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It was a gloomy day today. I thought it would be sunny but the sky was dark and there were snow flurries. When I got here, yesterday, I turned up the heat and turned on the water. This morning, I was wondering why the hot water was taking so long to heat up. It was colder than the cold water. Then, it dawned on me that I forgot to turn on the circuit breaker for the hot water heater. Duh! I was about to take a shower. I had to wait but I was running out of time to get ready for church. I waited a half hour and found I had plenty of hot water. I hurried taking my shower because I was afraid I’d run out before I finished. It turned out fine but I had to hurry to get ready for church.
When I arrived, the lady who sits in back of me and is also in the choir thought we wouldn’t sing today but enough people arrived and we sang. At first, I thought I didn’t know the song but upon hearing the music, I realized that I did know it. I stayed for practice afterward. They are getting ready for Palm Sunday and Easter Music.
I wasn’t home long when Cheryl called and they were ready to go to my brother’s. My sister-in-law, Sylvia was having a turkey dinner. Everyone was invited but it seems not everyone can come to most dinners. Everyone showed up and we managed to find a place to sit for our dinner. Everything was good and everyone had a nice time. We were amazed that people still had chairs and trashcans reserving their parking places. It is a public street and the snow had been cleared off the street and melted. There was still a lot on the grass. After it snowed, people spent hours shoveling out their cars so they reserved their space with a beach chair or trash can. I can’t blame them. I would be ticked if I spent hours shoveling out my parking space and someone else parked in it.
After I got home and took Danny out, I watched a DVD. It was called, “Danny”. It was about a girl and a horse. My Danny kept barking at the horses. It is difficult to watch a movie with an animal in it. Danny must think the animal is in the house and invading his territory.
Just the usual birds today. Lots of Canada Geese flying around in V formations. Four flocks of V’s flew over at the same time. I saw some birds on the marina but I didn’t have my binos with me. They were black and white. I don’t know if they were gulls or some other water fowl.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The first thing this morning, I saw a house finch out the sunporch window in Vineland. He was going into the Irish Juniper. I found nests in there last year when the branches broke down and I had to cut them off. They also make nests in my cedar tree. When I took Danny for his walk, I saw the chickadee. There were also flocks of robins all over the neighborhood.
I spent the morning upgrading my computer, shoveling out the driveway to the garage, and getting ready to go to MD. We left after lunch, around 1pm and got here about 2:35. I was afraid I’d have to shovel out when I got to MD but they didn’t get as much snow here and most of it was melted. The area is like a big mud hole. The ground was saturated before the snows even came. I hope it dries out for awhile.
I went to the library and got a couple movies for tonight and tomorrow night.
I’m beat so I’m heading to get some sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Not a good time for flowerblogging. This is February 2010.
Scrol down to see flowers at this time of year in the past.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The crocuses were blooming Feb. 27, 2009
This photo was taken Feb. 23, 2008
They came and got my branches today. I had given up on them. I didn't think they'd get to them until next month. They also sent a snowplow around. They didn't send one during the storms. They pushed the snowbanks back onto the sidewalks and driveways that everyone shoveled out. I had a large ice boulder in the middle of my drive. I was not pleased. I had to chop it apart with my tool that looks like a hoe but it is straight. It's good for chopping and scrapping ice.
I did my bill and did some computer work. It really eats up time doing computer work. I'll have to do some more tomorrow.
So far, the storm hasn't amounted to much. It snowed all day but melted when it hit the ground. Around 8 o'clock, it started to stick in the grass but the roads and sidewalks are still clear. The temp is supposed to drop and the wind swing around and dump ten to fifteen inches on us. Everyone is tired of this. We are ready for spring. I haven't worn a pair of shoes since December. I wear boots outside and take them off just inside the door. I slip into my slippers to wear in the house. I did wear some fashion boots on Sunday but I usually wear my L.L. Bean boots or for deep snow, I wear my Sorrels. I'm really tired of putting on the hat, coat, boots and gloves. Then I have to put a coat on Danny Boy. I hope this is the last of it but I see another system in California coming this way.
Yesterday, my friend, June called. Today, my sister-in-law, Sylvia called. I called my brother, Don. He has a cold and was not feeling too good. My friend, Dottie, called. She has had some medical problems and has had to reschedule things because of the storm. She had cataract surgery in one eye and will have to have it in another. She is having some stomach problems but can't get the tests done until April. The doctors are backed up because of the storms and had to reschedule everyone.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Not much to report on today. I looked through my tax stuff and got it ready. I took Danny for his walks. I heard a Northern Chickadee and saw what I believe was a red-tailed hawk. It fly up and perched on the top of the church steeple. It looks like he has a good view from up there. It was cloudy and dark so I really couldn't say for sure if it were a red tail. It was shaped like one and I know they are in the neighborhood.
I decided to wait out the storm and stay here until Saturday. I hope the roads are cleared out by then. It seems they don't measure snow in inches around here anymore. They measure in feet.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny slept in late. He didn't get up until 9:00 when I came up to see if he was all right. He seemed to be OK. I think he must have known it was raining. He does not like to go out in the rain. I took him out but he didn't stay long. He got out to the front walk and turned around to come back in.
I called tho doctor's office to get a new prescription as my insurance had changed. I drove over to his office and stopped at the Shop Rite on the way home. I found another brand of the Paws that is same for pets. It was in the pet isle. I also got some broccoli, oranges, grapefruit, and a few other things that were $.99.
I didn't do much else. It rained all day. Each time I took Danny out we both got soaked. I heard Mrs. Cardinal chipping and turned to see her in my dogwood tree. I didn't notice any other birds except for the gulls at the Shop Rite.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I saw the usual birds today. Crows, grackles, jays, cardinals, sparrows. I heard and then saw the little downy woodpecker. I don't know how they don't give themselves a concussion. They look like they are beating their brains out.
I took my car to the Honda dealer for its oil change. I got my clicker fixed. I thought it was a dead battery but they soldered some wires inside it. I also got a new bulb for my clock put in. I got in the car one night and couldn't see the clock. I thought I had a light in it but didn't see anything in the manual. I'll have to check it next time I get in when its dark. It took over an hour. They were pretty busy.
I went to Wal-Mart when I left the Honda dealer. They had rock salt but not the Driveway Heat or the Paws. I have some Paws in MD but none in Vld. I have a little Driveway Heat but not much. I got the rock salt. I figure I can throw it in the street since they plow six feet away from the curb and leave the ice chunks in front of the drive. I can also throw it in the street in MD since they leave about six inches of hard pack along the front of my parking spaces.
I'll have to keep looking for the Paws. I got some at the supermarket in Elkton, MD. The Paws is safe for pets and children.
I got some coffee and fruit at Wal-Mart. They had grapefruit, oranges and apples for $1.00.
I didn't do much else today. I still feel worn out from all the shoveling last week.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't blog last night. I fell asleep watching a movie on PBS. I woke up when it was ending and went to bed.
This morning when walking Danny, I first heard and then saw a song sparrow sitting in my neighbor Alex's tree. The rest of the birds were the usual blackbirds and robins. I also heard but did not see a cardinal.
I went to church here in Vineland. Dr. Donchez preached today. He was one of the pastors who spoke at Ted's funeral. Pray for his wife, Linda as she has heart problems and needs more surgery. I went to lunch with my friends after the service.
Also pray for my sister-in-law Kathy as she gets her second opinion from the urologist/oncologist. I hope she gets some good news.
I talked to my brother, Don, this morning and this evening I talked to Ted's mother and my niece, Cheryl.
I cooked up some chicken breasts and put one in the frig and the rest in the freezer. When I go to the super market, I look for meats that are $.99/lb. This week it was chicken. Sometimes the legs and thighs are cheaper. I stock up when I can.
More storms are on the way. Lets hope we get rain and wash this snow out of here. Everyone is ready for spring.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do much today. I did some bills,went to the Chiropractor went to the post office, and then shoveled the snow out of my driveway so I could get my car into the garage. I did my laundry and then I rested the rest of the afternoon. I took Danny on his usual walks. I saw the same birds here as in CC. The grackles, starlings, cowbirds, robins, crows and Mrs. Cardinal. She sort of gets a bum rap. She is very pretty if you don't compare her to the male.
A friend from church called me. She heard I was in town so she wanted me to know she was thinking of me. It is hard to leave good friends behind.
I have someone coming to look at the house tomorrow. I hope I can sell it without having to put a new bath tub in. I still haven't finished painting the cellar. Too much shoveling to do anything else.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Robbie, my neighbor at Chesapeake Estates, and his friend are shoveling off my roof. It took them two hours. There was a crust on top of the snow they had to chop through. I was so glad they were available to do it. I was afraid the ice dams would force the water into my house and damage the walls and ceiling.
I returned to Vineland today. I am still unable to get into my garage. I am too tired out to shovel it. I am parked in the driveway next to the back door. The snow is melting but there was just so much of it. With the two back to back N'oreasters, we had about five feet of snow. The streets are clear but there are still large snowbanks along them and a lot of the sidewalks are not clear. I have to walk Danny out in the road and with the snowbanks, the road isn't very wide. When a car comes, I scoot into a driveway. Danny is tired out, too. He is sleeping on my lap.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When I took Danny out this morning, I noticed in the front corner of the house, the ice was dripping down the back of the eave onto the siding. I took him for a short walk as I contemplated what to do. When I got back, I saw the same thing happening near the back bedroom window.
I got out the ladder and started chipping away at the ice dam. It was two to four inches high and six to eight inches deep. I chipped a valley through the ice and water started dripping out. I took the ladder out back and the roof was higher back there as the ground slopes. I have a little giant ladder. It raises and opens to several different positions. It is heave for me to handle but I got it open and up to the roof. I chipped several valleys for the snow to melt through and realized it would only freeze up again. I went over to my neighbor, Bill. He had his roof shoveled off so I asked him who did it. He sent me to another neighbor, Dave, who lives at the end. I walked down to Dave’s trailer and met Robbie there. I told him I needed my roof shoveled and he said he would do it. He cuts my grass in the summer and has recently lost his job so he could use the money. I quickly drove to the bank to get the money. He came about five minutes after I got back. He brought a friend and they went up on the roof and shoveled it off. Robbie said there was between two and a half and three feet of snow up there.
I still had time to pack up and head for Vineland but I was too exhausted. Ii was nearly noon so I took Danny out again and came back to have some lunch. I laid down on my air bed that I have set up in the front bedroom with the TV and computer. I put on a DVD of Maxwell Smart and went to sleep with Danny next to me.
I didn’t sleep well last night worrying about the ice dams and all the snow on the roof. I guess I was contented this afternoon and got some needed rest.
When we got back from our afternoon walk, Danny tore across the living room, into the kitchen and slid into my plant stand. He was barking his head off. I saw a bird fly past. I thought it was outside. Danny kept carrying on and I looked at the blind and wondered what was on it. I thought it was a big leaf that came off a plant but the plants near it had small leaves. I walked up to it and it flew. It was a Carolina Wren. I herded Danny into the front bedroom and shut the door. I opened the front doors and herded the bird out. As soon as the bird saw the open door it headed right out. When I let Danny out, he ran around trying to find it.
I decided not to list the same birds everyday because they are the same ones. I will only list birds that are different than yesterday’s list. I saw them all again today. Plus my house guest, the Carolina Wren.
I have no idea how it got in. I don’t remember leaving the door open. It must have flew is as I opened the door and didn’t notice it. I did notice some drops of dirt on the kitchen floor and wonder how they got there. I thought I must have carried my boots or shovel across the kitchen and they dripped. I wasn’t quite in line with heading for the back door but I had no clue we had a house guest. I thought Carolina Wrens were here in the summer but I looked them up in the bird book and they are here all year.
Time for dinner and I’ll see what movie is online for tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It snowed all night into the morning. Only one inch accumulated. I went to the exercise class but no one showed up. I didn’t really expect anyone. I went to the post office and the bank. I don’t know why the drive-in window was closed. I had to go inside. I was going to go to the super market but the bridge went up into the clouds and disappeared. I decided to go home. I did a little cleaning and fixing things. I took down the wreaths. I had put valentines on the red bows but now it’s time to decorate for St. Patrick’s and then spring.
There are ice dams along the roof. I hope it doesn’t back up under the shingles and leak in. There is still a foot of snow on the roof. Some people have shoveled it off and some the wind has blown off. I wish it had blown mine off.
My bird list for today:
Grackles, starlings, cowbirds and crows.
Juncos and white throated sparrows’
Canada Geese
Mourning doves and house sparrows
Turkey vultures
A new one for the area – Rufus sided towhee
I was surprised to see him. They are usually scratching around in the leaves at the side of a woods or field. These were at a bird feeder.
A couple came to look at my house in Vineland this evening. Melissa said the liked the house but had some questions. How old is the roof, how old is the house and how old is the furnace. I hope they buy it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I slept in I didn’t get up until 7:10. I had some coffee and took Danny out. We walked around the mobile home park. My road is paved but the other road is only paved a quarter of the way. The rest is dirt. When the snow melts, it is muddy. Danny gets filthy. Needless to say we only walk there when it is either frozen or dry.
I went over my bills today and realized there will be no mail or the bank will not be open. At least I have them ready for tomorrow. I did some cleaning. With this weather, it's hard to keep up with the dirt and grit that gets tracked in. I take off my shoes and either dry off or wash Danny's feet and it still gets tracked in. When we get in the door, Danny lifts up his right front paw for me to dry it. It's become routine.
My bird list for today:
Juncos, jays, robins, grackles, starlings, cowbirds, white throated sparrows, house sparrows, Canada Geese, turkey vultures, doves and a walk by the marina added the coot, either a black duck or a female mallard and herring gulls.
I decide to take Danny into town for a walk so we could walk on the sidewalks and street and not have to deal with the mud. I also wanted to retrace my steps from Saturday night because I lost part of my earring. Only the hook remained when I got home. Hopefully, it is in Cheryl’s car. I’ll call her when she gets home from work.
I was going to get a new microwave for the mobile home but didn’t feel like going out. I looked up in consumer reports to see which ones they liked. I also looked in e-pinions and they liked the same ones. It gives me an idea of what to look for and how much they are.
I watch some of the “Get Smart” DVD’s that my brother lent me. I fell asleep while watching. I am probably still tired from all the shoveling. My real estate lady called. Someone wants to look at the house tomorrow. I told her there was only on parking space available. The city didn’t do a good job in plowing out my street. If they come in more than one car, they’ll have to park half way out in the road. I can’t believe someone is looking in this kind of weather. Maybe they are desperate and will make a good offer.
I started to take Danny out for his 4pm walk but he didn’t get far. The fire whistle went off and a dog that lives on the other side of the woods in back of me started howling. Danny turned around and wanted to come home. I call the dog out in the back, “The Hound of the Baskervilles.”
Well, it’s time to get some dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday’s bird list:
Flocks of robins
Chesapeake City:
White throated sparrows
Canada Geese
House sparrows
Hawk probably red tailed
Today’s list:
White throated sparrows\
House sparrows
Blue Jay
I arrived here yesterday at 3pm. My nephew, Rick, had shoveled out a parking space, and the steps to the front door. I was so grateful. It was a lot of hard work. He shoveled for two hours to get things cleared up. I had shut the water off before I left so I tried to open the back door but there was too much snow and ice. I took the snow shovel and trudged around to the back door. The snow was frozen hard and I was walking on top of two feet of snow. They had about fifty inches with the two storms but it had compressed down.
I shoveled out the area to get at the water and shoveled off the steps. I knocked down some ice cycles that looked like swords hanging down from the roof. They could kill someone if they fell on them.
Cheryl, called and said my other niece, Tina and her husband Sean were coming to go to dinner. The five of us went to the Chesapeake Inn. It was hard finding a place to park. There was no where for the plow to push the snow. We could have parked at the inn but we tried a place in town first. It was too expensive so we walked to the Inn. We could look out over the water but it soon got dark. We enjoyed our meal and had a nice time visiting together.
Tina and Sean had an hour drive so the left after dinner. Cheryl and Ed dropped me off and I watched some Magnum and Rockford before turning in.
This morning, I walked Danny around the mobile home park. It was difficult with icy spots and muddy road on Mallard Drive. When we got back, I got ready for church. There was a big turnout. The church seemed filled. They were honoring the Boy Scouts. There were being ushers and greeters. They also led the procession and lit the candles on the alter.
I almost forgot I had ordered Girl Scout cookies when I heard my name called out and saw the Girl Scout in the back of the church. I had been away for a few weeks. Last week, I didn’t get to church at all because no one could get out of there driveways last Sunday. The first storm left two feet of snow in Vineland. CC had three feet and Ridley had three feet. Vineland didn’t get quite as much in the second storm as CC and Ridley but I had to do a lot of shoveling.
I shoveled a path to my shed so I could get my steel shovel. I needed it to chop up the ice that had glazed over my walk. That took awhile to do. I smashed a path through the snow with my boots from the back door to the front parking area. I needed a place to walk Danny at night. I usually walk him in the yard and around the house but the yard is a glacier two to three feet thick in some places.
I talked to my sister-in-law, Sylvia and to my mother-in-law, Phylis. I thawed out a quart of my pot roast I had frozen from Christmas. I had that for dinner while I watched on of Don’s movies. It was an old Sci Fi movie, “Forbidden Planet”. I know I saw it years ago but I didn’t remember any of it except for the robot.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Mac Dade Blvd. in Holmes, PA during the December Storm.
Snow bank at the corner of my brother's street is over my head.
Here I am walking Danny in the storm.
Snowbank is chest high in front of my friend Sylvia's house.
The snow laden spruce tree in my brother's yard.
I was sitting in the office when the vice president said he had to leave because an ice dam had built up on his roof and was leaking into the house. A few minutes later, I was faced with the realization that my house in Vineland gets ice dams and leaks.
I told Don that I was going home after work because of the ice dams. He told me to leave after lunch. It took me a couple hours to pack up the car. I had stuff all over the house. Plus, I found a drawer full of my mother’s clothes that I wasn’t aware of. I thought I had taken care of all her clothes.
We got underway by three and were home by four. I had to park in the middle of the street until I shoveled out my drive. I only shoveled enough to get my car off the street. Someone had shoveled my sidewalk in the front and side. I took Danny in the side door and continued my shoveling. Then I unloaded the car, made a cup of tea, and rested for awhile.
There were ice dams on my gutters but the snow had mostly melted off the roof especially where there had been leaks in the past. The water goes up over the flashing and comes down inside. There were no leaks. I was planning to leave Don’s and go to Maryland tomorrow. I may go to MD from here but I’m not sure if I will go tomorrow or Sunday. It will depend on how I feel. I have plants down there that need watering. I also have more shoveling to do. I have two storms worth of shoveling in Maryland. I hope Ed was able to get there with his snowblower and blow out my walk and parking area.
I need some much need rest.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My brother lives in Ridley. Ridley got the most snow in the area with 19 inches on top of the 30 inches it had from Saturday. We had to dig out again this morning. Don helped his neighbor who got stuck down at the corner while I was walking Danny. I decided to go into work with him. If he got stuck, at least there were two of us to dig out. I went down to the corner and waved Don through when it was clear.
There is a parking lot around the corner. It had been plowed out so I got in the car there. We had no problem from that point. They still haven't plowed out the side streets. When we had to turn into the road where Don's company is, we kinda slid around the corner but it was OK. We packed our lunches and stayed until 4:30.
When we got home, I walked Danny while Don went to the store to get some more food. We watched a couple of Don's movies. I think I fell asleep through most of it. I am really beat from all the shoveling. The people here are more considerate in shoveling their walks. I was able to walk Danny through the tunnels of sidewalks up and down the streets. In Vineland, most of the walks go unshoveled. Maybe because the walks are longer as the houses are further apart. People just shovel straight out to the street or to their driveways.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We had to get out and shovel again this morning. It was heavy and wet. First I had to shovel a path for Danny and then help Don shovel out the driveway. I guess if I had been ready, I could have gone to work with him but I hadn't eaten and I had my fleece suit over my pj's. I thought, if I went in at ten, I only have to leave at 11 because that's when the blizzard was starting.
I saw my friend, Sylvia out shoveling so I went out and gave her a hand.
My niece, Cheryl called. She didn't know if I were in CC, Vld, or at Don's. She said their carport for their boat had the posts starting to buckle. They had to go out and shovel the snow off the roof of that, and their two sheds. I hope the roof on my mobile home is OK. The snow has been mixed with rain and sleet. When I go out, I get soaking wet. Both of my coats are wet along with my gloves and hat. I hung everything in the celler. There was no place to put the wet clothes in the house. I had them in the kitchen but when Don came home at lunchtime, he had wet clothes, too. Danny's coat and his towel needed to be hung up. Don doesn't have a dryer so that wasn't an option, either.
Everything is closed. The only major highway still open is Interstate 95. The turnpike is closed and so is the blue route and the Schulkill Expessway. The airport has been closed for two days. The snow in front of my friend Sylvia's house is shoulder high and the pile down at the corner of Don's property is over my head. We took some photos.
We watch a James Bond movie this afternoon. Don got a new 46 inch led digital tv. Even thought it is higher that the old tv was, it didn't take long for Danny to find it and bark at the animals when he sees them. There is a commercial with hamsters and he barks at them.
I don't know if they will get the roads plowed out by morning or not. If I go in with Don then Danny will be stuck inside too long. He doesn't know my friend, Sylvia so I can't ask her to take him out. Besides, she is in her seventies and has to take her own dog out.
We'll just have to wait and see in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I packed up and left for my brother's at 11:00. We got here before 12:00. I talked to my friend, Sylvia across the street and then walked Danny on up the street and talked to my friend, Larry. I grew up with Sylvia and Larry.
Don came home for lunch so we ate and he went back to work. I shoveled a little more to make room for tonight's storm. They are predicting one to two feet. I was going to stay with my other brother but there was no where to park over there. The area had 30 inches of snow from the last storm. I went to the Acme to get some food. Don usually goes on Tuesday night after work so I went in the afternoon. He wasn't expecting for me to stay here so I had to get my room ready. I also shoveled some snow off the roof over the front porch. I open the window and scopped the snow up and heaved and pushed it off the roof. I was about three feet high in some places. I hope the main roof doesn't have that much up there. It is a flat roof. We can't get up there on a ladder in this kind of weather.
I don't know if we'll be able to get out to go to work or whether they will even be opened for work. We'll have to see in the morning.
Birds today:
Canada geese in Philadelphia near the exit ramp off the Walt Whitman Bridge over the Delaware River. The ramp circled around a grassy section headed for Interstate 95.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I shoveled some more today. I shoveled out a space in my driveway next to the house. I had to shovel the area where the snowplow had piled it in. It was about two feet high and six feet wide and about ten feet across. I walked Danny afterward and had some lunch. I looked out the window and saw Heather, the girl across the street out there starting to dig out. She looked like she was struggling so I went out and gave her a hand. I am so tired of shoveling. I didn't do much else today except for some laundry and getting things ready to go to my brothers. I have my suitcases mostly packed. I want to get out early in the morning before the storm hits.
Birds I saw today were:
Robins flocking up on a neighbors roof. It was on the east side and I guess they wanted the sun to warm them up.
A turkey vulture soaring overhead.
A flock of robins flying overhead.
I think I've seen more robins this year than I have in a long time. One time when we first got married, we saw about a hundred of them flocking up in a tree nursery behind our apartment building in Northeast Philadelphia.
I'm off to sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My next door neighbor, Alex, shoveling both our walks. The storm is still in process. It had to be shoveled three times. This is the second shoveling.
Bird sitings today:
Crows a flock of them roosting in my neighbors trees.
Another of my neighbors to the rescue. This is either Mike or Eric. They brought their snowblower on a snow slider. They have just unloaded it. The other brother is running the blower.
Here I am helping Alex dig out the front walk
My neighbor, Alex is knee deep along the walk he shoveled for his house and mine.
Two brothers, Mike and Eric, who are new in the neighborhood came by with their snow blower and offered to help me shovel out. I sent them back to my garage so I could get my car out. They are in the back in front of the hedge.
Posted by tedkarol on 02/07/10 8:30 PM | Link
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I am beat from shoveling snow. I shoveled a path from the back door to the street so I could get Danny out. I had to shovel it three times. Alex shoveled my front walk twice and two teenage boys came knocking at my door to shovel snow. I had them do the driveway to the garage. I asked how much and they said whatever I wanted to pay. They were new here and just wanted to help out.
When I took Danny out tonight, the snow along the path I shoveled was over his head. Out front, the snow was above my knees. I took some photos, I'll post them tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted took this photo on Feb.11, 2006. I doubt if we'll see any crocuses for awhile. The rabbits are eating the leaves and what's left of them is being burried under a couple feet of snow.
The propane man finally came. One of the drivers has been out sick and the others had to double up on their delivery schedule. I figured if he didn't come by 2:00 I'd have to say in MD. I even went to the grocery store to get some food in case I was snowed in. It was mobbed by they had most of the checkouts open. The guy came at 2:15. I was able to get out of there at 2:30. I had the car packed by I had to turn down the heat, turn off the hotwater heater and turn off the water. I didn't want to take any chances if the power goes out.
We made good time getting to Vineland. We got here by 4:00. The snow didn't begin until 5pm. Traffic was moderate. I was afraid it would be heave as business were letting out early. Once I got over the bridge, the traffic was light. I unloaded the car and took Danny out for a walk. He barked at the little black dog across the street and the little black dog barked back at Danny. They do no like each other. The black dog doesn't even try to sniff Danny through the fence. He just viciously snaps at him.
Here is my bird list for today:
blue jays
white throated sparrows
house sparrows
Canada geese
tufted titmouse
News from the Vorlon Wife
I went to exercise class today and had a good workout. I returned my DVD’s to the library. When I got home, I called the gas company. I am on automatic delivery and I thought they should have delivered last week. I called last week and the lady said I was scheduled for this week. I called yesterday and she said Thursday or Friday. I told her I was below 20 and the big storm was coming on Friday. She said the guy would be here. I was hoping he would come today so I could go back to Vineland before the Storm. I don’t want to leave before he comes. I don’t want to run out of gas and have no heat and the pipes freeze. It’s supposed to get very cold after the storm. I hope the guy gets here in the morning so I can get to Vld. before the storm.
I took Danny to walk in town. I stopped on the south side of the marina to look at the ducks I had seen earlier in the morning. I took my bird book so I could identify them. I believe they were mergansers. The females had red crested heads.
Here is the rest of my bird list for today:
Juncos, robins, red breasted woodpecker, blue jays, grackles, house sparrows, mourning doves, Canada geese, a greater black back gull a pair of turkey vultures sitting on a post at the dock, a few herring gulls, and another duck possibly a pair of ruddy ducks. I also saw a pair of hawks fly out of the woods of the hunting grounds. They were too fast for me to get my binos up to identify them. They were shaped like red tails.
The robins were high in the trees. We generally see them on the lawns in spring plucking worms out of the ground. In the winter, they flock up looking for seeds and berries.
I don’t think I did anything today. I got some clothes and blankets out that I want to take back to Vld. I watched a movie on fancast it was a mystery with Roy Shieder and Meryl Streep. It was OK. It was a little slow moving at first but it had a good ending.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I gave Danny a bath today. He’s all clean and silky. Of course when I took him out this afternoon, he ran straight for the muddy slush. I trimmed some of the fur off his legs. The snow formed big snowballs that stuck in the fur.
It snowed another two or three inches overnight. I had to shovel again today. The sun came out and it was nice. I did some cleaning and fixed the computer desk. The shelf needed a brace. It had broken when it was moved from the storage bin in Vineland to the garage in Vineland. I left it unassembled until I brought it down here. I decided to move it into the bedroom to put the TV and laptop on it. That way, I can see them better from the airbed.
I took the binos out this morning and this afternoon. I thought I’d keep a daily list of what I see.
A flock of robins- I saw a flock this morning and one this afternoon. This morning they were flying over and this afternoon, they were landing in a tree. I don’t know whether they were the same birds.
Juncos aka snowbirds – they are always here
White throated sparrows – they seem to be with the juncos
Turkey Vultures – they too are always here.
Downey Woodpecker
Grackles - another one that’s always here
I didn’t see but heard Canada geese and blue jays
When doing a bird count for the Audubon Society, if you hear a bird, you can count it.
A big storm is heading this way on Friday. I don’t know if I should head back tomorrow. I intended to go on Friday. I’ll see what the details of the forecast are tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to my exercise class this morning. Everyone felt it was a hard workout even thought it is the same workout we’ve been doing for weeks. Maybe it was all the shoveling of snow.’
I did a couple little jobs here. I mounted a rack on the back of the closet door. I hung some of my necklaces on it. I also mounted two braces on the closet shelf. It looked like it was sagging so I wanted to reinforce it.
It seems when I go out with my binos, there are not birds and when I don’t have the binos, there are lots of birds.
After the exercise class, I went to the post office and the library. I got two movies. The third part of the Lord of the Rings I watched tonight. I had seen it on TV but with commercials and it went on too late. I went to bed.
The other one I will watch tomorrow.
When I was walking Danny, I heard some men talking about their skirting and how it had too many vent holes making the trailer cold. The men bought plywood to mount in back of the skirting and then put insulation on it. The other man said a lady put plastic on the ground and it helped keep her place warm. I was planning to put that silver foam insulation on the north side of my trailer. I may put the plastic sheeting down too.
When I took Danny out this evening, it was snowing. The radio said one to three inches and then a big storm coming on the weekend. We’ll see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Chesapeake Ciry
We made good time getting down here. We left at 2:00 and got here at 3:30. I stopped in Woodstown for gas.
I took Danny into the house and grabbed the snow shovel. There was about two inches on the ground. There had been five or six but is either melted or evaporated. I had to shovel the walk. I just scooped it along and scooped out the driveway and a path to the back door. I unloaded the car and took Danny for a walk. I met one of my neighbors while I was walking Danny. She is the one who helped me shovel out after the big storm in December.
I got us some dinner and went online to watch a movie. I picked out a Sherlock Holmes Movie. It was an oldie. Basil Rathbone was not in it but it was made during that time period. The sound track was not good as I could hardly understand what they were saying. I put on Magnum, PI afterward.
I’ll be doing some reading and turn in. Danny is already sleeping. I may have to carry him to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.