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Well, I’m ready for the people who will be looking at my house. I hope they like it and will give me a good offer. I dread packing everything up and the stress of all that goes into moving. The last time, I had Ted and my parents, and my brother help with the moving. I may be all alone this time, at least on this end. When I get over to PA, I may have some help then. I will be glad when I’m not so far away from my family.
The lady who came to see my house brought her boyfriend to help her house shop. Mine was the first of 10 they were going to look at. She lives near Glassboro and they are going to widen route 322. Her house was in the way so she has to find another place to live. Melissa couldn’t come. Her baby was sick and she couldn’t get a hold of either her mother or mother-in-law. The other real estate lady got lost and couldn’t find my house. I let the people in, as it was cold and raw outside. They seemed to like the house. They liked the open floor plan, the fireplace, and the sun porch. The real estate woman finally got here and took them upstairs. I heard the woman say, “Oh, this is cute.” I don’t know to what room she was referring.
When they left, I walked Danny, had some lunch and watched the movie I got from the Library. It was “Star Wars III.” It must have come out when Ted was sick and we didn’t get to see it. It was sad to watch it with out him. He enjoyed it so much. I don’t think any of my lady friends are in to Sci Fi.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I crossed a couple more items off my list. I painted the window that had been broken with the finishing Cape Cod blue paint. After that dried, I got out the razor blade scraper. It’s been years since I have used it. I had to hunt up some razor blades. I found some in the basement and they were a little rusty from the humidity down there. I put it in the scraper and wondered why it was so difficult to scrape the paint off the glass panes. I took a look at the scraper and realized the blade was in upside down. No wonder it was so hard to do. I had to wash the window and then I was done with that job.
I packed up the extra computers from the office that I wasn’t using. I taped up the boxes and marked them “stuff”. I didn’t want strangers coming in here and seeing all those computers. I still have a lot of computer equipment. I also put my jewelry in a box, taped it up and marked it “stuff”. I piled the boxes in the spare bedroom with other boxes marked “blankets” and “photos”. I took all the clutter off the computer desk and put it in a box. The computer room looks great with all the “stuff” out of here.
I have been watching for my crocuses for several weeks now. Yesterday, I walked through the yard and there were only short green leaves sticking up. Today, the flowers were blooming. It’s amazing.
I went to the Nature Club meeting tonight. One of my friends, Margit, showed her rock collection. She is a “Rock Hound”. Among her collection is several examples of lava, Cape May Diamonds, fossilized wood and shark teeth. The highlight was the phosphorescent rocks that glowed bright red and green under a black light. It was fascinating.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the Lenten Luncheon today. It is sponsored by the Vineland Ministerium, a group of clergy from the Vineland Area. My friend June drove my house and we went together. We met some other friends at the luncheon. It was held at the Presbyterian Church. Attending, were Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Baptists, Assembly of God members, Presbyterians, and others.
When I got home, Melissa called and someone wants to see my house on Saturday. Perhaps things will come together.
Tonight, I went to the Bible Study. We are still studying Genesis.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was 14 degrees this morning. It was bright and sunny when I walked Danny and it felt warmer than when it was 32 degrees and windy. I did some computer work and then went to Wal-mart to get the filters for the humidifier. I went past BJ’s gas station and saw the price was $1.639/gal. I just filled up the other day so didn’t need to stop.
I didn’t do much this afternoon. I made a tuna casserole for lunch and dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
After walking Danny early this morning, I went to the store to get a gift for Diane’s birthday. Diane is a friend from church celebrating the big 65. I got her a pretty reddish pink azalea. It looked bright and cheerful. I also got a few groceries the other store did not have the other day.
I got ready for Diane’s luncheon, walked Danny and started to leave for the restaurant at the country club. I saw my neighbor’s dog, Duke had gotten away. The lady was still in her robe so I put my stuff in the car and rounded up Duke. After he sniffed me, I grabbed his collar but could not budge him. He wouldn’t come with me then, he decided he was afraid of me and bolted away. I tried to head him toward the house and he thought I wanted to play. I finally rounded him into the coral (house). The lady thanked me and I was on my way. It was a lovely occasion and the food was delicious. We started with an orzo salad and grilled vegetables with Italian bread. The main course was either chicken breast in a blush sauce or crab cake. Most went for the crab. It was delicious. It was baked with lots of meat and very little filler.
When Danny sees someone he likes, he gets so excited, wagging his tail and pulling on the lead so he can greet them. Today, he saw my neighbor, Jim before I saw him. I wondered why he was pulling me across the street. I looked up and saw Jim. Yesterday morning, he heard Alex going out his door to go to work. Alex was around the corner and in his car before I could see him. Danny whined and cried because he wanted to see Alex, He just loves Alex. He loves my brothers too. When Danny gets to know people, he just loves them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took my car to the inspection station. It took two and a half hours. They had only one bay open and only two employees doing the inspection. It’s ridiculous. It’s like that all the time. I didn’t get much else done. I went to the post office and did some wash. I walked Danny and it was very windy today. I feel like I’m coming down with an ear infection. It took me awhile to get started today and I felt exhausted when I got back from the inspection.
I looked on the internet to order filters for my humidifier. I didn’t realize how expensive they were and you add on almost nine dollars for shipping. I’ll go to Wal-Mart again to see if I can get them there. Maybe K-Mart will have them. It’s past time for Danny to come down to go out for the last time today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was looking forward to Sunday night television. It is the only night that anything good is on. I watch Sherlock Holmes at 7:00, Rosemary and Thyme at 8:00 and Masterpiece at 9:00. There were two specials on that preempted Sherlock Holmes and Rosemary and Thyme. I’ll read my book until Masterpiece comes on.
The sermon in church today was about forgiveness. It was a good sermon. The pastor does a good job. Afterward, we went out for lunch. There were five of us today. I am amazed at how I can leave the church, go home, walk Danny and get to the restaurant at least five minutes before the others arrive. Sometimes I sit there wondering if they decided to go to another restaurant and weren’t able to contact me.
It was a dreary day. I guess it is appropriate, as it is the 2nd anniversary of Ted’s passing. It started out cloudy and warm. It began to rain and the temperature dropped. The rain was mixed with snow just before it moved out. I didn’t do much today. I called my sister-in-law and my mother-in-law to catch up on how they were. Not much in family news except my brother-in-law and his family are in California. They are in LA and will be driving up to Menlo Park to visit their daughter and her husband before returning home. My father-in-law has injured his shoulder and was not feeling well. He’ll be going to the doctor tomorrow. I hope and pray he will be feeling better soon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a leisurely day planned when I got up this morning. I got my coffee and sat down to read the paper. I saw my friend from Nature Club had passed away and his funeral was today. Visiting hour was at 10:00 with service at 11:00. It’s a good thing I went through the paper early and not put it off until later in the day. I called a few people in the Nature Club. No one was aware that Bill had died.
I took Danny on a quick walk and came home to get ready to go to the Episcopal Church to see Bill’s family. I was greeted by Kevin the undertaker who handled Ted’s funeral. I guess I’ve known Kevin for over 25 years. I worked in the Red Cross with his father. Kevin took over the business when his father retired.
Bill’s wife has a beautiful voice. She sings solo’s for our church during the summer for our special music. She also sings for the Singing Ambassadors. A group in Vineland. I saw some of the Singing Ambassadors at the church as well as my neighbor in the back, Doris. She goes to that church. In many ways, Vineland is a small town. Everyone knows everyone.
When I came home, I got a couple more projects crossed off my list. I installed a smoke alarm in the basement. I stripped the screw and didn’t get it in all the way. I must not have drilled the hole deep enough. It hung so it’s good enough. When I sell the house, it is required to have a smoke alarm on every floor including the basement. I have them on the other floors. I always had to put my own in. Now I have to put them in for someone else. Plus the CO2 detector. We had a couple but after a year or so, they would give false alarms. It’s kind of scary because you don’t know if you have CO2 in the house or not. Same thing happened to my brother. We tested it by taking it outside and it still went off. Anyway, I discovered the one I got can be a table model so I put it on the desk I have in the hall. If I have to mount it, I will but hopefully the desk will be good enough.
I went to the grocery store, called my brother, and watch one of my movies before dinner and one after dinner. On movie was “Elizabeth, the Golden Age.” The other was “The Queen,” The first was about Queen Elizabeth I and the second was about Queen Elizabeth II. I enjoyed both of them.
They are doing another upgrade to my site on Monday. I have to follow some kind of links so I don’t know if I’ll be up for a while. I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny will be coming down soon to go out. He went up for his nap a little late. He usually comes down about 7:30 and I take him out at 8:00.
I didn’t do much today. It was cold and windy. The high was about 28 but the wind made it seem much colder. I gathered up some trash that had been blown around by the wind. I found my neighbor’s oil bill in my hedge. I don’t know what made me look at it but it’s a good thing I did. He would not have known the bill was left.
Anymore, I just don’t feel like going anywhere. I should be packing up my stuff so I won’t have so much to do when I sell my house. I can’t seem to bring myself to do it. I miss the things I have already put away. I took my photos down and when I was talking to my cousin I told her I would send her a copy of our Aunt’s wedding photo. I forgot I had packed it away. Now I have to dig it out.
I feel like I am unable to move on with my life until I sell this house and there has been no inquiries at all. Nothing seems to be moving. It may take a long time for the economy to recover.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted's photo of yellow crocuses taken 02/17/06. This year, the leaves are just beginning to pop out of the ground. Ted liked the yellow crocuses best.
I pruned my rose bushes and pulled some grass and weeds from my flower garden in the front. It was nice this morning. I went to the library today to get some movies for the weekend. I took Danny with me. He likes to ride in the car and I take him if it isn’t too cold or too hot.
He didn’t do too much walking today or yesterday. He has been walking slowly rather than his usual trot. Maybe he’s just tired. I stayed up reading late last night. He doesn’t like it when I keep him up. He seems to run up and down the stairs OK. I’ll keep a close watch on him.
I didn’t go on my walk tonight. It had turned cold and windy and I got chilled when I took Danny out for his late afternoon walk. We didn’t go far but the wind had picked up and the temperature dropped. I did go to Bible Study. I’m not sure how I feel about the class. We seem to get off the subject and tonight I don’t think we ever got on the subject. Plus, we ran 30 minutes over. I get restless because I know Danny will be waiting to go out.
I went to the Red Hat Luncheon today. It was an enjoyable luncheon. One of my friends who had a mild stroke was there. She has been going to rehab for several months. It was good to see her and she was happy to be out. She doesn’t drive so her husband takes her and he went to another part of the restaurant while we were having our luncheon. Another one of the ladies’ husbands does the same thing and the two men have lunch together. I admire them. It’s not everyone who would be so caring.
It was raining hard when we came out. I decided not to go to the Toastmaster’s meeting. It was getting rather foggy in the late afternoon and I didn’t want to drive in the rain and fog. The road goes along the river so the fog would be thicker there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I crossed some more items off my To Do list. I took my car down for inspection but the line was too long and I didn't feel like waiting that long. I'll have to go back and try again.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sometimes when I walk Danny, I find pennies, nickels, dimes, or quarters. Today, I saw a twenty-dollar bill lying in the middle of the sidewalk. As I walked along, there was more money lying about as if they were leaves that had been blown by the wind. I next found a five, then a ten, and then another five. There was no one around and no way to find who it belonged to. I was torn between finders-keepers and feeling sorry for the person who had lost it.
I crossed another job off my list and put my valentine decorations away. I had to delay a couple jobs as it is the president’s holiday and government agencies are closed. I have some used books to donate to the library and my DVD’s to return. I also need to go to the inspection station to get my car inspected. It’s required every two years. It seems to have gone by quickly. I have ‘til the end of the month but I think I’ll go tomorrow.
I have my To-Do list on the computer so I went in today, updated it, and printed a new one. I ordered my medicine and called the alarm company to upgrade my information.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a nice day today. The sermon in church today was about Abraham Lincoln and his second inaugural address. It was theologically intense. It is printed below.
At this second appearing to take the oath of the presidential office, there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. Then a statement, somewhat in detail, of a course to be pursued, seemed fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention, and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself; and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all. With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured.
On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago, all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it--all sought to avert it. While the inaugeral [sic] address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war--seeking to dissole [sic] the Union, and divide effects, by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came.
One eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union, even by war; while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war, the magnitude, or the duration, which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with, or even before, the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has his own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope--fervently do we pray--that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether"
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan--to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.
After church, we went out for lunch. We went to an Italian place and everyone ordered a personal pizza. I have enough for two more meals. I crossed some more tasks off my list and added more. I watched my other movie, “The Thin Man.” I took Danny out and then settled down for Masterpiece’s “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early, walked Danny Boy and went off to the Toastmaster’s Training meeting near Atlantic City. I got home around 1:30 and took a happy dog out for his walk. I had to wait a few minutes because Duke, my neighbor’s boxer got away. The neighbor boys were chasing after him. I wrote out some bills and took Danny with me to the mailbox at the post office.
During my late afternoon walk, Frosty the Husky was being walked out front so I went the other direction and another neighbor’s rotweiller got away. I had to scoop up Danny in my arms and kept turning my back to the dog until the owner got him or her. The dog kind of sniffed around toward Danny. I told the dog to sit and it looked at me but didn’t sit. Yesterday, another neighbor’s pit bull got away and was coming toward us. I told it to stay and it did, much to my relief and surprise.
It is becoming a dangerous neighborhood for Danny. There is nowhere I can walk without someone’s dog getting loose.
I watched my movie tonight. It’s called Far and Away. It was good. I have another one for tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
These pretty snow crocuses were taken by Ted on Feb. 17, 2006. The flowers are nowhere near blooming this year. The ground has thawed out but the season is weeks behind. On the other hand, maybe the flowers in 2006 were early.
I went to my seminar today and learned about the Medicare insurance. It is a very complicated thing. I thought Medicare was helpful to seniors but the savings are minimal and the benefits are less than an employer offers. NJ does not permit supplemental insurance so there is no coverage for all the co pays and out of pocket expenses.
Tonight, I have my movies from the library and my dinner is waiting.
News from the Vorlon Wife
It was extremely windy today. Trashcans and lids blew down the street. I returned two to their rightful owners and told one person their trashcan was down on the corner.
I did my walking tonight. I walked 2.99 miles. After the walk, I went to Bible Study. Pastor Lou did a summary on the book of Genesis. He’s going to do a book a week.
I got two more movies at the library so I am ready for the weekend.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the chiropractor this morning for my follow up visit. My back is doing much better. I have another follow up in three weeks. I came home, walked Danny, and then went off to the Business Networking Meeting. I filled in for Melissa. I saw Erica there today. She is Danny’s dog sitter. She just got involved with 4-H Club. I forgot to ask her if the kids were going to raise horses.
Since I was in Millville, I stopped in Kohl’s to use my gift certificate I got for Christmas. I found a small shoulder bag that I had wanted. It is nice but there’s not enough room to cram in all my stuff.
I was worn out when I got home. I decided not to go to the school for my walking because the church was having their annual meeting. I could have done both but I would have been rushed. I decided not to do rushed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn’t get much done today. I went to a viewing this morning. I took my friend June. The viewing was for our friend’s father. He was 91 years old so he lived a good long life. He was a blueberry farmer. Ann would always supply us with blueberries. I still have some in my freezer from last summer’s harvest. I put them in my oatmeal or my cheerios. They are nice plump berries. I buy 20 pounds of them. I eat as many fresh as possible and freeze the rest. I rinse them and put them in my salad spinner to dry them off and then into the freezer they go.
About the only other thing I did today was walk Danny.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had the fellowship at church today. I took mini valentine cupcakes and valentine cookies. Barbara, my fellowship partner brought the cheese and crackers and some Chec snacks.
After church, we went out to a restaurant. I think there were 12 of us. We got omelets at my end of the table.
When I got home, I went to work painting the primer on the window that was repaired. The glazing compound is white and the window frames are Cape Cod Blue. It went up to 60 degrees so I quick slapped the primer on. It had been too cold to do any painting since the windows were broken. It took a week for the glazing compound to dry in the cold weather. In a few days, I’ll paint the blue.
Remember, the upgrade is being done so I may not be able to blog for at least tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The company who hosts my webpage/blog server is upgrading tomorrow Feb. 9th. I may not be able to blog that day. The last upgrade had some problems and I was not able to blog or receive my email for a few days.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the Acme to get my goodies for church fellowship tomorrow. I crossed another project off my list and got a couple more things done that were not on the list. I talked to several friends on the phone. I found some paperwork for the Human Resource Assoc. I had forgotten where I had put it. I knew it was in this computer room somewhere.
I still have a long To Do list but things do get done.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The view from the kitchen window. Azaleas and Emerald Green Arboritae sprinkled with snow.
It never got above 19 degrees today and the wind was brutal.
I went to the new Wal-Mart this afternoon. It is a nice store and very large. It has a grocery store. I got some things I needed and the apples were 1.39/lb. for any variety. I got some Gala apples. The other stores sell them for 1.99/lb.
I went to the school and walked tonight. I did 3.14 miles at a good clip. I almost didn’t venture out into the cold but I’m glad I did. I warmed up fast when I started walking.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the Business Networking Group today. I filled in for Melissa and did an ad for her Newspaper Ad Business. It was an enjoyable lunch and meeting. I learn a lot about the small business people in the area.
After leaving the restaurant where the meeting was held in Millville, I journeyed down to South Millville with my camera and took some shots of the lake. Ted has a series of the lake in spring, summer and fall. He wanted to get some shots in winter. I took several and they looked OK on the little screen but it was bright because of the glare of the snow. When I loaded them onto the computer, they were blurred and you couldn’t even tell what the shots were of. I don’t know if I accidentally moved the setting on the wheel at the top or what. I noticed it was in the wrong position when I downloaded the camera. I thought I had checked it as I have done this before. One time it was on the movie setting when I was taking photos of my flowers. The flowers were OK but the movie showed my feet and the ground as I moved onto the next flower. Cute!
Danny loves bounding through the snow like a deer. He gets snow compacted on his legs and I have to put him in the tub and squirt the snow until it melts. He is not a happy camper. He runs through the house tracking snow all over the place. He looks at me as though he is saying, “Try and catch me.” And off he zooms. Up the stairs and back down again. He’s a funny little dog.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It’s been snowing all day but did not start to accumulate until this evening. The ground was too warm. It didn’t even stick on the bushes until now. I didn’t do much today. I talked to my friend, June. I sent out some cards to friends who needed some get well wishes. I talked to Melissa, my real estate lady. Things have been bleak since September. No one has even inquired about my house. No one can get a loan or they either have lost their job or are afraid of losing it.
I read my book most of the day. Danny has been sticking to me like glue all day. He wants me to pet him all the time. He is one spoiled little dog.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny got his bath today. He really uses up towels. When he’s done, the towels are soaking wet. I use the hair dryer on him to get him nearly dry, then he air dries. We went out for our walk and he tried to rub his neck on a dead bird. I think he tried something like that the last time I gave him his bath. I guess I’ll have to find a shampoo that is scented with skunk. He’d like that.
I’m trying to make heads or tails of this Medicare stuff. My Aunt told me to go online at the Aetna site and then give seminars. I did and they are having a seminar right here in the Vorlon City on the 13th. I also straighten out my mail order prescription on the phone and they helped me log in. For some reason, they would not accept my information.
I walked at the school tonight. My friends were not there so I walked with a lady named Katherine. She walked at the same pace I did. We did twenty laps for 3.14 miles. It took an hour.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to lunch with my friends from church. I saw a couple at the restaurant that belongs to the church I used attend. It was good to see them. Pat had had heart surgery and is doing well.
I returned my DVD’s to the library. I didn’t want to get caught like last week. I returned the movie a day late and got a $2.00 fine. I didn’t realize the date of the return. At least, it was still cheaper than renting at Blockbuster.
I didn’t get much done. I read some of my book and watched Masterpiece. They are doing “Sense and Sensibilities.”
News from the Vorlon Wife