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Here he comes. He hears the computer go on and in he comes. He will soon beg and whine to sit on my lap. I put a pillow on my lap so he can lay on it. He is a funny little dog.
I finished edging part one of the front walk and weeded the southeast side. Weeds are tricky. They hide amongst plants that look similar. The onion grass hides in the daffodils. A weed that looks very much like crocus leaves hides among them. Their bulb is different. It is a big white bulb. Crocuses have little brown bulbs. I pulled out some soiza grass and what looked like some nut grass.
I am afraid a house sparrow is nesting in my rain gutter. I heard them running around in their. I knocked on it with a broom handle and two came flying out. I’m going to have to get up there with a ladder and clean out the mess. I’ll see if Alex can help me or I’ll have to have my brother come down. Albert down the street may help with that. He offered to help me if I ever needed it. (He owns Star the Rotweiller)
I made an appointment with Henry the CPA. We can go over the letter for PA to see what they need and I need to know what to do with capital gains or loss from the company.
I ironed my brother’s curtains and sewed up the hem so I was able to cross a few things off my list.
I have much more on the list so every little item is a plus.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny got his haircut yesterday. It’s about an inch or inch and a half long. It still needs to be evened up a little. It was very matted. As I comb the mats out, it will need some trimming. When the weather gets warmer, I’ll trim him down real short.
I trained almost all day yesterday. Sometimes pretty hard, other times it drizzled. The sun came out around 4pm and then around 8pm came the thunder and lightning. Today was colder and very windy. I put Danny’s new sweater on him to keep him warm with his shorter hair. A friend of Ted’s parents made the sweater for him.
Danny woke me up at 5 am. He had dry heaves. I needed to get some blood work done so I got up, walked him and went over to the Lab. It had to be fasting so it’s best to go first ting in the morning.
At 10:00, I went over to the church to help pack up the tings in the Sunday School Building. We are renting the building to an Alternative School and we had to get out stuff out by April 1st. Barbara’s grandsons came and carried the boxes and things over to the church building.
After I got home, I had some lunch and became a couch potato. I have walked Danny and now will get some dinner for him and myself.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the Toastmasters contest this morning. I was a judge. Rich and I think differently than other judges. We usually judge the same way and are perplexed at how the results come out. We look at each other and shake our heads.
It rained all day but not too hard as Danny enjoyed his walks. He did not want to come in. We walked down the block and he wanted to go down a side street. There was an earth digger doing some work down there and I think he wanted to see what was going on. He is curious when things are different than they should be and these guys and the earth digger did not belong there so he had to check it out. He is a funny little dog. He stopped and pretended he had to mark his territory and waited for a boy to come by so he could find out who he was and bark at him. I’m on to him so I shorted the length of the leash and was ready for him when he barked at the boy.
Then the little black dog came running out to his front yard to bark at Danny. Danny wanted to charge up to the fence to bark back. I had to pull hard to get him away. The two dogs are nasty to each other. The black dog looks like a puppy and Danny doesn’t like puppies. He is now friendly with Frosty the Husky. Frosty is now about 2 ½ years old and Danny has finally accepted him. Frosty wants to play with Danny and they run up and down the fence stopping to sniff each other. Danny’s barking at Frosty has stopped.
Well, it’s dinner and movie time.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Daffodils and yellow flowers are nearing full bloom. These were my first to bloom. They are in the back yard near the garage, in front of the blue spruce tree. There are a lovely sight after the long winter.
The taxes are going to drive me crazy. Today, I received a letter from Pennsylvania about the company taxes for 2007. Evidently, they are missing page 4 of the return. I don’t know what’s wrong with these tax people. NJ, IRS, and now PA, all seem to be losing forms. The entire return was stapled together. I don’t understand it.
My personal, NJ tax was done correctly by Turbo Tax so that is ready to go. I printed it out so it is ready to go.
I don’t think I got anything done today. I spent time looking up the PA tax return.
Danny seems to be better. He ate his dinner. I hope he will sleep through the night. He got me up twice last night. He was restless, walking around the bed and shaking his ears. He sounds like a helicopter when he shakes his ears. I took him out and he ate some grass. The second time he woke me up; he walked up and laid in the middle of my pillow looking into me face. I took him down and put him out on his lead. I sat in the kitchen with my chair next to the door looking out on him. He sat on the porch for a while, walked out to the grass and came back in. I got up late this morning. I guess that’s why I didn’t get much done.
I took him out tonight and had to drag him out to the curb. It was raining hard and he wanted nothing to do with being out. He finally did his business and bolted back to the house. At 9:00, I put him on his lead and he sat on the back porch. He watched the rain for a while and came in. He’s in bed now. I hope he’s in for the night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I woke up at 6:30 this morning. I wanted to get everything ready before Melissa came. Some one came to look at the house. Danny jumped down from the bed and threw up on the hall rug. I don’t recall him eating anything different but he’s had the runs this afternoon. He’s gone outside but he got some mess on his fur and had to be put in the washtub to be cleaned up. While the girl was looking at the house, Danny and I went to WaWa and then to the dollar store. I went in for two things and came out with eight. Then I went over to Wal-Mart to get some crab grass preventer and some potting soil. Melissa must have call when I was inside one of the buildings because when I was in Wal-Mart, I heard what sounded like a phone ringing. I looked at mine and saw I had one missed call. She said the girl looked around very quickly and left. She’ll talk to the girl’s realtor to get some feed back.
I did some edging along the back driveway. It hasn’t been done since Ted was able to do it. I tried to use his power edger last year but I couldn’t get it going. The ground is still soft so I use a flat edge spade to edge it. I filled in a hole in the west yard with the dirt. I figure if I do a section a day, it won’t be too bad a job. I also weeded the center section of the front flowerbed. Weeding is one continuous job from now until the end of next fall. Hopefully someone will buy my house and it won’t be my problem. At least not at this house.
I am beat from the hard labor.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some more weeding today. I did the next section across the south side of the house. Next, I will do the middle section and go on to the southeast side. I need to buy some crab grass preventer. It’s almost time to put that down. Maybe I’ll run over to Wal-Mart. Someone is coming to look at my house tomorrow so I need something to do while they are here.
I talked to my brother and I do not need to file taxes in PA. PA has a reciprocal agreement with NJ and my employer paid the tax to NJ. I just have to edit my NJ return and put the PA earnings and withholdings in. Then I will be ready to file. It’s a good thing I didn’t pay for the additional software for PA.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some work on the computer this morning and then did some sewing. I sewed up some seams on a pair of sweat pants. I had taken the elastic out of the bottom of the legs a while ago and I just got around to stitching them back up. I started to sew a pair of curtains for my brother’s house but I need to iron the hems before I stitch them up.
After walking Danny and having my lunch, I went to work on weeding the flowerbeds. I started with the southwest corner. I didn’t have weeds so much as grass. Grass is harder to pull out then weeds. There are two kinds of grass growing in the beds. One kind is that zoiza grass. I hate that stuff. Ted killed it off twice but it returns. It’s supposed to be good in hot sun but it looks crappy. Its roots are runners that are down under the soil about three inches deep. The get underneath my irises and the irises get pulled up along with the roots. It’s supposed to be grass that is used on golf courses but this stuff doesn’t look like golf course grass; it looks more like crab grass. It turns brown with the first frost and is ugly until about May. A lot of people in this area think it’s great. I prefer fescue. There is some real nice fescue grass in the back yard. I hope the zoiza and English ivy don’t over run it. I was hoping last summer would be the last I would have to deal with the yard. I sent some mulch to my niece’s house when I was cleaning up the yard. Most of my lawn furniture is there. She is keeping it until I move to a new place. I may need it all back if this place doesn’t sell. I hate feeling in limbo.
After I finished the southwest corner, I called my Aunt. I hadn’t talked to her for a while. I did see her at Christmas time and we do email back and forth. It would be nice to be over in that area so I could visit my family.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I don't have much to report today. I went to church and then to lunch with my friends. Lola is still sick but is gaining strength. She had the flu. It really knocked her for a loop. Edna also had the flu, recovered and then came down with bronchitis. Good news is that Phyllis was out to church today. It was the first time since her accident in late December.
I had the broiled crab today. I got the lunch portion so only one crab. It was good but I had no take home box.
I updated my To Do list and typed up a recipe for A&P Spanish Bar Cake that I found on the internet. I will send it to my sister-in-law. My brother likes it real well, as do I.It doesn't look too hard to make. Maybe I'll make it and take to the Nature Club. I have the refreshments this month.
I made a slide show of my flowers blooming around the house but I haven't figured out how to post it on the blog or how to post a link. I'll have to study it some more.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went down my list of things To Do and crossed some off. Some are daily things that need to be done and others are weekly such as cleaning the fish tank and grooming the dog. I trimmed his back legs, as the fur was very knotted. He doesn’t like his back legs being brushed or trimmed. I bribe him with some little pieces of meat. While he has his mind on the meat, I got about grooming him. I need to do a little a day because his fur grows constantly.
I took some photos of the flowers I have blooming. I’ll download them and post them tomorrow.
Today was my grandmother's birthday. It was kind of a gage for spring. Sometimes the magnolias would be blooming at this time of year and sometime not. It is a late spring this year. I do see the red flowers of the maple trees laying on the sidewalk. I sign of allergy season.
Tonight, I watched my DVD, Love’s Labours Lost. It was Williams Shakespeare’s play but set in the thirties with music and dancing. I can’t find the date the film was made but they don’t make nice musicals like that anymore.
I cooked up some fresh asparagus for lunch and had an asparagus salad with my dinner. I also had ham and cole slaw.
I tried Klondike’s York Peppermint. I was afraid the mint would be too strong and have ignored it. I was pleasantly surprised. It is delicious. The ice cream is vanilla and the chocolate has the mint flavor. I just love those Klondike Bars.
The PA taxes are driving me crazy. I think I have it figured out but when trying to file online, it doesn’t transfer me information from the W2 to the form. I also get a message that the online filing is states that have reciprocal agreements. It seems I owe them nothing and will get back what I had withheld but it is very confusing. I’ll have to run it by my brother. He used to do income taxes. I don’t know if he knows about this non-resident and reciprocal stuff.
The pit-bull puppy got away again tonight when I had Danny out there. I picked Danny up and told Butch to go home. He cowered and backed away from me but was curious about Danny. He didn’t know whether to approach me or run away. I kept telling him to go home and he finally did.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The hibiscus is blooming. This is a triple bloom. It has single, double and triple on the same plant. This plant was a gift from Ted's brother and sister-in-law. We have had it many years. It usually blooms around Christmas but I put on the sunporch this year on the west side. I used to put it in an east window in the laundry room. It is a lovely event for the first day of spring.
The first day of spring was greeted by a snow shower. I was surprised when I looked out and saw it snowing. Yesterday it had been in the high 50's.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
English Ivy with berries.
I finished raking the back yard today. It looks nice and clean. We got a little rain this afternoon and the grass is looking greener. Alex came over this evening. He works for the state and is involved with people with disabilities. He wanted to know if I got a coupon in the mail from a new store opening at the mall. He buys toys for holiday gifts for the disabled children. Unfortunately, I don’t recall getting the coupon. Danny loves Alex but he started whining, as he wanted to be the center of attention. When Alex and I were talking, Danny felt he was being ignored so he made his presence known.
I went to Bible Study tonight. We have gotten into Exodus and were asked to recall from memory without looking, the Ted Commandments in order. I got the first three but missed number four. I thought number four was Thou shalt not kill, but that’s number six.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I just got back from the Toastmaster’s meeting. It was good to see everyone even though it was a small turnout. The weather was good so that wasn’t the reason. Charlie and Mary Fran will be in the speech contest on the 28th so they were doing a practice run for the contest.
I printed out a form for my PA taxes and it appears I owe PA some money. I was surprised as I made so little working in PA but they only withheld 1% and the rate is 3%. That’s OK, because I’m getting back a large amount from the Feds and a small amount from NJ.
I went to the Red Hat luncheon this afternoon. It was nice to see all the ladies. The restaurants always get a kick out of the ladies in their red hats.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went out to get my blood work done and the place I always went to didn’t take my insurance. I had to go to another place which I could not find and I was told has a wait of 1 ½ hours. I came home and took a look at my taxes. No word from the state of PA. I may just print the form out and send it. I need to get the amount to put on my NJ taxes. I raked another third of the back yard. This time I wore my own gloves and tried Ted’s rake. It is bigger and I was afraid would be heavier but it has a padded handle. One thing that takes so long is when raking; I rake clear the English Ivy growing in the grass and yank it out. It’s rather like bailing out the ocean. The stuff has really gotten a holt. The mower keeps it short but the danged stuff is sending runners under the grass. I thought I’d be out of here and it wouldn’t be my problem any longer. I hate the stuff. It was bad enough yanking it out of the hedge. It flowers and produces berries. The birds eat them and drop the seeds on the lawn.
Another pest is the English House Sparrow. I think they are trying to make a nest in the window here where the air conditioner is. I left it in this year, again thinking I’d be leaving. The unit makes a loud noise and I am not taking it with me. I didn’t want to bother carting it to the basement. I stuffed paper in one side on the sill in the area between where the window and storm go. The other side is not as easy to get at but I’ll have to do that if I don’t want a nest of nasty sparrows. They have already left a couple piles of droppings.
I haven’t heard any word on the job yet. I’ll keep you informed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I worked on my taxes this morning. I spent most of the morning trying to find where I stored last year’s return on the computer. I have Turbo Tax, which includes one state return. I forgot, I worked in PA. It costs more for the PA Turbo Tax than I owe the state of PA. I went online to PA Dept of Rev and can file that way. Then I can go back and finish NJ in Turbo Tax. After working with that, I went to the Post Office to mail Joey’s gift. He will be six on Wednesday.
That’s about all I did today. At least the taxes are one item on the list I am working on.
Danny rubbed his neck in the black mud in the street next to the curb. What a mess he can be.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I have been puzzled by white lines painted in the streets and curb with numbers. The road department every once in a while repaints lines in the street and curb. Blue is for the water line that goes to each house. Yellow is the gas line and Green is the sewer line. Some houses have three white lines and some have none. Yesterday, it dawned on me. I had gotten a letter from the city a couple weeks ago, stating that the city would be planting trees along the streets and that they were planting in front of my house. Aha! The white lines and numbers indicate where the trees will be planted. There are no lines on the side street of my house because I have trees already there. One line is in front of my house. It would be nice to have two but it would be too close to the corner and drivers would not be able to see at the intersection. As I looked at the lines today, I saw where the lines were spaced so they would not interfere with driveways, gas, water, and sewer lines. I believe the mystery is solved.
I had lunch with my friends today after church. It is a cloudy day with misty rain. Danny gets his feet and belly dirty with mud and debris. I have to squirt him off when I bring him in. His legs are short and his belly is only a couple inches off the ground.
I tried calling Ted’s parents but they were not home. I’ll try again later. I’ll watch my movie and then Rosemary and Thyme is back on tonight. A special on Pavarotti is on instead of Masterpiece tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some raking of the yard today. I raked about half of the back yard. It was covered with leaves and winter debris. I got a blister on my hand from the raking. I wore gloves but I think they were too big and rubbed.
I wrote some thank you notes for my interview. It went well but they have another person to interview so I won’t know until next week as to whether I got the job or not.
My friend, June called to see how it went. I also got a call from my sister-in-law, Sylvia.
I took some things to the basement that were in the laundry room. They need to be put in a box and labeled.
I washed the rugs that were in the bathroom and the latex backing came off in the washer. It let the wash tub dry and vacuumed it out. I hung the rugs out on the line. I’ll have to use them until I can get new ones. They look fine on the top side. It’s a shame the latex doesn’t hold up. It was getting hard, wasn’t sticking to the floor, and was sliding a bit. Maybe the new Wal-Mart will have something inexpensive.
I watched the movie I got from the Library yesterday. It’s called “Spy Game” starring RR. (Robert Redford) It was a good spy thriller.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My daffodils are starting to bloom. These are miniture daffodils I got from the American Cancer Society several years ago. They are early bloomers. I used this photo, taken by Ted in 2006.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny heard me at the computer and up he came from downstairs. I put a pillow on my lap and he lays there wagging his tail.
I didn’t do much today. I ran the dishwasher. I packed up some things that were in the laundry room and took them down to the basement.
That’s about it.
I called my friend Lola who was sick on Sunday. She didn’t attend church. She sits next to me. We attend the Lenten Luncheons together. She is just getting back on her feet but is still feeling weak. I didn’t even ask if she was going; I could tell from her update that she still needed some rest. I decided I wouldn’t go either. We sit together and I don’t know anyone else who would be going from our church. I do know some of the people serving but they would be working.
I talked with my brother tonight about the job interview. He agreed with me that I should talk to them and get all the facts before making my decision.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I shredded some more documents today. I have more to go through but I’m making some headway. I sewed some things I had piling up to be mended. One item was the ribbon on a blanket. Another was a couple pillowcases that the seams were unraveling. I have more to do but need to buy some blue thread to sew the curtains. They too, have seams unraveling.
At lunchtime, I got a call from my friend Phyllis. They need someone in the office at the company she works for. I talked to Scott, the HR manager, emailed my resume and I have an interview on Friday. I feel confident that I’ll get the job. I'm looking forward to it. It’s part time to start but they are busy and it will probably turn into full time. I’ll put Danny back in Doggy Day Care.
It may take a couple years for my house to sell; maybe more in this economic downturn. I can use the money. I need a new perm and I’d like to upgrade my cable TV service to digital. I was hoping it would go automatically in February but Obama extended the deadline until June. Maybe I’ll get a new TV. They are having some great sales.
There are a couple other things I’d like to do. I’ll have to add them to my TO DO List.
My daffodils are beginning to bloom and my forsythia is about to bloom. My neighbor’s forsythia is blooming. Crocuses are in full bloom both the early snow crocuses and the regular crocuses are blooming together. The frozen ground kept the early ones from blooming. It was in the sixties today. It was supposed to rain but the sun came out. I believe there will be more sun tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I dropped my DVD’s off at the Library and went to the Post Office. I looked in the door and the line was a mile long. I turned around, walked back to the car and drove to the Post Office in the next town. There was no line and I was waited on with a friendly smile right away.
I came out the door to walk Danny Boy and the pit bull across the street was loose. I don’t know why they don’t put her on a lease. She runs right out into the road when she sees Danny. I quickly picked him up and put him in the car until they got the dog into the house. I took Danny in the opposite direction and walked him around the block. We met Alex on the way back. I asked if I could put some of my paper in his recycle bin. He said yes, I put my newspapers in, and it filled it up. I still have a lot more. I have more to shred.
I went through some more files and added to the recycle pile and the shredding pile.
I found a recipe online for the A&P Spanish Bar. We liked it real well and haven’t seen it for years. It did appear at the Acme for a short time but has disappeared again. I’ll have to give it a try.
It’s made with apples, raisins, walnuts, and spices with a cream cheese/butter frosting.
Danny was zonked out on the bed but he heard me typing and in he came. He tries to rest his head on my arm and then I can’t type. He just wants to be with his Mommy.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the bank this morning and then to the storage bin. I brought home all the Christmas decorations that we had in the office and some home decorations I put in there last fall and wondered where they were at Christmas time. I also brought home some more files from the business. I went through on box this afternoon. I sorted into three piles – keep – toss – shred. My toss pile is too big. It is paper that has to go into the recycling bin. The bin is full from last weeks shredding. There are two more boxes waiting to be placed in the bin. They only collect one a week. Maybe I can put some in Alex’s bin.
I walked Danny Boy down to the end of the street where the Rotweiller lives. Her owner was there and he came out to talk to me. He built Star a new fenced in kennel. I noticed a couple weeks ago and have been waling by there since Star is secure.
Danny comes a running when I am typing on the computer. He likes to sit in my lap as I type. I put a pillow on my lap and he curls up and goes to sleep. It works out rather well. Without the pillow, he fidgets and climbs onto the desk and keyboard.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Not much to report today. I went to church and enjoyed the Pastor’s sermon. He is an excellent preacher. I just wish there were more people there to here him. Our church has shrunk so much. There were a couple people out sick today. My friend, Lola, who I go to the Lenten lunches with, has come down with the bug that’s been going around.
I went to lunch with my friends from church.
Danny heard me typing a came a running. He whines and cries until I pick him up on my lap. Go lay down just doesn’t cut it with him.
He is on schedule but the daylight time is not. He doesn’t know that the clock was pushed ahead today. He was ready for his walk at 5:00 rather than 4:00.
I talked to my brother on the phone today and my friend, Sonia, called to see how I was doing. She is so optimistic about me selling my house. She sold hers last October. She lived across the street. I have missed her. I also talked to Ted’s parents. They are doing well and it is always a pleasure to talk to them.
Danny is ready to go out before going to bed for the night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I never seem to get much done. I went to the Acme for some food. I did some mending. My red coat needed its hem stitched up and my old jeans needed its patch mended. I fixed one of my necklaces. It is a yellow cross that I want to wear tomorrow. The ring that the chain goes through was not closed and the cross fell off.
I watched my movie. Message in a Bottle. I didn’t realize it was a Nicholas Sparks. He always writes tear jerkers. It was good but the ending was sad, as are all of his other novels.
Danny has had his walk and is eating his dinner. I will be getting mine soon. My crocuses are blooming but I am afraid the rabbits got to them. I guess they were hungry after the storm. I see the leaves and flowers have been chomped off. I see some blooms on my daffodils. It won’t be long for them.
I put my sale sign back out today but just brought it back in for the night. I think I will put it out for the day and bring it in at night.
The young family across the street must be having a birthday party for one of the children. There are a lot of cars out there and kids running all over.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Look what's blooming just as the snow melted. This was not taken today but was taken by Ted in March 2006. I used his photo rather than taking another. It is good to see that spring has sprung. I hate having winter in March and April. Daffodil leaves are six to eight inches tall. I don't see any buds on mine yet but my neighbor has had buds on theirs for a couple weeks. The cold weather has put a halt on them but now that it's warmed up, it won't be long.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today, I went to the Lenten Luncheon and met my friend, Lola and the minister, Pastor Lou. When I came home, I shredded all the stuff I had in a box to be shredded. It was old company files.
I went to Bible Study tonight and we finished up our study of Genesis.
A lot of melting went on today. It should be cleared out tomorrow.
Last night, my friend, Dottie called. It was good to hear from her. She has had a lot on her plate lately and like myself, has to deal with things on her own. She has children but there is still a lot that we have to do on our own.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Look at my neighbor's car. A good reason to have a garage. She was out there scrapping it off this morning. In the lower right corner, you can see the depth of the snow where I had shoveled. It was over Danny's head.
Today is Ted's Birthday. I can't even begin to count all the ways I miss him. I look at Danny and he probably doesn't remember him. Ted was here such a short time with Danny. Ted really loved his little dog. I'm glad Danny gave him comfort.
The glare from the snow and the sun made my transitional lenses turn coal black. Usually, they are a smoky gray. I was amazed.
The roads were treacherous this morning. The roads were plowed out yesterday but a covering of hard pack snow remained. With cars running over it and maybe they salted and had some melting going on yesterday but it was too cold for salt to do any good this morning. The roads had turned to ice. Some people had shoveled their walks but others had not. I had to climb in and out over the snow bank, carrying Danny to go from the sidewalk to the road. I had to abandon the road when a car came; as I was afraid they would hit their brakes and go spinning into me or Danny. I did take a fall while carrying Danny. I fell on my butt but Danny was OK. I was not a happy camper with people who did not clear their walks. Some places, I had to use my footfalls to pack down the snow for Danny to follow me through the drifts.
I gave him his bath after our walk this morning. He tolerates it but he doesn't like it. He likes the dryer and being rubbed with the towel. He rubs his face in it. He likes being dry. When I come in from walking him in the snow, he puts his paws out one at a time for me to dry them.
About half the snow had either melted or evaporated by this afternoon. Although it didn’t get above 20, the snow seemed to have disappeared. Where I had shoved, the walk and driveway were dry.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My crocuses blooming February 28, just 2 days ago.
My Alberta Spruce topped with snow. Thirteen inches of snow fell on Vineland last night and today. There were three phases of storms that came through. We had the highest accumulation in the Tri-State Area. (PA, NJ, DE) Danny had a difficult time getting around. The snow was deeper than his short little legs, in fact in some places it was over his head. I should have had my camera with me. I was delighted to find that my neighbor, Alex had shoveled my front walk. I stared at it as if it had happened by magic. His walk was shoveled so I guess he just kept on going. It was a big help. I have a lot of area to shovel. Two driveways. One at the rear entrance to my house and the other in front of my garage. Also the walk up to my front entrance where the Alberta Spruce is.
While I was walking Danny, a van drove up just as a golden retriever got away from it's owner and came running up to check out Danny. The owner had trouble catching "Lucas" as he didn't even have a collar on. I had to scoop up Danny in my arms and kept my back to Lucas because I never know how dogs will react to each other. The van sat there watching this then followed the girl around the corner and wanted to film her shoveling snow. It was the NBC news covering the storm. I was kind of miffed as Lucas was running around without a leash and no attempt made to control him. Anyway, the van came back later to film the kids across the street and I saw my house on the evening news.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Just when you think it’s time for spring, ole man winter hits again, harder than ever. Two inches has fallen in the past hour with 12+ expected thru tomorrow.
I had lunch with my lady friends plus our minister and a retired minister friend. We went to the Greed place. I can’t pronounce what I got but it was good. I still have some for tomorrow’s lunch or dinner.
There was frozen rain on the ground this morning. The grass had a glazing of it. Danny didn’t know what to make of it. He likes to do his business in the grass and even thought he had to go, he couldn’t find the right spot in the glaze. He would not go. I had to take him out a second time before going to church. This evening, he liked running around in the snow. He buries his nose in it and I think he eats it. He’s funny when I bring him in to dry him off. He lets me dry his front paws and then turns around so I can do his back paws.
Sunday night used to be a good night for TV but they have changed things around. Sherlock Holmes either is no longer on or has not been on for a couple weeks. Rosemary and Thyme – same thing. I hope Masterpiece will be on. I am watching a movie, Lord of the Rings but I cannot stand the commercial interruptions. I’ll have to see if the Library has it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.