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It was a quiet day today. I was going to paint the window frames but the glazing stuff wasn’t dry yet. I may have to wait a few days. I talked to some friends and family members on the phone and left messages for others who were not home. I gave Danny his bath and went to the library to borrow a couple DVD’s to watch tomorrow night. Ted and I would either go to a movie or watch one on TV for New Year’s Eve.
I may go out early to Millville tomorrow to go to Kohl’s. I got a gift certificate for Christmas. I need new sneakers and brown boots. I also have a couple other things I want to look for.
That’s about all for today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday was like the Grinch stole Christmas. After having a wonder Christmas with family and friends, I came home from my brother’s; I found I had an invasion of Ants in my kitchen. I poured hot water on the counter, wiped away as many as possible and put a spoon of cocoa out on the back porch and at the sides of the door where they were coming in. I had to stab them with my finger on the counters and wall a few more times. They were gone by this morning. Ants do not like chocolate.
I walked Danny Boy, had some dinner, talked to Ted’s mother, made some tea, and sat down to relax in front of the TV. CRASH!!
The window on my sun porch was broken. I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t know if someone was shooting a gun or trying to break in or threw a rock through the window or what. I ducked down on the floor, reached the phone and called 911. The woman asked me to identify what broke the window. I went over and saw what looked like an empty rum bottle on my radiator. Glass was everywhere. On the velvet chair, all through the knitted afghan, all over the floor about 10 feet into the room. Needless to say, it scared me to death.
The policeman came and I raised the miniblind. The bottle broke the storm window and three panes of the colonial window. He said it was criminal mischief but most likely wouldn’t find the person. He estimated about $80.00 of damage. Danny didn’t bark at the noise, he barked at the policeman. I wanted to pack up my stuff, put it in storage and get the heck out of here.
I cleaned up glass last night and this morning. My contractor came around to look at the damage and let me know what he needed. I took the storm window frame to South Jersey Glass and ordered 3 panes for the colonial window. It would take awhile so I came home, walked Danny and had some lunch. The glass company called around 2pm so I drove down and got the window and glass. Joe came around 4pm to do the glazing. It was tedious work but he finished just as it was getting dark. The frame from the storm window must be bent as when Joe put the window in, it fell down and out. Luckily, it didn’t brake. I saw where the frame was coming apart so I told Joe I would check it out tomorrow in the daylight. He and I both hope the hoodlums don’t come back and do it again.
Time to walk Danny and get some dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We got a late start today. We slept in and were slow moving. This afternoon, we went to visit Aunt Jean. She is the second from right in the Christmas past photo. She was expecting my cousin, Jan who was born a month later on January 31, 1954. We all enjoyed Christmas at Grandmom’s. Eventually there were 17 of us grandchildren. My brother Rick is back by the door with Uncle Bud, and brother Don is beside me with the stuffed toys. Cousin Mick is next to Don and Uncle Vernon on the left. Uncle Vernon gave me the guitar and the stuffed toys to Mick and Don. Aunt Peg is holding cousin Cookie. I am on Dad’s lap and my mother is seated next to Dad.
Don and I had a nice lunch with Aunt Jean. It was just the three of us. Rick and Sylvia had to dog sit there son Bob’s dog Fred and Danny Boy. Aunt Jean doesn’t care for dogs so Danny had to stay home. Danny is moaning to go out as it is five of eight. I had better take him. Then it will be off to bed for all of us.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I’ve been tired out from all the holiday activities. I awoke at 4:30 Christmas Eve and did some last minute things. Got packed up and left from my brother’s at noon. I got there at 1:00 and then left for my nephew’s at 2:00. We had a nice dinner and exchanged gifts. They liked the Raggedy Andy I got for Ryleigh. It matched the Raggedy Ann I got her last year. Joey liked his books. The stained glass candle holder matched the sconces they have on their wall. We got home around 9:00 and went to church service at 11:00. They had Christmas Communion so the service was longer than usual. I almost fell asleep. We didn’t get to bed until 1:30.
We slept until 8am. We had breakfast and then Sylvia had to peel potatoes for mashing and I had to make another Waldorf Salad to take to Tina’s. We left for Tina’s around 12:30. She had a nice dinner prepared for us when we arrived. Her husband was sick in bed. He didn’t know if he had food poisoning or stomach virus. He hardly gets any days off from work and had to spend the day, especially Christmas Day in bed. He did come down later when he was feeling a little better. We exchanged gifts. Everyone had a nice Christmas. We left Tina’s about 4:30 and went to bed around 9:30. We were exhausted.
We got up late again this morning and moved rather slowly. I needed to go to the Acme and my cousin Joy lives near there. I gave her a call to see if she would be in. Her children and grandchildren all went in to Philadelphia on the train to see the sights. I had a nice visit with Joy and her husband Bob. She showed me some photos and letters she received from her nephews. One lives in Florida and the other in Illinois.
It’s almost time to turn in. Danny has already gone up.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Christmas Past
That's me in the center with the guitar Uncle Vernon gave me. Grandmom is on the far right holding cousin Rosemary.
Today, I wrapped gifts and ran to the dollar store for more gift bags. When wrapping my grandneices and grandnephews gifts, I found I hadn't mailed on of the grandneices gift in the mail. Now it won't get there in time but she will be visiting her grandparents in Michigan so I'll mail it after Christmas and she'll have another gift when she gets home.
I have a lot to do tomorrow so I'll better get to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, I'm home. It took awhile to chop the ice out from around my tires. About three inches of water from the rain and melting snow lay in the street near the curb where my car was parked. My tires were iced in. Sylvia and I went to the cemetary about 11:30. It was cold and windy there. The wind chill was -1 degrees. The ground was frozen hard and I had a hard time getting the fasterners into the dirt. They kept bending. I used a mallot and a chisel to drill a hole in the ground to try to get below the frozen area. I finally got them anchored down. From there, we went to the mall. Sylvia needed to get a gift there. We got home about 1:30, I took Danny out for his walk and then we had some lunch. Afterward, I packed up and headed home. It was time for another walk for Danny. I had some split pea soup for dinner and fell asleep watching the television.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't get ou to church today. I don't even know if they held service. I am at my brother's and we had a light dusting of snow at 5am. It changed to sleet and rain by 6am. Everything looked like a glazed donut. I opened the door to let Danny out and he turned around and came back in. I took him out later. We went around the block. Some ice had melted but there were patches of ice. I turned on my car and put the defrosters on full blast and began the chore of scraping the ice off the windows.
It's time to take Danny out again. I brought his new coat from Santa for Christmas. He stayed warm and dry. I hope he does his business this time. I don't want to keep taking him out.
When it melts off completely, I'll head out to the bookstore.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Merry Christmas from my house to yours.
Ted took this photo several years ago. The wreath is hanging on my French doors to the sunroom. Ted uses this photo to enter the computer when booting up. He must have considered it the door to his computer.
I hope to start writing before Danny got up but he saw me come up the stairs and here he is. I guess he didn’t want the computer getting all the attention.
I went to the Red Hat Luncheon yesterday. It was an enjoyable time with my red hat friends. I wore my Santa hat as my red hat. I won a prize for getting the answers to the Archangel quiz. I got 3 out of 5 correct. I tied with my friend Judy and we both got a lovely Red Hat picture frame.
My exchange gift was a table water fountain. I was just thinking about one of them the other day about how relaxing the sound of the water would be. It is a lovely gift.
I went to the supermarket after the luncheon. I needed a few things that the other supermarket didn’t carry. After putting the food away, I took Danny for his long walk and got ready for my next party. I wanted to leave early so I could stop at the bank and Border’s Bookstore near Atlantic City. Border’s is near the Hamilton Mall but it is very difficult to get in and out. It is on the access road to the Atlantic City Expressway and you have to make a left turn across traffic exiting the expressway. It is three lanes wide and almost impossible to get across. I found a set of books for Jonathan so the trip was worthwhile. Coming out I had to make another left so I could get onto the expressway. I ran over an island bumper but made it safely. The expressway is an easy trip into AC.
Mary Fran and Steve have a lovely home on the beach block. It is a large older home with hardwood floors throughout. They have done a lot of renovations on it and it is absolutely beautiful. They have a sunroom with a view of the ocean. It was dark when I was there so I couldn’t see the ocean. The master bedroom has a huge bath adjoining it. I believe they took one of the bedrooms and converted it into a bathroom. It has a large double shower with a separate hot tub across the room. It is very spacious. There are two living rooms, a large dining room with additions living seating. A large spacious kitchen, three bedrooms and two baths on the second floor and two or three more bedrooms on the third floor. A beautiful oak staircase in the front livingroom and a back stairway from the kitchen. The house has entrances on two streets. There is a deck and a garage on the back with 4 additional parking spaces.
It was a fun time with my toastmaster friends. I got home, walked Danny and found 2 messages on my phone. It almost ten o’clock but I knew my brother and sister-in-law would be up so I called them back. They wanted to know my plans for the weekend. I will be going to my brother Rick’s on Saturday morning and stay over. I need to go to the cemetery with my grave blankets for Ted and my parents. I also need to go to the Barnes and Noble Bookstore so I can get the rest of my gifts and use the gift certificate I found on the computer desk with Ted’s things. I called and it is still good so I might as well use it.
They weather may be bad on Sunday so I may stay until Monday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I don’t know why I wake up so early and then when I get up, time seems to slip by so quickly. I took Danny out at 7:30am and it was raining. I walked him down the block in the rain but he did not do his business. I wanted to get an early start but I would have to walk him again before leaving so he wouldn’t do his business in the house. I finally got out to Millville by 10:30. I went to the bookstore. They were all used books and the few that were new we were not what I wanted. I need to find something for my friend Sonia’s son. His birthday is Thursday. I crossed the street and went in the flower shop where I bought Ryleigh’s Raggedy Ann doll last Christmas. I was hoping they had Raggedy Andy and they did. So, I got that for her.
It was the only one they had or I would have gotten one for Nuriel.
I went to Wheaton Village where they have little gift shops. I am looking for some little glass vases to put flameless candles in. I thought I’d give them to my nieces and nephews. There was nothing. I have looked in almost every store I can think of. I went in Target – nothing. I went in Petsmart and got Danny’s presents. (He was sniffing the bag I brought in.)
When I came out of Petsmart, it was sleeting. I went to Dick’s Sporting Goods to get some badly needed sneakers for myself. The only ones on sales were Addias. I don’t like Addias but I tried them on only to remind myself of why I didn’t like them. The others were too expensive. I’ll have to wait for another sale. I missed the one last week. The sleet had changed back to rain.
I proceeded to Kohl’s and found nothing there. It was getting late so I headed home. Danny would be waiting to go out. He was at the door when I came home. I had some lunch and then walked him.
I must have fallen asleep on the sofa. Danny was on my lap and he was growling at me. That’s how he speaks to me when he wants attention. It was 5pm so I took him out again. I had a late lunch and I am not hungry.
I will be going to the Red Hat Luncheon tomorrow afternoon and then to the Toastmaster’s Christmas get together in Atlantic City. I will go past Border’s Book Store and hopefully find something for Jonathan.
Danny is whining and woofing for my attention. I don’t know why he likes to sit on my lap when I type. Sometimes he puts his front feet on the desk and his head right in my way. He must be jealous of the computer getting my attention.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Tree in previous years decorated with multicolored lights and ornaments.
Tree with clear lights, white ornaments and snow.
I did some shopping today. I got blankets for Teds and my parent's graves. I went to the mall and mostly looked around. The book store is gone and there is not a bookstore in Vineland. That's pathetic. I didn't see much in ToysRUs either. I got my brother's gift in JC Penney's and bought myself a gift at K-Mart. I headed on home. It was past time to walk Danny. I walked him and fixed a quick dinner of chicken, rice, and peas. All of Danny's favorites. I went to see the Singing Ambassador's Christmas Show. I thought it started at 7 but the parking lot was empty. I saw a banner across the road that said it started at 7:30. I continued to the grocery store and bought my celery. I was going to buy some Klondike Bars but realized I wouldn't be going home for a couple hours. It was right around 32 degrees but I was afraid they'd melt. I stopped in Sears and bought me some new warm gloves. I have two pair that have been sewn together a few times and are wearing thin. I went back to the school to watch the show.
The singing was awesom. I couldn't help feel a sadness at the empty seat next to me. I feel Ted's absence everywhere I go, even driving down the street seeing the colorful lights.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Pretty white vincas with red centers and green foliage. They look like Christmas colors but bloom in the summer. This photo was taken by Ted.
I finished decorating the tree this morning and got a third of my Christmas Cards done. Still have a little more decorating to do as the livingroom is sparcely decorated and doesn't look like Christmas. Of course, the stockings are hung. Santa will be putting a few things in Danny's stocking and I got some books at the library sale that will fill up my stocking.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I finally got the lights up on the tree and hung some ornaments. I put my skating ring under the tree and tomorrow I’ll finish up. I sorted through some more of the business files. Some go in the trash, some in the shredder, some to the super shredder where I used to work and a few I’ll keep.
This morning, I got out the small crock-pot and made a small pot roast. Danny liked the juices on his dog food. He gobbled it right up. He still wanted a few morsels of beef, carrots, and potatoes.
I crossed a few more things off my list. Tomorrow, I’ll make a new list.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The lights for the tree have been driving me nuts. Every set had a segment was out. I tried fixing one and found the culprit bulb but the replacement bulb kept blowing. I figured there must be a short so I put it in the discard pile. I’ll take all the good bulbs off then throw it away. I’m not going to put the icicles on the eaves and put them on the hedgerow. I took the clear sets that I usually put on the hedge and put them on the tree instead of the colored lights. I had the same problem with them. They work fine until I put them on the tree then they don’t work. It was frustrating. I took a set of icicle lights and draped them around and along the branches to finish the bottom part of the tree. The clear lights look pretty with the white angle on the top. I don’t know if I’ll put many decorations on it. Maybe just the clear or white ornaments then top it off by throwing snow on it. We’ll see how it looks.
I got two phone calls from friends today. It was good to hear from both of them. Sonia who just moved away from across the street called. She was living with her parents but now settled in with her brother. Rich from Toastmaster’s called. He wanted to see if I were going to the Toastmaster’s Christmas Party in Atlantic City. I got snowed in when I went last year. He also wanted to know why I wasn’t coming out to Toastmasters. The long drive is sometimes overwhelming for me. And it’s just not the same without Ted. He didn’t mind driving that far or driving in the dark but I just don’t like driving long distance by myself.
I went to the super market. I went to the Shop Rite because I had a lot of things to get and their prices are cheaper. It took me about two hours. It is a large store and I forgot me list. I had to wander up and down every isle to see what I needed and I wasn’t familiar with the store set up. I’m more comfortable going to the Acme. It smaller, closer and more convenient but the prices are higher.
I called the appliance repair place and made an appointment for him to come out to look at my washer. I told them I thought it might be the belt so the lady looked up to see if the part were still available. It is and if it is the belt, it will cost $18.00. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope that is the problem and nothing more. He’ll be out on Friday.
I got a lot crossed off my list this week. I’ll work on the rest tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was bitter cold today. I cut short Danny’s walk after he did his business. I ate lunch and it took a while to get warmed up. I fell asleep on the sofa. The cold must have taken a lot out of me.
The Temperature was 21 degrees when I woke up at 6:30 and it stayed the same all day. We took another short walk before dinner. Afterward, Danny sat on my lap and it took awhile for his feet to warm up. He slept there until I got up to get some tea.
This morning, I went to BJ’s to get a few things and then to Wal-Mart to get my glasses straightened out. They had gotten bent and hurt behind my ear. I also found a gift for my brother that was on sale.
I spent the early morning online doing some shopping there. I also printed the labels for my Christmas cards.
When Danny is ready, I’ll take him out for a couple minutes before he goes to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny has been following me around like he’s my shadow. He didn’t go to bed after his walk. He laid on my lap and took a nap for a while. He’ll be pestering me to come up on my lap soon. Here he is. I think he is confused about the static electricity. He doesn’t understand what’s zapping him. He keeps running around in a circle on the sofa generating more electricity. He keeps sniffing and looking for the cause of his problem. I am wearing a fleece suit and he gets zapped from that. I put some hand lotion on me and the quilt I have on the sofa to cut down on the static. I have a humidifier in the bedroom so it’s OK in there. I’ll have to get one for downstairs. I did boil some water and set the kettle on the radiator in the sunroom but to no avail. I even have my plants out there but they are not much help with the humidity.
When I walked Danny tonight, he took off across the yard I thought in pursuit of a rabbit. He started barking and growling. I saw what looked like a black animal and brought him to an abrupt halt. I shown my flashlight on it and thought it must be a cat that got hit by a car. It was rocking and it looked like teeth glowing. Then the wind picked it up and blew it away. It was a black plastic bag. The wind had filled it with air and it was rocking back and forth. It was really weird.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny was funny today. He kept turning in circles on the sofa. I think he was getting little shocks from static electricity. He kept turning to see what was causing it and as he did, he kept generating more static and shocks. He couldn’t figure it out.
I didn’t do much today. It was cold. I woke up to 21 degrees. It never got above 30 until now it’s 34. It was snowing for a while but is misting now.
I called the mail order insurance company to sign up for my prescription. I had the form but needed the address to send it to. I’ll save 50 dollars by using the mail order.
I watched “White Christmas” on tape as I ate my dinner. I have a Charles Dickens book on Christmas Stories that I take out and read around Christmas time. I’ll read some before I go to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Rusty mum.
I cut the grass today. It didn’t really need cutting but I wanted to mulch the rest of the leaves that had fallen and to cut the summer flowers down. It’s a fast way to get them cleaned out.
I was exhausted after that. It had gone up to 53 degrees and I was dressed too warmly for that kind of work.
I finished about noon and it was time for Danny’s long walk. He was still napping so I had my lunch first.
I went over the Christmas Card list. I have to make some changes of addresses and update the list. I print the labels and put them on the cards.
I also spent some time with Comcast fixing my email account. I was having a problem. I think it’s fixed. I’ll check it tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Not much to report today. I went to my doctor appointment for my annual check up. I have to get the blood work done and so forth.
Sonia called. I had called her because our BJ's memberhship is coming up soon. We both want that renewed. There are some things that I get at BJ's. Jonathan is doing well in school. His birthday is coming up soon. It is the same day as my grand niece, Ryleigh.
Danny didn't come down for his 8pm walk. I had to call him at ten. Maybe I am walking him too much on our morning, afternoon and evening walks. They are about a mile each. It was kinda sad to walk past Ray and Ellen's house. They moved yesterday. Danny always liked to run up and greet them. We will both miss them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I thought my annual check up was today. I drove to the doctor’s and found that my appointment is tomorrow. I came home and put my Christmas wreaths out on the pillars between the windows. I have seven of them hanging around the house and two on the doors. I don’t seem to be able to do more than one or two things a day. I sorted through more of the business stuff and gathered up the trash to put on the curb,
Danny went on three long walks today and will go out later tonight before he goes to bed. I just take him around the house at night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the laundry mat today. I used the largest washer for the whites and lights and the small one for the darks. I brought the clothes home to put in my own dryer. I hope my clothes don’t reek of fragrances of other peoples detergents. I am very sensitive to fragrance. I had a headache after thanksgiving from candles and plugins. Also, my lady friends from church wear perfume and my eyes burn and water when I’m near them. As far as fragrances go, I have to live in a bubble.
The wet clothes were so heavy, a lady helped carry my basket to the car. I used several trips to carry them in the house. I dried the dark clothes first because that is the smallest load. I divide the whites and lights into two groups. One group has the king size sheets and mattress pad that I put over the quilt for Danny in case he has dirty feet or he gets sick. That group will be last because I have to stop the dryer every so often to untangle the sheets. They get into a big ball and don’t dry properly.
I have a few flowers still blooming near the house; Chrysanthemums and gerbera daisies. I’ll take some photos.
News from the Vorlon Wife.