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I got my camera working and installed the software. Everything is working fine. I went to my niece’s in Maryland today. I left Danny with Erica because he doesn’t get along with Cheryl’s puppy. He just doesn’t like puppies. It’s a large pup. It’s a Golden Retriever and is the size of a full-grown retriever. I took Sticky, my placo fish. He is the last of my tropical fish. He has gotten too big for my tank. My niece’s husband has a large aquarium so Sticky got a new home and he looks happy there.
My friend Dottie met me at Cheryl and Ed’s house and we went to dinner. She treated me for my birthday. We have been friends since childhood. She has a summer place near Cheryl.
I picked up Danny when I got home and walked him. I thought I had Bible Study so I rush off even though I was already late. There were a lot of cars in the parking lot and I thought that was strange. We usually did not have that many show up to Bible Study. I went in and there were people who never come out for Bible Study and they were seated throughout the church even the minister. Then I realized it was the Quarterly Meeting. I managed to sit through it without falling asleep. It wasn’t too bad and we got out around 8:30,
Now I am ready for bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It’s much cooler today. It’s 51 degrees. It rained this morning, cutting Danny’s walk short. I packed up my turtlenecks and some of my heavy winter clothes. I am starting to take the wool garments to the cleaners and then they’ll go in my brother’s cedar closet for the summer.
I went to the Business Networking group today. They changed the restaurant where they meet. I rather like the other one better. Everyone raved over the food at this new place. It was good but I’m not big on Italian food. They are too heavy on the garlic. Garlic in the salad, garlic on the green beans, garlic in the raviolis, garlic, garlic, garlic! It was served buffet style so you could have all you could eat. I must say, the dessert was excellent. It was a nice afternoon. I was filling in for Erica, my dog sitter.
I went to Pet Smart afterward and got Danny some Greenies and dog treats. I also went to the new Shop Rite in Millville. I like it better than the two in Vineland. Mainly because they had everything on my list. It is a very large store but I just looked down the isles and got what I needed. The other stores always manage to be out of something on my list.
I just took Danny out and now he has gone to bed. I may join him soon myself.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I weeded the west side today. It is probably the hardest area to weed. The zoiza grass grows in and around the roots to the irises. It is difficult to pull out and the area is covered with it. It also grows in and around the prickly pear cactus and azaleas. That’s about all I got done today. I worked in the morning and in the shade but by the time I finished, it was hot. I walked Danny and chatted with my neighbor Jim. My back yard adjoins his side yard. He is not happy about the trees being planted along his section of the curb. He has enough leaves to rake.
My camera came today. I have to read the instructions to figure out how to work it. I thought it would be similar to the one I have but its not. It’s smaller, lighter, and has a larger view screen. It’s going to rain for the next week so I’ll have plenty of time to study it. Don will be coming on the weekend so he can help me with it.
My dehumidifier made a loud noise when I turned it on. I was afraid to leave it on. I hate having to get a new one but I have no choice. The humidity will destroy everything in the basement. I thought I’d have to get a new cell phone. I dropped it and it came apart. I had a hard time figuring out how to put the battery back together but I finally got it and it works. I can get a new one for fifty dollars and then they will send me a fifty-dollar rebate but in the mean time, I have to pay for it.
I took Danny out back and saw a stray German Sheppard two yards over. I thought, “I didn’t know she had a dog.” Then I realized there was no fence across her driveway. I had to take Danny back into the house. Alex came in just then and I pointed the dog out to him. The dog looked friendly but you never know how dogs will react with each other. The dog must have gotten out of someone’s yard. There are two big dogs in a yard down the street but the fence is one that you can’t see through. He might have come from there. Alex is not happy about the two pit bulls across the street barking all day. He said its bad enough they had one dog barking all day. Now they have two. In addition, the boxer across the side street barks all day. I guess the neighborhood is just going to the dogs.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I retreated to the computer room again so I can sit in the air-conditioning. The sun porch, which I use for my family room, is too hot. I have all the blinds shut, the ceiling fan is on high and I have a window fan on the floor blowing air. Danny stands in front of it. Were not prepared for ninety-degree weather in April. Another hot one tomorrow and then the storms come for the next week.
I weeded the east side today and sprayed the roundup on the weeds growing in the cracks on the patio, entrance walk and front sidewalk. I did it in the cool of the morning. After that, I had my lunch and vegetated for the rest of the day. They planted some more trees on the side street next to me. My neighbors got nice flowering cherry trees. It looks like my neighbor to the back got the ironwood. I don’t think he is happy about having the trees. He was glad when two of his had to be taken down. He was glad to be rid of them and now he has more. My other neighbor, Adelpha got three in front of her house. She did not want them either but the city said were getting them whether we want them or not. I’m going to have to square off the mulch they put around the tree. There is not enough room for the mower, only three inches to the curb. I’ll square it off and plant some flowers around it. My problem will be watering. I don’t have a drip system there. What a pain.
I’ll have my left over salmon dinner tonight. It’s almost time but I’m not hungry. This heat gets to me.
I got my summer clothes out. I had packed them away. I tumbled them in the dryer. A couple will have to be ironed but most fluffed up OK.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I retreated to the computer room. It’s the only room in the house that’s air-conditioned. I removed the other air-conditioners in the fall. It was 93 degrees today and will be about 87 tomorrow.
I had lunch with my friends from church today. I got Salmon Florentine. They served 4 pieces and I brought two home. I also had a salad, sweet potatoes and lima beans. The ladies kept asking me what I was going to do for my birthday. I live here by myself. I thought it an odd question. I may go to the custard stand around 7pm and get a strawberry Artic Swirl. (For those familiar with the Dairy Queen, it is a Blizzard – vanilla custard with strawberry topping swirled through it).
The sun porch has heated up and I am waiting for the sun to go down to return to that room. When the sun goes down, I’ll open up the windows to let the air in. I hope it cools down by then. Don will be down next weekend to help me put the air-conditioners in the windows. He had problems with his mower and worked on it all day yesterday. He found it needed a part and will take two weeks to receive it. He decided to get a new one and then cut the grass today. He thought he’d be done in time to come down this evening but the grass was long and thick and the ground was soft from all the rain last week. It took him longer than he thought and he still wasn’t finished.
The heat has pushed open the dogwoods and azaleas as well as the leaves on the trees. My new little tree is getting its leaves now. I will take a photo as soon as my new camera arrives.
I took Danny on his long walk early this morning while the temp was in the 70’s. In the afternoon, we took short little walks and I’ll just take him out back before he goes to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I wanted to cut the grass at 9am but found that the mower needed gas and the gas can was empty. Off I went to the WaWa to get the gas. I got the grass cut and it was already hot. I got out a lounge chair and glass of iced tea and sat in the shade to cool off. I noticed that some of the plants were right on schedule for blooming and some were late. I gage the leafing out of the trees by my birthday. The oaks still look like they are dead. The tulip tree is about halfway leafed out. The dogwoods and azaleas are on schedule. The Chinese Maple is leafed out and so is the privet hedge. They are a little early. The tulips are about on schedule. The daffodils were late. The grass is thick and heavy. It is ahead of schedule. The fertilizer and rain were probably the reason for that.
I don’t know what I am to do. People are so irresponsible with their large dogs. The pit bull across the street was running around loose. It had its leash trailing along behind it. I couldn’t take Danny out for his morning walk. I had to sneak him out through the back yard and along the neighbor’s lawn so he could do his business without the pit bull seeing us. His owner finally came out and sauntered along calling his dog. The dog of course ran away. He finally got the dog and hooked him up. A car passing by got to the stop sign and backed all the way down to block to warn me of the loose pit bull.
Thursday afternoon, I was walking Danny along the street to the east and a neighbor came out with his two Alaskan Malamutes that were not on leashes. The guy was getting into his truck and thought the dogs would just follow him. Well, when they saw Danny, they ran toward us. The guy grabbed one but the other came up to me. I had picked Danny up and told the dog to sit. It just looked at me and sniffed toward Danny. It seemed friendly but one never knows. The guy finally got Colby and scolded him. I thought he should scold himself. It wasn’t the dog’s fault.
I was glad to see the German Sheppard was in his new pen. Star, the Rotweller is in her pen. I wish the guy with the pit bull would pen in his animals. I don’t want to spend the money on a fence since I have the house up for sale and hope to get out of here. With summer coming on, it will be hectic here. There are a lot of children running back and forth, screaming and so forth. It used to be a nice quiet neighborhood but now a lot of young families have moved in and our peace and quiet is gone.
The pastor invited the people at Bible Study class to go to the Ocean City Tabernacle tonight. They are having a Choir Performance. I called him but haven’t heard from him yet. I hope he is able to return my call and I can go with him. I don’t want to drive by myself. I am exhausted from cutting the grass and walking Danny at noon. It was 89 degrees and the sun felt like it was burning my back through my shirt. Tomorrow is supposed to be worse and I don’t have my air conditioners in yet. Don will be coming down to help me but maybe not until next weekend. He has to repair his mower and cut his grass this weekend.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I saw something pink blooming in the back yard. I thought it was an azalea starting. Upon further investigation, I saw it was my Bleeding Heart. I am still without a camera so this photo was taken by Ted on May 1, 2005.
When I walked Danny, I noticed the city started planting the trees. Three houses down, they had planted nice purple leaf plums and all up and down the next block were purple plums and other flowering trees. Later that morning, I heard a rumbling noise out front and looked out to see a big truck delivering trees in my block. On the ground in front of my house was an ugly tree. It was not a purple plum and it had no flowers. Across the street were two tress that looked like dead oaks. I went out to exam it closer and could not figure out what kind of tree it was. The whole truckload had either the kind in front of my house or the dead looking oaks.
I walked Danny at 11:00 instead of noon as I was meeting a friend for lunch at the teahouse. As we walked along, men were in various stages of digging with a giant awe, unloading the trees from the truck, and delivering them to pre-marked spots. I saw a man and woman who looked like they were supervising. They thought Danny Boy was cute. The man said not only did Danny have the hind legs of a Corgi but also his front paws turned outward like a Corgi. I hadn’t noticed that before. I asked what kind of trees they were. My side of the street got ironwood trees. He said they are good for under the power lines. He said it was a nice tree even though it didn’t flower. The other side of the street got Chestnut Oaks.
I went to lunch at the teahouse with a friend from church. She wanted to go but none of her friends were into tea. It was a lovely little place in Millville. They served the tea and then scones with clotted cream and lemon curd. The names sound ugly but they were good. Diane got some special blend of lemon tea. It had the taste of lemon meringue pie. I got the Rose blend. It was a hearty black tea.
Next came a tiered tray of various finger sandwiches, little cakes and cookies and scones. They were all delicious. We sat in the window seat and watched the people go by. The teahouse was decorated with various bone china plates, teacups and teapots. It was mothers bring your daughters to work day so the chef brought her daughter who was dressed in a chef jacket and hat. She was helping prepare the food and came out to meet the customers. She looked to be about 12 years old. A customer had brought her daughter to work and was having lunch there at the teahouse. She also looked about 12 years old. The mother and daughter had a nice time there, too.
Bible Study will be early tonight as the minister has another activity tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When I took the dog out this morning, it was pouring down rain. It looked clear earlier and the rain came as a surprise. Needless to say, Danny didn't stay out long. It was rather spritzy all day and dark clouds were about around 8pm. The rest of the week looks sunny and clear with temps going up to 85 on Sat. It will be too warm for yard work and the grass and hedge are ready.
I talked to my Aunt today. She wants me to help her with a luncheon at her house in May. She is hosting her Red Hat Group and needs some help getting the food ready and serving it. Her daughter will be there to help, too. It will be a fun time.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
These photos were taken in previous years but represent what's blooming in my garden. The red bud isn't quite that full yet but it getting there. The tulips are not that plentiful this year but the primrose is fuller and so are the dogtooth violets.
I spent this morning going over my finances and working on them.
News from the Vorlon Wife
The trial is over and the defendant in the accident was found not negligent and did not have to pay any damages for wrongful death. The other driver was over the legal alcohol limit and was speeding 60-74 mph in a 25 mph residential zone. All the jurors felt the same way and we were free to go at 1pm.
I picked up Danny and came home. I walked him this afternoon and will have to take him out one more time before he goes to bed.
It was an interesting and rewarding experience. Everyone felt sympathy for the speeders wife but we also felt the other driver shouldn’t be punished for his carelessness. It was kind of stressful. It is difficult to have to sit in judgment and knowing what you decide will affect people’s lives. The Plaintiff, I’m sure was upset about the decision but the defendant must have been very happy and relieved.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, Danny who never chews anything had something sprawled all over the hall floor. At first, I thought it was broken glass and I couldn’t imagine what glass could have been broken in the hall. Upon closer inspection, I saw it was aluminum foil and aha! A Klondike Bar wrapper. I must have missed the trashcan when I threw it away. Luckily, I had licked it clean and there was no chocolate on it. I hope he didn’t eat any of the wrapper and if he did, I hope it doesn’t make him sick. Sometimes, he’s a little Turkey.
Our pastor was away with the youth group on a camping trip. We had Pastor Donchez, a Presbyterian minister, who attends our church. He had a wonderful sermon on Jesus leading his Disciples to the light and whether we would follow him.
I had lunch with my church friends. I got a Mediterranean Seafood Salad. It was delicious. When I got back, I walked called Ted’s parents and talked to his mother. I took Danny for his walk and tried calling my brother but he wasn’t home.
He just called me back.
The tulips are blooming and the redbud tree is starting to bloom.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I cut the hedge today and was exhausted for the rest of the day. I did some wash and walked Danny Boy. I called my cousin on the phone and talked for a while. Joy is my mother’s cousin and she has been very helpful to me through the years. We both miss the cousin get togethers we used to have. She got a letter from another cousin, Lorraine who is going into a Lutheran Home for seniors. Lorraine is the last of our extended family who lived on Aunt Fannie’s farm. Aunt Fannie used to invite all her brothers and sisters and their families every Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day for a picnic. It was like having three family reunions every year. We all had such a wonderful time. Joy and I feel sad about not having a connection to the farm any longer. We miss all the good times.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Court let out early today. The judge and the attorneys had to discuss some legal things. I headed to the bank to make a deposit and then browsed around Big Lot's store in Bridgeton. Vineland used to have a Big Lot's store but it closed. Bridgeton's store is much bigger and much nicer. The one in Vineland looked crowded and junky. They do have some good bargains though. I was just price shopping today.
Danny fared much better today. I totally trust Danny with Erica. I've been taking him there for two years. He has always got the best care. He does get access to plenty of water when he is in the common area with Cami. He wasn't thirsty when he got out or came home so I guess he had what he needed.
It was just as well we got out of court early. The grass needed cutting and so does the hedge. It's going to rain Sunday through next Tuesday. I do the yard work in two days because it is exhausting. I worked up a sweat cutting the grass this afternoon. I took off my jacket and through it on the hedge. I'll get to the hedge tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A neighbor's magnolia taken by Ted April 14, 2006
I am drained. Court was amusing today. I’ll tell about it when the trial is done. I went to lunch with one of the jurors. We went to the Deli on the corner, then came back, and ate our sandwiches at the picnic table at the courthouse.
I was a little disappointed when I picked up Danny. He had no water all day and his coat was hanging around his waist. The top had come unfastened. I mentioned the water to her but I didn’t say anything about the coat. It may have just come undone because she said it was cool all day except for just recently so she kept his coat on.
Danny may have been running around with Cami. If so, there is water available in the common area for him. There just wasn’t any in his pen. He didn’t appear thirsty or he would have run for the water when I let him out of his pen. He seemed to be OK. I am just an over protective mother and Danny is my baby. I know they check on him when they bring Cami in and out.
I got a message that Bible study was canceled. I am relieved because I am too bushed to attend.
It’s time to take Danny for his walk.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a long day. Court is long and drawn out with an hour and a half for lunch. I took mine as the weather was nasty and I didn’t want to walk around in the rain. I was afraid if I took my car, I wouldn’t get a spot when I got back. One lot was filled this morning and only a few spaces left in the other lot. Then you have to stand in line like at the airport to go through the security check and metal detector.
It rained all day. I was worried about Danny but he was warm and dry when I picked him up. I had put his coat on him when I took him to the kennel but it was so cold and wet out. I don’t know whether Erica took him in the house or not. He has an igloo in his kennel and the pen has a roof over it but the sides are open. He is also tired out. He must have barked at the animals all day. When I picked him up, he was in his igloo watching me approach. He stayed there until I open the door to his pen and he went flying out and waited at the gate. When I put on his leash and opened the gate, he made a beeline for the car.
I have at least two more days of this, maybe three. The fellow jurors are nice and so is everyone at the courthouse.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny woke me up at 5am wanting to go out. It was a miserable rainy morning. He quickly did his business and we came in and went back to bed. It rained all day. I put his coat on to take him out and he got soaked anyway. He didn’t seem to mind the rain this afternoon. It was a heavy drizzle.
I packed up some books and did some laundry. I put away the Easter decorations. I also scanned some copies of my Verizon rebate into the computer so I have a copy of the paperwork and can send for my rebate.
That’s about it for today. I got my breakfast and lunch put out and ready to go in the morning. I hate having the hassle of this jury duty. It’s all I can do to trudge through each day without having to deal with other people’s problems. I just hope I can get through it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had to rush home yesterday so I could go to jury duty today. I would have preferred to have stayed with my brother and look at some houses in his area but I had to be in court at 9am this morning. There were about 60 people who showed up. They went through the selection and dismissed about 8 or 10 of the people who got chosen. I was the last one called and both attorneys accepted the people on the jury including me. I am not pleased about it. I have to pay for Danny’s dog care each day and for the gas to run back and forth to the courthouse. I have a lot of bills coming up this month for car insurance, house insurance, and car registration. I’ll have to dip into my IRA and I hate doing that.
Have you checked interest on savings accounts lately? One of my accounts is 1%, another is 1.5%, and another is a whopping .14%.
I am tired out. Partly from the weekend and partly from today. I awoke at 5am and couldn’t fall back to sleep. I was too keyed up about getting Danny to the kennel and myself to the courthouse. I thought I just had to make it there and hope I wasn’t chosen. Now, I have the anxiety of having to serve. I don’t have to go tomorrow because the judge has another trial in another county. I have to go Wednesday through Friday and maybe Monday.
My sister-in-law packed me a nice take home food package. When I got home this afternoon, I had some Easter ham, asparagus, scalloped apples, sweet potatoes, pasta Alfredo w/broccoli, pineapple stuffing, and cheese cake. I can have a few meals with that.
Danny is napping. He has a full belly and is probably tired from barking at the horses, donkeys, goats, cats, and the people who came to the ranch for riding lessons. I’ll take him for his walk when he wakes up.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a wonderful time visiting my family. We went to the church breakfast and had fellowship with some old and new friends. The service was a lovely Easter Service.
Sylvia, my sister-in-law had a lovely dinner. My niece, Cheryl stopped in for a few minutes before going to dinner with her in-laws. My niece, Tina and her husband, Sean came for dinner. That made six of us including my two brothers. My nephew, Rick, stopped in for a visit with his family. His wife, Michelle’s family lives a few houses down from my brother. Rick & Michelle were having dinner with Michelle’s family.
Danny had a good time with lots of laps to sit on.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It rained all day today. I drove to my brother’s past the peach orchards which were are in bloom. The fields were filled with pink. Also blooming were the forsythia and magnolias. It was a very pretty drive in spite of the rain and traffic. My brother and I went up to the cemetery to take the flowers. My camera is not working so I didn’t get any photos of the peach trees. I’ll try to find one I took last year.
My brother, Don had a video about California. We watched it after we returned from the cemetery. I was a travelogue of the entire state. Danny is sleeping on my sister-in-laws lap. When we go away, he seems to like to lay on someone else’s lap rather than mine. I guess he gets enough of me at home.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Forsythia in back yard.
My camera is caput so I will be selecting photos from previous years. It looks like I'll have to get a new one. Bummer!
Today, I got the deposits ready for the Nature Club and the Toastmasters. I went to the UPS Store to ship Ted’s fishing rod to his father. I went to the bank to take the deposits. They were both on the same side of town. I like to coordinate things. I didn’t get much else done except for a couple loads of wash.
Tonight, I went to the Holy Thursday Service at Millville. We had a combined service with our church and two churches in Millville.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got another thing crossed off my list. I went to the Verizon Store and got a free upgrade for my laptop. I'll go back tomorrow for my free upgrade for a phone. Mine phone is not holding a charge like it should. It used to hold for two days and now it bearly holds for one. I left the computer there as they were very busy and I preferred they install the software. I would have no clue. Their computer wiz came in the evening and it took him no time to get it up and running. The old unit never worked so now I have a secure unit to take with me when I travel.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I put the crabicide on today. It was cold out so I didn’t do any weeding or edging. I put Danny’s sweater on this morning when I walked him and cut his walks short in the afternoon and evening. I made lamb stew and gave some to Danny. He woofed for more.
I went to the Women’s Service meeting tonight. There was a small turnout. Only four of us showed up. I hope the other ladies are not sick or have come down with something. We had a nice time and Beth made cherry cheesecake. It was delicious. It was made with seven eggs, cream cheese and heavy whipping cream. Beth gave me a piece to take home so I’ll have that tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
There were thundershowers all day today. I walked Danny between storms. I prepared my taxes and went to the post office to send them. I should have put down my crabicide yesterday. The grass has to be dry. I thought I’d have a chance to put it down today but I awoke to thunder and rain. I thought the rain would come later in the day but no such luck.
It is really greening up out there. My Asiatic Lily is leaping out of the ground. I hope it dries off tomorrow so I can get that crabicide down.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went out to lunch with my church friends today. I got crab, shrimp, and scallops over linguini. It was excellent.
I weeded the east side this afternoon and raked some leaves out of that area. I used the snow shovel to rake the leaves onto and took them to my leaf pile in the street. The city picks up the leaves and branches. The east side didn’t have many weeds. I dug out some gladiola bulbs. Some didn’t make it through the cold winter. They are supposed to be dug up in the fall but in southern NJ, you can usually leave them in with no problem. Some were too close to the surface and got frost damage. I dug out the ones underneath that were more protected.
I am never hungry Sunday evenings so just have a little something. I think I will have some vegetables. I ate a Krunch Klondike bar earlier. Yesterday, I had an Oreo Cookie Klondike. It was yummy. They have a lot of flavors. I buy two different kinds each time I go to the market.
Tomorrow, I will file my taxes and be done with that. I have two to file and I have to send some information to PA about the company. I like crossing items off my list.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I slept in this morning. I didn’t get up until 7:45. After I walked Danny and got something to eat, I went out to do my chores. I got the car filled with gasoline, and then went to the Family Dollar. They had some things on sale that I needed. From there, I went to the supermarket to get my groceries. I managed to get most of the things on my list. I didn’t get any meat because I didn’t like the prices. I have plenty in the freezer so I can wait until I find something on sale.
When I got back, I walked Danny around the block. After lunch, I edged the rest of the sidewalk out front. It looks nice. My part of the sidewalk now looks larger than my neighbors. It’s amazing how much grass grows over the walk. I still have to edge the curb and the walk to the entrance of the house. The back driveway needs to be done, too. I hope I can get it all done before the ground dries out. It will be impossible to do.
After dinner, it was movie night. I watched both my movies, The Frockers and Monster-In-Law. Danny had gone to bed so I whistled for him to come to go out. He must have smelled the rabbit in the yard as he had his nose to the ground. I could see the rabbit hopping away but Danny was trying to track him with his nose. He is short so can’t see from the vantage point that I have.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
English Primrose. This is an early bloomer sometimes starting in February. This year it started in March. This was taken a couple weeks ago and is now much fuller.
I met with my accountant this morning and everything is straightened out. I just need to file and mail my returns and reports.
I had lunch with Phyllis this afternoon. We met a t a restaurant about halfway between here and her place. We had a nice time. The food was good. I had a salmon shish ka bob. There was enough to bring home. Phyllis had a cheese steak.
When I got home, I walked Danny and then gave him his bath. Now he is nice and white and clean. He smells nice too except I’m sure he doesn’t think so. He hates getting the bath but likes the rub down and hair dryer. He runs around the house all frisky and playful.
We had a couple hard rain showers. One was on my way to meet Phyllis. We both arrived at the parking lot at the same time but had to wait in our cars for the storm to let up. The sun had come out for the rest of the afternoon and now, we just had another shower. It passed by quickly and there is blue sky once again.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Bible Study tonight. The pastor was back. He had been having a problem with his back. We were studying Leviticus but didn’t get very far. People in the class asked a lot of questions for discussion. It was interesting, however and I enjoyed my time there.
I also went to the Lenten Lunch this afternoon. The priest from the Greek Orthodox spoke on the Samaritan woman at the well. He spoke of how the woman brought the Samaritans to Christ and so we must bring our community to Him.
I went to the Dentist this morning for my check up and cleaning. Everything checked out fine.
I didn’t get much else done except for searching the web for houses in PA. There are quite a few I would be interested in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I packed up some books in the computer room this morning. I went to the Chiropractor for my check up. I started to edge the other side of the front walk but it started raining. I took the grass and dirt outback and swept the walk. It was time to walk Danny so we went out in the mist.
I went to feed my fish and found Orangeade had gone to that great fish bowl in the sky. She was old and hadn’t been eating the last few days. She burrowed herself under a plant. She’d been doing that for several weeks. All the fish are gone now except for Sticky the Placo. I didn’t buy any new ones because of my plans to sell the house. When I get relocated, I’ll get some more fish. I didn’t get anything else done. I looked through my mail and found a flower catalog. They had a flowering plant that does well in the shade and would be perfect but I realized when I sell my house, I’m not going to be here. I felt sad for the rest of the afternoon. Sometimes it’s hard to come to terms with my life without Ted. He was so much a part of everything we did.
I didn’t go to Toastmasters. I just didn’t feel up to it.
Yesterday, when I got back from walking Danny, I heard the cry of the hawk. I looked up and saw five red-tailed hawks circling above my street. They had caught a warm thermal and were soaring upward. We also saw a Turkey Vulture land in a tree just above our heads. They are creepy. I told it to go away, we’re still kicking.
News from the Vorlon Wife.