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I used the leaf blower on my storage shed. It was full of leaves, dust and debris. I gathered it up, put it in my trash bin and put the trash bin out for pick up tomorrow. I stopped in my nephew, Rick's on the way home. They were putting in a stone walk from their deck to the pool area. Michelle gave me an nice house warming gift. She makes decorative bird houses and gave me a couple. She gave me some lighthouse items she had when she had a lighthouse theme bathroom. Some nice towels and a mat. In the package were some much needed oven mitts and a nice tablecloth for the kitchen. She made a nice lunch of a tomato and cheese salad and some pasta. I helped Rick put down the sand. My niece Tina and Sean came and we all carried the paving blocks from the front drive to the back where the new walk would go in. After we carried all the blocks in, we all jumped in the pool. Fortunately, I packed a bathing suit in my suitcase. I had three at the Maryland house and for some reason, I brought one home. It was hot and sticky and the pool felt good. Danny liked barking at their neighbor's dog. It is a giant of a dog. The little girl, Raven, who lives there said it was an English Mastiff.
I intended to cut the grass when I got home but a storm came up. I hope I can get it done tomorrow. It is calling for more rain.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When Don and I drove to Middletown, DE, we noticed all the horse farms. They looked like very expensive properties and we thought they must be gentlemen farmers. Delaware used to have farms where farmers worked hard to earn a living. They didn’t have the luxurious houses and landscapes. I’ll try to take a photo of some of them next time.
When I got back from walking Danny early this morning, I sat down to drink my coffee and thought I spilled some. I went to brush it off and found out it was a tick on my jacket. EW! I flushed it down the toilet. I check Danny and didn’t find any but he had a dead tick last week tangled in his fur. This damp spring created a lot of ticks and mosquitoes.
I went to Middletown this morning. I took the right turn or should I say left turn or correct turn. The highway where I need to go was blocked off with construction. I went of a detour though a shopping area that was under construction. I came out through Kohl’s parking lot and saw Wal-Mart down the road. I went there hoping to find the room darkening drapery liners but they didn’t have any. I’ll have to order them online.
I got some other things on my list and added some bug killer to spray around the foundation. I just got done doing that. The instructions say to shake well and not to get it on people or pets. Well I shook well and it leaked on me. Yuk! I had to go in and wash the stuff off before I got do the spraying.
I weeded the flower beds. They don’t have much in them right now. I’ll bring some plants from my Vineland home. I hope I can fit them in next time. I have a list of things to bring. I got some blue tape to tape up that purple bedroom and get it painted next time I come.
I got a couple outlet covers as I found two that didn’t have covers. I also got a bigger memory chip for my camera. I needed strainer drain covers for the double sink in the kitchen. I thought how weird they didn’t have any. I’m finding little things I need. I squirted out the trash container. It reeked. I put some Mr. Clean stuff in it yesterday and gave it a good squirting today. I let it dry out in the sun and put a trash bag in it. I found a hose reel behind the shed so I rolled the hose up. It was in the way of cutting the grass and right at the bottom of the back steps where you could trip over it. Looks much neater now.
I like my place here. I can’t wait to move in for good.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My boy slept with my brother Don last night. I couldn’t believe he abandon me. Don went to bed first so Danny was ready and followed him. I thought he’d come into my room but he didn’t until he heard me get up and came out to see what I was up to. He’s a funny little dog. Don left around 9:00 and I got ready to go to the little Methodist church in town. I heard a knock on the door and there were two little girls about 8-10 years old. They came to welcome me and told me their names. I later found they were the manager’s grand daughters.
I left for church early because I didn’t know if the street would still be crowded. They were not. Just a few stragglers were around. I got to the church early and was in time for the ending of their Bible study. They had a little hymn sing between the Bible Study and the Service. The people were very nice and many came to welcome me. The service was at 11:15 just like at Vineland Baptist. They share a minister with a church in a nearby town just like the Baptist church. They had some special music by a man who played the piano. He burst out in song with “Jeremiah was a Prophet.” (Bullfrog) He really rocked. I was out and on the road home by 12:08. Ted liked a Pastor who ran a tight ship. The Methodists are like the higher churches in that they have 20 minute sermons. Ted and I both felt any longer than that and you lose your audience. People start drifting off and it won’t matter how good the sermon was, the people won’t get it.
I walked Danny when I got home and had some lunch. I raked up some junk and debris in the storage shed. I’ll put it out on trash day. I sprayed the roundup along the foundation and squirted the poison ivy out back. I did some weed along the walk. There were some giant crab grasses. It looks nice now. I’ll bring my plants and start putting them in. It was hot and humid. It tired me out.
I called Ted’s parents and Ted’s sister was there. We had a three way conversation. I cut it short though as they were about to sit down to dinner.
I haven’t hooked up the cable yet so I have no TV. Now with the digital, I can’t even set up some rabbit ears and I don’t want to get a box for such a short time. I went on the computer and did some research and then played some solitaire. I felt sleepy so I took a nap. Danny crawled in with me. When I woke up, I took him out and found it had rained and cooled off. The grass was wet and the cars had a sprinkle on them but the road was dry. I guess it evaporated in the heat.
I met the little girls during my walk. They were excited to meet Danny Boy. Another little girl had joined them. They were step-sisters. Kiley lives next door and the other two live in DE. They talked away. They are sweet little girls.
I hope my house sells soon. I’m really anxious to get moved in here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I left about 9:30 this morning. I stopped in at my nephew, Rick's. My brother, Rick and his wife Sylvia were babysitting over night as Rick and Michelle were out on Ed's boat in Chesapeake City. Rick and Michelle had already come home. We left there and arrived at our home in Chesapeake City about 20 minutes later. I started unloading my car. It took awhile to carry all the stuff in. My friend, Dottie arrived and helped me finish unloading. We waited about a half hour for my brother Don to arrive. After I walked Danny, Dottie, Don and I walked the mile into town and watched the boats from the dock. We saw Ed's boat but were unable to get to it. I tried calling Cheryl's cell but got no answer. She may not have taken her phone on the dingy.
We found a vendor and got some lunch and sat on a rock in a shady spot beside the canal. There was a nice breeze coming through. We watch the coast guard warn the boats to slow down it was a no wake zone. They had to go after a person on a jet ski who didn't heed their warning. We walked through the little street of the town where the vendors were and got lemonade. We made the trek back and Dottie left for her camp ground about 20 minutes away. I sent her out the back way to avoid town. I hope she didn't get lost. I found the road was not marked when Don and I went out that way to go to dinner. I made a wrong turn and went about 5 miles further that I should have. We found our way back to Middletown, DE and looked around for a restaurant. We found a Ruby Tuesday. We both got the crab cake dinner and enjoyed it. We got home a lot faster than we went.
After I took Danny for his evening walk, Don and I got in the car and went toward town. We figured we'd drive as far as we could and park the car. We got to a roadside park and I parked there. It was about a half mile from town. We looked at the boats all lit up from the other side of the marina. We sprayed on some bug spray and then walk around to the town dock. We got some ice cream at the little ice cream store. We sat at the picnic table watching the boats. When we walked back, it had really gotten dark. There were no street lights and the ditch was muddy from all the rain we had. We nearly fell in a couple times when we got over to get away from the roadway when a car was coming. There were a lot of people walking so the cars were going slow.
Danny is sleeping on Don's lap. He seems to ignore me when someone else is around. I think both of them are zonked out. It's about time for me to zonk out too.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Pretty in Pink is what I call this pink lily. Some where in this computer is a beautiful bouquet of these lilies. It's going to be a hot one today and the ozone level is already climbing.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was on the computer for a while this morning. I got over 200 emails. Most were junk. Someone is sending junk emails using my email address to send it. It appears that I am sending these to myself. I don’t know how this is being done and I can’t send it to junk mail or all my email will go to junk.
I went to the Acme to get some food. When I got home, I walked Danny and had some lunch. I did some filing on the outlet my brother-in-law put in, as it doesn’t fit in the box. The box has screws hanging down and the outlet won’t go in. There are two at the top and two at the bottom. It is slow going. Someone installed the box incorrectly and then dry walled over top of it. It would be very difficult to take the box out. I think I will be filing for days.
I started shredding some document from the company today. That is slow going also. I was on a roll until the circuit went out. I had two air conditioners, the TV, and the shredder all on the same circuit. Everything stopped suddenly and I looked around to figure out what happened. The light went on in my head so I turned everything off and went over to hit the reset button.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was on the internet this morning trying to update my information. I kept going around in circles. Click here for my account. So, I click. It takes me to another page that has a list of how to do things. So, I click on where it directed me and it took me back to the click here for my account. I finally gave up after wasting a lot of time.
I went to the chiropractor. When I trim the hedge, it put my back in an unnatural position and I need to get it adjusted. I should go every time I trim the hedge but who can afford it?
I went to the Verizon store to get a new phone. I got one that has the VZ Navigator. I also got a blue tooth, car charger, and a clip. I got a $50.00 rebate and a 20 per cent discount on the blue tooth, car charger, and clip. I reduced my minutes because the old plan was from the business and had 900 minutes. I don’t need that much so I got the reduced cost, then added the navigator, and still pay less than I did before. I can go to the Verizon store and get training and tech support. They are very helpful but you have to wait in line. They give individual attention and it took me about an hour to get upgraded and so forth. The techie had to search high and low to find an adaptor to get my contact information out of the old phone. One thing about the new phone I don’t like is that it talks to me. It wants to know what my command is and it keeps asking me. It told it to “shut up.” It did.
I took Danny for his noontime walk and we met my neighbor, Mr. DeJesus. I never saw much of him because he was a Merchant Marine. I used to see his wife a lot and his daughters got on the bus in front of my house when they were in school. He told me how much he admired Ted. He thought he was the picture of excellent health. He was feeling sad because there is no work for him. He is 62 years old and always worked hard. He feels he is a strong and works harder than the 20 year olds. The economy is hurting everyone. He is doing a lot of gardening. His flowers look beautiful.
We then ran into Adelpha and talked for a while. I was starving by the time I got home to get some lunch. I called my sister-in-law, Sylvia. She had called when I was in the phone store and I had to call her back because my old cell phone’s battery was low and about to go dead. I went out and cut the grass hoping to get done before it rained. It threatened rain all day but we didn’t get any until dinnertime. I didn’t even know it rained. When I walked Danny, it was all wet outside. We got about a half inch.
I watched Flica on the TV but Danny made a nuisance of himself barking at the horses. He gets all excited. He finally settled down and went to bed.
I’m about to join him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I came home today. I got together some things that are on my list to take back. I tried fitting my rocking chair in the car. It fit in the front seat with it all the way back. It will stay there for a few days until I’m ready to go back. I trimmed the hedge this afternoon. It looked like rain most of the day and the sun came out when I was doing the hedge making it hot and humid. I’ll cut the grass tomorrow. I wanted to go back Thursday but I have the Nature Club picnic Friday evening. It may be the last time I see the Nature Club people as they don’t meet over the summer.
Chesapeake City is having a big event starting Thursday night. Ed will be putting his houseboat in the marina. There will be vendors throughout the little town. I’m sure parking will be at a premium. The Mobile Home Park Manager said the cars are parked all the way out past the Park. Some try to park in the Mobile Home Park. Parking is limited in the Park. Some mobile homes do not have parking spaces and have to park in the street. These are the older homes that are singles and are closer together. I met some of the people in the park while walking Danny. One man was Joe. He seemed very nice. The lady who called out the window, “Good Morning” lives across from me. Her name is Ida Bellaire. She said call her “Belly.” She doesn’t like Ida.
My cell phone’s charger is not working properly. I’ll have to break down and get a new one. I don’t know why everything has to fall apart at once. I can get a rebate for my old phone but I still have to shell out the money up front. I may get one with a GPS on it. I get a rebate for that but still have to shell out the money up front. My car has over 90,000 miles on it and it’s time to get a timing belt. My hair needs to go to the hairdresser but that’s on hold. I haven’t had any inquiries on the house. I hope it sells soon. I see the one down the street sold. I am anxious to get moving.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I awoke around 5am with the birds singing. I made some coffee and took Danny for a walk around the park. Someone called out the window saying,”Good Morning.” I couldn’t see who it was. When we got back, I finished my coffee and had some cereal. I ate it on the back steps as I didn’t have anything to sit on. I decided to go over to my niece’s house to get my green lawn chairs. Her dogs heard me and started barking. I got the chairs and Ed came out to help me. We also put the little tables in the car. I had to wash them all up as they were out in the rain. They had been stored at Cheryl’s since last fall. They also have a couple benches, my glider, and my wooden picnic set.
I have been making a list of what I need to bring next time and a list of what I have to buy. I slept on an air mattress last night. Danny doesn’t like the air mattress. He must think we’ve having an earth quake every time I move.
After lunch, I went to Home Depot but forgot my list and could only think of a few things I needed and that was for my other house. I did get some filters for these air vents. I may have to get new vents, these do not have the shutters that close or else, they don’t work. There are a few odds and ends that need attention. Ed and I figured out how to fix the storm door frame. He will help me with it after the Canal Days. The whole town is getting ready. There will be vendors in the little town and the Chesapeake Inn hosts a boat party in the marina. Cheryl and Ed will be hosting a party on his house boat. It is a Marti Gra Party. Ed and company will be dressed as pirates. The boats all anchor together and you can step from one to the other. Many people miss-step and end up in the water.
I went down to the little town and walked along the marina dock. There is a little ice cream store there so I got some ice cream and sat on the dock to eat it. I saw a barge go through the canal with a huge crane on it. I wondered if it would fit under the bridge but it did. I went into a little general store. It was more of a gift shop but had been a general store at one time.
When I returned, I talked with the manager. She lives next to me. Her son-in-law was there and he said he would cut my grass until I got my mower over here. He lives on the other side of me. It is very quiet here. The only noise I hear is the noise of the mower or the whine of the weed trimmer. I do have to get some room darkening drapes though. I have blinds on the windows but there is a street light right out front and it lights up the area like broad daylight. The light filtering through the blinds looks as if the sun is coming up. I dragged the air mattress into the office on the other side and shut the door.
Danny has gone to bed. I will turn in early myself.
News from the VorlonWife.
I brought some supplies and things down to the mobile home. I looks like I will have plenty of room for my furniture. I did some measuring today.
I had dinner with my niece, Cheryl and her husband, Ed. We went to a Chinese Place and it was packed because of Father’s Day. We went to another Chinese Place and they had lobster and king crab legs. They also had shrimp and some other kind of crab claws. There were several kinds of shrimp and some crawl dads as well as other Chinese and Japanese items.
I brought two air mattresses and an air compressor. They took awhile to blow up but the compressor does a good job.
I took Danny for a walk around the park a couple time tonight. It’s a nice walk.
My cell phone charger has the green light go on when I plug it in and then it goes out. It’s supposed to turn red until it’s charged and then it turns green. I hope it’s just the red light bulb that’s burned out. I really don’t want another expense right now. Everything seems to be falling apart at once. My new dehumidifier is not working properly. It’s filling the bucket instead of emptying out the hose. I turned it off for now. I’ll deal with it later.
Danny is having a good time chasing a fly. Every once in a while he jumps up after it, spins around trying to catch it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday, Ned installed the range hood fan and 3 grounded outlets in the kitchen near the sink. It was quite a job as the wiring was old and not up to code. One outlet didn't have a ground wire so we ran a new wire and put in a new circuit breaker as the one box had too many wires.
Kathy packed up most of the glasses and dishes in my china closet. She only left a few items so it would look like a display case for showing the house.
After the work, we got cleaned up and went to dinner and a movie. As we were driving down the road, I saw the Greek restaurant and decided to go there. It is one of my favorites and Kathy and Ned enjoyed it, too. We went on down to the Mall where the Cinema is and went in to see Star Trek. It was good to have someone to go to the movies with especially to have Star Trek fans. We enjoyed the movie. It was a fun evening.
I felt sad to see them go. It was so good to have family here with me. I hope they are OK driving through all the storms.
I wanted to go to my mobile home today but I didn't want to pack and unpack the car in the rain. Everything would get all wet and it would be nasty. I did pack the car between storms so it will be ready to go tomorrow after church.
I still have to pack up my suitcase and pillows and blankets. I will squeeze in as much as possible but I won't be able to use the back seat because I have to keep that for the dog. I did put some things on the floor in the back and I will load up the front.
I am anxious to get moving.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Prickly Pear Cactus
I met Kathy and Ned at the mobile home. We had lunch at the Chesapeake Inn. It had a lovely view of the marina, canal, and bridge. We all ordered the crab cake. It was delicious.
We drove back to NJ. We went to pick up Danny and I showed them the horse farm, riding arena and the horses. Ned was able to fix my computer. It seems one of the ports was bad on the router. I'm back in business.
He also unpacked my over the range fan and studied what we would need. We went to Home Depot and Lowe's to get the screws and parts. We had dinner at the new Viet Namese Place. We each got a bowl of soup. Ned and I got the beef noodle. It was served with fresh basil and bean sprouts. The beef was thinly sliced and you dipped it in the sauces that were served. Kathy got another kind of soup. We were tired out when we got back so we'll continue with the over the range fan tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I’m so disappointed. I got my computer back from the shop and it still has the same problem. It is not connect to the internet or outlook. I hope my brother-in-law will be able to fix it. He is coming tomorrow. I did have some electrical work for him but right now, the computer needs to be fixed. I am also disappointed because Ted had our French door with a Christmas wreath on it welcoming when signing onto the computer. It is gone and all my icons have been rearranged. I won’t be able to find anything.
I did cross some things off my list today. I switched out my Roman Shades for some mini blinds. That job did not go well. The holes did not line up with the ones I had for the mini blinds before I got the roman shades. I had to drill new holes and I had trouble lining them up. I also broke the bit in the hole. Luckily, there was enough of the bit sticking out for me to grab onto it with the drill and reverse it out.
I did some touch up painting in this computer room on the ceiling where a light fixture had a bigger base than the ceiling fan. We were going to cover the ceiling with dry wall but never got to this room. I called the bottled water company to come get the unit and the empty bottles.
I forgot to take my medicine so I’d better go do that. My body is reminding me as to why I need it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took Danny over to Erica's early this morning. It was damp and cold so I put his coat on him since he would be outdoors. I drove to Maryland and made settlement on my mobile home. I went to the gas company and filled out a credit application for service and then to the post office to let them know I was moving in. The title will be sent to the mobile home address and if the post office doesn't know about me, they would send it back and then I'd have to pay again.
Anyway, I took care of all that. I stopped at Richman's Restaurant on the way home and had some lunch. I picked up Danny and came home to collapse. I am tired out. It is still cool. I don't think it got out of the 60's all day. I will turn in early tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a busy day today. I went to the super market to get a few things. Then, I went to get my check certified and when I returned, the real estate lady called and asked for two checks. It seems the title company wouldn’t give the people their change and would hold the check until it cleared. I had to go back and get the check voided and then have two made. It was a little complicated but it all turned out OK.
After walking Danny Boy and having some lunch, I trimmed the hedge. It was cooler today so the heat wasn’t so bad but the pollen is terrible out there. My hedge doesn’t flower because I keep it trimmed but my neighbor across the street with the Frontier Land fence does not trim hers. It is about 20 feet tall and full of blooms. I can smell it from here and I am very allergic to it.
I started to get the cord so I could roll it up and I heard the phone ringing. I answered it and it was Erica, from the Indian Trail Farm. She had a part that came in for my air cleaner and was coming over to put it in for me. Erica also sells air filters and water purifiers as well as running her horse academy and taking in Danny Boy for doggy day care. She arrived shortly with her grand daughter and removed the old part and installed the new.
I walked Danny, showered, and had dinner. I was beat for doing the yard work but the pastor had invited everybody from both congregations to his house for movie night. There were about 20 who showed up. We brought popcorn and snacks. The movie was called, “Loving Leah.” It was an excellent movie and I would highly recommend it. Leah’s Orthodox Jewish husband died and according to Levite Law, the brother is supposed to marry the widow. What a shock to Leah and the brother. It was very funny.
I got home after nine. It was raining so Danny just went over to the fireplug and back into the house. I am beat so I’m going to turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I talked to my brother this morning. He got a new queen size bed so I called to let him know Sears had sheets on sale for $19.88. I should go get some for myself.
After church, I went to lunch with my friends. I got the roast duck and brought most of it home with me. I felt exhausted from yesterday and rested for awhile. I waited until 6pm to cut the grass. It had cooled off by then although I still worked up a sweat cutting that grass. I wanted to get it done because the forecast is for more rain. My vincas are drowning with all the water. I shut off the sprinkler weeks ago. I'm saving on water but I've lost two plants already and the others have yellowing leaves. I saw my neighbor has the same problem.
I fell asleep again watching Masterpiece. Right near the end so I have no clue what happened. I woke up as it was ending. Now I hope I can fall asleep again just as easily.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My brother, Rick and his wife, Sylvia came today. We went to the storage bin and packed up the shelves and the remainder of things there. We made two trips. It was hot and humid. When we got done loading and unloading, we sat in the air conditioned room with a nice tall glass of iced tea. After we recuperated, we took the range fan down. We were pretty well worn out so we called it a day.
I walked Danny Boy and made us some dinner. He went off to bed and I’m going to join him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I'm sorry there will be no flower blogging today. The software for the photos is on the other computer that is in the shop. I may be able to do it from my laptop. I saw the program on there but I'm not sure. If you need to contact me, use the comcast.net address.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I feel like I didn’t get much done today. I called the Delmarva Power Co. and made sure they got the letter of credit so I don’t have to pay a deposit. I called Comcast and tried to find out what was the problem with my computer. After we tried a few things and failed to get it going, I had to take it to the shop. It needs a new network adapter card or something like that.
I saw the street cleaner coming so I quick threw the branches up on the lawn so the street could get a good cleaning without obstructions in the way.
I went through some of the company boxes and found some of Ted’s things. He work schedules and so forth.
I ironed my clothes to get them out of the way. Someone is coming to look at my house tomorrow evening. I have to get the boxes out of the living room. I think I’ll move the rocking chairs from the sun porch and put them in front of the fireplace. Then I’ll stack the boxes along the wall on the sun porch. I’ll do that tomorrow. I’ll have all day to get ready.
I’m off to Bible Study now.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I'm still having trouble with my computer. I'm lost when something goes wrong. I went on line for help but I have no clue what they are talking about. I'll try again tomorrow. I can't deal with it today.
I went to the cleaners, the Family Dollar, and the produce market. The produce market gave me a few boxes and told me to come back and take as many as I want. They are nice boxes. I went through my pantry and started getting that in shape. It needs to look spacious. I took some things down off my shelf in the kitchen. I had my tea stored there. I put it in the cabinet and now everytime I go for a tea bag they are not in there usual place. I have to remember where I put them. I took the cereal and stuff off of the frig. It should be fun finding my cereal in the morning. I packed up some more things upstairs and down.
Danny is persteing me so I need to take him out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went through some of the company stuff I brought home yesterday. I threw some stuff out and shredded other stuff. I went to the storage bin and brought home more boxes. I met with the real estate lady and we went over the new paperwork and went through the house once more. She feels this computer room needs to be renovated. Ted and I renovated the other rooms but didn't get to this one. Her husband came over and looked at the room and will get an estimate on putting dry wall over the walls and ceiling.
My main computer is not connecting to the internet. It happened after the storm this morning. I thought it was the cable company and figured it would be OK when I went back to it later. No such luck. I don't know what it's problem is other than connectivity. It said to check all the connections. I looked at them but who knows. I'll have to examine them in the morning. This one works fine. This is the computer I used at work. The problem, the photo program is on the other computer. It does go through the network but I don't know how to access it.
I have boxes of stuff all over the house. I need to get them out of here so it doesn't look so cluttered. It seems so overwhelming doing it by my self.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
News from the Vorlon
My neighbor's new fence. I feel like I have a view of Frontier Land.
I made up for yesterday with the work I did today. I started by writing a couple cards to my friend and my cousin. I walked Danny and felt the hedge. It was dry so I got to work trimming it. I finished by ten o’clock and it was starting to get hot. It was supposed to rain so I wanted to get that job done before it started.
I talked to my real estate lady and she is coming tomorrow to go over the new contract.
I went to the bank and the storage space. I loaded up the car with as much as possible and brought it home. I carried it into the house. Some of the stuff I had taken from the house to store at the facility and some was from the company. I have to go through the company stuff. Some has to be shredded and some thrown away. When I get the shelves from the storage space, I’ll put the boxes on them until I can take them to my new place.
I was pretty well worn out so I got cleaned up. Walked Danny and had my dinner. I am ready for sleep now.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday, I waited until the grass dried out and cut it in the evening. I thought I’d get the hedge cut today but I didn’t get back from lunch with my church friends until almost 4pm. Church got out late and we went a little distance to the restaurant. I dropped off one of the ladies and then walked Danny. It had warmed up to 80 degrees so it was too hot to be cutting the hedge. I did some laundry and tried to find something on the television. They had changed all programming so I couldn’t find much. I watched a special on Tony Bennett and then took Danny out for his walk. I waited until he was asleep before going on the computer because he whines and cries to get up on my lap. Typing is difficult with him between me and the keyboard. I put him on a pillow and he curls up and sleeps.
The girl across from me had a 6 foot Stockade fence put around her yard. When she goes to work tomorrow, I’ll take a picture of it. I feel like I’m looking over into Frontierland. To each his own I guess.
My friend, Sonia called and we talked for a while tonight. It was good to hear from her.
I think I’ll join Danny now.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It rained all day today. I had to put Danny's coat on and bundle up in my raincoat and when we got back from his short walk, I had to dry him off. I packed some things up but didn't get much done today. It was a dark, gloomy day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took this photo from the back porch. I zoomed in on the lilies. It was raining but I wanted to get a shot of these beautiful flowers. The little Italian flowers are closed up and look like yellow dots.
Danny ran out to the nearest bush and ran back in.
I did some ironing this morning and some online work with the computer. I called the electric company for the new mobile home and they wanted a $400.00 security deposit. I said, “holy moly”, and asked if I could get a reference from Vineland Electric. She said I would have to get a letter of credit. So, I went to city hall to the electric company. I didn’t think to have the account put in my name rather than Ted’s. She said, “Because of the privacy laws, Theodore would have to request this.” Anyway, it turns out that my house and taxes are in my name so they were able to help me after all. The lady took down the information and faxed the letter to the electric company. Whenever we moved in the past, the company would contact the previous company right away and we didn’t have to pay a security deposit. The only time we paid was when we first got married and had to establish an account for the first time. The privacy laws have made thing a lot more complicated. No one can give out information without going through hoops.
I went to Bible Study this afternoon. It usually is in the evening but the pastor has a graduation to go to tonight. I was going to cut the grass this afternoon but it started raining again. I didn’t walk Danny very far. He just wanted to go out and bark at the dogs across the street. They were barking most of the afternoon until it started raining and they went into their doghouse.
I talked to my sister-in-law tonight. She and my brother will come down one day on the weekend and help me with packing and some electrical work. My brother-in-law will do some but won’t be able to do it all. I guess I should make a list of what needs to be done and let people choose something and do it. I did that before when my niece and nephews came. Each took a job and did it. It worked out good.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up around 5am. I got my shower and took Danny for a walk. I had no coffee and was not allowed to take my medicine. I felt like I was freaking out by the time Diane came to pick me up and take me to get my colonoscopy. They put me in a bed and I got me ready for an IV. After about 10 minutes, they wheeled me into the procedure room. The doctor came in, introduced himself, listened to my heart and pressed on my abdomen. He put some drops of liquid on my arm and said it would make me sleepy. It absorbs through the skin. He told me to turn over on my side and the next thing I knew, I was in the recovery area and it was all done.
Diane (a friend from church) took me to Friendly’s and we got some breakfast. We both got French Toast, bacon and coffee. I treated as she was kind enough to take me at 7:30am. Diane is having some health problems and is having various tests being done. She is the one who took me to the Tea Room on my birthday.
We’ve been having some severe thunderstorms. A tree fell on Diane’s husband’s truck. Fortunately, it didn’t do any damage. I saw trees down all along the way to the doctors but I didn’t have any down around my way. Diane said their electric went out last night and this morning. It’s starting to rumble again so I better sign off.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I cleaned the fish tank and parts today. It was a big job that I had put off. It is now ready for when I move. I can get some new fish for it.
I continued with the weeding on the west side of the front. I dug up some little holly trees for transplanting either to my brother’s or my niece’s yard. They were growing in the flowerbed. They are four to six inches tall. I do a section at a time and go all around the house and out back. The lilies are starting to bloom. I have some orange ones and the mauve Asiatic lilies. The little yellow Italian flowers are blooming and I have a late blooming azalea that is a pretty pink.
I adjusted setting on the water timer. I’ll put it back on tomorrow. I sprayed the Roundup on the area around the new tree. We had a thunderstorm late this afternoon and it probably washed it away. I’ll have to do it again. There is a four-inch strip of grass between the mulch and the curb and the mulch and the sidewalk. It is impossible to cut with the mower and a pain to get the weed whacker out all the time. I thought I’d just kill it off and have a square patch around the tree. I planted some Vincas around it but I have to manually water them. I can put a hose across the sidewalk to put on a timer. Bummer.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was kind of a lazy day today. I brought in the stuff from the garage. Most went in the trash but my mother’s dishes went in the dishwasher. I also found Ted’s sunglasses that he had lost.
I uploaded some photos from my camera and sent them in emails to various people. Some were of my grand parent’s cemetery that is a disgrace for the lack of upkeep. It is located in Philadelphia and is a historical cemetery dating back to colonial times. One side of the cemetery is bordered by a beautiful park that is along the Cobbs Creek and the other side is bordered by a terrible neighborhood. The fence is broken down, the grass is not cut, weeds, trees, and vines have covered some sections, and the roads are in a state of disrepair. Fox news has gone there and tried to shame the owners into cleaning up their act but to no avail.
I went for my mammogram this afternoon. When I got home, I became a couch potato and fell asleep for about an hour.
I walked Danny, had some dinner, and talked to my brother, Don. I forgot Danny’s food and water bowls. I have another set so I’ll pick up his bowls next time I visit.
News from the Vorlon Wife.