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Ted's photo of water lillies taken Sept. 2005
Another hard day when the payroll had problems. It seemed to be going so well, I had completed it and was doing the taxes when I saw that someone on disability had gotten a paycheck. Everyone is on direct deposit so I had to call the bank to reverse the check and redo the payroll in our system so the tax report would be correct.
I walked Danny through the wooded trails this morning. There was frost on the fallen leaves. Danny charges through them. They are up to his belly. Tonight, the horse arena was lit so I walked Danny around it 4 times. He trots along at a quick pace. He's not sniffing every tree, bush and blade of grass to find who's been there. He did sniff the horse manure. I pulled him away befor he could roll in it.
I'd better hit the hay, I have a long day tomorrow. My cleaning lady comes so there will be the Chinese fire drell straightening up before I leave. The Choir I sing with will be singing at the Methodist Retirement Home where the choir director works. We have to meet at the church at 5:30 so I'll have to leave work early to pick up Danny and walk him before I go. I don't know when I'll eat dinner or what time I'll get home.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My Japanese maple turned a brilliant scarlet befroe dropping its leaves. Last year, they hung on until well into December. We had a couple days of freezing and then wind and rain. I guess that's what brought them down.
I stopped in Walmart on my way home from work. I ordered my new eyeglasses. They are exactly like the ones I got last time. I liked them so that's what I got. I also got a new toilet seat as the old one had cracks in the vinyl and was not very comfortable to sit on. I picked up Danny and walked him at the horse farm. They are preparing for the addition of min goats. Chuck was installing the fencing. It looks like he just needs to put the gate on and it will be ready for the goats. Danny will love barking at them. He barks at the horses, donkeys, rabbits, turkeys and cats. The only animals he doesn't bark at are Heidi and Cami the collies.
I ate my dinner, watered my plants and installed the new toilet seat. Now I am ready for bed. Payroll day is tomorrow. Wish me luck.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I get so tired at work. When I get home, I have my dinner and I'm ready for bed. I don't know if I should take Danny out now or just go to bed. The problem is, he may wake me up at 12:00 or 1,2 or 3am. I guess I'd better take me out. It had been a dark miseralbe day. Misty and foggy and dark. I hope it clears up for tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I have been working on the accounting for Ted's business. I need to get it all in order before the end of the year. There were only a few items so I let it go. Now, I'm in a rush to get it done.
I'm tired so I'll get to bed early.
Hope you like the photos of decorating the church.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Pam decorating the Christmas Tree
Diane, Edna, and Barbara
Atler decorations by Edna
Carolyn and Newt decorating the table for Christmas
Carolina Maple in gold plummage.
Scroll down for a look at what happened overnight.
I just got back from walking Danny. I got my sweet potato in the oven and I’m going to heat up some ham. I went to the church today and help to deck the halls for Christmas. Barbara, Pam, and Diane were putting up the tree. It’s the kind that has the lights attached so it made things easy. I helped with the top of the tree as I was the tallest. We put white ornaments and red bows. Edna had made the large centerpiece for behind the alter. Carolyn and Newt decorated the side tables with white tablecloths, green table scarves and candle centerpieces. Pam’s sister brought a cake, yellow with chocolate icing. She ironed all the tablecloths before they were put on the table.
When Barbara moved into her new house, they did some renovations and found beautiful white ceramic nativity pieces behind a wall. They are trimmed with gold. Barbara washed them up and we placed them on a table in the Narthex. Diane bought some real balsam wreaths and I put some red bows on them and hung them on the outside doors at the main entrance. Edna made some large bows for the two big wreaths that we hung on each side of the cross. We had some cake and tea during our break. The Advent wreath that was used last year looked more like Easter colors. We decided to take the lavender bows off and put the white bows from the ribbon Edna used for the two big wreaths that were up beside the cross. It tied all the decorations together. I found a fiber optic angel so we put it up on the organ.
We had a good time preparing for Advent and Christmas. When my dinner is ready, I will sit down and watch the movie my brother lent me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
November Roses
I had a nice Thanksgiving at my nephew, Rick's in Delaware. I came over to my brother Rick's in PA and road down with him and Sylvia. I took accepDanny with me. He was good except for Michelle's uncle brought his new Beagle puppy and Danny did not like her. I guess he thought she was invading his territory. we had to keep the dogs separated. I didn't wnat Danny to bite her. Michelle's dog has accepted Danny and they just kind of ignore each other. She snapped at Danny the first time we went there. I guess she had to let him know it was her territory. She is a Malteez. She is a little smaller than Danny.
We had a nice turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Rick has a nice big yard for me to let Danny run around in. They just had a four season room added to their house. Michelle had 3 tables set up for four people each. My grand nephew, Joey, was sitting at one of the tables when I walked into the room with my plate. He said, "Aunt Karol, you sit here." Then he indicated that Uncle Ed will sit on the other side of him and PopPop will sit across from him. I said, "This must be the kids table."
I need to get ready to go to the cemetary to pick out a marker for Ted. I'll post more later.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Work went a little easier today. I was able to fix my payroll and get the taxes done. We had pies at break time. I had a small sliver of pumpkin with whip cream and a small sliver of chocolate crème. At lunchtime, I had a small sliver of banana crème and cherry cheesecake. There were also apple pies and cherry as well as a plain cheesecake. They came from a popular bakery.
There were some other problems that require some research but things are calming down.
I walked Danny at the kennel. They have a horse area that has walls of vinyl. When the lights are on inside, it glows and provides good lighting to walk Danny around the building. Danny stuck his nose under the vinyl and I thought he was going to crawl under. He probably could if I let him. He wanted to go bark at the horse. I pulled him away because I didn’t want him to spook the horse while a kid was having her riding lessons.
Tonight, I went to the community Thanksgiving service. Many of the different denominations go together to have the service. Some parts of the service were in three languages: Hebrew, Spanish, and English. It is an interesting service with a catholic priest, two rabbis, (sounds like a joke) a Spanish Pastor, a Methodist, a Lutheran, a Presbyterian, and a pastor from the Assembly of God. There was also the pastor from the Mission is Atlantic City. He was the main speaker. The Mayor gives a Thank you to the community and St. Isadore’s provides a bottle of sparkling apple cider and desserts made by the ladies of St. Isadore’s Church.
Danny was calling me to bed an hour ago so I guess I’ll join him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, I did the payroll all by myself. It went well until I realized I forgot the new girl. I set her up in the computer but she didn't have a time card so I forgot to put in her hours. I don't know how I'm going to fix it as the pay ties into the taxes that I have to send. Luckily, I did it a day early so I have tomorrow to fix it.
I got the oil in my car changed today. The honda dealer takes me to work and picks me up. It was fine going but a different guy picked me up and he wasn't familiar with Millville. I think he go lost a couple times trying to find where I work. I was still able to get my car during lunch, get some gas and get back to work on time.
I am going to start looking for another person to help out in the office. We need a receptionist and hopefully one who knows accounting. The search begins.
I'm tired out. Payroll stresses me out. I hate when it goes 2 days because I am stressed for two days. I still have to do some work for Eastern Business to get it closed out by the end of the year.
It's off to bed for now.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Work went OK today. Things seem to be leveling out. Tomorrow, I do payroll so we'll see how it goes.
I went to the doctors after work to get my flu shot so I got home late and I am tired. Time to hit the hay.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When I thought I was going to sell my house and move, I wanted to take the Tiffany Chandelier with me. I needed a replacement and went to a second hand store. Their chandeliers were $50.00. I had no job so I put off making the purchase. Yesterday, the house across the street from my garage had a chandelier thrown out on the curb. What luck. I walked over, picked it up and put it in my garage. I’ll clean it up and have it ready for when I do move. The lady, who owned the house, sold it to her nephew. He fixed it up and is selling it. He appears to have done a lot of work. I don’t know what the lady did to the house, as it was immaculate when the previous owner sold it to her.
I felt exhausted all day until now that it’s time to go to bed. However, I’m going to bed. I need lots of rest to face my job in the morning. It takes a lot out of me. Maybe because I’m not a morning person and getting up 5AM is not in my nature. Anyway, it’s off to bed with me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I'm tired. I don't feel as if I'm getting enough sleep. I seem to wake up at 5:00am, whether it's a weekday or weekend. I did go back to bed this morning after taking Danny out. I went to WaWa's to get some money at the ATM and then went to the cleaners. I went in the dollar store to get a couple things. I watered my plants, went through my mail and looked up a couple things in my computer. It was then time to get ready to go to my nephew's in Del. We celebrated his and my nephew-in-law's 40th birthdays. I decided to leave Danny home as a lot of people were going to be there. It was also almost dark and Danny whines and cries when it is dark. He likes to look out the window and he can't see anything in the dark. He gets bored, like a little ked. I guess he's saying, "Are we there yet": It's a good thing I left him because; I got in a gridlock of traffic at the bridge. If he started whining, I would not have been able to pull over and walk him in that traffic.
I'm ready to hit the hay.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
November Rose.
Today went a little better. While trying to figure out the electronic deposit machine, I noticed my new employee was not responding properly. she didn't seem to understand what I wanted her to do and it was a very simple task. I saw another lady who helped her yesterday and waved her over to me. She talked to the girl and called for another diabetic to see if they had a blood sugar tester. He didn't and the shop supervisor called her family and got no answer. He then called the EMT's who came out, tested her blood sugar and found it to be very low. They gave her some insulin and an IV then took her to the emergency room. Her family called as she was going out the door and went to meet her at the hospital.
She came back good as new. It seems she had taken some Echinea (not sure of the spelling) for her cold and it causes a drop in sugar.
The IT guy and I got the electronic deposit machine to work with the help of a conference call to the bank. The IT guy finished the deposit while we were attend to the diabetic.
The rest of the day went smoothly. No one complained about the payroll so that was good.
Time to get some dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The payroll finally got sent. The company owner had been working on it for 2 days even though he has just gotten out of the hospital and should have been resting. He was in the office early this morning and should really have been home in bed. It took the rest of the day to finish up with the taxes and other entries that have to be made. We are hiring two more people. They are for the shop though and I need to hire a receptionist/customer service person to work in the front office.
I walked Danny along the lane of the horse farm. Less chance of deer bounding between the electric fences that corral the horses. He trots along at a good pace. There aren't any other dogs marking territory where Danny has to stop at every tree, bush or tuft of grass. We walked near the rabbit cages and Danny was underneath and looked up. Oh, something to bark at. He stood on his hind legs to get a better snip of them. Then he went happily into the kennel to play with Camie. Heidi is kept to herself. She is getting to be an old dog. I hope she is OK. I noticed she didn't eat her food all day.
I went to the Human Resource meeting tonight. I learned about more rules that you have to be aware of. I'll have to make sure my company is up to date on these things.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I barely have time to send off a little note. The payroll went horrible. Something was wrong with the file and I couldn't send it to the bank. No one was in the office to help me. Two were out for surgery and the other was at a boat show in Amsterdam. I was not set up with the Id and password so when I called the bank, they shut the account down. It took all day to get me set up with an ID and password. The customer Service girl was out with a doctor's appointment and the other person is on vacation. We were unbelievably short handed. I hope it is all straightened out tomorrow. I don't want to face irate employees because their pay is messed up again. I think it should go OK but what a nightmare. Murphy's Law rules at this company.
I walked Danny around the trails at the horse farm tonight and he found something awful to rub his face and neck in. I read where deer poo is a favorite stink substance for dogs to rub or roll in. I thought I had pulled him away in time but when I put him in the car and went to fasten his harness-seatbelt, I got some on my hand. It was fowl. I had some wipes in the car and cleaned off my hand but Danny had a horrific aroma all the way home. He went right into the tub. I guess the sampoo smelled as horrible to him as the deer poo did to me.
I had to get ready for my cleaning lady to come tomorrow and now it is past time for bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
it wasn't too bad at work today. the chaos will start tomorrow. I have payroll to do and no one will be there if I need help. The girl who is out on disability didn't leave any instructions for the work she does. We have no password to use the deposit machine. It's an electronic device that you run your check through and they get deposited in the bank. This bank has no local branch so we can even write out a deposit slip and take it to the bank. She also handled the account for one of our biggest clients and no one knows how to enter their orders. Again, it's all done electronically. So much for modern technology.
I just hope the payroll goes well. The other stuff will straighten out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today, it wasn't so bad at work. Hardly anyone is there. Two people are on vacation and two are in the hospital. Both had surgery. There were some small problems that came up but we managed to solve them. The challenge will come on Wednesday when I do the payroll. There will be absolutely no one to help me. There have been changes to the Aflac and I am trying to get the data into the computer. It's a nightmare working with the software. We had to get technical support to do a check that was a partial payment. It took 4 hours to do it.
Danny is doing just fine. I think I was more upset over his ordeal then he was. He was happily playing with his collie friend, Cami. I walked him this morning along the trails around the kennel and then again toinght. It seems too dangerous to walk him around the neighborhood. Star was the 5th big dog that got away or broke off it's lead. The other four were friendly to Danny. But one never knows. There is a pit bull across the street and a husky dog up the block. I don't know what they would do if they got away. The dogs get no socialization with other dogs.
Well I'd better hit the hay. I really get tired getting up at 5am.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a good scare today. I was walking Danny and stopped to talk to my neighbor. She was out on top of her porch roof. I asked her what she was doing on the roof and she was washing the 2nd floor windows. Just then, her friend’s rotweiller broke loose and attacked Danny. I saw her mouth go around his body, I screamed, and I shoved Star away from Danny and scooped him up in my arms. Being a huge dog, she kept nipping up at him and I saw a big wad of white poodle fur in her mouth. My neighbor yelled to take Danny onto her porch and I did. I looked over and there was no blood or bite marks. Danny was shaking and I calmed him down. My friend got Star under control while I carefully examined Danny. She thought Star and several other neighbors thought Star had attacked me the way I was screaming.
Danny seemed to be fine. When I got home, I did see a little spot under his tail where she had pulled his fur out. I put some Neosporin on it. He I and spent the rest of the day vegetating on the sofa. He layed down with me. Maybe he sensed how upset I was. I had hoped to get some rest this weekend before going back to my stressful job. The ciaos just doesn’t seem to stop. I’m going to go to bed early tonight and hope for a better day tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today was my father's birthday. He would have been 97 if he had lived. He passed away 10 years ago. Doesn't seem that long.
I typed up a long blog last night but for some reason, it didn't post. I vented about what an awful day I had Friday. The payroll didn't post through to the bank and there were a lot of unhappy employees.
Today was much better. Don came down and helped me install the two doors in the guestroom. One is the closet door and the other is the door to the room. It had cleaned up the hinges and put them on but one set was backwards. Don changed them and we both carried the doors upstairs. He put them on there hinges. One of the pins was difficult to get in but we figured out how to get it in. The closet door is a little snug where the latch is. I may just be able to sand the paint off the latch and it will fit. I still have to clean up the door knobs and plates that go behind the doornobs.
We had some lunch and then took the airconditioners to the basement. That went well, too. I have to wrap them with plastic bags so the plaster dust doesn't get all over them but that's two projects that are more or less completed.
Danny was happy to see Don. He likes to lay on his lap. He used to lay on Ted's lap. Maybe he missed laying in Ted's lap. He likes to lay in my brother Rick's lap, too. When they are around, Danny seems to prefer laying in there laps rather than mine. But the minute I stand, he is ready to follow me.
News from the Vorlon Wife..
Another November Rose.
I have to go to a sales training meeting this morning at 7AM. I didn't go to my Toastmasters meeting because I would have been wide awke upon returning and wouldn't have gotten the proper rest. I did the payroll yesterday without much of a hitch. I still have to stuff the checks into the envelopes but at least the hard part is done. I have to fax some stuff to unemployment office. There are always problems. We seem to solve a problem and they come back to haunt us.
Danny woke me up at 4 this morning but it will give me time to get to the office by 7, It's only 32 degrees this morning. It will probably drop down colder at sunrise. I don't know why but it seems to do that. I think the wind picks up when the sun comes up.
I'd better get going.
News fromthe Vorlon Wife.
Roses in November. I doubt if they will last much longer. We had a good frost yesterday and again today. My impatiens are still hanging in there but the leaves are still on the trees and they are protected. I did notice my vincas didn't hold up. It's hard to tell because I left in the dark yesterday morning and returned in the dark. I had a sales meting at 7AM. It was rather difficult because it was a Sandler sales training and Ted took the Sandler Training. It reminded me of him. I was able to pick out some things that the sales people missed mainly because Ted played the sales ta[es over and over in the car.
I am off to a Human Resources Seminar this morning. It's up in Haddonfield so I'll have to battle the traffic heading for Philadelphia. I'd better get ready.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I have to go to a sales training meeting this morning at 7AM. I didn't go to my Toastmasters meeting because I would have been wide awke upon returning and wouldn't have gotten the proper rest. I did the payroll yesterday without much of a hitch. I still have to stuff the checks into the envelopes but at least the hard part is done. I have to fax some stuff to unemployment office. There are always problems. We seem to solve a problem and they come back to haunt us.
Danny woke me up at 4 this morning but it will give me time to get to the office by 7, It's only 32 degrees this morning. It will probably drop down colder at sunrise. I don't know why but it seems to do that. I think the wind picks up when the sun comes up.
I'd better get going.
News fromthe Vorlon Wife.
My Red Japanese Maple Tree turns GREEN in the fall. It has bright red seeds and looks like Christmas. Later, the tree will turn bright red.
I got a good nights sleep last night and felt good today. I got some things done at work but it seems never to end. I still have to close out Sept. I'm stuck on an adjustment. I don't know how to do it and it's hard to nail someone down to help me with it. I went to the dentist this morning and when I got to work and turned on my computer, there was an error message. The IT guy had to work on it for over an hour. It's hard to get things done with out the computer.
I went to the Women'n Service Circle tonight. We mostly discussed the Christmas dinner. We are going to have a covered dish at the church.
I hope I feel good enough to go to Toastmasters tomorrow. I hope I sleep good tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Just a little note tonight. I didn't sleep well last night. I don't know whther it's the time change or what. I hope to sleep better tonight. Another tough day at the office. I keyed in a bunch of spreadsheets and the computer got the blue screen of death. It lost everything I keyed in and I had to start over. I managed to research a couple bills and get them paid. The data comes off, you guessed it, more spreadsheets. I'll have to research some more tomorrow.
Right now it's off to count some zzz's.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got some things on my list accomplished this weekend. I gave Danny his bath yesterday and got my clothes ready for the week. I made a beef stew and put it in the crock-pot to cook all day. I decided not to go to lunch with my friends from church because I wanted to get the house plants cleaned up and sprayed so I could bring them in the house. I got that job done. I got the Women's Service Circle minutes typed up so I'm ready for the meeting. I need to update the Nature Club Member list and send to Marian so she can call the people about the Christmas dinner. I’ll do that next. I took Danny for his long walk and met Ray and Ellen along the way. We went for a nice long walk. Danny needs more exercise. We are not walking as much as we did before I started working at Raritan. He stays in his kennel all day. I try to walk him in the early morning before work and then a long walk before dinner and a short walk before bed. He used to get walked 6 times a day. He has gained two pounds since March. He was extra skinny when we got him. He is OK in weight but he shouldn't gain anymore. I am unable to feel his ribs like I used to. I'll have to get him a treadmill with a TV screen of Animal Planet. He can chase after the dogs and cats as well as other animals and people.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Last week was a tough week but by the end of the day on Friday, I felt like I was getting a handle on the job. Maria and I figured out the taxes and got them off. The software gives a report with the total sales and the tax amount. It doesn't give the taxable sales. Many vendors are tax exempt. It took me awhile but I was able to figure it out by using the percentage. I also didn't help that the people before me made mistakes. We had to go back to the person who did it last year and follow what she did. I still have to close Sept and then start on closing Oct. I started out behind as I was hired in Oct. and was working on closing Aug. Now, it's Nov. and I'm closing Sep. The software is difficult to use. It is in no way user friendly. At least I am getting a clue as to the procedures.
I was going to go to a Toastmaster's contest today but I was just too exhausted to get up at 5:00 on Saturday. I did get up and take Danny out but I went back to bed. I felt I needed the rest. I hope this week is not as exhausting as last. I want to go to the Toastmaster meeting on Wed. I have missed a few meetings because I come home too tired.
I just gave Danny his bath. He tolerates it but doesn't like it. He likes being dried off and having the hair dryer dry him. He doesn't like being brushed especially his back legs and backside. He doesn’t like being touched there. He has a big mat on his backside and he won't sit still for me to cut it off. Maybe because he was fixed, he doesn’t like scissors anywhere near his back end.
The sun is trying to come out. We got no rain from the tropical storm. They may have down at the shore. The surf is up. I wonder if any surfers are out there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted took this photo of a sugar maple on Nov. 5, 2005. We liked to walk in the cemetary near our home. It has beautiful maples this time of year.
I worked on the payroll most of the day with Maria. It seems everything seems to go wrong. We spent hours trying to figure out why the total hours were on one report and different on another. We finally discovered the new girl was not set up in the computer as direct deposit. I felt like a zombie trying to figure out what was wrong.
I had a management meeting today, too. I also had two calls from Ted's clients who needed help. One was easy to fix and the other I had to refer to Marty. He took over for Ted.
I went to choir practice tonight and vegetated on the sofa. I picked out my photo for Friday's Flowerblog and now I am off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife