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I was feeling a lot better today. I think I was exhausted from my trip. My foot is feeling better. I am able to walk a little better. I am also feeling a little sad. My next door neighbors had their settlement today and they have left the area. Sonia and her parents will be back on Saturday. They have some things stored in my garage.
Danny had his bath today. He certainly looks sad when he's wet. I don't know how to keep the water from getting in his mouth and nose. He licks everything all the time and gets some down his wind pipe and starts wheezing. He likes to get dried. I use 4 towels on him and they are soaking wet. Then I use the hair dryer on him. It takes a while to get him dry; his fur is so thick. It feels soft and silky now and he smells clean. He probalby hates it. He'd rather smell like deer dung. He had rubbed his face in something stinky while I was talking to another neighbor, Adelpha.
The gnats are hatching out. They cover your clothes as you walk along. I thought they usually come in October then realized tomorrow is October.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had to delete the sea lion. It got spammed and it's the only way I know how to keep them from coming in. There were over 300 junk comments.
Saturday, September 13, 2008 Day 8
We had our breakfast, packed up and made one last stop at the Pioneer General Store. I got a Mariposa T-shirt with a pretty butterfly on it. We headed west for San Jose. We went through a pass in the foothills with a lot of windmills on them. It must be windy there to have so many windmills. We stopped at the rest but it was too early for lunch. We had a snack and went on our way. We wondered around San Jose a bit, as I brought the wrong map for the motel. I brought a map for a Spanish Mission that was on the same road. I knew it was near the airport so we headed in that direction. I asked directions at the Marriott and found we were only a few blocks away. We had turned the wrong way on First Street. We checked into the Red Roof Inn, ate our lunch and went to Santa Cruz. We walked along the boardwalk with amusements and then went out on the Pier. I heard some barking and knew it was seals. I looked I the water and they were all over the place. They were in the cross braces under the pier. Most were sleeping and I was able to get some good photos. One big guy posed for his photo.
The view from the pier showed the seaside with palm trees and mountains in the background.
We went back to the motel and had dinner net door at Denny’s. We both got shrimp skewers. We were beat so we watched a movie and fell asleep.
I took this photo of the big sea lion through a fence.
An update on my foot:
I just got back from the foot doctor and I have a sprained ligament. He gave me a shot to reduce the imflamition. I have to wear a brace for 3 weeks.
I hobbled to church today and then came home and vegitated on the sofa with my foot elevated. I would put the ice pack on and off. I walked Danny a little. I hope he is in for the night. He seems disappointed that I have shortened his walks. I have to drag him back kicking and screaming. My foot is feeling a little better but there is still soreness in it.
I watched Masterpiece Mystery but had to tape the second half. Part 2 started at 10:30 and I am going to sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I've been feeling kinda down since I got home. I came home to an empty house without Ted and the thought of getting the house ready for market is overwhelming. To top it off, I was walking Danny yesterday around 5pm and I got a pain in my foot. It felt like I twisted my ankle but I didn't twist it. I hobbled home, got out the ice pack and elevated it on the sofa. I must have fallen asleep because the phone rang and it was my friend from Nature Club. I was supposed to pick her up at 6:50 and it was 7:45. The meeting started at 7 and I didn't feel like rushing around with this foot. I told my friend that the meeting would be over by the time we got there.
Anyway, the Nature Club survived without us. Another Nature Club friend called to see if I were OK. She was concerned I was sick or something. I explained the situation and she told me everything went well with the meeting.
I called the doctor this morning and have an appointment for Monday. I have been icing the foot and elevating it. I beleive it is a stress fracture. Ted had them from his running. I do a lot of walking with Danny and hiking around Yosemite may have caused the stress on the foot. I jokingly said to Don that it's a wonder I don't twist my ankle on this rocky trail.
I am doing OK but walking Danny is difficult. He likes his walks and I have cut them short. He doesn't do his business on a short walk so I have to take him out more often. I try putting him on the lead from the back porch but he either scratches at to door to come in or goes running and barking at someone passing by - scaring them half to death.
Maybe I'll take him to Erica's for a few days until I can walk better. I'll see how things are tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Today, I went to the movies to see Nights of Rodanth. At my Bible Study Class, I heard my friend, June say she wanted to see it when it came out on DVD. I saw it advertised on TV that it was coming out at the theatre on Friday. I called June yesterday and told her so we both went to the matinee today. We both enjoyed going to the movies. June’s husband died shortly before Ted so neither of us had gone in a couple years. June has been a good and supportive friend since we started going to the Baptist church.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This beautiful flower was growing on a bush at the top of a hilly street on the way to the tower in San Francisco.
Wind power for energy. These are just some of the windmills at the pass.
Star fish on the pilings.
Santa Cruz Beach. There is a beach volley ball tournament in progress.
Santa Cruz from the pier. The mountains are blue behind the town.
Friday, September 12, 2008 Day 7
We finally adjusted to Pacific Time and it’s almost time to go home.
We toured the Bridalveil Falls and saw a rock climber way up on the cliff of the mountain. He looked like an ant crawling up the wall. I had to use my binoculars to see him. Don was able to zoom in with his camera. From we went to the Village and had some lunch. I got an egg salad croissant and Don got a ham & cheese.
Afterward, we caught the shuttle for Mirror Lake. It was supposed to be an easy stroll. We took the wrong trail. It wasn’t clearly marked. It was very rocky and steep. We were on the horse trail and were in mountain lion country, which was a bit scary. I’m glad we didn’t see any. The lake had dried up over the summer so we walked across to the other side. We climbed up to a rock overlooking the dried up lake to take some more photos. We found the easy path to walk down. I spotted a coyote in the woods. He sat down to scratch himself and walked away paying no attention to us. He was the size of a German Sheppard and looked sort of like one.
When we got back, we made a stop at the gift shop and then walked to the swinging bridge. It was rather a disappointment. It didn’t swing. We took more photos and headed back to the parking lot and out of the park saying Goodbye to Yosemite.
We ate at the Pizza Plus. We both got ribs and took a box to have for lunch tomorrow. We are watching a movie and we’ll be turning in.
Bridalveil Falls. We actually found some water in this one. I'm afraid I didn't get a photo of the rock climber. I thought I had but it could be I just can't see him.
The Indian Village at Yosemite. We toured throught this recreated village before having our lunch.
The outdoor cafe at Yosemite Village. If you look real hard, there is a stellers blue jay sitting on the rock. The kept us company as we ate.
Mirror Lake. I understand it has water in it in the spring. It reflects the mountains and trees.
Goodbye Yosemite. The rock entrance at the gate to the park.
Moon over the mountain at sundown. I took this from the balcony of the motel.
Thursday, September 11, 2008 Day 6
Today, we toured the Mariposa Grove, a large forest of Giant Sequoia Trees. We took another road to a different entrance to the park. It was also an hour drive. If we went the other way, it would have taken an hour and a half to get to the park and then another hour to get to the grove. We hiked 1.5 miles and 1000 vertical feet up the mountain to the museum. The trees were awesome. We saw wildlife of mule deer (they have big ears and black on their tails), chipmunks, ground squirrels and a raven named Kevin. He greeted the tourists and posed to have his picture taken in front of the museum. The elevation here was 6600 feet. They had running water rest rooms and a water fountain. We filled our water bottles at the restroom because the water fountain was swarming with bees. Some people had seen bears on the trail but I’m glad we didn’t run into them. The people said they were in a more remote area of one of the trails.
We climbed back down the hot dusty trail. My white socks had turned tan. I should have worn my tan socks.
We drove to Glacier Point. It was a long drive but the views were awesome. We were at an elevation of 7214 feet. The valley floor was 3000 feet below us. We could see most of the mountain ranges from this point. There is a trail to hike up here but it is called four-mile trail but at 4.8 it is almost 5 miles and 3000 feet of steep vertical climb.
The trip home took 2 hours. We had dinner at the pizzeria across the street in the Pioneer Village. We were too tired to walk very far. It wasn’t a typical pizzeria. The owner looked of Mexican decent. They had a variety of menu items that I would have called American cuisine rather than Italian. They had much more than the Happy Burger. The waitress didn’t recognize our accent and asked where we were from. I thought, “How far away, Philadelphia PA. After our pizza and ice cream, we called it a day.
One of the Giant Sequoias in the Mariposa Grove.
This Sequoia is named Grissly Giant.
Mule Deer in the Mariposa Grove Forest. In the center of the photo.
The Mariposa Grove Trail Museum.
Kevin the Raven posing for his photo at the top of the Mariposa Grove Trail.
Vernal and Nevada Falls from Glacier Point.
Half Dome from Glacier Point.
This bird was at Glacier Point posing for the tourists. It looks like some kind of a grouse or quail but I have not been able to identify it. It is in the middle of the photo sitting on a rock.
Looking down at the valley floor from Glacier Point
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 Day 5
We awoke at 6:30. We finally adjusted to Pacific Time. The continental breakfast consisted of juice, cereal, waffles, hard-boiled eggs, apples, oranges, Danish, oatmeal, hot chocolate, tea, and Coffee.
The motel was filled with Europeans. Some people from Switzerland sat at our table. There were people from Brittan, Holland, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain visiting the Park. I felt like I was in the Alps rather than the High Sierra. We hiked two trails. One trail to the lower Yosemite Falls. We figured no use in the strenuous climb to the upper falls because there weren’t any. It was the wrong time of year. The falls are volumus in the spring with the melting snow and as the summer goes on, things dry up until the snow comes in November.
We toured the Valley floor on the shuttle bus and took lots of photos. We had lunch at the Yosemite Village Center. We ate outdoors with the ground squirrels and the Steller’s Jays. They are a beautiful blue color.
We got back on the shuttle and went to the Vernal Falls. Vernal means Spring. It was a steep climb and was a rest room and a water tap across a wooden bridge half way up. We refilled our water bottles and began our climb to the falls. They too were a trickle but a little more than the other falls. It clouded up and began to drizzle a little. It felt good in the hot dusty climate. As we neared the top of the falls, a clap of thunder sent us back down. We were sticking out of the rocks like lightning rods. Going down was harder on the legs than going up. It’s a shame we turned back because there was one thunderclap and that was it. We were too tired to climb back up the steep trail.
We finished our loop around the Valley on the shuttle and took the El Capitan bus for a loop out to El Capitan. Our loop was shortened as a group from Italy had gotten on the wrong bus and had to be back at the Yosemite Falls Lodge so they could get their bus back to their motel. The leader of the group was very rude. The bus driver kept telling her she was on the wrong bus but she did not listen or perhaps didn’t understand.
We drove the long drive back out of the canyon to our motel. I changed out of my bug sprayed clothes and we walked through the little Western Town of Mariposa. It was a gold mining town during the California gold rush days. We got a burger at “The Happy Burger” diner and a giant bowl of ice cream. I just had one scoop but it was humongous. It was really good ice cream. We walked back to the motel and called it a night.
Upper Yosemite Falls bone dry this time of year. You can see the stained rock where the water flows in the spring and early summer.
Lower Yosemite Falls. It is just a trickle where the rock is dark in the center.
Half Dome can be see through out the valley. I even spotted it from the airplane coming in.
Vernal Falls elevation 5044 ft. Steps were cut into the rock. It was still a steep climb. There is another Water Fall, Navada Falls anoterh 1.3 miles and another 900 vertical feet. The vertical feet were the killers. It was 1.5 miles and a thousand vertical feet to Vernal Falls
The Stage Stop in Mariposa where we gassed up before going to the park.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008 Day 4
We got up at 5:20am and went to Star Bucks for some coffee. We arrived as they unlocked the door. We each got a Cappuccino and walked back to the room. It was only half a block away.
We showered and started to get our clothes ready to pack. We got some breakfast and packed up the car for our trip to Yosemite.
After making several wrong turns, we got on the expressway to the ridge leading out of the peninsula around 9:30am. At 12:30, we stopped at a rest area and ate our Danish from the motel. Don got a soda and I had a bottle of water. We also had some chips. We arrived at the motel in Mariposa around 1:30 and headed for the park. It was a twisting ride through the foothills. The temperature was in the 90’s. It took an hour to get to the gate and another half hour to get to the Yosemite Village. The views are awesome. It is just indescribable. The height of the cliffs makes me feel dizzy looking up. (Wait ‘til I look down.)
We walked around the Village, watched a video about the park and got a burger for dinner. We boarded the shuttle hoping to hike the trail to Yosemite falls but the driver recommended insect repellent. We decided to go to a grocery store when we got back to Mariposa to get some things we will need. We took the shuttle back to the village and walked to the parking area and our car. We left around 6pm and drove the hour + through the canyon. I hope to get a shot of the rockslide that closed a portion of the road. There were temporary bridges over the creek to a path on the other side.
When we got back, we went to the Pioneer General Store to get insect repellent, some bottled water, sun blocker, a flashlight, and some ice cream.
WE decided to pick up a foam cooler and some ice in the morning.
We watched a movie on HBO and turned in.
The open air mall in Palo Alto / Menlo Park. This is the inside of the mall. It was a regular mall with no doors and no roof. It don't rain in California.
The Pioneer Village across from our motel in Mariposa. It was a shopping center with small restaurants and a liquer store take was more like a general store.
Temporary bridge detouring the rock slide taking out the entire road.
El Capitan looms hughely as you enter the Yosemite Village. The elevation is 7569 ft. and it is one humongus bolder of granite. Half of it is burried under the earth.. The valley floor is 4409 ft. above sea level.
Monday, September 8, 2008 Day 3
At 5:38am, we awoke, dressed and went to McDonald’s for breakfast. We had to wait 10 minutes for them to open at 6:30. We went back to the room and I grabbed some juice and another cup of coffee at the motel lobby.
We walked over to the train station to catch the 7:39 train to San Francisco. A big double decker train arrived to take us into the city. We had a lovely view of people’s back yards for about 40 minutes. We walked about a mile to get on the famous cable car. I thought it went up one hill and down the next but it went up and down several hills making some turns. We got off at Hyde Pier and looked around. The Golden Gate Bridge was shrouded in clouds. We walked over to Fisherman’s Wharf and got on the open-air double decker tour bus. Still cloudy, we decided to pass on the tower; our first stop was Chinatown. The atmosphere was rather like a Chinese Boardwalk as far as the shops went. Lots of T-shirt stores. The next stop was the Japanese Tea Garden. The museum was closed on Monday but the gardens were open. We strolled around, took photos and had some tea in the Tea House. Next, we headed over the Golden Gate Bridge. It was windy and cold. On the return across the bridge, I pulled my jacket over my head and tied the collar string under my chin to make a hood. I felt like I was in a wind tunnel. I’m glad we didn’t decide to walk across the bridge. We would have been chilled to the bone.
We rode the tour bus back to Fisherman’s Wharf with the tour pointing out various sites of interest and people could get off and on as they chose. The buses ran continuously. We ate lunch at the wharf. I got a Louie Salad of shrimp and crab, served with clam chowder. We walked around the wharf and took some photos. We wondered where all the seals were and then I heard a barking noise. We saw some swimming behind the boats at the next pier. We couldn’t get a good view of them until one popped up out of the water in front of me. I took a picture. I hope it turns out. The clouds cleared off so we got the tour bus back to the tower. We had to first walk up the mountainside to get to it. Fortunately, we could ride up the tower in an elevator. Spectacular views were all around. We warned up hiking up that mountain, now, we had to walk down. We just missed the tour bus and were waiting for the next. We would have to walk over a mile to the train station from the nearest stop of the tour bus. A public transportation bus came up with a sign on it “CALTRAIN Depot”. By the time I realized what it was, it left. We caught the next one in about 5 minutes. It went through the real China Town. The bus quickly filled with Chinese people speaking Chinese. There were fresh produce stores and shops the Chinese people went to. There didn’t appear to be any tourists. After a few stops, the Chinese people got off and we finally arrived at the train station just in time to catch the 4:56 to Menlo Park.
We went to the Safeway to get something light for dinner and called it a day.
San Francisco Cable Car.
Seal swimming at Fisherman's Wharf
Katy and Andres the new happy couple.
Sunday September 7, 2008
We awoke at 4:30 Pacific Time and went to find some coffee. The Safeway Super Market had a Starbucks inside. We got some coffee and a few things at the Safeway. We went back to the motel and waited for them to open for the Continental Breakfast at 7am. They had orange juice, Danish pastry and coffee.
Ned called and we decided to go to the 11:00 Service at the Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We showered and got ready. Kathy and Ned arrived at the motel and my cell phone rang. It was my mother-in-law, Phylis. They wanted to go to church also. We picked them up at their hotel. The church had a huge congregation with three services on Sunday and one on Saturday night. They had a large Sunday School and many small groups for Bible Study. It was a beautiful church with a high vaulted ceiling of wood beams and stained glass windows. They had a band with a saxophone, guitar, piano and organ and a large choir. It was a contemporary service more like the Nazarene’s with an alter call that was stronger than in the Baptist Church. The pastor preached an excellent sermon. There were people of all ages in the congregation.
Afterward, we went to the Olive Garden for lunch. I had beef and chicken on a skewer with veggies.
Kathy and Ned picked us up for the Wedding at 3:45. We drove up the winding, switchback mountain road that we had driven on yesterday. The wedding was in the Mountain View Inn. We met the groom and his family, the Tellez’s. Mr. Tellez reminded me of Caesar Romero. He was very nice and very welcoming to all of us.
It was an outdoor wedding and the weather cooled down very quickly after the sun went down over the mountain. Kathy, Ned, Don and I sat at a table with the groom, Andres’s cousins and aunt. They are from Texas. There were a lot of outdoor heaters on the deck around the tables except for the one we were sitting at. I wore my velvet blazer but I was cold. I wrapped the long tablecloth around my legs. I should have brought my long wool skirt. We left the reception after the cake was served around 9:30. The mountain road was very dark. Ned’s Tom-Tom got confused on the switchbacks. It kept telling us to turn around and go the other way.
I read a little when we got back but dropped my book as I fell asleep.
A flower I saw on a hillside in San Francisco.
Dried up lake bed of Utah. Looks like a salt flat.
Pigeon Point Light House
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I had spent the night at my brother Don’s. We awoke at 4:05, got ready, packed up, closed the windows, locked the doors and were out the door by 4:30.
We parked the car at Smart Park, which was 15 minutes from Don’s and 5 minutes to the airport. It was less expensive than the airport parking. They guided us as to where to park. The van was right there, took our luggage and ushered us to the airport. They then took our luggage to the check in and instructed us on how to contact them on our return.
It was extremely humid due to Tropical Storm Hannah, which was in the Carolinas. Everything was wet. It could not have been more humid if it was raining. It just hung heavy in the air.
There wasn’t any line at the security check in so we breezed right through. We got coffee and a breakfast sandwich at the Burger King in the terminal. We were seated in the gate area when a young man walked up to us and said, ”Do I know you? You look familiar. My name is Brian Small.” I said, “Oh, Yes, you’re our cousin.” We had recently seen Brian and his new wife at the “Small” Family Reunion in Cape May in July. Brian’s grandfather and my mother were first cousins. My grandmother’s maiden name was Small.
The plane was to leave at 7:10. It left the gate at 7:00am and took off at 7:10. I hope no one was late.
There was a lot of cloud cover so we didn’t see much over PA. Don asked if I could see the golden triangle of Pittsburgh. (The pilots usually point the out. I said, I think we are over OHIO. He didn’t thing we had gone that far but PA is hill and mountainous. Ohio is flat with square patches of farms which was what I was looking down on. I saw a river that we were following and I believed it to be the Ohio River. I was looking down at Ohio and Kentucky. The river turned south at Indiana. I should have brought an atlas. I could only guess at what I was looking at. We came to another river that I perceived to be the Mississippi another river joined it from the west. It must have been the Missouri. The square patches of farms stretched from Ohio to Nebraska. There was more cloud cover until I spotted the Rockies stabbing up on the horizon. Don thought it was clouds but it turned out to be the mountains.
We changed planes in Denver and had only a half hour. We sat on the right side of the plane facing north hoping to get a good look at the Rockies. There were only a couple of mountains. I saw what looked like the canyon lands of Utah. (I don’t know what happened to the Rockies.) There were red rocky walls with canyons between them. The plane was not full so I told Don to sit at the window seat behind me so we both shot photos out the windows.
From western Colorado to California were dry arid lands. Utah had what looked like dried out lakes of salt flats across the entire area and dry ruts in what I thought must be Nevada. We spotted Half Dome of Yosemite. It still looked like dry arid land even flying into San Jose. The irrigation farms were the only green I saw. The rest was wilderness from Denver to San Jose.
We made good time and landed 20 minutes early. We got our luggage and took the rental car shuttle to get our car. They didn’t have a compact ready so they gave us a Toyota Rave 4 with 4-wheel drive. We told them we were going to Yosemite. They gave us the same price as the compact. We figured out how to get out of there and after making a couple wrong turns, we were on our way. About 30 minutes later, we were in Menlo Park, our destination. I had called my brother-in-law twice but got his voice mail. I was planning a shower and getting ready for the groom’s family dinner at 4PM. Tom called as we were entering our room. It turns out the dinner was at 2pm and they were ready to leave. It was in Oakland, an hour away. Mary gave me Kathy and Ned’s cell phone and I got a mailbox message. I called Mary and said we would pass on the dinner. We just arrived and hadn’t even brought in our bags yet. Ned called and said he heard we were trying to contact him and they were in route to Oakland. He was going to give me directions but I wasn’t able to comprehend directions so I told them we were going to pass on the dinner and I’d contact them later.
Don and I got settled in our room and went for a walk to stretch our legs. It was very hot. We went around the block and decided to drive to see the Pacific. It didn’t look that far away. We headed out route 84. It was a switchback mountain road up through the Redwood Forest. It seemed like a long time to reach the sea. There were rocky cliffs along the shore with areas of State Park beaches.
We got out at one area to walk down through a path in the rocks. I went down to the water’s edge to take a picture of the stony shore. A big wave came crashing in and I was backpedaling to avoid the advancing tide. I came to the heavy, soft sand, fell on my derriere, and got my left foot wet.
We continued to Pigeon Point Light House. We looked around there at the point and found the lighthouse to be in a state of disrepair. It was not open to the public. I saw a seal swimming in Whaler’s Cove and some Cormorants were sitting on a huge rock in the water.
We drove north on Rt. 1, the coastal highway until we came to Half Moon Bay. It was hard to find a place to eat other than fast food joints and Mexican Restaurants. We managed to find a small family restaurant on a busy highway. It was a nice place with only a few other customers. All the California people were heading out of town after a day at the beach. The food was good and the waitress was friendly. She told us the traffic was only backed up a couple blocks and then it cleared out. When we finished eating, we headed east on Rt. 92and then I 280 to Menlo Park. We had a problem with the windshield wipers. They got turned on by accident and we couldn’t figure out how to turn them off. I had to get out the manual for the car and it told me how to turn them on but not how to turn them off. We drove all the way back with them on. We squirted some washer on every once in a while to keep from scratching the windshield.
Kathy and Ned wanted to get together when we got back. They met us at our motel. The dinner was only hor d'ourves and they were hungry. We went to a place called the Creamery at the Mall. Don and I got ice cream and ice tea. Kathy got a salad and Ned got a burger.
We walked around the mall which was open air and had no roof. It was not a strip mall, it was a regular mall. They didn’t need a roof. It rarely rained and never snowed. The mall was rolling up the sidewalks at 7:30 and every store was closed by 8:00. We got back to our room and called it a day. It was 9:30pm Pacific Time and 12:30 EST.
I downloaded my photos to the computer. There were over 400 of them. It took time to go through them. Rotating the ones that I had turned the camera sideways. I also used the auto fix on some of them to correct the lighting and shadows. I decided to do that later. I cut the grass and looked up some information for the Human Resource Association. I also looked up some things for Toastmasters. I went to the meeting tonight and had to prepare things for the Treasurers Report. I'm the Treasurer. I walked Danny around the block. He was tired out when we got back. I think he is still recovering from all the back and forth to PA and the 10 days at Erica's. He must have thought I abandoned him. He had no way of knowing if I were ever coming back.
I haven't gotten to the log I kept of my trip. Hopefully, I get to that tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I feel as though I didn't get much accomplished today. I awoke at 6:30 with a headache. I took my medicine and a half of Excedrin Migraine. I took Danny out to do his business and went back to bed. Danny woke me up at 8:30; he had more business to do. I showered and got dressed, ate brunch, and went to the new Bible Study Class at the church. It had started weeks ago but I have been away for weeks. After the class, I went to the bank and the super market. I was out of almost everything. I also got a new floodlight for the back but I got an indoor light by mistake. It didn't even dawn on me that I needed to look to see whether it was outdoor. I noticed when I went to change it that it was different and the light bulb went off in my head. I'll have to take it back tomorrow. I don't event know it they had an outdoor light. I need some fish filters at Wal-Mart so I'll get it there. I haven't downloaded my photos yet. I am still exhausted from my trip and the running back and forth to PA. I have a lot to do and I'll get started tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I'm back. I just got used to Pacific time and now I'm on Eastern. I am suffering from jet lag so will start posting the log of my trip tomorrow. I will post one day at a time with photos.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sylvia's geranium.
I will be off soon. I got the final paper work for Ted's business and I have to sign them and take them to the PO. Then got to the bank and head for PA. Danny is at the kennel. He ran right into his dogaloo, turn around and looked at me. He looked happy.
I hope the plane can get out of here before Hanna hits.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today was my last day at North American Machine Works. It is a very nice place to work. The people are very nice. I packed up and headed home. It took me a little over an hour. Traffic was heavy as it was rush hour. I walked Danny and got something to eat. I kind of zonked out as I was tired. Tomorrow, I have a lot to do. I have to see the accountant, take Danny to the kennel, and get myself packed up to go. I did print my discount parking coupon and the instructions to call them on the return to PHL. I am still debating as to whether to take the lap top. I may just take a log book and hand write my entries until I get home then post them along with the photos I take.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The forcast yesterday was for Hanna to be heading this way Saturday. Just great. I had thoughts of being grounded at the airport. I just looked at the weather map and it looks like it won't get here until Sunday. I also checked out Yosemite. I have jeans and long sleeves ready to pack. The forcast is for 100 degree weather. I have to get my shorts ready. They may need ironing. Bummer. I will have more to do Friday than I thought. San Francisco weather is similar to here. Cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon. I thought the high Sierra may be cool like it was when I went to the Rockies. In fact, it snowed on the 4th of July.
One never knows.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday, I made arrangements for a friend to water my plants when I'm in CA. I got my clothes together for both this week and for my trip. I went to my nephew, Rick's for a Labor Day get together. I dreaded going that direction with the shore traffic so I went out route 540 all the way to the bridge. It goes around a swamp about 5 miles and then 5 miles back. I thought it would take longer but there was no traffic that way and I made record time. My niece and her husband brought crabs for us to enjoy. They are messy but good. They also brought fresh garden vegetables to grill. We cooled off in the pool and then warmed up in the hot tub.
I retuned to my brother Rick's and the traffic northbound on Interstate 95 was heavy. Danny travel well. He did start to whine when I was on the interstate but he calmed down. There was no where for me to pull over. I saw a sign welcome to Pennsylvania and knew we were only 15 minutes away.
Today, I had a lot of mail to go through and a lot of orders to process. I have a lot of payables to enter tomorrow. I didn't get a chance to get to them today. I hope I don't have as many orders tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.