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St. Basil's Farm in Chesapeake City. I copied this photo that was taken by my niece's husband, Ed Heller. I want to take some farm photo's on Rt. 213 but haven't had my camera with me when I go by. I'm going to have to take it with me all the time.
Today, I shoveled the remaining snow drift off my walk. I had been walking around it in the grass where the snow had blown off. My turbo sweeper arrived today. It was scheduled for Jan. 11. I'm glad it was delivered before I go away. I wanted to use it immediately but I have to charge it up for 24 hours. I plugged it in and it will be ready to go tomorrow. It will be so much easier than dragging out the heavy vaccuum cleaner. I trimmed some dead flower stalks out by the fence. I ironed some clothes that have been hanging and some were waiting to be ironed since early early fall. I didn't get them all done but I got most of them. I called the company who made my rechargable phone and they were closed for the holiday. Good Grief. News Years Eve is tomorrow. I also changed my doctor appointment to after I get back from my trip.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The fence in my front east yard. Decorated with a wreath and icycle lights.
I did a lot of surfing on the computer to find a flight to MI. I talked to Ted's parents. We are all hurting from what happened to Kathy.
At 4pm, it was 40 degrees so I didn't put Danny's coat on. He didn't walk very far when he turned around to come in. I should have put his sweater on him. The wind coming across the snow may have been cold for him. He didn't seem to be cold but I can only guess. I wsh he could tell me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The little trees lighting up the front of my house in the snow storm. On the left is an Alberta Spruce lit up with led lights.
I got sad news today. Ted's sister, Kathy passed away early this morning. She had been suffering from cancer. Kathy's family is in my thoughts and prayers. It seems that lightning has struck twice in our family. I guess we will never know why this has happened. Both Kathy and Ted were the picture of perfect health before developing cancer.
I didn't do much today. I gathered in the bags of trash that blew into my yard. I paid some bills and did some laundry. I looked at air fares on the computer. One airline has a cheap fair but goes from Philly to Orlando, FL and then to Michigan. Another, to Milwaukee or Chicago. Seems crazy to me. It takes almost six hours to go on what should be an hour and a half flight. I'm not sure what I'll do yet.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I stayed home today. I took Danny out but he stayed in the yard. It was very windy. I found one of my red bows had blown off the wreath on the back door and lots of branches down. I have two trash bags in my back yard that are full of trash. My trash can blew over yesterday so I left it on it's side. It would only blow down again.
I have a shield for my windshield to keep the frost and snow off it. It whipped around in the wind all night long. I took it off this morning. It's a wonder it didn't blow out of my hands as I was doing it. I rolled it in a ball and threw it in the car. The wind has died down and it is quiet out there. We only got about two inches of snow. Some of the snow has blown off the grass and it is bare. Other areas have drifts up to a foot. Bethel Road is clear as they plowed it many times but my road is snow covered and packed down by the cars. There weren't any problems with cars getting out. My brother, Don, said he had to shovel 8 inches of the snow. He is about 40 miles north of here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church this morning and sat with Frances. I had a couple egg salad and a PB&J sandwich during fellowship. I only had a yogurt for breakfast so they went down well. I went down to the Sunday School room but since only a few people showed up, they just went over what we will do for next week and then we went home. Not many were in the church service either. I guess everyone was tired out. I didn't get up until 7. I either had to skip walking Danny or skip breakfast. I walked Danny. It started snowing around noon. I tried to walk Danny but he wanted nothing to do with walking in the snow. I think he didn't like the wind. I didn't get him very far this afternoon either.
It's been a quiet day. I watched some movies on TV. Danny made a pain of himself barking at the screen. I think he does it sometimes because he wants my attention on him and not the TV.
I started to make a pot of tea this afternoon. I usually just make one cup but I thought it was a good day to make a whole pot. I'm glad I rinsed out the pot because a stink bug was hibernating in the spout. How gross. It would have been worse if I had poured out my tea and got a stink bug in it. I tried another teapot. Same thing, another but hiding in the spout. They didn't like having water poured on them as they released their odor. It smells sort of like paint thinner. I finally made the tea in my carafe; the lid screws on tight and the bugs can't slither in. My cabinets over the stove and counter area are not divided between the doors. The space is open. I believe the bugs crawled into the space between the ceiling and the roof. From there, they came in around the stove vent. I have since blocked the space around the vent pipe but they must have gotten in before I blocked it up. I have to check everything before I use it. I'll have to put a plastic bag over my tea pots. I will probably have them hatching out inside my house next spring.
I went to my brother Rick's yesterday. Tina, Bob, Dana, Jimmy, and Ashly were there. They were not able to make it to my nephew, Rick's. Don brought his friend, Evelyn. Rick, Michelle, Joey, and Ryleigh came for a short time. Cheryl and Ed were there earlier but had to go to Ed's brother's.
The snow looks like it is mainly to the east of us. It only looks like an inch and a half has fallen so far and it's been snowing for five hours. The roads are covered and I heard the snow plow go by a few times on Bethel Road. We're supposed to get 4 to 8 inches. Atlantic City is to get 1 to 2 feet. We'll see in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Ted took this photo of my pretty African Violet on December 25, 2004.
I was watching TV when I saw red lights flashing outside. Danny's ears were up. I sprang from the sofa to see what was the matter. The fire engine and ambulance were outside so I put my long coat over my pajamas, slipped into my boots and ran outside to find out what was happening. There came Santa Claus out of my neighbor children's house. I used to wait up watching out the window for him and I finally got to see him delivering packages. Wow!
I spent the afternoon at my nephew, Rick's house. Michelle's parents brought a big delicious ham and potatoes. Michelle made the green bean casserole and pineapple stuffing. I brought some rice pudding with raisins and cinnamon and there were other goodies to be found. Family and friends exhanged presents. Joey and Ryleigh had lots of presents and Santa hadn't arrived yet.
I came home and went to church. I sang in the choir but my voice gave out. Everytime I tried to sing, I felt like I was going to cough. I had to stiffle the cough and could barely get through the song. I felt disappointed. I hope I'm not coming down with a cold.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A new look for an old tree. Ted and I bought this tree our first Christmas. We have changed it over the years. The first year, the stores had no ornaments left, just lights so we decorated it with lots of mini lights and covered it with snow. We added ornaments over the years. Lots and lots of ornaments. This year, I put the led lights of white and blue. They blink white and blue at a random pattern. I only used ornaments that are blue, silver or clear. I didn't realized I had no snow to pour over it and I haven't seen any in the stores here. I would get it at Sears or CVS and they don't seem to have them here. I didn't see any in the Walmart down here. Maybe I waited too late. I'll have to get it early next year. Maybe I'll have to order it online.
I had Carolers come tonight. They sang three songs for Danny and me. The children got a kick out of Danny woofing. They said he was singing too. They invited me to join them but I have to go to choir practice. I could have had enough time but "Baby it's cold outside."
I finished my shopping today. I got some gift bags and gift certificates for restaurants at the Chesapeake Inn for those local and Ruby Tuesday's for the others. Tomorrow, I'll be wrapping and then off to my nephews for Christmas Eve get together and then I sing in the choir at 7pm.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went and did some shopping in Elkton today. I found some things that I was unable to find at the malls. One nice store had 40, 50, and 70% off everything. I made one of the gifts I had in mind affordable. I got a few more gifts for myself. I put them in my stocking. I also got something for Danny's stocking. I went grocery shopping at the Acme. I bought the ingredients for a mincemeat pie to give to my brother. I did not find the snow for the tree. It is pretty but it looks so dark.
I did find the rest of my Thomas Kincaid Village in the shed. I went in there to get something and the containers were sitting right in front. I must have put them there but forgot to bring them in.
I still have to pick up some gift certificates but that's about it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I found the lights I needed to finish decorating my tree. I went over to Middletown and found them in Rite Aid. That's probably where I got them last year.
I finished decorating the tree but am unable to find more than half of my Thomas Kinkade Village that I put under the tree. It is probably still out in the shed somewhere. I'll just go with what I have; two houses, a pond, and a church.
I still have to get gift certificates for the rest of my family. I'll go to Elkton tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a busy day today. I went to Aunt Jean's to take the empty boxes to her. Her settlement went well. She is having some work done on her condo so she won't be moving in until some time after the New Year. We had lunch at Ruby Tuesday's at the Concord Mall. We went in Sears at one end of the mall and Boscov's at the other end. I think we walked back and forth twice. I got my telephones and slippers at Sears and she got a couple gifts at Boscov's. We met my brother, Rick and his wife, Sylvia in the mall. They were surprised to see me there. They didn't know I was coming. After I dropped Aunt Jean off, I went to Rick and Sylvia's and we went to the cemetery to take the grave blankets. They helped me stake them in. When we returned, Sylvia cooked a roast of beef with mashed potatoes and corn. I had forgotten Danny's food so I gave him a little of the beef, potatoes and the corn. They are a few of his favorite things.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The church had their children's pageant this morning. It was packed.
I called my sister-in-law Kathy after I got home from church. She sounded better and was home from the hospital. Her daughter, Rachel, was with her.
I went to K-Mart to get the lights for my tree and the telephone set I wanted but they didn't have much left. The telephone set was on display but they it was the only one they had left.
I went into Kohl's and found some slippers I liked but the line was so long that I put them on the nearest shelf and left. They didn't have any Christmas decorations at all.
I got home and crashed on the sofa and fell asleep with Danny. My niece, Cheryl called and we went to dinner at a Chinese Grill up 896 somewhere. They had the large crab legs. I had some of them and some stir fry as well as some of the buffet. After dinner, Ed drove us to see the house with the 100,000 lights. We had to drive down a side street and wind around to find it. I was afraid we wouldn't find it but there it was. The house, the yard, the garage, the back yard, the pool, everything was lite up. I was really something. Cheryl took some pictures with her phone. We want to go back with out cameras. I believe she posted the photos on Facebook. I'll take a look.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I put up the little Christmas Tree that I had in my office at Eastern Business. It's trimmed all in gold. It's in my computer room.
I went to the bank and was hoping to go to the computer store next to it but it must have closed at 12:00. I thought it closed at 2pm. The lady had called yesterday and said the battery for my APC powersurge was in. I'll have to pick it up on Monday. Then I'll see if I can get my other two computers up and running. I hope they still work. I'll just look at how this computer is set up and copy it. I don't know how to network them together though. I'll need some help with that. Maybe Ed can help me with that.
I went on down the road to the Apple Barn and got the grave blankets for the cemetery. I think I'll go take them up tomorrow as I have them in the trunk of my car along with the boxes I am taking to Aunt Jean. I have some boxes in the trunk, a couple on the floor of the back seat and three in the front seat. I took them out of my house because they were piled up in the kitchen. I didn't want to put them in the shed because of the stink bugs. Aunt Jean has enough stink bugs of her own. She doesn't need me bringing in more.
I dropped off my watch at the Premier Distributor's on my way to my nephew's. It was his daughter's birthday today. Ryleigh is three. She was dressed in a Princess Dress. She got lots of wonderful gifts. She liked the stuffed horse I gave her and the Little Pony Book.
We managed to dodge the Nor'easter that was threatening a blizzard tonight through tomorrow. It went out to sea to the south of us.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted took this photo of one of the live wreaths hanging on the French Doors at our Vineland home. He had the photo on the computer that said, "Welcome Ted" and then the password had to be typed in. When I had to take the computer in for repair, the photo got lost off the computer entry. I didn't know how to put it back. I miss not having it there.
I don't have many photos of flowers in December. I wish I had taken photos of the lovely pointsetteas I had over the years but I don't seem to have any. Maybe this year I'll take some. If I remember, I'll take my camera to church and photograph the ones on Christmas Eve.
My friends are coming up from Virginia, weather permitting. They are taking gifts to their family in Pennsylvania. We used to work together at Boeing and the four of us would take ski vacations together. They got a lot more snow down there so I'm not sure if they will be coming today or tomorrow. They have to travel most of the way on Interstate 95.
I still have some things I need to do. I have to get the grave blankets to take to the cemetary, go to Sears in PA to get my aunt's gift, go to the Acme to get the ingredients to bake my brother's mincemeat pie, get gift certificates for the rest of my family, and get the things Santa will be bringing me. I'll have to see when my nephew will be available with his truck. He has long working hours. I need his truck to bring home my HDTV and fireplace. They won't fit in my car. Ted and I had a hard time fitting the 27 inch TV in the car when we got it back in 1988. We managed to get it in the front seat.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Middletown this morning. I went to Walmart to get a gift for my brother that was on sale. I picked up a few more things while I was there. From Walmart, I drove down Danny's Vet. They have a kennel there so I wanted to check it out. It looks like a nice place but is more that twice as expensive as Erica and he'll need a couple more shots. One for kennel cough prevention and I forget the other. Then it's four extra dollars to take him for a walk around the property. It may be worthwhile to take him to Erica's.
Next on my trip was Dollar Tree. One of the flameless candles I bought did not work so I exchanged it. I forgot my list so forgot to get the white table cloth that I put under the tree. I realized that when I was two minutes from home.
I stopped in Sears to see if they had wireless telephones. The other Sears had a four pack on sale for 79.00. Walmart had the set for 99.00. I have two phone connections here. One is in the far corner of the kitchen and the other is in the far corner of the computer room. I have the wire stretched over to the desk. I figured with the four pack set I can put on in the kitchen, one in the living room, one in the bedroom, and one in the back hallway. Ted and I put phone wiring in almost every room in our house in Vineland. Here, I'd have to crawl under the trailer and run the wires underneath and have to come up through the insulation and I don't feel like doing that.
After Sears, I headed for home the snow was starting to cover the roads. I went the long way around so I could stop at the post office. It closes at 1pm for lunch and I got there at five minutes of. After leaving the post office I realized I had forgotten the white table cloth so I headed over the bridge to the dollar store a few miles down the road. I figured I wouldn't be able to put up my tree until I get it and who knows how much snow we would get. The salt trucks were out so the roads were clear. While in the store, I heard the sale clerk and a customer talking about the house with one hundred thousand lights on it. I asked where it was and it's across from the news paper building. I don't know where that is but I can google it.
I took Danny out when I got back. He loves being out in the snow. When I walked him later though, the snow clogged up in his feet. I had to brush it out twice. He holds each paw up for me to brush. I'll have to get him some boots.
I put the tree up and put on some led lights I got after Christmas last year. They blink blue and white. I need to get one more set but I can start putting the ornaments on the top part of the tree. I also have to get some artificial snow. I either threw it out last year or I haven't found it. I keep it a couple years and then it get dusty and dirty looking. I hope I can find it at this late date. Anyway, I have the buffalo snow for under the tree that I put my ceramic houses, skating rink, and train on. I bought a set of white led lights to put under the house instead of having individual lights. If there are extra lights, I can put them under the buffalo snow.
I still have a few things to do but I'm getting there. Choir was canceled for tonight even though the main roads are clear and we only got a half inch. That's OK, I fell asleep on the sofa and I would have forgot choir practice. We have another week to practice before Christmas Eve when we sing.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a doctor appointment today. I wanted to get established with a new doctor in the area. My niece recommended Dr. Collins but the office gave me an appointment with Dr. Mroz. She was very nice and very thorough. I still had that stye on my eye so she gave me a prescription for some antibiotic ointment.
The cold continues. The wind chill makes it so much worse. My nephew said yesterday it was 4 degrees. It seemed just as cold today. When I was walking Danny, I saw a couple ladies struggling with a tarp they were trying to put over their boat. I helped them out but pushing the tarp up over the boat. One lady got up in the boat because it was caught up on the top of the middle. We managed to get it up there and the second lady was attaching the bungie cords so I continued on my way. They caught up to me in their car and thanked me again for my help.
I was going to go to Middletown this afternoon but thought I'd put up the tree instead. I searched through my stuff and realized I must have thrown out my white plastic table cloth that I put under the tree and also the artificial snow that I put on the tree. I will have to get them when I go to Middletown. Next project was to mail my grandnephew, William's gift. I wrapped it and put it in the envelope and realized I may not have his current address. I think they moved. Now that project is on hold. When looking through the plastic tubs with my Christmas decorations, I found a few stink bugs. The d a r n critters managed to slither up under the lids of the plastic containers. One of the containers had a lock on each end.
For those of you who live outside of the Middle Atlantic States, we have had an invasion of stink bugs. There were thousands of them this summer swarming all around the houses and eating the farmers crops. They get their name from the pungent odor they give off if you kill them. The smell is sort of like paint thinner.
I looked in a couple clothing store yesterday and today. There are almost no corduroy pants for women. I saw some in Macy's but they were capri length. People who buy into global warming must design and make clothes. Most of the pants I saw were summer pants. Land's End and LL Bean have them but they are expensive. I have wool pants but they are lined and I have to wear tights under them because the lining becomes cold next to the skin. I like wide wale corduroys for winter when it becomes too cold for jeans.
News from the Vorlon Wife,
It was a cold day today. I went to exercise class this morning. We did a yoga workout. I will probably have sore muscles tomorrow.
I ventured out trying to go shopping again today. I first went and had the emission inspection done on my car. It was free in NJ but $14.00 here. Add that to the $75.00 for the other inspection.
The Sears in Newark is another tool and equipment store. There was a Kmart in the plaza and since they are owned by the same company I tried looking in that store. No luck. I went in the Dollar Tree and got some more batteries and a couple gift bags. I stopped by the Delaware Dry Goods Company hoping to find a material store. I'm not sure what it was buy there were a dozen cars in the parking lot, I went into the lobby and found the second door locked and it was all dark inside. I have no clue what was going on there.
Danny didn't venture very far this afternoon. The wind was awful. It still is. Sometimes, the weather channel gives our wind speed in knots, with small craft advisories, and the tide schedule.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It's 18 degrees out there and windy. Wind advisories are out until tomorrow night. I went shopping at the Christiana Mall. I got a couple gifts for my stocking and a couple gifts for my nephew's children. Getting to the mall was a challenge. There were stores around the perimeter of the mall and I turned in but it was just for that one store. It didn't go through to the mall. I had to go back out and there was no left turn. I had to go down to the light and make a u turn. Then I tried again. I got in but had to weave my way through the parking lot to get to the part of the mall I wanted to go in. Getting out of the mall was another challenge. I thought I was going out the way I came in but the ramp took me around in a circle. Then I thought I was on I 95 but wasn't. I was in the right land and a sign said "Right lane must exit." Around and around I went again. I finally got out of there and headed home. I never found Sears. I can see it from I95 but getting to it is another matter. I stopped at the grocer store on the way home. I took Danny out but he didn't go far. I don't know if he were cold or what but he turned around and headed for home.
The Christmas cards are done. I'll take them to the Post Office tomorrow when I go to exercise class.
I just got a call from Ted's niece. His sister is not doing well. She is in a Cancer Treatment Center in Grand Rapids. Keep her and the family in your prayers.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My it was a gloomy day. It rained all day. I guess it could be worse; it could have snowed. I took Danny out for a quick walk around the yard and then headed for church and Sunday School. I planned to go to the Christiana Mall but changed my mind. I wanted to go to the Christmas Concert at the High School and felt it would be too rushed getting back from the mall. I went to the High School but it was the wrong high school. I was told "the high school" so I went to the one in Chesapeake City. No one was there so I went on the Internet and found it was at Elkton High School. I don't even know where that is and it was too late to go anyway. I did my Christmas Cards. I got about half of them done. It takes a lot of time to write a little note on each one. I want to let people know I had moved.
It poured down rain between 5 and 8 pm. The ground is soggy. It may be frozen underneath. I feel like I have so much to do that it's overwhelming. I have to find a doctor so I can get my prescription renewed. I only have three presents to buy so that's not a big deal. I have to get my emissions inspections done. I have until Jan 14th but I don't want to forget. This place needs so much to be done. I haven't put up my tree yet. The boxes of decorations are piled all over the place. One of my Commander Hooks came off the back door and the wreath is laying on the back steps. I guess I'll just get a good nights sleep and feel better in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do much today. I did two loads of wash. I was going to go to the Christiana Mall but didn't feel up to it. I tried to make some phone calls but no one seemed to be home. I started to put a pot pie in the microwave when my niece called and asked if I wanted to go to the Hibachi Grill. I put my pot pie into the frig and got ready to go. The Dollar Tree was around the corner from the restaurant so I ran in and got some batteries for my candles. I don't know what I was thinking but I didn't get enough. One of the candles didn't work so I have to take it back.
I watched a couple Hallmark Movies and now will do some reading and turn it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went exploring in Middletown, DE today. I looked up a couple places online and found there was a Sears store, an Acme. and a Dollar Tree. I got the gift bag for my grandniece's birthday present and 19 other items. They had some flameless candles and some batteries. I looked in the Goodwill Store and then the Amish Farm Market. They had everything in there from the fireplaces I see advertise to baked goods. They had samples of their fruitcake and it was delicious. I got a small one and some Snicker Doodles. I went to Sears but it was just an appliance store. I talked to the salesman about my mower but I forgot the paper that had my information on it. I went there to find clothing but they had none. In the plaza with them was my cable company so I went in to ask some questions about when I get a new HDTV. The lady was very helpful. All the sales people were very kind and helpful today.
Lastly, I stopped in the Home Depot. It seems I always need things from there. The store was laid out totally opposite of the other stores I've been in. It was rather disorienting.
It was past lunchtime so I hurried home. It is a pleasant 15 minute drive through horse country. The lake on Back Creek was freezing over and I saw a big blue heron, two white ducks, and a flock of geese. Some were Canada but there may have been some brants in there. It was an active day for birds. I saw two large woodpeckers this morning. The geese were flying west. I guess heading for the bay and open water.
I got those Command hooks that are advertised on TV and put them on my windows to hang my wreath. I have a wreath on each window. I got the wrong size batteries so I'll have to go back. I got AA but need AAA for my flameless candles. I will put them in my windows. I got a new outlet that turns the outdoor lights on at dusk and off at dawn. My old one blew a fuse on my led lights so I tossed it. I have to get a new fuse but need to find one for a 35 light string. I have lots of little fuses but they may be the wrong wattage. They are from the mini lights. I don't know what happened to the ones for the led's. I may find them yet. Meanwhile, I got a new set of 35 led's so can use that extra fuse.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted took this in January of 2006. There were not many berries left on the holly trees by the time Christmas came around. I would go out to cut the colorful branches and the birds would have stripped them bare. I brought a couple holly trees with me to Maryland but they are only about six inches high. They won't have berries for a long time.
I didn't do much today. I stayed inside to keep warm. I printed out a couple maps of places I want to go. I put the six little white trees out in front of the house. They look nice. I have to fix the lights on the fence. They are not hanging right.
I went to exercise class this morning and had a good workout. This afternoon, I ran out to the post office, bank, and computer store. My APC surge protector needed a new battery. Actually, I have two that needed new batteries; the store had one in stock but had to order the small one. All three of the above places are right next to each other.
After super, my niece stopped in with the jewelry I got from her demonstration. I was going to put it in my stocking but it looked pretty with the sweater I was wearing so I wore it to choir practice. It was 20 degrees when I went out to choir practice. I had 18 on my back deck and the weather channel on my computer has 16. Brrr!
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went out into the cold cruel world today. I went into my shed, took out the mower and everything that was in the way of my Christmas Stuff. The place reeked of stink bugs. I thought they were dead but I guess they were hibernating. When I started brushing them away, they started moving. I either stepped on some or put boxes on some that squished them as they gave off an odor. It's a weird odor, sort of like moth balls but not quite.
The bugs had crawled into the cardboard boxes and I have to empty the contents outside and brush out the bugs. I hope I didn't bring any in. They are gross.
I put a wreath on my fence and a string of icicle lights. They are the long ones so I'm going to switch them out with the shorter hanging ones. The longs ones will go on the rooftop in the front. I found a set of little white lighted trees the the former owner had left. I'll put them out in the front of the house. I was amazed that they worked. I was working hard bringing the things out that I lost track of time and realized it must be lunch time. I went in to look at the clock and saw it was 12:30. I hurried to bring them plastic containers in and then took Danny for his walk. One of my neighbors has been laid off from his job so we see him often when we are out walking. Danny likes to greet people he knows and likes. He is always happy to see the man and the man is happy to see him.
It was 22 degrees this morning and barely made it above 30; it may have been 30.5. It was cold working out there and cold on our walks. Danny doesn't seem to mind the cold; he has his parka on. He likes to cuddle up with me when we get in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Wow! I cleaned out some more boxes in this computer room. Things are shaping up. I put some more books on the shelves and threw some things out. I have a lot of sorting and shredding to do of the business documents. I went to cook some chili for dinner tonight but could not find my cast iron dutch oven. It must still be in a box somewhere. It's either that last box in the kitchen or else out in the shed. I still have to do a lot out there. I have to move out the mower and a few other things so I can get my Christmas stuff out. I didn't venture out too much today as it was cold and windy. My sinuses bothered me this morning and I was sneezing again. I thought I had a cold so I pampered myself. I didn't go to my exercise class as I didn't want to spread my cold around. Anyway, the symptoms disappeared. Perhaps I was allergic to something.
My cousin, Erin called today. She wanted to let me know that she sent her book today. She wrote a book and is very excited about it. It seems to be going well for her. She is getting good reviews. I can't wait to read it. It will be like getting a Christmas present. I also got a call from my friend, Phyllis, she won't be able to stop in due to her busy schedule with her family. I was hoping to see her but I know how it is this time of year. Especially when traveling. She and her husband are RVing. You can read her adventures on her web page "The Easts head West". They are seeing a lot of the country and meeting so many wonderful people.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I'm coming down with a cold. I started sneezing at lunchtime and my nose has been dripping ever since. Now my eyes burn and eyelids feel heavy.
I exploring today. I went to the Staples store in DE and got some gas for my car on the way. I was looking for Michael's craft store but found Michael's Restaurant. I wrote down the directions but should have printed the map. Too bad I don't know how to use my GPS.
I also went to the Home Depot and got a few things. I wanted to get some flameless candles but the kind I wanted were gone. I stopped at the Dollar store to get a large bag for my grand niece's birthday gift but they had no large bags. I guess they were sold out too. I'll have to use a Christmas bag. I have a blue one. I'll put pint ribbons on it. There are a couple more dollar stores around so I'll try them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early and got ready for church before taking Danny out. The adult Sunday School Class made breakfast for the homeless people. They were staying at the church this week. I took the sticky buns. Marian cooked the scrambles eggs. Others brought an egg and sausage casserole, hard boiled eggs that were colored red and green, stuffed French Toast, bagels, cranberry, and poppy-seed bread. I served the sticky buns and bagels. The people really like the food and were appreciative. They stay at the shelter overnight and after breakfast, they are taken back to the street. We were concerned about the four year old girl being out in the cold all day. During the week, they can go to a community center but it is closed on Sunday.
The breakfast was at 8am, Church at 9 and Sunday School at 10.
The cold really got to me. After walking Danny, I wrapped up in my blanket and zonked out. I didn't get anything done that I had planned.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I installed the second shelf in the closet today. Somehow, I put the bracket in the wrong place and had to pry it off. I had nailed it in instead of using screws. In prying it off, the paneling tore. I repaired it with wood filler. One of the holes was OK. So I only had to drill one other hole. I put the brackets on the back where the studs were. When I went to put on the brace, the stud was not under where I screwed in the bracket. The stud finder gives false readings. Maybe the metal shelf screws it up or maybe it needs a new battery.
I moved some things around in the shed. I found the container with my wreaths and my tree but haven't found my lights. It was only in the 20's today so I went back into the house and stayed there. It was a good day to watch movies. I went to the grocery store to get a few things. I wouldn't have gone there except I needed something to take to the church breakfast tomorrow. I got two packages of sticky buns with walnuts.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted took this photo of my African Violet in December of 2005.
I didn't do much today. It was cold outside. I bundled up to take out the dog and put on his winter coat. We met my neighbor Sue and her husband walking their dog. It is a little Yorkie. They call her Sweetie; I don't know if that's her actual name or not.
I put some more things away and emptied another box. I also did some wash. I vacuumed the livingroom and moved the furniture so I can place the tree in the window. I need to go out to the shed and get the lights for the outside, the tree and its decorations.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I struck out twice today. I called Sears and they no longer have parts for my mower. I may have to buy a new mower because I can't get the cable. It is a perfectly good mower except for the broken cable. Go figure.
I went to activate the gift card my cousin sent me as a thank you and I tried twice online and then called and wasn't able to activate it buy keying in the numbers. I got a person who told me the card had been canceled. He hemmed and hauled around and told me to call the person who gave it to me. She had just gotten an email that said the card was canceled in error. They were the two things that started my day.
I managed to put a shelf up in my closet and stuffed some more steel wool around my cabinet. A mouse had been caught in the trap I put under the drawer. It was one of those traps the mouse crawls in, the door shuts and you don't see it. It must have been a tiny mouse as it was very light weight. I opened the door to make sure one was in there. All I could see was the tail. It went in the trash can outside. Another regular trap in the closet with the water heater had been robbed of its bait but not sprung. I had to set two more traps for the critters. Danny has been barking at the kitchen and the heating vents. Could be stink bugs; he barks at them.
I put a shelf up in the closet and put a bracket up for another shelf. I have to cut the shelf as it is too big. There is one long shelf along the back of the closet so I am putting some on the side. I have to buy some more brackets at the Home Depot.
I remembered to go to choir practice tonight. I didn't like going out in the cold but am glad I went. We practiced the song we will be singing Christmas Eve. It's one I hadn't heard before. We went over it several times. There are some high soprano notes. Joan came late but I was glad she came. She sings soprano and I can sing well when she is next to me. Everyone tries to be next to Joan. When she came in, she stood next to me.
It didn't get above 40 today. I guess that's why the critters are coming in to find a warm place. They're going to have to find some other place. That cabinet is foamed, steel wooled, and has some moldings. I'm going to have to get more wood for moldings. I don't know where the critters are getting in. The water heater closet can get those metal rings that go around the plumbing. That might work but the ones that have the hinge are not cheap. No choice, I'll have to pay the price.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I struck out twice today. I called Sears and they no longer have parts for my mower. I may have to buy a new mower because I can't get the cable. It is a perfectly good mower except for the broken cable. Go figure.
I went to activate the gift card my cousin sent me as a thank you and I tried twice online and then called and wasn't able to activate it buy keying in the numbers. I got a person who told me the card had been canceled. He hemmed and hauled around and told me to call the person who gave it to me. She had just gotten an email that said the card was canceled in error. They were the two things that started my day.
I managed to put a shelf up in my closet and stuffed some more steel wool around my cabinet. A mouse had been caught in the trap I put under the drawer. It was one of those traps the mouse crawls in, the door shuts and you don't see it. It must have been a tiny mouse as it was very light weight. I opened the door to make sure one was in there. All I could see was the tail. It went in the trash can outside. Another regular trap in the closet with the water heater had been robbed of its bait but not sprung. I had to set two more traps for the critters. Danny has been barking at the kitchen and the heating vents. Could be stink bugs; he barks at them.
I put a shelf up in the closet and put a bracket up for another shelf. I have to cut the shelf as it is too big. There is one long shelf along the back of the closet so I am putting some on the side. I have to buy some more brackets at the Home Depot.
I remembered to go to choir practice tonight. I didn't like going out in the cold but am glad I went. We practiced the song we will be singing Christmas Eve. It's one I hadn't heard before. We went over it several times. There are some high soprano notes. Joan came late but I was glad she came. She sings soprano and I can sing well when she is next to me. Everyone tries to be next to Joan. When she came in, she stood next to me.
It didn't get above 40 today. I guess that's why the critters are coming in to find a warm place. They're going to have to find some other place. That cabinet is foamed, steel wooled, and has some moldings. I'm going to have to get more wood for moldings. I don't know where the critters are getting in. The water heater closet can get those metal rings that go around the plumbing. That might work but the ones that have the hinge are not cheap. No choice, I'll have to pay the price.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a rainy day today but started out warm. It was 64 degrees at 6am. I thought it would be a good day to clean the oven with the self cleaning process. I had to open the window near the oven and put the big fan in it to draw the smoke out. Last time I tried to clean the oven, it set off the smoke alarm. I had the vent and fan going. I had to take the fan out of the window for a while because the rain came down hard and from the west. I also did some wash while I was waiting for the oven to clean. It cleans from 2 to 4 hours with an automatic setting for 3 and a half hours. I did the automatic thing but canceled after two hours as the oven looked clean and the temp had dropped to 40 degrees. The oven cleaning warmed up the house so the heat didn't have to go on. I didn't have to worry about all my heat going out the window. I hate to think how warm it would be if I didn't open the window.
I continue to hang things on the walls. I fixed one of the water colors Ted's mother gave us. The points that hold the painting into the frame on the back had come out. I hung them in the livingroom next the the big painting that Ted's mother gave us. The three are grouped over the sofa. I have to fix a wreath that goes with the grouping. It's colors match the colors of the livingroom. I don't remember whether Ted's mother or his grandmother gave it to us. It is made out of pieces of material that are put into a foam frame. Some of them have come out and the bow has come off. There are lots of little things that need mending after the move. It is hard to hang things here and get them centered properly. The walls are panels that are only 1/8 inch thick. There are studs but they may not be in the center of where you want to hang something. The doors are hollow and don't hold a hook very well. I had solid doors at the Vineland house. I did get some of those stick on hooks but I'm going to use them to hang my wreaths outside on or near the windows. I'll have to get some more but the little ones don't hold much weight and the large ones may be too large for a painting or a photo. I'll figure it out as I go.
I thought I had my mouse problem solved as I hadn't seen any evidence of them for a couple months. Tonight, I went to put my kitchen towels away in the drawer and when I opened a mouse ran across the linens and I guess out the back. After I composed myself, I opened the cabinet net to the drawers and saw the peanut butter had been eaten off the trap but it had not been sprung. The critter may have been a mole as it was big and black and I don't recall seeing a tale. I had caught a mole before. Today was critter day. I caught four stink bugs and gave them a burial at sea and also a dead one that went into the trash. Most of the ones I caught today were in the cabinet over the stove. The heat must have awakened them. Everyone in the Middle Atlantic states has problems with the stink bugs. Dottie had them in here Christmas Decorations and wasn't looking forward to unpacking them. I probably have them in my decorations, too. They crawl into the tiniest of cracks.
News from the Vorlon Wife.