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Look what's blooming today. What a lovely surprise to see the hibiscus in bloom this morning.
My site was down for a few hours. I couldn't post or do my email.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was up early again this morning. I got some coffee and Danny came down to go out. After I walked him, I did some wash and got something to eat. I bought blueberries yesterday so I had them with my cereal. I had to wait for the grass to dry out as it had rained. I got an inch and a half in the rain gauge.
I made a big salad for lunch and went over my list. I had to pick up all the branches that came down during the storm and I trimmed some branches off the Redbud Tree. The grass was done in an hour but it was hot and I worked up a sweat. I saw the girl who had come to look at my house drive by slowly. She had come twice to look at the house. I guess she wanted to have another look. She didn't stop and it's just as well. I was overheated and tired. I just wanted to jump in the shower and cool off. That hedge needs trimming again. It's only been a couple days.
I worked on the program for the Vineland Nature Club. I was waiting to hear from the Vice President to make sure of the spelling of his name, Evans. I didn't know it had an s on the end. It is a family name.
I took Danny for his afternoon walk and got another big salad for dinner. I also cooked up the beets and had some of them. I got ready for Bible Study. It was at the Parsonage. I arrived and was the only one who showed up. Pastor Lou put on a DVD of the Walton's in lieu of the Bible Study. It was a good film.
When I got home, I called my friend June as she had told me that Barbara was going to pick her up and bring her to Bible Study. I was a little concerned when they didn't show up. Pastor Lou called June but got her machine. I think June was probably outside waiting for Barb. It turned out Barb had a hectic week and forgot. I'm glad they are OK.
I talked to my Aunt Jean and my cousin's daughters, Erin and Meaghan are coming up from Georgia for a visit next week. Aunt Jean invited me to come and stay with her, too. We have never met the girls. The last time I saw my cousin is when he got married and that was over twenty years ago. We are excited about seeing them. I will have to take Danny to Erica's because Aunt Jean is not a dog person.
Well, I better get to bed. The backup for this computer comes on at midnight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I woke up before the crack of dawn and couldn't get back to sleep. I did some computer work and then got some coffee. I painted that fourth wall in this computer room and took up the rug which was getting raggedy. I put the shelved back against the wall and I used Orange Glo on the wood floor to clean and polish it. The room is ready except for packing up the things on the shelves. I didn't have to sub at the Business Network after all. I did some weeding of the front flower garden. It was getting near lunchtime so I drove down to the produce stand and got some corn, beets, tomatoes, zucchini, cantaloupe, and peaches. Fresh produce from the garden just can't be beat. I also got some blueberries for my cereal.
After I ate and shared some corn with Danny, I took him for a walk. When we got back, I fell asleep watching the TV. When I woke up, Danny was on my stomach asleep, too. I went to the super market to get some things I needed. I made a nice big salad, cooked my corn, and beet greens. Danny had some corn. He loves it. He jumps in the air when he smells it cooking. The rain finally came. It looked like rain all day and it was hot and sticky. I had to start the air at 10am rather than 3pm. The humidity was 75% most of the day until it rained. I had an inch in the rain gauge in about 20 minutes. It tapered off but has just started again. I settled down to watch a British mystery and the cable went out. I couldn't get online either until just now and the program is over.
I'm beat so I'll turn in. I wish I wouldn't wake up so early.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up late today. I got in late last night and didn't get to sleep right away. I made some coffee and took Danny out. I took up the morning with computer work. spackled the 4th wall in the computer room, and went to the Post Office. It got hot out real fast today. I put on the air after walking Danny and after lunch, I fell asleep. The cool air felt good. Danny was sleeping on my stomach. It was too hot to do anything. I waited until after dinner to go out to the garage and make room for the desks to be brought home from the storage bin. I don't want to pay another months rent. I want to get a bin in Chesapeake City so I can store my Christmas and other holiday decorations. I won't have a basement so I'll need to store the stuff. I'll also put the company records in there and anything else that I won't have a place for in my mobile home.
It's still warm. I have only had to have the air on between 4 and 6pm but I had to put it on at noon today and it's still going. I hope I can turn it off when I go to bed but that may not be an option tonight.
I will be subbing for Melissa at BNI tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night, she and her husband will bring the desks here to the garage.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early and ironed my clothes. I needed to press off my skirt for church and I ironed up the rest of my stuff. At 8:00, I went out and trimmed the hedge. I did the little hedge by the garage. It had a lot of new growth on it. I also did the big hedge on the back third as the cord wasn't long enough to reach the rest. My long cord has a slice in it and will have to be made a few feet shorter. My other long cord is at the Mobile Home. I didn't know the one here had been cut. The rest of the hedge is not too bad. It has a few sprigs sticking out but I can cut them with the grass trimmers.
It was a hot one today. The thermometer read 86 in the shade. I don't know what the official temp. was. It is also very humid. I went to church in Vineland today. Everyone was glad to see me. I went to lunch with Barbara and Pastor Joan. We went to the Greek restaurant and they had my favorite on special, the Rodos Flounder. It is baked and rolled with a spinach stuffing. Barb and Joan also got it and we were all very pleased. They brought an extra soup by mistake so I brought it home along with half my fish. They had tea sandwiches after church for fellowship and I ate a few of them so I couldn't eat all my lunch. The restaurant also serves a Greek salad with the meal.
It was too hot to do much of anything when I got home. I threw some clothes in the washer and dryer and ran the dishwasher. I called Ted's mother and talked for awhile. I cleared off the top of the shelves in the computer room so I can move them out and paint the wall. I'm not sure when I'll do it as I'll be meeting my nephew Bob at the mobile home on Tuesday. He's going to do some work for me.
If he comes early Tuesday morning, I may have to go down tomorrow. I'll pack up some more things and take down. If he is coming late, then I can wait until Tuesday to go.
I went to get some clean towels out of the closet and the shelf fell off. The little plastic fasteners broke. They seem to get dried out and become brittle. I have all the replacement parts in MD so I'll have to bring some back home. They are probable all brittle, too. I've had them for a long time. Always something.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was up at the crack of dawn and had some coffee. I took Danny out for his walk and got to work on this computer room. I marked the molding and took it to the basement to notch out the areas where the woodwork trim from the closet door was. I made about a dozen trips to the basement until I got it right. I nailed it to the corner and it came out pretty good. I proceeded to hang the curtains back up and ran the vacuum. I had some breakfast and tidied up the house before the people came to look at it. They were here promptly at 10:00. It was the same girl who came the first time. She came back for another look. She seems to like the house but she has to think about her commute to Delaware. She doesn't want to live in Delaware she just works there. She also wanted to see the house across the street where the lady was put in a nursing home. The real estate lady invited me to come with them. I hadn't been in the house for about 25 years. It was a mess. It had a cute layout but it needed major renovation. It needs to be gutted and redone. It's in bad shape.
After they left, I called my aunt and talked for a while. Her granddaughter is getting married at the end of August so she and I might go together. The wedding will be in Poughkeepsie, NY.
After I talked with Aunt Jean, I took Danny for his walk and had some lunch before the second showing. They were also prompt. About five people came including the real estate lady. This group liked the house but did not like the basement. It is an ugly unfinished cellar. There's not much I can do about it. It has a partition that chops it in half and doesn't lend itself to finishing a room.
I was tired out and vegetated until it was time to take Danny out for his walk. I got some dinner and vegetated some more. I haven't upgraded my TV service so I am limited as to what I can watch. The Saturday night movie on PBS was boring so I came up here. I'm about ready for bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went out early to the hardware store and got the paint tray. They had a tray, roller and cover on sale for three bucks. It was cheaper than one tray. I painted one and a half walls and cleaned up. I figured I do some more tomorrow. I took Danny for his walk and got some lunch. My real estate lady called and someone wants to see the house tomorrow. I had to finish painting the room. I put the computer table back and pulled out Ted's desk, inch by inch. It is large and heavy. It has a discombuberation of wires tangled together. I had to push the desk out from the side wall, too. That was a little tricky as the rug was in the way. I was able to roll it up a little and get it moved enough for the roller to fit between it and the wall. I managed to get another wall and a half done so now three walls are complete. The fourth wall is behind the book shelves and hopefully the people won't notice. I still have to cut the corner molding to fit where the wallpaper and plaster is unsightly. I'll do that in the morning as well as hang the curtains back up. I didn't get the latter wall spackled but the holes are behind the desk and can't be seen. Maybe I'll do them later. The color is a very pale sage. It almost looks white. It would look nice with dark sage curtains but what I have will have to do. I also have to put the stuff back in the room so the guest room will look decent.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Blue Hydranga
I had 15 minutes to go to watch the end of Mystery and I heard "Mystery has been brought to you by a grant from ....." I missed the end again.
I raked up two big piles of autumn leaves along the curb. I painted the spackling and along the edges of the woodwork and ceiling. I did this on two and a half walls. I was going to paint with the roller but couldn't find a paint tray. I thought I had two. One is in Maryland and I don't know what happened to the other. I'll have to get a new one. I can get the one wall done and then move the computer table back into place. I hope I can move Ted's desk out so I can paint behind it. It shouldn't take long to get this room painted. I'll have to go to home depot in the morning or maybe I'll just go to the hardware store nearby.
I packed some more things up today. Some books I had in the computer room and in the guest room. I had the guest room all cleared out and now I've piled boxes back in there from the computer room. I had to move them out of the way so I can paint.
Danny is curled up on my drop cloth. He wants me to go to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early, walked Danny Boy, and cut the grass at 8am. I looked at the clock, thought it said 9:45 so I quick got a shower and ran out the door to go to the Chiropractor for my appointment at 10:00. I looked at the clock in the car and it was only 9:00. I drove around the block and went home. I did some more spackling in the corner of the room and went through my email.
I changed my clothes and was going to walk Danny at 11:30 when my friend June came early to go to Barbara's luncheon. Danny was hyper because my neighbor's dog was barking behind the stockade fence. I had to shut him in the bedroom while I fixed my hair and put on my shoes. June's not a dog person so I had to hold Danny until we were ready to leave.
We had a nice time at Barb's luncheon. A few of Barb's friends from church were there. When I got home, I hope to start painting the wall but I felt done-in. I guess the mowing of the grass caught up with me. Everything seems so hard for me.
I was walking Danny this afternoon when my neighbor, Al stopped me to see if I was OK. His girlfriend saw police cars and detectives around my house the other day. I have no clue, I didn't see them. Maybe it was on the weekend when I was in Chesapeake City. Alex was also away so he wouldn't have seen anything either. I wonder what was going on this time. My house is OK and the alarm hadn't gone off. It may have been another house and the detectives were going around asking questions to see if anyone saw anything.
I'm going to get some dinner and vegetate.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I started on the computer room today. I moved the computer table out and spackled the holes in the wall. It's amazing how many holes were in the wall from things hanging up there. We had shelves across the wall so didn't notice the holes. When Ted was unable to work, I moved two of the shelves out and brought home the computers. I packed up the things on the third shelf that was in the corner. There were a lot of memories of things Ted and I shared together. There were trophies we had won at different races and Ted's Toastmaster trophies. There were travel books of places we had been and things from work that we shared together. Everything was removed from the bookshelf and I put it out in the hall. Some things were packed up and some were placed on a shelf in the other room. I still have some more spackling along that wall that was in back of the shelf. The other walls do not look so full of holes except for the wall that backs to the master bedroom. It had a line of bookshelves and I don't remember what was behind there except for cracks in the plaster. I hope they are not too bad.
I have been invited to Ted's niece's baby shower in California. I don't think I can make it this year. I have too much going on. I also got an invitation to my cousin's daughter's wedding in Poughkeepsie, NY at the end of August. I hope I can go.
We got an inch of rain overnight last night and into the morning. It cleared up but rain is forecast all week. I'll have to cut the grass but the hedge is OK for this week. I should have cut the grass this afternoon but I was too tired. I hope I can get it done before the rain comes.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was on the computer and the phone most of the morning. I didn't get much done in the house or the yard. I should have cut the grass but I was waiting for an important phone call and didn't want to miss it.
I moved one of the computer tables out so I could prepare the wall for painting. There was some wrinkled wall paper that I cut off to make a smooth surface and there are a lot of holes that need spackling. I need to move the table out a little farther so I can get the step ladder in there. I need to pack up the things on the bookcase and move that out so I can do that wall. I guess I'll do one wall at a time.
Danny doesn't let me out of his sight. He wants to make sure I don't leave him. He should be in bed by now but he is on my lap.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I am beat. The traffic was heavy and I had to stop for gas. I took the next road that went over to route 9 and went to the bridge that way. It was much better. I'll have to use route 9 from now on.
I had to pick up Danny at Erica's. She had a riding lesson going on and was going over some business with the girls mother so I had to wait until Erica had a chance to get Danny's things. He was happy to see me. He didn't seem to mind I had Belle's scent on me. (My niece's dog)
We will get to bed early tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I arrived in chesapeake City in time for a thunderstorm. I only took in a few things and left the rest in the car. I had dinner at a local restaurant with my niece, Cheryl and her husband, Ed. Cherly and I got the light faire crab cake. It was good. I went to bed early as I was tired.
I got up early as I was expecting my friends, Phyllis and Len and my brother, Don. we went to lunch at a small restaurant across the street from Cherly and Ed who also came to visit and have lunch with us. After my company left, I went over to Cheryl's and got in her pool. It was refreshing. Ed is cooking dinner of stuffed peppers. It smells good.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The beautiful yellow lilies are blooming now. They were Ted's favorite.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, I'm back in business. I needed to scan something into the computer so I will have a copy. The scanner had not been re-connected when I brought my computer back from the shop. Well, I had to trace the wires down and then figure out where it plugged in. I have a photo of the wiring and I should have printed it out. I had to shut down the computer so I could partially pull the computer out with it's attachment of nearly a dozen cables and wires and then almost stand on my head to see the back of the computer. The wires are a jumbled mess. I straightened out some and finally found the place to plug in the scanner. It worked very well. I scanned the things I needed and then were to look up something on the Internet. I had no connection. I waited until later thinking Comcast had a problem. A few hours later, I still could not get on the Internet or email. I saw a message that I had seen the last time I had this problem about the router. I thought, "Oh, no! I already had one dead port. I don't have any spares." Then I noticed the modem was not on. I figured I would deal with it in the morning. The room is cooler then and I'll have more light. I was able to track down the power cord to the modem and found it had become unplugged. I must have pulled it out when I was tugging on the mess of wires. I still have a telephone cable coming out of the router and the other end is not plugged into anything. I guess I'll find out what it goes to when I try to do something and get an error message.
I went to the Home Depot in Vineland yesterday and got the paint for this computer room I intended to start yesterday afternoon. I got home, walked Danny, ate my lunch and fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up hot because the sun had heated up the sunroom and I need to put on the air conditioner. I went down to the basement and found the new dehumidifier needed it's bucket emptied. It has a hose and sump pump to empty the water outside but it's not working properly. I examined the connection and it seems to be hooked up correctly. At least I don't have to carry the bucket up the steps to empty it. I just dump it into the sump pump bucket and let the pump do it's job. I'll have to work on that because it is going to be hot and humid and I may not be here to empty the bucket. Anyway, I carried the step ladder up from the basement and that's as far as I got to doing the paint job on the room. I was just too exhausted to start. I took Danny out for his afternoon walk and then got ready to go to the Toastmaster's meeting. I enjoyed the meeting. Two of the members gave speeches. Phil talked about the electronic gadgets the we have to keep up with in the 21st century. Cell phones, cameras and HDTVs that we need an engineering degree to figure out how to use them. Tula spoke about he Greek heritage and how she got her name. Tula is her nickname. She has a Greek name that was her paternal grandfather's name. She told us of how her parents met and how they came to America. Her father came here in the 1930's and her mother had to flee Greece after WWII in the mist of a civil war. It was very interesting.
I stopped at the Shop-Rite on the East side on the way home and picked up some things I needed. I wasn't familiar with the layout of the store and was looking for the fudgesicles. I head a ball bouncing and saw a store employee enjoying himself bouncing a large ball. he saw me looking at him and we both smiled. It turns out he was the store manager and when I went to check out, the lines were long and he said come over here and he had someone open the register and check me out. Sometimes a smile goes a long way.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took my car to the Honda dealer. It needed to have the timing chain done. It is at 95,000 miles. It also needed something else done. I can't recall at the moment. Needless to say, the bill was astronomical. But we're on the road again.
I shredded sorted and shredded some more documents for the company. I couldn't fit all the stuff in the recycle bin. I found I must have disconnected my scanner when I took my computer in to be serviced. I'll have to try to figure out how to hook it back up. I have some documents that need copies.
My friend came to stay with me for a few days. It is good to have someone to share meals with and to have her company.
I have decided to paint this computer room rather than wall paper it. It will be a lot cheaper and will brighten up the room. I'll try to work on that tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got my ironing done today. I went to the hardware store and got a couple cabinet screws. They didn't have the right size either. The hardware man recommended the shorter screw. I hope it works. I seem to need one that is 1 1/8 inches. I went down to home depot to look at the wallpaper. When I went online, the cost was $19.95. At the store, it is $12.97. I wasn't sure of my calculation as to how much I will need so I'll have to do some more cogitation. I bought a corner piece for the edge of the wall that is cracking and peeling. That should work nicely. I'll have to cut it around the molding for the closet. It will need a couple cuts. I hope I don't mess it up.
I am having a guess come to stay with me. I had to move all the boxes out of the guest room. I shoved them into my walk-in closet and now, I can't walk into it. I'll be taking some of the boxes to the mobile home. I pack the car full but it doesn't seem to make much of a dent in the packed up boxes. I get a lot more in when I don't have to stuff a chair in the front seat.
I did some more shredding of old bank documents from the company. I still have a lot more to go through. It is cool in the morning and it get hot in the afternoon but cools down again when the sun goes down. I only have to run the air conditioner for a couple hours during the hottest time of the day. I hope it continues this way. It will save on the electric bill.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was up early and walked Danny. I ironed my outfit for church and some other things. A lot of people don't iron any more. They don't even own an iron. I have a lot of cotton clothes for the summer and in my opinion, they need ironing. Also when the clothes get squished in the closet, they need pressing. I didn't get too much done when I had to get ready for church. After I got dressed, I had a little time so I packed up my lighthouses in the bedroom with the lighthouse decor.
After church, I went to lunch with my friends. I ordered the crab cake. It was OK but not in comparison to the Maryland Crab cakes. They use very little fillers in the Maryland Crab cake recipe. Maryland Crab cakes taste like crab. NJ crab cakes taste like saw dust. They had so much filler one can't taste the crab.
I didn't do much this afternoon. I got back from lunch at 2:45 and it was hot. I turned on the soaker for the flowers. We only got a quarter of an inch of rain last night. It greened up the yard quite a bit but I should have watered the grass. Now I have to wait until Tuesday. I did pack up some sweat shirts and pants. I turned on the air on the sun porch and vegetated for awhile. It has cooled off now that the sun went down. I open the windows upstairs but not down. I put on the ceiling fans. The air flows through nicely upstairs. I can't wait until I can move into my mobile home. The cooling is more consistent with central air. Here, I only have two rooms that are air conditioned with window units. I do have one in this computer room but it is running on its last legs and I only run it if I'm in the room and it is oppressively hot.
It's almost time for Masterpiece so I'll sign off.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is the bast shot Don got at the concert. The lighting was bad for taking photos. At the end of the show, the lights came on and the Zombies were taking their bow. Unfortunately, Colin put his arm up as Don took the photo.
I got up early, threw in some wash, watered the plants, trimmed the hedge, and cut the grass. I went out to the storage bin to pay my bill and brought home the two banquet tables. It amazing what one can fit in a Honda. I was hoping to have everything out of the storage bin and not have to pay another month but I was away last week and couldn't get to it. I still have two desks and two file cabinets that my real estate lady would like. I just have to be home so her husband can get them.
Now I am done in. I don't usually do the grass and hedge on the same day. I only had to cut the front yard and half of the back. It has been extremely dry and there has not been much growth out back. The hedge didn't need too much trimming. It had not grown much either.
It's supposed to rain tonight but I dicided to water the flowers anyway. I can't depend on the rain. We may only get a sprinkle. The grass needs watering but we are on an even odd cycle. Houses with even numbers can only water on even numbered days. I'll have to wait until tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The Mauve Lilies were beautiful this year.
I tried to Flowerblog this morning but it didn't go right on my laptop and I was going to be late for work. I finished my job at North American Machine and am now home in Vineland. Danny is such a good little dog. He has no idea where I will be taking him when he gets in the car. He is ready for bed and came down the stairs to let me know it's time.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I’m tired. I got in from the concert around midnight. I usually go to bed around 10:00. Danny was waiting up for me to take him out. He doesn’t like to go in the back yard; he must think it is part of the living area. The concert was good. It was held in an old movie theatre that had been refurbished. It was the big old theatre with a large stage and four sections of seating. It was located in an upscale town in Philadelphia’s suburbs. There were 3 British Rock Groups. Two I either never heard of or had forgotten about them. The Zombies were the star attraction but they scaled down there performance since there were three groups. Each performed about 45 minutes.
We made good time coming home. It took about 40 minutes and it was on the other side of PHL. It was mostly all expressway driving skirting around the congested areas.
The job is going well. It’s hard to remember the procedures from last year and the computer has changed. Maggie didn’t write them down for me because she didn’t know I would be coming. I guess they decided they needed me the first day she was out on vacation.
I’ll have to get my grass cut on Saturday before the storms come. I hope the hedge doesn’t need to be trimmed. And I hope it does rain and is not a false alarm. I hat watering.
Well, I’m ready to fall asleep in my seat so I’ll sign off for now.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I am off to a British Rock Concert with my brother Don. I won't be back until late so I'll do some more blogging tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up at 5:30. I gathered up the trash, put it out, walked Danny, and packed up the car. I went to eat my cereal and found I had no milk. I grabbed a granola bar and headed out the door for PA. Danny knows when I’m getting near the WaWa that is half way. I guess, when I come off the expressway, he can tell that things have changed. He was napping and got up, looked out the window and started whining. He knew we were near the WaWa where he could get out and stretch his legs.
We arrived at my brother’s around 9am. We made good time. We got here in an hour even with the stop at Wawa. I had brought my cereal and some fruit so I ate here, made my lunch, and went off to work at North American Machine. I worked 5 hours today and got home around 3:30. It’s only about a 15 minute drive.
I am beat now. I should sleep good tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was wiped out yesterday. I had one of my migraine spells but without the headache. I had all the other symptoms of nausea, tiredness, light sensitivity, achy eyes, weakness. I didn’t have a thermomitor so I don’t know if I had a fever. Symptoms of a dozen other deseases so I wondered if I had lyme disease, swine flu, rocky mountain fever, or something else. My niece and her husband, Cheryl and Ed, took me to my nephew Rick’s to celebrate the fourth. Both Rick and Michelle’s family were there. Cheryl wasn’t feeling well either. They had been out overnight in their houseboat. They watch the fireworks display from the boat. The bay was a little choppy and Cheryl still felt like she was going up and down.
The food was good and I overstuffed myself. They had crabs that we had to crack open. They were a mess. I had two but they were so much work one would starve to death trying to eat them. They also served hamburgers and hot dogs. Everyone brought a dish. I got some cole slaw at the Redner’s Supermarket and hoped it was good. I like the Acme’s cole slaw but I don’t see any around here. Someone made a spinach salad with strawberries and a poppy seed dressing. That was real good. Someone brought potato salad and my sister-in-law, Sylvia brought another cole slaw. I had some of everything and reclined in the chaise with Danny. It was a good day for the pool but I didn’t feel up to it.
We came home around five thirty and I took Danny out for his walk. We didn’t get far when he heard some fire crackers and headed for home. He was terrified and didn’t know where to hide. I put his portable kennel in the bedroom behind the door and showed it to him. He went in it for awhile but came out and went from one end of the house to the other. He looked in all the closets and hid behind the toilet. When I went to bed, he jumped in with me and nearly laid on my head. I moved over and he stayed there for the rest of the night.
I went to the little church again today. Some of the people remembered me. The minister was away so they had the youth minister preach. I like how this church keeps to schedule. They also have dinners on Thursday with small group meetings afterward. I liked that about the Nazarene Church that we used to go to. I think this church will work out just fine. They have a good sense of community.
The manager cut my grass again this week. He son had a problem with his mower. The iris garden was so choked with weeds that we pulled up the wooden boundary thingy and she mowed them all down. The roots are still in good shape so the irises will come back. I can plant some of mine in there too.
My nephew, Rick is on his way over and so is Ed. Ed has my lawn furniture on his truck and will be bringing it over. The manager, Jannine will be lending me a futon until I get my furniture move in. Rick and Ed can bring it up from the mobile parks garage.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I gave five ticks a burial at sea today. Every time we go out, I find a tick either on me or in Danny’s fur. This morning, I felt something on my face like a strand of hair out of place. I brushed it back and found a tick crawling near my eye. Totally gross. This afternoon, I took off my sneakers and there was a tick on my sock that was inside my shoe. I looked them up on the internet and they appear to be dog ticks. When I went to make the bed, there was one on Danny’s pillow. I try to stay in the short grass. I don’t know how we are so lucky to get all these ticks. I had leopard shin sheets on the bed. I took them off and put white sheets. I want to be able to see these things.
I fixed the door that the movers damaged. I get a recording every time I call the owner and he doesn’t call me back. I got tired of the frame flapping around and was afraid it would get damaged further.
I thought I was spraying the weeds with weed killer and when I got done, I found I was spraying with bug spray. I hope it kills the ticks but I’ll have to spray the weeds again. I weeded the little circle garden where the red maple is and I planted some flowers that I had brought from home. I got a geranium for Easter and two small impatiens from the Red Hat group.
This afternoon, I went to the Home Depot. I needed a couple cabinet screws. They had every size except what I needed. I bought a towel rack with pot holder hooks to put under the island cabinet near the sink.
I stopped at the Redmond’s Super Market on the way home. It is an employee owned store. The prices seemed reasonable and they had 10 for 10 items. It was a full service market.
Poor Danny, someone set off fireworks last night. He didn’t know where to hide. He went into a closet at the back of the mobile home. He came out after a while and crawled onto my pillow. I had to move to the other side of the bed.
On my way to and from the store, I saw these big tents and thought they were farmer markets. They were selling fire works and they were packed. Danny will be terrified tonight. The girl next door said her dog is terrified, too. I guess it’s legal to set them off down here below the Mason – Dixon.
I spent a lot of time on my computer this morning. I installed the camera software and it downloaded some programs. I also had to download some Microsoft software. It seemed to take forever. I’ll post the Friday Flower Blog if I can find where the photo is located. I don’t remember where I saved it too.
I got some more paint swatches at Home Depot. I didn’t really like what I had. I got 3 on each card so I had a lot to choose from. I’ve narrowed it down to a couple. I’ll see how they look in the morning sunlight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I awoke at 6am hoping to get an early start. I walked Danny and found the grass was very wet. I wanted to cut it around 8 am but had to wait until it dried out. I started packing up the car with things I wanted to take to MD. There seemed to be so many things to do. I got the mail and found the IRS sent another letter about the same problem saying they haven’t received my 941 for Dec 2006. I get a letter every six months and I send or fax or both the form. I talked to a lady today and faxed the form. She received it and didn’t find any problems except she wanted me to fax the second page again with my signature and today’s date on it. It is a real pain to fax things. I have to get the fax machine off the shelf, unplug the phone, plug in the fax and then struggle with the thing to send the fax. Well, I got that done and hopefully it will be resolved. Although, I thought that last October when I faxed it to another lady.
My real estate lady called and wanted to bring some other people from her office to go through my house and make suggestions and to be sure I have it priced correctly. I told her I was going away and would leave her the key. I took it to her office which is two blocks away. I don’t know how the suggestions can help. No one comes to look at the house so no one can possibly know what it looks like. I just hope the price is OK. I don’t want to give the house away.
I cut the grass at 11:00 and it was getting hot and sticky. I took about an hour. Danny was still napping so I showered and had some lunch before walking him. After his walk, I put him in the car and took off. We went to the Post Office Box to mail a letter, stopped at the WaWa for gas at 2.439/gal, and off we went. We made one pit stop at Richman’s Ice Cream and resumed our trip. Traffic was heavy in DE. People were head for the Delaware Beaches. I was glad when I turned off Route 13 and headed for MD. Danny started whining but then climbed up on my pocketbook which was on the center arm rest. He liked it there. He had a good view out the front. I have him is a car harness that is attached to the center seatbelt. He can walk around the back seat and look out the windows. However, these trips to MD have half of the back seat filled with boxes and crammed with everything I can fit in.
I had to unpack the car when I got here. It takes awhile having to do it by myself. I started the wash from the weekend. I wanted to try out the washer and dryer. I washer made a noise like my old one did before it died. The dryer ran well. I’m glad I tried it out because I just bought a new washer seven or eight months ago. I’ll have the movers move it in here and toss the one here out on the curb. Someone will take it off my hands. I’ll sell the dryer.
After I got settled in I was hungry. Everything was frozen and the pans were in the dishwasher. I went over to the custard stand next to my niece’s house and got a hamburger, fries, and coleslaw. It was good. I heard they had good food and I wanted to get take out.
After dinner, I did some reading and took Danny for his evening walk. He wanted to go over and see who the teenage girls were hanging out on the corner. I had to half drag him in the other direction. He kept trying to turn around. He really wanted to meet those girls. They left the corned and started for their houses. They caught up and passed us so Danny got going in the right direction. He really picked up the pace following the girls. Then he barked at a teenage boy who lives down the end of the road. He’s a funny little dog. He looks in all the rooms and closets here, sniffing around. He is waiting for me to go to bed. It’s about time so I guess I’ll turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another Pit bull! I just took Danny out for his evening walk and a young man was walking his pit bull. Danny barked at it and the man took his dog to sit. It was on a leash and across the street but I turned Danny around and we went another way. At the Chesapeake Estates, they only allow little dogs. There is a problem there, though and that is ticks. I pulled another dead tick out of Danny’s fur tonight. It looked too big for a deer tick and too small for a dog tick. Just the same, ticks gross me out.
I went over the bills and sent out what needed to be sent. I trimmed the hedge after it dried off a bit. I was tired out afterward and it was hot and sticky by noon. I walked Danny and talked to a neighbor. We talked about the flowers and plants. She has some nice ones, too. I just met her a few weeks ago. She has lived here for five years. She came to be near her daughter and then her daughter lost her home and had to move in with her in-laws. She lives further away and she doesn’t get to see her. She is sad that she just met me and I’m moving away.
After lunch, I became a couch potato and feel asleep. The mimosas are blooming and I am allergic to them. I wake up feeling sick. I had the windows open to let in the cool air.
After dinner, I gave Danny his bath. He is funny, he hates getting a bath but he comes when I call him and even jumps up on the side of the tub. What a disappointed dog he looks when I put him in the water. He does, however, look happy when I dry him off. He plays with the towels and likes being dried. He has been playing with his toy bone ever since. His bath gives him a burst of energy.
I’m going to have to cut the grass in the morning. I was just too tired to do both today. I was too tired to go to Toastmaster’s. I had signed up but it’s just too much driving.
News from the Vorlon Wife.