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I didn't do much today. I did some laundry. We had a dusting of snow and my friend June did not want to venture out to go to the movies. We hope to go tomorrow if the roads are not icy. I watched one of the movies i got from the library. I had seen it before on Masterpiece. I fell asleep through most of it. I must have been tired out.
Danny kept pestering me to come to bed. I don't know why he just didn't go up himself. He should get some sleep before he is rudely awakened at midnight by the fireworks and fire crackers. He will spend the following few hours under the bed. At least he can get under this bed.
I will read some more of my book until I'm ready to go to sleep. Happy New Year.
News fro the Vorlon Wife.
I had lunch at my friend Phyllis's house. She and her husband, Len, will be leaving soon to begin their retirement journey. They have a 5th Wheeler and will be touring the country. It is a lovely home equipped with everything. A lovely livingroom and kitchen, a wide screen flat TV, plenty of cabinet space. A slideout for the dinning table and livingroom sofa. It also has an area for the computer.
Phyllis served a homemade beef barley soup and salad. She made bread pudding for desert. Everything was excellent. Her granddaughter was visiting and she entertained us for the afternoon. She is three years old and cute as a button.
Phyllis gave me a couple suggestions for DVD's. I got one of them, Grand Torino, at the Library today. I'm ready to curl up with my blanket and watch it.
It was cold today but there was no wind. It was not as bad as yesterday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was brutal out there today. The wind chill was about 10 degrees. I had to go to the eye doctors for my annual exam. Everything checked out OK. I walked Danny several times. I wore my long down coat and my new Swedish Hat. It has comes down over my ears and ties under the chin. It has a tassel on the top. I got it for myself as a Christmas present. I also pulled my hood over the hat. I should have worn my ski gloves as my hands got cold.
I noticed two of the dormer windows were not closed all the way. I had to open the window next to it and push it shut. I did this in both front bedrooms. I also went down the cellar and brought up the storm windows. I put them in. I was difficult because of the sun shinning in the front. It blinded me and I couldn’t see what I was doing. I had to feel my way to get them in. When I turned back into the room, everything was green for a while.
I got to Vineland yesterday around 4pm. I got up late and slowly packed up the car. I left CC at two and stopped at Woodstown for gasoline. It was $2.379/gal. I unloaded the car when I got home and walked Danny. I had dinner of left over shrimp and some other food that I brought back with me. I had the shrimp again for lunch today and I had some of the pot roast for dinner. I froze the pot roast in several containers so I’ll have that for a while. I left the rest in CC so I’ll have to have it when I get back. I brought a pumpkin pie with me and have been eating that. My niece and her husband made it. We had three pumpkin pies as my brother brought one also. I like pumpkin pie so I will finish it off tomorrow and Thursday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, my company is gone and the dishes are in the dish washer. Everything went very well. Some of my family had not seen the mobile home before and they were amazed at how spacious it is. The rooms are as large if not larger than the rooms in my house in Vineland.
I woke up around five, took an Excedrin migraine for my headache, and got my crock pot going. I seared the meat for my pot roast and loaded in the potatoes, carrots, celery, and onions. I set it for eight hours on low and went back to bed. Danny curled up next to me. I got up around eight and had my coffee. My headache was still lurking but I got things ready for my company. I walked Danny and got ready for church. They had their Christmas service today because it was canceled due to the snow last week. When I got home, I took Danny out for his walk and Cheryl and Ed pulled in just as I got back. They helped me get things ready. I had thirteen people. I could seat 10 around the table. One family came later so we ate in shifts.
Everyone had a nice time. Now, it’s time to get some rest.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I was very tired when I got home last night and I ate too much. I went to bed at 8:30 with a Rolaid. I had to take it out of my mouth because it even made me feel sick.
I got up early and took Danny out for his walk. Cheryl and Ed picked me up around 9:30 to take me to breakfast with Ed’s family. His mother, Joanne, cooked a wonder breakfast of sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, fried potato slices, English muffins, bagels, cream cheese, cherry turnovers, and more.
They were going to Ed’s brother’s for dinner. He lives up near my brother’s in PA. Joanne had all the gifts for her children and grandchildren to pack in Ed’s truck. We stuffed them in everywhere and the four of us crammed into the truck. They dropped me off at my trailer and went on their way.
I had borrowed a roll of blue clear cellophane wrap to cover the basket I was giving to my brother. I finished wrapping that and packed up my car with the gifts for my family. Danny and I headed for PA for Christmas dinner.
When we got there, I took Danny out for his walk. We had dinner around 4pm. Sylvia had bar-b-que pork, mac and cheese, sweet potato casserole, and three desserts. The mincemeat pie I made for Rick, pumpkin pie, and candy cane cake. I would have been all right but I went back for seconds.
Rick and Sylvia gave me a new coffee pot. Mine just stopped working the day before I came down here. Don gave me the Star Trek movie and Sara Palin’s book. Cheryl and Ed gave me a pretty necklace that I had admired at Cheryl’s jewelry demonstration. Rick and Michelle gave me a white scarf and matching gloves by Isotoner. They looked pretty with my red coat. I hope the match my white coat.
Today, I polished my grandmother’s silverware that I will be using for my dinner tomorrow and I went to the store to buy the things I need for the dinner. I will be serving pot roast. I need to get the veggies ready tonight, sear the meat and have it ready to start the crock-pot at 6am.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early, had some coffee and watched the news. They were voting for the destruction of our country. Danny came down for his walk. It was still icy out there. The temp. on my thermometer said 20.8 degrees. I didn’t put Danny’s coat on him. His fur is long and I figured he’d be alright. When we got back, I washed his feet so the salt wouldn’t irritate him. When I was done, he went back to bed. I put on the weather and they said that it was 12 degrees in Vineland. I packed things up and we took off by 9:30. I had to take the Christmas packages and wrapping stuff. When I stopped at a light, I noticed Danny was shivering. I didn’t know if he got too cold or if something were wrong with him. I put his blanket over him. He bumped his leg when he jumped into the car. He may have been shaking from that. He shakes like that when I take him to the Vet. I wondered if I were going to have to take him to the Vet. But how could one know if he were shaking because something was wrong or if he were scared of the Vet? I also wondered if he were upset about going on another trip or maybe the car seat was cold. He settled down by the time we got to the bank.
When we got here, I unpacked the car and left the stuff near the living room door. I grabbed the snow shovel and started shoveling. I wanted to get the other parking space cleared out before the rain tomorrow. I had a two foot mound from where I shoveled out my car. The rain would have made a big ice mound that would have been there until spring. Sue, her father, her daughters, and niece were delivering Christmas cards. They came over and sang, "We wish you a Merry Christmas” It was noon so I took a break and walked Danny. When I got back, I went into the front bedroom to open the curtain and blinds and light up the Christmas tree in the window. Something caught my eye out the window. It was Sue, and her father shoveling my driveway. I went into the other room and grabbed a spare gift I keep on hand in case I need one. I put it in a gift bag and went out to thank them. They were finishing up. How wonderful. They are good people. They had just come from giving food baskets to the poor people. One of the people giving out gift to the poor asked Sue’s Dad if there were any poor people in the trailer park. He told them of a grandmother raising her seven grandchildren and they have hardly anything. The man gave him a $50.00 bill to deliver for each child.
He said the children were sleeping on the floor. I would give them my air mattresses but I borrowed them from a friend and will have to return them when I’m done with them.
I came in, had some lunch and finished putting my gifts into gift bags. I got a rocking horse for my grandniece, Ryleigh. I got a giant gift bag at the dollar store and it fit right in. When I was finished filling up the gift bags, I went to work making a mincemeat pie for my brother. It was real easy to do. I thought I could get a shower while the pie was cooking but I started putting the things away that I had left by the door. I left them there so I wouldn’t track snow across the rug. The chime went off for the pie when it was done. I took Danny out for his afternoon walk but he was distracted by cats running across the street. Ida was out with her cat and she thanked me for shoveling out her car. She thanked me a couple times. She really appreciated Sue and I doing that for her.
Danny wanted to chase the cat though the snow so I brought him in. I got ready to get in the shower to go to the 5:00 church service. I looked at the clock and it was 4:38. I would never make it. I got my shower and got ready and went to my nephew Rick’s for Christmas Eve dinner. All my family was already there. I left Danny home because he was sleeping and I figured he needed the rest. Ryleigh loved her rocking horse and all the other gifts. She got double gift because her birthday party was canceled due to the snowstorm. Don got Joey a tyrannosaurus rex for his Christmas present. I went in halves with him. The dinosaur was a big hit with everyone. It walked and moved its head and snapped its jaws. Even its skin was like leather.
I ate too much. I left the party and got home around 9:00. I took Danny out and brought in my gifts. Soon, I will be going to the 11:00 service at the church.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
You can barely see the path I shoveled to the right of the photo.
The Blizzard of 2009. This was taken out the back door during the storm in Chesapeake City. It was taken while I was still able to get the door open. The amount of snow in Vineland was 25 inches. It seemed about the same in CC.
I had some last minute shopping to do at the Mall in Vineland. It is usually a 15 minute drive. I had to use the main highways and so did everyone else. It took 35 minutes with traffic and red lights. The plows have still not been through so I guess they are not going to be. Walking is still treacherous. Driving isn't quite as bad as it was. No one has been getting stuck.
It was very cold today. The high was 31 and the windchill made it worse.
News from the Vorlon Wife
My hedge has been beaten down by the snow. It has two feet of snow on it. I knocked some off the yew and it sprang back into shape. I don't know if the privet will spring back. I could only get to the corner. The snow next to it is over my boots.
I shoveled some more out of my drive near the road. The snowplow never came around. I don't know where they are. The only ones I've seen are private trucks going to plow out a private home. There is about six inches of hard pack and ice on my street. It is treacherous walking.
I ventured out to the store to get a gift for my grand niece. I had seen one there earlier but wanted to look around in the other stores before I made up my mind to get it. It's a good thing I didn't wait any longer; I bought the last one they had.
I didn't do much else besides walk Danny and rest up after all the shoveling.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I am really beat. I got up before 7am, had some coffee and took Danny out for his walk. I carried him through the field again so he wouldn't get the snow all stuck in his fur.
When we returned from our walk, I dug out a path to my trashcan so I could put it out for collection. Sue, one of the neighbor ladies can walking up the street with a broom and shovel. She said she was going to dig Ida out. Ida is an elderly lady who lives across from me. I picked up my snow shovel and helped her. Someone had shoveled Ida's walk but her car was buried with snow. Sue also brushed off my back steps and put down some salt. The snow was over my boots so I didn't get to it.
When we finished, I ran the dishwasher, took a shower, and packed up the car. Danny and I headed for Vineland about 11:00. Bethel Road in Maryland was clear but when we cross into Delaware, it was snowcovered. At the traffic circle they just put in the middle of nowhere, a car had gotten stuck in the snow and everyone got out and gave the guy a push. I decided to go home via expressway rather than the back roads. It was dry the rest of the way until I got to Vineland. The roads here are terrible. I pulled into my back neighbor's driveway and asked if I could park there until I dug out my driveway. Doris said "Of course." I took Danny and headed to my house. When I got to the driveway next to my house, I saw that someone had shoveled a space large enough for me to pull my car into and be off the street. My sidewalks were also shoveled. I figured Alex must have done it. I was extremely grateful. How thoughtful of him to do that for me. I pulled my car up and unloaded. I got the snow shovel and started shoveling out my driveway to the garage and a path to the back door. I didn't get the garage driveway finished; I need a break. I went in the house and had a cup of tea. At 4:00, I took Danny out for his walk and saw Alex and thanked him for shoveling me out. We noticed the guy across the street was stuck so we went over to help him out. I did some shoveling and Alex and another neighbor push him out.
I almost finished shoveling the driveway but it got dark and I was cold and tired. I just need to clear out the part that adjoins the road. I was going to dash through it but was afraid I'd get stuck. I also figured the snow plow may be around and push all the snow back in again so I'll wait until morning to finish up.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I started to take Danny out this morning but had to shovel the walk so he could get out. It had snowed some more overnight and drifted in. He likes walking in the snow. The path for the walk was over his head and all he could see was white walls until he got out to the driveway. It was quite. Not much was stirring except for birds.
When I got back with Danny, I went to work shoveling out the car. The snowplow had plowed it in. I don’t know why he couldn’t have shoved the snow in my empty parking spot. He shoved it right in front of my car. It took a half hour to chop and shovel that out of the way. Then I had to clean off my car again.
I got ready to go to church (Methodist) but thought I’d better call first. They canceled the service because of the snow. Catholic churches are usually always open but the service was at 9am and I missed it.
We got about two feet of snow. The same is for Vineland so when I go there, I’ll have move shoveling to do. I got most of my Christmas gifts wrapped or in the little gift bags. I have a couple more things to pick up but one is at the Rite-Aid and the other is a gift card.
Cheryl and Ed are coming over later to pick me up and go to dinner. I’ll walk Danny before they get here. He’s been sleeping on my lap. When I walked him around the block, there is one section where the road doesn’t go all the way around. There is a filed between the roads but footprints smashed the snow down a little and Danny went bounding through until he got too tired to keep hoping over the snow. I carried him to the road. I should have carried him sooner because his fur got full of snowballs. What a mess he was. He had snow on the bottom of his paw and kept sitting down trying to bite it off his back feet. He then got snow pack into the fur on his butt. Anyway, he’s been sleeping the rest of the afternoon. I think if I laid down, I’d sleep, too.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It looks like the trailer park is getting plowed out. The man is having problems. There is so much snow he doesn’t know where to put it.
I shoveled six inches at 8 o’clock this morning. Another six inches at noon and then when I went to take Danny out, I had to leave him inside while I shoveled another twelve inches off the walk. He loves walking in the snow. Once we get out to the road, he walks in the tracks the cars have made. After I brought him back, I shoveled out my car. It was unbelievable. I shoveled along the side and in front of the car and along the other side. Then I had to clean off the car. There was at least 18 inches of snow on the car. Maybe two feet. I tried not to let it fall where I had just shoveled.
I just took Danny out at 8pm and there was another two inches where I had shoveled. I hope this snowplow man doesn’t pile it up in front of my car. I’m wondering if he’s going to take out my fence. He’s shoving it up against it. I backed into my space so I can get out easier. I hope I can get out to church tomorrow. I will probably have to do more shoveling as it’s supposed to snow all night.
Ted and I used to shovel the snow together. It’s a bummer having to do it by myself. I should sleep good tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I wanted to post this yesterday but I didn't see my adobe software on this computer. I found it this morning. This is the mauve lily my brother gave me one Easter many years ago. I took this photo last June. I dug the lily up and planted it down here at my mobile home. I also brought the yellow lily. I have some plants I brought down but I'm going to have to wait until the snow melts.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up a little before 6 am to turn up the heat. It was all white outside. I went back to bed and turned on my electric blanket. I laid there for awhile and turned on the radio. The forcast was for 12 to 18 inches. The station was out of Delaware. Good Greif! I got up and opened the front door to see six inches of snow on the railing. I got my coffee and Danny got up and was ready to go out. I bundled us both up and got the snow shovel. I had it in the laundry room.
Danny bounded into the snow which was higher than his legs. He slipped a little on the steps. He didn't wait for me to clear the way. I shoveled as he put his head down into the snow and used it as a snow plow. I lead him to the rock by the fence where he usually goes but he bounded across to the other side of the house under the cedar tree. The sonow was not as deep under the tree. He circled it a couple times until he couldn't hold it any longer and spread eagle. He didn't even lift his leg. Then he hopped out into the road where tire tracks made a path to walk in. He did his business in the road. I bagged it and put it in the trash can which I had beside the front on the house. We follow our tracks back into the house. What a mess to clean him off. The snow was balled up on his fur. His legs, belly, and chest. It took me about 20 minutes to get the snow off him.
It looks like Ryleigh's birthday party will be postponed. I don't know if we will be able to get out by tomorrow. I hope the power doesn't go out. I will be stuck with no heat or water. I have a couple large bottles of water but the toilets will not have any water. It is about a two mile walk to my niece's house. Her power may go out too but they have a woodstove and Ed may have a generator for the water. But not a good idea to walk in blizzard conditions.
I can work on sealing up the holes around the plumbing pipes. I looked at the mouse trap but nothing is in it and it hasn't been sprung. I'll go out later and take some pictures. It is really pretty out there. Danny chased the birds in the back yard. It is pretty in the woods, Ther birds are flitting through the under brush looking for food.
The weather channel had 1' to 2' predicted. At first I thought it was inches but took another look. I don't think we had this much snow total in five years.
New from the Vorlon Wife.
We got up around 7am and after I had some coffee, I took Danny out for his walk. It’s a good thing I took him then as later, I was doing my bills and a loud explosion type of noise rocked my whole house and I ran out back in my pajamas. I thought my propane tank had exploded. It looked just fine. While I was outside, there was another big explosion. Everyone had come out of their trailers. The girl across the street said, “What the h*** was that?” I said, “I don’t know but it came from over there” as I pointed to the southwest.
I called Ed, my niece’s husband and he said the cabinet doors opened and closed. He also said sometimes the Aberdeen Proving Grounds set something off but it’s louder.
A lady in the trailer park said the Army Corp of Engineers sometimes set off dynamite. So far, no one knows what it was. I was shaking for about 15 minutes. It scared the heck out of me. Danny was hiding under the computer desk and then went into the closet when I opened the door to find a heavy sweater.
I don’t feel like I got much done besides the bills. I went to the post office but it closes for lunch between 1 and 2. I went on to the supermarket to get some things before the big storm. I had plenty of food but needed some crackers, cookies, hot chocolate, coffee, cream cheese and I got some more bread. I probably had enough but they are predicting a blizzard. We are on the borderline of 6-12 inches and 12+ inches. Maybe it will miss us.
Yesterday, I saw a falcon across the street on the roof of a house. It looked large for a kestrel and Peregrines usually like tall buildings. This building was 2 ½ stories. It was probably a kestrel but they are small. They are also called a sparrow hawk. Maybe I’ll see it again with my binoculars and guide book in hand.
When I was in my storage shed, I heard some kind of bird out back. It was a jay. They make a noise like a squeaky gate sometimes. There were also many other birds and I didn’t have my binos. I saw a few yellowish brown birds perhaps cedar waxwings but I didn’t get a good enough look at them. I also saw the familiar bright red of a cardinal. I heard Chickadees and a woodpecker.
I bought some mouse traps at the dollar store and some moth balls to throw under the trailer. I put some peanut butter on the trap for bait and told myself to be careful that it doesn’t snap on my finger. It did and the darn thing has barbs on it. It doesn’t hurt but it took out a piece of skin.
I have droppings under my sink in the master bath. I also took off the cover that accesses the plumbing under the garden tub. There are big holes around the pipes and mouse dropping in their. I wish people would do things right. I have to figure out how to fix that. The hole is too big to foam it. I also have to figure out how to fix the gap behind my furnace. I looked in there with my flashlight and could see down under the floor to the insulation. I guess I’ll have to measure and cut a piece of wood, apply glue and shove it down behind there. My saws are in Vineland but I can measure and take it to one of my nephews to cut.
I hope Ryleigh’s birthday doesn’t get snowed out. She will be two and her party is tomorrow. The snow is supposed to start early in the morning (middle of the night) and continue all day Saturday. We shall see.
I never did get my package mailed. I may not be able to get it out until Monday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning but no one showed up. I called my sister-in-law and we decided to take the greens to the cemetary today. I changed my clothes and put Danny in the car and we took off for PA. When I got to my brother's house no one was home. I figured they ran out to the store. I was about to wait in the car but remembered I had a key so I let myself in. They came back in about five minutes. We drove up to the cemetary and placed the greens on the graves. I brought a chisle and a hammer with me and it's a good thing because the ground was frozed on top.
When driving up to PA, just as I crossed the border from DE to PA on I 95, I saw a flashing sign that said "All Lanes Closed". I wondered where that was. I passed the sign before I could see any more. I put on the traffice station for Philly and found that the Blue Route had an overturned truck and all lanes were closed. As I drove past Chester, I got into the left lane because I figured traffice would be backed up on the right as people tried to get out of the exit to the Blue Route. I was correct. I saw a tractor trailer backing out of the ramp onto 95. The left land went slow but it moved. I usually take the Blue Route and get off at the first exit, Mac Dade Blvd. You couldn't even get to Mac Dade.
For those who don't know what the Blue Route is, it took 30 years to build the Blue Route. The plans had four possible routes drawn through Delaware County. One was drawn in red, one green, one orange and one blue. They chose the Blue Route and the name stuck. It is otherwise known as I 476. It goes from one end of Delaware County up to the PA turnpike near Valley Forge and above to the Northeast Extention.
The easiest way to get to the cemetary where Ted and my parents are buried, it to take the Blue Route. We went the old way and it was jammed from people avoiding the Blue Route. We could see the Blue Route from various places along the way and car were still trying to get on it. I don't know why they didn't close the ramps. It looked like a big parking lot in both directions for about five miles.
When we got back, we had some lunch and I headed back home to Chesapeake City. I wanted to avoid rush hour traffic. I heard there was another accident on the Blue Route north of MacDade. I was heading south of MacDade so I chanced it. It was fine. It took me about 45 minutes to get here. I tried to walk Danny when we got back but he only went out to the driveway, did his business and ran back into the house. I don't know if he was tired from riding all around or maybe he heard a gunshot that I didn't hear. I had my ear muffs on. It was cold today and a big storm is brewing for Saturday. I hope it holds off as it is my grand niece's second birthday. I am only twenty minutes away but both sets of her grandparents have to travel down I 95 which is where the brunt of the storm is expected to be. We shall see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
PS: For some reason, when I bring up my blog on the laptop, the spell checker is missing. Please excuse any errors.
We left Vineland about 11:15. We stopped in Woodstown for some lunch at McDonalds and gasoline at WaWa. When we got here, I unloaded the car and put things away. I found a Christmas banner wrapped around my picnic table and figured it belonged to my neighbor. I saw her come out to her car so I took it over to her. It was indeed hers.
I took Danny for a walk around 3:30 and when we got back, I put my dinner in the oven and took a hot shower. It felt good as it was cold out.
I watched one of my brother’s movies and then watched the Rockford files on Fancast. They have free TV shows and movies online. I can watch on my PC.
I plan to do some reading and get to bed early.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some errands this morning. I went to the post office to drop my Christmas Cards in the mail. I had finished them earlier. From there, I went out to the Belleview Winery to get some Cranberry Wine for Christmas Gifts. On the way back home, I stopped in Sonia's. She used to work with Ted and me. I had a birthday gift for her son, Jonathan and a Christmas gift for the family. Danny recognized Sonia even though it has been a long time since he has seen her. We used to take Danny to work with us. Sonia would walk him. It was good to see Sonia and talk with her.
I walked Danny when I got home and had a late lunch. I did some laundry and trimmed the Irish Junipers out front. The wind had knocked some of the branches down on them. I used hand trimmers but they should have had a good trimming with the electric sheers. I didn't feel like dragging out the cord.
I vegetated the rest of the day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I saw this photo and wondered who was that kid on my father's lap. Then I realized it was me. Uncle Vernon gave me the guitar for Christmas. I had a lot of wonderful Christmases with my family at Grandmom's. Back row is Aunt Peg holding cousin Cookie. My brother, Rick is standing in back of them and next to him is Uncle Bud. Across the front is Uncle Vernon, my cousin Mick, brother, Don, me and Dad, Moma, Aunt Jean, and Grandmom holding cousin Rosemary.
I went to the bank, the chiropractor. Then I went down to the shopping center in Millville. I got my labels in Staples and went into Dick's Sporting Goods. I tried on several pair of sneakers but they didn't seem to fit right. The guy was helping me and I kept sending him back for a bigger size. I decided I'd wait for the Saucony's to go on sale and started to leave when I heard the guy call "Karol". I wondered how he knew my name. I hadn't told him and I didn't have a name tag on. Then I looked at him and recognized "Norbie". He was a running buddy of Ted's and I ran in races with his wife. I hadn't seen him in years. We talked for awhile and then I went to the front section of the store and bought myself a nice warm had for my Christmas present. I think it's a Swedish hat. It has draw strings to tie it on. It is black and white wool with a fleece lining. All my hats have stretched and the cold air whips in. The hat will go with all my coats and jackets.
I went in the curtain store to get my nephew and his wife a table cloth. I saw some real pretty ones in there before I knew they needed one. Alas, they didn't have the right size. I left and went to Boscov's where I found a couple tablecloths on sale in the right size so I got them two.
I went in bath and body to get my other nephew's wife some fancy soap. From there, I headed home to take Danny out and have some lunch. I printed out my labels and found I had put the wrong toner in the printer. That is why the other came out so light.
I had decided not to go to PA. I just get tired of all the driving.
I rested for awhile then put my sweet potato in the oven. I took Danny out while it was baking.
After dinner, I started getting my Christmas cards written. I am more than halfway through. I'll finish them tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up around 7am and went to work on my Waldorf Salad I was going to take to the Church Christmas Covered Dish Dinner. I ran over to the WaWa to use the ATM and I needed a $5.00 gift to exchange. WaWa had a gift center in the middle of the store with cookies and candy. I got a package of Chocolate Turtles. I hope the person who got my gift likes them. I received a Christmas Mug. It is pretty with cardinals and holly on it.
I didn't get much done today. It rained hard all day and was difficult getting Danny out. I put on his coat but he wanted nothing to do with being outside. I told him to hurry up and do his business but he wanted to go in. I walk him around the hedge until he finally found a spot where he could go. We were both soaked by that time.
I called Ted's sister but she wasn't home. I also called his parents and they weren't home either. When the weather is terrible here, I picture it being the same there and wondered why they were out in this? Of course it wasn't raining there. They had all gone out to dinner together and called me when they returned.
My Christmas card labels didn't work out. They were clear labels and the ink didn't come out very well on them. I didn't realize this until I peeled them off and stuck them on the envelopes. You could hardly read the name. It may just need toner. I'll have to try again.
I also talked to my brother this morning and my sister-in-law this afternoon. She wanted suggestions as to what I'd like for Christmas. It so happened that my coffee pot stopped working so I put that on my suggestion list.
I just took Danny out. It has stopped raining but it is still very wet out there. The ground here in Vineland is squishy and it is largely sand.
I'll be going over to PA tomorrow to take the greens to the cemetery. My sister-in-law will go with me. Maybe I can finish my shopping while I'm over there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We didn't get up until nearly 7am this morning. I took Danny out before making the coffee. I think my coffee pot may be broken. It is a fourteen cup pot and there were four cups that didn't pump through. I don't know if the pump went or what happened. I have another pot but it's down in Maryland. I'll have to test it again and see if it works. Otherwise, I'll have to put it on my Christmas List.
I did some computer work and some laundry. I walked Danny at 10:30 instead of waiting until noon. I went out shopping. I stopped at the farm where I buy the grave blankets for the cemetery. I bought one for Ted's grave and one for my parents grave. I also bought one to put on Ted's grave for his parents. Next, I went to Pet Smart to return some rawhide treats that were shaped like candy canes. After I bought them, I read the package and it said the red dye may get all over everything. I give them to my nieces' and nephews' dogs from Danny.
Next, I went to Target to do my Christmas shopping. They seem to have what I was looking for. I went in the Acme down at the shopping center and got some groceries that I needed. Then it was on to Best Buy to get my brother's gift.
It was 2:30 when I got home. I had some macaroni and cheese and an apple for a late lunch. I also had an ice cream sundae cup. Acme brand had 12 for $2.99. It was pretty good.
I found the labels for my Christmas cards before I went out shopping so I didn't need to go to staples. I had some trouble getting them to print. I forgot to remove the tape on the toner I had replaced. Anyway, the labels are printed and I'll work on the cards tomorrow.
I washed my hair and got a bath and got ready for the Christmas concert at the Church. I wasn't too hungry because of my late lunch so I had a chicken leg and some sweet potato chips.
The concert was good. I saw some old friends there, Ray and Ellen. Ray used to be our choir director but moved away. He lived down the street and sold his house just in the nick of time before the housing market collapsed.
I took Danny out when I got home. He likes to walk around the back yard when it's dark. The rabbits are out there and he likes to chase them. He goes as fast as I can go. The rabbits dash away quickly when they see him coming. He sniffs around after them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We slept until 7 this morning. It was cold and windy. I looked out at the thermometer and it was 20 degrees. The radio said the wind chill was 8. Danny was ready to go out. I put on his coat and I bundled up. The ground was frozen. A big difference from the squishiness the day before. I did a few things around the house and packed up to go back to Vineland. It was a quick drive home in just an hour and a half. I partially unpacked and curled up with a cup of tea and my blanket.
I talked to my niece on the phone, had dinner and watched The Santa Claus. It was the second one. Part three is on tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We were up early. I took Danny out but once again, he heard gun shots and headed back in. I was on the computer for awhile and then got ready and went to the exercise class. I went to the library from there to return my DVD’s. My phone wasn’t working right so I got out the instruction book. I found the blue tooth was on. It must have been squished in my pocketbook and gotten turned on. I studied the book a little more and voice trained the phone to call Ted’s parents. It had been trained to Ted’s voice on the old phone. Somehow, I got it to work. I hope I can get some more voice entries on it.
Keep Ted’s sister in your prayers. She was operated on and had a mass removed from her bladder. She should get the results of the biopsy on Monday.
I took a look under the front of my trailer. There is not enough room for me to crawl under there from the front. There is only about six inches clearance. I did see the insulation was torn and hanging down under the hot tub. The insulation seems to be torn where the plumbing went in. It must not have been put back together correctly. I looked up on the internet on how to fix it. I don’t know whether I can do it or not.
A lot of branches came down during the wind last night. I heard that wind howling all night. It woke me up a couple times. It didn’t seem to affect the trailer. The windows didn’t even rattle. The windows in Vineland will rattle during a strong wind. I’m glad the branches didn’t hit the trailer. It would have scared me to death. It was really cold with the wind chill so I gathered up my things and came in for a hot cup of tea.
I went to the fellowship dinner at the church. They had chili with bread and butter, and taco chips, green beans, and for dessert, cranberry sorbet and chocolate chip cookies. The pastor is sick so there was no Bible Study class. I came home, got a hot cup of tea and watched a movie my brother had lent me. The new version of The Day the Earth Stood Still. The 1951 version is with it. I will watch it next time.
I took Danny out to do his business before getting ready for bed. He is sleeping in my lap right now. I will do some reading and be off to sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It rained hard all night long. It woke me up a few times. When I finally got up around six, I looked up the weather and the weather channel said light rain for Chesapeake City. I thought, “What planet are you on?” I didn’t take Danny out until eight. It was light rain then. He did his business right away and came back in.
I got ready and went to the high school kid’s concert at the Presbyterian Church. It had cleared off by then. The young people did a great job. After is was over, I saw my friends from the Methodist Church and went over to them. The pastor invited everyone to lunch. They had homemade soup, rolls, and dessert. I the turkey noodle soup with a roll, a piece of pumpkin pie, and a slice of nut bread.
When I got back, I walked Danny and did a few odd jobs around here. I took off the grate where the horrible smell was coming from. I could smell it slightly. It only seems to be in the blue bedroom. I believe it is not in the duct work but maybe on top of it. I could see where the insulation was hanging down. I put on my coveralls and went under the trailer. There was a bunch of trash under there. A rolled up piece of vinyl flooring, a big steel thing that is shaped like a V, and a roll of orange fencing that contractor’s use. I took out the flooring and the fence and put it behind my shed for next week’s trash. The V thingy will have to stay. I would need a tow truck to haul it out of there. It is very big and looks very heavy. I also found an unsurprising beer can and some other junk.
I found that the insulation had been torn down in several places. A cat must have gotten under there. They do that with the tearing down of the insulation. I don’t know how I’m going to fix it. I’ll have to look around Home Depot and see it they have the vinyl under layment. That has been shredded in some places. With that open, it allows the little critters to get in. I didn’t see any critters. It was wet under there so I didn’t stay long. I did patch some slits with some duct tape.
I went to the supermarket and got some needed groceries. I can have my Honey Nut Cheerios in the morning. I got some canned vegetables that were on sale and some Friendly Ice Cream Sunday cups that were ten for a dollar.
When I got back, it was dark. A big dark cloud had moved in. I took Danny out but he didn’t go far. We got our dinner ready and watch the movie, Surf’s Up. Danny barked at the penguins.
I sprayed that corner that Danny was barking at with Odor Blaster. He is still sniffing around there but not barking at it. I may have to spray some more.
It’s time to take Danny out and then we watch some old TV show online.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We got up at 4:45 and got ready for the drive to MD. I walked Danny in the dark. The car was mostly loaded last night but I still had to run around doing things. The plants needed to be watered and the trash put out. I pack up the suitcase and we were on our way by 6:30.
We stopped in Woodstown to get gas, walk Danny, use the restroom, and get a cup of WaWa Coffee. We arrived at 8:15. I unloaded the car and Danny ran straight to the bedroom and barked at a corned of the wall and shelf I have the TV on. He’s been barking and growling at it all day. I believe a mouse must have been there but Danny scared him away. His scent must remain. My job will be to plug up all the holes in this place. There may be a hole where the water or drain comes up in the bathroom. I can’t get at it because of the bottom of the cabinet. The bottom doesn’t go all the way across but it covers the part where the pipes are. Maybe I can get it from underneath.
My nephew, Bob and his friend came at 9:00 with the door. It didn’t fit. Evidently, my other nephew measured incorrectly. Thankfully, Bob had the skill to knock out the stud and move it over. The door said 34X79 but the frame was 36x79. Anyway, the door looks great and works great as well as keeping the place a lot warmer.
I brought the packages with me that I needed to mail. The post office here is a lot friendlier than the one in Vineland and there was no line. I also stopped at the library to get a couple movies, Ratatouille and Surf’s Up. They were on my list but I don’t remember where I got the list from.
I continued decorating the tree and garden under it. I have some more gold ornaments for the tree in the front room but I haven’t finish with that yet. I put lights along the railing of my front entrance and steps. I did some more raking of the yard but had to quit so I could walk Danny before dark. The park has a rule that you are not allowed to walk around the streets after dark. I have to walk Danny in the yard at night. He didn’t seem interested in walking anywhere today. I don’t know if he heard gunshots or he wanted to get back in the house to bark at whatever he smelled.
The smell of the dead critter was gone when I got here. I was very relieved. I either got it up in the shop vac or it disintegrated and dissipated. I still have to find out if there is a hole in my duct work. I won’t be able to do it tomorrow because a winter storm is coming. Snow, sleet and rain. I hope I can go to the Christmas Concert at the Presbyterian Church. One of the ladies in our exercise group at the Methodist Church invited all the ladies in the class to come. The Presbyterian Church is on the other side of the bridge. We’ll have to see how the weather is in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't get much done today. II cut down the rest of the dead flowers in my front flower bed and raked out the leaves. I went to Walmart to see if they had any address labels. They did not so I wasted my time. It was the closest place. Staples is down in Millville. II talked to my friend, June for awhile. I talked to my sister-in-law, Sylvia. We made arrangements for Christmas. I got the car packed up and will be moving out early in the morning. My nephew is going to pick up the door to my home in MD so I want to meet him there. I also have to find out about the dead critter in my duct work. Get rid of that and seal up the hole where it got in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My brother, Don came down today. He helped me put the air conditioners in the basement, carry a couple pieces of drywall out to the curb, and clean out the rain gutters.
The drywall disappeared sometime after dark. The rain gutters hadn’t been done since before Ted got sick. They were big jobs and I am grateful Don was able to help me with them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I awoke early and did some computer work. I took Danny for his walk. There was a light rain. I shredded the files for 1995. I went to K-Mart to get new bulbs for my electric candles. I always need to replace most of them each year. I found a gift for Ted's grandniece, Nuriel. I went down to Pet-Smart and got Danny some presents and to Target and got my grandniece, Ryleigh her birthday gift. It was raining hard by the time I left Target. I wanted to get done what I needed to do while I was in that area.
I came home, had some lunch and let Danny look out at the rain. I knew he would not want to go out in that. I did put his coat on him and took him out later. He did what he needed to do and ran back in. I put the storm windows in both doors and settled down to watch some movies on the Television.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
No, they are not leaves on the trees. They are black birds, mostly grackles. They seem to roost in the area. They are in every tree that surrounds the mobile home park and the State Hunting Grounds. They flock up and fly around just before dusk every night. There are tens of thousands of them. I used to count birds for the Audubon Society so I started counting them and I put that skill to work. I heard a little kid say watch out the birds don't poo on you. They all cackle as they fly and make a tremendous sympathy.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
There was a terrible rain storm last night. I heard it pounding on the roof while I was reading and falling asleep. I think it scared Danny. He barked at it.
We got up early and it had cleared up. We went for our walk around the mobile park. I got ready and went to the exercise class at the church. Frances was back. She had had surgery on her thyroid. She had complications and has been absent from church for several weeks. I'm not sure what happened but she talks with a raspy voice. I hope she gets better.
After lunch, I walked Danny and didn't feel very well all day. I decided to pack up and go home to Vineland a day early. I thought I might be coming down with something and wanted to be here if I needed to see my doctor. As I was checking all the rooms, I went into the little blue bedroom and there was a horrid smell like something was dead. I look all around and I think it was coming from the heat duct. I took off the cover and cleaned it out. I must have missed that one when I cleaned the others. There were metal things that closed the cover in there and enough screws to supply a hardware store. I then took the vacuum cleaner to it and heard a clunk go up the hose but I don't know what it was. The smell was making me sick so I put the cover back on and left. Now I'm wondering if that was what was making me not feel well. My eyes were burning and itchy. I feel somewhat better now that I'm away from there. I'll see how I feel tomorrow. I'll have to take my other shop vac down there. The hose on it is thinner that the one I have there and may be able to reach further into the duct. I hope I don't have to call a heating contractor to fix it.
Danny was barking at the furnace but I didn't see anything there. There was a crack in back of the furnace that went down through the floor. I wonder if a mouse got in there. It will be difficult to seal that up.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We were up early and out for our walk. One of my neighbors was up on his roof inspecting his chimney. I asked if he were getting it ready for Santa Claus.
I put the gold balls on the little tree I have in the front window but I have to buy some more. I put up the big tree in the living room. I have three sets of lights that are not working so I have to buy some more of them or try to fix these. Maybe I'll change the fuse if I can find on in my stuff.
The door came in but I realized that I may not be strong enough to help Ed carry it in here. It has two doors and one of them is steel. I tried to call my other nephew but he had gone deer hunting with my brother. They won't be back until the weekend.
I decided to call my other nephew, Bob, to pick it up at the store with another guy and bring it down to install it. He lives in PA but the store where I bought it is on the way to Chesapeake City. He'll be able to do it on the weekend.
I was going to put lights up on my wooden rail fence but all of a sudden, I heard rain on the roof. It was pouring. I had to go to the post office so I dragged Danny along. He didn't mind too much. I didn't think I'd get him out the door in the rain. I have to take him out again in a few minutes before we get ready for bed.
Tonight, I watche Magnum, PI online. I didn't get a movie at the Library. If I want to watch one, I can get them on line. I don't know what I can get; I'll have to check it out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got the car packed up this morning. I tried putting my headboard in but it wouldn’t fit. I thought I could slip on of the legs through but I couldn’t get the right angle to do so. I brought the large picnic table to use for Christmas dinner and the Christmas tree, lights for the tree and the outdoors, and the ornaments. I crammed in my suitcase, computer, tool box, etc.
I met with the insurance man and then took off. We got here at 4:00. I unloaded the car and took Danny for a walk before it got dark. I spoke with one of the neighbors. He had a blowup of the manger scene. Not many people have manger scenes. He said he has a lot more blowups and lights for the house. First they will be doing his son’s house and then his. He said his son has even more blowups.
I found online TV. There is a list of programs they have for viewing online. Most of them are oldies but goodies. I watched The Rockford Files. I am going to hit the hay early. I am really tired.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
No, I do not have a babbling brook in my back yard. This is the drainage ditch that comes down from the road and goes around the back of the mobile home park and empties into Back Creek about a mile away. When I first looked at the home in May, the ditch was dry. We've had so much ran that it has been running like a brook since June.
Back Creek is part of the western end of the Delaware & Chesapeake Canal. It empties into the marina and then into the canal.
News from the Vorlon Wife.