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Happy Birthday to my cousin, Jan.
I had to be at work at 7am for the sales training meeting and I forgor to tell Erica. I had to wake them before 6:30 to let Danny in the house as it was 17 degrees and I didn't want to leave him outside in the kennel for half an hour. They might not have known he was there as they would be waiting for my car.
The sales training was for 3 hours and then we had a Pizza Party to celebrate our Excellent review of our ISO 9001 audit. There are a lot of tough rules for this audit and we passed with flying colors. The Pizza was my idea and they were happy with my suggestion.
I had some accouting work to do and then I had to do the cost roll up for the month before I left. That went well and I got out by 5. I will be having some dinner and heading to choir practice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
it's been a long, hard day. The W2's finally got printed at 5:00pm and the payroll was done. I still have to do a little more with the payroll but at least it's been sent to the bank and the employees will get there pay. I went to Bilble Study with the new minister. I liked his style of Bible Study. He takes a little at a time and asks questions for us to ponder rather than tell us what it means.
I had to be at work at 7 tomorrow which means I have to leave at 6 so I am hitting the hay.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I'm still working on the year end stuff. W2's did not tie into what was on the 941 report. I have discovered that all the quarterlies are all wrong for 2007. It will be back to the drawing board tomorrow plus it is a payroll day. I'm off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I barreled through the taxes today for my job. It took most of Friday and all morning to get through the 940 and a couple hours to do the 941. Tomorrow, we should be ready for the W2's.
I am stretching my limit of capability. Ted's company taxes were a lot easier and less complicated.
I shouldn't have stayed up last night to watch Masterpiece Theatre. I have the VCR ready to record but I got engrossed in the program and watched to the end. I hope to get to bed early tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got a few things on my list done this weekend. I got my boots from the Shoe Repair and left 2 more pair. One pair needed soles and heels and the other heels. The ones I took in needed the same. I have one more pair to go and another that's not worth taking. I got Danny's flea medicine at the Vets. It's a good thing I look because I would have been able to get it until next Sat. and he is due on the 31st for his application. I then went to the Acme and got some food. This time, the car started when I came out. After lunch, I took Blue Velvet to the car wash for a much needed bath.
I grabbed in the Christmas Wreaths I had decorating the doors and windows outside. I piled them on the floor in the living room and took the red bows off today. I store them in a giant bag in the basement.
Our new minister injured his sholder when he fell from a ladder yesterday. He preached this morning with his arm in a sling and strapped to his body. After church we had a business meeting that lasted until after 1 o'clock. I drove home, took Danny out for a short walk and met my friends at Larry's Restaurant. We were all starving.
When I got home, I did some laundry and straightened up a little bit. I carried the bows and the Christmas linens down to the basement and had a little dinner. I'm going to try to grab a cup of tea before Danny wants to go out and then get ready for tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I know, it's a little late for Friday. This photo was taken by Ted in January 2006.
I had to wait at the Trail to pick up Danny. Erica was not home and as I forgot my cell phone, she wasn't able to contact me. Danny was in her house because of the cold weather. After I walked around, petty the donkeys and the horses, I walked over to her daughter's house which is next to Erica's property. She let me in Erica's house to get Danny just as Erica pulled up. She was delayed at her husbands business. When I got home, I hurried off to Nature Club. By the time I got home, I was too tired to blog.
I have a lot of errands to run today so I better get going.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I know, it's a little late for Friday. This photo was taken by Ted in January 2006.
I had to wait at the Trail to pick up Danny. Erica was not home and as I forgot my cell phone, she wasn't able to contact me. Danny was in her house because of the cold weather. After I walked around, petty the donkeys and the horses, I walked over to her daughter's house which is next to Erica's property. She let me in Erica's house to get Danny just as Erica pulled up. She was delayed at her husbands business. When I got home, I hurried off to Nature Club. By the time I got home, I was too tired to blog.
I have a lot of errands to run today so I better get going.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had to delete my January 19th entry. I had 32 junk comments on it. I don't know why. People have nothing better to do than to rain on everybody else's parade.
Work went OK today. Some problems popped up but I was able to solve them with the help of Maria. She has excellent analytical skills. I get some of it but I need help from Maria. I wouldn't be able to do this job without her.
I went to choir tonight. I enjoy singing. It reminds me of when I sang in the youth choir when I was a kid.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I was tired when I got home last night. I had some Chinese food that was left over from my lunch. I gave a couple little pieces of the beef to Danny and he threw up his entire dinner. Poor little guy. I felt so bad and stupid. There must have been onions in the sauce. I tried to get all the sauce off before I gave it to him but it was stupid to give it to him. It is strange, dogs will eat all kinds of yucky stuff they find on the road but will also have very delicate stomachs.
When I walk Danny, he always sniffs around. Sometimes he sniffs out something and eats it before I know that he is doing it. I have no ideas what he is eating but there is a fast food store a couple blocks away. People buy chicken wings and toss the bones all over the streets. I have to watch out for them.
My heater was off this morning. I thought just great, a storm is coming and the temps will be dropping as the Arctic wind is pushing down our way. I went down to the basement and saw the pilot was out so I got the bar-b-que lighter and went back down. I lit the pilot and the heater did not go on. It was too early to call the plumber so I lit the fireplace and made some coffee. I bundled up in my blankets on the sofa as I watched the weather channel. The good news is the storm will not reach us the bad news is the cold air will. EUREKA! I thought went off in my head. I need to push the reset button. Back down to the basement I went. I opened the door to the controls of the heater and looked at it a few minutes. I did not see any buttons or switches. There was a control with a wheel on the top that looked sort of like the wheel on a cigarette lighter. I tried pushing it forward; I tried pushing it down; I tried pulling it forward. It did not move. I turned the wheel and it fired up. The radiators are hot now and the house is warming up. The plumber warned me last time that the furnace is about 50 years old and it may be hard to find parts for it. I guess I'll have to invest in a new furnace. I read that the efficiency of new furnaces will save enough money to pay for the investment in one or two years. It will also improve the salability of the house when the time comes. The way my jobs going, I don't know how long I'll last there.
I was told that I am a Sales Manager. (I know zilch about sales) The people in my department do sales and I am their manager, therefore, I am a Sales Manager. Another hat to wear that I don't know what I am doing.
I haven't got the company computer set up yet. I haven't been able to schedule a time for Mike to come, I am gone from 7am to 6pm. Last week, I had two meetings at night.
I will work on the information for the W2's. Fortunately, we only had one month's pay for two people and one 1099. I'll take the information to my accountant and let them do their thing.
The house has warmed up now so I'd better get to work.
The payroll had a little glitch today but I was able to fix it. The W2's are being delayed because the company who handles the sick pay did not sent the statement for the year end. I called and they said they would email it to me in 72 hours. Unbelievable.
Danny was excited to see Chuck and Erica. (They own the kennel) He made a 180 turn when he saw Chuck going to feed the horses and then he made a bee line for Erica when he saw her at the door. He ran to the door and scratched on it. She couldn't open it fast enough for him. I'm glad he is happy with them. He has a home away from home. Camey the Collie is very sad. She misses Heidi. She mopes around and is in mourning.
Danny has had his walk and is sleeping. I'm ready to join him.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Work went smoothly today. I got a better handle on doing the month end closing. I understand the adjusting entries a little better.
Danny didn't get much of a walk today. I had to drop some paperwork off at the accountant's and Erica was ready to take Danny into the house when I got there. He was able to do his business and then into the house he went. She put him out in the kennel for a while in the afternoon but when I got there to pick him up, it was pouring down rain and he made a be line for the car. I couldn't get it open fast enough for him. He doesn't mind a light rain but he hates when it pours. He rubbed his face in the towel I have on the back seat. I dried his face a little. He likes to be dried off. It let up after dinner and I took him out for a little walk. He is curled up in the bed now.
I'll join him and hopefully catch up on some much needed sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a cold day today. I dressed Danny in his red coat. He looks so cute in it. He went for a quick paced walk through the wooded trail at the Kennel and I heard Erica call to put him right into her house. When I picked him up, he was dressed in his coat and being held on his leash by Erica's grandson who is about 12 years old. She said he jumped up on the sofa into everyones lap today. Except he barked at Erica's son. Danny doesn't know him.
Danny is stretched out on my pillow so I'll shoo him to the other side of the bed and get some sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I got some projects done this weekend but still more to do. I was saddened at church today. One of my friends announced a new couples group they are forming. They will be having dinner at their house. Ted and I were at a lovely dinner at there house before he became ill. I was saddened because I am no longer a couple. I felt left out. Another friend who was widowed shortly before me felt the same way. I guess we'll have to get used to our new roles in life.
I stayed up and watched Jane Austin on Master Piece. I will pay tomorrow morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted's photo of forsythia. Last night we had 2 inches of slush. It is gone this morning. It is 36 degrees but another storm is on its way.
Another failed payroll. It seemed like it went well and then I was entering the taxes on the spreadsheet and I saw where one girl had a check for only one hour overtime. It didn't have her other 40 hours. I had made a correction and it seemed as though it was OK. It turns out you can't make corrections. It was upsetting and discouraging. I hate that software. It is impossible. You can not edit it even if you don't post it. Kim came to my rescue. We had to cut a check for the one hour and another check for the 40 hours.
I went to Toastmaster right after work. We had an executive meeting before the regular meeting. Ocean City was more deserted than is usual for a January evening. There was ablosutly no one moving around the streets. No cars, no people, nothing. It was a good meeting and a couple interesting and entertaining speeches.
I picked up Danny at the Indial Trail. I heard him crying for me in his cage. He was in the house and he was toasty warm. I walked him when I got him home and he is now in bed waiting for me. I am ready to join him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We got about a half inch of snow. Just enought to have to scrape the windshield after work and for Danny to go prancing through it and get ice balls in his paws. He loves running through the snow but it all balls up in his fur. He sits down and bits the snow and looks at me to get it off so he can run in it somemore.
I'm off to count z's. I have payroll tomorrow.
News from theVorlon Wife.
I got my wheels back. The ignition had to be replaced. Sonia took me and Danny to his kennel this morning. While I was putting Danny in his kennel, I saw Sonia taking photos of the Tee Pee. It is quite imoressive. The horse ranch is like a retreat to another time.
Work was OK. I did some month and quarter end taxes. I had to do some research because the software doesn't give the reports I need.
Tomorrow, the computer man is coming to install my computer properly.
For tonight, its off to cut some z's.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I wasn't able to get my computer up and running. There is a blue cable and I don't remember when it goes. I'll have to call my computer guy to come out. I have a few things I want him to do as I do not need all five computers from Eastern Buisiness. I do need to get the server running so I can close out the year and run the reports for the taxes.
It is raining again. The gound is saturated. There are big puddles of water laying on the farmers fields and this place has sandy soil. It's supposed to change to snow by sometime tomorrow. When I took Danny out for his walk, he went as far as the hedge, marked his territory and headed back to the house. He doesn't like pouring down rain. He was all wet and when I tried to dry him, he likes to play with the towel as though it is a toy. He buzzed around the room and up the stairs. Maybe he wanted me to use the hair dryer on him. He likes to be dry and he knows the hair dryer dries him. I didn't follow him up.
I got a few things done today but I felt so discouraged when I couldn't get the computer to run. I got out the glue gun and glued a few things. I did the laundry but didn't get to the ironing. I didn't get to the cleaners because I had no wheels. I didn't get to the model railroad exhibit for the same reason. Today was the last day. I'll have to wait until next year.
I tried to balance my checkbook but found I hadn't done last month. I hope I can find the statement.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had all good intentions of getting things done today. I walked Danny and then got ready to go to the supermarket. I was low on a lot of food items. I bought all my groceries, put them in the trunk, and had trouble with the key sticking in the ignition switch. It would turn and no, the steering wheel was not locked. I went to call a neighbor and my cell phone looked dead. It didn't light up and I thought I had charged it. I went into the store and they let me use the phone. My neighbor wasn't home and I didn't have the phone numbers for any other neighbors. I grabbed the bag of frozen food with the ice cream and set out on foot for home. It's about a mile luckily, as I passed by my church, I saw a car in the parking lot and my church friends helped me. They took me home with the frozen food and I called A1 Towing. They are a former client of Ted's. They would be there in about an hour. My friends took me back to get my groceries out of the trunk and I had left the car keys in the house. Back to the house, they brought me. I could not find the keys anywhere so I got another set. Back to the Acme supermarket we went to get the groceries, bring them home and then back to the Acme to wait for the tow truck. I called the Honda dealer and they thought they might be able to fix it today but the tow truck was delayed and I didn't get there in time. While waiting for the truck, I looked around for a place to get a soda and walked over toward Burger King. I saw where I would have to walk all the way around the building to get in so I went in Boston Market. When I said, I just wanted a Coke. He gave me the cup and said, "Here, it's on the house." It was nice of him.
I had picked up my work cell phone when I went to put the food in the freezer. I clipped it to my jeans at the waist and I felt it buzzing. It's a good thing I didn't leave it in my pocketbook as they were gathering up the carts and I couldn't here it ring. The tow truck was on its way. Blue Velvet was loaded onto the truck and we both were taken to the Honda dealer. From there, the Honda dealer took me home in what I call the Honda Mobile. It's a little Orange Mini Van with Rossi Honda written on it.
When I got home, I found Danny had left me some little presents to clean up on the sun porch. Fortunately, the tile is easy to clean. I walked him and then was too exhausted to get anything on my list done except for putting away the groceries and putting my turkey and sweet potato in the oven. The Acme had some Cranberry Red Slaw so I had a nice dinner. Danny likes sweet potatoes and meat of any kind. I guess he little treat made up for leaving him alone all day.
I arranged with my co-worker who lives across the street to take Danny to the kennel on Monday and me to work. I also call a lady who lives near me to take me to church tomorrow.
I put my cell phone on the charger and it said it was charged. I looked at it and started pressing buttons. Evidently, I had turned it off. I don't remember doing that, as I don't know how. After pressing every button on the phone, it came on. I'll have to get out the book and read about what I had done.
I will walk Danny one more time tonight and then get some rest.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Waterlilies by Ted
The payroll seemed to go well today but when I ran time cards there was a glitch in the sick time accruals. The boss had a neg 91 hours. Some others had weird time also. Kim and I worked on forwarding the hours into 2008. We had to delete all the used sick time and then when I did the payroll last week the used hours were back in there. I thought we missed a step so I deleted them again. Today, all last years used sick time were back in there.
I went to find something in the old files I had the high school girl put in boxes. I found the files were not in order. I asked here to help me and she couldn't find anything either. Someone told her to start from the back of the file drawer so she did but she put the folders in the front of the box and grabbed a handful and placed them in next. I had Rita, the new lady help the girl straighten them out. If the wrong person finds the files out of order I will be up the creek.
Tomorrow, I have to be at work at 7am so I will be taking Danny out and then we'll both hit the hay.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got some things accomplished at work today. Some things required a lot of thought to figure out how to do them.
I got my computer server back from the repair shop and it is good to go. I carried it up here to the computer room but haven't hooked it up yet. it was late when I got home and I had to get dinner for Danny and me. I stayed after work because the high school girl was waiting for her brother to pick her up and he forgot. I didn't want a young girl standing out there alone. It is not in a bad neighborhood or anything but you never know when a weirdo may happen by.
I walked Danny at the trail at the kennel before coming home. I feel bone tired so I'm off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had trouble with spam so I deleted this entry and it seems to have stopped the spam. I was getting a few hundred spam comments. I am posting an earlier entry.
Frst day of 2008
I prepared for the fireworks by putting a little throw rug under the bed for Danny Boy. I took him out at 9:30 to do his business but no sooner got out the door when someone set off firecrackers. Poor Danny made a beeline back for the house. I tried to carry him out to the bush for I know he had to go. He wanted no parts of being anywhere but under the bed. He came out from under the bed about 11:50 and I knew he’d be running back under in ten minutes. Poor little guy, he spent most of the night under the bed.
Things seemed to come together yesterday. The boss was in most of the day. Part of my lack of training is that he has not been well and has not been in the office. He has a heart problem, had a procedure done and then got pneumonia. He tried to help form home as much as he could. He feels bad that I have been set adrift on my own. Sonia is also back and Kristina the high school girl worked all day, as she didn’t have school. She got the file drawers ready for 2008. The new lady, Rita, is working out well. She was able to help with coding the A/P. That is a time consuming job and the person who did it before Sonia, did not know what she was doing. The boss and his daughter were able to help me with the journal entries. I was afraid I could not go back into Oct and fix the problem but I can. I got things ready and will fix it on Thursday. Wednesday, will be the challenge of payroll. As soon as the new girls are comfortable with their jobs, I’ll train them to do payroll.
At lunchtime, I took Ted’s server to the hardware dealer. The tech who greeted me sounded optimistic. I hope it is a simple problem and my data can be saved. If not, I’ll have to do the year-end stuff manually. It shouldn’t be too bad; we only worked one month in 2007. There are other transactions through out the year but just a few.
It is really dark for 7:30am. It is cloudy but not raining. The clouds are starting to break up. It’s funny how the clouds can make it so dark.
I got one of my VCR’s to work and recorded the program I wanted. I don’t know how it worked but it did. I had set it on the quarter timer to record the rest of a movie I was watching and it set itself to go off and record the other program. Now I don’t know if I can repeat the process. I still have to figure out how to hook up the new DVD/VCR. I can run it threw the old VCR but it’s old and doesn’t have enough jack outlets for both the TV and the new unit.
I guess I have to start back on my plan to move to PA, DE or MD. Delaware is less expensive and the taxes are lower. My nephew lives there and only 10 minutes from my niece but I’d be 40 minutes away from my brothers with I 95 traffic. I will keep getting my house ready to sell. It still needs some things done to make it presentable. Going through my stuff is one of the things but it needs a new kitchen exhaust fan, the bar-b-que grill needs fixing and this computer room needs painting. K-Mart is having a sale on plastic shelving that would work well in the garage. That will get my boxes of stuff up off the floor. I started putting my personal photos back on the wall. I’ll be here for about two more years so I want my personal stuff back in my home.
I still need to go through Ted’s clothes. I gave the men in my family each a tie and left some with my Aunt to give to my cousins. It was nice to visit her on Christmas Eve. I usually didn’t get to see her until after Christmas. None of my cousins were there though. They were coming for dinner on Christmas. Some live far away and were not coming this year. They may be in this week. We spent many years of Christmases together. Anyway, Ted had a lot of ties so I’ll send some to his family. It is a difficult task to go through his clothes. I’ll take my time with it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
II finally got my DVD and VCR hooked up and running. I came home from church, walked Danny and went into the laundry room. The wire shelf over the dryer didn't look right so I touched and the whole thing came down and all the stuff on it. All the little plastic brackets broke. I had to find some new ones and I added one more and also added a brace. Work I was not planning on. I got that back together. I spent about a half hour deleting junk comments to the blog. I had 239 porno comments that were disgusting. I hope you didn't have the displeasure of reading them. I had to delete some more before I began my blog. Some people must have nothing better to do.
I changed the title to my January 1st entry. They seemed to hone in on the other title I had used. I hope that will stop the spammer.
I don't know why but every now and then, a poor person knocks on my door needing money. A lady knocked on my door needing bus fare to the homeless shelter. She had gone to several churches but had no luck. All the agencies that help people are closed. I gave her the bus fare because the story of the Good Samaritan always pops in my head. It seems the priests and Pharisees had turned her away. Little Danny was barking and she backed away. I always feel uncomfortable when people beg for money. She didn't really beg for money; she wanted to know where she could get some help. Anyway, she thanked me and went on her way. There are a lot of people who have nothing. I had no income coming in for several months so I can sympathize with the woman. I hope she gets to the shelter. She may have been a con but I doubt it. Perhaps the Lord sent her to me so she could get the help she needed.
Danny spent some time under the bed. Someone set off some firecrackers. He jumped off the sofa and went straight upstairs and under the bed. I coaxed him out and took him for his walk. He is now ready for a good nights sleep and so am I.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Our newest addition to the Orrell Family. My grand neice, Ryleigh Elizabeth Orrell. Born 12/18/2007. She is the daughter of Michelle and Rick Orrell, III.
I got a couple things done today. I changed the light bulbs in the outdoor front porch light fixture. They were last changed when Ted sister, brother=in=law and parents were here in November 2006. The bulbs lasted a little over a year and it is curious that both seem to go at once. This is good as they can be changed together and I don't have to take the fixture apart twice.
I was able to make copies of PA state taxes as I could go online, pull them up and print them. I haven't heard how my server is doing. I only hope the data has not been lost.
I watered the plants, changed the linens, and walked Danny. I fell asleep on the sofa watching Stargate. I did the same thing last night. I awoke to find it was over. It was not boring; I am just very tired.
Danny is ready to go out again.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
What a wonderful surprise was awaiting me when I came home from work last Wednesday. It is a gift from my Mother and Father-in-law, the Vorlon Parents.
I took this a couple weeks ago. I thought it was interesting the way the clouds were lit up by the setting sun.
I had choir practice tonight so another night that I am getting to bed late.
New from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Toastmasters tonight. It was good to see everyone. It is a chilly 21 degrees right now. I just got in from walking Danny. He spotted Frosty, a white Siberian Husky, in his front yard. Danny does not like Frosty. I don't know why. Danny barked ferously at him but Frosty is not much of a barker. He just sniffed Danny through the fence. Frost y scared me. I didn't see him in the yard. I thought Danny was carrying on about the cat who is usually there.
The payroll was done and no one was quite sure about year end stuff. The accountant was in today. He was going over the inventory. He doesn't like the software either and he said it was very expensive. He doesn't know why they got it. It is good for heavy manufacturing but not a good accounting program. He liked Great Plains. I guess we have to live with it. I think the horrendous software is a big part of the problems I have with the job.
Anyway, I am off to count some Z's.
News from the Vorlon Wife.