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I cleaned the fish tank today. I didn't get much else done. I woke up with a headache and vegetated for a while. I went to Wal-Mart and got a VCR/DVD combination. My VCR went caput and my DVD isn't working properly. I thought it was the rentals I was getting from the Video store but my brother lent me a couple of his movies and I still had the same problem with fading in and of blue screen. I decided to get the combo. Wal-Mart had a good price. At least I thought so until I got home and found there was no place to plug in the antenna. It was a player only and not a recorder. I packed it back up and will return it tomorrow. What a bummer. It never dawned on me that player only units were available. Anyway, I had a bummer of a day. I felt sad and thought of Ted all day and how much I miss him.
I feel like I am burned out from my job. I ran the financials for Oct. and some things are screwed up. I believe it is the journal entries that I did. I followed what the person before me had done and I have no clue what she was doing and I don't think she had a clue either. It just seems like on crisis after another. Sonia will be back on Monday and the new lady, Rita is working out well. She was a big help to me on Friday. Maybe things will smooth out. I hope I can fix October. I had to do it blind. No one to show me how to do it. I feel burned out and all alone.
Right now, I'll join my Danny Boy for a long winter's nap.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Wow! Friday already. I missed blogging a couple days as I came home from work exhausted. The payroll went well at least I think it did. I'll find out when I go in this morning. If no one is at my door, then it will be good news. I also had to get the accounts payable ready. The invoices had to be coded and matched with their paperwork. The new lady, Rita, helped me with it. I put the young scholl girl to work typing some invoices for me. She is a School to Work student and is doing very well. She only works 4 hours. I wish she could work more but she has to go to school and the child labor laws prevent her from working longer.
I got home last night to find a lovely basket of flowers waiting for me. They were beautiful. They were from The Vorlon's parents. They had pink lilies, pink roses and tulips, yellow sunflowers and mums.
Alex brought my mail and papers over to me and there was a package from LL Bean. There was no gift card so I don't know whom it is from. If you are one of my readers, thank you very much for the lovely surprise. It is a soothing pack that can be used either hot or cold. I had a Charlie horse in my leg last night and now it is sore so I'll try out the pack today.
I didn't get Ted's company's work finished so I'll be working on it this weekend. I have to work on Monday but we'll be getting out early. Yippee. I can use the rest.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Christmas Eve
We went to my nephew, Rick's to see the new baby. I sat down with my grand nephew, Joey and read him The Night Before Christmas. I don't think I had ever read that to a child. My mother would read it to my younger brother and me. I was a wonderful experience. I held my grand niece, Ryleigh for a while after we had our dinner. We took the dinner to their house as the baby is only a week old. We took some chicken, mashed potatoes and coleslaw as well as plenty of goodies. Rick and Michelle gave me a Tiffany lamp candle.
We didn't stay too long as the baby has been keeping them up at night and they were very tired.
We came home, changed our clothes and went to the 11:00 church service at the Holmes Presbyterian Church. It is the church I grew up in and Ted and I were married there. The same minister is still there. The service was rather long as it was a Communion Service and the sermon was on the long side too. I thought of how proud my parents would be looking down from heaven to see the four of us at the Christmas Service. I think it was a first as Ted and I have always lived away and didn't come to visit until Christmas Day.
We no sooner got home from the service when he fire radio started beeping. My brother, Rick is the county Fire Marshall. There was a house on fire and people were trapped inside. He went to the fire and didn't get home until after 3am.
Christmas Day.
We all woke up late and still tired.
We got ready by 11am to go to my nephew, Bob's. We took their gifts to them. The children loved their gifts. I gave them books and they were happy with my choices. My brother, Don, gave them each a game that they thought was very cool. We got some delicious cakes from Bob and Dana. After, Bob's, we headed for my niece, Tina's for Christmas Dinner. There were ten of us for dinner. Sean and Tina just had a new fire place put in. The room was toasty warm. I left Danny Boy at Rick's as Tina and Sean have three dogs and one is a German Sheppard. I didn't know how he would accept Danny as it is chancy taking a male dog into another male dog's house. We all had a good dinner of turkey with the trimmings. We exchanged our gifts. Most gifts were small items. I got a bottle of wine, a family photo frame, and a big tin of pop corn. I also got some tools for renovating my house and a George Forman Grill with three grills. One for steaks, one for pancakes and I don't remember the other. Don gave Danny boy a canister of treats. It is shaped like a fire plug.
When we got home, I took Danny out for a walk and heard the fire whistle go off. I saw Rick diving away as we were completing the walk. It was a chimney fire. Danny just came down from our room and barked at Rick. He didn't recognize him in his fire attire.
Back to work tomorrow morning. It is payroll day. I'll leave here around 7. Go home, change and drop off Danny.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Tonight's the big night. Children will fall asleep looking out the window for those reindeer pulling the sled full of toys and Saint Nicholas, too.
I arrived at my brother, Rick's yesterday afternoon. It was a nasty rainy day. Traffic was light but Danny was whiney. He's gotten used to me stopping at the WaWa and take him out for a little walk. He knows about five minutes ahead of time that we are getting near. He also knew when we were getting near Rick's.
We are slowly getting ready for the day. After breakfast, we will be going to the cemetery and the model train store right next to it. Rick needs a part for his platform. I need to pick up a centerpiece for my aunt's gift and take it to her. We'll be going to my nephew's late this afternoon to see the new baby and then to Holmes Church at night.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It's the first day of winter and seems more like the first day of spring.
The Company Holiday Party was very nice. I invited a friend, Wendy, who is also a widow. She used to work at Raritan so she knew all the people perhaps even better than I know them. Her husband had a heart attack and died at age 47 just shortly before Ted. She has a twelve-year-old son. Her portents moved back here from PA to help her and be near her.
The food was good and it was held at a nice place. It is about 5 minutes from my house so the drive was a short one. The production manager and I worked things out so we could all leave an hour and a half early. Some people live an hour’s drive away so we gave them plenty of time to go home, get ready, get their spouse or significant other and get back. The owner's daughter came in and wanted to sit with Wendy and me. Her husband joined us later. He is the IT man in the company so had to work later than the rest of us. We were joined by the owner, the Engineering VP, and his wife.
As I watched the young people dance, it reminded me of when I was that age and made me feel old. One doesn't notice the aging until you see the contrast. It was difficult to be in that setting without Ted.
I have a few things to finish up before the big day. Merry Christmas and God bless you and your families.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
O Tannenbaum! This was taken by Ted December 23, 2004.
I haven't even had time to put my tree up this year. Hopefully, I can do it tomorrow, but I have a lot to do tomorrow.
I haven't had much time for shopping so it will be gift certificates for all.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Toastmasters tonight. It was a small turnout but a delighful meeting. I stopped in Borders Bookstore on the way back and picked up a Video and some books for th children I give gifts to. Today, I used my lunch hour or part of it to go to the post office, get stamps and went into a flower store. They had various stuffed animals and a Raggety Anne Doll. I got the doll for my new grandneice. I remember enjoying my Raggerty Anne Doll when I was a kid.
Danny tried to nail me down on the bed. He layed on top of me. I brought him directly home from Eric;s, gave him his dinner and left for Toastmanster's. I guess he wanted to make sure I didn't leave him again.
I got a pleasant surprise in the mail today. I friend I used to teach English to sent me a silver heart to let me know I was in her heart and prayers. She did not know that Ted had passed. There are a few friends who do not know. I feel bad as they still are praying for Ted's recovery. I wrote a letter but never got it sent off. Now, I put it in their Christmas card. So many things I let slip by.
Payroll went OK today but there may be a problem with the 401k plan because of the Christmas bonus checks. Always something.
Tomorrow is the company Christmas Dinner. Should be interesting.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We have a new addition to our family. Ryliegh Elizabeth Orrell was born this morning. She is the daughther of my nephew and his wife, Rick and Michelle Orrell. She is 6 lbs 10 oz. and is 17 inches long. She sounds like she is petite.
Work is always trying. Kim had to correct the payroll for me while I leaned to do the Accounts Payable. Sonia will be out for about a week with eye surgery. She typed up a list of instructions for me to use. She has been a good and thoughful worker. A new lady starts tomorrow. it should ease some of the pressure fromthe front office. I hope things get so they run smoothly.
I'm feeling rather tired so I'll take Danny out and call it a night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went out at lunchtime to go to the bank and to look for some gifts. I found a gift but not exactly, what I was looking for. I have a couple more places to look so hopefully I'll find it. I really haven't had time to shop. I've been so busy with Ted's company and with my job. I'm really tired out when I get home.
Danny is napping. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten up to go out for his walk. He usually knows his schedule and is ready to go. He must be tired, too. He must have played hard today although he was in the house and she keeps him in a crate. She was bringing him out as I arrived. He was all excited to see me and then he barked at the goats. They are fainting goats and faint when they get scared so I didn't let Danny get too close. I didn't want him to scare them.
No other news to tell. Work is like banging my head against the wall. The software is horrendous to work with. I worked on the Christmas bonus today. I made a little entry mistake and there was no way to fix it, at least I couldn't find a way. Once you enter something, that's it. You can't click on it or go back to it. You are toast. I had to call the Tech line and they had to come into my computer to fix it. I can't even delete the entry without giant through a whole giant process. I felt like putting my foot through the computer. It's unbelievable. Now, my new girl is having surgery and will be out for a week. My other girl just came back from surgery but is having some complications. I hope she will be OK. I also will be starting another new girl on Thursday. She is really anxious for the job and seems like a good fit. I hope to get things going smoothly. I’ve only been there two months and I feel like I need a vacation.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Congratulations to Ruth and her husband on their 30th Anniversary. Many more years of happiness to you.
I fixed m problems with the accounting for Ted's company. I still have to enter some stuff in the computer for Oct thru December.
I went to see the Singing Ambassadors Christmas Show. Ted and I always went together. I feel so lost without him and everywhere I look reminds me of him. I met a friend from the Nature Club at the show and sat with her. It was a lovely show as usual.
I'm really beat so I'm going to turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I've been pretty tired. I went to the Nature Club dinner last night; I went to the kennel, walked Danny, came home, fed him and went to pick up a woman to take to the dinner. We got there just in time. It was a nice dinner, catered by someone the nature club people knew. It was a delicious meal of pork, sweet potatoes, Waldorf salad, rolls, green beans, cranberry relish, fresh fruit and desserts of pumpkin pie tarts, brownie tarts, macaroons, cookies and chocolate covered pretzels. The Naturalist gave a little talk on snow and snowflakes and our president who is also the organist at my church played the keyboard as we sang Christmas Carols. We had a special treat as one of our members sings with The Singing Ambassadors and she led the singing. She also sang two solos; O Holy Night and Little Jesus Boy. She is singing the latter in the program this weekend. I hope to go tomorrow afternoon.
I started today by going to the credit union to take care of some business. On the way, I stopped at the Italian Farmer's and bought the grave blankets for the cemetery. I'll take them over next weekend. I have them outside. I hope they don't blow away in tomorrow's storm.
I finally found another of the problems with the cash for Ted's company. I'll fix it tomorrow. I wanted to get the mower out and cut the flowers down in the flowerbeds. I had to go get some gas so I went to a couple stores near by. I got my Christmas Cards, some gift bags and some ribbon. When I pulled into the gas station the guy said, "Don't you want gas for your car?" I gave him the red can and said, "Give me a dollars worth, that's all I can afford." He gave me a strange look and put the gas in the can.
I put some of the gas in the mower and it took a lot of pulls to get it started. It had been sitting for a while. I chopped down all the beds and it looks nice. It is ready for Spring and ready for the guys to come rake the leaves. I don't like them doing my flower beds. We stopped using one company because they broke down my rhododendron and azaleas. The azaleas recovered but the little rhododendron did not.
I took Danny with me as I went to pick up my prescription but they said it was too soon. I had to wait a few days. The doctor's office wants me to order it a week ahead of time but they called it in right away. Now I have to go back. I bought a cute rocking horse to give to the Toys for Tots. We have a box at work. I thought it would be a great give for a kid to find under the tree. I finished my shopping trip by getting a few things at the Acme.
I walked Danny, fed him and myself and watched a movie. Now I am ready for bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Having trouble connecting to the intenet. I don't have time for this, it's past my bedtime.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Well, I found out that my deposits went into my personall account rather than the compamy account. I can get that straingtened out easy enough. I called the bank because I had a receipt for one of the deposit and as I was talking to the lady, I saw the account number and knew what I had done. Dumb!!
I'm really beat tonigh so I am going to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got the bank statements after work. I drove to the branch where DDH did its banking. It is right near the expressway so it was easy to get to. They had the envelope waiting for me at the drive in window. I found two deposits in April that the bank does not have on the statement for April. I have a receipt for one but can't find the receipt for the other. I'll have to call the person who sent it to me to see if it has been canceled.
Work went OK. Maria came back from being on disability. She spent all day trying to figure out what we had done with her work while she was gone. It will probably take her a month to sort it out.
The owner of the company I work for has not been well. he had a bad cold and now it has gone into pnuemonia. I keep praying he will be all right. I have been worried about him. I want very much to get things on the right track for his company. I am plowing through most of the stuff.
Off to bed now. I hope it clears up, i'm tired of the rain and fog.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Still having problems getting the indormation to close Dodecahedron. Four statements are missing so I'll have to contact the bank tomorrow to see if I can get them.
Today, after church, the Women's Service Circle had a covered dish dinner for the church people. It was very nice. I made a Waldorf salad. There was turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sause, sweets, snow peas, sauage, macaroni, baked beans and more. Serval desserts and cookies. Everyone brought a $5.00 gift to exchange. We each picked out a wrapped gift and sat in a circle. Lola read "The Night Before Chistmas" and every time she said the word "the" , we had to pass our gift to the person on our right. When the poem was finished, we got to keep the gift we had in our hands. I brought a fancy tin of gormet pop-corn. The lady who got mine, must not have like it as she switched with the lady next to her. Usuall,y people really like the pop-corn. Ted and I each took a pop-corn tin to a Chamber of Commerce meeting and the greeters at the door put our pop-corn away for themselves. I thought "Thats not fair" They knew what it was and didn't want to take a chance on getting something they didn't like.
I got a red bag with a Gingerman on it. It was filled with Gingerbread scented bath items such as shower jel, soap and body lotion. I hope I'm not allergic to the Gingerbread scent. I can tolerate some fruit scents but I'm not sure about spices. I'll have to take a sniff and if it's too strong, I'll have to re-gift it. Well I'm going to get to bed early.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the credit union took care of some business before going to the hairdressers. My perm didn't come out good when I had it done about 5 weeks ago. Rob redid it and did not charge me for it. It was nice of him as I had let it go for so long before going back. I then went to the Health forrd store and got a couple things. I walked Danny when I got home and got some lunch for us. I worked on Ted's compnay all afternoon trying to track down why my cash is off. Some things were posted twice. Cash was off over $5000.00 and now is off a little over $800.00. I getting close but am tired so I'll try again tomorrow.
Time to get some rest.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My neighbors Bradford pear tree. Taken by Ted Dec. 2004. I took a shot of Rita's tree the other day so I'll post it for comparison later.
Thing have been hectic. Thursday night when the choir went to sing at the Methodist Retirement Home, the choir director told me not to leave my car at the church; he’d come and pick me up. That was fine but after the Service, everyone wanted to go to a restaurant on the way home and eat. I had no choice but to go with them. Everyone driving was going except for Edna who bolted out right after the service before I knew about the restaurant. I didn’t get home and get to bed until midnight. Danny wasn’t able to get out to go so there were 2 messes to clean up. One in the laundry room and one on the sun porch. Poor little guy. He must have wondered where I was.
I had to be up at 5:15 to get ready for work and drop Danny off at the kennel. I forgot to take my medication for the nerve damage from my shingles. Things went wrong at work and really had me flustered. I then got some extreme pain shooting around my ribs and realized I hadn’t taken my pill. Fortunately, I had some with me and took it. I was exhausted Friday, Saturday and today.
Saturday, I had 3 projects to do. One was to finish up with the computer entry so I could take the information to the accountant. That didn’t go well so I went on to project 2, bathing and grooming the dog. I made the water deep so he could soak. He was not a happy camper. I got him bathed and then the fun part came. Drying him off and brushing his fur. He gets frisky and runs around the house. He likes to get dry and he plays with the towel. He don’t mind the hair dryer as he knows it dries him off. He doesn’t like to be trimmed up.
I managed to get some of his mats brushed out. I have to work on him some more. I wanted him to be dry before his next walk. I cleaned up the towels and did some wash. I got my clothiers ready for Sat. night and the rest of the week.
At 5:40, I left for the church. It was the minister’s appreciation dinner and I was looking forward to going. I wondered why the parking lot was so full as I thought I was early. It turns out the dinner was at 4 not 6. I got there after it was over. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. If Ted had been there, he would not have been pleased with me. I was not pleased with myself. Everyone thought I had to work. I should have said yes and they wouldn’t have thought I was such an idiot. They fixed me a plate and gave me a lot of food to take home.
I was still tired this morning. I did my third project, which was cleaning the fish tank. I sang in the choir and made a beeline for the door after the service. I didn’t go out with my friends for lunch. I went home and had a message on my machine. At first, I didn’t understand what was being said, as I didn’t know the caller. Then I realized she said that my good friend Marian Ricci had passed away. I just broke down in tears. I had known Marian for over 20 years. We worked together at the Red Cross. We shared good times and bad. I can’t believe she’s gone. I don’t know what happened to her. She was also a good friend of my cleaning lady so I’ll have to give her a call. She was also the aunt of my accountant. Vineland, even though it is a city, it is also a small town.
I did some work on Ted’ company but I have to do some more. I need some help from the man who took over for Ted and bought the client list. I never closed the year 2006 so I am unable to run the financials.
I’m going to hit the hay and try to get a good nights rest.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Short blog tonight. I am beat. I went to my friends funeral service today and then back to work. Work is always a challenge. Each day brings more problems. I am nearly finished closing Oct. I went through pretty quickly. Tomorrow is payroll and that is always a challenge. I also want to finish closing Oct.
Everyone felt the same about my friend Marian. She always had a cheerful smile. Sometimes she had such a sense of humor that we would doulble over in laughter. I will miss her.
Danny is waiting for me to come to bed so I'm off to join him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was really windy today. A tree brach was blowing against the house making a screeching noise on the window. Danny barked at the west wall. He didn't know what the noise was. I wondered what in the world he was barking at so I went over and heard the noise.
Work went OK. There is always some difficult problem going on. Kim worked all day on the bank and cash accounts to figure out what was going on with them. The computer prints a report and then the same information is put on a spreadsheet. Kim and I don't see the reasoining for the spreadsheet. Bret and I discovered another spreadsheet that was worthless because the software program give us the same printout.
We are slowly figuring out the problems.
Marty helped me close the books for 2006 for Ted's company. It wasn't too hard once I figured out the password that was needed for the backup. Now, I have to finish 2007 and close out the company. It's rather sad.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Thing have been hectic. Thursday night when the choir went to sing at the Methodist Retirement Home, the choir director told me not to leave my car at the church; he’d come and pick me up. That was fine but after the Service, everyone wanted to go to a restaurant on the way home and eat. I had no choice but to go with them. Everyone driving was going except for Edna who bolted out right after the service before I knew about the restaurant. I didn’t get home and get to bed until midnight. Danny wasn’t able to get out to go so there were 2 messes to clean up. One in the laundry room and one on the sun porch. Poor little guy. He must have wondered where I was.
I had to be up at 5:15 to get ready for work and drop Danny off at the kennel. I forgot to take my medication for the nerve damage from my shingles. Things went wrong at work and really had me flustered. I then got some extreme pain shooting around my ribs and realized I hadn’t taken my pill. Fortunately, I had some with me and took it. I was exhausted Friday, Saturday and today.
Saturday, I had 3 projects to do. One was to finish up with the computer entry so I could take the information to the accountant. That didn’t go well so I went on to project 2, bathing and grooming the dog. I made the water deep so he could soak. He was not a happy camper. I got him bathed and then the fun part came. Drying him off and brushing his fur. He gets frisky and runs around the house. He likes to get dry and he plays with the towel. He don’t mind the hair dryer as he knows it dries him off. He doesn’t like to be trimmed up.
I managed to get some of his mats brushed out. I have to work on him some more. I wanted him to be dry before his next walk. I cleaned up the towels and did some wash. I got my clothiers ready for Sat. night and the rest of the week.
At 5:40, I left for the church. It was the minister’s appreciation dinner and I was looking forward to going. I wondered why the parking lot was so full as I thought I was early. It turns out the dinner was at 4 not 6. I got there after it was over. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. If Ted had been there, he would not have been pleased with me. I was not pleased with myself. Everyone thought I had to work. I should have said yes and they wouldn’t have thought I was such an idiot. They fixed me a plate and gave me a lot of food to take home.
I was still tired this morning. I did my third project, which was cleaning the fish tank. I sang in the choir and made a beeline for the door after the service. I didn’t go out with my friends for lunch. I went home and had a message on my machine. At first, I didn’t understand what was being said, as I didn’t know the caller. Then I realized she said that my good friend Marian Ricci had passed away. I just broke down in tears. I had known Marian for over 20 years. We worked together at the Red Cross. We shared good times and bad. I can’t believe she’s gone. I don’t know what happened to her. She was also a good friend of my cleaning lady so I’ll have to give her a call. She was also the aunt of my accountant. Vineland, even though it is a city, it is also a small town.
I did some work on Ted’ company but I have to do some more. I need some help from the man who took over for Ted and bought the client list. I never closed the year 2006 so I am unable to run the financials.
I’m going to hit the hay and try to get a good nights rest.
News from the Vorlon Wife