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Well, my goal was to finish the taxes and do the payroll today. Didn't happen. I got most of the taxes done but what a horrendous job. The software did not have a list of employeeds with the weeks worked. The list was in alphabetical order and the list from the state was in Social Security Number order. I had to hunt all over to plug in the numbers. Then, there were new employees who were not on either list. They showed up in the total but ont on the spreadsheet. The total was pulled over from another spreadsheet. What a mess. Then came payroll. At first, I couldn't log onto the payroll software because it said I was already there. Then, the hours did not total correctly and it wouldn't let me get out of the screen. I had a call into the support line but she didn't get back to me until I had to do something else for the month end inventory, i will have to do the payroll tomorrow and hope I am able to do it. It seems no matter what I try to do, there is always an obstacle in the way. Then there is the human resource stuff that keeps coming back to haunt me. I sent a lady her cobra forms and information and she wants something else, now. I was supposed to send her another form and I have no clue what form to send or where it is. I just feel tired out and fear I'm going to look totally incompetant.
Tomorrow, I may have two of Ted's clients calling me for help with their month end stuff. I had a message on my machine when I got home tonight. It is probably a payroll question and I don't know if I can help without Gret Plains in front of me. I may have to refer her to Marty. At least she will be able to get the help she needs.
Danyy and I both had our dinner. I am going to relax, watch some TV, read, walk Danny and go to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another hard day at the office. I was trying to do the quarterly taxes. It was a mess trying to find the data to use. Maria and I worked on them all day. We still have some work to do on them. Then there are always other things that have to be done or need my attention. I hope thing smooth out soon. I don't know if I'll be able to stand it. I am beat so I'm going to bed. Danny is sprawled out on the bed waiting for me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Just a little note. Sometimes my job seems overwhelming. There is so much to learn and it comes at me all at once. I am tired out so I'll be joining Danny Boy for a good nights rest. He is coming to drag me off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Dr. Donchez's sermon was interesting today. It was entitled "Chariots of Fire." He spoke of the movie and asked for a show of hands of who had seen it. I did see it but it was long ago. I only remembered it was about two runners and them having a hard time with the Olympic Committee. I didn't remember why. One of the runners was a Christian Missionary and would not run on Sunday. The other Dr Donchez said was Jewish but I thought he was Arab. Anyway, he had to fight against the prejudices of the time. He felt if he could win, he could show them. I'll have to rent or buy the movie to see it again. Dr. Donchez said bought and has seen it many times.
I normally have about 300 children for Trick or Treat. It had rained all morning and cleared up about 1PM. I had only 50 children and now have 250 candy bars left over. Maybe I can give them to the soup kitchen to give away as treats.
Happy Birthday to Danny Boy. We adopted him last year at this time.
I'm going to do some reading and turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife
It was a hard day at work. I finally got one solution to the closing entries and ran into another problem. No one was around who could help me and I try it on my one. I realized I was printing hundreds of pages so I tried to stop the printer. I turned around and saw my screen had turned blue and said there were serious problems with my computer. It said to shut down but I couldn’t control/alt/delete had no response. I tried to shut it off and it wouldn’t shut off. Finally, I got ahold of Kim and she said to pull the plug. Duh! She said that machine often gets the blue screen of death.
Another problem I had was someone came in and said the computer had taken his vacation time away and that it did it to everyone. I had no idea how to fix it.
Kim will be in Seattle for a week. I’m going to have to do the payroll myself next week. It is horrendous.
I got some apple cider for Nature Club refreshments and then picked up Danny. The apple farm was near his kennel. I went home and walked him in the rain until he did his business. I had a message on my machine. Sharon needed a ride to Nature Club. I told her I’d pick her up and then stop at Duncan Donuts for the Halloween Munchkins. I was gobbling down my dinner when Marian called. They just had their car towed home and needed a ride to Nature Club. I put my dinner in the frig and called Sharon and told her I was on my way. I picked her up and went to the donut store. No munchkins. I went to the other Duncan Donuts down the street. They’re closed. I went to Shop Rite and got some mini Halloween cup cakes.
Upon coming out of the Shop Rite I see a lady get hit by a car and go flying up on the windshield and down onto the parking lot. I reached for my cell phone to call 911 but saw a man was calling. A girl was screaming because her mother had been hit. A nurse ran to help the woman. They had to pull the daughter away from the girl who hit the lady. The girl was standing there by herself crying so I went up and put my arm around her. I felt sorry for her. I would dread something like that happening. She turned into my shoulder and cried. She said she didn’t see the lady. It was dark and rainy. She seemed to get her composure and the daughter was crying into her cell phone trying to tell someone what happened and where they were. I put my arm around her. She asked me if her mother was in pain. I said I didn’t know but she is talking so that’s a good sign. I told her I heard the ambulance coming. When it came, I left. Sharon was in the car and heard the screaming but didn’t know what happened.
We went to pick up Marian and Paul and my cell phone went off. It was Sonia. The burglar alarm people called her and she called me. She said the alarm went off and the police were on the way to my house. I knew what had happened. I forgot to set the alarm so it would go off when the dog came down the steps. I picked up Marian and Paul and headed back to the house to turn off the alarm. The police were gone by the time I got there.
We made it to Nature Club about 20 minutes late. The speaker had already started. He wanted to leave early so asked if he could start. We had the business meeting after his program. It worked out well. We served the refreshments and were out of there by 9:00. It was still pouring down rain. I took everybody home. When I got home, I took Danny out. He did his business quickly and returned to the house. I was trying to watch Stargate Atlantis but he kept pestering me. It was past time to go to bed and he wanted me to go up stairs.
Well, I’m up here and can’t wait to get to sleep. Tomorrow is Saturday and there is no school. I can sleep in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Impatiens flowing over the curb. The bright pink ones are from another year. They seeded themselves.
Work was difficult today. It seems one thing gets finished and a whole bunch of other problems develop. The new girl seems to be slow at catching on. She seemed to be struggling. I hope she will be Ok and catch on soon. Danny has been pestering me to go to bed since he came in from his walk. I played with him a little and he took his toy and ran upstairs. He didn’t stay up there long before he came down and started pestering me again. He did that twice and now I here him coming to pester me away from the computer. He’s trying to tell me it’s time to go to bed.
I guess I’ll take him up on his advice and turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did the payroll today with Kim’s help. It was challenging. It is a lot bigger payroll than I had at Eastern Business Solutions.
The new girl I hired started today. It went well. She got right to work and I hope she will help get things going smoothly. The other two girls are working hard and I think we will all make a good team.
I have to remember not to rely on the coo coo clock. It was running 17 minutes late this morning and I didn’t get to walk Danny before putting him in his kennel. I didn’t have time to stop at WaWa for my coffee. I made it to work just in the nick of time.
The Vorlon Mother is in the hospital. She had some chest pains. Her EKG is fine but they are keeping her to due a few more tests. Keep her in your prayers.
Danny is waiting for me to come to bed. I plan to do some reading. He pesters me until I turn out the light. The he goes over to the other side of the bed and goes to sleep.
New from the Vorlon Wife.
My mother's photo. One of many on display for the Anniversary Celebration. She dedicated many of her years to our Lord and the Holmes Church.
The 100th Annivasary Cake for the Church.
Just a little blog tonight. Work went well. I got some thing accomplished and also ran into some problems. The problems are solvable, however. I look at them as challenges. Ted liked challenges. Accounting problems are like little puzzles.
Danny is still barking at his new kennel friends. I'll have to take their picture. I don't know their names yet. Their owner must be away for the week. I'll have to ask Erica when I see her.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Work was OK. I just wish I understood the software and didn’t get stuck at every step. I can’t seem to get a smooth flow to the procedures. I have to wait to find out what I need to do before I can go to the next step.
The Reunion went well. The class of “62 was grooving to the music of the 50’s and 60’s. The food was good and it was good to see old friends.
The church’s 100th Anniversary was very nice. I wish there were people there who I went to Sunday School and Church with. Where did everyone go? There were probably over 300 kids in Sunday School when I was a kid. The only ones attending were my brothers and I and a girl named Janey.
Of course, there were other people. Quite a few were honored for over 50 years of membership. One lady had been a member for 80 years. She was 93 years old. Funny, I don’t remember her. Of course, she looked different back then.
I’ll post the photos so you can see them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My comparison does not appear to be of the same angle. Ted probably took it from the upstairs window. I will post about the reunion and the 100th Anniversary of the church tomorrow. Danny is in bed and I can't wait to join him.
I am really beat.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I am blogging this morning so I won’t have to pack my laptop. Things at work are still hectic. Things always seem to have obstacles. I did hire a new person to help in the office. When we get her up and going, we’ll hire another.
Danny had tow new dog friends at the kennel yesterday. One was a Chocolate Lab and the other was a little white poodle the size of Danny. The tow little dogs barked and growled at each other. They calmed down after awhile but they did not like each other. Danny seems to like big dogs.
I will be getting a new perm at noon and then I’ll be off to PA to go to my reunion. I have my stuff packed because I’m not going to have much time. I’ll be on a tight schedule. I’ll have to get dressed for the reunion before I leave and I’ll have to walk Danny before leaving. I’ll have to walk him again when I get to Don’s and I want to drop my suitcase off at Rick and Sylvia’s. I’m not sure whether I’ll leave Danny at Don’s or with Ricky.
Sunday is the Holmes Presbyterian Church’s 100th Anniversary celebration. I signed my family up for it. There will be a luncheon afterward.
I got my clothes ironed and ready for next week. I may have to buy some food for lunches. I got Danny a new bag of food and he still has some cans of food.
I need to pack up his stuff for the weekend, too.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted's photo of backyard trees Oct. 2005. It's about the same this year but I have pink and white impatiens and the dogwoods are a little redder. I'll have to take a photo tomorrow for comparison.
I got a couple things accomplished today. I finally got August closed and started September. I didn't get far when I ran into a computer glich. I did the payroll. I figured out some tax stuff. I made some good contributions at the sales meeting. I arranged for someone to come in for an interview. Danny has been walked and is waiting for me to go up to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Well, I got some things accomplished today. Tomorrow should be interesting, I have to do the payroll for the first time and there will be no one to help me.
I’m feeling rather tired. I woke up at 3:30 and didn’t fall back to sleep.
I don’t know if I’ll make it to Toastmasters tomorrow. By the time I pick up Danny and walk him, it will be getting late. I have a meeting on Thursday night and I’m not good at being out two nights in a row. I never was.
I’ll be getting a new perm on Sat. and Sat night is my class reunion. My brother, Don will be going with me. We’ll be going with Naomi and Ruth, my sister-in-law, Sylvia’s sisters. I went to school with the three of them. Their husbands will also be going. Don knows them so he won’t feel like he doesn’t know anyone.
I’ll be staying all night with my brother, Rick and Sylvia. Sunday is homecoming at the Holmes Pres. Church. They are celebrating their 100th year.
Danny will either stay at Don’s or with Rick and Sylvia while were at the reunion.
It will be a busy weekend.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny will be down soon for his nightly walk. It’s a wonder he isn’t here. He smelled me cooking beef tonight. He loves beef. He gets a few little tidbits.
Things went OK at work. Most of the time it is a long wait to get things straightened out. I waited almost all day for the tech support people to get back to me. I went to match up the A/P checks and found a lot of things were not done properly. It seems every time I try to do something, I run into roadblocks. I keep thinking things will straighten out and go smoothly. I hope it happens soon.
I have to do some reading; my book is due back to the library on Thursday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had refreshments at church today so I went a little early. Danny was trying to follow me out the door. I set the alarm and told him to stay. He pawed at the door after I closed it. I felt, “Poor Little Guy.”
He looks like his heat is broken when I leave him.
I finally got the fish tank cleaned today. My mother-in-law suggested I pour the water over my flowers. It makes good fertilizer. Sounds like a good idea.
I’m feeling rather tired. I wake up early every day whether it’s a weekend or not. I’m going to do some reading and go to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, I’m back in business. I am grateful for all my friends and family who are so supportive.
I woke up at 5:30 and was wide-awake so I got up and got a cup of coffee. Danny didn’t even stir until I was nearly done my coffee. He came running down and jumped up on my lap. I took him out and saw my neighbor’s lights on. Danny barked at someone in the drive way and I said, “Alex is that you?” The guy didn’t answer and then I heard Alex talking to the guy and Danny ran up to greet Alex. They were getting ready to go to Washington, DC for the weekend.
I came back in, got another cup of coffee, and came up to the computer. I dug out the Comcast bill and it said 24/7 so I called and the guy helped get my computer up and running. I think the storm last Thursday knocked the modem out of whack.
I went to the Colonial Swedish Conference today, in Swedesboro. It was an all day affair and I met a lot of nice people. When I went in, a girl introduced herself as Carol and I said, “Hello, my name is also Karol only I spell my name with a K.”
This year, the conference focused on a Finish Botanist named Pehr Kalm. Pehr is Swedish for Peter. He came to the new world in the middle 1700’s to study the plants and trees here. There were so many species that were not found in Europe. He became part of Ben Franklin’s circle of friends. He was also friends with John Bartram, another colonial Botanist living in Philadelphia. Pehr traveled extensively throughout the Delaware Valley as well as up into Canada. Since he was not English, the French let him in. He visited Niagara Falls and sent back descriptions of it. A pen and ink drawing was done from his description in London and then sent to Ben Franklin in Philadelphia. It was the first drawing the colonist had seen of the falls.
I’m going to get a light dinner and watch a tape.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Things were a little better at work today. The software brings challenges. The journal entries I did yesterday needed some corrections. I called the tech support and found that they could not be edited. They have not been posted but it is not possible to go back into the batch and fix them. Unreal.
Danny is funny. He knows his schedule. He had his dinner and went up for a nap. At 8pm he came down for his little walk before going to bed. I wish I could sleep like him.
Now, he has come down to make sure I am coming to bed.
Sorry, there will be no flower blogging today. I am still unable to get on the internet with the desktop computer. No email either. I don’t know when I can get in touch with Comcast. I will be away all day tomorrow. I tried rebooting it and turned it completely off and back on but to no avail.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a problem getting on the internet last night, this morning and tonight. I may have to call Comcast and find out what the problem is. I am using the laptop to blog tonight. I had a terrible day today. I had to fire two girls in the office. One called the other a name and the other smacked her with a ruler. The owner is away from the office and after consulting with the attorney; her recommendations were to fire both. I’m the one who had to do it. I felt like throwing up. It’s an upsetting thing to have to do. I just wanted to go home and curl up with my little Danny Boy.
I also had a problem with the software and the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet totals balanced but when I entered the numbers in the computer, they were off by two cents. I thought I entered a number incorrectly. I entered them three times then I used the calculator and the spreadsheet was not adding properly. It didn’t make sense. I got one of the girls to look at it and it didn’t make sense to her either.
Everyday is a challenge. I just wish I didn’t have this kind of a challenge.
I will get to bed early. I hope I can get a good night sleep. I’ll have more challenges tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My new job is challenging and I am able to solve most of the problems. One problem tomorrow is two girls will be absent and no one will be able to do the work. Meanwhile, I’ll keep plugging away at the closing.
I was worried about Danny today. It was sunny and 90 degrees when I started to eat my lunch. I heard pelleting on the window. I looked out and it was very dark. Then the rain got heavy and it looked like a hurricane. The temp dropped to 67 degrees in 15 minutes. I worried about Danny because he is terrified of thunder. There wasn’t much but it doesn’t take much to send him running under the bed or anything he can hide under.
When I went to pick him up, it was a light drizzle and I don’t think Vineland got as much rain. The kennel was completely dry and the rain was blowing sideways. Danny igloo was dry and so was he. He has been in the main part of the kennel playing with Cami the Collie.
He is a tire little dog. He has been napping in the laundry room and I carried him upstairs to be. He is waiting for me so I’ll turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Work went well today. I will write more in the morning. Danny is exhausted from playing with his dog friend Cami. He is ready for bed and is waiting for me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When I came out of church, my car was covered with green pollen. It was worse then in the spring. I was only there for an hour. I couldn’t believe it. I have no idea what is pollinating this time of year except for goldenrod and ragweed. I guess there must have been a lot of it near the church but I didn’t see any.
Barb, June, Pastor Bennett and I went to the Olympia for lunch. I had the Rodos Flounder. It was quite tasty. The flounder is rolled with a rice and spinach combination and a sauce over it.
I walked Danny when I got home and then gave him his bath. He looks so pathetic while getting hi s bath. He hates it but tolerates it. I pick him up in a towel and the towel is drench very quickly. A second towel is soon soaking wet. His fur is so thick. He is getting his winter coat now. It is hard to keep it from getting matted especially on his hind legs. He doesn’t like me to touch his hind legs. He does however, like the hair dryer. I think he knows that it dries him. He is nice and silky now and he smells nice and clean. That won’t last long because tomorrow, he will join his collie friends and he’ll come home smelling like a dog. The collies do a lot of shedding and there fur is everywhere.
Well I’m getting ready to turn in. Morning comes awfully early.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Saturdays are long and lonely when I don’t have any plans to go anywhere. Ted and I would have gone to the shore. It would have been a great day for it. After I walked Danny this morning and had some breakfast, I called my aunt to tell her about my job. She was happy about the job but was hoping I would be moving to PA. I don’t get to see her too often.
I took some books to the thrift store, and then I went to the Home Depot to get some paint stripper for the hardware for the doors. I stopped at the farm stand on the way home. I got some corn, lettuce and tomatoes. It was very warm today and is still 75 degrees. I thought I’d have a BLT but I had no bacon. I thought I had another pack in the freezer but I couldn’t find it. I made a big salad instead and had an ear of corn.
After lunch, I cut the grass. It was tough as it was long and leaves covered it. I worked up a good sweat. I had purchased some new sprinklers at the store and put them into action in the back yard. They are a little different then my old ones and seem to have a longer reach. The back yard was awful dry. Some of the neighbors grass is completely burned.
I’m going to read my book and then turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
An ice blue iris taken in the Spring of 2007
Danny’s taken to napping in the laundry room. I guess he likes it now that it has a new ceiling. He must be sound asleep; he doesn’t hear me calling him. He finally heard me whistling and came up. He must be tired from being at the kennel all week. I try to walk him around the block when we get home. If I get ready soon enough in the morning, I walk him before taking him to the kennel.
I’m real happy with my job. It is hectic trying to learn new software and how their procedures work but I get real satisfaction when I find the solution to the problems. Bret said everyone was happy with me.
It’s going to be a nice day tomorrow. I’d like to take Danny to the shore but he’d bark at everyone on the boardwalk and I wouldn’t be able to take him in the ladies room or into a restaurant. Maybe I’ll leave hi at Erica’s.
I have a lot of work to do so we’ll see. Grass needs cutting, the fish tank needs cleaning and Danny needs a bath and grooming.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny had to go out at 4:30. I think his Heartworm medicine upsets his digestion. I gave him some rice tonight with his dog food. I went back to bed only to be rudely awakened by the alarm. I keyed a bunch of figures into excel and access. The reports are horrendous but they tie into one another. Kim won't be there tomorrow so I don't know how it will go. I depend on her to help me.
I got a few things accomplished and I have my work lined up for me tomorrow. I went to choir tonight. I no sooner get home from work, walk 'Danny, gobble down my dinner and out the door. I walked him again when I got home and again before coming up here to write. I hope he is in for the night.
It's off to bed for me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I should have walked Danny last night as I said I would. I was tired so I went to bed. He got me up at 2:30. He had to do his business. I feel back to sleep and I always wake up before the alarm goes off. I have been setting it as a back up just in case. This morning, I wondered what was that noise? I hate alarm clock noise. I was so beat late night; I decided not to go to Toastmasters tonight. I wanted to get to bed early. Well, it’s after 10:00.
Things went well at work. They are pleased with me. I made the adjust entry to fix the problem and we are going ahead with closing last month and then the quarter. Payroll was done today and I have to figure out what the previous person did to get the figures for the taxes. I have my work cut out for me tomorrow.
I’d better get off to bed so I can function tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Morning in Avalon
Another long day. I was up at 5:30 and took Danny for his walk. I got ready and took him to the kennel and then to work by 8:00. I had to leave at 9:40 to go to the pain doctor. They kept calling me back in for follow up because at one time I had been on codine for the shingles. The doctor looked at my chart and saw I wasn’t on it for about ten months so I don’t have to go back as often. Why didn’t they read my chart before calling me in?
Anyway, I wasn’t there long. I was only gone an hour from work and used it for my lunch hour. I got down to work to find the problem in the accounting. It was told it was in June. I calculated everything I could think of then checked the balance for May and that was off; I went back to April and found it. Now I have to figure out how to fix it.
I stopped at PetSmart on the way home to get Danny’s flea medicine. I made a wrong turn, got on the expressway by mistake and had to get off at the next exit and go clear across town to pick up Danny. I didn’t pick him up until after 6 and had to go out to the Women’s Service Group at church. I’m glad I prepared the minutes last night. I walked Danny and gobbled down my dinner. Fortunately, the meeting was only around the block.
I walked Danny when I got home but I’m going to have to take him out again as he hasn’t done his business yet and I know he has to go.
I better get him out there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a long day. I woke up at 4:00 and couldn’t fall back asleep because I was afraid I’d oversleep. I was anxious about the new job. I got up at 5:45, took Danny out to the fireplug and then made myself some coffee. I got ready and I don’t know where the time went. I hadn’t walked Danny but he was going to Erica’s.
He didn’t want to go in his kennel and I figured he might have to do his business. I gave his leash to Erica so she could walk him before putting him in the kennel. He doesn’t seem to go in the kennel. He must consider it his living space. I will try to get him walked tomorrow before taking him.
I arrived early and Bret was glad, as he had to go to the hospital in Philly. I hope he is OK. A couple other people were out to so I didn’t have much to do. I had the computer guy log me on and he will be setting me up with my login stuff.
I worked until 12:30 at the new job. I had an appointment with Ted’s client to help with the month end stuff. She wanted to be sure she knew how to do it and she did. It only took an hour to get through everything.
It went back to my job at Raritan and then had to go for my drug test. I was there for 2 hours and 15 minutes. I heard it was always like that. I should have brought my book. I figured I would just give a urine specimen and leave. It took an hour to get that far and then another hour for the doctor to see me for an exam. I passed with flying colors and my BP was 120/70. A benefit from walking Danny.
He is in bed now but I want to walk him one more time before turning in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.