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The Spring Peepers are really peeping. I just took Danny out and heard their chorus.
We also had a nice walk in town around 4:00. There were no birds in the marina. Some geese were on the shore and when we walked down to the canal, there were some herring gulls.
We made good time in getting here. We stopped for gas at the WaWa and got here in an hour and a half.
It was a beautiful day and it was great to see the sun. My flowers are blooming nicely. I have daffodils, crocuses, and hyacinths in bloom. The tulips have their leaves up but I don't see any buds. The transplant may have kept them from blooming. I see the dogtooth violets are doing well and so are the hardy primrose. I may have to move them because they may not have enough sun. They were already in bloom when I transplanted them. I brought some more plants. I have them in a box out front. I will plant them tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It rained hard all day today. Danny and I got soaked each time we went out.
I put together my slide show of my trip to Yosemite in September of 2008. I will be showing it at the Nature Club in May. I have over 200 slides but it only takes 18 minutes. I will either have to put some more in or use my brother's disk to add to it. I have some slides of Monterrey Bay and the fishing pier at Santa Cruz. I have photos of the sea lions and California Gulls.
I will also have to study my CD of Yosemite because it's been a while and I forget a lot of the history of the Park.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I filed my taxes today. I will be getting some back from both state and federal. It will be good to get it.
It rained mostly all day and was heavy at times. It had stopped when I took Danny out at 4pm but was raining again when I took him out tonight at 8:00.
I didn't do much else today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church this morning. During the collection of the offering, the organist played familiar Palm Sunday hymn. When the offering was finish and after we sang the Doxology, the Pastor asked if anyone knew what Edna (the organist was playing). Everyone sat quietly so I said, "The Palms." He said, "yes, Karol, and now you can come up and sing it with me." Another lady, Carol Brown, thought he was talking to her so we both went up and sang in a trio. It is a beautiful hymn and it was fun to sing it. The Pastor said, "We had C(K)arols singing.
I went to lunch with my friends from church. We went to the Greek place called Olympia. It's one of my favorite places. I got the Rodos Flounder. It is rolled and stuffed with rice and spinach and a side of delicious coleslaw. It is served with big homemade pita bread and a large Greek salad. I gobbled everything up but brought home half the flounder and a couple of the pita breads. I will have a nice dinner later.
I talked to my brother, Don, he had to get a stronger antibiotic for his cold. He is just starting to feel better. I also talked to Ted's parents. They had a surprise visit from Ted's brother, Tom, sister-in-law, Mary, his niece, Kate and her husband, Andres and the new baby, William. Kate and Andres were visiting from California.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the Doctors early this morning. I got a clean bill of health except for my allergies. They seem to be severe this year. All the flowers and trees bloomed at once after the snow and then temps in the 70's. Also all the rain has caused mold and mildew spores to explode.
The doctor gave me some samples of allergy medicine and the name of what I should buy at the store. I am to take it before bed as it makes one drowsy.
I didn't do much today. I packed up some things in the basement and took some empty boxes out to the garage. I had too many sitting around on the sun-porch and in the basement. I have another showing tomorrow.
My brother is not feeling so well. He had one test and sees his urologist on Monday. They have not removed the catheter. He was hoping they would but the urologist needs to go over the tests and determined what is wrong and how to treat it. I hope it is nothing serious.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The daffodils are in full bloom. Trees are flowering and the grass in growing. Some people have cut their grass already. It evens it off. I have a few onion grasses sticking up but I'll either ignore them or take the weed wacker to them. I don't feel like starting grass cutting yet. The hedge has sprouted green leaf buds. I dread having to deal with that. It needs a good cut back from the damage the heavy snow did. If I don't sell this house soon, I'll either have to hire a professional to shape it up or rent a powerful gas hedge trimmer. I don't even know when I'll get the chance to do yard work. Rain is forcast throughout the week and I need to go to the mobile home and water my plants. I'll have to show my niece how to turn the water on and off and maybe she can water my plants when I can't get there.
I hope someone comes along soon and really likes this house. I'm having a lot of showing but no offers.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I wasn't feeling well today. I was coughing but didn't feel like I had a cold. As the day went on, I realized that I am coming down with a cold. On top of that, I had allergies from the spring pollen. I called the doctor and he is all booked up until Saturday.
I did some wash and got some mail ready. I went to put it out at 11am and the mail man had already been here. He usually doesn't get here until after 12 noon.
I walked Danny but cut his walks short. I hope I don't have the flu. I don't have a fever. I guess this will just have to run its course.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early, walked Danny and packed up to go back to Vineland. We made good time. One hour and 15 minutes. It was early so I didn't have to stop for lunch and Danny didn't need walking.
I went through my emails. I heard from Eset and was able to fix my computer problem. I was glad of that.
Danny is asleep in the bed and I am going to join him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I saw a little bird out back and it was black and white. Then I saw the little red cap on his head and knew it was a Downey woodpecker. I went to exercise class this morning. I had missed several weeks. On my way home, I saw what looked like a huge white wall obstructing my view of the canal. I realized it was a ship going through. It was enormous.
I took the weather-strip off the front door frame and put it back on in a spot where it would do some good. It still needs something else but it is a lot better than it was. Someone replaced the door and the frame is larger than the door. All the doors here are not installed properly except for the ones my nephew put in. The bathroom door has a three inch gap under it. I don’t know if that’s for ventilation or what. It was probably installed by someone who didn’t know what they were doing because all the doors have problems. They either don’t close properly or they don’t close at all. None of the hinges are recessed and some are not level and don’t line up right.
I got my plants put in. I got done just in time before the rain came. Now I am exhausted from the exercise class and the digging. I will go to bed early tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the post office and the library. I got a couple DVD's. I watched one this afternoon. It was a documentary about the wild parrots in San Francisco. It was quite interesting and very scenic. I was nice to see the places I visited when I was there. I wish I had known about the parrots; it would have been nice to see them.
I tried to watch an episode of Maxwell Smart this evening but the DVD player went kaput. It's an old one and it was a spare I used to watch my exercise DVDs. The VCR part of it broke down years ago. I have price some new DVR/VCR player/recorders but was waiting until I get my house sold before spending any money.
I walked Danny in town today. He likes walking around the town. A man came out of the town hall and Danny didn't even bark at him. He was trying to recruit people he could help with the Census. I asked if I had any questions. I told him I have two residences and I could only be counted in one of them. He said I should put the one I am in on April First or the one that I consider my primary residence.
I planted some of my flowers between showers. I had to stop because it started thundering. I have a lot more to plant. I have four plastic bags full. They are large size bags.
I was walking out back and I saw a splash in the babbling brook. (It's not so babbling now; it has gone down quite a bit) I looked to see what it was and I saw a big frog leap into the water. I also hear the spring peepers when I take Danny out in the back yard at night. It is really cool. I hope that white elephant of a house sells soon. I like it here. It is nice to walk around the mobile home park and feel safe for me and Danny. No big dogs are allowed here.
Last night I talked to my friend Phyllis. She is RVing in Texas right now. She and her husband will be traveling around the country. They are off on their exciting adventure. I also talked to Ted's mother. This morning, I talked to my sister-in-law, Sylvia. My brother Rick is doing OK. My nephew, Bob's wife is helping them out. We'll know more after Rick sees his doctor.
Keep my nephew's friends in prayer. Cheri lost her husband. He was investigating some arson fires around the railroad and got him by a train. Cheri and her children are in shock.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I woke up at 5:30, had some coffee and walked Danny Boy. I packed up the car and got on my way by 8:00. I stopped in Woodstown for gas, the ATM machine, the restroom and a breakfast sandwich. I walked Danny around the lot and was back on my way. I made good time in spite of a huge tracker pulling some kind of cultivator that turned in front of me on the turnoff for Chesapeake City. It went 20 mph for a couple miles before it was safe to pass it. It took up three quarters of the road.
I unloaded the car, walked Danny and got ready for church. I sung in the choir and after church, they had a meeting about the mission statement, vision and how better to serve the community. Although it was informative, I had to leave before it was finished. I wanted to walk Danny before going to my nephew, Joey’s birthday. I went over to Cheryl and Ed’s and rode with them to Rick, III’s.
Both of my brother’s were under the weather. Don has been sick for a week. He had some medicine and was feeling better but when it ran out, his cold and sore throat returned. Rick went to the hospital last night. He was in pain with some kind of blockage. They put in a catheter and told him to see his urologist and sent him home.
It was a nice warm day and we sat out on the deck for awhile. It started to cool down and we went inside. It was clouding up and it’s supposed to rain for the next two days. Things are still wet from all the rain and snow. Mallard Drive is just getting dried out.
I brought my flowers with me but I didn’t get a chance to plant them. I’ll have to plant them in the rain. I have daffodils blooming here. I put them in by the fence in the fall and also on the west side of the house. I see the tulips and hyacinths coming up and the crocuses are either blooming or are done.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I just got home from my friends Anniversary party. It was quite a gala affair. They had a lovely dinner at a lovely restaurant. All the church friends were invited. Their son and family came from Seattle and a friend came from Florida and another friend came from Japan.
I wore the dress I wore at my 25th Anniversary dinner. I got a lot of compliments on it.
This morning, I dug up my flowers to take to MD. I have a lot of roots in my yard and I broke the handle of the pitch fork. It's not the kind that you can replace the handle. At least I don't see any way to attach a new handle to the fork.
I got a crocuses, daffodils, tulips, my dogtooth violets, wood hyacinths, regular hyacinths and Siberian Squill which I discovered out back. I don't know how it got out back; they were out front. I don't see any out front this year. I hope to get an early start tomorrow. I want to get to Chesapeake City in time to go to church. Then I'll do some planting before I go to my grand nephew's birthday party.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the Chiropractor this morning for my regular check up. Afterward, I ran the car through the car wash. It needed it. I then went to the shopping center across from the car was and got some greeting cards in the dollar store and wondered through the store and bought some more things. I stopped in an outlet store and bought some panty hose and tights. Next was the Save-A-Lot market. They always have bananas 3lbs for $1.00. I also got a couple of frozen dinners.
When I got home, I walked Danny, had some lunch and vacuumed the trunk of the car. It had pine needles from Christmas and some rock salt spilled when I carried it back from MD. I had taped the bag shut but the tape came undone. After that job was done, I ironed the dress that I'm going to wear to the Donchez's 60th Anniversary. Dr. Donchez is a retired Presbyterian minister. He attends the First Baptist Church where I go. He spoke at Ted's funeral. They are having a dinner tomorrow. It says formal attire optional. I decide to wear the dress I wore at our 25th Anniversary. I only wore it the one time so I think this will be a good opportunity to wear it again.
I have more daffodils coming out and less crocuses. It could be the crocuses don't like 70 degree weather. They look rather wilted. The photo below was taken a couple days ago.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My crocuses blooming in the front flowerbed.
I nailed the boards on the bench this morning. It’s a quick fix. Ted and I took the bench apart years ago. He cut new boards for the back of the bench and we put the bench back together. For some reason, the boards rot out where they join the seat of the bench and the bottom of the bench. The boards are good above and below the bench so I put a board across the back of the seat to hold the vertical boards in place. My problem is, my nails are in MD. I scrounged some up but I’ll have to bring some up here to nail the boards in securely.
I went to the Lenten Luncheon at noon and the Bible Study at 3pm. Then it was off to choir practice at 7:30. There was a big turnout for choir practice and we did very well. I don’t know which church I’ll be at for Easter. I am practicing with both churches. I never know where I will be.
I had another showing of the house at 6:00 this evening. One of these people is going to love my house. I hope it is soon.
My daffodils are in bloom today. The temperature went up to 70 degrees.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I painted the two boards this morning and painted the patchwork I did to the foundation. It came out pretty good. I also painted the doorknob protector plate that will go on the wall by the front door of the mobile home. It has a hole made by the doorknob lock. I patched it but the door must have hit it again and put a hole back in the patchwork. The plastic plate will take care of it. It was white and I painted it almond.
I went to the Red Hatter’s luncheon. It was nice to see the women again. Two of them are having health problems. Alease had had a stroke and has difficulty talking. Ruth has lung cancer and is going threw the treatments and problems that Ted had. I felt so sorry for both of them.
I had the corned beef and cabbage at the Red Hatter’s luncheon. Most people were decked out in their green including my black friends who wanted to honor their Irish friends. They are a terrific group of ladies. I was especially touched by how Mae took such loving care in helping Alease.
I talked to Alex and his neighbor on the other side, Louis. I’m not sure of the spelling as he is Spanish and it is pronounced Lou eese. Louis’s sister is interested in my house. I hope she calls Melissa so she can come in and look at it. I guess she wanted to see if it was in her price range.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Daffodils blooming in Alex's yard.
I worked on a few projects today. The bench at the entrance to my house needs fixing. I cut and primed some boards to fix the problem. I patched and primed the stucco that was cracked and falling off. I'll paint them tomorrow. I swept the driveway near the house. It was filled with seed pods from the sycamores. I made some phone calls; one to cancel a luncheon with a friend over in PA. I just get too exhausted driving. The other was to let the Red Hatters know I would attend their luncheon which is local.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got some things done before I left this morning. I finished installing the shelf in my linen closet and planted the flowers along my walk. I planted early yellow and blue crocuses and large purple crocuses. I also planted mini Dutch irises. I brought the pots back home so I can take some more down. I was surprised when I got home to see Alex’s daffodils in full bloom. Mine have big buds but no blooms yet. I have a later variety planted out front. I don’t know what happened to my regular daffodils. I took the some of tete’e tete’ to MD but they are now blooming yet. There are some daffodils with big buds on them but the only thing blooming is the snowdrops. I was pleasantly surprised to see them. My hyacinths are coming up both here and there.
I will pack up some more next time I go. I can see what’s what as they bloom.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It stopped raining for a little while today; the sun even tried to come out. It started to dry out but then the rain came back. The weather report said if the rain had been snow, we'd of had another two feet.
I went to church but the choir didn't sing today. They had the bell choir play. The sermon was quite interesting and one I've heard and stuied since childhood. It was when Jesus was questioned by the Sanhedron. He kept silient until they asked him if he were the messiah. He said, "I am." This infuriated the Sanhedron and they tore their clothes and accused him of blasphemy. It wasn't because he said he was the messiah, it was because he used the name of God. When Moses asked God what his name was, God said, "I AM." All the Jewish priests and scribes would know this. Before Pastor Amy even finished her sentence, a light went on in my head and I realized what Jesus had said.
I didn't get my flowers planted. It was still very wet out there. Maybe I can get them planted tomorrow.
I went to the Hibachi Grill with my neice, Chery and her husband Ed. I tried the stir fry this time rather than the buffet. It was excellent. I selected what I wanted and put it on my plate and handed it to the cook. He stir fried it on the grill as I watched. It was all fresh and freshly cooked. It was still light when we got home but it was raining again. The forcast is for rain tomorrow. What a bummer.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It’s been a wet weary day. I managed to get Danny out between downpours. Last night and tonight, I heard the spring peepers singing. They were “singing in the rain. “ The ground is soggy wet and the drainage ditch is raging waters.
I saw no birds today. I wasn’t out and I don’t thing they were either.
I like my new microwave. It makes cooking a lot easier.
I didn’t do anything but watch TV online and some Get Smart movies on DVD.
I will be going to church tomorrow. I sewed my choir gown and have it in the car so I won’t forget it.
I brought some spring flowers but I didn’t get a chance to plant them with all this rain. I brought some yellow, blue, and purple crocuses and some mini Dutch irises. I’ll bring some more when I come next time. I’ll try to dig out as many as I can now that I know where they are. I also want to get the hardy primrose. It is blooming beautifully.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I found this photo on my laptop. Ted must have taken it. It has beautiful bright leaves. I don't know what kind of tree it is,
I packed up but waited until someone came to look at the house. A young lady came with her real estate lady. She took pictures to show her husband. She said he was a mechanic and was interested in having a garage. The real estate lady liked the house. She liked the large rooms and large closets. She said newer homes have small rooms and not much closet space. She also liked the Victorian look that my house has.
I walked Danny and had some lunch. I took off around 3:30. I stopped at the WaWa in Woodstown for some gasoline and walked Danny around the grass nest to the parking lot. After he did his business, we were on our way again. Traffic was getting heavy on the bridge and on the Interstate. It took a little longer to get here. We arrived around 5:00. I unloaded the car and took Danny for a walk. It was raining lightly but by the time we got back it was coming down harder. We were both wet and I forgot the hair dryer for Danny. I dried him off with a towel.
I unpacked my new microwave and the corning ware pots. I had packed them in a box so I could have something to use in the microwave. I cooked some cod and some carrots. I also had some applesauce and ice cream.
I watched some Rockford files and will now do some reading.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got a few projects done today. I sewed my choir gown. I went to the Lenten Luncheon with my friends from church. I cleaned the air cleaner. I went to Sears and got a new microwave. Consumer Report rated the Sears model as excellent. It has 1100 watts. All the food packages say not to cook at less than 1100. My old one is 700 watts. I went to the Comcast Store and got some kind of a converter. I tried to hook it up but failed. I got static. I even tried to hook it up without the VCR and DVD player attached. No luck. I feel like taking it back. I have an old TV. I only get a little better picture with the digital. I also have the computer hooked up to the cable. I will deal with it later. I don't know if it is something I need. I read where you will not be able to record one channel and watch another. That is something I do regularly. I wish they would just leave things alone. I don't need an upgrade. I am happy the way things are.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some yard work today. I trimmed the rose bushes and the evergreen trees and hedge that got broken down with the heavy snows.
I packed some more stuff up. Mostly glass and ceramic ware.
I bought some patches for my navy blazer. One of the sleeves got a hole worn in the elbow. The rest of the blazer is perfectly good so I'll sew the navy suede patches on it.
There were not too many birds today. A blue jay was sitting on the hedge. Some geese flew to the east and some crows flew north but stopped in my tulip tree. I saw a house sparrow singing in the crook of my roof where it meets the dormer and chimney. I don't know why the roofer didn't put a screen on there. It had one before. I don't want house sparrows or pigeons nesting there. They make a dirty mess.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did my taxes today. I still have to go back and edit a couple things but it looks like I will get a good chunk back. I had another person come to look at the house tonight. I’m getting a lot of showings. I hope I get a buyer soon.
I was wondering why I felt poorly but then I realized it is spring and I feel this way every spring. If my allergies weren’t bad enough, one of the ladies or maybe all of them were wearing perfume. I sneezed my head off when I came back into the house. Since they looked all over the house, the trail of perfume was in every room. It’s still a little too cool to open up all the windows.
I had no good bird sightings today. I heard a couple woodpeckers but couldn’t see them.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I saw a red-tailed hawk flying by when I looked out the bathroom window this morning. I saw a couple more flying around this afternoon. Robins are still in flocks and I saw the male cardinal out near the birdbath.
I did some computer work this morning and made called the insurance company. They had made a mistake on my homeowners and I had to straighten that out.
I had another family come to look at the house this afternoon. They seemed to like it. The lady said her mother lives down the street and sees me walking my little dog. The teenage daughter made a favorable comment about the cellar. She said, “Hey Dad, you can stand up down here without hitting your head.” He was tall. I hadn’t thought about it but some basements do not have much headroom. I have been in some that anyone taller than me would not be able to stand straight up. The man like the radiators for heat. They are nice. I will miss them. I don’t like the forced hot air. It feels like cold air if you stand more than a foot away.
My friend, Dottie, called today. She invited me to her church luncheon on the 18th. It sounds nice. Her sisters will be going.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Last week, it was snowing. The left of the picture is where the crocuses are blooming in the photo below.
Look what was waiting under the snow. It's like magic. A few days with the highs in the forties and presto, flowers start blooming. Today it's going up to 55 and by Tuesday it will be going up to 58 degrees. It's still early March so we must beware. As much as we long for spring, winter can always return.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Canada Geese were flying north this morning. Canada Geese don't always migrate but some do and I hope this flock was. I saw some of the usual birds but it was rather quiet. I saw the song sparrow, and heard the chickadees.
My friends, Cheryl and Owen, arrived shortly before noon. It was good to see them. We walked Danny and went to lunch at the Inn. We had a nice visit talking about old times when we worked at Boeing and out ski trip to Vermont. Traveled through a blizzard and were snowed in our lodge for several days.
I saw the coot swim by and also the mergansers. We walked through the little town before they had to be on their way. I had packed in the morning and was on my way shortly after.
I made good time in spite of rush hour traffic. It moved along smoothly.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Snow geese were flying north this morning. I hope that is a good sign that spring is on the way. It was my first sighting of snow geese in Maryland. This afternoon, I saw a song sparrow and a few red eyed vireos.
I was going to pack up and go to NJ but I saw two messages on my cell phone. One was for Ted. Someone wanted some software. I called back and told him I was sorry he didn’t know about Ted and referred him to Carl. Carl wrote our customized software.
The other call was from my friend Cheryl. She and her husband, Owen, are coming up to PA tomorrow and will be stopping by Chesapeake City to have lunch with me. I called Alex and left a message for him to bring in my mail. I may leave tomorrow after lunch or wait until Saturday morning. I am looking forward to seeing Cheryl and Owen or as Ted referred to them as C&O. I’ll take them to the Chesapeake Inn and if there is time, we can walk around the little town or go to the Canal Museum.
I went to the post office and took Danny down town for his walk. There was one herring gull on the marina. It was rather quiet except for the wind and the choppy water. There were no boats and no ships.
Alex called this evening and said my mail box was overflowing. Melissa called and said she would be showing the house this evening. Keep the fingers crossed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was another dull dreary day. It was most of a mist than a drizzle. I felt down from that and because it is Ted's birthday. It doesn't take much for me to think of him.
I went to the bank, library, and post office then I drove to the hardware store. I found something to put over the hole the handle of the front door made in the wall. It’s a white plastic stick on circle. I may paint it almond. I think it will match the wall paper better.
There were absolutely no birds on the marina. I didn’t even see a gull. On our walks, there were the usual birds.
I gave Danny his bath today. It takes a lot of towels to dry him and then he gets the hair dryer. He doesn’t mind the dryer. He knows it gets him dry. He doesn’t like to be wet. He tore around the house afterward and played with his toys. I had to take him out around 8. I was afraid he’s get all muddy but he didn’t. He is nice and white and fluffy.
He is ready for bed. He is wondering why I’m not coming but I’m on my way.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn’t do too much today. It was another gloomy day. It is raining now and may change to snow if the temp drops overnight. Most of the storm is out in the Atlantic. We are on the northern fringe of it.
I took Danny downtown for his afternoon walk. I took my binos but I didn’t see anything on the water. I heard a couple gulls. On my four o’clock walk around the park I saw several chickadees, a couple of mockingbirds, and several cardinals. There were the usual blackbirds and sparrows. I also saw a large woodpecker but the lighting was too dark to identify him. It had the shape of a red-bellied woodpecker.
I watched my other movie while I had dinner. It was in French with subtitles. It’s hard to watch the subtitles and look down to eat at the same time.
I’m not sure when I will head back. I’ll see what the storm has in store for me tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was sunny today. We went r our walk this morning. After breakfast, I drove to Middletown, DE to go to the Home Depot and to Wal-Mart. I saw Lowe’s first so went in there. They have one of the Microwave models I am interested in. It is in stock. I had a whole list of things but they only had two things on it, a florescent light bulb and a switch for my closet light fixture.
Middletown has a cluster of new shopping centers. One has to drive around in circles to get from one place to another. The Home Depot was in back of Lowe’s but I had to drive through the WaWa to get to it. I bought a couple more things on my list but they, too didn’t have much of what I wanted. Next, I had to wind around to get out to the road and go down a block to Wal-Mart. I had better luck here as I was buying groceries. Wal-Mart has delicious ice cream cups and a good size serving.
The shopping center is only 20 minutes away and Delaware does not have sales tax. I make a list of all the taxable items I need and buy them in DE. When I got back, it was time to take Danny out and get some lunch. I fixed the florescent light and put one of the large plastic screw thingy in the big whole in the wall in the bedroom. Some one hung something and the nail or screw left a large whole. This thing fit right in and now I can hang something on it.
I also put one in the wall where the living room door opens. The stop that screws in there was loose and the whole was too big for the screw. This big plastic thing did the trick. I shoveled some snow off my aborvitae globe bush. The deep heavy snow buried and flattened it. It is starting to perk up; I hope it will be OK.
I drove over to the Post Office and library. I returned the two films I watched on Sat. and Sun. and got two more. One was called Pearl Diver. It was good. I walked Danny around down town. Not much was on the marina except some gulls and when I drove around the other side, I saw the pair of mergansers. I may see what’s on Fancast while I wait for the dishwasher to finish.
News from the Vorlon Wife.