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I put the wall paper in the kitchen in the corner where the dishwasher is. I had put it around the stove area a while ago. It balances out the kitchen and the wall paper is easier to wipe down splashes that the paint is. I finished that this morning then took Danny out for his noon walk. It was hot, around 88 with high humidity. I walked him down State St. which is shaded with trees. State St. used to be safe for walking Danny but now two more neighbors got pit bulls. One is on a screened in porch. He is big and has a nasty growl and bark. He could easily jump right through the screen. The other is right across the street and is a puppy. He barks at us as we pass by. He is tied on a rope. It could easily come loose.
After lunch, we just sat in the air conditioned room and watched Clint Eastwood movies. TCM had them on honoring Clint's 80th Birthday. The power went out in the middle of Where Eagles Dare and didn't come back on until it was over. I took Danny out for his evening walk but he wanted to run back in the house. He heard firecrackers off in the distance. When we came in, he followed me in the bathroom and hid behind the plant. Then he followed me up to the computer and hid under the desk. Before the power went out, my computer had a message that it wasn't connected to the network. I tried plugging the cable into another port. That didn't work. When I came back after the power came back on, I found that I had changed the cable to my other computer. I made the correction and that seem to do the trick. I can use my other computer if necessary but this one has my photos on it. The other is the one I had at the office.
Maybe I can get some reading in tonight if I don't fall asleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My brother, Don, called me this morning and said he would pick me up after church and take me to the shore. It was a beautiful day at the shore and everyone must have had the same idea. It was difficult finding a place to park. All the lots were full and there were no spaces on the streets. We ended up parking about six blocks from the beach back near the bay. We walked along the boardwalk and got an early bird dinner at the Beach Club Restaurant. It was a favorite of Ted's and mine. I got the lump crab cake and Don got the shrimp stuffed with crab-meat. It was more like a crab imperial with shrimp surrounding it. It was a hot day. It went into the 90's. It is warm tonight, too. The computer says 69degrees but the thermometer says 74. I am exhausted from yesterday and walking in the hot sun so I'll be off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today would have been our 39th Anniversary. After cutting the grass and doing our chores, we would have gone to Ocean City. Instead, I cut the grass and painted the kitchen. It hadn't been done since we lived here and that's been 29 years. It was light yellow. Now that I've painted it, it really was rather shabby looking. I used the paint I had at my mobile. I had almost 2 gallons of Jersey Cream in my shed. It looks nice and bright. I fell asleep watching one of the Britcoms so it's off to bed with me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My slide show at the Nature Club went well. Everyone said they enjoyed it. I should say, Don's slide show. I'm glad I had his DVD because mine just wouldn't play. On top of that, I forgot the remote control for the DVD player. I went early to set up my DVD player. I plugged it in to the TV the park had. It was a 27 inch screen so I'm glad it worked because the one I brought was a 13 inch screen. I brought it as a back up in case the park's TV wasn't working. It hooked up easily and I played the DVD until it past the photos of Ted's niece's wedding. I started the slide show with the San Francisco cable car. I left the San Francisco photos in because the program director said that some of the people have never been to Calif. and would be interested in them. A few early birds saw the wedding photos and thought how lovely it was.
Purina One changed its texture in the dog food I get Danny. It has a chewy texture. I had to cut it in little bits for him. He carried it upstairs one piece at a time and now they are in my bed. He takes his toys and treats there. I have a mattress pad I put over the bed to keep the quilt clean. I don't know what I'm going to do about this new food.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
These little yellow Italian Flower's were given to us by the man who used to live across the street when we first came to Vineland. George called them little yellow Italian Flowers. Ted took this photo in late May 2005.
I got my email straightened out. It took me hours of deleting and archiving emails. It seems my email was over loaded.
News from the Vorlon Wife
We got up early and started getting ready for our trip back to Vineland via Brandywine, DE. My friend, Dottie's church was having a luncheon with a Luau theme. I went to Dottie's house to drop off Danny while we went to the luncheon. We met Dottie's twin sister there with two of their friends. It was a nice luncheon and it was good to see Dottie and her sister, Rosie. We have known each other since we were 4 years old. We are all widows now. Rosie lost her husband to leukemia last fall.
Traffic on route 322 was heavy. I guess people were getting an early jump for the weekend at the shore. I got off 322 and took the Old Swedesboro Road. It parallels 322 and avoids the bottle necks of Mullica Hill and Richboro. I pop on the expressway south of Glassboro.
It was hot and humid when we first got home but quickly cooled down as the back door front moved in with the cool air over the Atlantic. We are having a good thunderstorm while Danny hid under the bed. He came out when he heard me on the computer. He like to lay on a pillow on my lap as I type. He seems jealous of the computer but is content to lay in my lap and sometimes take a nap.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I planted some flowers that I brought from Vineland. I did it in the morning because the temperature was forecast to be in the 90's. I planted some irises, bleeding hearts, lily of the valley, and trillium. I took some of the houseplants outside. The ones that could tolerate being outside. I put down some topsoil and planted the wildflower seeds. I had gotten a box of the seed at the dollar store. I hope they grow. I looked the flowers up on the internet as the box had their Latin names. There are some nice flowers in that box. The daises, black eye Susans, and foxgloves are just a few that I remember.
I took Danny out at 11:30 and he did not go far. He walked around the shade of the yard and then turned back to the house. He did the same at 4:00. It was too hot for me too so we walked out to the mailbox and came back in. We had some lunch of a baloney sandwich and I had some vanilla ice cream with sliced strawberries.
After lunch, I cleaned and vacuumed. I had to clean up the debris from moving the plants. I cleaned some stains of the bathroom floor and cleaned the garden tub. The lady that owned the trailer before me left two plants behind. One was sitting on the bathtub. I kept it there but when I watered it, it would leak into the tub. It had a bottom tray but it either overflowed or it has a crack in it. I had to move the plants a couple times to find the right spot where the sun wouldn't scorch the leaves.
I went to the local supermarket to get some milk and ice cream. There is a Dollar Tree there so I went in and got a few things there. They had red, white and blue roses. I got some to take to the cemeteries for Memorial Day. I saw some dish detergent so I got that and a few other things. In the supermarket, they had a lot of dollar items so I stocked up on them.
I just got back from walking Danny. He was a little reluctant to go because someone must have been having target practice. Danny is gun shy so he didn't want to go for his walk. He pulled him around until he did his business then we cut through the vacant lot to come back. We saw our neighbor, Bill come out with his dog, Bambi. Bambi is a Bichon. He looks a lot like Danny with his white fur and black nose and eyes. Bill found a new groomer for Bambi. He had been going to the SPCA but Bambi got Kennel cough there and they told him tough luck. Not in those words but something similar. He takes her to Mrs. DuPont. She owns one of the horse farms near that little church that I posted a photo of in April.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It took over two hours to get here. For some reason, traffic was heavy in Woodstown where I get my gas. I had to wait for the light to change twice before I could get through. Then, the traffic was crawling for the next mile. It took a half hour to go that mile. The next intersection had the intersecting road closed but I don't know why that caused the traffic to back up. Once past it, the traffic moved along at a good clip.
It was hot and muggy when we got here. Rob came and cut the grass. I called my sister-in-law, Kathy to see how she was doing. Her recovery is going well and they are letting her out of the hospital tomorrow. After dinner, I went to my niece's to pick up the DVD her husband did for me. He tried it on his DVD player and it worked. He said his player is 10 years old. I tried it on the one I have here and it didn't work. My player is older than 10 years. I hope it works on the one I have in Vineland. It is a new one. It is only about two months old. If it doesn't work, I will be up the creek. I'll have to take my lap top but I don't know if everyone will be able to see it from various parts of the room. What a mess this project has turned out to be.
I don’t know if anyone has tried to post a comment. It is connected to my email and my email is not working. Comcast upgraded and now it is not compatible with Microsoft’s Outlook. I don’t know how to change it to Comcast’s email. What a bummer.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This morning, I went to the DMV and got my car registration renewal. I then went to Wal-Mart and did my grocery shopping. I didn't get much else done. I called the Vet to schedule Danny's 6 month urine sample. He had crystals in his urine two years ago so he has to be checked every six months. I also inquired about a Lyme Disease vaccine because of all the ticks around lately. I find dog ticks but a deer tick may not be able to be detected in his thick curly fur. The technician scheduled him for a Lyme Disease test and evaluation by the Vet.
I picked up my manual hedge shears and was going to snip off a couple branches that were sticking up. The branches were bent underneath and went I straightened them, they stuck up six inches above the rest of the hedge. The shears were not working properly so I adjusted the knob and the shears fell apart. I couldn't figure out how the get them back together because I did not see where the washers and spring went. I put all the parts in a bag and took them to the hardware store where I bought them a few weeks ago. It took them a while to figure out how to get them back together but they were able to do so. The man even sharpened the edges for me. The hardware store is a family operated business and is like a small town store. They are very friendly and helpful. I was glad the shears were able to be fixed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This morning, I trimmed the rose bushes and peonies. I got ready and went to church. After church, I walked Danny and met my friends for lunch. When I got back, I walked Danny again and began painting the rest of the cellar steps. Now they are nice and bright.
I talked to Ted's mother and learned that Kathy is doing well. She should be coming home on Thursday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was Chatting with Comcast online this morning. My email seems to be having problems. I use outlook and Comcast new system does not seem to be compatible. They claim it's a Microsoft problem and Microsoft is trying to fix it. I hope it's fixed soon. I had over 100 emails that seem to have gone to oblivion. I don't know if the comments are going through because they also go to my email account.
I trimmed the rest of the hedge the remainder of the morning and talked with my Aunt Jean.
After lunch, I started painting the cellar steps. I had some extra paint on hand and wanted to brighten them up. I painted every other step and tomorrow I'll do the remaining. The grass doesn't need to be cut yet but it's going to rain tomorrow and it will leap out of the ground.
I watched a western on AMC and Danny went wild barking at the horses. He must think they are in the room. I had to turn the TV off for a few minutes. He stared at the blank screen and then went upstairs to take his nap.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I found this lovely iris tossed to the curb two years ago. I brought some home and planted them. It didn't bloom until this year. What a lovely surprise. It was a new neighbor. Perhaps they didn't know what it was.
I returned to Vineland this afternoon. I painted the bottom of my picnic table, the tops of the two benches and the timbers on the west side. I finished up just before lunch, took Danny for his walk, ate, and packed up the car. My niece's husband, Ed was able to load my photos into his computer. He was getting ready to add the music and burn the DVD. He will test it on his DVD player. He has an old one. Sometimes the new DVD's don't play on old players. I have both an old one and a new one. I hope it will play on one of them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to my exercise class at the church this morning. When I got home, I cleaned off the picnic table and got the benches ready to stain. There were acorns and debris in the cracks between the boards of the table and benches. I used a putty knife and brush to clean them. After lunch, I went to work applying the stain. I did the top of the table, the top of four benches, the bottoms of two benches, and the rest of the landscaping timbers on the east side. I still have the bottom of the table, the top of two benches and the timbers on the west side. My lilies, astilbes, and blazing stars are coming along nicely. Some of the lilies will be blooming soon.
I brought my ironing board and iron down this time. I thought it would be raining for a couple days and it would be a good time to catch up on the ironing. Most of my clothes are down here so I figured I better get the ironing board down here. It rained the first day I got here and I was too tired to iron. I found two inches of rain in the rain gauge today. I forgot to look yesterday.
My sewing basket had disappeared. I brought it down here three or four weeks ago. I though I took it back home but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I looked all over both houses. I thought maybe I put it in a box and something got put on top of it. I looked in all the boxes everywhere. I was walking past the kitchen here yesterday and looked at the fishtank cabinet. I stopped and wondered if I could have put it in there. I opened the door and there it was. I must have stuffed it in there when I was packing the car. I’m glad I found it. It has all of my threads and bobbins as well as other sewing tools such as needles and scissors. My aunt gave me the basket for my wedding shower gift. She also had my shower at her house. She has been wonderful to me over the years.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It's been a long day. I installed the light in the closet. The pull chain switch had gone bad and was stuck in the "on" position. I had to screw and unscrew the light bulb to turn it on and off. I put a sock over my hand to unscrew it because it got hot. It installed rather easily. My father was an electrician and I used to help him. I also helped Ted with the new wiring when we renovated our bedrooms in Vineland. I have Ted's electrical kit with all the tools and supplies that I need.
After lunch, I set out to paint the stain on the picnic table and benches. I did the legs and the bottoms of the benches. I also started staining the landscaping timbers with the redwood stain and I stained the fence. I just had to slop it on so I got a few brushes at the dollar store. I won't bother to clean them; I'll just throw them out. I painted as much as I could before stopping for dinner.
First, I had to walk Danny. He grabbed something up off the ground and was chomping away at it. I didn't know what it was and he would not drop it. I couldn't get it out of his mouth. It appeared to be bread. Some kid must have dropped his sandwich. I hope it wasn't pizza. He'll be throwing up all over the place.
My niece came with the jewelry. She took my CD project. Her husband may be able to load my slide show and burn it to a DVD. I hope he can do so. That will be a big load off my mind. I tried playing around with it on my lap top this morning but no luck. I can almost get it but I run into road blocks. I have a movie maker program. I loaded my CD into the computer but many of my photos were missing. I don't know why it didn't load properly.
I had my dinner late and watch some online TV. I watched the Greatest American Hero. Ted and I liked that program. I like some of the oldies but goodies.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I made another copy of my Yosemite CD and then took Danny out. It was raining so he didn't go far. I got things ready to pack up the car. When the rain let up a little, I packed it up and we were on our way. We made good time. We didn't have to make any stops.
It was raining again when we arrived. I just brought the food in and left the rest in the car. We had some lunch and the rain let up so I took Danny out and then finished unloading the car.
I felt tired out so I watched some TV online. I unpacked the suitcases and boxes. I was expecting my niece to come over after work to bring the jewelry I ordered at her demonstration. I didn't know whether I should start dinner or not. I decided to wait. I didn't want to start and then have to let it get cold. I tried to put the CD in the laptop and burn a DVD. I loaded the CD but it doesn't seem to be saved. I don't see an option to do that. I'll play around with it some more tomorrow.
My brother-in-law called to let me know that Kathy's surgery went well. The doctors were very happy about the surgery and expect her to make a full recovery. It will take time, about eight weeks. I pray her recovery goes well.
Danny is curled up sleeping so I guess I'll turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some computer work this morning and cut a new CD from my upgraded Photoshop Program. I cut the grass and trimmed some of the hedge. I trimmed the rhododendrons and the Irish Junipers with my new hedge trimmers. They are nice and sharp and make a big difference in the ease of cutting.
I walked Danny and had some lunch. Then, I was too tired to drive to MD so I'll be going tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church in Vineland today. After church, I went with my lady friends to an Italian restaurant for lunch. We all got the Manicotti. I brought some home for tomorrow's dinner.
I am still working on my slide show for nature club. I thought I had a DVD burner on my computer from work. I tried loading the CD into it but was unable to find the path to burn it. It loaded into Windows Player but I couldn't access it via the DVD program. I will take the CD to my brother and hope he can load it into his computer and burn the DVD from there. I'll also take the music I want to go with it.
I called Ted's parents and his sister tonight. Kathy goes in for her surgery on Tuesday. It will be an 8 hour procedure to remove her bladder and make a new one of her intestine. Keep her in you thoughts and prayers.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It's been a long day. My brother, Don came down and helped me put the air conditioners in the window. He tried to help me burn my slide show to a DVD but my computer is set up differently than his. He had Windows Media Center and I have Windows XP. I don't think XP is able to burn to a DVD. After Don went home, I fooled around with it and was able to burn it to a CD but my DVD player won't play a video CD, only audio. It's a brand new player and its not as good as my old one. I'll take the CD to MD and see if I can play it on there.
I had to do some editing as each frame was too short. At first I had most at 2 seconds and Don said it was to fast. I set them at 3 seconds then burned the CD. It was still too fast so I reset them all to 4 and 5 seconds. I know the people at the nature club would complain it was to fast. I was about to burn to the CD when I noticed it was10:00. I also want to add background music so I'll do that tomorrow. I just hope I am able to get it to play or I'll have to take my computer to the nature club.
My laptop has a DVD burner. Maybe I can load the CD into it and then but the DVD from there. This is a bigger project than I thought it would be. Don may be able to load my CD into his computer and burn the DVD. I only have two weeks to get this together. I had my slide show in the computer. I didn't know it would be a problem getting it out. My computers are probably out of date and obsolete. Ted has been gone three years now and I haven't upgraded the computers. He took care of all that. There's a lot of new technology out there and I have no clue.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the chiropractor for my check up and then went to a discount food store called Aldi's. They had hiking shoes on sale for $14.95. I went and tried on a pair and bought them. First I tried on size 9 and it was too big. In running shoes that's the size I wear. I then tried on size 8 which is what I wear in regular shoes and it fit fine. I really needed new athletic shoes and these will be good for walking Danny. We put in from two to four miles a day.
The young guy across the street, Carlton, was telling me last week that he was planning on finishing his basement and using it for a weight room. I decided to give him Ted's weight bench. I asked my nephew's and no one has the room for it. I had given it to Ted one year for Christmas. It is a real good bench. Ted was broken hearted when I had to take it down to make room for the office computers. He didn't understand that I had to close down the business and clear out the office. He planned on going back to work when he got better.
Carlton was happy to have the weight bench. He talks to me a lot when we are out working on our yards. His wife is named Jasmine and he has two daughters. I wish a family like them would buy my house.
We had a thunderstorm tonight. Danny was following me around and finally disappeared under the bed. He came out after it passed but hasn't left my side or lap.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Peach Rose Bud in front yard. The roses are beautiful this week. I chose this peach rose bud and one in full bloom below.
Peach rose in front yard.
I did some cleaning and turned the rug in the livingroom. I did some wash and that's about it for today. I was watching a Steven King movie but it will be going on until 1am so I came upstairs. Danny was waiting patiently to go to bed. He was snuggled in the bed but when he heard the computer come on, he came to sit in my lap. He follows me around like he's my shadow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a gloomy day and rather cold. I arrived in Vineland around noon. Walked Danny and had some lunch. I had some of Campbell's Select Harvest Split Pea Soup. It is excellent.
I unpacked the car and went to the Acme. I needed a few things. I saw a Spanish Bar there. I bought it and called to let my brother know they have them. He likes them. Sometimes they appear in stores but there is no knowing where or when. The A&P used to sell them. It is sort of like an applesauce cake with raisins and cream cheese icing. It is rectangular shaped and has two layers. I'll have to freeze some of it because I won't be able to eat it all without is going stale.
I watered my plants but didn't do much else.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning. I am beat. I did some weeding, used the grass clippers, and went around the house with the trimmer. I didn't finish as it was past noon and I needed to walk Danny and get some lunch. Afterward, I was tired out. It had clouded up and started raining. It is a light rain. It hasn't penetrated under the trees. The ground is bone dry for the first time in almost a year. The rain will most likely dampen it again.
I finished most of the projects I had on my list. Now I have a list for projects in Vineland.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a busy day today. I got both book shelves installed in the closet and pantry. It’s amazing how fast they filled up. I have some clothing on the closet shelf because my furniture is still in Vineland. When I move, I can put the clothes in the drawers. The pantry is partially filled. I have to unpack the cookbooks and place them on the shelves.
I planted my gladiola bulbs by the fence. The ground was hard out front. The back is still soft because it is shaded. I saw a snake out back this morning. It was a garter snake. It was sunning itself. He moved into the leaves when he saw me. I’m glad Danny wasn’t with me. He would go after it.
This morning, I went to the Home Depot and got some things. I got the expansion foam and a hedge trimmer. I hated to spend the money for a hedge trimmer but the old one died and I will need it until my house sells. I got a few other things and then went to the green house of my new friend, Joan from the church. They have several greenhouses. Her son started in a little green house and then their business has grown. She and her husband and two sons work in the business. They take their plants to farmers markets. They had a Mother’s Day plant sale at the church this past Saturday and Joan brought Christmas plants to the church bazaar last December. I got several beautiful Christmas Cactuses for gifts.
Today, I bought three petunias for my planter hanging on the railing of the entrance landing. II got purple, hot pink and white. I put the white in the middle. I have to cover them up tonight as there are frost warnings up. The plants here are more expensive than in Vineland. The flats here are $16.00 and in Vineland, they are $12.00. I may get a few from Joan and get the rest in Vineland and bring them down. I don’t think I will plant any in Vineland. I have enough perennials there. I just won’t have any bedding plants.
I drilled some one inch holes in the floor of the cabinet under the kitchen sink. There were some pretty large gaps under there where the pipes come through. I sprayed as best as I could and hope I got the gaps all filled in. I’ll keep the trap set for a while to make sure. I went around the outside of the skirting and filled in any holes I saw there. I think you only get one shot with the foam. After that, it hardens and the can can’t be used again. At least, I haven’t figured out a way to use it again even thought it still has plenty left in the can. I guess you have to have all your projects ready to be foamed at once. When I start working under the mobile home, I’ll get some more and fill in where needed. I’ll have to find in advance all the places that need filling.
I have a couple more projects to do here before I head to Vineland. I want to stain the fence in redwood and apply it to the legs of the picnic table and benches to protect them from the ground. I’ll put some on the front and back steps where the paint has worn and on the landscaping timbers.
It’s time to take Danny out before he goes to bed for the night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I sang in the choir today and the second verse of "I Walk in the Garden Alone" was to be sung by the sopranos. Boy was I surprised when I found myself singing a duet. Joan and I were the only sopranos.
I went with my niece and her husbands to his family's for Mother's Day dinner. We were all going to go to a restaurant that has all you can eat crabs but the restaurant sold out of their crabs last night. Ed's sister went and got two bushels of crabs and we had them at her house. They were nice and big and good eating. We all chipped in for them as they were $300.00 a bushel.
Ed's nephew's in-laws were there. They have 10 children. The oldest is 18 and married to Ed's nephew. I kept counting the children I thought belonged to them and I counted 9. I missed one somewhere. The youngest was an infant. Ed's family lives in a big log cabin in the woods outside of Elkton. It is about 20 minutes from where I live in CC.
I stuffed myself with crabs and Ed's mother's strawberry short cake. My hands still smell like crab and I washed them three times.
I brought down some book shelves. Ted made them when we first got married. They are well made with six screws in each shelf, three on each side. There are eight shelves and two bookcases so my wrist is tired from turning the screws. I think I threw away my electric screw driver. They don't seem to last very long. I used a ratchet screw driver which was a help but there were still a lot of screws. The shelves are narrow so I planned to put one in my pantry. I assembled one but there is not enough clearance to get it in assembled. I'll have to assemble half of it and finish it inside the pantry. The other one goes in my walk-in closet in the bedroom. It has enough clearance to get it inside the closet but the ceiling slopes down and I couldn't stand it up. I have to cut about four inches off the one end. I could cut off both ends but the heck with it; no one will see it. I'll deal with that tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a full day today. I finished trimming the hedge and edging the grass. It was cool today so it wasn't too bad out there. When I came in, my phone was blinking and it was Marian from the Nature Club. One of our friends, Charlie, had passed away. I was going to pack up and head to MD this afternoon but Charlie's service is tomorrow. I just saw his wife, Margit,(spelled correctly) last week. She looked wonderful. She had lung cancer and they were able to operate and she was doing well. She was looking forward to her trip to Hawaii to visit her sisters. Margit was born and grew up in Hawaii. During WWII, she went to college in Seattle and couldn't go back home until after the war. Charlie was going to take care of their son who has MS while Margit was away. He was a good man, always smiling and happy.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yellow rose.
I came home to Vineland Tuesday to a beautiful display of color in my flower gardens.
This lovely orchid iris was tossed to the curb by a new neighbor. I picked some up and planted them in my yard. I took a lot of irises to MD. They don't seem to be blooming. I guess they were growing roots and not new blooms. The new neighbors seem to toss out beautiful flowers. Two neighbors threw out irises and one neighbor threw out twenty lovely azaleas that lined their walk. They now have crab grass in their place.
Wood hyacinths. They bloom in the shade. I took some to Maryland. A few are blooming there but I will take some more and they will bloom next year.
Little yellow iris I brought here from Massachusetts. My neighbor, Vern Anderson gave them to me.
Large rhododendron on east side.
I got up early and ironed some clothes while it was still cool. I walked Danny and got some breakfast. I spent a few hours trying to figure out how to work my DVD. Comcast gave me some kind of digital box and I got a new DVD and figuring how to use them is beyond belief. I figured it out a few weeks ago but forgot.
I wanted to watch my DVD of Yosemite to refresh my memory for the slide show I will be doing for the Nature Club at the end of May. I have my photos in the computer and am editing them. It's a difficult process because I have never done it before and am now sure of what I am doing.
I trimmed a little of the hedge and then walked Danny before lunch. After lunch, I got ready to go to Bible Study. It was the last session until fall. My friend June came to my house and then I picked up Joan and we all went. We were studying 1st John.
When I got home, I took Danny out and then got some dinner. I watched Fox News and the Weather Channel. I new digital box allows me to see what's on the TV. Seeing nothing, I decided to do my computer work.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was beat last night and fell asleep watching online TV. I had done some yard work and it was hot in the sun. I had gone to the store earlier to get some things I needed. At dinner time, I ordered a pizza at a place halfway between my house and my friend Dottie's. I picked it up and took it to her trailer. She was down for the weekend getting the trailer ready for summer. It was quiet in the campground. Not many were there. Dottie's cousin was there. He was helping her with her golf cart. All the campers drive the carts around the campground.
We enjoyed our pizza and talked for a while. We talked too long. Danny and I had a 25 minute drive back to CC. It sure is dark down there. No street lights and houses are few and far between. When I came to the main road, the darkness made it difficult to judge how far away the oncoming traffic was. The cars looked close because the lights could be seen for a long distance. I waited and waited until I realized the cars were very far away.
This morning, I was sluggish. I painted the big black grate in my living room It was black and my rug is ivory. I spray painted it with almond paint. I also painted one of the heat register grates. I think they will look much better. I couldn't do too much on the weekend because it rained and it was pretty wet out. I put the grates in the shed to dry then packed up the car and headed to Vineland. The house heated up in the afternoon and is just now cooling down. I put the screens in the doors and let the air blow through. I opened windows on each side of the house; north, south, east, and west. Danny is lying under a ceiling fan.
Tomorrow's agenda is to cut the grass and do the laundry.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church this morning. The regular choir didn't sing; the children's choir sang. We had practice after church and I didn't get home until 1:30. I walked Danny Boy and got some lunch. I went to my niece, Cheryl's at 3PM. She had a jewerly demonstration. My friend, Dottie went with me. She is down at her trailer this weekend.
We had a nice time. My sister-in-law, Sylvia was there and also my nephew's wife, Michelle. Cheryl's mother-in-law, Joanne and her two sisters-in-law, Doris and Sherry were there, too.
Also, my grandneice, Ryleigh (Michelle's) and Sherry's two children.
It was supposed to rain this afternoon but so far we didn't get any. It clouded up and I could smell the rain but it didn't come here. Cheryl, Ed, and I went to the Hibachi Grill and got our seafood. I had a seafood stirfry and a custard cup and ice cream for dessert. We went late. Ed and his brother were out on Ed's boat and Ed's watch stopped. Ed didn't realize what time it was. We didn't get to the restaurant until after 8:00.
I want to do some reading and then get some sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a hot day today; It was 92 degrees here in CC. I put the air conditioner on and it felt good. I'm glad I wasn't in Vineland; I don't have the window units put in the windows yet. I'll have to have my brother come down and put them in.
I walked Danny after I unloaded the car. He has a new friend named Barley. Barley is a real cute little dog. Barley's owners are Rex and Kay. They live over on Mallard Drive.
I watered some of my plants that I put in last week. They look rather wilted. I brought a shelf from Vld. It's called an oven rack. I put it in the blue bedroom and got the plants up off the floor. It looks a lot better.
When I got here, I found a dead Carolina Wren on my kitchen floor. It left droppings all over the house that I had to clean up. I think it came in the dryer vent. I don't have the dryer hooked up and the flap wasn't closed properly. It probably came in looking for a place to build a nest and then couldn't find it;s way out. Birds need a lot of food. It most likely starved to death. I took some lint out of the vent but I'll have to make sure it closes better. I put a bird house out back I wish the bird had gone in there.
These critters are driving me crazy. I just hope a snake doesn't come in. My neighbor had a snake in her kitchen. My neighbors on both sides are having trouble with mice. I haven't had any since I plugged up the holes with steel wool and expansion foam. I did find another hole where the gas line comes into the furnace I'll have to get more steel wool and plug that one up.
News from the Vorlon Wife