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My mattress set was delivered this afternoon. I put it in the yellow room and made up the bed. When I go back to Maryland, it will be all ready for me to jump into. I dragged the air mattress I was sleeping on out to the Master Bedroom and put it on top of the other air mattress. I should have thought of it before. It made the bed higher and was quite comfortable. I had my car packed up and after I made up the bed, I finished my tea and took off for Vineland.
We got home in time for Danny's afternoon walk and I made some dinner for us. He had dog food and I had spaghetti and meatballs. He is off to bed and I will be joining him shortly.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had an appointment with a friend to go over some work that needed to be done. Some little things like the dishwasher door not closing properly and advise on what I need to do about the back door. It is smaller than a regular door at 28x76. I looked at the doors at the mobile home store and they were as junky as the on I have. They did have a nicer one but it was as junky as the on I have. They did have a nicer one but it was 34x76. I have to go to Home Depot and get one custom made which will cost more.
I walked Danny down the road today but the road is narrow with no shoulder. It has a curve just beyond the mobile home park and I have to get into the weeds when a car comes. This evening, I walked him around the mobile home park and met a nice couple walking their little dog. They welcomed me to the neighborhood and we chatted for a bit. Their dog was a female Yorki. She was a pretty dog with a silky coat. Everyone comments on Danny’s ears. They are unique to him.
I ran to the WaWa after dinner. It is a 40 minute trip. I’ll have to open a bank account at PNC which is near the library and Post Office. The WaWa doesn’t charge any fees for the ATM. I don’t know if PNC charges any fees or not. The bank I have in Vineland does not charge fees.
I looked up in my camera manual how to hook up my camera to the TV. I have to use the VCR tuner because my TV is El Cheapo and doesn’t have a port to connect the camera. I have to play around a little to find the channel. It’s hard because I’m not hooked up to cable. Anyway, I found it on Line 1. On the in Vineland, it is AUX. When I get a new digital TV and DVR, I’ll have to learn everything anew. It’s hard to keep up with it all.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This morning, I took Danny into town to walk around. We walked around the streets and the canal front and then headed for the canal road. We had a nice walk and I will post the photos on my other computer. We walked under the bridge and down the dirt road along the canal. Danny did not have a view of the canal because he is too short. There was a mound of dirt and stones about 15 inches high along the side of the road. I saw some boats go by. Some went fast and some about the speed we were walking. We kept a good pace because there were not so many places where other dogs marked the territory.
We had some lunch when we got back and I found the instructions on how to operate the oven. Danny went in for a nap. He must have been tired from his workout. I got ready and went to a furniture store in DE. I ordered a queen size mattress set for one of the guest bedrooms. Yippy! No more sleeping on air mattresses. It will be delivered on Wednesday.
It’s almost time for Danny’s afternoon walk.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It had rained Saturday night into Sunday morning. I walked Danny in the rain. I put his coat on so he didn’t seem to mind the rain but he did not do his business. That meant I’d have to walk him again in the rain. He got soaking wet in spite of his coat. His legs were soaked and so was his belly. He has short little legs and he seems to like to walk in the tall grass. I had to get ready for church so I hoped he’d be OK until I got back.
It stopped raining as I got to church. I sat in back of two people who sang in the choir. They invited me to join them. They practice right after church so I stayed and sang with them. I told them I didn’t know where I’d be from one week to the next but they said it’s OK. Everyone was very nice. So if I’m in Chesapeake City next Sunday, I’ll be singing in the Choir.
I unpacked some more of my things. I brought my glass Dutch oven so I could bake my winter squash. I wasn’t able to bake it because the oven did not have a dial but was all push button and I didn’t know how to work it. I wondered why it looked like it had never been used. I guess the lady who lived here before me didn’t know how to use it either. They did leave some booklets on the appliances so I have to hope the oven booklet is in there and study it to figure out how the thing works.
I ran to the Acme to get some milk for breakfast and a few other things I had on my list. There is no corner WaWa here. I have to drive to everything. Town is one mile which isn’t bad but there is not much in town. The town hall is there and a lot of little tourist shops. There is a Café for breakfast and lunch and a few expensive restaurants. There are a lot of Antique Shops and Art Galleries. The Post Office, Bank, and Library are located on the other side of town. I don’t think they are in the city limits. I think the city limits are both the little towns located on each side of the canal. I am on the south side and the north side has no stores at all that I can see. It is all residential with a Fire House and two churches; Presbyterian and Roman Catholic. The south side has three churches; Episcopal, Methodist, and AME. There is also a big Marina. The marina on the north side is closed. The restaurant that owned the marina has been out of business and the new owner has had problems getting open.
Danny is up so I have to take him out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I traveled down to Chesapeake City this afternoon. I arrived just in time for Rick, Sylvia, Cheryl, and Ed to stop by. Rick and Sylvia are babysitting for Rick, 3rd’s children. Cheryl and Ed showed them how to get to Rick, 3rd’s house from here. When they returned, I met them at Baker’s Restaurant for dinner. We had a nice dinner. I had the cod, Cheryl had a crab cake and Ed had a Chesapeake Burger. We shared some Chesapeake Fries. They are fries topped with crabmeat and covered with cheese. They were yummy.
I brought some more things down with me. I brought some shelves that came apart to fit in my car and a clothes tree for the livingroom. The closets are all in the bedrooms. I also brought three white plastic chairs. Good thing I did otherwise, I wouldn’t have had enough chairs for everyone to sit on. I brought a rug for Danny to lie on next to me while I type. He seems to be content to do that. I also brought some throw rugs for the yellow room. My nephew, Bob, painted the purple room yellow. It looks nice.
The Advantix seems to have done the trick for Danny’s fleas. I put it on him yesterday and I see no trace of the fleas today. The Advantix also repels mosquitoes which are very bad now. All the rain has been good for the bugs.
It started to rain when we were in the restaurant. I don’t know if Danny will go out. I take him out around 8pm. After his walk, I will watch one of the movies Don lent me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Hybiscus were growing in pots outside the Harbor View Marina Ice Cream Store. This one is yellow. They were very beautiful.
A red hybiscus at the Harbor View Marina
The Harbor View Marina on the Sassafras River near Cecilton, MD.
I was tired when I got in from Toastmaster's and fell asleep on the sofa. I talked to my real estate lady in the morning to go over the strategy for selling this house. We both researched online the houses listed in this area so we could decide on a competitive price. There are so many on the market the buyers have the advantage.
I took my car to the Honda dealer. The maintenance light was on. I means it's time for an oil change but I'm not due until October. The mileage isn't close either. I needed a new battery so I had that put in. I walked over to the health food store and got some vitamin D3. The lab sent me a copy of my blood work and I was low on vitamin D. I stopped taking it for the summer as I am out in the sun daily walking Danny. I didn't think I would need the supplement. I guess I thought wrong.
I unpacked the rest of my stuff I brought back from MD and packed up stuff to be moved out.
I went to an executive meeting of the Toastmaster's in Ocean City. We discussed a few things about how to attract new members and whether we should find another meeting place. We will look into these things.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a busy day yesterday. I did some chores around here and then headed out. I went to the Library and got a card and went to the Post Office. They are located right near each other. I dropped a soaker hose off at my niece's house which was across the street. Ted and I bought it for our Vineland home but we never put it in place. After that, I headed south for Dottie's place at Indian Acres. I took Danny for a little walk and then Dottie and I went out for lunch. We went to the quaint little town of Galena. It is located on the Sassafras River. We found a little Pizza restaurant and got the steak and onion stromboli special. It was delicious. After lunch, we walked around the little town. Unfortunately, the little shops were closed on Monday but we peeked in the windows. We went over to the Marina and looked out at all the yachts. We marveled at how all the people could afford them especially in this economy. It was a beautiful view. It took a couple photos and also of the lovely hibiscus they had in front of the ice cream store. (It too was closed).
When we got back to Indian Acres, one of Dottie's neighbors gave her a bag of crab legs. She had gone crabbing and got four bushels of crabs. She goes out on the Wye River which is further south. The place where she goes out cooks the crabs and I guess takes the legs off. I don't know what happens to the rest of the crab. Maybe the lady takes the crab meat out of them for crab cakes. We were over stuffed from lunch so we put them in the frig for later. We walked Danny around the camp ground and talked with Dottie's sister and her cousins. We walked further and looked at the sites that were for sale. People own the land at this campground. It is very inexpensive and some people live there year round.
The mosquitoes were bad so we had to sit indoors. We were talking the time away when I looked out at the sun and realized it was nearly sunset. I looked at the clock and it was 6:35. We got out the crab legs and spread newspapers on the table. Dottie got out the mallets and nut crackers. The fresh crabs came apart easily and the meat came right out. We enjoyed our feast. Danny had to settle for dog food. He didn't seem to complain. Maybe he didn't like the smell of them.
Before we started eating the crabs, I helped Dottie put her bicycle in her van. She found it in the trash bin area. It needs new tires but it will be a nice bike for her to ride either at Indian Acres or at her mobile home park in Delaware.
It was dark went I headed back to Chesapeake City. It is way out in the Boonies down here and there are no street lights. There are corn fields all along the roads and I hoped I turned in the correct direction. There was no sun to tell east from west and I couldn't see the North Star from the car. I guess I could have gotten out to get my bearings but I turned left and then right. Thankfully, I went the right way and found the highway. It is only a 20 minute ride but a dark and lonely one. The town of Cecilton has street lights but it is a tiny little town. We had an enjoyable day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was 48 degrees this morning. I didn't bring my heavy sweatshirt jacket but I do have my winter coat here. I put it on and I took Danny up on the hill across the road. I saw a fox. He saw me at the same time and trotted off in the opposite direction. There are lots of trails up on the hill but I need to get a hiking permit to go up there. It is state hunting grounds. Needless to say, I wouldn't be hiking up there during hunting season.
After our walk, I went to the supermarket to get some food. I rushed through breakfast and showering and made it to church on time.
After church, I walked Danny again and went to my brothers for his birthday. I left Danny at my brother, Don's house and went to my brother Rick's. There were going to too many people at Rick's so I didn't want to take Danny there.
It was a lovely day. Warm and sunny. Everyone had a nice time. Don lent me a couple DVD's. I don't have cable yet and my tpe player went kaput. The DVD player works but I have very few DVD's. I'll have to check out the library here and see what is available.
I watched one of Don's movies and now I'll read for awhile and then turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Unbelievable! The air conditioner was running this afternoon and tonight it's going down to 45. I'll have to switch it to heat.
I went down the road to a Farm Stand and got some mums for the front of the mobile home. They were 10 for $15.00. I got yellow ones. They look real pretty. I put them in planters that the former owner left behind. One has pretty green foliage pouring out of it and it looks pretty with the yellow flowers above it.
When I got back, I had some lunch and walked Danny. My niece called and invited me to go with them to a get together at her husband's sister's. They don't live too far from here. Ed's mother made a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. She also made an eye roast and two homemade cakes, vanilla and chocolate and a homemade coconut custard pie. We had a nice time visiting with Ed's family.
On the way home, Dottie called and was getting ready to come down. She stopped in on her way to her trailer at the Indian Acres Campground. We had a nice visit. She liked my plant stand and plants in the kitchen window. It is a wooden plant stand and the Venetian blinds and wood grain. They look nice together.
I met another neighbor when I was walking Danny. His dogs ran out and the little one snapped at Danny. I picked Danny up and Leo settled down. He and Danny became friends. The man's name is Bob and his wife is Carol. He looked to be about my age. There were a lot of Carol's born around the same time I was. You don't hear babies being named Carol anymore. I went to school with about 10 Carols including my good friend who lived across the street.
Bob was taking his dogs up the hill across the street. I don't know what's up the hill; the trail goes into the woods. I started to go up there in the spring but there were ticks all over the place including my yard. I sprayed the yard but I would have to pick them off Danny when I walked him around the neighborhood. I don't see any now. Maybe they died off. Now the fleas are rampant. I met a man in the store looking for something to spray his house for fleas. Last week, I found fleas on Danny even though he has the Frontline Plus. They are supposed to die within twelve hours but I saw flea dirt on him yesterday. I don't know if it's the same flea or if he picked up some new ones. I wasn't able to pick them off. His fur is too thick and curly. They are smaller than ticks and you can't feel whether you caught it or not. I'll have to call the vet to see what I should do.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I unpacked some of my boxes today. I went to take Danny out for a walk after lunch and I locked myself out. Fortunately, my nieces husband, Ed was home and had an extra key. As soon as I closed the door I realized I left my keys in the house. It turns out, Ed's key opened the back door. It fits in the front keyhole but doesn't turn. I would have really been stuck. After Ed rescued me, I went with him to the Home Depot. I forgot my list but remembered what I needed. I got a new latch for the front storm door. The old one was missing a screw and I was afraid it would jam and I wouldn't be able to get in. I got some gliders that go on the bottom of the chair legs. One was missing and the nail head was sticking out. I was afraid it would scratch my pergo floor. I got strainers for the bathroom sinks. The drain hole has a long drop before the basket catches anything that falls down. I got a stopper for the bathtub and a haircatcher for the other tub. I needed some lightbulbs. A globe lightbulb for my Tiffany Chandelier and a bulb for the ceiling fan light. I did pretty well, usually I can't find what I need. I unpacked the glasses and put them in the dishwasher. "They were wrapped in newspaper and the print probably came off on therm. I dusted off the blinds in the kitchen; they were really dusty. Danny is looking at me wondering when I'm going to eat dinner. He ate most of his but is waiting to see if he's going to get something better. Sorry, Danny but crabcakes are not on your menu.
I wanted to go to the farmers market but its hours are 3-7pm and now I'm too tired. I think I'll snuggle up with my book.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
PM Update.
I went to the fellowship dinner at the Medodist Church in Chesapeake City. I met the Pastor as I walked in. Her name is Pastor Amy. She introduced me to some people who live in the Mobile Home Park. I had dinner with them. Chicken Salad Sandwiches and Chicken Noodle Soup was served. The two little boys at my table had two bowls and took a bowl home with them. After the dinner, I went to Pastor Amy's class. It was on Doing Good and what does it mean to do Good.
Everyone was very nice and welcomed me. I am anxious to get moved in here and start my new life. Pastor Amy offered a prayer for my home in Vineland to sell. My church in Vineland is also praying for my house to sell even though they don't want to see me go. It is hard to leave friends. I have had to do it a number of times and it doesn't get any easier.
Whoops. I almost forgot to feed Danny. He only ate a little at 4:00 and I walked him when I got home from church. He stood there looking at me and then went to bed. Poor little guy. Good thing I remembered. He is chowwing down.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I know, it's not Friday but I don't may not be able to post a flower from my laptop.
I looke out my kitchen window and saw this little impatien blooming in the grass. It is a little battered from the rain. I am amazed at how the impatiens pop up from previous years. I don't ever remember planting red ones. They may have sprung from a hybrid. Last year I planted raspberry splash and it may have been a hybrid of pink and red. You never know what you will get from hybrid reseeding. It is still pretty in the green grass.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My email will not be available for the next few days. If you need to send me a message, place a comment on the blog and I will get back to you or call my cell phone.
News from theVorlon Wife.
Dottie at the Group 3 picnic at Indian Acres Campground, MD.
Five of Dottie's grandsons on the right of their friend on the left. They are in front of Dottie's son, Eddie's camper.
I had a busy day today. I had an appointment with the chiropractor this morning. I had lunch with the Red Hat Ladies and dinner with the Toastmasters. It was high tide in Ocean City. The bay had backed up and was coming up through the storm drain flooding the streets. I saw it when I was going in and hoped I could get back out. I have seen this happen many times. Ted and I went to Ocean City often.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I finally got to the hedge and grass today. I am beat. The FedEx picked up the defective dehumidifier so that's out of the way. I had to hang around waiting for the guy to come. A FedEx truck pulled up out front so I ran out to see if he was looking for my house. He said I wasn't on his schedule; I was on another guy's schedule. He took my package anyway so I wouldn't have to wail around all day for the other guy to come. I had finished the hedge as I could see the door from the hedge area. I was afraid I'd miss the guy when cutting the grass so I'm glad the man took my package.
I didn't even come up to get on my computer for fear of missing the pick-up. I put it out on the porch but didn't want someone to steal it so I had to keep an eye on it.
The freezer seems to be doing OK. I'll have to check the temp. to be sure it's working properly.
June lent me a book called "The Shack". I stayed up too long reading it. I hope I get an earlier start tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I saw Rose this morning. I was walking Danny and she pulled up at the stop sign. She used to live across the street. She spoke at Ted's funeral. She jumped out and gave me a big hug. She's such a nice lady.
There are more crow feathers around the neighborhood. I never noticed them other years. I also saw something red between my house and my neighbor Alex's house. I went out to investigate and found it was an impatient growing in the grass. It reseeded itself there from a previous year. Odd how they pop up. I have several years of impatiens that have seeded themselves from other years and not just last year. Last year, I planted raspberry impatiens. I don't remember planting red ones. Maybe it's from someone else's garden.
I took the new dehumidifier out of the box today and put the defective one in the box. I called FedEx and they are coming to get it tomorrow. Sometime between 8am and 6pm. I hope it's more toward 8am. I don't want to have to wait around all day for them. I'll have to walk Danny within eyesight of the front door. I'll put it out on the porch in case I can't get back when the guy comes.
My freezer seems to be working fine. I cleaned some more dust bunnies off the coils. It was either clogged up or the door wasn't shut properly. At least I hope the problem is resolved. I went to June's and got my frozen food to bring back home.
Working with the dehumidifier tired me out. I didn't get the grass cut or the hedge trimmed. I can trim the hedge while waiting for the FedEx man. I can see the front door from where the hedge is.
I should have cut the grass but I'm just tired of doing it. Of course, that doesn't get it cut. It is a necessity. I will be glad when I get moved out of here and have a smaller yard to deal with.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I just got back from my friend, June's. I took my stuff from the freezer to her freezer. I went to get a fudgesicle and it was all squishy. The ice cubes were starting to melt so I figured something must be wrong with it. I cleaned out the coils with a thin brush I use to clean the radiators. The coils hadn't been cleaned for years. I hope that's what it's problem was. I can't buy a new frig and I hate calling the repair man. You have to pay a fee and then they tell you it's not repairable. I don't know what it is with these appliances. The dishwasher leaks. I just got a replacement for the new dehumidifier. The air conditioner conked out in this computer room and I had to get a new hot water heater. I better get moved out of here before anything else goes.
I didn't do anything today except my bank statements. I went to church and then to lunch with my friends. We all got the meat loaf and were disappointed. It had too much filler. I put some ketchup on mine and it helped but it wasn't my mother's meatloaf. Moma was a good cook. I miss her. I'm not able to duplicate her cooking. Now I just fix something to eat.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I finally got that air cleaner cleaned. I gave it a thorough cleaning. The filter is still drying. I got some laundry done and that's about it. I did box up some office supplies in the computer room. It rained and drizzled all day. It was too wet to do any yard work. I'll have to do it tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is my Hummingbird Plant. It was out front other years but some how popped up in my side garden. I guess it reseeds itself. The one out front, must have been pulled out as a weed by mistake. I haven't seen any hummingbirds on it but it does attract butterflies.
I was rudely awakened this morning by a humungusly loud clap of thunder. I thought the heater had exploded or a bomb was dropped. The whole house shook and it kept rumbling like a jet. I thought a jet went through the sound barrier right over my house. I looked out the window to see if I could see anything but only heard the rumble. I got up and made my coffee. Danny finally emerged from under the bed so I took him out. It was raining lightly but soon started raining heavily. Danny went to the fireplug across the street and when he was finished with his business made a beeline for the house.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It’s still misty this morning. Danny just walked out to the road and turned around to come back in. He went back to bed. I did a lot of cleaning yesterday but need to do some more. I have to clean the air cleaning machine. It is overdue. I want to get the bulbs planted but I procrastinated and now it’s supposed to rain for the next few days. I dread the growth on the hedge in Vineland.
I’ve been putting the boxes in the rooms they will go in. I don’t have any furniture here to put the things away. I did put the plant stand in the kitchen with the plants on it. They really look nice. I’m not sure where I’m going to put my kitchen cookbooks. My china closet will go in the corner and the wall next to it has the thermostat so I can’t put the bookshelf there unless I use a smaller bookshelf. The other side of the laundry room door is not wide enough for the bookshelf I had in mind but another may fit. It will be interesting placing my things in here.
Well, getting that air cleaner cleaned was on my agenda for this trip so I better get to it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I left Dottie’s yesterday afternoon. It is a pleasant drive through the rolling countryside. I passed cornfields and horse farms. I cleaned up a little bit around my mobile home. Things were dusty.
My nephew was here over the weekend. He installed my tiffany in the kitchen and my ceiling fan in what was the purple bedroom. My nephew painted it yellow. It looks great. I can’t wait to move my stuff in. I hung up some wall hangings on existing screws. I’ll rearrange them later. The ceiling fan that was in the kitchen was installed in the blue bedroom.
The plumber installed the laundry tub in the laundry room. That will be a big help for soaking things and for washing Danny. The plumber put a nice Moen faucet in it. I feel like changing the rest of the faucets in here. I don’t care for them but I’ll wait until I need to change them. The garden tub doesn’t have any way to attach a hose. It would be much easier to clean with a spray hose. I guess I’ll have to slosh the water around to rinse it.
Dottie’s campground looked like a ghost town yesterday afternoon. Only a few people remained. We took a ride down to the boat dock. It is a lovely area. It has a ramp and a nice dock. There was a man fishing but didn’t catch anything.
I stopped in to see my niece and her husband. They spent some time on their boat this weekend and helped my other nephew fix his computer. Ed used the parts from the computers I gave him to fix Bob’s computer.
Danny woke up. He came out took a look at me typing and went back to bed. I guess he was checking up on me. He met so many new people this weekend I think his head was spinning. The children wanted to pet him but I discouraged it because Danny is not used to children and I don’t want to take any chances. He growled at one of them. The boy had been swimming and the chlorine must have disguised his scent. Danny didn’t recognize him.
I met Dottie for ice cream last night. She had finished her packing and was headed home. She passes through Chesapeake City on her way. The ice cream place is next to Cheryl and Ed’s place. It started to rain so we didn’t linger long.
I have a list of things to do here. I need to go to the mobile home store and pick out a door for the back. The previous owners gave me the money for the new door. It has moisture between the glass and its frame is bent. It looks like someone forgot their key and tried to pry it open. I have to clean the ceiling fans and do a better job of cleaning the ducts. The rugs need shampooing. I’ll have to see if I can rent a shampooer. I want to get my daffodils planted and right now, I’d better get the trash out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Everything is quite here at Indian Acres. Most of the people left for the summer. The children start school this week. It is like a deserted ghost town. I will probably head out this afternoon. Dottie and I went to her sister Alberta’s last night. They were going over old photos and I helped them identify some of the people in the photos. The photos belonged to their sister, Mary who passed away. Mary was one of the first people I know who bought a 35mm camera and took color slides. She would show them on her projector. Dottie had the ones she wanted made into prints.
Someone is hunting the water fowl again this morning. Danny is hiding under the bed. Poor little guy is terrified.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We went to church in Galena this morning. It was a lovely service in a quaint church. Galena is located on the Sassafras River that is part of the Chesapeake Bay Esturary.
Indian Acres campground has a Sundae Speical todya for $1.00. My friend, Dottie's granddaughter, Heather and I took all the children down to the store to get one. I think our group overwhelmed the store. We had two cart loads of people.
Dottie's daughter, Shelly is having a birthday party for her son. Dottie's son, Eddie rented a dunk tank and all the children are over there having a good time throwing the ball and taking turns getting dunked.
Yesterday, I visisted Alberta. She lives up the land from Dottie's camper. Alberta is Dottie's sister. Last night, we visisted Dottie's twin sister, Rosie. Rosie has a group of sites in the next Glen. The campground is divided into 9 Glens of campgrounds. Dottie, Rosie, and Alberta have all lost their husbands early. Rosie just lost her husband this past spring. Rosie did a beautiful job remolding her camper. She has antique furniture that has been restored by prison workers. I'm going to have to get more information about them.
The children are all anxious to go to the pool and I may have to drive one of the carts to get them there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I drove town to Chesapeake City and unloaded my car. There was no one around so I called my friend, Dottie. She was on her way down to stay at her place for the weekend. She and her extended family have trailers at a camp ground further down on the peninsula. I didn’t think about it but being a holiday weekend, the campground is packed. Dottie has many grandchildren and they were all running around and riding bicycles and skateboards. All of which Danny barks at. He had a lot of people and dogs to bark at. Many of the people let their dogs run loose. Danny likes most dogs but doesn’t like puppies. I had to pick him up a couple times because big dogs came running out. Most obeyed their owners when they called them but I still am un-nerved when a big dog is loose.
I walked Danny last night and even though I had a flashlight, I missed Dottie’s lane in the dark. There are no street lights just the lights of the people’s campers. It was very dark in one area where the people were not home.
It is very quiet this morning except for some gun shots earlier. I heard some geese honking at the time. I don’t know if someone was hunting the geese or what. It is not hunting season, unless it opened on Sept. 1st. Dottie’s son said not. He was walking and thought he heard pellets raining down on him. Danny headed for the house; he wanted to hide under a bed but couldn’t find a hiding spot so hopped up on my bed.
The campground is going to have a big bar-b-queue today at noon. It sounds like fun.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The vincas did better around the new little tree than they did in my front flowerbed. Maybe because they are up higher than the ground level. The rain did not saturate them like they did in the level flower bed. The tree doesn't look so well. I hope it isn't dying. I haven't watered this summer. I didn't think it needed it but now that it is going into fall, it has dryed out quite a bit.
I saw a hawk yesterday while walking Danny. I heard a bunch of crow squawking and then I heard the squawk of a hawk. I looked up and saw the crows chasing the hawk. It appeared to be a buteto. The tail was longer than a red tail and it was white with strips. I didn't have binoculars so couldn't make an identification.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I didn't do much today. I did some research on one of Ted's investments. I keep getting these letters about a class action suit. I had no clue but I looked through some of Ted's documents and found the paperwork. Now I have to make copies and sent it in.
I went to Bible Study tonight and took my friend June. We saw a film about Persecuted Christians in the Middle East and China. I have fears that the way this country is going we will face persecution here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I dug up some of my bulbs today to take down to Maryland. I dug up some daffodils, glads, lilies, and irises. I couldn't find my tulips. I'll have to look at some photos to see if I can figure out where they are. I didn't have as many this year so they may be hard to find.
I went to the Toastmaster's meeting tonight. I enjoy meeting with my Toastmaster Friends. I will miss them when I move.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Turnersville to pick up my dehumidifier. It could not be repaired. The compressor seized up/ I just got it in May; it is still under warranty. I took Danny with me since it was cool enough to leave him in the car. When we got back, we went to the produce stand to get some fresh produce. We got corn, green beans, red bib lettuce, yellow zucchini, green pepper that is turning red, and some tomatoes. We had the corn for lunch and dinner. I had a sandwich of the tomato and lettuce with cheese. For dinner, I made a salad of it. I didn't get much else done today. I still seem tired out from last week.
News from the Vorlon Wife.