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This azalea is blooming on the east side in Vineland. I don't know if it is two azaleas or just one. It has two shades of color. One light and one darker. It is a beautiful contrast.
Ted's amorillis. My mother gave him one for his birthday one year and Ted's grandmother gave him one for Christmas one year. I don't recall which one this is or what happened to the other. This one used to get two stalks with five blooms on one and four blooms on the other. It split off a baby bulb a few years ago and I guess that took a lot of energy because it has only one stalk since then. The baby bulb is doing well but has not bloomed yet. Maybe next year.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I trimmed the hedge today. I tried to even it up a little. It needs a lot more work. I did some computer work. I downloaded the flash drive my brother gave me and picked out the photos I wanted to add to my slide show for the nature club. I accidentally pushed the wrong button and all the photos disappeared. I brought them back but lost them again. I still have them on the flash drive but I spent a long time going through them and now I guess I'll have to do it over. I just hope the computer doesn't say "these photos are already in the file." Sometimes the computer drives me nuts.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
These two guys came up to us at the marina and sang Happy Birthday to me on Saturday while we were having lunch at the marina at the Chesapeake Inn.
I didn't do much today. I rested from the work I did yesterday. I made some phone calls and did some finances. I'm off to bed.
News fromthe Vorlon Wife.
I had a long hard day today. I planted my flowers and mulched along my fence and the flowers along the side of the driveway. I had some 4x4 pieces of lumber in back of my shed. I was going to take it to the dump but it was the size of landscaping timbers so I put them in front of the mobile home, planted a few hostas there and put some mulch along the area. If the contractor comes with the blacktop when I'm not there, he won't put the blacktop up against the skirting of the home. At least that's what I hope. I have no idea when he's coming and I didn't see Janine to tell her. It was her friend's funeral.
I got done the work about 12:30 so I walked Danny, got something to eat and got a shower. Then I packed up and headed for NJ. I got here around 5pm. I unloaded the car and took Danny for a walk. When I got back, I noticed the hedge was sticking out funny. Upon inspection, it was broken down all up and down the length of it and so was the little hedge in the back. I wanted to scream. The guy across the street said some little kids were playing hide and seek and were running through in and hiding inside of it. He yelled at them and they ran. He thinks they belong to the house across the street with the 40 people living in it. He said they did it when they came home from school. His wife yelled at them on Monday. The darn brats. I don't know how I'm going to repair the hedge. It was damaged from the winter snow and I was just starting to get it shaped up. Now, it needs major work to get it in shape. I'll have to tell potential buyers that its from the snow. No one will want to buy in a neighborhood with little vandals running around destroying property.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I fell asleep last night watching some Canadian Western. I woke up at 11:00pm and didn't know if it was day or night as the light was on. I didn't blog; I went straight to bed.
It rained all day yesterday. I was able to plant my peony before the rain came. I had 2 1/2 inches in my rain gage. I decided to go to the store. I went to the Home Depot and got some things on my list. I got some redwood stain to do my picnic table, my fence, front and back steps and my landscape timbers.
There is a big shopping plaza there so I went into the pet store and got Danny a T-shirt. Next, I went into the dollar store and got a numbers of things on my list. I needed wax paper and plastic zip-lock bags in all sizes as well as trash bags. I got some paint brushes for the redwood stain. I won't bother to clean them; I'll just toss them out when I'm done. There was also a super market so I shopped there rather than go to another area to shop.
When I got back, it was past lunchtime so I took Danny out and then got some lunch. I had some lettuce that Ida gave me so I made a big salad. I cut up some cheese and scrapped the crumbs onto Danny's dog food. Then I sprinkled some Parmesan on both my salad and Danny's food. He doesn't like his food so I thought maybe the parm would spruce it up for him and it did.
Because of the rain, I was unable to do the yard work and painting. I decided to work on the wholes under my sinks. I removed the duck tape I had put down. My friend, Dottie said that her husband, George, stuffed steel wool down the holes and the mice couldn't chew through it. I had bought a bag of steel wool so I proceeded to stuff it down the holes. I pulled it apart some and jammed it down around the pipes and the crack behind the furnace. I used a dandelion tool to stuff it down. It worked well. I didn't know what I was going to do behind the furnace because a molding was missing and there was no room to put one in there. Dottie also uses an electronic pest device that plugs into a socket. I don't know if that would be good for Danny. I'll have to read up on it.
I had three calls from people wishing me a happy birthday. My niece called around five and so did my sister-in-law, Sylvia. Sylvia called when I was talking to Cheryl so I called her back. After dinner, my friend, Cheryl called. It was good to hear from everyone. I also got cards from my family and friends.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We are having quite a thunderstorm. Danny is terrified. I pulled him up on my lap and covered him with a blanket over his head. He shook with fear. After a while, he jumped down. I went to get a cup of tea and he followed at my heels. Then he disappeared. I got the flashlight in case the electric goes out. I looked in all the rooms and then he started to come out from under the kitchen table. He sat on the sofa for a couple seconds and then ran back under the table. I am watching Blue Hawaii. Danny came into the room. I called him over but he was looking for a place to hide. I pointed under the computer desk and he ran under. He is sitting there looking out at me.
I went to church this morning and sang in the choir. It was a cold and rainy day. I didn’t get any of my yard work done. My plants need to be planted and my mulch needs to be put down. I did a couple things. I fixed my lamp in the living room and walked Danny. It had been a misty drizzle up until now. I think the storm is passing but I still here some low rumbles.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
After I walked Danny and had my breakfast this morning, I dug up some more plants to take to CC. I packed up the car and we got here around 12:15. My neighbor, Ida, brought me over another bag of fruits and vegetables. She said she gets them on Friday. I don't know if someone gives them to her or what. She told me she thinks the manager's friend had died. I felt so sad for Janine. Her husband died 4 1/2 years ago. She had met Skip last fall and started to make a new life with him. Now she is alone again.
After I unloaded the car, I took Danny for a walk. I saw Don had come while we were walking back. He helped me bring in another box from the car. He gave me a birthday card and we went to the Inn for lunch. We sat out on the deck and watched the boats and the ducks. The meal was nice and it was great to sit outside but the music was horrid. It was hip hop and rap stuff. I looked at the people in the restaurant and they were seniors and more mature people. I guess the young staff must have selected the music.
We came back to the house and I took my car. We went down to the Sassafras River to look at the marina there. I had hoped the Ice Cream store would be open but not until next week. In NJ, they open March 15 if the weather is warm. This year, they opened April 1st.
On the way back, we stopped at the Apple Barn and I got the mulch for my flowerbeds. They had a good price and it's not far from here. Two ladies, who work there, loaded the mulch in the car. I drove the car across the lawn to the shed. We put on some old clothes, got the wheel barrow and put the mulch in the shed for now as it started to rain. Don went home and I took Danny out for his walk. I met Sue and her husband and we walked together to their home and Danny and I continued.
I heard Mr. Frosty (the ice cream man) coming. He drives to the end of the park and turns around. I figured I'd catch him on the way back. I was able to get my money and I waited with Janine and her daughter, Christine who lives on the other side of me. I got a strawberry sundae and Christine got a chocolate one. Janine got a vanilla and chocolate twist cone. It is soft serve ice cream. I hit the spot. We stood in the rain enjoying our ice cream and talking. A contractor had come and put black top down on Mallard Drive and some of the driveways. Christine and Janine had theirs done. I said I wish I had known; I would have had mine done. Janine said he was coming back to do some more work so I could get mine done. It would make it so much easier for shoveling snow and it will keep a lot of the dirt and debris from being tracked in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went back to bed this morning and Danny woke me up at 7. I got some coffee and took him out for his walk. We stopped about halfway down the block because I saw a girl struggling with her Golden Retriever. I turned Danny around and came home. I ate some Cheerios and went to work cutting the grass. It wasn't too high but it suppose to rain Sunday and through next week. The rain will make the grass grow so I thought I better cut it low and give it some room to grow.
After lunch, I cut off a section of the living room rug. I may cut off some more. Melissa thought it would be good for the hardwood floor to show. It does look nice in front of the fireplace. The remaining portion of the rug is in the area of the loveseat and chairs. The rug had always had a funny wear pattern and a prospective buyer may thing it to be a stain from the dog and then think that it soaked through to the floor. That's what I would think if I were looking at someone's house.
I am off to Nature Club.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took a photo of my house from across the street. I drew a tree over the big red stop sign to camophlage it.
This lovely Orchid Plant was given to me by Ted's niece, her husband, John, and daughter, Nuriel. They sent it when Ted passed away. This is the first time it has bloomed since I first recieved it three years age. It looks as if it likes it new home in my kitchen in Chesapeake City.
I had lunch with my friend, Diane today. We went to the Cosmopolitan Restaurant. It is rather new and is very nice. I got the crab cake special and Diane got the egg plant parm. Diane will be moving to her new home in NC on May 3rd. They have not sold their house yet either and it is in a lovely location and has many upgrades. Her bathroom, too is a problem. It has a funny angle to maneuver around to get in. When Diane hurt her leg, she was not able to get her wheelchair in there. She has dropped the price on her house by$35,000 and doesn't want to go any lower. I have two other friends who have not been able to see their houses. Many come and look but no offers and no buyers.
Diane took me to the doctor's office when I had my colonoscopy. She has been a good friend. We will miss each other.
When I got back from lunch, I went to the hardware store. They sent me a birthday gift card so I made a list of things I needed and went over to browse and select my gift. I looked at several things and decided on a pair of manual hedge shears and a pair of leather work gloves. My friend Cathy told me that the manual shears work better when you want to trim down the height of the hedge. The electric trimmers don't have enough guts to cut the branches. They just cut the leaves and thin stems. I tried them out and they work well for shaping the hedge up and I didn't have to drag that cord around with me. I have to repair the cord as I see another cut in it with the copper wire exposed. Pretty soon, I won't have any cord left.
The gloves are made for ladies hands. I have a pair I got at Wal-Mart several years ago. They have holes in the fingers now so they aren't much good.
I was going to cut the grass this afternoon but the weather forecast said there would be severe thunderstorms and hail. I would be starting here any minute. I looked out and saw the dark clouds coming so I didn't want to be caught out in that. Well, the storm passed by to the north of us and there was not a drop of rain. It's supposed to rain from Saturday through next Wednesday. We'll see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Look at this little fellow swimming around in the marina. It looks like a grebe. It has the shape of a grebe but it is dark and I could be mistaken. It has a long neck sticking out of the water. It was hard to take his picture because he kept diving under.
I got up early and after I walked Danny, I went to work with the weed wacker. I did the side and front and part of the back. It was getting hot and I was tired so I stopped. I need to plug the cord into the garage to finish the back. The line kept jamming and breaking. I bought a big refill of line to save money. I had to wind it on the reel myself. I guess I didn't do such a good job winding it as it jammed and I had to take it apart every couple minutes. I have to use pliers to yank the reel off. My fingers are not strong enough or I can't get a good grip on it. What a pain. It finally straighten out when I did across the front. I have to go down the curb, down one side of the walk and up the other and then down along the flowerbed. I was worn out when I was done. I didn't do much else.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did my financial stuff today. Balanced the checkbook and paid some bills. I also did two loads of wash; dark and light. I was going to trim and edge the yard but I didn't.
I think the flower below is the one Cheryl mentioned with the common name of summer snowflake. I have stars of Bethlehem here in Vineland and it is not that. This flower is between 15 and 18 inches tall with leaves like a daffodil plant.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I do not know what this flower is. I thought it was going to be a daffodil as its leaves are shaped like daffodil leaves. Its flower, however, are bell shaped like a jiant lily of the valley. Lily of the valley have differt shaped leaves. Does anyone know what this is? It is growing next to my mobile home.
We left CC around 11am. We got to NJ around 12:15. We didn't make any stops. I unpacked the car and took Danny for a walk. I made some lunch and fell asleep. Danny woke me up with a "woof."
I didn't get anything done except go over my bill and see how much money I will need to pay them. The good news is I got my tax refunds back from the IRS and the state.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I groomed Danny this morning before going to church. I sang in the choir. I didn't know the song. It's a good thing I had piano and clarinet lessons when I was a kid. It helped me in reading music. I'm not too good at it but can see when the notes go up and down and how long the note is held. We had choir practice after church and practiced the songs for the next two weeks. On my way out the door, I saw some Easter lilies and realized I had not taken mine. I had forgotten about it as I went to the sunrise service outdoors on Easter and then last week I went to the service at the high school. I picked one up and my friend, Frances, told me to take two because they would only die if left there.
I planted them this afternoon. They rather balanced out my plantings out front. I went to dinner with my niece, Cheryl and her husband, Ed. We went to the Hibachi Grill. I had an excellent stir fry with shrimp.
When I got home, my friend, Dottie came to visit. She was at her daughter's who lives about 20 minutes from here. It was good to see her. We all had gone through a long long winter. Spring is emerging.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got a few things accomplished today. I planted the plants I brought here from Vineland. I planted the clementis out in the center of the fence and some daises and dahlias on each side of it. I plan to plant the glads in front of the fence. The contractor came and patched my roof. I cleaned up some of the junk that was in the ditch out back. It is a beautiful wooded area and someone has thrown all kinds of junk down the embankment. There were several white plastic hanging flowerpots that still had the dirt in them. There was a big tarp thing that was probably the cover for the air conditioner, plastic bags of all sorts, a bag of foam peanuts, and a nice wrought iron planter that hangs over the railing. I dumped the dirt out of it and will put it on my front entrance railing. My back entrance has several planters with herbs in them.
I met my new friend, Sue, as I walked past her house. Her little Yorkie came running out to greet Danny. They sniffed each other and Sue put her in the house. Danny went up to Sue wagging his tail and cuddling up to her. We talked about our dogs for a few minutes and then Danny and I went on our way. We met Sue and her husband again this afternoon. We didn’t walk far as it had gotten cold, dark and windy. Danny and I cut across the space that is an empty lot.
I set up the VCR and DVD that I brought down here. The one I had here had gone caput. I was able to watch a couple VCR tapes that I got at the Library sale for a buck. One was Days of Heaven with Richard Gere. It was a strange movie. I couldn’t figure out what was going on. The other was Seven Years in Tibet. Although, he went there in 1939 and came back in 1951. It seems to be a lot more than seven years. It was an excellent movie based on a true story.
My friend, Diane, called this evening. She will be moving to her new home in North Carolina. She hasn’t sold her house yet either. It has been on the market as long as mine. It is in a better section of Vineland and has all the upgrades. It is a more expensive house than mine mainly because of its location and upgrades. I don’t think anyone is moving into Vineland, Although, I read where Boeing has purchased the old Airwork plant in Millville. That should bring some people in. Millville is doing better than Vineland. At one time the opposite was true. It is also less expensive to live there. They did a lot with renovating their water front. Vineland does not have a water front. The river is on the west side about five miles from downtown. Millville’s downtown is on the river.
The new plants look nice along my walk and fence. I put in some tulips, daffodils, and hosta. I planted some lily of the valley back in the wooded area and also some hardy geranium. It hardly looks like a geranium any more than the dogtooth violet looks like a violet. The hardy geranium has a blue flower and the dogtooth violet has a yellow flower.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early, got things ready, and went to the Chiropractor for my checkup. I packed up the car. Melissa called and said someone was coming to see the house at 11:00. The house was ready for the open house tomorrow so I didn't have to do anything but take as many boxes out as I could. I also dug up some of my plants to take. I have a big box full of them. I have some white daffodil, yellow tulips, hosta plants, a clementis, and some lily of the valley. I was going to bring my bleeding heart but will wait until it's done blooming.
I dropped off my friend, June's jacket on my way out of Vineland. She lives in Newfield so I went straight up the Blvd. to rte 40. I decided to go by way of Rte 13 after I crossed the bridge. The exit ramp I needed to get off I95 was being closed and there was a detour. It's a good thing I decided on rte 13 because the ramp for I95 was backed up all the way to the bridge. I scooted off to the right and onto 13. I called my nephew, Rick as I would be going by his house. I stopped in to see him. He was working on his pool, getting it cleaned up for the summer. Danny ran around the yard with Rick's little dog, Sassy. It's one of the few places Danny can run off his leash.
When I got to the mobile home, it was lunchtime. My grass had been cut by Robbie and I no sooner got here when he pulled up out front for his money. He must have radar. He seems to know when I'm here. He lost his job so he needs the money. He offered to do the mulching or any other odd jobs I might have.
I solved the problem of the mouse in the bathroom but now, they have gotten into the kitchen. They chewed open my cereal. I pulled the mat out from under the sink and found gaping holes around the water pipes and an opening under the dishwasher. I tried putting some duct tape over the holes and found some pieces of wood to plug up the opening under the dishwasher. I also put the duct tape around the holes in the other bathroom. I have to get some more Great Stuff to fix the holes permanently.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My dogtooth violet growing nicely in Maryland. I transplanted it from Vineland last fall.
I finished mopping and putting the floor shine on the kitchen floor. I baked the chicken I bought yesterday and the sweet potatoes that Ida gave me. I cut the grass. I went with my friend, June to the Bible Study. I had a pretty busy day and now I'm tired out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got 2/3 of my kitchen floor mopped this morning when the phone rang and someone wanted to look at the house. I had to talk a beach towel and dry the floor. I didn't get it shined; I found I had no floor shine or mop and glow. The people had looked at the house on Friday and the girl wanted her father to look at it. Here's hoping he liked it.
I cut the hedge this afternoon. I only did the top last week so I did the rest of it today. I still had to even out the top a little. I went to the grocery store to get some food. They had signs of knocked down prices. Seems to me they were knocked up. Some items were two for $6.00. They used to be 2 for $5.00. It seem like everything was up $.50 except to the dollar items or 10 for $10.00. I plan my menu around the 10 for 10.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I fooled around with that Comcast converter box all morning. I installed the box and called to have it activated. Then I had to figure out how to work the remote and how to work the new DVD/VCR. I figured out how to set up the timer and then couldn't figure out how to get back to the TV. I had to work with three remotes. What a pain. I finally realized I had to use the TV's remote to get back. This VCR had to be used on channel 92. The old one was used on channel 3. I kept pushing buttons on the VCR remote and the Comcast Converter remote and reading the instruction manuals. I had to use my reading glasses to see what the little buttons were on the remotes and then take them off to see the TV screen. I believe I recorded my test recording of a blank channel 92. It seems I am not able to record one channel while I watch another. I watched the channel I wanted to record but on the TV. I should have been watching on the VCR. Actually, I have no idea what I recorded. I'll find out in the morning and try again.
I didn't do much else. I did some wash and I cleaned the oven. The door was splattered. I don't want someone opening to oven and thinking EW!
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We made good time coming home to Vld. This morning, I moved some Irises from the lawn to the flower garden. Robbie is going to cut my grass tomorrow and I didn't want him to run over them with the mower. I had moved the iris garden last fall because there were too many weeds to pull up. I put them in the circle garden around the dogwood tree. There is also a large daffodil plant in the lawn. I hope he doesn't run over it. I can still move the bulbs even if he does. I also did some weeding around the flowers I have at the wooden fence. I then put some rocks around them so they don't get knocked down with the weed wacker. I saw the manager, Janine, and asked her to tell Robbie (her son) about the rocks in the lawn. The grass has grown up over them and I didn't want them to go flying out from under the mower. The snowplow pushed the rocks out of Janine's driveway onto my lawn. I should have moved them when they were on top of the snow and they would have been much easier to move. I was just too tired from all the shoveling and didn't get to it.
I didn't do much when I got home. I unpacked the car, walked Danny and got some lunch then vegetated. Tomorrow, I will have a lot to do. The other part of the hedge needs trimming and I have to get ready for the open house. I did move some boxes in the computer room. I put them on the shelf in the other bedroom.
I want to get some stuff that restores hardwood floors. Maybe it will spruce up my floors a little. The living room floor needs it and so does this computer room floor. I also want to put the floor shine on the kitchen floor.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I went to the Contemporary Service today at the High School. this morning. There are three services here connected to the Chesapeake City Methodist Charge. Trinity is in Chesapeake City and is the one I usually go to. There is an earilier service at the Town Pointe Methodist Church over near the bay. And the one at the High School is called Jacob's Well. They have a band and the service is much like the Nazarene's service. I saw a few people there that go to Trinity or rather go to both services. I also saw my neighbor there. I wanted to go earlier because my neice was picking me up at 1:00 to take me to a Premiere Jewery demonstration. Her friend was having her first party as a Jewery Consultant and needed people to attend. She lives in King of Prussia. I wanted to walk Danny before I went.
We left here at 1:00 and picked up my sister-in-law, Sylvia on the way to King Of Prussia. After we got back, I let Danny out before Cheryl and Ed came back to take be to the Hibachi Grill for dinner.
Early this morning, I went around the outside of the house with bug spray. I had an invasion of ants last night. Danny didn't eat his dog food so I picked it up to put it in the frig and it was covered with ants. I tossed it out and took the trash outside to the can. I then scrubbed down the kitchen and killed as many ants as I could see. Yuk! The treatment seem to have worked as they didn't bother his food tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got a few little projects done today. I hung the outdoor thermometer out on the back porch. I also hung a rain gage out there. I hung a bird house out back. I went to the Wal-Mart and got some food and supplies. I planted the flowers I got for Easter. A purple hyacinth and a pink tulip.
I have a red and a yellow tulip blooming along the side. They are from my tulip garden in Vineland. I have a lot of tulip plants but they are the ones that survived the transplant. The others should bloom next year.
My dogtooth violet is blooming nicely out back. My iris and lily plants are coming along. I was surprised to see a neighbor’s lilac bush blooming. They don’t usually bloom until around Mother’s Day in May. Another neighbor has some azaleas blooming and the crab apple trees are blooming. It is an odd year. It was cool this morning. I put on my winter coat and hat and I put Danny’s coat on him.
I met my neighbor, Sue and her husband while I was walking Danny this evening. We all walked around together. Sue has a little Yorkie. The dogs get along well together. We stopped at another neighbor, Alice. She showed us her beautiful flowers in her garden. She has it landscaped nicely with a fountain.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We made good time coming down. I didn't have to stop for gas so we drove straight through in an hour and 15 minutes. We got here at lunchtime. I walked Danny and then got some lunch. Ida, the lady across the street, brought me a bag of fruits and vegetables. It was nice of her. I and another neighbor shoveled out her car after the December storm.
It turned cold today. It started out OK then kept getting colder. It's supposed to go down to 26 tonight. Yesterday it was 88.
It looks like I got all the holes patched up in the bathroom. I set the trap just in case and it was empty when I arrived. I'll have to put it out in the shed and plug up the holes there. I saw a mouse in there and they chewed an old sheet I stored out there. I use it as a drop cloth. There are also dropping in the shed. I think they are getting in under the door. It doesn't close properly. I add that job to my list.
I watched a movie on my computer. It starred Leslie Nielson. It was called The Naked Gun. Leslie Nielson is nuts. It was a funny movie.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I woke up the other day to see my redbud tree in bloom. It is about two weeks early. It is a beautiful sight to see the first thing in the morning.
Today, I trimmed the hedge. I just did the top of the main hedge. I wanted to try to even it out from the damage the snow storms did. I trimmed all of the little back hedge because that had severe damage. I wanted to try to even it out and cut it so it will fill in as it grows.
I went to the dentist for my check up this afternoon. I took some Hawaiian Punch around to Beth who is in charge of fellowship. It was on sale at the store and I hadn't donated in a while. I talked with her and Cathy for awhile and then came home to rest.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My tulip tree leafing out two to three weeks early.
I woke up to see the red bud tree blooming outside my window. The dogwoods are starting to bloom and the Japanese Red Maple has leafed out. The other trees are beginning to leaf out. It's amazing. The Magnolias were only in bloom a couple days when the heat got to them and the petals have fallen all over the ground.
I cut the grass this morning. The lawn looks nice and green. I took out a couple of the storm windows and put in the screens. I have cross ventilation in every direction upstairs. I also put a window fan in to draw in the cool night air. It feels good up here now.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I pruned the hedge today. It had some damage from five feet of heavy snow being on it. Many of the branches are bent down and some are sticking up. I tried to even them off. The leaves are coming in thick. It went up to 88 degrees today and is now 73. I don't have the air conditioners in the windows. I opened up the upstairs windows and turned on the ceiling fans. It will be warm sleeping tonight. Just last week, it dipped down in the thirties. It's supposed to be hotter tomorrow.
This evening, I went to the Women's Service meeting with the ladies of the church. There were only a few of us there but we had a nice time. We enjoy the fellowship with each other.
I have some reading to do. I hope I can stay awake to do it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We came home this afternoon. We past the peach groves where the trees were all in beautiful bloom.
I found a daffodil blooming in the middle of the lawn. A squirrel must have dug up the bulb and transplanted it. Tulips are starting to bloom and I see the astilbe coming up. I think I took some to MD but I'm not sure. I'll have to dig up some more. I also have some bleeding hearts. I don't know if I dug them up or not. I'll have to wait and see if they come up here or there. I don't remember planting them. The lily of the valley haven't come up yet. I want to take some of them to plant along the edge of the woods.
The trees are beautiful. The cherries, pears, plums and magnolias are blooming and the forsythia has reach its peak. They really look pretty along the roadside.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the Sunrise Service this morning in town near the marina. The sun came up over the canal just as we were singing the last hymn. It was really cool. While I was walking back to the car, I saw an animal in the water. I thought, "Well, it can't be an alligator.” It had a brown head sticking out and a brown body. It stuck its head up high and I saw it was a beaver. Then he dove under the dock. I have been seeing some really exciting things here.
I came home, walked Danny, got ready and went to PA to my brother's. I walked Danny around the block while Don finished getting ready for church. We both went to the church I grew up in.
After church, we went to the cemetery to take the flowers for Ted's grave and my parent’s grave. We stopped at my Aunt Jean's on the way back. She had a full house as my cousins were there: Jan and Nate with daughters, Becky and Lindsay, Scott and Dee with daughter, Olivia, Donna and Tom with daughter, Gianna, Tom with son Sean and fiancé, Christine, and Linda's son , Pat.. It was good to see everyone. I spent many a holiday with my aunt and cousins.
When we got back, we went to my brother, Rick's for dinner. Sylvia prepared a nice dinner of ham, potato salad and coleslaw. I brought Waldorf salad and Don brought key lime pie. It was just the four of us but Rick, III and Michelle stopped in with Joey and Ryleigh.
We headed home to MD at six and got here at 7:00. The traffic was heavy so put on the radio station with the traffic report. There was an accident at the Delaware line and I could see three lanes of traffic backed up and it was two miles to Delaware. I was at an exit ramp so I exited. I drove east and picked up route 13. I took that south and got back on the expressway. The radio said the Delaware turnpike was back up from the toll both past 896. That where I'm supposed to get off. I decided to take 13 and go past my nephew’s house on the back road into MD. So a 45 minute drive took an hour but at least I wasn't sitting there for an hour.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday, I saw a Bald Eagle swoop down to the Lagoon at the Marina, catch a fish and fly off with it. It was really a cool thing to watch. I was walking Danny along the walk that goes around the Marina to the Canal Museum.
I got some projects done today. I got some more Great Stuff and filled in the gaping holes in the bathroom. I got another mouse in the trap this morning. I went to the Home Depot to get the roof patch. Rob is going to do my roof tomorrow. I will be glad to get that taken care of. He said that the patch will be good for a couple years. Then I can get new shingles for the roof.
I also got some Round-Up and squirted the grass and weeds growing in my walkway.
I groomed Danny today and gave him his bath. He looks nice and white and is soft and silky.
It was good to get some of these projects done.
I watched a couple episodes of Babalon 5 tonight. I saw the Vorlon. It reminded me of where Ted got the name Vorlon Whispers.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This little church is St. Augustine Episcopal. It is a cute little country church. They had the Ecumenical Good Friday Service there today. The church is surrounded by horse farms. I should have looked for the cornerstone. I'll have to find the history of the church.
I was going to fix the holes where the mice are getting in under the sink. My trap had been sprung and the peanut butter licked off but the mouse outsmarted the trap.
I found his tail sticking out of the drain of the bathtub. I put on my rubber gloves and got a plastic bag to put him in. I thought he was dead but when I touched him, he moved. Ah!!!!
I went over to the manager's to see what she might suggest. I thought maybe I could borrow her cat but the cat has been declawed. She called a guy working on the trailer across the street. He came over with some long needle nose pliers. It seems the mouse got its head stuck. Totally gross.
I have had bad luck with that Great Stuff Foam. The first can I had, the trigger broke. The can I tried to use today, gave a short burst of air and then it was out of what ever propels the stuff out of the can. I am going to email the company. That's two cans I bought and could not use.
I found some tub and tile caulk and squirted that around one of the holes. The other is harder to access. I'm not sure how I will get to that. There is a two inch gap between the bottom of the cabinet and the floor. The floor is where the problem is and the entire sink vanity is bolted down to under the floor. I wish people would do things right. Hello, if you leave a gapping hole in the floor, critters are going to come in.
I also found that Danny had thrown up on the living room rug. I have a blanket folded on the floor for him. He hit the corner of the blanket and the rug. I guess he tried not to hit the rug.
When I took him for his walk this afternoon, we saw a large group of children on Mallard Drive. I wondered what was going on and then I saw they were carrying Easter baskets. They were having an Easter egg hunt in the trailer park.
That was cool. They do a lot of nice things here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
These flowering shrubs are in bloom all around Chesapeake City. This is one of a few at the Creamery, an ice cream shop, on the Canal.
I went to exercise class and once again, no one else showed up. I came back and planted my flowers and cut down the bamboo. The guy who lived here before me planted it to hide the runoff ditch. I like the runoff ditch, it looks like a brook. It may eventually dry out but for now, it’s cool.
I saw the Northern Vulture again today. It is black with white wing tips. I saw the merganser on the marina. I was returning from walking Danny and I saw a bald eagle soaring over the trees out back. I got my binos out to get a good look at him. His white head and tail are unmistakable. I also saw the redwing blackbirds. I had seen them all along but thought they were grackles. They flock up with them. The grackles make a grack sound and these had a trill. They just looked shiny black but today, I saw the red patches on their shoulder. Maybe because it has been dark and rainy, I wasn’t able to see the red patch. The weather these past couple days has been fabulous, bright and sunny and warm. I was able to go out without my coat for the first time in ages.
I went to the Holy Thursday service. At first, I went to the wrong church. I went to St. Augustine’s. I gave myself a half hour to get there because I didn’t quite know where it was or how long it would take to get there. It took five minutes and was a beautiful drive through the horse country. There were also some cattle. They were unusual; black with white middles. They looked like Oreo Cookies. I don’t know what kind they were. Anyway, there was no one at the church. I wait ten minutes and figured I must have the wrong church. I went back home and found my church bulletin and saw the service was at Town Point. St. Augustine’s is having the Good Friday Service. Off I went to Town Point which is part of the Methodist Charge that I go to here in Chesapeake City. It’s over by the Chesapeake Bay. I got in back of someone dilly dallying along. It was a narrow winding road so there was no way to pass. A long line of cars were in back of me. I was afraid I was going to be late for dinner. When I got there, there wasn’t much left. The service was nice. They had a reenactment of the Upper Room with Jesus and the Disciples. Jesus was washing their feet and then served the meal of bread and wine. Afterward, the Pastor held the Communion Service for the rest of the Congregation.
Melissa called right after the dinner and before the service. She will be showing my house tomorrow.
Around sunset while I was sitting in the church, I heard the Spring Peepers singing. I like hearing the peepers. They are really cool. On the way home, I saw more of the black and white cattle on a farm near the Town Point Church.
News from the Vorlon Wife.