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I have Danny sitting on my lap with his front paws on the desk and his nose in the monitor. It is difficult to blog so I'll do it in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had Fellowship this morning. Barbara helped me with it. We missed the Pastor's resignation speech as we were in the kitchen preparing the refreshments. I don't know what will happen to our church. The congragation has dwindled. It took two years to find the new Pastor and now after three months he's leaving. I do not know what happened to cause him to resign. I feel a sense of loss along with my church friends.
My neighbors across the street sent over a platter of chicken, potatoe salad and green beans. Their parents were visiting and their father was doing the cooking. It was very thoughtful of them. The parents seem to have taken a liking to me. Mrs. Rodriguez is very friendly and conversational. Mr. Rodriguez is very quiet but friendly. The live in PA but visit often. Peter has taken a job in FL so they will be leaving when they sell their house. I will miss them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny got me up at 5:30. He doesn't know it's Saturday. Luckily, I could go back to bed after taking him out. I got up around 8:00 took Danny out again and went to the Hair Dressers. I told him I had to go to BJ's and he recommended their Rotissary Chicken. I bought one and had some for supper. I was going to get some crab grass killer at Home Depot but it was expensive. I ran into my friends from church and they recommended I go to Walmart. Walmart brand is the same mixture and half the price. I told them I got a bag in the garage but I don't know if it would still be effective. Ray said it would probably be OK.
I felt exhausted this afternoon and didn't get much done. I am just drained.
I got to read some of my book at the hair dressers and I'll read some more tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
These are mini daffodills. I put the camera down below them and clicked. I think it is an interesting angle with the tree behind them.
I sent out a few more resumes. Two places used Great Plains Software. I'll just keep plugging away until I find something that is right for me.
I'm going to go through my email and do some reading and get some sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I have to send out some more resumes.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I felt like a negectful mother today. I forgot to put Danny's coat on and walked him at the Kennel. I didn't realize how cold it was until my hands got cold. I put Danny's coat on when I put him in his kennel. He was shivering. I pugged in his heated and rubbed him until he stopped shivering. Poor little guy. I felt awful. His fur is still and inch to an inch and a half long but not the three to four inches it was. It was supposed to be warmer today but the morning was still nippy.
I have Dentist tomorrow. It's my checkup.
I better get busy searching the web for a job.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I have decided to look for work. I hope I can find something in PA. I want to get out of this area. Yesterday, I came home to the dog barking across the street. He is still barking tonight and has Danny all hyper. There was also Spanish music blaring from another neighbor's house. I won't be able to stand it here in the summer. My nice quiet neighborhood is gone.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a wonderful weekend with my family. I wish I could have stayed longer. I can't wait until I can move over there. I saw some nice houses that were for sale. We did some errands on Saturday and went to the cemetary. Ted's marker was not yet installed so we went to the office. The lady had a list of three pages of markers and headstones to be installed and found Ted's was nunber 14 on the list. It should be done soon. They have been doing a lot of work there. Roads that were in bad shape have been repaved.
We all went to the Holmes Pres. Church that we grew up in. I was like being home except there was hardly anyone in the congragation that I knew. Two ladies in there 90's who were my mother's friends and the postmaster and his wife. I believe the postmaster is now retired. He had been the postmaster when I was a kid. I knew his nieces. It was strange that not one person my age was there. There must have been 200 kids when I went to Sunday School. Everyone moved away.
On a sad note, my brother, Don looked in the paper and saw that one of our childhood friends had passed away. Bill was a year younger than me and when I was 7 years old, he helped me learn how to ride a bicycle. I had gotten a 26 inc bike for Christmas. The idea was that I would grow into it. I was unable to ride it. It was big and heavy. Bill got a 20 inch bike for Christmas and he let me learn on his bike. I was then able to ride mine. He was a nice kid. He lived in Hawaii for the last 20 years.
I want to get to bed early so I'll be turning in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Many thanks to my family and friends. You don't know how much it means to me to have your support.
It's been a long day. The speaker at the seminar was excellent. He talked about business finances and have a prestation gift that made it fun. I came away reved up to get started. News from the Vorlon Wife.
Many times, I just wonder how all this happened. I just can’t comprehend it. It just doesn’t seem possible that this could have happened to Ted. I know that it did but I just don’t understand it.
Ted was happy and he loved life. He loved his life, his work, his family, his friends, and his clients. He kept himself in good physical shape. He wanted to live a long time and be in good shape when he did.
I have to go to a seminar in Delaware tomorrow. I have to be there at 7:30am. I decided to leave Danny at the Kennel overnight. I miss the little guy. I would have had to drop him off before 6am and I don’t know when Erica or Chuck would come out to check on him. The weather is still a little chilly in the early morning and sometime at the freezing mark. They do have a heated bed in his igloo. When Danny lays on it, his weight turns it on. They take him into their house at night or if the weather is too cold. He likes to lie on the sofa in front of the fireplace. He’s got a dogs life.
We had another person out sick today and the boss went home with a headache. Maria and I had to hold down the fort. Kristina comes in the afternoon. She is on a special program where she goes to school half a day and then work half a day. Two of my girls were out sick and one may be out for another week.
I am glad we have off Friday. I can use the break.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Happy St. Patty's Day
I am feeling rather beat today. I had two girls out sick and Maria and I had to hold down the fort. I hope I'm not coming down with something. I would hate to be sick and not be able to go to my brother's. I hope it's just the spring pollen.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to lunch with my church friends. We went to Pegasus. I used to go there with Sonia when we worked at Eastern Business. Everything reminds me of my life with Ted. I didn’t go to Joey’s 5th birthday party because I am just too drained. I dreaded the drive and I woke up not feeling very well. I had a sinus headache and my stomach felt queasy. It’s that time of the year. The plum trees are in bloom along with the forsythia and daffodils. I always feel yuck this time of year. I was a little concerned at first because some kind of stomach virus is going around. Two people in my office were out sick with it. I tried working on the Eastern Business account but I don’t seem to get anywhere. I am looking forward to spending time with my family on Easter. I hope things go well at work tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I tried working on Eastern Business Tax stuff. The cash account is not balancing. I just can’t figure out what is wrong. It didn’t help that the dog across the street barked all day long. His barking causes Danny to get all hyper and bark also. Danny thinks he has to go out and go over to that dog. He has no clue that the dog could tear him apart. Alex next door was annoyed by the dog too. We don’t know how the people living next to the dog can stand it. Even someone living at the dog’s house yelled at the dog to shut up. It did little good. They leave him tied out there all day. It barked for six straight hours. Fortunately, they take him in at night.
I think I’ll do some reading and then go to sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
They're here! They add color and cheer to the late winter.
II have choir practice tonight so I can get a little R&R from that but I sit there exhausted. Tomorrow is TGIF.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I came home from work exhausted. It wasn't a dab day; it's just that I feel as if I've been "rode hard and put away wet". To quote a Pennsylvania Dutch friend of mine. She has some unique sayings. One time Ted and I were at a get together for the Human Resource Association. I don't rememeber the topic but Marge came out with "Some people would be happy going to a toad sticking," Ted and I rolled on the floor laughing and when we would laugh when we would recall Marge's comment. Ted asked "What is a toad sticking?" Everyone laughed and we never found out what it was. I've heard of rain being a toad stabber so maybe it is a form of that saying.
INews from the VorlonWife.
Work was not too bad today. I got tired toward the end of the day. The time change really gets to me. I'll be going to bed early again.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had to delete and repost this entry. The spammers were at it again.
I went to the Women's Service Club tonight. I thought I'd have a relaxing time with friends. I was too tired. I did enjoy Beth's pie and cake. She loves to bake and always has good refreshments.
Danny was walked and now it's off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was dragging today. I don't know if it was the time change, the spring pollen, or the stress of the job. Probably all three. There is also a stomach virus going around and my stomach has been quesy. Nothing eventful happened at work. Still working with the auditors. It's going well. The auditor is very nice to work with. We are getting things straightened out and he will help to get things going smoothly. We had a fire drill today. Good thing the weather was warm. I needed the fresh air.
I'm going to do some reading and then it's off to sleep.
News from The Vorlon Wife.
We had a guest minister at church this morning. She was the Chaplin at the Baptist Retirement Home. She was an excellent speaker. Many of the church people do not like women pastors but they seemed to be very receptive to Pastor Terri. She spoke about Zaccheaus. She really made the story come to life. She related to herself being short and unable to see things in a crowd.
After church, I went with my church friends to the Ramada Inn. The coffee shop was crowded so they put us in the lounge. It was rather cozy as not many were in the lounge.
I walked Danny several times today and again tonight. I got some laundry done and went to the grocery store. I was out of everything. I looked over Ted's business paperwork and some things do not tie into the general ledger. I will have to research further and find what the problem is before taking it to the accountant. What a bummer. I thought it was ready to go.
I must get to bed early because it takes a while to get used to the daylight time. I will feel like I have jet lag for a couple weeks and it will be back to dark mornings again. I was liking the sunshine in the morning. I'll have to wait several weeks for the sun to get up earlier again.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took Danny Boy at 5:30am and then we went back to bed until 7:30. I had a cup of coffee and took him for a longer walk. The yard needed to be limed so I did it between storms. It had rained overnight and it started raining after I finished applying the lime. I found a bag in the garage. Ted must have bought more than he needed last time. I also had to wash off the back porch as a cat sprayed our door. I used orange wood cleaner. I can't find the Pet Odor Spray so I'll spray some Fabreze out there. I hate my house smelling like cat urine. I wish people would keep their cats in the house.
I piked up a lot of branches and after the second storm, I have to pick up some more. I am making some pea soup in the crock pot and have laundry to do. I have to wash the coverlet I put over my bed because Danny threw up on it again. I don't know what the problem was this time except I gave him a few tidbits of my salmon last night. Perhaps it didn't agree with him. He's had it before with no problem but who knows. He has a delicate stomach. Maybe he ate something when I walked him last night. He goes around sniffing the ground and sometimes he picks up something and eats it before I can get it away from him. He looks at me like the cat who swallowed the canary. At the kennel, he ate something that looked like horse manure. It may have been hay all smashed together but it grossed me out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, tomorrow is Saturday and there is no school.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
They're here! However, this photo was taken last year. I have a few photos this year but they are still in the camera. The early now crocuses seem to be a favorite of the rabbits and have been eaten up.
I went to Toastmaster's last night. I enjoyed being there but got home late and got to bed late. Danny drank a lot of water before going to bed. Just like a little kid. He got me up a 4am to take him out to go. I had to get up at 5:30 so I didn't get much sleep. I went to choir practice and I am beat.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today is Ted's birthday. I felt a sadness that he isn't here to celebrate it. We had a nice dinner at my brother and sister-in-laws. It was just the four of us. My brother, Don's birthday was last week. In the past, we celebrated the three birthdays together. My sister-in-law's birthday was yesterday. Danny also celebrated witha a little turkey, mashed potatoes and corn. He loves veggies. My other family members were sick and unable to attend.
It was a hard day at work today. Danny has been walked and is in bed. He is either asleep or pretending so I won't swab his ears. I have been doing some reading about the early Swedish Churches in the Delaware Valley. One of my ancestors came from Sweden in 1639 to the Delaware Valley. There are 3 books I purchased at the Swedish Conference in October. It is very interesting. I want to read a little before I go to sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got my reports printed for Ted's company. I will drop them off at the accountant's next week. I will also be meeting the accountant at my job on Monday. Hopefully I will be finished with this stuff by the end of the week.
I didn't get much else done. I took Danny for a couple of long walks as well as a couple short ones. We both need the exercise. I wrote up the minutes for the Womens Service Club meeting on Tuesday.
I hope to give Danny his bath after I walk him in the morning. I gae him his heartworm medicine this morning and found he had thrown it up on the bed. I keep a thick matress cover on top of the quilt just in case this happens. He managed to get some on the sheet. I'm glad I didn't change the sheets before he threw up. I'll have to call the vet as this is the second time he's done that.
We will be going to my brother, Rick's after church tomorrow. It is his wife, Sylvia's birthday. She invited me to stay for the weekend but I sing in the choir and were a little short on choir members. We are singing two hymns tomorrow so I will visit my family after church.
I am updating the antivirus on the business computers. When I logged on today, I saw where it was to expire tomorrow. I think I did it correctly. I will find out tomorrow whether it updates or not. It looks like the one computer did.
News from the Vorlon Wife.