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The Advent Wreath made by a friend of Emma Davis.
It rained all day today. I gave Danny a bath this morning. He is not a happy dog when he gets his bath. He doesn't like being wet. After church, I had lunch with my friends. I didn't get much done because I had to go out again at 5:00 to the hymn sing in Millville. Our church had no pastor so we share a pastor with the Millville Church. The Millville church has no one to play the pipe organ so our organist played and a group of us went to sing and listen to the pipe organ. The Millville people were happy to have someone play their organ.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
White ceramic Nativity Set.
Woodtone ceramic Nativity Set made by Ed and Edna Oliva.
I’m tired out. I went to find some bulbs for my electric candles this morning. I’ve been looking for a couple weeks. One place I got them in previous years is no longer in business and the super market used to carry them but not any more. Home Depot had blue and green but not clear. I finally found them at K-Mart. They had lots of them. I got a few other things there, too. I stopped at BJ’s gas station. It was $1.519/gal.
Thanksgiving Day, I went to my brother’s and then rode with him and my sister-in-law to my nephew, Rick’s for dinner. Most of my family was there along with two other dogs. Cheryl brought her new puppy, Belle. She is a 9-week-old Golden Retriever. Danny doesn’t like puppies so I kept him away from her. He was grrring at her. She clobbered my nephew’s dog, Sassy on the head with her paw and Sassy snapped at her.
He likes the baby fine but I kept him away from her in case she grabbed his fur. I don’t want Danny snapping at her. She is a happy little girl. She laughs and smiles a lot. Her birthday in on Dec. 18th. She will be one.
I spent the night at my brother’s and Friday, I went to the cemetery to plant the crocuses I got for Ted’s grave. They cut the grass starting April 15th so the crocuses should be done by then.
Today, I help to decorate the church for Christmas and Advent. The tree was pretty much done when I got there. Pam and her family must have come early. I helped to sort through things and put up the two Nativity scenes. One in the sanctuary and one in the Narthex. They are both very pretty. One was woodtone ceramic. Edna and her husband made them. The other is white ceramic with gold trim. I’ll try to get a photo of them.
I watched the movie I borrowed from the Library. I’ll return it tomorrow and see if they have another that I like.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Thanksgiving 2005 at the home of my niece, Tina Knapp and her husband, Sean near Coatesville, PA.
Standing, l to r: Brother Don, friend Tina, Sean's brother, Jack, Sean, Niece, Cheryl, Grand Nephew, Joey, Nephew, Rick III, Karol, brother, Rick, Jr., and niece, Tina.
Seated, l to r: Sean's mother, Gail, Cheryl's husband, Ed, Ted, and sister-in-law, Sylvia.
I went to the Thanksgiving Service tonight. Vineland has a group of ministers, priests, and rabbis called the Ministerium. The various churches and synagogs throughout the city get together and help the poor and homeless. The offering is used for this mission. The priest from the Greek Orthodox Church spoke on being generous and God will return the gifts to you. I wasn't able to give as much as I have in other years but I gave what I could. All those attending are given a bottle of sparkling cider and invited to the social hall for refreshments. The ladies of St. Isadore the Farmer make homemade cakes, pies, and cookies. The tables had centerpieces of sweet potatoes and winter squashes. We were invited to take some home with us. I brought home a large sweet potatoe, an acorn squash, and a butternut squash. I will have enough for dinner for a week. God did indeed give gifts back to me and I am thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I thought I got a lot done today but I can't remember what I did. I walked Danny, I wrote out some bills and saw my library book was due yesterday. I rushed to the Library and told them my book was late and asked what is the fine. It was ten cents. Not too bad. I strolled by the video area and saw a movie I wanted to see so I borrowed that. I saw they also had the one I just rented on the weekend. Bummer. I could have borrowed it from the Library.
They were having a book sale so I browsed through the books and picked out a few for fifty cents each.
I started putting my electric candles in the windows. I didn't plug them in yet but I want them ready for Thanksgiving. I like to see the Christmas lights on Thanksgiving night.
I did another load of clothes in my noisy washing machine. I guess I'd better get it fixed before I burn out the motor. I made an appointment with my doctor for my yearly checkup and called my friend who just lost her husband. It was her birthday today and she must have been feeling down. She has good days and bad and like me just takes one step at a time. She lives near my brothers so I hope to see more of her when I move.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The "Red Blanket" Singers
After I walked Danny, I went to the super market to buy my groceries. After putting them away, I took the panel off the back of the washing machine to see if there was anything obvious wrong. I believe the belt may be slipping. I got the machine in 1974. The belt felt very dry and brittle. I put the panel back on. If that is the problem, it should be easy to fix.
I looked through the mail and it seems I receive a bill for work that was done over a year ago. My furnace wasn’t working. I found the pilot was out so I lit it but the furnace didn’t fire up. My regular plumber was out of town so his wife recommended someone for me to call. The guy came out and pushed the reset button. He left and never sent a bill until now. It’s for $90.00! When I didn’t get a bill, I thought he was giving me a break. All he did was push a button. I don’t know why it took so long for him to send it. My regular plumber never charged that much and he did actual work with materials and labor. Unbelievable.
I would have thought they sent the bill to the wrong place except it referenced my plumbers name on it.
I guess I vented enough.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday morning, I put together a little table in the basement for the dehumidifier. Ted had it sitting on his Workmate Bench. He also had made at one time a crude little bench that was kept in the basement. I don’t remember what it was for. I took a piece of plywood that was stored in the loft of the garage and nailed it to the little bench. I placed the dehumidifier on it. I will probably leave it, as it is very inefficient to run. I intended to replace it but after Ted died, I knew I wouldn’t be staying here. Ted also has a sump pump system for the dehumidifier that pumps the water out a garden hose to the outside of the house. He and I worked on that rig together. It works quite well for tow reasons. First, we didn’t have to run up and down the cellar steps to empty the bucket twice a day. And second, the switch didn’t always shut it off and water would be all over the floor.
Today, I took the snacks to church for fellowship. Everyone liked the pumpkin pie tarts as well as the pumpkin and cranberry nut bread. I had no takers for the chocolate chip cookies but that means more for me.
I went to lunch with my church friends. We went to the Greek place. They have good food but I was in the mood for breakfast and they only open for lunch and dinner. I got a BLT on a pita. It was good. When I go out on Sunday, I’m not hungry at suppertime. I think I’ll have some of that pumpkin and cranberry nut bread with cream cheese. I have leftover chili for tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Friday morning, we woke up to whiteness. It was just a dusting but stayed around for awhile because the temperature was in the 20's. It was pretty with the snow on the branches of the trees.
View out the kitchen window.
I had a busy day today. I took Danny on a short walk and then went to the Acme to get some snacks for church tomorrow. I got little pumpkin pie tarts, cranberry and pumpkin bread, and chocolate chunk cookies.
I next got ready and went to the Indian Trail Farm where I board Danny when I’m away. Erica hosted a Nannicoke-Lenape Indian Pow Wow in her riding arena. The Indians did several dances and like an Idiot, I forgot my camera. I’ll have to see if anything is posted on Erica’s web site.
It was bitter cold today. I don’t think it got above 28 and I don’t know what the wind chill factor was. Flurries were flying when I left Erica’s.
After a quick bite of lunch and a quick walk for Danny, I went to Paul Taylor’s retirement reception at the Newfield Church. Paul was a ranger at Parvin State Park here in South Jersey. The state has been cutting back because of the financial woes and has threatened to close the park. The winter camping has been closed. Many people enjoy the park. Our Nature Club meets there and if the park closes, we’ll have to find another place to meet.
I came home and walked Danny. We both had our red coats on. We walked north and south and avoided the cold west wind. I went to the Rite Aid and got some things that were on sale. I stopped in the Video store and rented the Indiana Jones Movie. When I got home, I made some chili for dinner. It goes down well on a cold night. I watched the movie as I ate my dinner. I cooked the hamburger and set some aside for Danny. He likes hamburger and rice so he got a nice treat, too.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Oh By Gosh, By Golly.
This photo of my holly was taken two weeks ago. Notice the red berries. When I go to take cuttings in December, the berries will be gone. The birds will have eaten them. It doesn't take long for a flock of birds to devour them. I looked out to whiteness this morning. About a quarter inch on the rooftops, grass, trees, and bushes. The roads and sidewalks are too warm for the snow to accumulate. I took a couple photos of the season's first snow. I'll upload them onto the computer and post them later.
I didn’t get too much done today. I spent the morning on the computer and doing the bills. I started on one project that should have been done weeks ago. I brought my houseplants in from outdoors and didn’t wash them or squirt them off. I washed 4 of them today and trimmed them up. I have 8 or 9 more to go. I’ll do a few a day. Then I’ll do my indoor houseplants.
My washing machine is on the blink and so is my dishwasher. I meant to have my brother and nephew look at them when they were here but we ran out of time. I hate to have to get a new washer because there may be one in the house I am moving to. The dishwasher has a small leak. I put a towel on the floor next to it and that takes care of that problem. The appliance repair place has used appliances so that may be an option if the machine can’t be fixed. We bought it in 1974 so we got our money’s worth. The problem is, they may not make parts for it anymore. I think it is the pump that’s going. It makes a noise when the water is draining out. I’ll try another load tomorrow. My wash is piling up and I hate going to laundry mats.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Ted’s networking group today. There were a lot of new members there. I filled in for Erica. (She is the owner of the horse farm and kennel where I take Danny) She was unable to attend. There were a few people from before that I knew and one guest that I knew from the credit union. You never know when you will meet someone you know in this town.
I walked Danny a few times today. We both wore our red winter coats. I put the hood up on mine. This morning it was 26 degrees here at the house. The weather channel said it was 30 with a wind chill factor of 20. This afternoon, it was 30 degrees here with a wind chill factor of 24. I just heard a loud noise outside like a firecracker and Danny has run to me protection. I thought he would run under the bed but he ran in the computer room to me.
I was supposed to go to Toastmaster’s tonight but after I’ve been out once today, I didn’t feel like driving to Ocean City down that dark lonely road. I like when I get there but the drive is too much. Ted and I drove down that road for many years and it’s too lonesome without him.
I will take Danny out before bed time. His bed time is 8:00.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I crossed a couple more things off my list today. I went to the Storage Bin to get my winter clothes. I had a plastic bin full of my turtlenecks and sweaters. I also brought home a box marked winter blankets. I had put them in the storage bin last summer thinking I’d be moving before now. It’s holiday time so I don’t think I’ll sell before spring.
I took some files to the building where we used to have our office. One of the companies there has a giant shredder. I brought some more files home and went through them. I sorted confidential material that I need to shred here at home from what I can take to the office and what can be put in the trash.
Danny and I had three nice long walks. When we went out at 4 pm, it was flurrying. It didn’t last long but it was windy and cold. We both had our red coats on for our evening walk. We went a little early tonight. I hope he doesn’t have to go out in the middle of the night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I crossed a couple more jobs off my list. I cleaned the air cleaner and did my bills and a letter.
I had some fun, too. I met my friend, Pat for lunch. Pat is a friend from Toastmasters. She had a doctor appointment near Vineland so she invited me to meet her for lunch. We had a wonderful visit. We enjoyed a good meal and good conversation. We found that our grandfathers were both bricklayers in Philadelphia. They worked about the same time period, around 1940. Pat has a photo of the men on one of the jobs. She’s going to dig it out and show it to me to see if I can pick out my grandfather.
I had a great big burger and fries for lunch so I wasn’t hungry for dinner. I ate some peas. Danny likes peas so I tossed a few to him. I also had a slice of whole-wheat toast and vanilla pudding.
After his evening walk, he went to bed and then started barking. I called up to him and a few minutes later, I heard his nails clicking on the stairs. He stood there looking at me and didn’t hop up on my lap right away. He finally hopped up and rolled over for his belly rub. When I stopped petting him, he made a low growling noise. I wasn’t sure what he wanted. I got up to see if he would run for the door or his bowl but he didn’t. I sat back down and he went back upstairs to bed. I think he wanted me to come to bed but it was only a little after 8. He is happy now that I came upstairs. He is a funny little dog.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I watched two back to back movies last night and fell asleep through part of the last one. At least I awoke to find out how it ended.
I didn’t get much done. It rained and was windy with tornado warnings. I walked Danny between showers, had some soup and watched the movies.
My friends from church didn’t go out to lunch today because we are going out this evening to the Millville church for a Gospel Concert. We share our pastor with the Millville church so this is the first get together with that group. They are having a covered dish but my friends didn’t want to go to the dinner and I didn’t want to go by myself.
There was some sun today but mixed with dark clouds and wind. I wore my winter coat to church and my red hooded coat to walk Danny. The wind blew the leaves out of my driveway so I don’t have that chore to do. I’ll probably have to do it later when the wind blows them back in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
What blooms in November? A yellow Gerber Daisey.
I cleaned a narrow area of the celler today. Plaster flakes and falls of the walls in the cellar. This particular area is where the chimney comes down and it is where the ashes from the fireplace were swept. It was dark, dingy and dirty. I doned Ted's respirator mask and goggles and went to work. It was a nasty job but had to be done.
After that, I got cleaned up, took Danny for his walk, gobbled down a Dannan Yogurt Fusion, and June came. We went to the movies to see The Secret of the Bees. There was some violence but for the most part, we enjoyed the movie.
When I got home, I carried out the bags of dirt and debris from the basement and put out the rest of the trash. Danny was anxious for his walk so we went out. It has been foggy and misty all day so each time I take him out, I have to dry his feet and belly. His legs are short and his belly get wet in the grass.
I nearly fell asleep watching Stargate Atlantis but managed to see most of it. They will repeat it next week at 8pm and then a new episode at 9pm.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I fell asleep watching the television last night. It was too late to blog. My computer was in the process of backing up. I had wanted to tell you about the dogwood tree. The other day, it was filled with red berries. Yesterday, I heard the leaves rustling and thought a big wind had blown up. I looked out and saw a flock of birds descending on the tree. They gobbled up the berries and not a single one is left. I tried to get a photo of them but they looked like black leaves.
I got some more things crossed off my list. The fish tank has been cleaned and I have been sorting through some of the company files. I packed up some boxes and took them to the garage. Some will go to the storage bin and I believe my winter clothes are there. I will bring them home.
Sunday morning, I was walking Danny when I heard something in the direction of my neighbor Alex’s roof. I turned in time to see a squirrel fall off the roof onto the concrete sidewalk. He got up and scooted up the steps and off the other end of the porch. Alex came running out wondering what the noise was. After I told him, we both just shook our heads. I think the squirrel tried to jump from the tree to the roof and either misjudged or the roof may have been slippery from the rain and freezing overnight.
Tomorrow, I will be going to the movies with my friend June. She wants to see “The Secret of the Bees”. Our other friend, Barbara saw it last week and enjoyed it. June and I have found a movie partner in each other. I don’t know what just happened but the computer system just had beeps going off and the server is lit up. Must have been a cut in power or a surge. Beats me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I like the pattern and texture of the leaves newly fallen on the grass.
Today was my Dad's birthday. He would have been 99 if he were still living.
I am beat. I used the leaf blower to blow the leaves out of the yard. I did the patio and half of the back yard. It was easier than raking and dragging the tarp to the curb but my arm was tired from not having used those muscles. I’ll have to start doing my weight training. I could hardly use my fork to eat my lunch.
I just took Danny out after he pestered me for an hour. He is still on Daylight time and is ready for his walk an hour early. I got as far as the driveway at the garage when he stuck his neck way out sniffing. I thought he was going to mark his territory when he started rubbing his neck in the muck. I took him right into the laundry room and washed his face. He didn’t like it. He kept licking the muck before I could get it off. It was stuck in his mustache. What a mess. He knows I am not pleased with him but I guess he has no idea why.
The city came and cleaned up the leaves and branches from the curb. We just have to rake them out there and they come to get them. The only thing is it has been too wet to rake. I hoped they would dry out some. It was probably rotting leaf muck that Danny rubbed his neck in. He loves stinky stuff. He must hate smelling like coconut when I give him a bath. I managed to get the patio and driveway blown out for the city to take away. I have another pile waiting for them. I hope they return soon but it will probably be several weeks.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My brother, my niece and her husband came today and we got a lot accomplished. Ed brought his truck and a trailer. We loaded on the picnic table and benches, the glider, and the plastic patio furniture. We also loaded some bags of garden soil and mulch. They took it to their house as it can be stored outside until I find a new home. They also took some lumber and a couple little trees, some bulbs and plants for the yard. They can plant them in their yard. The lumber was stored in a loft in the garage. Ed got up on the ladder and handed down the piece to the three of us. I gave him an old computer with monitor and printer. My neighbor gave it to me when he moved. Ed fixes them up and sells them. Cheryl and Ed wanted to get home before dark so they left at 3:30. Don helped me take the air conditioners out of the windows on the sun porch and put them in the basement. I will leave them with the house. They were the least efficient rating and expensive to run. We left the one in the computer room in the window. They computers make the room warm so it won’t hurt to leave it in. I am going to leave that one too. The one in my bedroom, we took out of the window and put it on the floor. That one will move with me. If I don’t need it, Don can use it.
Don made some DVD of his digital photos. One was of my nephew, Bob’s wedding and the other was of our trip to California. He made copies for me. They came out great.
I fell asleep during Master Piece Theatre but I really didn’t like the story. The Jews in the Nazi concentration camp were putting God on trail. Some was of historical interest but the holocaust was so gruesome. I should have gone to bed early and read my book.
Tomorrow, I have to make a new list of what I need to do and start crossing them off. I had a list of six items today and we crossed all of them off.
Danny was happy today. He made his rounds of our three guest and got belly rubs all afternoon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today was another gloomy, rainy day. This is the fourth day of this. I picked up some more branches and wanted to cut the grass since Tuesday. It’s been too wet. I was hoping it would dry off yesterday and today but it didn’t. The leave didn’t even reach their peak of color when the rain and wind knocked them down. I got a few photos out the window but other years were better as far as the foliage is concerned.
I swept the leaves off the steps and walk. I dug up some more of my flowers. I still have some more to dig. My niece is coming tomorrow to take my outdoor furniture and plants. Her husband and my brother will take the air conditioners to the basement and carry out the lumber and steel post to the curb. I put one steel post out and it took five days for someone to recycle it. I think the rest should go faster. I have some boxes packed up so we’ll take them to the storage bin.
I walk Danny past my neighbor’s house and he does not like their dog. Frosty is a friendly white husky. He is behind a fence and Danny tries to take off after him. He sniffs him and then barks and snaps at him. I have to keep him away. Frosty looks like he wants to play but Danny it not interested in playing. I don’t know why. He usually likes other dogs but there are a few that he doesn’t like.
The church had a covered dish last night. There were not that many attending. Perhaps because it was a Friday night. It is usually held on Saturday but I think the new minister wanted it on Friday. Still, it was nice to have the fellowship with a small group. It was cozier.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Late Bloomers. The name escapes me but these flowers bloom in the fall. I find them hiding under the leaves and mixed in with the hosta. They bloom in deep shade.
I got in from the Women’s Service Meeting late last night and watched the election. I am fearful of Obama’s inexperience. I am also fearful of his extreme left wing politics. A tax increase could very well send us into a depression. At least the Congress was not a landslide for the Democrats. I can’t believe Pennsylvania reelected Murtha. I guess they don’t mind being called a bunch of red necks.
I have Toastmaster tonight and I don’t feel like driving to Ocean City especially now that it is dark at 5:00.
The task of getting my things packed up is overwhelming. I packed up my winter clothes last spring and now I can’t find them. I must have taken them to the storage bin. I look in the garage where I have some boxes packed up but they are not there. I have several boxes of things I brought home from the storage bin to sort out. That task is overwhelming. I guess I should just toss it all. I don’t see any need for it. It’s just that it’s like throwing out my life with Ted. I look at the stuff and then walk away from it. I had asked Sonia several times to help me with it but she never seems to be home when I call and she never returns my calls. I feel like I’m out here all alone except for the kind people who write comments on my blog. Thank you all so much. You don’t realize how encouraging you are to me.
I had lunch with my friend Phyllis. We went to Marciano’s and both got spare ribs with macaroni and collard greens. We also got the seafood chowder. It was excellent. We had a nice visit. Phyllis and her husband are getting ready to go RVing in there 5th Wheel. They had their house on the market and her daughter decided to buy it. They will be spending their winters in the south and summers in the north.
I did not go to Toastmasters. The weather turned nasty with heavy rain and wind. Phyllis and I saw two accidents on the road and Phyllis saw another before she picked me up. I’m tired from being up late last night so it’s off to bed with me.
The weather has warmed up. It makes it hard to know what to wear. I put on a jacket to walk Danny and I am too warm. I took his lab specimens to the vet today and then dropped some more clothes off at the Salvation Army. I took Danny with me for a ride in the car. He likes to look out the window and bark at everything and everyone.
It's amazing how quickly the color of the leaves has changed. A few days of freezing temperatures and it's like someone has waved a magic wand. Maybe I should take the Cape May Train ride and look at the fall foliage.
I was feeling rather down today and over the weekend. Memories of Ted seem to be everywhere. My friends husband passing away and then my other friend lost her brother. I went to his viewing tonight. They funeral home put together a DVD of the photos of his life. It was a very nice thing for them to do. Their loses remind me of my loss. Maybe its the time of year. It was this time two years ago that were the last good days with Ted before he went into the hospital and then it was downhill from there. The changing of the daylight hours always made me feel like hibernating until Spring. I hate it being dark so early. There is a bit of light in the morning now but that won't last. My niece and her husband weren't able to come last weekend. I hope they can come next weekend. I hate having to be dependent on them and my brothers. I just can't do it all myself and I have to wait for others to help me.
Danny hasn't adjusted to the time change yet. He is ready to go out for his walks an hour early. He went to bed three hours ago. I hope he isn't ready to go out at 5 am. They past two mornings, I have awakened with him curled up next to me. He usually sleeps on the other side of the bed. I'm ready to join him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I walked Danny before 7am. I was up early due to the time change. It was light out at 6:30. I got a suitable box from the garage and put my summer shoes in it. I gave Danny his bath and got ready for church. After church, I went to lunch with the ladies and one gentlemen. Pastor Bill Vauhn and his wife were there. He was at the former church I attended. He had been pastor at the First Baptist at one time and knew most of the others in our group.
I have extended the walks for Danny and me. We both need the exercise after a month of recovery from my sprained ankle.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday, Danny’s appointment took longer than I thought. He was supposed to get his distemper shot but he also needed his 8 year check up with blood work and lab tests. When we go home, a girl from church called and said her mother was having a luncheon for my friend June who had just lost her brother. It was too late to go to Brady’s funeral in PA so I went to the luncheon. When I got home, I walked Danny and did a few chores. I read some of my book because it’s almost time to take it back to the library.
The Halloween kids started coming around 5:00 and keep coming until 7:00. I wasn’t able to get my dinner until then. I was full from the luncheon so that was OK. This is the first year that Halloween wasn’t held on Saturday afternoon. It was difficult for the parents to get home for their kids to go Trick or Treating. Most people work until 5:00. The parents had to take off early. Most parents go around with their kids. I would have been mortified if my parents went with me. We were invited into the neighbors’ homes and they tried to guess who we were. With parents, they would have known us. My older brother went with me when I was little. Then I took my younger brother. Some neighbors knew us by our size. I don’t know many kids here. I just stand out on the porch, put the candy in their bags and wish them a Happy Halloween. They all said thank you. Sometimes prompted by their parents. I had about 200 kids.
Today, I went to the super market and then I blew the leaves out of the driveways and walk. The new girl across the street introduced herself. Her name is Heather. She has a Rotweiller dog. I don’t see it out very much. She takes it to her mother’s while she works. Heather was shocked at how many kids came around for Trick or Treat.
It is time for Danny’s bath. I guess I’ll give it to him in the morning. I have set back some of the clocks. The computer will take care of itself. I want to get back to my book and find out “who done it.” It is an Adam Dalgliesh mystery by P D James. I’ve read some other and have seen some on the TV show “Mystery.”
News from the Vorlon Wife.