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Congratulations to Betsey. Well done.
Pictured are Ted's nephew, David, his niece , our Olympic Silver Metal winner for Women's Water Polo, Betsey, Ted's sister-in-law, Mary and his brother, Tom. Betsey was surrounded by her family in China during the Olympic Games.
I cut the grass today and gave Danny a bath. Two more things crossed off my list. I had lunch with my friends from Church and got a head light replaced at Pep Boys. They didn't charge me for the labor. I don't think they knew what to charge. They had several huddles of discussions and one of the guys said, "Just have Kevin put it in." They didn't give me a bill for the labor. Sometimes you win.
My friends across the street have their moving van there. I guess Peter is taking some things down to Florida. Their settlement will be on the 15th. Hopefully, I'll see them next week before my vacation. They will be gone when I get back. I will miss them. Sonia their sister will be going to PA so we may be able to get together when I get moved over there.
Danny is playful after his bath. He runs around the house, grabbing his toy and shaking it like a dead rat. I'll walk him around 8:00 and then he's off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't get much accomplished today. I went to get my mail at the Post Office at 9"00 and it was not open until 10:30. They had special holiday hours. There were several people there. We just looked at each other with blank faces. I started to edge the lawn and got the front done. I had to clean up and change my clothes to go back to the PO. I was hot and dirty. The line was about 35 feet long; I was the last one in line who didn't have to stand outside the door. It is a big Post Office. When I got up to get my mail and stop the mail for next week the lady gave me a hard time. She was a witch and would not take my card to hold the mail. She said I couldn't hold it for one week and then come back and hold it again the next week. She told me to rent a box. I said "For two weeks?" She gave me some lecture about defeating the purpose of holding mail. I said, "Fine, I'll let my mail hang out of the box all week so everyone can see I'm not home."That will defeat the purpose of not holding my mail." I hate confrontations. I was exhausted for the rest of the day. I washed my clothes and took care of the bills. Last night, I looked up the IRS payments and I have confirmations that everything was paid. Sometimes it seems the world is against you.
Danny has gone to bed. I am about to turn in myself.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
He has gone to bed and I am about to follow him.
That little dog just got up. I got up to make the coffee and put him out in the yard and he stayed up in bed. Rick and Sylvia live in a split level. Danny like to lay at the top landing and look out the living room window. He like to see the people and dogs going by on the sidewalk. He must be tired. He laid down up there. He maybe waiting for Rick or Sylvia to come out. He heard them stirring.
I need to put some clothes so I can walk him. I'll post my flower blog when I get home. I hope I don't have much work today and can get away early.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I am kept busy at work. There is always a lot to be done and I think things are slow. Of course I only work 4-5 hours so I have to get my work done in that time. Only a few more days. Two this week and three next week. Then I'll be off to California. There will be a lot to see there. I will probably come home exhausted. I will want to see and do it all.
I just hope I don't crash until I get back. I'll be able to take a break then and get my house ready for market. I see a few houses here that I might like. I haven't looked inside them yet. I don't want to do that until I am ready to buy. I just hope I can get my house sold. I read that for every ten houses on the market, there are only two buyers. That's one reason so many are not selling. They seem to sell well in this area. We'll have to wait and see how things go.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny is trying to be patient waiting for me to walk him. I put him out back but that doesn't cut it for him. He doesn't do his business out there unless he really has to. He must consider the yard as part of the house. I'm tired out from running back and forth to NJ and PA. I should have been finished last week but Maggee's surgery was more complicated and she will be another two weeks of therapy. Next week will be a short one as it is Labor Day and I am taking off Friday so I can pack for my trip to CA. I decided not to take my computer. I will be a hassle lugging it through the airports. Maybe there will be a library where I can log into my blog.
School is PA starts early this year. It is the school district where I went as a kid. They always started the Wednesday after Labor Day. This is the first year they are starting before Labor Day. It caught some parents off guard. My nephew's fiancée' was driving past the school last week and saw the sign School starts Aug 26. It will be a mad house here. My brother lives across the street from the elementary school. The traffic is horrid between 8:00 and 9:00 with parents dropping their children off. When I was a kid, we walked or rode our bikes. They even made us go home for lunch. Only when it rained did my friend's mother drive us to school. We didn't have buses for elementary school. Buses were only available if you lived over two miles from the school. They were rented from the Philadelphia Transportation Company. We didn't have the yellow school buses. The public transportation buses had a yellow sign across the front and back probably magnetic that said school bus.
Anyway, I'm glad I don't leave until 9:00 for work. There is no getting in or out of the street. It becomes one way during the school rush hour. Coming home may be a problem because I won't be able to get into my parking space. I can park the wrong way but in NJ, they ticket you for facing the opposite direction of the traffic flow on the street. I hesitate to do that but I'll have no choice. These houses have back alleys for one car to park. The rest have to park on the street. There are very few garages. When the houses were built, in the last 30's and early 50's, not many had cars. They took the train to work and most mothers did not drive. They were housewives and did not work outside the home. Public transportation was readily available. The houses have small rooms, too. There is a single house for sale down the street. Rick and Sylvia went to the open house on Sunday. They said the rooms were small than the ones they have in their twin house. It is a cape with no dormers so the upstairs bedrooms are small. It has an enclosed porch but I see it is not heated. It has a covered patio that at first looks like a carport but it has an entrance to the basement right in the middle of it, cutting the patio in half. It does have a nice big yard that could fit a garage and a nice addition but the things were added with no planning, just haphazardly.
When I get back from my trip, I will get my house ready to sell. Then I will look for a place either here in in DE. DE is much less expensive to live so it is a good option and is not far from here.
Danny's patience has run out so I must take him for his walk.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is a humingbird plant. A friend named Judy gave it to me. This morning, there was a humingbird flying around it. I didn't have my camera with me. I was walking Danny.
I felt tired today. I got up late. I walked Danny later than usual. He got up late, too. I worked on the 941 report. I could not find it so I printed out a new report and did it over again. I made 2 copies using my fax machine. I tried to scan it into the computer but had a problem with the printer. I finally figured out it needed new toner. I replaced the black and white and it still didn't work. I replaced the color and still had a problem. I was on the hp web site for trouble shooting. It said to clean the contacts. I pulled the cartridge out an saw it didn't have any contacts. Then I thought "How dumb!" I hadn't pulled the tape off them. That cured my problem.
I lazed around and then around 4:00 I felt I'd better get that hedge trimmed. It took me about an hour and then I got the sprinkler going in the back yard. I should have started it this morning but I just didn't feel up to dragging the hose around. I'll water 3 sections tonight and do the front yard in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is the Marsh Hawk that was across the street from North American Machine Works. He is lunching on a squirrel. He tried to fly away with it but couldn't get very far. He needs to come around my yard. I have an over abundance of rabbits and squirrels.
I made good time coming home. It took a little over an hour. Not bad for heavy shore traffic.
I tore the computer room apart again looking for the document to send the IRS lady. I believe I left it with the accountant but she says she doesn't have it. Anyway, I printed the report out of the computer and will have to re-do it.
I awoke around 6am and fired up my computer. Let Danny out in the back yard and made a cup of coffee. The Australians were playing the Hungarians for the bronze. The Australians won. I was able to watch on my lap top. It was not on the tv until noon. The US lost to the Nederlands 9 to 8 but came away with the Silver.
Just before lunchtime, a large hawk was in the yard across the street from the Company, We all ran out to look at it. As the crowd gathered, more people came out to see the hawk. It was not a Red Tail but similar in size. I believe it was a Northern Harrier aka Marsh Hawk. The company is located very near the Tinicum Marshes so it made sense for there to be a Marsh Hawk. Don got a photo of it and so did the VP of the company.
Rick had a function to go to tonight so Sylvia and I went to dinner with Aunt Jean. We went to Iron Hill in Media. It is a Micro Brewery. The food was good and for dessert, we had black raspberry-chocolate chip ice cream. The gave a triple scoop. We had a very nice time.
I walked Danny and I am ready to turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Work went well again today. My accountant called me and said she sent the two forms but doesn't have the third. I will have to dig it up when I get home or else get the information to re-do it. What a pain.
I just learn my friend's husband has Luekemia. I fell so badly for both of the. The live around the corner from my brother. I was just talking to him last week. He had the tests done but didn't have the results. The other night, he developed pneumonia and had to go to the hospital. Everyone has to wear masks to visit him because his immune system is so weak. Keep Brady in your prayers. My friend has shingles and it reminds me of when Ted got diagnosed with cancer. I had been suffering with shingles. My cousin also has a bad case of shingles and another cousin's husband passed away last week. A lot of bad news this week.
I'm going to try to log online to see if I can get the Olympics. One of the hd channels carries it live but I don't know if my brother gets that channel. I want to be ready for the morning. The team plays at 6:20 am. It will be broadcast here at 10:00 am. I want to log on tonight so I'll be able to do it quickly in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I contacted the IRS lady and told her my account would fax the requested forms to her. She called back and said she found those two but needed another. I called the accountant and told his assistant to send all three. The IRS lady said that when she received them she would take care of everything and get it all resolved.
Betsy's team won the playoff with Australia and now will compete with the Netherlands for the Gold. So they either have a Silver or a Gold. Don taped what they had in this area-- The last quarter of the game. I was hoping they would show mmore but they didn't. They don't have live coverage of the water polo.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted's niece will be playing in the USA Olympic Water Polo playoffs for the bronze. It will be televised tomorrow on NBC between 12pm and 1pm. It will not be live but it is the only time it is on. I think the Gold will be live.
I called the IRS lady twice and got her voice mail. I contacted my accountant and he was going to call and fax the requested forms. I hope he had better luck getting through than I did. I just want this thing resolved and resolved now. I don't have patience and this has exceeded my limits.
I had a lot of work today. Monday is always busy. They get a lot of checks and invoices that I have to sort through and prepare for approval and entry into the computer.
Danny woke me up at 5am. He was sick. he must have eaten something he shouldn't have. He's OK now.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is a candle lamp given to me by my nephew and his wife last Christmas. I put an electric light in it from a Christmas house that goes with the train set. I thought it looked pretty and show up a lot more with the electric light than with the candle.
I have to get packed up and try to beat the shore traffic going home to PA.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got a couple things done today. I watered the grass. It's an all day job. I have two sprinkler heads. I start at the west side and front. Then I do the rest of the front and the east side. I continue to the other part of the east side, go down along between the street and the hedge and then start at the rear of the back yard, then the middle and finish at the section closest to the house. It runs for two hours at a time. I didn't do the area along the hedge this time. It looked pretty green. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow. The hedge didn't need to be trimmed. It can go another week. The edging needs to be done but that can also wait. I cleaned the fish tank and did the ironing. I wear cottons in the summer and they need ironing. I spent most of the morning writing a note to my accountant. I believe I mistakenly left my originals with hime when I did the 2007 taxes. I'll call the IRS lady on Monday and have the accountant fax the forms to her and to me at work.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Hybiscus blooming in south garden.
I got home around 5. I stopped at a roadside stand and got some corn on the cob and peaches. I had the corn for dinner. I was rather upset by a large enveloped stuffed in my door from the IRS. It had the company name on it and my name. No address and no postage. Someone hand delivered it. It has they have no record of a couple forms. They have been filed and I have sent copies and my accountant sent copies at least 6 times. I looked all over for the darn forms and can't find them. I remember putting somewhere just for this purpose. My accountant has copies so I'll have to contact him to take care of the problem. The IRS lady left me two copies of her letter. After freaking out, I had my dinner and then cut the grass. I figured I need to water tomorrow starting very early and wouldn't be able to cut the grass and water at the same time. When I walked out the door, it started to spritz. I continued with my grass cutting chore and the rain didn't amount to anything. It's a good thing I kept on.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted's neice is in the Olympics. She is the goalie on the women's Water Polo Team. We seem to only get an edited verson at noon. Evidently, they don't have coverage in the middle of the night. My brother recorded the time slot that the team was playing but they had a repeat of the basketball game. Hopefully, if we beat the Russian Team, they will show the playoffs.
I walked Danny early because it is threatening thunderstorms. It is dark but not raining yet.
News from theVorlon Wife.
Work went well today. Sometimes it is difficult to know what code to put for the products. The codes are labor-valves, labor-pump, material-valves, material-pumps and then there is an impeller. What in the world is an impeller? I have to keep asking questions to find out what the stuff is. It was a repair so it's labor and an impeller is a pump or part of one. I'm not sure.
Danny has been walked. He loves barking at other dogs, bicycles, and people. The weather has been nice so the air conditioner has been turned off and the windows open. Danny can hear the dogs and people walking by. Right now he has made himself at home on the sofa. I'll give him his dinner and then he'll be ready to go to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Work was hectic today. I was working on sevral things at once and kept being interupted by the phone or someone needing something. I would ahve to stop what I was doing and figure out something else. There are several steps to entering orders and I forgot on of the steps yesterday so had to do that today but one of the orders was changed so I had to re-do that one. Another one had a typo in the name of the product and another had a typo in the price of one of the items. When it came time to leave, I said to Don, I'm going home, I had enough of today."
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Roses blooming in Sylvia's garden.
I crossed some things off my list today. I didn't cut the grass. It hasn't grown for lack of rain or water. I started watering at 6am. I got the front and sides done and now the side of the hedge is being done. When that's finished, I'll start on the back yard.
I went to the post office to get my mail and the Farmer's Market was on the Avenue where the PO is located. I strolled by to have a look and there was only one farmer with a booth. The rest were crafts, a bakery with sample cookies, and a book stall with free books and books for $1.00. I picked out 2 freebies and bought one for $1.00. I didn't buy any produce because I'm not here long. I only have tonight and tomorrow morning. I haven't bought milk because I'm not here during the week. I have powered creamer for my coffee and I eat bagles for breakfast.
I went to the Chiropractor this morning because sleeping on the sofa bed is getting to my back. It's all right for a couple days but not for a whole week. It seems I'll be at my job for another four weeks. Then I leave for my trip to Calif. I won't be able to get much done on my house until September.
I'll have to make my plans for getting the house ready for market for then. I do have another job possiblity waiting for me but it's local and may only take a few hours.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Petunia and Vinca blooming in the south flowerbed 08/02/08.
Traffic was snarling in some areas on the way home but I took the old Swedesboro Road and was able to avoid a couple bottlenecks. I have a big TO DO list for tomorrow so I'll cut this off for tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Not much to report today. I made a ToDo list for the weekend and it is long. At least it will be cool for the yard work. The list doesn't even include anything about getting the house ready for market. I do have to go to Walmart or K-Mart and get a new fire extinglisher and a smoke alarm for the basement. They made a new law requiring the seller to provide them. I always provided my own. You have to have a fire extinglisher in the kitchen. I have one but it is old. How about a box of baking soda next to the stove? At least you can wash it off your food and eat it. I wouldn't eat food that I sprayed with chemicals. If the pan catches on fire, turn off the gas and put a lid on it. Oh well, these are minor expenses. The electrical may be expensive. The bathroom outlet has to be grounded. My bathroom has no outlet. The buyer can put their own in. I guess I'll have to remove the extension cord I have running through the hole that the radiator pipe goes through from the bedroom. I have an electric candle pluged in to it. I put it in the window one Christmas and left it there as a night light. I have a couple extension cords. One is in the living room. Ted removed the outlet when he hung the joists. I ran an extension cord up from the outlet in the basement to plug in the lamp. At least I don't have to do much with them except unplug them. I don't know about the laundry room. I may have to get the outlets in there grounded. It has old wiring except for the dryer which is on it's own outlet.
The first floor has easy access to the basement if I have to get it re-wired. My brother may be able to do it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took some photos of Sylvia's flowers but will have to wait until the weekend to post them.
I just looked up the USA Olympics on the MSNBC web site. Ted's neice has two video clips on the site. She is the goalkeeper on the women's water polo team. i wish her well in her competition and that she is able to bring home the gold with her team mates.
I'll be seeing her soon. Her sister's wedding is coming up quickly. Her parents will problably be suffering from jet lag as after the games, they will be heading to California for the wedding.
I'm glad the yosemite fire is under control. I was wondering how it would affect my vacation. Also, let's pray there are no earthquakes while I am there. There will be lots of photos to post when I return from my trip.
News from the VorlonWife.
Things are going well. I talked to the Vorlon Sister and Brother-in-Law last night. They will be going to our niece's wedding in California next month. Their scheduling is not the same as ours but will be able to spend a couple days with them.
I was entering some invoices today and I had one with 25 items on it all with similar part numbers. Not all the stuff came in on one invocie and it was very confusing. I received an item that hadn't come in yet and I didn't know how to get it out. Don was able to help me. When I finished entering that batch, I said, "I'm done." I packed up and went home. It was past time to leave. Danny was waiting for me to take him for a walk.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got most of the things done on my list. I finished the weeding across the front this morning. I still have the sides to do but the weeds are not so bad there. It's an ongoing process. I have to do along the back, too. I didn't have to mow or trim the hedge but both will be waiting for me when I return next weekend. I still have to get the house ready for market. I seem to run out of time on the weekends or I'm so hot from the 90 degree weather that I sit down like a blob to cool off after being outdoors. I watered the grass all Saturday. Actually, I started Friday night with the back and then did the front and sides on Sat. I'll have a new list for next week.
Danny has had his walk and is curled up on the sofa between Rick and Sylvia. I think he will be glad when I go up to bed and he will follow me up. It's a wonder he hasn't gone up by himself. I think with all the traveling we do, he like to be near me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yellow-orange gladiola. This is one of my favorites. It blooms late July and early August.
It started out cool and clear at 6 am. I got my hoses moved to the side of the hedge to water that area. I went in to take Danny for his walk and a thunderstorm came blowing in. We headed back to the house. The storm made a lot of noise but not even a quarter of an inch was in the rain gage. I had shut off the water and then turned it back on again. The only yardwork that needed to be done was weeding. I weeded half of the front flowerbed. It had crab grass and nut grass growing in the flowers. One thing I can say about crab grass is that is stays green when the other grass turns brown from lack of rain.
I called the Post Office this time and what a run around. The phone book had only an 800 number and they gave me the Vineland number. Vineland asked me if I calle to request the mail to be released. No, I wrote it on the card. Well, you have to call the distribution center and request pick up. I called the distribution center and was told I had to call the Landis Ave office. I told him I just did and they told me to call you. After putting me on hold several times to find out where my mail was, I was told the carrier had it. OK. I had left a card for nest weeks mail in the box for him and when I went out to do my errands, I saw the card was gone. I thought maybe I forgot to put it out. I went back into the house and looked all over and it was not there. I got back in the car and saw the carrier across the street so I asked him. He said my mail was in the post office. It was wrapped in rubber bands and they couldn't possibly miss it. What idiots. I think they were just to lazy to see if it was there in the office.
I did the rest of my errands and got some extra keys made at the hardware store. Of course it didn't work and now the hardware store is closed. I'll have to wait until next week to have them redone.
The bills are done and mailed. I still have to groom Danny Boy and get my clothes ready for next week. My tax bill came and it appears to have gone up by $1200.00. Unbelivable.
News from the Vorlon Wife
The construction is still going on around the area. I also had problems with my sinus headache yesterday. The cup of coffee didn't fix my problem. I had a second cup to no avail. Then Sylvia asked Rick how he like the coffee. It was a new brand he ordered. I looked at the package and saw it was decaf. I got a 20 oz. cup of dark roast at WaWa and my problem was cured. I'll have to do the same today but my sinuses aren't bothering me this morning.
Yesterday was pretty quite at work. I hope the same for today so I can leave at two and beat the shore traffic when I go home. My to do list is more of the same. Yardwork and getting the house ready for market. I may have to skip lunch with my lady friends so I won't gt caught up in the shore traffic on the way back. Danny needs trimming and his heartworm medicine. I'll have to give it to him tonight because he gets a queasy stomach after taking it. He does better when he takes it on a full stomach. He eats at dinner time and not much in the morning. He'll also need his flea medicine tomorrow.
I talked to my friend, yesterday. She lives in a Mobile Home Park in Delware, just over the PA line. I asked her to keep an eye out for any double wides that go on sale. She has a beautiful home their and it's a nice community. She told me her twin sister's husband may have Lukemia. I hope and pray this is not the case. My heart aches for them. I know what Ted went through.
My decaf is ready.
News from the Vorlon Wife.