll continue tomorrow to finish the east side and go on down the back.
I just had a friend come to the door. Marian from the Nature Club. It was good to see her. She had the programs for the next season and I will type it up in the computer. When I’m done, she will take the master and make the copies to distribute to our members. I used to make the copies but I don’t have a copy machine any more.
Danny barked at Marian. He is leery of strangers.
I sprayed the weed by gone on the clover in the front yard. Another job I crossed off my list. I didn’t get to the fish tank. I wanted to weed before it got hot. I hope to do the fish tank tomorrow and get to work on the kitchen. The patching needs to be done.
I returned my book to the Library and took out another one. I went to Blockbuster and rented a movie for tomorrow. I hope I can get through tomorrow without running out to my brother’s. I really need to get my house ready for market. It’s just not much fun to do it alone. Ted and I always did projects together.
Danny is barking at the television. There is an ad for the Underdog movie.
I have a luncheon with the Ladies from the Church’s Women’s Service Circle. I wasn’t able to go to the Christmas luncheon because Ted was either in the hospital or had just gotten out of the hospital. I don’t know how much longer I will be here so I’d like to go to the luncheon.
Danny has his back to me. I am always clipping him as his fur grows so fast. He doesn’t like it so he runs away and turns his back to me. He’ll be back when he forgets why he left. He’s looking around now. I’ll walk him at 8:30, do his ears and he’ll be off to bed.
Tonight is Stargate night on the Sci-Fi Channel.
News from the Vorlon Wife.A
Red Gladiola
I got a call from one of the companies that I called yesterday. It is for an A/R and A/P job. She told me about her company and asked me to email my resume. Her company is located about 20 from where my brothers live. I have to find out about the benefits and the pay.
I cut the grass today and started watering it. What looked like a bunch of storms coming this way did not materialize. The grass is getting brown. I cut some gladiolas and put them in a vase. They get heavy and bend down to the ground. They look beautiful. I have a lot this year. I didn’t dig many up in the fall and I was afraid I’d lose them.
I filled up a box of Knick Knacks and put them in the trunk of my car. They will go to the storage bin. I’ll get another box of computer stuff to sort out and fill the box with more of my clutter.
I put Danny out on his lead while the cleaning lady was here. He likes being outside and it was a nice day. He laid on the back porch and watched everything that was going on. Danny had a long walk before dinner but he is ready to go out again. He was pestering me so we played with his toy bone for a bit. He is patiently waiting for me to take him out again.
I hope to cross more off my list tomorrow. I have to clean the fish tank and more weeding. I want to send some more resumes and do some patching over the kitchen door.
Danny’s ready for his walk.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My pink and white impatiens along the back yard property line. I think Ted would have liked the pink and white. This was shot with the early morning sunlight.
This is my neighbor, Rita's lily. I thought it was unusual.
I did some more weeding today. I mostly pulled out grass. It hides around the roots of the irises. I did a little sanding of the plaster patch over my kitchen door. I have to apply some spackle to smooth it out. I’ll work some more on that tomorrow.
I sent out one resume to the Boeing Company. I worked there before I was married. Ted worked there, too. They didn’t really have a job listed that would be suitable for me. I sent my resume anyway. I was going to send one to Christiana Health Care but the position that was listed yesterday, was gone today. I sent an email off to a contact at Great Plains to see if there are any partners or clients that may need someone. I looked in the Delco Times online and made a phone call about a job but had to leave a message. No one called back yet. I have a couple faxes to send tomorrow.
One of the real estate agents I saw on Sunday called today and bugged me. He seemed nice on Sunday but a real pest today. I shouldn’t have left my name. I have the feeling he’s going to keep bugging me. I’ll have to tell him to bug off.
I had to go to my former office and pick up some mail. For some reason, it wasn’t forwarded. Danny went on his usual walks barking at the mailman and others. We met my neighbor, Adelpha. Danny likes her. She had fallen last Friday and broke her arm. She has decided she cannot live alone anymore. She is in her 80’s. Her son lives nearby but not with her. He looks in on her. Her daughter had been a disappointment. She rarely comes around.
I had the other ear of corn for dinner tonight. Danny had a few kernels, too. He likes the corn but I think he likes the butter that I put on it.
I will be walking him soon. He is sleeping upstairs but he’ll come down in about 10 minutes. He knows his schedule. I walk him at 8:30.
It’s supposed to storm tonight. We really need the rain. I hope it waits until after I walk Danny.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I finished up my training at the client’s. I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I have helped them with their computer problems. On the other hand, the training is over and I have no work. Manpower is slow now. Teachers and college students take manpower jobs for the summer. I have time to do the projects around the house but I’ll need some income.
It was very hot today. It cooled down a little this afternoon when it clouded up and looked like a storm was coming. There was a nice breeze but the storm passed us by.
I did a little weeding this morning. I usually do a little everyday and it continues all summer. My flower beds are on three sides of the house, down the property line out back and along the garage.
I bought some sweet corn on my way home from the client’s. I pulled into the farm stand for some zucchini and saw the sign, “Sweet Corn”. I felt it and it was cool so I bought 3 ears. They sold them in groups of 3, 6, or 12. I cooked it in the microwave with the husk on. It was really good corn. Danny liked it, too; He kept woofing for more.
I picked up my computer on the way home. They fixed the Windows problem but I’ll have to plug it into the server to make sure my programs are working. I’ll work on that tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When I got home yesterday, I fed my fish. I didn’t see Pinaculotta. He was the male Pineapple Swordtail. His coloring was gold and white. I kept looking and then I looked down on the floor. He had jumped out of the tank. He is the 3rd fish to have done this. It seems to happen over a weekend. Perhaps they get hungry and start jumping around. I have never seen them jumping. I guess I’ll have to put a screen across. There is not much room for the fish to jump out. There is a light fixture and there are cutouts for the pump and heater.
I didn’t do much today because of the heat. I went to the client’s office but we must have got our signals crossed. They wanted me to come tomorrow. I had them marked down for today. They have been under a lot of stress with their sister under going rehab. She is still not very responsive. My prayers go out to her and her family.
I got some gas at BJ’s as it was on the way. I paid $2.689/gal. It was the same as WaWa but sometimes it’s a couple cents cheaper. I went to the Super Market on the way home. I was out of most things. I filled up a container from the salad bar for my dinner. It was good.
I will be walking Danny at 8:30. Hopefully, the temp. will be lower. I’ll read some of my book and then be off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife
The Fishing Pier at Avalon
Danny arrived home at 5:00pm. I went to the Holmes Presbyterian Church were I grew up and was married. Pastor Carpenter married us and is still with Holmes Pres. He was happy to see me.
After lunch, Sylvia and I went to look at some open houses. Some were very nice. One was too expensive but had everything I’d like. Two were priced right and were good fits for me. One was a twin. It had a pool, a garage, and fenced in yard with a kennel. It had two decks. One off the back door and one with the pool.
The other was a single house. It had a fireplace in the living room. It was about the size of my current living room. It had an open front porch. Dining room and eat in kitchen. A deck off the back. The master bathroom was downstairs with 2 or 3 bedrooms upstairs. The 3rd bedroom upstairs was more of a large storage room. A half bath was upstairs and a full bath downstairs. The closets were roomy but could use more kitchen cabinets. There was no garage and I don’t know if there is enough room for zoning to permit one. The houses in Delaware County do not have garages. It used to be that people went to work in Philadelphia on the train and they didn’t need a car. Hence, no garage.
I took Danny for his walk and he is off to bed. I’ll have to wake him up to do his ears.
I am watching Mystery and will be off to bed afterwards.
News from the VorlonWife.
Good Morning!
I am still at my brother, Rick's. I let Danny out in the back yard at 5:30. He was relunctant to go out. There were fireworks going off in the different communities so when I took him out last night, he didn't even make it down the sidewalk when he heard the noise, turned around and made a bee line back to the door.
I waited outside for Danny to do his business and we bothe went back to bed. I got up at 7:00 and took him for a walk around the block. We then climbed into the car and made a run to WaWA for some coffee. Rick and Sylvia are on decaf and I am hooked on caffine. It clears my sinuses and allergies in the morning.
It was good not to have to sit around my lonely house all weekend. It is overwhelming of what I have to do to get moved over here. The taxes here are double what I pay in Vineland. A house and property of the same equivilent would be $150,000 more. The taxes would triple.
I may have to look in Delaware. Either near my friend Dottie or near my nephew, Ricky. My neice, Cheryl is 10 minutes from Ricky. She is in Maryland near the Chesapeake Bay. I will have to see where I can find a job and then figure where I will buy a house.
I have a lot of work to do on my house to get it ready for market. I have to get my clutter out and I don't know where to put it. I have to go through the storage bin where I have the company stuff. Get rid of what I can and put my clutter in there.
I also need to make a living and my manager from Manpower said things were slow. I need to leave it in the Lord's hands and it will all work out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I wasn't able to blog last night; I wasn't able to get a connection.
My brothers, sister-in-law and I went to our cousin's funeral today. It was a lovely service with his daughters giving tribute to him. There was a bagpiper and trumpeter at the cemetery. After the luncheon at the Springfield Country Club, his daughter Wendy had a CD made of her father's favorites as a Father's Day gift. She told of the songs she chose and why she chose them. She had copies made and gave them to all the guests.
Danny stayed at Rick and Sylvia's house while we were gone. He is a good little dog. He was happy to see us when we got back.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Gerber Daisies growing on the dunes in Avalon, NJ
I am blogging early tonight. I had a down day. I didn't have to go to work and they will probably need me on Monday.
The loneliness is horrible. I made a few phone calls most of the people were not home.
The results of my blood work and mammogram came back OK. My cholesterol is a little high but not too high. I'll have to work on that.
Danny liked jumping up on my brother Don's lap yesterday. He really likes people when he gets to know them.
I have some more lilies blooming. The red ones are done but I have pink and yellow blooming now. There is also a lily budded up in the back yard. I don't remember what color it is.
Ted would like the vincas I chose for this year. They are a mauve color and look real pretty.
I guess sometimes everything just overwhelms me. I wish I were more like Ted. He dove right in and faced challenges. I'd rather grab a cup of tea and lie down with my blanket.
When I walked Danny this afternoon, it started raining. He wanted to poke along but I picked up the pace and pulled him along.
I hope I feel better tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to my brother Don’s this afternoon. He had a movie and prepared some dinner. We had roast pork, corn and twice baked mashed potatoes. We had some ice cream for dessert. Danny got scared as people were setting off their firecrackers. Don and I went for a walk to look at a house for sale in the next block. While we were walking, firecrackers were going off all around. Danny kept trying to hide under parked cars. I had to pick him up and carry him. Poor little guy.
I took him out to walk when we got home and got only a few houses down the street when the firecrackers started and he made a bee line back to the house. He is now upstairs probably hiding under the bed.
My cousin Louise just called. Her son, Bert passed away. Bert is my age; we are only a couple days apart. He had diabetes and other health problems. Louise thinks it was his heart that gave out. He was a tall, strong looking man. It was hard to believe he had so many health problems.
I had better check on my little dog.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Good morning and Happy 4th.
I forgot to blog last night. I couldn’t get a connection on the lap top and when I went upstairs, I just got ready for bed.
Yesterday, I went to the client and trained Gary to do the invoices. I will go back on Thursday or Monday to show him how to do the receipts. Kathy wants two people to know how to do the work. The sessions went very well. I enjoyed being back at doing Great Plains work. I plan to contact our Rep at Great Plains in Philadelphia and see if anyone can use my help.
I was worried about Danny last night. He got up around 1:00 and got under the bed. The other night, he went into the computer room and got under the desk. He heard some firecrackers going off and I guess he went there to hide. The dog I had when I was a kid would do that. He may have heard some fire crackers going off last night and went to hide under the bed. I picked him up after a while and he slept next to me. He usually sleeps on the other side of the bed. About 3:00am he got up again and slept under the bed. Maybe he heard some thunder. I didn’t hear anything but maybe that’s what woke me up. He got up around 5:45 and curled up on Ted’s pillow. At 6:30, I took him out to do his business as it had been 10 hours since he went. He stopped short on the back porch when he saw the rain. I took him over to the hedge. He did his business and made a bee line back to the house. He likes being dried off with the towel.
I have some beautiful yellow lilies blooming out back. I hope to get some photos when the rain clears off. I’ll blog some more later.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had to be at the client’s at 10:00 so I had time to clean the air cleaner. It hadn’t been done for awhile. I dropped Danny off at Erica’s and went to the clients. I helped them with statements and a couple other problems. I was there two and a half hours. I went past a farm stand and bought some zucchini and Boston lettuce. I came home and had some lunch. I trimmed the hedge and went to pick up Danny. I walked him around the block. I cooked up the zucchini for my dinner.
The donkeys in the photos are Pretzel, the brown one and Jewel, the white one. I had forgotten their names.
I go to the client’s at 1:00 tomorrow so I’ll try to get another project done in the morning. It’s almost time to walk Danny, do some reading, and then get some sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some weeding this morning and got ready for church. No one wanted to go out to brunch today so I came home and ate up some of my leftover food.
I wanted to cut the grass but watched a tape I had recorded about Star Trek Enterprise. I fell asleep watching it.
I decided to get my lazy bones out there and cut the grass. I was going to continue cutting the hedge but my neighbor came over. I gave her quite a start as I was dressed in khakis and a straw hat. She thought it was Ted and came over for a better look. She talked for a long time and I wasn’t able to get to the hedge. It will have to wait until tomorrow.
I will be helping Ted’s client with their closing. Training is tiring. Ted always said so and I found it to be true. I hope I have the energy to cut the hedge after work.
I will be walking Danny Boy soon and then I’ll read some of my library book and then count some Z’s.
Hope you enjoy the shore photos.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Avalon sunset
Don and John helping Bill dock his boat
Bill coming in with his boat
John's nephews: Dave and John
Don on the beach. It was drizzling so he put up his canopy.
Don's friends: John, Emily and Linda
Looking across the bay toward Avalon Manor