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Another flood and tornado warning day. We got 1 ¾ inches of rain last time I looked. We had a few downpours but mostly light drizzle. I checked the run off ditch out back a few times and it is still rather low. The ditch is the place we were told to go to in case of emergency with a tornado. I think the hills surrounding us break up any tornados. It looked like the heaviest part of the storm was going right up the Chesapeake Bay.
I put a few more things away. I emptied some boxes in the kitchen and some in the computer room. I hate not having my computer set up. I need to print out my insurance ID’s so I can go to the DMV. Although, I’m not going anywhere in this weather. I think the sun will come out tomorrow.
I don’t like being without my washing machine and dryer. I have a list of things I need to get at Home Depot. I can’t find my rubber washers for the faucet. They must be in the shed. I’ll buy some more. They should be fresh anyway. The rubber or plastic material probably breaks down over time.
I mostly watched the television today, I’m glad the storm didn’t knock out the power. It wasn’t much of a storm here but it could have been. It was the remnants of Matthew and Nicole.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got my computer partially working. The cable man installed the cable and found something was wrong on their side. I received my 645 emails but am unable to send any.
I wrote up my blog but was unable to post it.
We had severe thunderstorm warnings this morning and they forecast tornado warnings south of here. They said Southeast Cecil County. I live in Northeast but then they included Elkton. I was getting ready to get out of here when they canceled the tornado warning. We also got no severe storms or high winds. If fact, I saw blue skies.
It did rain a little but I was able to get Danny out between showers.
I talked to my cousin, Joy today. She had been in and out of the hospital and rehab since July. She is feeling better but still weak from being in the hospital. I pray for her complete recovery. I also pray for my sister-in-law, Kathy. She has been sick for a long time. I hope she is feeling better.
My brother, Don, called. He had been away at the shore in Avalon, NJ.
My computer needs some more work on my end. I need to set up the printer, speakers, camera attachment, and scanner. Maybe a couple other things.
I went through some more boxes in the computer room. I put some of the things away and there is a little more room in there.
It’s coming along, little by little.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, I found out what is wrong with my computer. The guy never set it up. The tech support person kept asking me to check the cable from the router to the computer and I kept telling him there isn’t any. He said how many cables are coming out of the router. I said three, one to the power, one to the phone, and one to the modem. He said, forget the modem you’re looking for the cable that goes to the computer. I said there isn’t any. He asked if there was someone else in the house who could help me. I said, no. I guess he thought I was an idiot. He finally got the hint that the cable guy did not install the cable. He asked if he checked to see if the computer was working. I said, no. Good Grief!
I didn’t realize there wasn’t any cable because the wires are behind the desks except in this case there was no wire.
I called my insurance companies and spent about ten minutes in there menus and on hold. I think that’s all straightened out. I just have to wait for them to mail me the confirmation. I unpacked some more things and moved some things around. I made some more room in the computer room so when the cable man comes again he will have some room to work.
It’s been raining off and on today. I managed to get Danny out between showers. It was still misting a little.
I hope my computer will be back in business tomorrow. I miss looking at my photos and picking out some to post on my blog. I took a neat photo of a tree frog. He was sitting on my railing the other night. I saw another when I was taking the shelves apart. It was on one of the shelves. I also saw a leopard frog hoping along the west side. Danny missed seeing him or he would have taken off after him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, I did it again. I fell asleep during the last 15 minutes of Mystery and I don’t know what happened. It was about Inspector Lewis. Maybe I can catch it online.
I slept late today around 7 am. I walked Danny and it looked like it was going to rain so I put a few things that were in the yard, into the shed. I don’t know how I fit anything else in there but I did. I got ready for church. I sat with my new friends, Frances, Joan and Emily. The choir did not sing today. I had only a granola bar for breakfast so I got a beagle at the coffee hour after church. I went to the Sunday School class. They are studying “The Purpose Driven Life”. I have the book packed in one of the boxes here somewhere but I haven’t unpacked the books yet.
After church, it was raining so I put some kraut and pork chops in the crock-pot. I didn’t know if Cheryl and Ed were going out to dinner or not but I wanted to have a couple meals on hand. I ate some of my veggies for lunch with some cheese. I took Danny out in the drizzle and then found a John Wayne movie to watch. Cheryl called around 3pm and we went to the Hibachi Grill at 5:30.
Ed will bring a hand truck over and help me move the washer and dryer next week. I think he said he would power wash my house. It needs it. It has moss growing on the north side which faces the road. He gave me a suggestion on how to get my computer started but I didn’t have any success. I’ll have to call them tomorrow and find out what to do.
I found a box labeled X tapes. I had been looking for where I put my exercise tapes. I wanted to go through them and see if any were suitable for the church exercise group. The one they had that we all liked broke. I have a couple walking tapes that might work.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This morning, I woke up and the clock was flashing 1:30. I thought it was the middle of the night so I went back to sleep. I didn’t wake up until 8:00. I grabbed a cup of coffee and took Danny out. I met another neighbor named Karen. She asked if I had water. I didn’t know if I did or not. I had prepared the coffee the night before so I didn’t know if the water was working or not. I did notice the Janine was out and she doesn’t come out until 9:30 or 10:00. On the way back from walking Danny, I saw Janine in her car. She stopped and said the electric outage caused a problem with a switch in the pump house. She had a new one and was on her way to see if Juan, another neighbor could put it in.
I had some more coffee and started putting the rest of the computers in place on the desks. I had two monitors in the bedroom. I still have to rearrange them but at least they are up off the floor and the computer room is shaping up. I was going to wash off a metal shelf so I could paint it. I got out the hose, turned it on and nothing came out. I had forgotten we had no water. I left that job and began folding up the big blue tarp I had over the metal shelves that I had taken apart. It was dry so I folded it and placed it in the shed. I wanted to paint a cup holder rack but I couldn’t get to the paint in the shed. I have too many boxes piled up in there. I need to get rid of the other washing machine and make some room to go through the boxes.
I unpacked some more boxes in the kitchen. They were three rows deep and now I am down to one row deep. I found I had gauged my floor moving that dryer around. I was able to pull the vinyl back into place and I’ll glue it down with some goop. I’ll have to get my brother to bring his hand truck so I can move the washer and dryer around. I think if I put the dryer where the washer is and the washer where the dryer is they will work out. The washer is not as deep as the dryer so the door will clear it and the dryer will have more room to get the vent hose attached.
I sprayed some WD40 on the spigot that the washer connects to. I hope it will come apart easily and I can replace the rubber washer gasket inside.
I forgot to go to choir practice on Thursday. I remembered at 9:30 that night. Practice used to be on Sunday but now that the three services are in the same building, there isn’t any place to practice and Sunday School starts right after the traditional service. I hope I remember this Thursday. I don’t like to wing it if I don’t know the song. I did OK last Sunday. Everyone said how wonderful the choir sounded. I am able to read music a little bit. I had years of piano lessons. I wasn’t very good but at least I know when the notes go up or down and can follow them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today, I took two grey metal storage shelves apart so I could fit them in my shed. They had been under a tarp and I didn’t secure it very well. The thunderstorm blew the tarp half off. I dried it out over the picnic table. I put some more things away. The rooms are starting to shape up.
I put on a movie and fell asleep watching it. It was slow moving and it’s a good thing I fell asleep because when I woke up I did not like the movie.
The stink bugs were back today but there were not very many of them. Either the spray killed them off or they decided they didn’t like it here.
It was hot today. Wilmington had a record high of 92 degrees. It was hot working on the shelves and I was in the shade. Danny didn’t want to go for a walk. He went out in the back yard and then came right back into the house. The house stays cool until around 3:00 when the sun is around on the west side and the trees no longer shield it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I still didn’t deal with any of my problems. I believe I have to switch the washer and dryer around. The washer is not as deep as the dryer and it will make a better fit by the door. A neighbor named Jim said I could get a new cable for my mower at Wal-Mart but since it’s the end of the season, they may not have any left. I’m not too concerned about that. The grass isn’t growing except for the crab grass and I’ll whack that down with the weed whacker.
We had a good thunderstorm last night. Danny spent the night under the bed. We got about a half inch of rain. It looks like the temps are going into the upper 80’s and 90 during the next week.
I stuffed some steel wool under the kitchen cabinets and put some of my things away. I called Geico and changed my address and will get a refund because the insurance cost less here than in NJ. I called the credit union and changed that address. I still have some more address changes to do.
I did battle with the stink bugs. This morning, I shooed a few out the door but when I went to walk Danny this afternoon, there were hundreds of them around my front door. They were everywhere. I got out the wasp and hornet spray and let they have it. I don’t know if it killed them but they didn’t like it. I was talking to the girl next door. They had a problem with them, too. They used the hornet spray and then hosed down the house. I was wondering why they were squirting the house. I hosed down my house too so I could get the spray off the door and steps. I didn’t want Danny to walk in it or lick it. He seems to lick everything. I used the jet spray on the hose and let the bugs have it. They were on the roof and all along the house. I don’t see any now. I hope they moved on.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was feeling rather down today. I didn’t hook up the dryer. I didn’t feel like dealing with that today. I thought I’d wash some sock and underwear and put it on my wooden dryer rod in the garden tub. Well, the connection to the water leaked. I tightened the hose but it was leaking out of the spigot. It just seems like one thing after another. I had to fix the sink in Vineland before I left and now, I am having problems with the computers, the lawn mower, the toilet, the washer and the dryer.
I stuffed the steel wool down the crack behind the stove. I took out the drawer, lay flat on the floor and reached in back of the oven and stuffed the steel wool in with a screw driver. When I went to shift my position, I bent my little toe and now it is swollen. I decided to wrap a wash cloth around the spigot and do the wash I needed to do. It worked fine. It is a small leak so the wash cloth was able to absorb the water. I guess I’ll have to replace the washer in the spigot. I hope it’s not the valve. The plastic chain that is attached to the handle that flushes the toilet is broken. I taped it together with duck tape. It probably won’t hold but the next step will be to wrap it with fishing line and glue it. I think that will work.
I unpacked some more boxes and placed the items in the china closet and curio cabinet. Some things I put on the shelves in the living room until I figure out where to put them. I put a set of shelves in the closet to put my boots on. Things are starting to shape up but still a lot of work to do.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took my car to get inspected today. I also had the oil changed and got a new light bulb put in my gear shift box. I passed the inspection and now have to change my insurance and go to the DMV to register my car.
I put the cord on the dryer but had a problem with the vent hose. There is not enough room for both the cord and the vent hose. For a while, I couldn’t get the back door open because I didn’t have enough clearance for the dryer. I moved the utility sink and the washer over. The sink had not been fully installed so I was able to move it. The water lines are flexible and the drain is a plastic snap on system. I was able to move it and turn it at the proper angle. I can now get the door open but there is about an eighth of an inch clearance. I had to climb up and hang over the back and was unable to get the vent hose in. I was hanging upside and had a difficult time getting back up. My feet were kicking out in the air. I finally got myself out and gave up. The vent hose was too short and all bent up.
I went to mow the grass and found the cable to the choke had gotten broken when I moved. I tried to move it manually but could not get the mower started. I cut the grass with the weed wacker. On the east side it was 8 or 10 inches high in some spots. It’s mostly crab grass. The west side and the back have been dormant from the heat and drought.
I walked Danny and talked to my neighbor, Rex. He had the same problems with installing his washer and dryer. When I got back, I looked in the shed for the flexible dryer vent hose and found it. I’ll try again tomorrow to get that thing installed. This hose is more flexible and I think I can go up and over the outlet. I hope I can get it in. I need to do some wash. I can get a clothes line but the park rules are that it has to be the umbrella kind. I’ll need to install that and put some Quick Krete in the hole. Then if I am able to do that, it will have to set up for a couple days. This stuff is unreal.
I unpacked some more boxes and threw the empty one out the back door. I have a little more room in my kitchen. Some things I just move from one room to the other. When I get things set up I can put them away. I have to fix the bottom cabinets so the mice can’t get in. When the weather turns cold, they will try to find a small opening to get in. Rex told me of a product he uses for crickets, ants and mice. It’s called Bayer. It’s safe for kids and pets. I’ll have to get some and spread it around the mobile home and the shed. I hope it cures my problem. He also said he uses steel wool to fill the gaps. I have done that, too. I just bought some new steel wool for in back of the oven.
I can’t wait to get these things done and out of the way.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I have been tired out and fall asleep without blogging. This morning, I thought I would get the dryer hooked up. Ed had given me the old cord for the dryer they bought from me. I went to Home Depot to get a new vent hose and came home to hook it all up. I looked at the plug and thought it didn’t fit. I also thought how crazy it was set up for the vent hose to have to go up and over the outlet. I was discouraged and didn’t get much done. I emptied some more boxes. Mostly food that I put in the cupboard. I took the empty boxes outside. I rearranged the banquet tables in the shed so the mower could fit in more easily. The grass needs cutting. It’s only been a week but looks like three weeks. It’s nice and green and it is crab grass. They love heat and drought. The back yard is brown and dormant.
On my way to the Home Depot, I stopped at the Brantwood Garage and made an appointment for my oil change and inspection. The first step in getting my car registered in MD is to get it inspected. Then I don’t think they do inspections again. NJ is every two years and mine isn’t due until Feb of 2011. NJ inspection is free unless you need work. Then you go to your own mechanic and get reinspected. Here, I guess, you pay through the snoot.
I called my homeowner’s insurance for my Vineland home and cancelled my policy. I should get a refund from that as I have 8 months left on it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The closing went well. I didn’t like it being at 4pm; I didn’t get here until 7pm. I had taken Danny over to Erica’s so had to pick him up before leaving for here. When I got here, I only unloaded my food for the frig and the freezer. I popped something in the microwave for dinner, took Danny out and promptly fell asleep watching the television.
Dottie and her twin sister, Rosie came about 7 am this morning to deliver my things. We unpacked her car and mine. Then we went to a yard sale at the Old Bohemia Church. The church was one of the first Roman Catholic churches in colonial America. It was founded 1704. I found an igloo dog house for Danny. It was a small one, just his size. It was only $6.00. It’s still in my car. I was too tired to unload it. I only did a few things today. I unpacked some boxes and put the dishes in the china closet and curio. There is so much to do it is overwhelming. I have nowhere to put the empty boxes. I can’t put them out on the curb until Wednesday. I may be able to take them to the dump but I don’t know where it is.
I have much to do on Monday. I have to cancel my home owners insurance for the house in Vineland and start getting established here with insurances and car registrations.
I am beat so I will join Danny and count some z’s.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did more cleaning and packing today. I carried the junk up out of the cellar and out of the garage. Some things I didn’t put out because rain was forecast and I didn’t want the cardboard boxes to get all wet and fall apart. I washed the refrigerator and the floors that I didn’t do yesterday. Dottie came and we loaded up her car with a floor lamp, bird bath, and large cactus plant, metal trash cans I use for bird seed and things so the mice can’t get in them, a rug and mat and hose reel cart. My large suit case with clothes and linens also went in Dottie van. Meanwhile, Chuck was fixing the bathroom sink.
The lady had another heating contractor come to give her an estimate and the fire dept. came to certify that every floor had a smoke alarm, a CO2 alarm near the bedrooms, and the fire extinguisher in the kitchen near the door and five feet from the floor.
Dottie and I went to lunch at Larry’s and she asked about Chuck and Erica’s horse farm. I said it was only a five minute drive and she said she’d like to see it. She was impressed with the farm. Erica took us on a tour. She now has a gift shop and sells Lenape Indian jewelry and items the Indians make. The Chief made her an official agent for the Lenape. She has an Indian costume that is worn by wives of the chiefs.
She has scout and 4H groups come as well as school field trips. She has a giant Tee Pee that is authentic. It is really cool. She also gives riding lessons and has a large arena for that.
I was filled from the late lunch so I had a yogurt and ice cream for my dinner. I washed out the freezer and washed most of the kitchen floor. I still have to do in front of the sink but will do that tomorrow after I move the rest of the boxes and things to my car. Settlement isn’t until 4pm which will put me on the road at rush hour. Bummer! The lady has to work so that why the late time.
A thunderstorm came through and poor Danny had no place to hide. I opened the closet and he ran under the shoe shelf but then ran out when I left. He looked at the air mattress trying to figure out why he couldn’t get under it. He finally jumped up on the air mattress and curled up between the two pillows.
I guess I’d better take him out now that the rain has stopped. Then I will get in the tub.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I wasn't able to get a connection last night and wasn't able to blog. I arrived in Vineland around 12:30pm. The exterminator came and sprayed for the powder beetles and carpenter ants.
I pumped up the air mattress so I would have a place to sleep. I went out to the garage and brought in a folding lawn chair so I would have a place to sit. I also have the benches on the side porch to sit on. I took the electronics back to Comcast and went to the Acme for milk and ice cream. I had some dinner and then went to work. I washed the floors in the two back bedrooms and started on the bathroom when I discovered the trap in the sink had a hole in it. I had to deal with it in the morning. I watched some TV online and fell asleep.
I was up early and swept up the cellar and garage. I called Chuck around 7am. They get up early to feed their horses and other animals. I gave the hedge a little trim; just the sprigs that were sticking up. Chuck and Erica came around 1pm and looked at the sink. He will come back tomorrow with the parts to fix it. I washed the floors in the Florida room and downstairs bathroom. I vacuumed the living room rug and dry mopped the floor. I washed out the kitchen cabinets and the cabinets in the downstairs bathroom. I am beat. I made a cup of tea and called my Aunt Jean. We talked for awhile then I took Danny out for a walk.
I got a lot done today. I have to dry mop the floor in the master bedroom, wash the kitchen floor, wash out the frig and clean the oven. Dottie is coming tomorrow to pack up her mini van to take the remaining stuff to my house. She will take them to her house and then deliver them on Friday.
Friday morning, I will pack up the food in the frig and freezer and put in the big cooler. Then I will go to the settlement and I'll be out of here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got my cable connected today. I have TV and phone but my computer is not set up with the proper codes. It is set up for Comcast and now I have Atlantic Broadband. He handed me a book to explain everything. I haven’t had a chance to read it. I don’t know if I can figure out what to do or not.
Dottie will help me bring the rest of my things down to CC. There were a few things that couldn’t fit on the truck. My suitcases were one. I also have a small blue rug, a step ladder and a few other things. Dottie’s son will take the seats out of her van so we can get the rug and step ladder in. She’s coming on Thursday to load up her car. Then she’ll drive home and meet me here on Friday. That’s when the settlement is.
Saturday, the mobile home park is having a picnic for the community. It should be fun and interesting to meet everyone. Sunday is my brother, Rick’s birthday so I’ll be going there. It looks like a busy weekend.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church this morning. The people were happy to see me. Frances invited me to Sunday School but I had to get home as Danny was still sleeping and had not gone out to do his business. It had been raining and I guess he decided to stay in bed.
Frances is in the exercise class at the church. She isn’t sure what will be happening with the class. One of the ladies is from the Town Point Church and is not happy that the church has been closed. We also need a new exercise tape as the one we were using has worn out and ripped apart.
I unpacked some more boxes today and moved some more things around. I moved a plant stand into the master bedroom and will move the other one in tomorrow. I will use the two back bedrooms to put the plants in that I have outside. I hope the plants will be OK in this room. It has an East window but is shaded by tall trees. Perhaps when the trees loose their leaves, there will be more sunlight.
I met Cheryl and Ed at Ruby Tuesday’s for dinner. They had been out and decided to eat there as they had a coupon for 20 % off. I got the lump crab cake. It was excellent.
After dinner, they came back with me and Ed set up my computer so that it is ready for the cable man tomorrow. I still have to hook up some more things like the scanner and the printer and the server and so forth but have to wait until things get set up with the cable company first.
Danny is out like a light and I will be soon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I fell asleep watching TV on my computer. I changed some furniture around and started going through boxes. I had to fix a couple of the book shelves. They got damaged when they were brought home from the storage locker. As I was sorting through boxes, I was looking for hardware to hang out my flag. I was also looking for the flag. I put the flag out on the railing in honor of those who died on 9[11.
I shifted around some things in the shed and got my white lawn furniture and the lawn mower in there. I put the boxes in the room they belong in. Dottie, Erica, Chuck or Dominic packed some of the boxes so I have no clue where things are. I cleared out some of the boxes that were stacked up in the office. I still have computer monitors sitting all over my bedroom. They are too heavy for me to carry. My niece's husband will come over and put them together. I still have a lot to do but the rooms are shaping up.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A red myrtle growing in a neighbor's yard. The myrtles bloom from June until frost.
It was a long day unpacking and placing the items in their place. Dottie and I got the living room looking like a living room. There are still boxes everywhere and will be for a long time. I moved some things in the shed and got the lawn mower , white plastic table and chairs in there. I have to sell the washer to get it out of there and then I'll be able to get the bicycles in. I have them in the laundry room.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We were up at five. Chuck and Dominic came with the truck at nine. We packed and loaded until five pm. We made good time considering it was rush hour. Robbie and Jen, my neighbors here helped us unload. We unloaded and set up the kitchen table, and the beds. Dottie was so tired she decided to stay over. We had some soup. We hadn't eaten since breakfast. We made the beds and now it's time to jump in them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It's been a long day. I got up, packed some things, walked Danny and cut the grass. I ran a few errands and then back to more packing. I noticed I had to take some mirrors down off the back of the door and one in the laundry room. Chuck finished painting the garage and then took the day bed apart and disconnected the washer and dryer. Dottie and I packed up the kitchen and laundry room. We had some dinner and then went to Del's Custard Stand for some frozen custard. We came back and packed up some more. It is late so there will be more packing in the morning.
I will only be able to receive email at my gmail account until Monday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I'm back in Vineland. Chuck has the garage almost finished. He just has to paint a little white around the trim. I packed up some more things today and have a few more to do. I look around and find more that needs to be packed up. Dottie and Chuck are coming tomorrow to prepare things to load on the truck. He mentioned getting the washer ready. I better throw in a load of clothes first thing in the morning.
I took the secretary book for the Women's Service Club over to Beth. I still have to take the Red Hat stuff to Sharon. I contacted the cable company in Chesapeake City and placed my order.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We had a great day today. Ted’s niece, Suzanne came up from Virginia with her daughter, Nuriel and my brother, Don came with his friend, Evelyn. I invited my nephew, Rick’s son, Joey to play with Nuriel. We had lunch at the Chesapeake Inn and then went over to Crystal Beach on the Chesapeake. The weather was fantastic about 80 degrees. Nuriel went swimming in the water but Joey was grossed out by the seaweed. I got him a chocolate ice cream cone and of course, it melted all over him. Chocolate hands and face and it dripped on his clothes. The beach was beautiful looking out toward Turkey Point and the bay beyond. All kinds of boats were on the water; jet skies, sailboats, kayaks, and motor boats. The sun was glistening on the water.
When we got back, the kids played with Danny Boy and threw his plush toy bone across the room and into the bedroom. The laughed as Danny ran after it and zoomed back and forth between the rooms. He must have worked up an appetite as he gobbled down his food.
All is quiet now that everyone has gone. Danny is sleeping and I am typing. I am ready for a nap myself.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a beautiful day today. The weather feels great after the long hot summer. Church started with a new schedule this week and three locations of the church are now meeting in one location. The traditional service will be at 9 o'clock, Sunday School at 10:15 and the Contemporary Service at 11:00. I go to the traditional at 9. The sermons will be right on track because Sunday School will be starting. Coffee will be served between the two services.
We met after church to discuss when would be best to have choir practice. It was decided on Thursday at 7.
I learned something from the sermon today. Jeremiah was not written in chronological order. It was written down according to how long the scroll was. I wondered why I found it difficult to understand.
I went to my nephew, Rick's today. It was too cold to go in the pool but the breeze blew through the open windows of the Florida room. It felt great. They had a spaghetti dinner. Around 4:00, I took Danny out for a walk. Ryleigh, my two year old grand niece, wanted to go with me. When we got outside, she ran and picked up a two wheeled bicycle in the garage. She hoped up on it and I thought she was going to ride away. The bike was a little too big for her. She sat on the seat and pushed it with her feet. When she fell over, she wouldn't let me help her. She said, "No, I do it."
Ted's niece and her husband will be coming tomorrow. They have a six year old daughter so I invited my nephew's son, Joey to come over and play with Nuriel. I think we will have lunch at the Inn and then go over to Crystal Beach on the Chesapeake.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The hurricane missed us. And the cold front that pushed it off the shore, brought no rain either. I thought sure we'd get some much needed rain from one of the storms. I saw where I lost three azaleas do to the drought and heat and one of the rhododendrons is not looking too good either. The forecast has no rain in sight. I'm just glad it's cooler. It feels good after the long hot summer.
BTW. If a hurricane comes when I'm in my mobile home, I'll head to my nephew's or one of my brother's.
Sometimes I think Danny is smarter than me. At 10:00 he went off to bed.
I packed up the car and hit the road by 9:30. I arrived here and unpacked the car. I got a call from Erica and it will cost $1100.00 to paint the garage. Cha Ching! The only thing the inspector wanted me to fix was the garage. It had to be painted where it was chipping off. I looked at the garage thinking there was only one wall that needed painting. No, the paint was peeling all over it. I don't think I will come away with any money in this deal. I think it made me feel so down I felt sick. Robbie, the man who cuts my grass had invited me to his daughter's birthday. It was being held next door at his mother's house. I didn't feel good but I thought it a good opportunity to spend some time with new friends. I went over and was sitting there talking to their relatives when we heard a loud screeching of tires on the road. We all jumped up and were waiting for the crash. It seems a drunk had come down the road, lost control, spun around twice, landed in the brush then drove off down the road. I'm glad he didn't lose control where we were sitting. Anyway, I gave my regrets and left the party. I was really feeling poorly. It was time for my medicine so I took it and laid down. The nerve endings from when I had the shingles were acting up. I'm feeling a little better now and hope I will feel better in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Rachel's bridal bouquet.
I'm still packing things up. Earlier, I took the grass trimmers and trimmed the grass/weeds that were growing over the curb. I need to take the rake and clear out the storm drain before the storm comes. The weather map show the outer bands reaching here but so far, it's the calm before the storm. It's dark with clouds but no rain or wind yet.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I packed up some more things today. I did some laundry and packed up some towels. I got most of the glassware packed up. I will take that down with me either tomorrow or Saturday. I don't know what that storm is going to do yet. It should scoot on by quickly.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another hot day. This is the 50th day over 90 degrees. We average 18. It was about 95 today. I didn't cut the grass or the hedge. They both need it but it's just too hot. I went for my check up at the Chiropractor and then called all the utilities to cancel my service at the end of September. I still have to do the address changes.
I did some laundry and packed up some more things.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another barn in Michigan as we were storming down the highway.