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I spoke to soon about the construction. They were back yesterday morning blocking off the road where the company is. I was also delayed by a long freight train. I turnd on Ashland Avenue and wondered what that traffic light was doing half down the block. Then I realized it was the B&O Railrail as I was the gates coming down. I put my car in park and drank my coffee that I picked up from WaWa.
Danny is following Sylvia around while I am at work. He does that to me. He is like a shadow. She is becoming his second Mommy. Maybe I should say third. Erica is his second. I guess he needs to attach himself to a companion. We met a little black dog on our walk yesterday. They sniffed each other and then Danny went GRRRR. I pulled him away. For some reason Danny didn't like him or her. The dog may have been young. Danny doesn't like young dogs. He is sleeping on the sofa right now. We'll be going out for his walk as soon as I get a little cafine in my system. I wake up with stuffed sinuses. People ask me if I take something for it. Yes, a cup of coffee does the trick. I only take medication if absolutely necessary.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
PS to the Vorlon Sister and Brother-in-law: I hope you are going to the wedding. I'll give you a call this weekend.
A lot of people walk their dogs around here. My brother lives across from the elementary school and the school yard is a great place for walking dogs. I enjoyed walking Danny there. The problem is too many people did not clean up after their dog so now there is a big sign up at the school yard. "NO DOGS ALLOWED." Now that I am here, I can't walk my dog in the school yard. It is a big school yard with open fields and soccer fields. Trees line the back and sides. There is a park a couple blocks away. I though that would be a good place to walk Danny but it too has a No dogs allowed sign. Some people have to ruin things for everyone. They still have no clue as the sidewalks are now lined with dog droppings. There are signs along the street to clean up after your dog and some people do but others do not.
The sunset was pretty over the school yard last night. I should have taken a picture but I had just brought Danny out and he was anxious for his walk. He would not have been happy if I dragged him back in for the camera. The sun was behind the tress when we got back. He woke up an looked around at me this morning but he went back to sleep. He waits until I'm about to drink my coffee to come down and want to go out for his walk. He seems to time it just right.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The job is going well. Sometimes it's confusing trying to remember what procedure to use for what. I have found a route to get to and from work without construction and some of the jobs are finished in the areas I drive.
Coming over on Sunday was a mess. I left a little later as I waited for a thunderstorm to pass by before loading the car. The traffic was moderatlely heavy and when I go off the expressway, I went a few miles and came to a complete standstill. I thought there isn't a traffic light until I get to Mullica Hill and then realized the traffic was backed up for several miles going into Mullica Hill. I had caught up to the shore traffic returning home to PA. The bridge had construction going on but at least they had two lanes open going into PA. I made good time inspite of the traffic. I only lost 15 minutes. The news said the shore traffic was moderate. I'd hate to see it when it was heavy.
I talked to the lady who I am filling in for yesterday. Her surgery was more intense than she anticipated. She will prabably need more rehab than they thought. I may be at this job a week or tow longer. I hope it doesn't run into my trip to CA. It would be difficult for the company to have bothe Don and I out at the same time. It is a small company. The owners daughter used to fill in for them but she moved to FL. That's why they needed a temp to fill in. It is good to have the money but I want to get my house ready for market. It's hard to do on the weekend when I have to cut the grass, trim the hedge, edge and weed. the hedge should be OK this weekend and so should the edging. I wish I could use Ted's gasoling edger. I got it started but it only went a couple feet and stalled out. Maybe I'll have to try it when the ground is softer.
Well, I have to walk Danny and get ready for work.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I'm off to my brother's. I cut the grass at 8:30am. Walked Danny, showered, went to church, had lunch with my lady friends, gave Danny a bath, packed my stuff and now have to water the plants and make sure Alex can continue feeding my fish. It looks like I lost the last of the neons last week. The pintail probably ate it. The neons just seem to disappear. They were over two years old so I guess it was time for them. The pintale was a baby from the group we bought. We kept the fish tank at the office. I was going to take them back to the pet store but Ted said he liked the fish so I brought them home.
Well, I better get going. I got the car packed and Danny is anxious. He knows I'm getting ready to go and he hopes he is going with me. He has no way of knowing whether I'm going to leave him or not.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A new makeover. I got my hair cut today and had it done in a new style. It still has some perm in it so we'll see how it looks tomorrow when I have to style it. I should have take the photo before I did the yard work. The wind blew it around and I was sweating around the hair line so it is a little limp. I never took a self portrait before. I had to take several shots as I kept tilting my head back.
I got most the the things done on my list. I went out early in the morning while it was cool. I was in the sun, however, and that made it very hot. Next time I'll wait until the sun moves over the trees and I get some shade. I still have to cut the grass, write out some bills, and give Danny his bath. It's almost time for his flea medicine so I like to give him his bath ahead of time. I want to bathe him here rather than at my brother's as he runs around like he's been shot out of a cannon. I also need plenty of towels to dry him before I use the hair dryer on him.
I'll finish up the chores tomorrow. Tonight, I'm going to rest.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got home around 4:00pm. Traffic was heavy heading to the shore but it wasn't too bad.
I put some clothes in the wash and made a list of things to do tomorrow. I have to go to the chiropractor, get Danny's flea medicine at the Vet, take my book back to the library, get my mail at the post office, go to the bank, and get my haircut. I also have to trim the hedge and cut the grass. I'll start with trimming the hedge; that is the hardest job and I might as well do that before seeing the chiropractor. No use getting aligned and then throw my back out again while doing the hedge.
The mosquitoes are terrible this year. Can't even go out the door without being attacked by them. They are bad at my brother's house, too. They started early this year. Usually they don't get bad until mid August.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yellow lilies, one of Ted's favorite.
The job is going well. Some of the construction was finished today so I was able to get home from work without much problem. Sylvia and Rick were down at my neice's putting the boat in the water and taking it for a test drive before selling it to my neice's friend.
I had dinner with Don at Ruby Tuesday's. I had the chicken tenders and Don had the sirlon steak. I got a couple ceiling tiles from Don for my laundry room. He had some extra that match my tiles( I hope.)
Danny had been walked and he is up in bed. I will be joining him soon.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Work is going well but getting there is another matter. There are three roads that have construction and I have to find another route. I couldn't get down the street the company is on. I had to try to find another way. One road went down the the swim club and I had to turn around and find another one. I finally got there. Everyone was having a difficult time.
We are having a severe thunder and lightning storm. I hope it blows over when it's time to walk Danny.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The job is going well. It is relaxing not to have to be at work until 9:30 or 10:00am. Then I leave around 2:30 give or take. Some of the tasks are confusing but I'm getting there.
Tonight, I am going to have dinner with my Aunt Jean. I haven't seen her for awhile so it will be good to do some catching up. i also hope to see cousin Joy, cousin Louise, and cousin Renee.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
An impatien that self seeded from last year is growing out of the joint in the curb.
Cana and Flax blooming in southern flowerbed.
Petunia blooming in southern flowerbed.
Blue Hydrangea blooming in west side garden. It is very heavily shaded by the redbud tree. When Alex recovers from his surgery, I'll have him trim it back. The squirrels can jump on his roof from the tree.
I'm back. I spent a few days at my brother, Rick's and work with my brother, Don. I'll be helping his company out while one of his co-workers is having surgery. I had my training the past few days. Danny stays with my brother Rick and his wife Sylvia. My nephew, Bob, stopped in and Danny kept licking Bob's face. It was funny. Bob allowed Danny to do this. Everyone else pushes Danny away from their face. Bob was on the floor and Danny was all over him licking his face. We all laughed.
Don got a new digital camera for our trip to California. Now he has to get a new computer so he can upload his photos. It was a scorching hot day today and it will get worse on Friday and Saturday. I'll have to do my outdoor work early. I have to line up my contractor. He fixed the caulking in my roof when I was away. I have to arrange for him to come in and replace two ceiling tiles that have water stains. No one will buy my house with stains on the ceiling. They'll think the roof leaks and that will be a big turnoff. Everyone's roof leaks at one time or another. I have a lot of packing up to do. A lot to do on the weekend. I also want to visit my cousins who are coming from Chicago to vacation in Cape May.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I have been working at the company my brother, Don works for. One of the ladies there will be having surgery and I'll be filling in for her for a few weeks. She is training me this week and I'll be on my own next week. It's going well but so much to learn all at once.
Danny stays with my brother, Rick and his wife, Sylvia while I work for 4 hours a day.
I am using my laptop and wasn't able to get a signal until now.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took this through the windshield as we arrived. It was rather exciting as we drove up. It is totally different than the boardwalk section. It is much quieter.
A view of the marina. The white building in the back left is the Coast Guard Station. This is a little less than half the marina. There are 8 floating docks. All were full.
This reminds me of the Phoenix rising from the ashes. This is Atlantic City looking from the boardwalk. The casino stands in contrast to the urban housing. Most are boarded up.
I just got home from seeing the Zombies. A rock group from the sixties. They were performing at the Trump Marina in Atlantic City. We went to the boardwalk for a while. I took some photos there and at the Marina. We ate at the Harbor View Restaurant. I had the Maryland Crab Cakes. They were excellent but as with other Gourmet Restaurants, the portions were small and everything was separate. My meal came with a teaspoon of potato salad with a scent of truffles, and a serving of salad greens that looked like dandelion greens but had a mild flavor. It has a lemon dressing that was quite tasty. Don's Chilean Bass was excellent but came with only a few grape tomatoes, two of which roll off his fork onto the floor. They did serve three types of bread and a dish with two black olives and three green olives. If you wanted soup or salad it would have cost extra. They had a four course meal that cost $65.00 per person. I think if one ordered the soup, salad and dessert, any meal would have cost that much. I was not still hungry but I could have had room for dessert. We figured we could get some ice cream after the show but there was nothing back at the Marina and on the way home, everything was closed.
I'll post the photos tomorrow. My computer is backing up as it is after midnight. I am using my company computer. Danny is at Erica's. I'll pick him up in the morning. I will be working at my brother's company a couple days next week for training. One of the ladies will be having surgery and they need a temp. I sent Don my resume and they want me to start training. The money will come in handy.
There is also another temp job in the wings but I haven't heard back from the lady.
I better hit the hay.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got a lot accomplished today. I weeded the back side of the back yard. I took the mosquito repellent lantern as I was being eaten alive. I talked with Alex awhile while I was weeding. The flowerbed adjoins his yard. I cleaned out the walk-in closet. You can actually walk into it now. I boxed up some things, such as craft items, material, and comforters that are rarely used, to take to the storage bin. I put the boxes of winter comforters and blankets into the back of the walk-in closet. I watered the back of the flowerbeds that I just weeded. They were very dry and they don’t often get watered from the backside. I am now watering the little hedge down by the garage that adjoins my neighbor to the back. It never gets watered. I saw a setting on the sprinkler that shoots out in a narrow band on both sides.
I looked some things up on the computer and I was having a problem with preparing my photo for the wed. Image Composer wasn’t working properly. I wasn’t able to reduce the size. I went into Photoshop Elements and figured out how to do it there. I was able to post my Blazing Star.
I will be sorting through some DDH files. I brought them in from the garage. I’ll sort through them while I’m watching the Sci-Fi channel tonight. Stargate has been on all day. It was on at lunchtime and I got a glimpse here and there. Dr. Who will be on tonight.
I found some nice boxes when sorting through the company stuff. They are perfect for storing loose photos until I get moved into a new house.
Danny is all hyper. The pit-bull across the street barks continuously. I don’t know how the people stand it. Danny wants to go over there and tear him apart but he’s not allowed. He thinks I am a mean Mommy.
Tomorrow, I go with Don to Atlantic City to see the Zombies at Trumps Marina. I hope I remember to take my camera this time. I should get some good shots of the bay.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Glads blooming in my front yard. The rain beat them to the ground so I cut them and brought them in the house. They are beautiful this year.
I went through the stuff I brought home from the storage bin. I have a few things to shred. I have a lot to go to the paper recycle and some software I don’t know quite what to do with. I had a lot of CD to destroy by scratching them. I still have three boxes of files to go through. Some will most likely need to be shredded. Some I’ll have to shred myself and the others I’ll take to Ann’s office and put in the locked bin for shredding.
My brother called and said his company wants to start training me next week. I’ll get some extra money coming in.
Danny has had his walk and is in bed. I will join him soon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Here are my impatiens. Some are planted in the ground and some are in pots. They are doing very well.
I should sleep good tonight. I started trimming the hedge at 8:45am and finished at 9:45am. As I was winding up the cord, it started to rain. It was good timing. It fizzled out though. I thought we wouldn’t get any rain today. I got a shower as I was dripping with sweat. It wasn’t that hot and the sun was not out but the humidity was very high. After lunch, I loaded some boxes in the car and took them to the storage bin. I took some boxes out of the storage bin and brought home to the garage. I will have to look through them and sort out what’s good and what’s trash. It was hot as the devil working at the storage bin. I came home, washed my hands, face, and hosed down my hair.
I walked Danny and kept in the shade. We didn’t go far and I don’t think he was happy with a short walk. After dinner, I got Danny ready to go for a walk and found it was pouring down rain. He started to walk but turned around to head back to the house. I knew he had to do some business so I took him out under the little red maple in the back yard. We were sheltered from the rain but he just stood there looking at me so I took him back in. The rain let up so I walked him at 8:00.
I’ll try to stay awake while reading my book then turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yellow lily in back yard. These bloom later than the others but I do have some star gazers out front that haven't bloomed yet. Notice the leaves on these are like the tiger lily leaves.
Today, I took my car to be serviced and got a ride home in the Honda Mobile. I cut the grass and it was already blazing hot at 9am. I cut some of Alex’s front lawn but the sun was too hot out there. I had lost the shade as the sun moved toward the south. Alex had surgery on his arm. He had a very bad muscle tear.
I came in and cooled down. The Honda dealer called me twice. I needed front brakes, which I already knew, but he called me again because I needed new rotors. Bummer.
They called again when it was done and sent the Honda Mobile around to get me. After I paid my bill, I stopped by the library, returned my book and took out another. The last book was a mystery by J P James. It was an Adam Dalgliesh mystery. If you watch Mystery on PBS you may have seen some of the mysteries. I took out a book by Nancy Conant. She writes mysteries involving dogs. The main character has Alaskan Malamutes that somehow get involved in solving the mystery.
I packed up some things that were in the closets and on the daybed in the guestroom. I had some craft items that are in bags so I boxed them up and will put out in the garage until I take them to the storage bin. I also packed up some winter comforters and blankets. I want my closets to look nice and spacious when I put it on the market.
Danny is in bed already counting z’s. I will read for a while and then count some z’s of my own.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had to delete the July 3rd entry and repost it. It was getting hit with 85 junk emails a day. I guess people have nothing better to do than annoy others.
July 3, 2008
Today, I weeded the west side where my azaleas border my neighbor’s property. I went on down the back side of the bordering flower garden. I was a pleasant morning. My neighbor, Alex, can home from grocery shopping and we chatted for a while. Alex just had surgery on his shoulder for a torn muscle. He was originally supposed to be home for two weeks but the tear was more involved and he will be home for four weeks.
After lunch, I went to the super market to get my groceries. I was out of a lot of things. I washed 10 pounds of blueberries I got last night, spun them in my salad spinner to get the excess water off and put them in a huge plastic zip-lock bag and put them in the freezer. I have five more pounds in the frig except to the ones I ate today. I had some for breakfast and then had some for dessert tonight. I put a layer ladyfingers in a bowl; next, I put ice cream on it, next came the blueberries, then the whip cream and topped it with a cherry.
Danny had his several walks today and his playtime. I tell him to go upstairs and get his bone and he does. Then we play tug of war and I toss the plush toy bone out toward the kitchen or across the living room. I’m amazed when he understands me when I tell him to go upstairs and get his bone. He also knows lets go to bed. He goes upstairs rather than toward the door.
I finalized our reservation for California. Now I just have to wait until it’s time to go. Lots to do in the mean time. I just hope I’m not in the middle of moving when it’s time for my trip.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got the rest of the company paperwork together and took it to the accountant. The company will soon be dissolved. I will be glad when everything is taken care of and I won't have to worry about it.
I did two loads of wash and I ironed some summer clothers that were stuffed in the closet. I was on the computer for awhile. It seems to eat up a lot of time. I got up at 6am, took Danny out and had some coffee. I went on the computer and before I knew it, it was 10am. I made an appointment for my car to have it's 6 month service. It may need front brakes so it could be expensive. Always something.
My brother's company may need a temporary person. One of the ladies is going to have surgery at the end of July. She works 4 hours a day. There is someone else they are considering so we'll see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was away for the weekend. I went to my nephew, Rick’s for the fourth. He cooked some filet mignon on the grill. It was excellent. Cheryl, Sylvia and I went in the pool. It was very pleasant. I took Danny Boy into the pool to see if he’d like it but he did not. He was scared so I put him out of the pool and dried him off. He was only wet on the bottom. He did the doggie paddle but I didn’t let go of him. He did not like it at all.
I followed my brother, Rick, home and stayed with him and Sylvia, my sister-in-law. There were illegal fireworks all over the place. Some were quite a profession job. Several homes behind the high school set them off every year. Others were closer. There were empty shells from them in the back alley.
I went over to see my brother, Don, on Sat. and then back to Rick’s.
This morning, I went to the Holmes Church. Some of the people there knew my parents. One of her friends, Dottie, was there. She had not been well for about 11 weeks and this was her first Sunday back. She remembered me after I introduced myself. Another lady knew Don. Her husband works with Don.
Sylvia and I went to an open house near her. We walked over. The house was advertised for $359,900. Most houses in that area go for 200,000 to 250,000. We were curious to see it. It turned out to be the home of a lady who used to work with Sylvia. It was a lovely home. I wish I had the money to buy it. It was a holiday so there were no other open houses. I drove by some that were advertised for sale. One was on Green Street near Don. He and I walked around to look at it. It was right behind the EMT Station and directly behind the Firehouse. The sirens would be horrendous.
I’ll keep looking. I have to wait until I sell this house, anyway.
News from the Vorlon Wife
A bloom on my butterfly bush. I'll have to try to get a shot of a butterfly on it.
I weeded the west side today. It is the hardest area. Grass grows in between the irises and it’s hard to pull it out with out pulling out the irises. There are three kinds of grass. Regular grass, zoisa grass, and crab grass. The cactuses are in that section, too. It’s not easy to weed around them without getting prickers.
A big limb came down after I weeded and went in to have my lunch. It knocked down part of my hedge. A big wind came up and a nice cool breeze came in the windows. I didn’t know the wind was that hard. The other night we had a storm. I slept through it. There were limbs down all over the yard. They were green limbs and I thought that odd. I usually get dead branches. I walked Danny down the street and a large pine tree had snapped about 20 feet up the trunk. The trunk was about 18 inches in diameter. The tree was at least 80 feet tall. Fortunately, it landed in the driveway and caused no damage. The branches had been cut off the bottom 60 feet so it must have been top heavy and the wind must have bent it so far that it snapped.
I sewed my winter coat so I can take it to the cleaners and then put it away for the summer. The lining had frayed. I also sewed a few other things while I had the machine out. I mended a pair of pants, a pair of shorts and several curtains that were my mothers. My brother can use them in his kitchen. I still have a couple more to sew along with some other items. I’ll finish up the sewing tomorrow and take the bins I have in the guest room out to the garage. I am slowly getting things accomplished.
I went to my Toastmasters meeting. It was an enjoyable evening with my friends. On the way home, I picked up my blueberries. Tomorrow morning I'll wash them and put most of them in the freezer. I spin them in my salad spinner and put them in the freezer. I have them all winter with my cereal. I eat some fresh with ice cream or on my cereal.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another late bloomer. A white azalea.
Today, I made reservations for my trip to California for Ted’s niece’s wedding in September. My brother will be going with me. While we are there, we will tour San Francisco and spend 4 days at Yosemite. We also want to drive along the coastal highway to Big Sur. We will have 8 nights and 9 days. I feel excited about getting together with Ted’s family and touring CA. We picked out some of the tourist traps we want to see in San Francisco. There is a lot to see so we will have to streamline our tours.
I didn’t get much else done today. I packed up some things I still had out since Christmas. A big bowl and a framed needlepoint that was on the fireplace mantle. Also a small cookie or candy jar that was a gift from my friend. I usually left these out year round but I am packing up my clutter so I can put my house on the market. I have a lot of clutter to pack up. I also have to go through the storage bin and sort out the stuff there. My friend needs desks for her office so I’ll give her the desks. I kept my desk and Ted’s desk because we were still thinking he would recover. We would need the desks to continue our business. That didn’t work out for us so I need to give the desks to someone who can take them away.
I walked Danny a few times today and will take him out one more time before turning in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.