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Rebecca and Jeff Cahill
I got up late this morning. I edged and trimmed the front walk, curb, and flowerbed. It was an exhausting job. The line kept breaking and I cannot pop the thing off to fix it. I have to use plyers, a large adjustable wrench and a screwdriver to pry the thing off. It was frustrating. I only got the front done and it was past lunchtime. I took Danny out for his walk and Melissa called. A couple wanted to see the house. I tried rushing Danny home so I could straighten up and get some lunch before they came. The couple is from Rhode Island. The man got a job down here and needs a house quikly. Let's hope he chooses mine.
While I was showing the garage, June called to remind me of the movie night at the Parsonage. He was serving hot dogs and everytone was to bring something. I got some coleslaw at the Acme on the way. It was a movie about FDR. It was very interesting about how he founded the Warm Springs rehab in Georgia for Polio victims.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I did it again. I feel asleep during Masterpiece. I not only missed the end but missed most of it. I was briefly awakened when Danny leaped up on my chest startling me for a second. I will download my photos tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We just got back from my cousin’s daughter’s wedding reception. It was a lovely wedding and reception. I’ll download the photos on Monday. It has been a long day and I am tired.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My east side impatient garden. I planter the lavender flowers and the others came up from previous years. Last year, I planted raspberry and white. The year before, I planted pink and I don't remember planting the red ones. It must have three years ago. The pale orchard puff of buds at the top right is a showy sedum. It is just starting and will be in full bloom in Sept and Oct.
I took several shots this morning of what is blooming. I didn't pland much this year as I thought I would have sold my house. I wanted to plant at my new home. I have only a few plants there. Ones that I got for Easter or received as gifts. I will be digging up my bulbs and taking them down there. I'll get as many as I can.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I knocked myself out cutting the hedge and the grass. I still have to edge, trim, and weed. I was beat. After lunch, I went to the Acme and got some food. I was running low.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was down at my mobile home. I took some more things down. I moved a lot of boxes out of my house in Vineland. There are some boxes I haven't moved yet. I kept my photos here but I guess I'll move them down because I wouldn't be able to find anything that has been packed up anyway. I was going to wait until I got my computers moved because I'm always scanning and sending a photo to someone. I took my winter clothes and boots. I hope I won't have to bring them back. I haven't had anymore bites on my house.
I finally figured out why the people were asking about the basement and the attic. They are looking to have 2 or 3 families move in with them. The house across the street has TV's in the basement, the first floor, the second floor and the attic. I can see them in the windows. I don't know how many families live there.
Danny has come to call me to go to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I have notice a lot of crow feathers around the yard and the neighborhood. I guess the crows are molting but I never noticed that many feathers before.
Not much to report today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do much today. I sent out some bills and made some phone calls. I took the dehumidifier up to Sicklerville. It is under warranty but there are 10 dehumidifiers ahead of mine. It may take a couple weeks. The summer will be over by then and I may not need it.
I walked Danny but the heat and humidity are still oppressive and it just takes all my energy out of me. I stay in the air conditioned sunporch and vegetate. Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, I did it again. I fell asleep just in time to miss the end of Masterpiece.
Dr. Donchez preached today. He is a powerful speaker. He spoke on walking with Jesus and whether we knew what that meant. Would we be willing to face the unjust arrest, interrogation, torture and crucifixion?
I had lunch with 3 of my church friends. Three of us are widows and one has a husband with severe Alzheimer's. We eat out on Sunday because we do not like eating alone.
I am ready to join Danny and go to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Marmora, near Ocean City this morning. My friend from Toastmasters was having a speaker at his church talk on Christian Apologetics. I was glad I was able to go. It was very interesting and I learned a lot. Ted studied Christian Apologetics. No it is not about apologizing, it is about trust.
I had to rush home, walk Danny and rush off to my church to a memorial service. My friend's 48 year old son died. The church was packed and it was a long service. Someone put together a video of his life and it was about a half hour long. The church was hot. The air conditioner could not keep up with the heat and the amount of people in the room.
I came home and crashed on the sofa. It rained most of the day and it was difficult getting Danny out between showers. He was awake most of last night terrified of the thunder and lightning. The thunder was very loud and the lightning lit things up for about three hours between 4 and 7am. I hope we can get some sleep tonight. Danny either tried to sleep on my head or hid under the bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I stayed with my brother, Rick and Sylvia while I was working at my brother, Don's company.
Sylvia's roses were in bloom. They are quite beautiful.
My laptop is fixed so I should have it when I travel now.
News from the Vorlon Wife
It's hot! It's 10:30 at night and it's 83 degrees. I just sit in the air conditioned sunporch or go to my bedroom which is also air conditioned. We had such a cool summer up until now. I didn't need to put the AC on at night. It is also very humid. Those hurricanes pump the moist tropical air up here. It's supposed to rain and cool off but it's taking it's good ole time about it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I picked up my computer today. It had a virus. I got my glasses fixed yesterday. That was a freebie. The plumber came yesterday and installed the new hot water heater here in Vineland. The humidifier still leaks. His assistant thought he had fixed it but no dice. The thing is defective. It has a year warranty so I'll have to call and get it serviced. The problem is I need it in this terrible humidity. It works but I can't attach the hose to the sump pump and have to empty the bucket. At least I can empty the bucket into the sump pump bucket and I don't have to carry it up the steps.
I took the air-conditioner out of the computer room window and put in a window fan. I have it pulling the hot air from the computers out of the room. It makes a big difference. I also have the ceiling fan going so it is tolerable in here.
Well, I better get going to the Toastmaster's meeting.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Here we are at Sam's Place.
Left to Right: Aunt Jean with son, Scott, our cousins, Erin and Meaghan, and me.
I have been running back and forth to PA, MD, and NJ. I am exhausted. My laptop is not working so I was unable to write on my blog. I have to take it to the shop. My glasses need fixing. I have been wearing my old ones and they give me a headache. I have to take them to Walmart to get fixed. The plumber is coming tomorrow. My hot water heater here in Vineland is leaking. I cut the grass Saturday and a bee flew into my ear and stung me. It is OK but what luck. I also knocked a whole glass of ice tea over and it spilled all over my lap and down my pants. I felt like I jumped into a swimming pool with my clothes on.
I have photos of Sat. night with my Aunt, my brother, and my cousins. I'll post them tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Beautiful stargazer lily blooming at my mobile home.
I am at my Aunt Jeans's. My cousin's daughters, erin and Megham drove up from Georgia yesterday. They arrived last night. It is the first time we have met them. They are lovely girls. We talked until nearly two am. We have all been invited to Jean's niece's for a baby christening. Everyone is excited about getting together. I haven't seen Aunt Jean's nieces for years. and what a wonderful opportunity for Erin and Meghan to meet their relatives.
It took me awhile to log on using Aunt Jean'scomputer. The address is extremely long and I must have entered it incorectly. but I finally got here. I am usually up at 5:30 but slept until 7:30 today. It is pouring down rain and I an patiently awaiting for Aunt Jean to wake up and get the coffee going. I don't know how to work her coffee maker. Maybe I'll give it a try. The aroma should wake everyone up.
Jean and I had dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. I like their crab cakes. Most of yesterday, we waited for Erin and Meghan to arrive. I talked her into the last few miles when their GPS took them in a crazy direction. I had to wait uuntil her gave some landmarks so i could figure out how to get her here. It was hard in the dark.
Well, it's time to get the coffe going.''
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The yellow glads bloom late in July and early August. This is one of my favorites and I'm glad I didn't dig it up and give to one of my niece's because I have lost track of who I gave what to. I will dig this one up and take to MD.
News for the Vorlon Wife.
I was up early and again this morning and wrote up my to do list. I went through most of the list including getting the house ready for another showing. A young family came to look at it. They seemed to like it but one never knows. They little boy liked Danny and the bicycles I had in the basement even thought they were too big for him. He was about 4 or 5.
I went to Bible Study after they left and saw the third installment of the film, "Peter and Paul". It was an excellent film.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was up early and again this morning and wrote up my to do list. I went through most of the list including getting the house ready for another showing. A young family came to look at it. They seemed to like it but one never knows. They little boy liked Danny and the bicycles I had in the basement even thought they were too big for him. He was about 4 or 5.
I went to Bible Study after they left and saw the third installment of the film, "Peter and Paul". It was an excellent film.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a busy day today. I finally got that hedge trimmed. The problem with cutting it in the morning when its supposed to be cool is that the sun shines under the trees and I have no shade. I had a lot of phone calls. The man from Ranch Hope called to make an appointment to pick up the desks and file cabinets at the storage bin. I asked for his next appointment and he said he could be there today at 11:30. I cleaned up, got the taxes ready, and took off for the facility. They were prompt and loaded the items on their truck. They are a charitable organization and they have an auction for the items.
I went to the PO and mailed the taxes, then stopped by Sonia's and took her some things. We had a nice visit.
I am off to Toastmasters meeting.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I intended to get the hedge trimmed early but I had to find some documents to take to Ann's office to make copies. By the time I found what I needed copied and took them to Ann's and got back, it was too hot and humid to do any work outside. I have to wear long pants and long sleeve shirt so I don't get all scratched up. I just vegetated in the airconditioning.
I'm kinda bummed out. I'm paying for a storage bin that had the office stuff in it. Everything is out except two desks, two filing cabinets and a chair. I have no way of getting them out of there. I called a charitable organization and a used office furniture dealer and had no luck. I was hoping to get them moved to my garage but I have to depend on friends who have trucks. One friend volunteered but has long working hours and hasn't been able to do it. I hate having to be dependent on others. Maybe a couple of the men from church can help me but the man who has the truck is older and I don't know if he is able to lift the desks up there.
I hope I can get that hedge done tomorrow before the rains come. The grass also needs cutting again. It seems like I just cut it.
My laptop is not able to get onto the internet. The message says to call the manufacturer. I didn't renew the service plan so I guess I'll have to pay to get it working. It's always something.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was up early again this morning. I got my coffee and went to work on the computer. I filed my Homestead Rebate and realized I never received my tax refund. I sent an email to Trenton and got a reply that they have no record of my return. I sent it twice. I have confirmation that both of them were delivered. I cost me $4.95 each to get the confirmations. I don't know what the government does with these things. Now, I have to make copies and send them again. I have to find another copy of my W2 forms. I don't know if I have any more except for the one I'm supposed to keep.
I took the program brochure I did for the Nature Club to the office where I used to work. I ran off 75 copies for the members. I'll have to go back tomorrow to run off copies of my tax stuff and take to the Post Office again and pay another $4.95 for delivery confirmation. I should have paid the $20.00 extra to have Turbo Tax send it. There must be a black hole that sucks the forms into it.
I didn't do much else today. I rinsed the rug I shampoo yesterday one more time. It felt sticky. It came out real nice.
I'm tired so I'm off to join Danny to count some z's.
News from the Vorlon Wife
This morning, I was up early again. I shampooed the little blue rug on my sunporch and weeded the southwest corner of the west side of my flower garden. It was full of crab grass with some regular grass, zoysia grass, and nut grass. It covered my irises. I clipped down the sumac and trimmed the rose bushes.
I got ready, walked Danny, and went to church. We had communion today so the service ran late. We went to the Red Lobster for lunch. Joan had some coupons so we all got $2.00 off our meal.
It was after three thirty when I got home. It was drizzling a little and Danny did not want to walk. He kept turning back toward home so I brought him back in. He usually doesn't mind a little drizzle. It had been raining harder earlier when I was in church and in the restaurant. We got about a half inch. Phila. area got hit harder. They got from one to four inches in an hour. A lot of the roads were flooded.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted liked to capture the big splash as the ocean waves crashed along the jetty. He took this July 30, 2005. We used to go to the shore every Saturday afternoon after we finished with our chores and yardwork. I haven't been there yet this summer so I took a trip through Ted's photos.
I got up early again today. It was cooler this morning so I got my ironing done. My brother, Don, called a little after 7am. He had just taken his car to be service. I wondered who was calling that early. He had some boxes for me from work. I left a note for Maggie, who I filled in for last month, to remind Don to bring home the empty copy paper boxes. They are great for packing things in. She put them in his office and he said, "What the hecks all this?" She told him they were for me. He had forgotten.
I did some weeding on the southwest side this morning. The crab grass had gone wild and so had the zoia grass. I don't like the zoia grass. It reminds me of crab grass. The crab grass is easier to pull out then the zoia. The zoia send runners three inches under the soid.
I gave Danny his bath a little while ago. He is still wet. I didn't use the haair dryer. It is too hot out. He can cool off by air drying. He is nice and clean and white.
I better get some dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.