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I just got back from seeing the Lipizzaner Horses perform in Wildwood. My brother, Don, came down and we drove to Wildwood. We got some beef stew and a roll at WaWa and went to the Hereford Lighthouse in North Wildwood. There are gardens and trails behind the lighthouse that lead to the sea wall, which is paved and makes a nice walkway along the shore. After we ate and took a few photos, we headed down to the convention center to see the show.
It was a wonderful performance. The horses are a beautiful white with black eyes and skin. Some have silver manes and tail. They may have been young ones as they are born black and turn white over the years. They live much longer than other breeds to about 35 or 40 years. Some more.
They were used by the Austrian Military and were trained to jump to avoid the enemy’s swords. They rear up and jump with all four hoofs off the ground. They do several dancing maneuvers. I got some photos of them in midair. It was hard to do as the camera has a delay and then has to wait between shots. The timing was tricky.
After the show, we walked along the boardwalk. Everything was closed except for the fudge shop and an arcade. No one but the attendant was in the arcade. We headed back into the wind and went to Urie’s restaurant to find it closed so we went on down to Cape May and ate at the Lobster House. It is on the marina near the canal. It is a charming place, the food was excellent, and the price wasn’t bad.
We both got the crab imperial. I brought half of mine home.
We headed on back to Vineland and picked up Danny at the kennel. He was happy to see us.
I got home about 7:40 and had only one group of Halloween kids. I gave them each two candy bars because I didn’t want to be stuck with a lot of candy. It looks like I am because they were the only family to come to the door. The hours ended at 8:00.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
These are the mums on my front steps in Vineland. They are pretty fall colors.
I went to the super market and then shredded some things. It seemed like it took all day shredding. I got a call from my real estate lady, Melissa. the people who looked at the house last Thursday had a question. Melissa thinks they are ready to make an offer. If so, I hope it's a good one.
The rain knocked down most of the leaves on the tulip tree. They just started to turn. They usually don't fall until we're well into November. The japanese maple tree did not turn green this year and Alex's sugar maple should have fallen two weeks ago but is just now passing it's peak. The Carolina maple in the above photo is still green. It's a weird year for the leaves.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is the road that runs past the mobile home park. The trees look beautiful.
I packed up most of the stuff in the computer room and some more things in the hall closet. I'll take another carfull next time I go to MD.
We had Bible study in the afternoon today. It was at 3:30 and I usually walk Danny at 4:00. I walked him at 5:30 today. This was Ok but Saturday, the time changes and it will be dark at 5:30. I pick up my friend, June and that adds twenty more minutes to my driving time. June doesn't drive in the dark so 3:30 is not a good time for her. I don't like walking Danny in the dark. I'll have to walk him at 2:30 for the days I go to the Bible Study.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I get some amazing sunsets right out my kitchen window in Chesapeake City. It is a spectacular fall foliage season. I have taken some photos that I will post each day.
Danny had his Vet appointment today. It was his annual checkup and he got a shot. He didn't yelp this time. He shook with fear when I took him into the waiting room and in the exam room, he buried his head between my arm and my jacket. Today is the anniversary of the day we adopted him. That was three years ago. He is somewhere between 7 and 9 years old so I call him 8.
It was another rainy day. Such gloom. I filled up some boxes from the computer room shelves. Things are getting cleared out. I feel kind of frustrated. I have half my things here and half there and neither place feels like home because things are missing and packed away.
I haven't heard from the people who looked at the house so I guess they haven't made any offer. I did hear the real estate man tell them where the next house was they were going to look at.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was another rainy day. Danny looked out the door, gave me a dirty look, turned and went back to bed. When I rain let up a little bit, I took him out. He didn't go very far; he did his business and went back to the house.
I went to exercise class at the church. There were only two of us there at first, then another lady showed up. It was a good workout. I packed up the car, packed a lunch and headed for Vineland. I stopped at the Acme parking lot in Woodstown to let Danny stretch his legs and have my lunch.
I no sooner got home, started unpacking when the phone rang. It was my real estate lady. Someone wanted to see the house. I straightened things up and lit the fireplace. The people showed up around 5:30. They seemed to like the house. There was a mother, daughter and grand daughter. The mother loved the kitchen and living room. She walked with a cane so didn't go up or down the stairs. She loved my blue glass bottles I have in the windows in the kitchen. She has a collection of colored bottles and thought it was a good idea to put in the windows.
I have people looking I just hope someone will buy.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn’t do too much today. I picked up the branches that were lying around the yard. I walked Danny a few times. The Bishon was out today. He and Danny sniffed each other and wagged their tails. It’s nice that there are only little dogs here. I don’t have to be afraid to walk him. He likes walking down the road. I just walk him on the straight part because there is not much of a shoulder and cars may not see us on the curve. Danny wants to keep going. He hates to turn around unless it’s raining.
I can eat my dinner looking out the kitchen window at the beautiful sunsets. I have a good view. The trees are silhouetted in the foreground.
My niece stopped by on her way home from work. She is having a jewelry demonstration and I’m not sure if I can make it. She brought the catalog. I am traveling back and forth between my two homes. I brought some things for her. I had a heavy duty dog leash. Ted and I bought it before we got Danny. We thought we’d get a bigger dog but we decided on Danny. The leash was heavy for him so I got a slimmer and lighter weight one. Cheryl has big dogs so I thought she could use it. I also gave her some things for her husband’s garden. I found them when straightening up the basement. There was a heated soil coil I thought Ed could use in his green house and some netting to keep the birds off the fruit and veggies.
It’s about time to take Danny out and then it will be movie time.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
After church, I went home walked Danny, packed up the car, watered the plants, and took off for MD. I arrived here around 4:00. I found some branches had fallen on the roof and I don’t have a ladder here. I called my niece’s husband and he’s coming over tomorrow to help me get them off the roof. I unloaded the car and put some things away. I’ll put the rest away tomorrow.
I had my dinner and called Ted’s parents and then my friend, Cheryl. I talked to both of them for about an hour each. I made some tea and I’m ready to settle down and watch a movie. I think there are only a couple left of the one’s I borrowed from my niece. I’ll have to go to the library tomorrow and see what they have.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I packed up a few things today. I straightened things up in the basement and put some things out in the trash. I slept some of the afternoon. I was beat. I don't like going out at night. I am too keyed up to sleep and then exhausted the next day. I had Nature Club last night. I was home by 9:30 but I was still tired.
I was watching a movie but realized I had seen it before. It is almost time to take Danny out. When we get back, I'll find something else to watch.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Leaves of gold. This photo was taken by Ted in October of 2004. I don't recall where it was. There is the roof of a school bus in the lower part of the photo which I cropped out. I thought the light striking the gold leaves was beautiful.
I went to the exercise class at the church and then packed up to come home. I left at noon and got home around 2:00. I stopped at the Mobile Home parts store to look at their doors once again. The kind I want is too large. I'd have to knock out the studs and I don't want to go there. I briefly looked at the other doors and will have to go back with one of my nephews who has a truck.
I unpacked and straightened up for the people to come look at the house. Melissa felt positive about the people but I don't know. I have to get more stuff out of here and maybe take up the living room rug to show off the hardwood floor. Maybe when my brother comes he can help me with a few things. I need a couple pieces of sheet rock taken out to the curb from the basement. I'm sure someone will take them in no time. I guess I'll put some more stuff out for the trash pickers to take. It will get it out of here and I don't want to be bothered with a yard sale. Some things I'll donate to a charity.
I am beat so I'll take Danny out back and hit the hay.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I finished up my To-Do List today. I planted my tulips on the east side and fixed my black horse lamp. I was my mother's lamp and several years ago, I found it in my parent’s basement. All that was left of it was the base of two black horse heads. I got a lamp kit from home depot and wired the lamp and bought a new shade. It is a white pleated shade. I bought some black and white gingham check ribbon and glued it around the top and bottom of the shade and at the bottom of the base of the lamp. The horses are a very shiny black ceramic. In the Vineland house, I had it on the sewing desk. It is white and has a faux black and whit marble surface. The lamp went well on it. I have it on the little computer desk here in Maryland. After inspecting it, I found the socket had fallen down inside the sleeve and the bulb was not making contact. It didn't reach the socket. I pulled it up and the lamp works fine. I thought I was going to have to get another kit. I still might if the socket doesn't stay in place.
It was a beautiful day today. I guess it is a real Indian summer as there was frost on the ground yesterday morning and today it was in the 70's. It was a good day for working outside. The maple trees are turning. Maybe I'll get some pictures tomorrow. I just had Danny out in the yard before he turned in and went to bed. The stars show up very well here. There is no light pollution except for the street light in the mobile home park. It supposed to be another good day tomorrow. I'll be heading back to Vineland. I have someone coming to see the house. Cross your fingers and say a prayer that they will buy the house. I am anxious to get moved in here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We were up and out for our walk by 7am. It was foggy and there was frost on the pumpkin in some places and on some of the roofs. The official temp was 36 but there are pockets of colder spots. I don’t have an outdoor thermometer here. I have two in Vineland.
I went to the exercise class at the church. There were only two other ladies there but they put on the tape and we did our exercises.
I did some things on my TO DO List. I planted some of my plants around the mobile home. Lilies were planted on the east side. A little azalea was planted on the northeast side by the walk. The little yellow Italian Flowers were planted on the west side. Trillium and lily of the valley were planted on the edge of the woods in the back.
When I walked Danny at lunchtime, we met one of our neighbors. She was walking her two dogs and pushing her granddaughter in the stroller. She put the bigger dog back in the house and we walked along together. Danny liked his new little friend and they barked at the other dogs we passed that were tied in their yards. They only allow little dogs here so I’m not as fearful of strays. I do hear some big dogs barking down the road. I hope they don’t get away and wonder over here.
I was going to fix the new latch I got for the door but needed a saw that cuts metal. I thought the little rod was made so one could just snap it off but it would take a stronger person than me to snap it. I called my niece’s husband and left a message. He was outside working on his truck and he called back when he went in and got the message. He said to bring the rod over and he had something that would cut it in a few seconds. I went over and he had a cutter attached to a compressor. He was using it to fix the brakes on his truck. Maryland doesn’t have car inspections so he checks his vehicles twice a year. He said the brake fell apart in his hand so it’s a good thing he checked it when he did. The rod to the door latch is not much bigger than a toothpick. Ed had it cut in seconds. I had taken Danny with me and he was happy to see Ed. Ed’s dogs barked out the window when they saw Danny.
I drove home and put the latch back together. It now works properly. The button doesn’t push in very far but I am afraid to make the rod shorter for fear of it being too short.
Another thing I did today was wash my plants in the shower. I had brought them in last night when I saw the temp was going down near freezing. I found two crickets in the bathroom today. I wondered how they got in and realized they must have come in on the plants.
I finished watching Pearl Harbor. The second disc was not as long as the first so I’ll start a new movie when I’m finished here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.l
=I took me until 2:00 to get packed up and everything in order. I had to make phone calls and appointments for next week. Danny has his yearly Vet appointment and the car needs an oil change. Aetna has dropped the plan I have and I heard from my former insurance agent and he is going to see what options I have. He was our agent when we had our business. We finally got underway and arrived in MD at 3:30. I unpacked the car and took Danny for his walk. I carried him across the field because a neighbor said it was full of fleas. The two streets here do not go through to each other and there is a small field between them. The grass is mowed but the fleas are plentiful this year. I changed the light bulb outside the back door. It was a pain to change. The screws were rusted. I sprayed them with some WD40 last time I was here but I still needed pliers to get them started to unscrew.
I heated up my dinner that was left over from yesterday. I had the manicotti. I called my sister-in-law and had some ice cream for dessert. I put in a Pearl Harbor DVD. It has two discs so I'll watch the other one tomorrow. I'm going to read some and get some sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church in Vineland this morning. I hadn't been there for three weeks. Everyone was glad to see me. We went to a restaurant in Millville afterwards. We all got the cheese manicotti. I was good. I ate half and brought the other half home. It rained heavily all night but finally settled down to a gentle mist. It's supposed to clear up tomorrow and hopefully we'll see the sun.
I watched Masterpiece Mystery. I stayed awake for the entire show. I started to nod off at the very end but the case had been solved and I didn't really miss anything.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was able to take Danny for a walk this morning and at noon. It was misty but the heavy rain hadn't started yet. I went to the supermarket. I seemed to be out of almost everything. It rained hard all afternoon and night. At 4:00, Danny ran out as far as the back porch, sniffed at the rain, and turned around and ran back into the house. Tonight, he ran across the driveway, did his business and ran back in. He wanted nothing to do with the rain.
The heater man called and my mobile home now has heat. A wire to the thermostat was broken. I could have gone back this afternoon but the weather was too miserable. Maybe it will clear out by tomorrow but the forecast isn't good. I like to pack up the car when I go but I don't want to pack and unpack in the rain. We'll have to wait and see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It's time for mums. This was taken by Ted in October of 2004. This mum is one Ted gave me the year before. I only have a few mums growing in the flower beds. They don't do well the second year. They get straggily. I have some yellows one in the east garden and the west garden. I have white ones in the front. I did get some for the steps of the main entrance. Two yellow and two orange. I got ten little one for my home in Maryland. I put them in planters in the front where the parking area is.
I went to the exercise class at the church this morning. It was good to work out in a group. It was a cold, rainy, dreary day and it wasn't going to get any warmer. I couldn't stay in the mobile home with it being that cold. If the sun were out it would have warmed it up but this rain is supposed to last through the weekend.
I packed up and headed back to Vineland. My friend, June called and we talked for awhile. She is a dear sweet person. We have become close friends. She lost her husband about a year before I lost Ted.
Danny was glad to get home to a nice warm house. I had his sweater on him at the Mobile home and in the car. When I walked him, I put on his winter coat. It works well as a rain coat. He does have a yellow rain coat but I have to make some adjustments to it. He seems to like his coats. He didn't at first but I guess he has discovered that they keep him warm and dry. When we come in and his feet are wet, he gives me one paw at a time to dry it. He even turns around so I can dry his back paws.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I came back to MD today. The sun usually warms the mobile home up to 85 degrees but, this afternoon there is no sun and it is chilly. I almost went home but decided to stick it out. I had my chiropractor appointment today and packed up the car. I stopped for lunch and gasoline at the WaWa in Woodstown. Other than that, I made good time.
I am baking my dinner in the oven. That should take the chill off the kitchen and I had Ted’s little ceramic space heater here in the computer room. I can take it with me from room to room. I have an electric blanket to keep me warm at night. I also have Danny Boy to curl up next to me.
I brought some fall decorations with me and some plants I dug up from the yard yesterday. I brought the yellow lilies, some tulips, trillium, and lily of the valley. That can spread along the edge of the woods instead of the poison ivy. I brought a tiny little azalea that Doreen gave me in a planter when my mother died. It is very tiny and had been planted in a shaded spot so didn't do much growing. It was easy to dig up and I'll plant it where it will get a little more sun. Maybe it will have better growth.
I have someone coming to look at the furnace before the weekend. I don't know if he'll come Thursday or Friday so I had to be here. He is squeezing me into his busy schedule.
I brought a compass to better determine where north is. I read somewhere that the head of your bed should face north. This lines your body up with the polar magnetic forces. My headboard in Vineland faces south. South is OK as you are still lined up. I was going to put the bed here on what I thought was the north wall but it is the east wall. It is probably north east. I will put it on the north wall. Both walls have windows which will be in the middle of the bed. The east wall is wider but I think the north will be OK.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I cut the grass this morning and was done in for the rest of the day. I was probably tired out from the drive from Maryland. I seem to need to rest a day after the drive. Of course there is the packing and unpacking that goes with it.
I took Danny out early tonight. I hope he doesn't have to go out again. He has taken his toy and gone to bed. I will go through my emails,do some reading, and get to bed early.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I woke up early, turned on the electric blanket, and went back to bed. The furnace wasn't working and it was 62 degrees in the house. I decided to go back to Vineland after church because tonight it's going into the thirties. I got up at 7:00, took Danny out and got some breakfast. Yesterday, I brought the white plastic bench in from outside and stuck it in the shower. This morning, I washed it down while I took my shower. I let it drain in the shower then put it in my garden tub to finish drying. Later, I put it in the living room. I figured, I might as well use it inside. I may wash up the others, also.
I called my brother, Don. The New Jersey Light House thing is next weekend. There is a challenge to visit all the light houses in NJ during the weekend. Don has done it before and it sounds like fun. It will depend on the weather.
I got ready for church and sang in the choir. They had coffee and donuts after church and then we had choir practice.
I went back to the mobile home, had some lunch and finished packing. There was an accident on Interstate 95 and traffic was slow. We got home around 4:00. I took Danny for his walk and made some dinner. I heard my cell phone ring and when I answered it, I flipped it open and accidentally flipped it back closed. I looked up the last caller and started to dial on the cell but decided to call on my land line. It was Ted's parents. We talked for awhile. Their computer service has been out for a few days. The tower the provider uses collapsed. Two men working on the tower were injured.
Danny came down around ten o'clock to let me know it was time for bed. He slept on my lap but kept fidgeting. He wanted me to know it was time to go to bed.
I was watching Masterpiece. It hadn't been on for about a month and tonight they had two episodes about Inspector Lewis. It is one show I enjoy watching.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was raining when I woke up this morning. I put Danny’s coat on him and took him out. The rain had let up and he walked around the block.
The gas man came and checked out the lines. There were no leaks but the tanks were old and he is recommending that they be replaced with new ones. The heater will not start so I have to call a service technician.
I brought a bag of grass seed that I found in the garage in Vineland. I also brought a small hand spreader so I over seeded the lawn. It is mostly weeds so I will use the Weed Begone in the spring. Danny is running around the house trying to catch a fly. He almost caught one this afternoon. I got out the fly swatter and got it but there is another flying around. Danny is tracking it like a hunter.
It is almost time for his night time walk. When we come back, I’ll put in one of Cheryl’s movies.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I made good time coming down today. It took an hour and 20 minutes. It usually takes anywhere from 1.5 and 2 hours. It depends on traffic and whether Danny has to make a pit stop. He was a little fussy but I kept going. I think he just wants attention or to sit in my lap. He stands there the whole way looking like he’s trying to figure a way to jump onto my lap. He is in a safety harness attached to the seat belt. He can move around and look out the window if he wants.
I unloaded the car and walked Danny. Then I got ready and went to the church dinner. They had roast beef, potatoes, carrots, green beans, and peas. Dessert was Jell-O/whipped cream and then someone brought in a chocolate cake. I choose the cake. The people at my table said the lady made good cakes. I sat with the piano player, Patti and her husband, George, another man, Eric, and two girls, Megan and Loretta. Megan is going to a seminary. She works at the Methodist camp.
I was going to hang my lamp on a hook that was in this office. I thought I’d better test the hook before hanging the lamp as it is a hurricane style lamp with a milk glass shade and glass chimney. It’s a good thing I gave it a tug because it came right out of the ceiling into my hand. Each time I come, I make a list of things to bring. I will put the stud finder on the list. I’ve already forgotten something else I wanted to put on the list.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I found the line for the trimmer. It was in the basket where I keep Danny's towels. It was sticking out in plain sight. I had to cut the old line off and wind on some new. When the line gets near the end, it tangles and breaks constantly.
I did some ironing today and then went to do my errands. I went to the bank on the east side of town. Next I went to the garden center and got some mums for the front steps. I got two yellow and two orange ones.
From there, I went to the Shop Rite on the east side. I got some fruit and veggies. I also got some ice cream. Turkey Hill had pints for $.88 each. I should have stocked up but only got two.
It was very windy today. At lunch time I took Danny out. He got as far as the stop sign on the corner and turned around and came back in. We wanted nothing to do with walking around in that wind.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some finances this morning and then got out the weed trimmer. I trimmed along the curb in the front and down the side. I did the walkway to the door and part of the driveways. I can’t find my roll of line. The only thing I can think of is I may have left it on the steps last time I used it and someone walked off with it. I don’t know what else could have happened to it unless I packed it in one of the boxes. I don’t think I used it all up. I had a big roll.
I walked Danny and had some lunch. I should not have sat down because then I was done in.
I did some ironing and called it quits for the day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went through my TO DO list and finished everything except weeding the wild strawberries in my west side flower garden here in Chesapeake City.
I went to the CCUMC yesterday and sang in the choir. We had choir practice afterward and I returned home to walk Danny. I went to work on the chores I didn't get to on Saturday. I finished preparing the yellow room. I think Danny was confused about which room to sleep in. I had to squeak his toy to get him to come to the yellow room.
I had dinner with my niece and her husband. We went to the Hibachi Grill. They have a buffet, all you can eat for $9.99. It includes a sushi bar, and a hibachi bar where the cook your food right there while you watch. It also has almost every kind of food imaginable. Lots of seafood as well as bbq spare ribs, ham, chicken,and roast beef. There is a salad bar and a dessert bar including ice cream.
I borrowed some DVD's from my niece and watched one last night. I have plenty to keep me occupied.
I hope the lady liked my house and I can get moved in here. I am anxious to get the cable connected here so I can get the TV set up.
I put the little computer desk together this morning. I need to get a brace for the shelf as it was damaged when we took it apart and moved it from the storage bin. I can put a couple brackets on it and it will be fine. It also needs a little touch-up for the scratches. It was used in our office.
I plan to stop by home depot and look at the doors- All the doors here are a messj except for the ones my nephew replaced inside. The back door has leaking seals and is always full of moisture between the window panes. It will have to be special ordered as it is not a standard size. They have them at the mobile home store but they are a sjunky as the one I have. I hope it will not be too expensive. I can just here chaching!
I found out that the "Delaware Responeder" pictured in an earlier blog is an oil clean-up ship. A tanker left Baltimore went through the canal to Philadelphia and was leaking a trail of oil behind it. The Responder cleaned it up. The oil trail was up the Chesapeake Bay, through the canal and up the Delaware River. It must have been a mess.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I made good time coming down this afternoon. I made a pit stop for Danny at Richmond’s Ice Cream in Woodstown. Traffic was moderate. I unpacked the car and unpacked the boxes. I brought the little computer desk but haven’t assembled it yet. I remembered the church was having a music fest but it was only until 6pm and it was out at Town Point. It would have been almost over by the time I got there. I wish I had remembered earlier.
I need to put some hardware up in the yellow room so I can hang my room darkening drapery liners. The street light shines in that room, too. I should have left the new mattress unmade so it could air out. New foam has an odor to it. I will probably sleep on the air mattress tonight. I have one on top of the other so it is higher off the ground. Danny has picked out that bed, too. He is napping and he has his toys up on that bed. I wonder what he will think when I move into the yellow room. I also have to move my clock and lamp into the yellow room or bring another clock and lamp.
I decided not to bring the bed even thought it fits in my car. I wanted to bring as many boxes as I can and let the movers bring the furniture.
Someone came to look at the house this morning. I hope she makes an offer so I can get on with my life. I feel like my life if on hold. My neighbor, Alex, carried the broken air-conditioner out to the curb for me. He has been a good neighbor over the years and has been a big help to me during Ted’s illness and passing.
He has a new girlfriend. I guess she’s not new. He has been seeing her for about six months. I hope things work out for them. She seems very nice.
I forgot my DVD movies. What a bummer. I don’t have the cable hooked up yet and I have an analog TV so I can’t get anything but static or a blue screen. I would like to get a DVR/VCR combination. I saw them at Wal-Mart. I also need a new microwave. The one I have is great for heating up a cup of coffee or some soup but it doesn’t cook very well. I was going to put a chicken pot pie in to cook and saw where it said not to use a microwave with under 1100 watts. I looked at mine and found it only has 600 watts. I wondered why it took so long to cook things. A new TV is on the list, too. When I get my house sold, I’ll be able to get these things.
It’s almost time to take Danny out for his evening stroll.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Across the canal is the large boat named "Delaware Responder". I don't know if the do rescue operations or what. There are tug boats and barges in the docks.
The road along the canal heading west.
The road along the canal looking east.
A view of the bridge looking east.
A view of the bridge looking north.
I was trying to get a good image of the curve on Chesapeake City Bridge. It is a high narrow bridge with a curve at the north end.
The dogwoods are turning in the backyard here in Vineland. This photo was taken by Ted on 10/1/2005. There is a difference in the dogwoods this year. There are very few berries. I noticed the same thing at my Aunt Jean's who lives in PA. I have a small dogwood in Chesapeake City. I didn't notice any berries on it either, but it may be too young.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a dentist appointment at 10:00 this morning. I didn't do much. I was tired out. I went to the Bible Study tonight. I picked up my friend, June and we went together. First we discussed what our next sturdy would be and we also talked about the future of the church. We have a dwindling congregation.
The Bible Study was a three part recorded radio program about a German minister under Hitler during WWII. It was very interesting but had a sad ending.
News from the Vorlon Wife.