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I didn't do much today. I walked Danny and saw two neighbors this morning. Ginger who was a client of ours and we were a client of hers. She and her husband own the Sir Speey Store in town. Another neighbor, Diane was driving by and stopped to say Hello.
I talked to my brother, Don and my friend, June called. I did some work on the computer. I looked some things up but didn't get anywhere. I'll try again tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
One of my neighbors in Chesapeake City had a lovely garden of lilies. There were many colors. This pink one is very unusual.
Comcast came and fixed my cable to the house. Two trucks came and three men. They ran a new line from the pole to the house and I think they put in a new box to connect it to. Everything seems to be up and running.
I did some bills this morning and went over the bank statement. I went to do some shopping. I got a couple things at Family Dollar. They had some mugs with apples on them. I thought they'd go nice in my kitchen at the mobile home. I next went to the produce store and got a few things there. They had good prices on lettuce, celery, bannas, and strawberries.
Next, I went to the Verizon store and had them show me how to use the GPS system on my phone. I had a bunch of questions for him about my phone and my laptop.
It was warm this morning and through the afternoon but has cooled down this evening.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got back to Vineland around 11:00. I unloaded the car and walked Danny. I made some lunch and sat down on my sofa to watch the news. No Cable. I went upstairs to check the computer. No internet. I looked outside and saw some cables hanging down at the pole across the street. The cable to my house seemed OK. I called comcast and talked to someone in the Carribean. He said the next available appointment was Sat. at 3pm.
I was somewhat dismayed. I called my friend to vent and then took another look at the cable going to my house. I saw it had been yanked out of the socket where it attaches to the house. I thought about going over to the Comcast Office and complaining. I had called the 800 number on the bill earlier so I decided to call the local office. I found their number in the phone book. I told the woman about the wires being down and mine was disconnected from its socket. She expedited the service call and now they will be here tomorrow between 3 and 5.
My wireless signal here in Vineland is not strong enough to stream a video and the radio is full of static. There are storms in the area although not here at present. It is hot and humid today. It was 78 degress at 6 this morning. It has been uncomfortable all day since I left my central air in the mobile home. I should have stayed there.
Fortunately, the grass doesn't need cutting and the hedge doesn't need trimming. It's a wonder because my home in Maryland needs cutting. Robbie should have it done before I get back.
I'd better sign off before I lose my connection.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did a few more little projects today. I put the weather stripping on the door and completed another sewing project. I got my clothes ready that I'm going to take on my trip to Michigan. I took some things out to the storage shed. Danny got his bath. He doesn't like getting a bath but when I call him to the shower, he comes. He tolerates it until I open the door and he runs out to bury his face in the towel. I went to the post office and shaped some of the foam that I sprayed into holes in my skirting and door frame. I adjusted the skirting that had come out of the bottom slot. I tried calling my cousin but she wasn't in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Look closely and you can see a hummingbird hovering around my neibhbors petuna.
Another nice day today. It started out in the 60's and went to about 90 with low humidity. It cooled off nicely at night.
I went to the Historical Society in Elkton and it was closed. It is only open on Monday. Most places like that are closed on Monday. Had I known, I would have gone yesterday. I couldn't find the library so went to Elk Landing. It is an historical place that was the center of shipping in the 1700's.It was founded by the colonial Swedes. There was no one around and is in the process of restoration. They had an herb garden with a couple butterfly bushes. They were filled with swallowtail butterflies. I took some photos and came on home.
I noticed the Mimosa tree in a neighbor's yard is also filled with swallowtail butterflies. I never saw so many. In Vineland, I would see one or two on the butterfly bush but mostly had tiny little white butterflies. They were only about a half inch across.
I worked on the front door. It needed some wood filler and tomorrow, I will put the weather stripping on and it should be good for the winter. I also filled a hole in the bedroom where a screw had worked loose and left a big hole.
I fixed one of my lamps. It was loose where the socket connected to the lamp. I was going to fix the touch on lamp but notices the kit had been opened and taped back together. I'll return it because I don't know if someone bought it and when it didn't work taped it up and took it back. It may be fine but I don't want to take the chance of it not working and then trying to explain that the package had been opened when I bought it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A couple of damsel flies on the hostas.
A dragonfly on the hostas. The hostas dried out blooms seem to attrack the dragonflies and damsel flies.
Finally some relief from the hot weather. It did get to 92 today but the overnight low was 67 and it has cooled down this evening. The humidity is also low. I was able to do some work outside. I dug up some daffodil bulbs that were in the middle of the lawn. I will plant them along the side in the flower beds. I also found a cast aluminum eagle in the shed. It needed to be painted so I got a can of black spray paint and sprayed it. That reminds me, it’s still out back where I left it to dry. I see some nails or hooks in the front of the house near the peak of the roof. I believe it is where the eagle hung. I hope so. That will make it easier to hang up.
I groomed Danny today. I was going to give him his bath but I’ll do that tomorrow. He had enough for one day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church over at Town Point today. When I got home, it was too hot to do anything. I just chilled out in the house. I took Danny out a couple times. I took some photos of dragon flies and damsel flies. There seems to be a lot around my house. They come in all colors, black, blue, brown, and red. I couldn’t get a shot of the red one. It wouldn’t sit still. I took a photo of a humming bird but don’t know if I was able to zoom in on it well enough.
A thunderstorm whipped up and sent Danny under the computer desk. He goes under the shelf. I put a pillow sideways to box it in and I had set my computer carrying case partially covering the front. He seems to like it there. It makes a nice little den for him. He can peek out and see me.
I talked to my brother, Don and to Ted’s mother. I went out to dinner with Cheryl and Ed to the Chinese/Japanese place.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early, walked Danny and then watered the flowers and plants that are outside. It was hot already but most of the plants were still in the shade. It was 80 degrees at 6am. Actually, it was 76 here but Wilmington reported 80. They were predicting it to be 100 today. I don’t know if it reached that or not. I went shopping. I got a few things at Home Depot. I went there for two items, an under counter light and some wood filler. I came out with them and some goop and a touch dimmer kit for one of my bedroom lamps. I replaced one of them several years ago. I don’t know if it is the same lamp or not.
Next stop was Big Lots. They were having a sale on under-the bed plastic bins. I thought I’d get a couple but they looked smaller than the one I have and I didn’t think my Christmas wreaths would fit in it. I got one. I figured I’d take the stuff out of the one I have here and put the wreath in it and the stuff in the new one. I also found some hot pink bath rugs that I had been looking for. The ones I have in Vineland have their backing disintegrating and I don’t want to get the backing all over the washing machine. It’s a shame because the top part of the rugs looks great except they need to be washed. The hot pink goes with my hot pink towels and I will use them in my 2nd bathroom when I get moved in here.
Next stop was the Acme for food. I needed the basics; milk, bread, ice cream. I got a few more things that were on sale for $1.00. My menu for the week is planned around dollar items. They even have lunchmeat for $1.00.
While eating lunch, my sister-in-law, Sylvia, called and said they were going to my nephew, Rick’s house to go in the pool. They weren’t sure whether they’d go to the pool or stay in the air conditioning. I said I’d meet them there. I waited for about a half hour before I left so we’d get there about the same time. The pool was like a hot tub but was cooler than the air. The water was well over 80 degrees maybe 85. We had a nice swim. Danny wants noting to do with the pool. He steers clear of it. He is not a water dog.
It is really nice to be near family and visit with them more often than when I’m in Vineland.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A black swallowtail butterfly on a petunia in a neighbor's yard in Vineland. I saw it while walking Danny the other day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Crape Myrtle Tree at a neighbor's house in Vineland. These are beautiful trees that bloom from the end of June through September. There are pale pink Myrtles in the Mobile Home Park. I wanted to get one but they are $70.00 for a small one.
It is another hot day. I thought I would trim the weeds early this morning but waited until 9am because I know both neighbors are late sleepers. It was sweltering out there. The sweat just poured off me stinging my eyes and drenching my clothes. Fortunately, I ran out of line and forgot to bring more. I jumped right into the shower even though I just has one before I went to bed. The forecast is upper nineties and tomorrow 100+. I need to go to the store but it's too hot to go out. The car is parked in the sun so it must be blazing hot. Maybe I'll do some of my sewing projects. After lunch, I just reclined on my air mattress. I use it as a chaise lounge to watch TV online. There's supposed to be thunderstorms this afternoon. I guess they won't cool things off if it's going to 100 tomorrow. I may just read my book.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We finally arrived back in our cool central air mobile home. I had to cut the grass this morning before packing up. The zoiza grass and the crab grass were six inches long from the rain. The fescue is still brown and dormant. I hate the zoiza grass. It looks like crab grass and sends out runners into the flower beds. The roots go down three inches into the soil. Ted and I have killed it off with Round-up three times. It grows back. It has now taken over the front yard, both side yards and one third of the back yard.
Traffic was heavy on route 896. I don’t know why unless people are heading to the beach a day early. My grass had been cut when I arrived. I brought my weed wacker so I’ll have to get an early start tomorrow before it heats up. I have some more sewing projects to work on and I have ironing to do. My summer shorts and tops are all cotton and need to be ironed. I need to go to the super market for a few things and to Home Depot for a few things there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another hot day. I trimmed the hedge this morning and was done in for the rest of the day. I sprayed for ants twice yesterday and twice today. They came in on the gladiolas and have been difficult to get rid of. Each time I think I got rid of them, I get more. This morning, they were all over the trash can. I sprayed it and put it outside. I don't see any ants on it outside. I put the glads outside and they have ants on them. They are little ants. I am using Spectracide. It works well in MD. If they back tomorrow, I'll have to go back to using cocoa. That worked in the past. The ants on the glads must have told their buddies because they were streaming in the back door.
I started to get things ready to go to MD but decided to go tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Cape May beach with a view of the lighthouse at Cape May Point. You can see the haze from the humidity in the air.
Below are some photos some of of my "Small" cousins. They are my second cousins. Skip is the son of Pete, who was the son of Melvin "The Squire" Small. Jenny is the daughter of Jean, who was the daughter of "The Squire." Kurt and Kim are the children of Frank, who was the son of "The Squire."
"The Squire" was my grandmother's brother. My grandmother had five sisters and three brothers.
Jenny Williams, Skip, Judy, and Lauren Small
Keith Williams and Kim Remington
Sunset at Wildwood Crest over the bay. We got some pizza for our dinner and sat on a bench in the park to watch the beautiful sunset.
Don is silhouetted while he photographs the sunset.
I arrived back in Vineland this morning. I went over to Erica's and got Danny. He was happy to see me and hasn't let me out of his sight since. I didn't take my laptop. I didn't want to leave it in the Motel room. I thought one of the Small's would have their computer and they did but didn't have the password for the wifi. They weren't able to get until Monday. I have some beautiful photos of the sunset in Wildwood Crest. I'll post them tomorrow. The house is very hot after being closed up all weekend. I was going to go to Maryland tomorrow but my knee hurts. I don't know what happened to it. I don't remember hurting it. I did trip on a step at the motel laundry room. That must have been what did it. It feels like the tendons are hurt. That will take weeks to heal up. I tried icing it but it didn't seem to do any good. It is not swollen.
It was a hot weekend. It is usual to park the car and walk everywhere. This weekend, it was too hot to walk. Parking in Cape May is a problem. We had to park at a meter which cost $25 for 15 minutes. I think we put 16 quarters in the meter. We got 8 at the place where we had lunch and another 8 at the beach. I had 7 and Don had a container of them. The only place I felt cool was in the motel pool.The air conditioners just couldn't keep up with the heat.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A beautiful pink lily blooming at my mobile. This one was there when I bought the place. I thought I planted two more that I brought from Vineland but I don't see them. I may have given thme to Cheryl or Ricky.
I got the grass cut early thiis mornin. I mowed the sunny parts of the yard first and then worked on into the shade. Still, I was drenched with sweat and I am not a sweater. I had to peel my wet clothes off and my cheeks were burning with heat. A cool shower felt good. It was 87 degrees at 10:00am. I will be glad to be going to the shore tomorrow. I hope Erica will put Danny in the air conditioning eiither in the cat house or inside their house.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We got up early, packed up, cleaned up, closed up the mobile home and headed east. We got here about 10:30. unpacked, took a walk, got some lunch, did some wash, and vegetated.
It was hot and humid. The first thing I did was to put on all the air conditioners. I spent the afternoon on the sunporch with the air and ceiling fan.
I went through my mail and my e-mail.
I watched a couple movies this evening on TCM. One was the Hunchback of Notre Dame and I don't recall the name of the other. They were both good. TCM doesn't have commercial interruptions. It's about the only basic channel that doesn't. PBS sometimes has movies.
The grass is OK but I will cut it in the morning. The hedge is also OK except for the little back hedge. I'll have to clip that.
I saw my friend's house in the paper where they have the "sold" announcements. They gave it away. It is sickening what has happened to the value of the houses.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I rained again overnight. It was very humid all day but little sun so the temp did not go up into the 90’s as predicted. I completed a few more sewing projects and got my clothes ready for my weekend in Cape May.
I did some weeding. It’s amazing how the weeds seem to be drought tolerant and the grass burns out and goes dormant. The crab grass is thriving.
I watched some more of Babylon 5 on my computer. For some reason, Warner Bros. seems to fade out quite a bit. It is very annoying.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A thunderstorm woke me up around 4am. Danny was running around the house looking for a place to hide. I picked him up and put him next to me with the covers pulled up over him except for his head. He seemed to calm down and we fell back to sleep. It was still raining when I woke up at 6am. I decided it was a good day for my sewing projects. I sorted the clothes to be sewn into groups according to color. I got most of the sewing done except for things I need to buy to complete some of the projects. The corduroy pants need a new zipper and I need new elastic for some pants.
I finished my ironing. I have several pair of shorts that needed ironing and I added a few more when I got done sewing them. Some items need to be sewn by hand. My machine does not handle thin fabric very well. It goes down the hole and gets caught.
I got a half inch of rain in the rain gage. The grass is greening up and the flowers are looking better.
I made arrangements for Danny to go to Erica's for both of my trips. I looked on the internet for airplane tickets but have not decided on what to do. If we fly out of Philly it is much more expensive than Atlantic City or Baltimore. The problem is, the flights from AC go to Chicago and then back to Detroit. There is a baggage charge. There is one direct flight that leaves at 6am. We would have to be at the airport at 4am and leave Vineland at 3am. I have to get up at 2am. From Baltimore, the flight goes to Atlanta before going to Detroit. This make an hour flight take 4 1/2 hours. I will have to do some more research.
I talked to my friend, Diane this morning. She moved from Vineland to North Carolina at the beginning of May. Her house sat on the market for a long time. They made plans to move out and leave the house vacant. Someone bought their house on April 30th. They really lucked out but have to sell it at a low price. It is a real bummer.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I painted this morning. I did my shelf and I painted the landscaping timbers across the front. I also painted the barrel near the shed. The shelf got painted almond and the timbers and barrel are redwood.
I assembled the shelf and will fill it up tomorrow with the boxes I have in the room. I made a reservation in Wildwood Crest for the weekend. My cousins are having their Small Family Reunion in Cape May. The Crest is the next town to Cape May and has more hotels and is less expensive.
I pulled out the refrigerator to look at the line for the ice maker. I thought it may be frozen. It appears to have no water in it. I don't know how to prime the line to get the air out and the water flowing up into it. I bought a large bag of ice yesterday and will have to use that until I figure out what to do. The frig slides out easily. My frig in Vineland doesn't slide well at all. It gauges the floor when we try to move it.
I called my sister-in-law, Kathy to RSVP her daughter's wedding. I lost the RSVP card and didn't remember the choices for the reception.
My brother, Don, called. He will be able to go with me to the wedding in Michigan. I do not like flying by myself and it is too far to drive on my own.
It was hot and humid today with a little thunder showers.
News from The Vorlon Wife.
It was a long day. I got up early and walked Danny. I got ready and went to the Town Point Church. It is part of the church I attend in Chesapeake City. It is a small little church near the bay. Their service is at 8:45 and they have a Traditional Service. Everyone was very friendly. I asked a man named Dick if he knew what kind of cows the black and white ones were across the road. They are black in the front and back with white around the mid section. Dick said they were Belted Galway’s imported from Europe. They look like Oreo cookies and are sometimes called that.
When I got home, I got ready to go out on Cheryl and Ed’s boat. Ricky was coming with the two children, Joey and Ryleigh. It was a beautiful day to be out on the water. It was 90 degrees but a nice breeze blew across the water gently rocking the boat. Captain Ed drove the boat upstream on the Bohemia River to a small cove where he dropped anchor near the shore. The water was shallow and Joey was able to stand on the bottom. Cheryl and I got into chair floats and floated on the water. They were tied to the boat so we would drift away with the current. We had a lunch of hoagies and ice tea with chips and twizzlers.
When we got back, I walked Danny and showered the sun lotions off of me. Cheryl and Ed came about 6:45 and we went to the Hibachi Grill for dinner. When I got back I put on an episode of Babylon 5 and fell asleep watching it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early and finished packing up the car. I closed up the house and was on my way by 8:30. It started to rain as I pulled out of the driveway. It was a gentle rain but I was driving into the storm. When I got here, Danny and I made a mad dash for the door. I had to go out the back door to turn on the water. I had to unpack the food and put it in the frig. I made some tea to have iced tea but there was no ice in the icemaker. I wondered why there was no ice after all it had several days to make it. Then I realized the water was turned off. It sounded like it was beginning to make ice. I thought I heard it thump into the bin but the bin was still empty. Just my luck, something seems to be wrong with it. Everything keeps breaking down. My electric sweeper is not holding a charge. I really like it but hate having to get a new one. The dehumidifier which was replaced last year has something wrong with the power switch. Fortunately it is stuck in the on position so I can use the plug to turn it on and off. The unit is a warranty replacement. The first one was defective and they sent another. It has an energy saver sticker. I guess if it doesn't work, it saves a lot of energy.
Speaking of energy, I got my electric bill for CC. The 90 and 100 degree weather must have used a lot of power for the air-conditioner. I'm glad I got that power saving unit from the electric company. My bill was $170.00 and they gave me a $60 credit for the power saver. They installed it June 30th and I got the credit for the entire month.
The weather has cooled down to the 80's but the humidity is high because of the rain. It was a gentle rain but I got 2 inches in the rain gage. I waited an hour before unloading the car. The radio said the rain would continue into the night so I put on my raincoat and grabbed a trash bag. I went out to the car and put things in the trash bag to carry them into the house in the rain. The stuff stayed dry but the rain soaked through and all my clothes were soaked through.
It stopped raining around two o'clock and I was able to take Danny out. His friend, Baby was out. Baby is a male bichon. His owner, John was talking to another neighbor, Ida. I went over and talked to them for a while before continuing our walk. On the way back, I saw a Turkey Vulture high up in a tree sitting on a dead branch at the top of the tree. I had its wings spread out drying them. It looked like a pose that eagles make. I went back with my camera but it was gone. Bummer. It would have made a good photo.
After I unpacked the things, I went through the mail and circulars. It was too wet to do anything outside so I finished my ironing. At least I thought I finished I see some shorts and capris on the chair that I missed. I ironed all the clothes that were hanging on the hook on the closet door. I have my outfit ready that I'm wearing to church tomorrow. It is white so I hope it doesn't rain. My raincoat needs to be scotch guarded and I don't know if it is here or in Vineland.
My brother called. He wanted to know if I made arrangement to go to the Small family reunion. I hadn't made them because he said he couldn't go on the 16th. I thought he couldn't go at all and he said he could go Sat. and Sun. night and drive back early Monday morning to go to work.
I start calling Motels tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I decided to stay another day in Vineland. I had some things I had to do. I didn't get much done because the heat and humidity were awful. At noon, The Weather Channel reported that Vineland had 83 degrees with light rain. The sun was shinning brightly. Go figure.
I ran down to the shopping center in Millville. The curtain store was supposed to be having a sale on bathroom rugs. I went all the way down there and the sale doesn't start until next week. I got a few things in the Shop Rite and stopped at the produce stand for some corn. Danny smelled it cooking and came running and woofing. I think it is his favorite thing to eat.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It's time for gladiolas. These are from the Vineland garden.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Who ever would have thought that 90 degrees would feel cool? I was able to open the doors and windows to let in the air. Compared to the 100-degree weather, it was great.
I got a lot done today. I started with cleaning the air cleaner. Next, I took the shelf apart that I am taking to CC. I used the Wink I bought to remove the rust stains from the floor in the laundry. They got there from Ted’s toolbox. I didn’t want people to think the dog urinated there. I sort of looked like that. The Wink worked and the rust stains disappeared.
Afterward, I mopped the floor. I did a load of wash.
Ted’s friend, Fred came and fixed my computer. It wasn’t getting power. I checked all the connections and they seemed OK. Fred found that the power box that some of the stuff plugs into was off. He pushed a button and it came back on. I didn’t even know the thing had a button. The remote router was plugged into it, also. I wondered why it wasn’t lit up.
I hope to get an early start in the morning and back to my central air. Just my luck, the power company will activate the shut off thing they put on my air conditioner. It cuts it down when high usage kicks in. That keep brown outs and black outs from occurring. They also give me a $30.00 a month credit on my bill. I keep the temp on 78-80 anyway so I figured it was a good deal.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Church Service in Chesapeake City on the 4th of July. My friend, Joan, is front and center of the photo. She is at the prayer station. She is wearing khakis and a light yellow blouse. Others are going up for Communion or to the Offering Station. It was the Contemporary Service. I prefer Traditional but I went to the 10 am service. The Traditional is at 11:15.
It wasn't quite as hot today. I took Danny for his Lyme Disease booster and I went to the Chiropractor. I went to the Acme to get some food and took some empty boxes out to the garage. That was about it. The house got too hot. I either had to stay in the computer room or on the sunporch.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We packed up and left Chesapeake City at 8:45 We arrived in Vineland at 10:15. It was getting hot. The car was shaded by the trees so I was able to get it unpacked before it got too hot. At 3pm, it was 100 and at 5pm it was 105 on the bedroom thermometer. The three air conditioners were not able to keep up with the heat. I closed off all the rooms that I could. The livingroom and kitchen are open and it was really hot in those rooms. They have no air conditioners. The bathroom is hot, too. I have been spoiled by last summer when it was cool. I hardly had to use the air. I may just head back to MD after Danny's Vet appointment. Tomorrow is going to be as hot if not hotter. The house will probably be hotter because I don't think it will cool down over night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another hot day. I put some things out in the shed. I watered my neighbors vegetable garden and my flowers. I used the grass clippers to trim up the grass near my fence. I did some sewing on my curtains and hung them in the kitchen. I was going to go to the store but it was too hot to venture out. It went up to 102 degrees in my back yard. It was still up there at 7pm but dropped to 80 at 8pm. It seems to drop down when the sun goes beyond the trees.
I had some sweet potatoes my neighbor gave me. It’s been too hot to turn on the oven so I cooked them in my electric frying pan. They came out pretty good. I sliced them in half and cooked them on 350 for an hour.
Danny must not be feeling good. He seems to get like that after he has his heart medicine. He doesn’t eat much. This morning, he ran to the door to go out. He never runs to the door. I took him out and he started eating grass.
I hope I get an early start tomorrow as it is supposed to be even hotter. I would stay longer if Danny didn’t have his vet appointment. He gets his second dose of Lyme disease vaccine.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a quiet 4th of July. I went to the outdoor church service this morning. It was the contemporary service. I’m not wild about the contemporary style. It’s like a service at summer camp. It was held at the park next to the marina. I would have liked some patriotic songs for the occasion. God Bless America would have been nice. I did not know the songs they sung.
I didn’t hear from my family. I guess no one was doing anything for the holiday. It’s just as well because it was really hot today. I thought maybe I’d go over to Crystal Beach and look out over the Chesapeake Bay but when I looked at the thermometer, it was 102 degrees. I stayed inside with the air conditioning. When I took Danny out at 8:00, it had dropped to 80. It felt good. Tomorrow will be another day of 100 and the humidity will be high. I’m glad I’m down here with the central air.
I did a couple things today. I transferred the contents of a plastic bin container into a cardboard bin container. I put Christmas decorations in the plastic bin and will take it out to the shed. The cardboard box now has knitting and yarn materials in it and went into the walk-in closet. I watered my flowers and I ironed some of my clothes. The summer cottons need ironing. I would not have been able to iron in Vineland; it would have been too hot but the central air keeps things cool. I watched some online TV while I did it.
I called my friend, Cheryl and talked for awhile. It was a quiet 4th for her, too. Ted and I would have gone to the shore or to a movie. When I was a kid, my family went to a picnic at the farm. My grandmother’s sister lived on a farm in Chester County, PA. Every Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day, all of my grandmother’s brothers and sisters and all their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren would go and have a wonderful time with good food and good company. It was a family reunion but we didn’t call it that at the time. It was just called the Picnic at the Farm. I miss them all. All of my grandmother’s generation is gone and most of my mother’s cousins are gone. There is going to be a Small Family Reunion in Cape May this month. If I am in Vineland, I hope to get down to see them.
I will have to do any outdoor projects in the early morning tomorrow before it heats up.
Danny is under the desk. I have heard fireworks for two hours now. I think they are out over the Bay. My niece and her husband usually go out on there houseboat to watch them. They spend the night out there. Their houseboat is like a camper on the water.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got a lot done today. I finished putting together my shelves and filled them up. I was missing some hardware so had to look out in the yard where I was painting and found it. I watered all the plants inside and out. I spread the Sprectricide around half of the yard and will have to buy more for the other half. It kills ticks. I watered that down and sprayed the round-up along the walk and driveway. It seems I have to do that every week.
I called my sister-in-law, Sylvia to see if she wanted to go to the cemetery with me. I took off up Interstate 95 and arrived there in 45 minutes. My brother, Rick, came home and we all went to the cemetery. I put silk flowers on Ted’s and my parent’s graves. It was cool there under the tree.
Sylvia made dinner for us and then I hopped back on Interstate 95 and was home in 45 minutes. This is our last cool day. Tomorrow it will be going back into the 90’s for the rest of the week. One day it’s supposed to go near 100. My backyard was like a sponge for most of the year and now is hard as a rock. I didn’t think it would ever dry out. It rained all last summer and fall. It snowed all winter with a total of 5 feet and then rained all spring. The front yards are brown but the back is still green. It won’t be for long in this heat. It’s the same in Vineland. I haven’t watered the grass but will have to water the bushes and hedges when I go back. Vineland has water restrictions. You can only use the outdoor water on even or odd days according to your house number. I will only get in one or two days of watering before I come back here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My yellow lily is starting to bloom in Maryland. I transplanted it last fall and it is doing well. It is a day lily and each flower only lasts one day. It is loaded with buds so I will have several days of its beauty. Ted took a lot of photos of this plant. It was one of his favorites.
Someone gave this to us as an Easter plant gift. I cannot remember who gave it to us. My brother, Don, has given us lilies for Easter but I'm not sure if he gave us this one. I know he gave us the Mauve Asiatic Lily and a few white Easter Lilies.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I painted my shelves today and once more ran out of paint. I was able to put one unit together and placed it in the computer room. It is good to get some of the things off the floor. I went through some but left others in the boxes. I can sort it out after I get my furniture moved in here. I watered my flowers this morning. It’s good to have the hose working.
I gave Danny a good trim this morning. Tomorrow he will get his bath and on Saturday, he will get his flea and tick medicine.
News from the Vorlon Wife.