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Today, I edged the front sidewalk and curb with my new trimmer and did the curb and flowerbeds on the east side. I sorted out some paperwork for Ted’s company. I gave Danny his bath. He likes the hair dryer. I don’t know if he likes the dryer so much but he likes getting dry. He dries faster now that he has his summer haircut.
I went to the church meeting tonight. Nineteen of us were there and 4 of us were non-members. It was the quarterly business meeting. It went rather smoothly and the highlight was a marble Bundt cake with chocolate frosting made by Beth.
I walked Danny when I got home and he is sleeping. Time to join him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I crossed a couple more things off my list, although, some are in process. I went to the office where Ted and I used to work. The building manager allows me to use her copy machine. I made copies of the state taxes to give to my accountant. I still have some more things to go through and copies to make but things look brighter.
I picked up my weed eater at Sears. I used it across the flowerbed in the front and west side and used it on one edge of the front sidewalk. It was dinnertime so I swept up the grass clippings and wound up the extension cord.
The dog across the street barked all day long causing Danny to be hyper and bark. One of the new neighbors blared there boom box with Spanish music. I hope it was a special occasion and won’t be an everyday occurrence. We do have a noise ordinance but I don’t like to report people. Fortunately, they quiet down at night.
The church is having more problems. The person, who took over for the choir director, sent me a letter today. Someone misconstrued her intentions so she quit the choir and I guess her husband did too. That only leaves four of us. So I guess there will be no more choir.
Time to join Danny and get some sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I crossed a couple things off my list and bit into the bank statements for Ted’s company. I got the statements reconciled to the checkbook and now I have to find out what’s off in Great Plains. I’ll have to run another report to determine if I made any corrections since last time I worked with it. At least I have something accomplished and can go with.
My weed eater is in at Sears. I’ll go pick it up tomorrow. The weather is pretty nasty out there today. I hope Danny doesn't have to go out until the rain calms down.
I have a few more items on my list but it’s coming along.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today was our new minister’s last day and also the last day for the choir director. I don’t know what the future has in store for the church and it saddens me. I talked with some other people after the service and they are as clueless as I am. I fear the church will not be able to continue. I feel very sorry for those who have attended there all their lives. It must be very difficult for them to see the decline in the church.
Don and I got the air conditioners installed just in time for the cooler weather. At least, they will be really when I need them. After we rested, we went to dinner at the Red Lobster. My friend gave me a gift certificate for my birthday so it came in handy. We both got the Maui Luau. Grilled Salmon and Grilled Shrimp. I brought half of mine home so I can enjoy it tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The hedge is trimmed and the grass is cut. If Ted were here, we’d be cleaning up and heading for Ocean City for dinner and a walk on the boardwalk and or beach.
My friend, Erica, is singing in her church performance so I’ll be going there this evening.
My brother is coming tomorrow to help me put in the air-conditioners. It should be easier than last year as we have them set up this year. I got two new units last year and had to put the accordion sides on and fit them into the sills.
Maybe I’ll reward myself with a strawberry blizzard. They are really good.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday, I cut about a third of the hedge then took a break for lunch. I was too exhausted to finish. I took Danny for a walk then rested for the rest of the day.
In the evening, I went to the Nature Club meeting. The speaker has an elaborate azalea garden. I had been there a couple times and it is just lovely. He has cross-pollinated and created his own hybrids as well as receiving cuttings from other places. I enjoyed his presentation.
When I got home, I walked Danny and watched the end of Dr. Who. I fell asleep after that. I awoke and went to bed around 12:30.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Dogtooth violet 2008
I went with my friend Phyllis today to King of Prussia. She was meeting some friends there for lunch and wanted company for the long drive. We ate the Cheesecake Factory. I had grilled salmon with broccoli and fries. It was excellent and we topped it off with a delicious cheesecake. It was very creamy and I had the glazed strawberries with whipped cream on mine. I was so stuffed I didn’t even bother to have dinner. I had a glass of water and went to choir practice.
There were only 5 of us there and the organist was away. I played the first note of the hymns we were to sing. The first was a chord of f and a. It didn’t sound right and Pete said it’s an A flat. I made the correction and we launched into our hymn.
I walked Danny when I got home and ran with him to chase a cat across our yard. He has woofing and chomping at the bit to get that cat.
I read some of my book that I got at the Library and I think I have read it before. I only vaguely remember it and I want to find out what happens so I’ll continue to read it again.
Danny is spread out across the bed. He is in the center taking up a lot of space for a little dog. I took him to the Indian Trail while I was out with Phyllis. He was wound up when we got home. He played with his toys shaking them like a dead rat and wanting me to play tug of war and toss the toy across the room. He brings it back but doesn’t let it go until I find the squeaker and he lets go when he hears the squeak.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to stay with my aunt last night. I had an interview today. It was the second interview with that company. I was the first of five they brought back so I have to wait another week or two for them to decide who they want to hire. I left Danny at the kennel. He was very excited to see me when I picked him up. I missed the little guy last night.
I visited my sister-in-law before returning home. She is doing better and has to be on a restricted diet for now. She won’t know the results of her tests for a couple days but the doctors don’t think it is anything serious.
I dropped by my other brother’s house to return a couple CD’s. It was time for rush hour traffic so he suggested we go to dinner. There is a new Ruby Tuesday’s near him so we went there. I got the baby back ribs and brought half home for another dinner tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I started to watch Masterpiece Theatre last night but fell asleep. I guess I was tired out from cutting the grass yesterday and cutting the hedge the day before. Danny was getting me up at 2am to go out to do his business. He was having a digestive problem and had to go often. He slept through the night last night and seems to be better today.
I was just called back for a second interview. I go tomorrow.
We’ll see how it goes.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I trimmed the hedge today. It was really thick with leaves. It usually takes an hour to cut but today it took two hours. I took several rest breaks and had some iced tea. It was warm and the trees are not leafed out yet so there is no shade. All the rain we had has made the hedge grow very thick. It was hard cutting the top because it was so thick. I was done in after I finished and didn’t get much else done.
My sister-in-law, Sylvia is in the hospital. She has an inflammation of the intestine. They ran some tests and will be doing a colonoscopy on Monday. I have been calling her on the phone to check on her. She won’t know anything until Monday. I pray that she will be all right. She has been very kind to me since Ted passed away. She opened her home to me and Danny whenever we needed it.
On a day like today, Ted and I would go to Ocean City after our chores were done. I don’t know how he had the energy after cutting the grass and trimming the hedge. Sometimes, he would also wash the car. The hedge is always difficult at first after not using those muscles all winter. It should get easier.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My tulip garden. They are a little early this year. Everything is a week or two early this spring. The hedge needs cutting and the grass needs another cut. It's going in the 80's today so that should bring on the dogwoods and the leaves on the trees.
I’m trying to think, what did I accomplish today? Not much, I’m afraid. I wanted to edge the lawn but the weed trimmer is caput. It just won’t hold a charge. I’ll have to check out K-Mart or Wal-Mart to see if they have one on sale. I went through the Toastmaster files because I have to file some kind of 990 form for the IRS. It’s something new they are doing this year.
I went to choir practice tonight. The Choir Director is resigning. I don’t know what is going to happen to the church. The new minister is leaving at the end of April. I feel sorry for the people who have been in the church for all their lives. I don’t know how the church can survive. Keep the church in your prayers.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I’m getting ready to go to Toastmaster’s tonight. I had lunch with my Red Hat Friends. They applauded me and welcomed me back. It was good to see them. They are a good group of people. I hadn’t seen them in quite a while.
I took some food to the SPCA that Danny either didn’t like or made him sick. The shelter is always in need of food and treats for the animals.
I did some other errands while I was in that part of town.
I am considering taking early retirement and getting a part time job. I had a call from a company in PA that wants someone part time who is experienced with Great Plains.
I’ll hear Friday from the other job I applied for. I have to consider all my options.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
left to right: Ed Heller, Sean Knapp, Tinal Knapp, Cheryl Heller, Mike Pearlingi, Dezde, the Godmother, Karol Armstrong, Michelle and Joey, Rick Orrell, Jr., Rick, III and Ryleigh, Sylvia Orrell, Patrick Maloney, Deacon Bill, Don Orrell, and Joanne Pearlingi
Ryleigh Elizabeth Orrell was Christened on April 13, 2008
Parents are Rick and Michelle Orrell
Godmother, Michelle's friend, Dezde is holding Ryleigh
Godfather is Michelle's uncle, Patrick Maloney
Deacon Bill is performing the ceremony
I crossed a few things off my list today. I worked on some tax stuff for Ted’s company. It’s funny, we only did business one month last year but there seems to be an awful lot of transactions and tax stuff for the year.
I sent out a few more resumes, watered the plants and cleaned the fish tank.
I was going to have a late breakfast or brunch with my friend, Phyllis but her husband had to have knee surgery and she had to postpone. I hope all went well with her husband’s surgery. He injured his knee while doing renovations on their house. I hope Phyllis and I can get together soon.
I decided to go to the Red Hat Luncheon tomorrow. I can’t remember the last time I went. It was back before Ted became too ill for me to leave him. Then I had to work and was unable to attend the luncheons.
I need to go through my photos and prepare the photos I took at the Christening. I need to email them to my family and post them on the web page. I’ll need help in posting them. I can barely navigate around the blog. I have done anything with the web page. Ted has the photo album on there and some of the links are broken.
I hope to go to the Toastmasters meeting tomorrow evening. It’s a long drive. One that Ted and I took together for many years. It’s hard to drive down that road and not think of him. So many things remind me of him. I heard a robin singing this evening when I took Danny out for his walk. It reminded me of a camping trip Ted and I took to Blue Rocks Campground in PA. A robin would awaken us early in the morning with his singing and then we would hear him again in the evening as we were preparing our dinner. It was over 30 years ago. Strange how something like a bird singing can stir a memory.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The first cut of the year.
I went to my Grand Niece, Ryleigh Elizabeth’s Christening today. It was in Bear Delaware. I left Danny at the Kennel because we would be at the Church for a couple hours and there would be a lot of people at the house.
I have some photos of the Christening that I will post tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I cut the grass yesterday. It grows unevenly and there were tuffs of high grass and some very low. Ted had re-seeded but the grass still got that raggy grass in it. Now it has a lot of English Ivy starting to grow in it. It is almost impossible to get rid of. One has to put it out by the roots and it is scattered throughout the yard. Our neighbor has it growing in a section of their yard. One year we saw it in bloom. We had never seen it bloom and didn't know it did. I guess the wind scattered the seed all over our yard. The mower cuts it down but there are short little plants. I have to pull it out of my hedges and flower garden. It is a real mess. The neighbors are good people so I do say anything.
I took a couple photos of the back yard so I'll have to post them. Ted like to post the back yard blog.
Danny seems to be better. His digestive system is back to normal.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This lovely orchid was sent to my by Ted's niece, Suzanne, last year. It was dormant over the winter and now has burst forth with its beautiful flowers.
Danny was up three times last night having to do his business. Once at 2am, then at 4am, then at 6am. Poor little guy. He was doing better though. We went to the Vet at 10am. Danny shook when we got there. He hates going to the Vet. He cowered against me on the exam table but he didn't growl at the Doctor or his assistant. It seems the new food I got Danny made him sick. I started by mixing in a spoonful and then increasing it but his system just couldn't tolerate it. It's a shame because he really liked the new food. It's the only food that he liked. He would jump up and woof when I got it out. He only does that for meat and corn on the cob. The Vet said it would take two weeks to slowly introduce the food to him and he would be sick most of the time. Danny doesn't like his regular food. He looks at it and backs away.
The grass is really greening up. I'll cut it tomorrow and spread the crabicide. The hedge is greening up also. It will need trimming soon. The summer work is starting already.
I went to Choir practice tonight. It was good to see my Choir friends. We have a new girl named Debbie. She is the daughter of one of the choir members. She moved back here from Ohio. She is also the sister of Pam who is a choir member. It's good to have a new member.
Danny came down the stairs at 10pm to let me know it's time for bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Everything seems such a chore. Just getting my taxes in the mail is taking me two days. I need to address the envelopes. I just got the W2's ready to file with the return.
Danny is having more digestion problems. He has the runs and I have to keep putting him outside. He has an appointment with the Vet tomorrow. He seems OK otherwise. I just hope it's not serious. He is napping now so I decided to get my blogging done before he wakes up. It's almost time for his pre-dinner walk.
I guess I'll go to Bible Study tonight. I need to be with friends.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny has been sick. I thought he was better but he was sick at his stomach on the backs steps when I let him out. I also found where he had been sick on the bed. I have a mattress that covers the bed just for such incedents. I am concerned because he was sick in the car on Friday and then again when we got to my brother's house. He seemed OK afterward and I thought maybe he had gotten car sick. He got sick again on Sunday when I was walking him. I made him some hamberger and rice and he woofed it right down. I hope he is all right through the night. I'll have to call the vet tomorrow. He hates going there. He puts on his brakes when we go to the exam room.
I wnet to the library and got another book. My friend gave me two books of a series of six so I got another at the library. I see they have book number 4 but don't seem to have 5 and 6.
Danny came to get me so I'll off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I filed my personal taxes today using TurboTax. My returns were rejected. The same thing happened last year. I had to send the federal in the mail. I resubmitted them so we’ll see.
I feel kind of scared about my future. Will I find the right job? Will I be able to get this house ready to sell? Will I be able to find a new house and move all on my own? Will I have to keep working and never be able to retire? Will I be able to find the proper day care for Danny if I move? So many questions and no answers.
Tomorrow, I’ll work on Eastern Business tax stuff. Then I’ll see what else I can cross off my list.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church today and then out to lunch with my friends. We went to the Greek place and I got the Rondos Flounder. It is rolled with spinach and rice. I felt tired and didn't finish. I'll have it for dinner tomorrow. I haven't felt well for several days. I thought it was the spring pollen but I am running a low grade fever. I was all set to watch Star Wars but I'll catch it tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I felt my interview went well but it's hard to say. They may want someone more experienced with accounting. On the other hand, it may be offset by my experience with Great Plains. I arrived a few minutes late because I made a couple wrong turns and then I had to wonder around the building trying to find where they were. Like most modern buildings, it was a maze.
I was the first person they interviewed and they have a few more to do. I saw the job posted on Careerbuilder so there might be many applying for it. They will let me know in two weeks.
I walked Danny around my brother's neighborhood and there are several ranch houses for sale that may be affordable but you never know.
The temp outside is 59 degrees but in this house it feels like 80 degrees. I'll have to open up the windows and let the pollen in. I have the ceiling fans going but it's time to put the air conditioners back in the windows. It will surely get cold if I do that.
Our minister, Pastor Bennett passed away. He was the inter-rim pastor but was preaching at our church for two years. He has in his middle 80's and was ready to join his lovely wife, Marge, in heaven. He was a dear, kind gentleman. He conducted Ted's funeral. We will miss him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is an evening primrose. The photo was taken March 3rd. It is an early bloomer. Sometimes blooming in early Feb. You can see the frost burn on the leaves. I used to have six of them in different colors but the others disappeared.
This photo was taken March 31st.
Vineland is greening up. I even heard someone's mower going. My grass isn't ready for cutting yet but after this weekend of rain it may be ready next weekend. The trees in Vineland are also blooming. The purple leaf plums have had pretty pink blossoms for a couple weeks. Now the pears, weeping cherries, and magnolias are blooming. I will post some of my spring flowers.
I have an interview tomorrow. It is not far from my brother's house. I will drop Danny off at my brother's while I go to the interview.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted's Amorilla. It was a gift. My mother gave him one and so did Ted's grandmother. I don't recall which one gave him this one. He would have been very happy to see two stalks on it this year and also the new baby bulb I took off last year is doing well. It's not big enough to bloom yet but maybe next year.
I went to our former office building today. The building manager is a friend. I sometimes go there if I need to make copies. Hence the reason for my visit. On the way hope, I stopped by to see my good friend Sonia who used to work with Ted and me. We had a nice visit. I stayed until her husband and her son came home. They are doing well. Jonathan likes his new school. He will be making his First Holy Communion in May.
I will be having an interview with a company that uses Great Plains Software on Friday. I am looking forward to it. I hope it all goes well.
Tonight, I went to the Women's Service Circle. One of our projects is to help the women at the Battered Women's Shelter. We are collecting items for them such as grooming articles, sheets, towels, diapers for their babies, and food. We also decided to give them gift certificates to the supermarket for their groceries. We feel this is a good and worth while project.
I became very tired and went home around 8:30 to walk Danny and get ready for bed.