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This is my new iris I got from a friend at Nature Club last week. I like ones that are unusual.
This is a photo of my sister-in-law's rose. It is strikingly beautiful.
I trimmed the hedge this morning and I am wiped out. I've been going through some stuff I have on the shelf on my sun porch. Most of it has gone in the paper recycling bin.
Danny is pestering me at the computer. I think he is jealous of it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A white and purple iris blooming in my yard last week. I'll post some more irises. I got a new one from a lady at nature club. It is an unusual yellow color. I took a photo but it was wilting due to the transplant.
The Vorlon Wife
Today, I went to the storage bin for the company and went through some boxes. I took 3 boxes with me. One was for stuff that needed to be shredded, one for trash, and one for sell or donate. The stuff for shredding was taken to the office building where we had our office. One of the other offices has a big locked bin and they will shred it for you. There was some personal information on some of the papers so I brought them home to shred myself.
I didn’t get that hedge done yet. I’ll have to get to it tomorrow. I’ll have to wear a mask, as the pollen is overwhelming. I walk outside and start sneezing and my eyes feel like bullfrog eyes. It will not be fun. The grass is also ready to cut but that can wait until Saturday.
One of the soaker hoses is clogged or something. The water is barely getting through. I’ll have to take it apart and find out what’s wrong with it. A lot of the hose connections seem to be leaking so I’ll have to try to fix them.
I saw a big black spot on the wall and wondered what it was. It started moving and I didn’t know if it was a hornet or a spider. I got the wasp and hornet spray and sprayed it up the hole where the bug went. It was the hole where the computer cable goes up to the second floor. The bug dropped down. It looked like a black widow but had a white hourglass on its back rather than a red hourglass on its abdomen. I search on the internet and it may possibly be an immature black widow. How gross. Now I have to worry about black widows being in the house. It would be a danger to Danny. He tries to catch and eat bugs. He snaps at bees and other bugs. He doesn’t know they could hurt him. I hope I don’t have any more in here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did a few things today. I planned to cut the hedge but somehow I didn’t get motivated. I paid some bills, changed the water bottle and searched for my documents to take to Social Security. I couldn’t find some and looked straight at them three times. I did clean out the shelf of old coupons and papers that are no longer needed. I cut a piece of wood to repair the bench on the side porch. It needs to be primed and painted and I wasn’t motivated to do that. I started putting the ceiling fan together that I am going to swap out for the one that is in the living room. The instructions were vague. They provided an Allen wrench to tighten some screws but I couldn’t fine any screws that the wrench would fit. It still needs some work but it is ready for my brother to hang.
I may reroute my phone wires to at least get the main phone working. If anyone needs to call me, please use my cell phone until future notice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I’m back. I was visiting my family. I stayed with my brother and sister-in-law for the holiday. My other brother lives nearby but is having a problem with his back. He went to the doctor today and got a prescription for the pain.
Sunday morning, I went to the Holmes Church where I grew up and where Ted and I were married. There was a small turnout and that was sad because when I attended there as a child, the church was packed. It was as sparsely attended as my church in Vineland.
Sunday afternoon, we went to my nephew, Rick’s for a bar-b-que. Joey went in the pool with two neighbor girls. The water was cold due to the recent rain. You can see the look on Joey’s face after he jumped in.
On Monday, my brother and sister-in-law went to the cemetery where Ted and my parents are buried. We put red, white and blue flowers on the graves.
My sister-in-law went with me to plant the flowers in the cemeteries where my grandparents are buried along with my uncle, my grand aunts and grand uncles and my great grand parents. We planted impatiens in the shaded area and petunias and Portulacas in the sunny areas.
I returned home this afternoon to heat and humidity. It is raining now and it’s supposed to cool off. It’s a good thing, as I need to cut the hedge tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The red rose bush is bursting with beautiful blooms this year. Most of the flowers have been absolutely beautiful. The deep purple iris did not bloom. I think it is too much shade. I will hae to move it but I might as well take it with me when I move to PA. I will now begin the task of packing up my clutter to make it appear more spacious. I just don't know where I'm going to put the stuff. I need to clear the company stuff out of the storage bin and put my stuff in it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I crossed two more jobs off my list today. I cleaned and installed the hardware on the doors that I refinished in the guest room. I started to walk Danny but got caught in the rain. He wasn't in any hurry to go home. After lunch, I finished planting my flowers. I planted pink and white impatiens under the Carolina maple and along the east side of the house. I also planted them in the shaded area on the west side under the Redbud tree. I finished the west side with portulacas aka moss roses. I still need to do my planters on the steps and on the back porch. I must have spaced them alot further than I thought as I have a flat and a half left over. I may add some in the back so they won't be too sparse. I'll plant some in the cemetaries and give some to my sister-in-law. I'll be going over to PA for the weekend. My nephew will be having a bbq on Sunday. I'm not sure what the rest of my plans will be.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I'm getting ready to head out to the Toastmasters meeting. Danny is standing half on my lap and half in front of the keyboard.
I went to the BNI meeting this afternoon. For a moment, I felt sad that Ted was not there. He was so active in the group. I feel his absence.
I planted my impatiens in the back yard this afternoon. I still have both side yards to do and the flowerbed under the Carolina maple. I hope I can get them done tomorrow. I'm still having trouble with the hoses leaking. I'll have to check them out all over again.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It rained all day today. Danny went out this morning for a short walk to do his business. I took him out this afternoon and he would have no part of it. He went out as far as the hedge and turned around to make a beeline for the house. I took him back to the hedge and even tried lifting his leg so he would get the hint but no dice. He would not stay out in the rain. We just got back from a walk around the block. I put his coat on him. It keeps him dry so he doesn’t mind the rain so much. He chose to go around the block. I think he picks up a scent and follows it.
I cleaned the fish tank today and did some laundry. I watched a movie on the TV but the commercials make an hour and a half movie four hours long. It drags on and on.
I was feeling sorry for my self today. I have a few bills to pay tomorrow and watch my savings go caching! Most of it is gasoline bills, sewer tax, car registration, and the cable bill.
There just do not seem to be any jobs in sight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Mother and Dad sitting; Don, Karol and Ted standing
I planted petunias across the front flowerbed and lavender impatiens around the rhododendrons on the east side. I walked Danny and had some lunch. It had gotten colder and I was chilled from walking him. I put some sauerkraut and Polish sausage in the oven and had that for dinner. Danny was begging for some but I gave him a Beggin Strip instead. When he saw he wasn’t getting any of my food, he ate his.
I found some instant mashed potatoes in the pantry so I took them over to Beth’s for the Battered women’s shelter. I don’t know why I had them, we don’t eat them. I also went to the Library, returned one book and took out another. I looked at their DVD movies but the ones that interested me are never there.
I walked Danny had my dinner and settled down on the sofa for Monday night on the Sci-Fi channel.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Cousin Mildred and husband Bill. Mildred was Aunt Ruby's daughter
I seemed to have recovered from my yardwork yesterday. I was hoping to plant my flowers today but after church, I had lunch with my friends and it started raining while we were eating. It rained pretty hard at times. It cleared off around 5 but it was still very wet. I just walked Danny and his feet and legs get soaked from the grass and puddles. He sometimes jumps over them and other times, he walks right through them.
Maybe I'll get to my plants tomorrow. Indiana Jones has been on all week. I was too tired to see the ending of the Crusade movie last night so I'll get my chance tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The Stroup Family: Bill, daughter Liz, and wife.
Bill's mother was my father's sister, Ruby.
Well, I did myself in. I crossed some more items off my list. I glued some tiles in the bathroom. I edged the sidewalk, curbs, driveways, flowerbeds, tress and shrubs. I used the blower to clean up the driveways and walkway. I had lunch, walked Danny and cut the grass. Now I am vegetating. My brother, Rick, will help me with the electrical work that I need done but we have to wait until after his cataract surgery.
I’m going back downstairs to watch Indiana Jones. Then I will walk Danny and go to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Bert Parker, Louise's husband; Aunt Emma, my father's sister; and cousin Louise, Uncle Bill's daughter.
James Durant Orrell Family with cousin Jane.
l to r: Ruth, Durant's wife, Betty, Durant's daughter, Jane, Durant, my Dad's brother, and Nick, Betty's husband. Ruth was 90 years olf when this was taken and Durant was 91.
Rhododendron 05/15/08
The blooms are not as plentiful this year, however, it is a beautiful bush. The bush on the other side of the walk has even less blooms. It is in heavy shade under the Carolina Maple. I should have let Ted trim off the lower branches to let in more light. He did trim some so he could mow the grass without having to bend down under the tree. It is a rainy morning. It looks like no grass will be cut this weekend.
Danny is still sleeping. He will not want to go out in the rain.
I crossed another item off my list. I got all the company paperwork in order and ready to take to the accountant. I went out to the garden center and bought my flowers for my borders around the house. I hope I got enough. I’m not sure if I have enough impatiens for my flower boxes or not. I’m going to space them further apart and stretch them out.
I haven’t heard anything about the job opportunity. Perhaps it’s not meant to be. Maybe, I’ll have to go ahead with early retirement and move over near my brothers. I am feeling more and more like there is no reason to stay here.
I called my cousin and a friend today but no one was home.
I should have started planting the flowers but I just wasn’t into it. Ted used to go with me to pick out the flowers. We would look at them and decide what color we want and what we should plant and where. The front of the house is on the south and is extremely hot. We mostly chose Vincas and sometimes petunias. The petunias get eaten by what looks like cabbageworms but I decided on them anyway. I’ll have to spray them. I got lavender impatiens for the east side and bright pink with some white ones for the back yard. I also got a half flat of moss roses for the front. They have reseeded in the past but I got some more just in case. I see a marigold that has reseeded but the moss roses don’t come up until June. I guess when the soil is warmer.
I am still having trouble with my phone. It may be one of my electronic switches that turns on the hall light. The switch is linked into the computer but it does not seem to be working. It won’t even work manually. I’ll have to get them replaced. The electrician down the street said he would help me. I’ll either get him or my brother to do it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The Spence Family:
Barbara Waldin in background on left, Jim's wife, cousin, Mildred Hansen with head down, Jim Waldin, Jane's son, cousin, Jane Waldin, James "Bud" Spence and wife Mable.
Mildred, Jand and Bud are children of my father's sister, Aunt Ruby. Another Spence sister, Dolly was deceased at the time of this photo. Aunt Ruby had 5 more children by her second marriage to Harry Stroup.
The Baker Family with Aunt Lily. Back row: Rene with son Bruce and wife, Alison, Stan, and Sue, Rene's daughter.
Middle row: Aunt Lily, Rene's mother, Marie, Rene's wife, Bonnie, Rene's daughter.
Front row: Bruce's daughters and Sue's son.
I accidentally deleted everything I wrote. It is getting late so I'll write tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Aunt Martha 96 years old. She was married to my Dad's oldest brother, Frank. She is at Aunt Lily's birthday with her daughters, Marie and Thelma. Aunt Martha's brother, Rene, was married to Aunt Lily.
Aunt Lily Tees Baker Hoopes Trathan is seated in center. Sue Baker Glenbocki, Lily's granddaughter is carrying the cake for Lily's 95th birthday. Next is Bud Hoopes' wife and Bud who is Lily's son. Aunt Lily was married 4 times.
I awoke to computer alarms going off when the power went out. The clocks were blinking 3am; I finally couldn't take it anymore and got up around 5am. We got a lot of wind and rain. Danny seemed to want to stay out in the rain. I had to drag him home after he was done his business. The rain was cold and I needed gloves.
The company computer was out for a while. I turned it on and off a few times, wiggled some wires and it finally fired up. I was afraid the storm might have sent a surge through and fried it. I just got a new hard drive a couple months ago.
I sent a resume to a friend early in the morning and then called the company later and got an answering machine. I haven't heard anything yet.
I got my scanner going and dug up some documents and photos for my cousin. He is writing a book on family members who served in the Navy. I sent him my Dad's information and a photo of him in his uniform. I also scanned in some photos of my Aunt Lily's 90th birthday party. It was in 1990. There were 4 of my father's family attending who were in there 90's. It was the last time many of the family got together. Three of the nonagenarians passed away within the next months and I lost my mother. I'll put up a photo each day of the family gathering.
I went to church this morning and then had lunch with two friends from the church, June and Joan. Joan is a retired pastor and she preached at our church this morning. She had an excellent sermon. Some people in our church do not think women should be pastors. Joan's sermon was on Mary Magdalene and how Mary was the first to find Jesus had risen. She was the first one Jesus told to go and tell the Good News. John 20:11-16
After returning from lunch and walking Danny, I listened to my phone messages. There was horrible static on the line. I disconnected the answering machine and the noise was still there. I called the phone company and got a computerized voice, which I could barely hear. The voice said something about the interface on the outside of the house and a screwdriver. I went out with a screwdriver and had trouble getting the screw out. I went back in for my ratchet and it has disappeared. I tried to think where I had last used it. I pictured using it for my air conditioners but it was not anywhere around them. I remembered I used it when I worked on the hose reel. It is nowhere to be found. The other tools are all in the toolbox so I don't know what happened to it. Anyway, I had used the head of my electric screwdriver in the ratchet screwdriver so I couldn't use that either. I took a Phillips screwdriver out as the slot could use either and I managed to open the box. It had instructions on the inside of the lid. I got my phone and plugged it into the box. Bad news! The phone had no noise. That means something is wrong with my lines. I unplugged all the phones and still had the noise. The phone next to the computer is plugged into some kind of Radio Shack device that allows one to record on the phone. The device had three wires hooked into it. One for the phone, one for the computer and one for the recorder (I think). I disconnected the line that went from the computer to the box and plugged the phone into the box. Still noise. I either have to trace down every single line and disconnect them all until I find the culprit or pay a fortune for someone to come in and do it. Maybe I'll go cable. Anyway, anyone having to call me please use my cell phone.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Jonathan with his God parents, Juan and Marian.
Jonathan is the son of my friends, Sonia and Don. Sonia worked for Ted and I for many years. Juan is Sonia's uncle and Marian is a close friend of the Don's Family. Don calls her Aunt Marian. Jonathan calls me Aunt Karol
I gathered up the rest of the information I need for the accountant. I have to go to my former office manager's office on Monday to make copies and then take the stuff to the accountant. I downloaded some forms to shut the business down. I'll have to go over them with my accountant, Henry, and put the company behind me.
It will be a relief to get that done.
It was supposed to rain today but it cleared off. I was going to trim the hedge but it was still rather wet so I decided against it.
When I walked Danny, a little girl and her teenage brother were walking their little dog. The girl was about 5 years old and she had ahold of the dog and he took off like a shot after Danny. The girl fell down in the street and scraped her knees and elbows. I don't know why the boy didn't take ahold of the dog. The little girl was not able to control him. I saw them and started to cross to the other side of the road but the dog had one of those leads that extends out to about 30 feet. The dogs growled and snarled at each other so I grabbed Danny up and went to check on the little girls. I felt bad for the girl she was all smiling and happy walking her dog and then she was crying. The brother sat with her, checked her out and then carried her home.
I did some ironing. I hadn't done any for awhile and it was piling up. I still have more to do but at least I put a dent in it.
I don't know what I am doing for Mother's Day. My nieces and their husbands were away and get in late tonight so they'll be too tired to visit their Mother. Both nephew's are working so that only leaves my brothers and my sister-in-law. I don't know whether to go to visit them or to stay home and get some more things crossed off my list.
My friend from the church doesn't have any family in this area either so I could go to lunch with her. Maybe I'll do that.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The hostas are doing well this year. Plenty of rain and warm weather has caused lush growth. There are two azaleas that have intermingled together making a beautiful display of color in my east garden.
The green flowers of the Carolina Maple hang in clusters like grapes. The fragrance is like honeysuckle and can be smelled from halfway down the block. This is a real problem for allergy suffers. The pollen also is all over, turning my car green.
I worked on Ted's business today. I have tied into the subsiderary ledger but the G/L is off. There must be a glich from when the hard drive crashed. The software doesn't seem to be posting. Ted would probably know how to fix it but I don't have a clue. I'll go over some registers tomorrow and see if I can find what's happening. If not I can go with the manual ledger and the subsiderary ledger. I can make sure I have all the copies I need and then take it the the accountant and get the business closed.
I did some computer research this morning. It really eats up the time. It cleared up a little and I thought I'd cut the hedge but it got cloudy again. I should have cut the hedge because it didn't rain even though it seemed like it would. It was drizzling a bit when I walked Danny. We're supposed to get rain tomorrow and throught the weekend. We could use it but we'll see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I will soon be off to the Toastmasters meeting. I went to the BNI meeting. I substitute for people who are unable to make it. It is a networking group for small businesses that Ted used to belong to. I talked to Melissa the realitor. She looked up the value of my house and it hasn't changed since last September.
When I got home, I walked Danny and then cut the grass. It was hot but I now have shade on the trees and a breeze made it not too bad. I got cleaned up and will walk Danny before I go.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Home Depot this morning. I needed a few things. I got some washers for the garden hoses. It seems everything was leaking. The hose reel was leaking very badly. I had a terrible time taking it apart to get at the connection. I shouldn't have wasted my time and energy. I had to use several screw drivers to pry it open only to find that I had to take the entire hose read apart to get the cap off that was leaking . I tightened it as tight as I could using a pipe wrench but to no avail. I looped the hose around it and hooked the hose directly to the spigot. I'm not sure if it will wind up but well see. I was watering the back yard; I just shut it off when I put out the trash. I crossed a couple things off my list but I thought of a few more to add to it.
I went to the Women's Service meeting tonight. They all missed me at church on Sunday. I had gone to Jonathan's First Holy Communion over at St. Francis'. The meeting was fun as usual. We are collecting donations for the Women's shelter. The campaign is going well. We are also donating gift certificates to the super market. The women come out of difficult situations with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Some have children they bring with them.
Beth made a delicious Jewish Apple Cake; it is my favorite.
I walked Danny when I got home and fell asleep on the sofa.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Jonathan's First Holy Communion today. He said he was a little scared. It was a big day for him. The chrildren worked hard on making banners for the pews and they each made a rosary for themselves. Jonathan's family was there - parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, greatgrand mother, cousins and friends.
They had lunch afterwards at his grandparents home. There was more food than everyone could possibly eat and a beautiful cake shaped like a bible with a cross decorating it and Congratulation on your 1st Holy Communion, Jonathan, written on it. It was a good cake, very moist.
I put the air cleaner back together and plugged it in. I crossed another job off my list. I should have washed the car but didn't. That job isn't on my list but the car is green with pollen. I'll have to take a photo of the Carolina Maple with its clusters of green flowers hanging like grapes. It has a fragrance of honeysuckle and you can smell it half a block away. It is a killer for anyone suffering from allergies. It gives me a headache to go near it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Just a couple lines for tonight. It's late. I watched a movie and read my book during the commercials. I cleaned the air filter machine today. It has to be taken apart, vacuumed, plates cleaned and the filter soaked in hot water. The fan need cleaning and a drop of oil put on the rod the fan rotates around. The filter takes a while to dry so I'll assemble it in the morning. I didn't get much else done. I thought it was going to rain but it cleared off right about the time that Ted and I would go to Ocean City. It would have been a nice day for the shore.
Tomorrow is Jonathan's 1st Holy Communion. Sonia invited me. The service is at 10am. She worked with Ted and I. Jonathan calls me Aunt Karol and gives me a big hug when he sees me. He is a great kid.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Azalea time in Vineland. This is my prettiest so far. They are just starting.
I went on the internet job searching this morning. I then, went outside and used the weed eater on the west and back sides of the house – along the curb, along the driveway, both sides of the hedge, around the trees, and along the flowerbeds. I went as far as my cord could reach. It was lunchtime so I put everything away and swept up the drive. I have another power source in the garage so I can finish the back another day. I was exhausted so I vegetated after lunch.
I walked Danny around the block and vegetated some more. He is ready for another walk and then his dinner will be ready.
I feel sad, as there is no choir tonight and probably won’t be anymore. I hope the person is happy that her unthoughtful remark has dissolved the choir.
The barking dog across the street has Danny all hyper. I told Danny he should feel sorry for that dog because no one takes him for a walk. The only word he understood is WALK and now he is ready to go.
News from the Vorlon Wife.