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Another grey day. I found my stuffed bears. One is a Christmas bear and he other is a Valentine's bear. The Christmas bear, I had given to my friend, Betty, who was in the hospital in Vineland. The Valentine's bear I had given to my father. Betty's executrix gave me the bear and a few other things after Betty passed away. I took the Valentine bear after my father passed away. I next found a box of photos in frames. The first one I unwrapped was of my mother and father. As I pulled out the photos, it was like a trip down memory lane. I places some on shelves and tables and other near where I will be hanging them on the wall.
After lunch, I went to the Acme Super Market. It was crowded with people getting their supplies for French Toast. I did need milk and bread but had the eggs. There was no Safe Paws in either super market. I stopped in the pet store and found a different brand. It cost more but I needed it. I get tired of washing Danny's feet each time I take him out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church this morning and parking was a problem because of the piles of snow. I found a space in front of the shops and pulled in. After I got in the space, I thought, "Oh no, I might not be able to get out." I put the car in reverse and sure enough, the wheels were spinning. It is front wheel drive and they are the wheels that were stuck. Normally, I would back into a space in that situation but it is a one way street and the angle wouldn't allow me to back in. Even if I did, I'd probably get a ticket for facing the wrong way. At fellowship, I sit with a man named John. He sings in the choir with me. He said he would help me and he asked another man named Terry to help. The two of them pushed me out of the space.
It went up near 40 degrees so we had some melting but there is still a lot of snow on the ground. Now we have to brace for another storm that is coming across the entire country. So far, they are predicting a wintry mix. I hope not. Snow is bad enough but ice is worse. Power lines come down and without power, there is no electric, heat, or water. In Vineland, I had a gas fireplace that could heat up the place and city water that didn't require an electric pump.
I guess I should go stay with my brother until the storm passes and I can find out what's what.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Everyone is growing weary of this winter weather. I feel like I've been living back in New England. I should get some cross country skis or snow shoes. There are lots of neat trails across the road. I'll get some for Danny, too.
I didn't do much of anything today. I put up some Valentine decorations. When I take the Christmas decorations down, I leave the red bow up and put up some more. Today, I put some valentines on the red bows. I put the valentine candy boxes that Ted had given me over the years on display. I have put little red bows on them or other valentine decorations. The bright red keeps the house looking bright for a little longer. After Valentine's Day, I change everything to green for St. Patrick's Day and then Easter and spring.
I talked to my Aunt Jean today. Her condo is still being worked on. She is having all new cabinets in the kitchen and she found there are parquet floors under the carpet so she may have them refinished. She likes having hardwood under her bed; it is much easier to clean. I agree. I had hardwood in my house in Vineland it was much easier to use the dust mop than try to get the vacuum cleaner under there. I have wall to wall here. My new sweeper fits easily under the bed and Danny sleeps under there so I guess he likes the carpet. I have Pergo floor in the kitchen and the back bedrooms have vinyl that looks like oak flooring with area rugs. The living room has wall to wall in ivory. What a mess it is to keep clean. I think if I have to replace it, I'll put the Pergo floor to match the kitchen. Then put area rugs. I do have a blue area rug on top of the wall to wall in front of the sofa.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A nice spash of color from my Asiatic Lily. Thei was taken in June of 2007. It brightens up another grey day. Some snow flurries but no accumulation. I went over to Middletown to pay the cable bill. My autopay went out before I received my bill and they had raised some fee or tax. I was short ninety cents. The roads were clear and I had no problem getting there. I went to the Dollar Express and got twentyfive dollars worth of stuff. I headed home but forgot to get milk. I have enough for breakfast but will have to get some tomorrow.
Christine did a good job with the snow blower around my car. I had to laugh when I saw snow splatted on my siding and window in three spots. It looked like it was hit with a big snowball.
The neighborhood children built a snow fort down on the circle at the end of the street. Danny went exploring it as the children watched.
I went out and shoveled a path to the road so I could take Danny out. We had about 10 inches of snow. When I got done walking Danny, I shoveled out the snow bank that the plow had left in front of my car. There is an empty space beside my car but for some reason, the guy seems to plow everyone's car in. I no sooner got down when the plow guy came back and plowed me in again. There was a large bolder of snow right in front of my car. I waved him down and ask if he could push it over and motioned where I wanted him to push it. He said, "I didn't do that." My eyes bugged out and my mouth flew open. Then he said, "That's a big snowflake." I didn't appreciate his humor. He said he would take care of it. I thought wait until Janine, the manager sees what he did to her car. It was piled high in front of it. When I went out later, the big bolder was pushed to the side and Janine's car was plowed out but the pile went into my yard and probably has stones from her driveway in it.
Every now and then, I find that I am missing something. I am missing the paperwork for my cordless phone. One of them is not working and I need to call them. I did call over the Christmas Holidays but they were closed for the entire week. Then I went away to Michigan and now I have no clue what I did with it. I remember putting the warranty and receipt together with the manual but I don't know where I put it.
I was getting out my red roses that I decorate for Valentine's Day and I have a lot of small stem red roses that I put in a vase that my sister-in-law, Sylvia gave me. I have no clue where that is. I usually put Christmas decorations in it but I didn't put all my decorations out this year. It must still be in a box somewhere. I am also missing two of my stuffed toy bears. I couldn't find them at Christmas. I remember them being in a closet in Vineland. I have looked in all the closets here and the boxes on the shelf in the computer room but cannot find it. It may be on the shelf behind the file cabinet. I haven't looked there yet. I am also missing a photo album that has our Colorado photos in it. I want to scan some into the computer. I remember that being on the bottom shelf of my coffee table in Vineland. Eventually, I'll get everything unpacked.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We woke up to two inches of snow this morning then it changed to a light drizzle. Then it sleeted and thundered. Danny hid under the computer desk and under the bed. That happened around 4pm so we didn't go out for our walk. I waited until 6:30 to take him out when it had changed over to snow. We went out to the mailbox and back. At 8pm, we went out and there was four more inches of snow on the ground and it was coming down hard. Danny bounded through the snow and rolled around in it. He was like a little kid playing in the snow. He finally did his business and went bounding to the door.
I called my friend, June this afternoon. She is my good friend from Vineland. Actually, she lives in a neighboring town but we went to the same church. It was good talking to her and she was happy I called.
Only one stink bug today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
More stink bugs. I was on my way to the grocery store and decided I'd better make an appointment at the Service Garage for my car. I stopped in and explained my problem with stink bugs being in the ventilating system. The man looked at my car and took apart some panels and the glove compartment. We could see the stink bugs in the filter. He ordered a new filter and cleaned out the stink bugs. While I was waiting, he came in and wanted to show me more problems. He said a rodent got into the fan and stuffed it with paper. He cleaned that out, too. He showed me where I should put screening over the intake holes as the stink bugs can crawl right in the holes. I am wondering though, if a rodent can get into the fan area so can stink bugs. I had a mouse get in the fan several years ago. The Honda dealer cleaned it out. I could see where the paper was totally blocking up the area of the fan. I wondered why I wasn't getting any heat. It was a nice warm ride home. BTW, those critters cost me $108.00.
I quickly went to the Dollar Express and to Redner's grocery store. Redner's is employee owned. They have a good variety and are priced like other super markets. I got some more salt for the coming ice storm (It's been upgraded to a major snowstorm with 5 to 8 inches). I wanted to get some Safe Paws but they were sold out. I guess I went too late. I did not get any French Toast items. I had enough bread, milk, and eggs. We call it the French Toast Syndrome when people run out to the store before a storm and clean off all the shelves of bread, milk, and eggs.
I went to my exercise class this morning. There were four of us today. It was a little warmer but a damp cold. It warms up to snow. I did a little work on my computer and I caught some more stink bugs. It seems they come out at night and seem to be attracted to the light. It could be that it takes almost all day for the mobile home to warm up. I may have to adjust the electronic thermostat. It is a pain to do. I have to do each day one at a time and there are four or five settings during the day and night that I have navigate my way through. It has a schedule for bringing the heat up in the morning, turning down when one would go to work, bring the heat back up for when you get home, and then turn it down when going to bed. I don't need any settings for going to work or coming home but have to put something in there so I can get to the rest of the day.
I have lots of food and reading material to get through the storm.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This barn was taken from the car window near Lake Odessa, MI. It was snowing and the original photo was foggy looking. I used the "Autofix" and it brightened it up.
Another cold morning. It was 8 degrees when I got up. I waited a couple hours before taking Danny out. It was 11 degrees then. It got up to 26 this afternoon. The salt did manage to melt the ice in front of my driveway. I need to put some more along the sides of my car.
I didn't do much today. I baked some chicken in the oven. The stink bugs must have been hiding behind the oven. I caught 18 of them today. The oven must have warmed them up and sent them out from behind. I didn't actually see where they came from. They were on the floor, on the ceiling, on the walls and on the plants. I did catch a few before I turned the oven on. They are disgusting. I'm afraid I will be stuck with them for a long time.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The United Methodist Church in Lake Odessa, MI. It is the church Ted's parents attend and the church Ted grew up in. I took this photo out the window when I was in Michigan earlier this month.
It was 11 degrees at 6am this morning. The temp climbed up to 24 this afternoon and is now 17. It is almost time to take Danny out. I have to bundle myself up and then get his coat on. I was thinking of getting him some boots. That should be fun putting boots on four paws.
It was a quite day. I went to church and Sunday School this morning and then it's been quite the rest of the day. I guess everyone is staying indoors watching the football playoffs.
I got a call from my cousin, Jan. She was in Florida and tried to call our uncle but the number was changed. I gave her three numbers that I had. I hope one of them is the correct one. I hope she was able to get to see him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was bitter cold today. It was 11 degrees when I took Danny out tonight. The high for today was 19. I took a few more things out of boxes and put them away. I am unable to find some things. I know where they were in Vineland but I have no clue where they are here. Some things were packed by my friends so I don't even remember packing them. I did find one item today but am still looking for another. I know I had it here but I put it somewhere that I'd know where it was but I forget where I put it.
I had no stink bugs yesterday but had four today. When I was unpacking a box, there were two of them in it. The box was in the computer room but I had the Christmas containers in here and they may have come in on them.
I got my third computer hooked up and running today. It is not connected to the cable. I'll try getting out the book. Maybe I can figure out how to connect them. They get networked together and I have no clue how to do that.
It is dry in here tonight so I got out the humidifier. I have a humidity gauge and this is the first time it went below the normal range. There's not much humidity in the air when its 11 degrees and the furnace also dries out the air.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This hardy primrose was taken last year on January 22nd in Vineland. This year, the plants are buried under snow. I brought them with me. There isn't much snow but the area where they are planted is in the shade and won't warm up until the sun rises higher in the sky. Plus, it is cold out there around 20 degrees at 5pm. Maybe lower now that it is dark.
I didn't do much today, some laundry and cleaned up the computer room. I put one of the computers together. I got it up and running but it's not connected to the cable yet. I'm not sure how to do that. I'll need some help with that. I figured the computers will warm up the room. Tomorrow, I'll get the third one up and running. I one I did today was the office server. It did the backups but I have subscribed to Carbonite and it backs up off site for a very low cost. My third computer was my office computer and I have my genealogical stuff on it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had lunch with my friends today. They are four sisters that I grew up with and their sister-in-law that I also know since childhood. It was a lovely luncheon at Dottie's church. She had a table of 10 people who were her family and friends. I hadn't seen Annie for years and was surprised to see how much she looked like her mother. The theme of today's luncheon was Italian. They had two kinds of lasagna one with meat and the other a vege lasagna. Meatballs were another dish and cheese raviolis. The salad was mostly lettuce with creamy Italian dressing and Italian bread. Large trays of cookies were served for dessert. The entertainment was a singer who sang in the Frank Sinatra style. He walked and danced around the room singing Sinatra favorites.
After the luncheon, I went to Dottie's house for the rest of the afternoon. She became a widow about a year and a half before I did. Her twin sister lost her husband last year and her older sister has been a widow for about 10 years. It has been a difficult time for all of us.
I left Dottie's in time for rush hour on Interstate 95. The traffic was going between 20 and 40 mph on a road that has a speed limit of 65mph. I thought I'd never get home but I made it. Another snow storm will be moving in tonight. It looks like we will be on the fringe and get an inch or two. I hope we don't get any ice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went and had my routine Doctor exam. today. I had gotten behind on things when I moved. Many of my appointment were due in October and since I moved at the end of September, things got out of kilter. I still have to find a dentist to have my 6 month checkup.
It went up to 40 degrees today and melted most of the snow. It was slushy this morning but by this afternoon, most of the snow was gone. We get a one day reprieve and then more snow on Friday.
Danny likes to sit on my lap while I'm at the computer. He rests his head on my arm and sometimes it is difficult to type or rather use the mouse. He is a funny little dog. As soon as I sit down here, he comes a running and begs for me to pick him up. He ignores the computer unless there is a moving film on it. He barked at my Elf-Self where he and I went dancing across the screen.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Barnstormin' in Michigan. It was flurrying when I took the picture through the car window.
This barn is an example of barns going by the wayside. They aren't needed anymore. The farmers have no cows or the hay is made in big rolls. They also have large grain storage I will show at another time.
Sunset over Chesapeake Estates as viewed from the hill across the road. My house is through the trees; it's about in the center of the photo.
Another grey day. It was either raining or frozen rain this morning. Danny didn't stay out long. I finished up a couple projects and cooked my pork roast in the oven. I heated up some baked beans and added a can of butter beans with them. I was planning do cook up some kraut but only had one can. I have a list of things I will get tomorrow.
I got the plastic containers lined up in the kitchen ready to go out to the shed when I get it cleaned out. I have to wait for better weather and that could take until March.
It was rather slushy on the road. I thought it would melt or wash out but it's starting to freeze up again. It was nice and white now its ugly and dirty grey.
I worked on balancing my checkbook. After some struggle, I finally got it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a grey day today. It was grey at 7am, at 12pm, and at 5pm. The temperature stayed at 26 degrees all day. It's supposed to start snowing at any time now but the temp will be rising overnight making a wintry mix of sleet, ice, and rain by morning.
I didn't do much today. I changed the filter for the furnace, took the cover off the heat vent in the bathroom. I saw something down there that looked suspiciously like a stink bug. It turned out to be a fuzzy piece of lint or something. I thought I had gone all day without siting a stink bug but one crawled across the livingroom ceiling this evening. I caught me with my latex glove and put him in my coffee can of soapy water. They seem to be in the livingroom and kitchen. They probably literally crawl out of the woodwork. They are just so gross.
I got the rock salt out of the shed and spread it around the area where my driveway meets the road. It had become a sheet of ice about two inches thick. I don't know why. I hadn't driven over it much. I only went out twice. I guess it melted off the road and pooled there. My safe paws didn't make a dent in it. The rock salt was starting to do it's job. I need to put some more down but I'll wait until morning.
I had to walk along the edge of people's lawns to avoid the ice and slick surface of the road. It will be a worse mess tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The snow covered trail and ice covered pond up the hill across the road.
There were bicycle tracks, dog tracks and deer tracks on the trail and some kind of animal tracks across the ice. Danny walked in the bicycle tracks while I trudged alongside through the snow.
I went to church this morning and to Sunday School. I sat with my friend Frances. I didn't do much after church. I got a plastic container out of the shed and put my Christmas Village Houses in it. I also put away some more of the Christmas decorations. I am keeping the containers in the house until I can get the stink bugs cleaned out of the shed. I'll have to take the shop-vac out there and vacuum them up. I didn't find any in the house today.
I took Danny up the hill this afternoon for his walk. He likes to lead the way down the trail but he doesn't like to turn around. I have to half drag him back. The only birds I saw were Robins. The pond was frozen over.
After we got back, Cheryl and Ed came to take me to the Hibachi Grill. I got my usual stir-fry and some fruit for dessert. We stopped in Kohls. Cheryl had a list of things she wanted to get that were on sale. I got a pair of jeans. I didn't try them on. I hope they fit. I have to take a couple things back that I got for Christmas.
News From the Vorlon Wife.
I only went out to take the dog out. I guess I'm still resting up from my trip. I watched the Cagney and Lacy Marathon on the Mystery Channel. I caught some more stink bugs. I put some soapy water in an empty coffee can and I catch the bugs with a latex glove on my hand and put it into the can. They drown in the soapy water. I thought this would be better than flushing them one at a time. It won't waste so much water. I found some on my house plants in the kitchen. I inspected them as well as I could. They probably hid in every crevice they can crawl into. Their nymphs look like dog ticks. What I thought were tick last spring may have been stink bug nymphs. They would meet the same fate. A flush down the toilet.
It will be good to get back to church tomorrow. I have been away so much I feel like I haven't gotten into a routine. Perhaps things will go more smoothly and I can get a routine back into my life. An exercise routine is on the agenda. We'll see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got the trees down today. I shoveled a path out to the shed and was easily able to get the plastic containers I needed. Some of the cardboard boxes got taped all around so no stink bugs would be able to crawl in. I put my living room back together. I put the love seat in the window. I had a table and lamp in the window before Christmas. I rather liked the table in the window but I'll see how this arrangement goes.
When I went to the supermarket yesterday, I bought some packing tape. It seemed like a tiny roll but I wanted to get started sealing up the boxes. I spotted a large roll of Gorilla Tape. It was $9.99 for 35 yards. The little packing tape roll was $2.50 for 17 yards. It's funny how packaging can be deceiving. I figured I could buy 4 rolls of the packing tape for the same price as the large one and have twice as much. I bought one roll of the small one. I stopped at the dollar store and bought 2 rolls of packing tape that had 48 yards.
Now, I have to wait for the snow to melt so I can take everything out of my shed. De-bug it, put a floor down in there and put my stuff back in. I have some Pergo flooring some vinyl flooring that the former owner left up in the rafters. Right now, the floor is particle board that is dirty and smells like mildew and stinkbug odor.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do much today except for some laundry and I went to the supermarket. I did talk to cousin Joy. She had called while I was away. She wanted to tell me about cousin Lois's daughter, Paula who died of colon cancer. It happened nearly a year ago and no one told Joy. Lois has lived in Virginia for many years and when her mother, Aunt Elizabeth died we sort of lost contact with her. Joy was close to Lois at one time and she felt really sad that no one told her about Paula. Lois's son, Scott was killed in an auto accident when he was about 22 years old. Lois and her husband, Howard have lost both of their children. It doesn't seem right to outlive your children.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We had about six inches of snow this morning. I did some light shoveling so I could get Danny out. I started taking down the tree but some of the boxes are out in the shed. I have to move the mower out to get to them so it may take awhile. I did what I could. I didn't do much else besides walk Danny. He doesn't mind the snow except when it gets clogged up in his paws. After lunch, we settled down on the sofa to watch The Closer and I fell asleep.
I was having a problem with the software that I use to post my blog. All the postings were missing from January 3rd and I knew they had been there. I don't know what happened but it seems to have resolved itself.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Boy, was there one happy dog when I came home this afternoon. Ted's parents took me to the airport in Grand Rapids for my flight to Detroit and then to Philadelphia. The planes were on time and everything went well. You are not allow to bring food or drinks on the airplane unless you buy the after you go through security. I got sandwich at the Coffee Beanery and it cost $9.01. Good Grief! I didn't have much choice. It was noontime and I wouldn't get to PHL until after 2pm. There was one other shop but the line was a mile long and the prices were probably the same. What a rip-off. The sandwich was good and its a good thing because I would have really been ticked if it wasn't. The flight was delayed about 20 minutes because it had to be de-iced. It was driving around the runways. I thought it was going to drive to PHL. It went to the de-icing area. My brother, Rick and his wife, Sylvia picked my up in PHL and took me to my brother, Don's where I left my car in his driveway. Parking at Rick's house is at a premium. Each house has one space in back and one in front. Most families have two cars so there is no where to park.
I headed straight home to Maryland before the storm came. It started flurrying as I was driving down the interstate but I made it home before the storm hit. There is about 2 inches out there now. We are supposed to get 4 to 8 inches. It is good to be home. Flying is tiring and it was a very emotional trip. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that Kathy is gone. I know she is but it just doesn't seem possible.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I am tired out emotionally which makes me tired physically. I went with Ted's parents this morning. Father had some routine tests done. This afternoon, I read some of my book and took a nap. I'm ready to turn in but it's early yet.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was tired out this morning. I didn't get up to snuff until after I had a cup of coffee. At lunchtime, Ted, Phylis, and I met Ned at a restaurant in Ionia for dinner. They had a nice buffet with ocean perch, pork ribs, turkey, and prime rib. There were a couple other meat items but I just listed what I had. We had a nice afternoon together.
When we got home, we watched a Gaither's DVD. They always have a good program.
We had some light snacks and I'm ready to turn in for the evening.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a long and emotional day today. My suitcase arrived at 2am at Ned's house. They had called him and said they would bring it first thing in the morning. He figured 8 or 9 o'clock. Ned brought it over and I was able to put on my own clothes and boots. Tom, Mary, and Betsey came with their friends, Bill and Elaida. We all drove over to the church for the service. The pastor took the family into a private room and went over the procedure for the service. We sat in the first two rows.
Kathy's son-in-law spoke in Hebrew and said, "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." He repeated it in English.
Rachel spoke next and had and eloquent speech about her mother. The pastor spoke using words that Ned gave him to describe Kathy. She was kind, generous, loving, and never angry. The words could also have described Ted. Both Kathy and Ted had many of the same virtuous traits. One of Kathy's friends spoke and then I spoke. I was unable to complete what I had intended to say. Kathy meant so much to me that I became choked up with emotion and ended my speech by saying how grateful I was to have her as my sister.
There were many family and friends who came to support the family and to remember Kathy. Suzanne and Rachel put together a slide show showing the different aspects of Kathy's life from when she was a baby to shortly before her passing.
There was a light luncheon after the service and every table was filled. The sandwiches of ham and melted cheese were delicious as were the salads and cookies.
I went with Ned, Suzanne, and Nuriel to Ned's church for their Saturday evening service. John and Yoseph were following us and we met Rachel and her friends there. We went to the Flat River Restaurant afterwards and had a nice dinner. Ned and I both go the Tournedo Oscar, a steak medallion with crabmeat, asparagus and whipped gold Yukon potatoes. It was only a four ounce steak and it was just the right size for me. Suzanne brought me home to Ted and Phylis's house. We talked for awhile and I looked through some photo albums.
I can hardly comprehend that Kathy is gone. It just doesn't seem possible that something like this could happen to her.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
=What an unbelievable trip. II checked in, got my boarding pass, breezed through security and went up to my gate. Just as I got there, the status changed to "canceled". I went up to the person at the gate and told her. I asked if this was true. She said, "What?" She then checked her computer and said, "That's right." She handed me a card and told me to call the number on it to reschedule my flight. I did that and they put me on a flight to Minneapolis and then to Grand Rapids, instead of Detroit. That added three me hours to my flight. It seemed forever to get to Minneapolis. When I finally arrived in Grand Rapids we sat on the tamarack for a half hour. Then it took another half hour for the luggage to come up. Everyone but me got their luggage. They took my information and said they would deliver it when it arrived either tonight or tomorrow morning. I have my good wool clothes in the suitcase that I borrowed from my brother. I have two pair of boots and my wool hat lined with lambs fur that cost me $30.00 and my prescription medication is in it.
Ted's niece went through Kathy's clothes and I have a couple outfits I can wear. I hope my stuff arrives. I saw them put two lime green suitcases on the plane but only one came off. I put as much as possible in the suitcase because I used my laptop as my carry on. It weighs a ton and I had to lug it from one end of Minneapolis airport to the other.
Ted's parents and my brother-in-law, Ned met me at the airport. After the luggage fiasco, we got some Kentucky Fried Chicken and went to Ned's house. Suzanne and John were there with Noriel. We had dinner of our Kentucky Fried and went through Kathy's clothes to see what might fit me.
I drove back to Ted's parents and it's late so I'll call it a night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I left Danny Boy in the care of Robbie. I hope he will be OK. He must be wondering when I will return.
My brother, Rick, his wife, Sylvia, and I went to the Olive Garden for dinner. I ordered the Lasagna but they didn't have any more. I then ordered the eggplant parm. The manager came over and gave each of us a $5.00 gift certificate and they deducted the cost of my meal because of them not having the lasagna. Rick and Sylvia had a gift certificate they got for Christmas. We went early and it's a good thing because when we left there was a large line and many people were holding their gift certificates.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took the outside lights down this morning. I didn't want them on while I was away. I am anxious about flying and flying alone. I am also anxious about leaving little Danny. The poor little guy has no idea that I am leaving. He won't understand where I am or when I'll be back. I will worry about him.
I fixed the door on my shed. It had one screw in the bottom hinge and it was loose. I put two more screws in it and tightened the loose one. I think the loose one has a hole that is too big for the screw. The door doesn't fit right. Now that I tightened the screws, the fit is crooked and hard to close. I don't know why every door in this place (except for the new ones) is screwed. They are not hung properly or they don't fit. The hinges are not recessed so they don't close. One hinge was put on crooked so that door doesn't close properly.
I went to the Acme to get some dog food. I was afraid it would run out and Robbie doesn't have a car to go get more. I also went to Peebles Department Store and got a new pocketbook. They were on sale so I got a red one that will go with my red coat and has a few compartments for my stuff. It's not quite as large as my Coach bag. I didn't want to give up on my Coach bag. Ted gave it to me one Christmas. It is getting raggedy and the latch is broken. The edges are frayed and the outer pocket is ripped. Coach used to guarantee their bags for life but now you have to pay to have them repaired.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was kinda a blah day. I did a little laundry and flushed some stink bugs down the toilet. They were in the kitchen. I think they came in on one of the cardboard boxes that had some Christmas things in. I found on hiding under the flap. They will probably be an ongoing problem.
I still have my decorations up. It is actually the 10th day of Christmas. Merchants have change the timing of Christmas. The first day of Christmas is December 25th and runs through the 12th day being January 6th. January 6th is the Epiphany; the time of the Wise Men. The stores used to start putting there Christmas things out in November. This year, I have seen Christmas decorations in August. No wonder I couldn't find any artificial snow for my tree. It was probably sold out by November.
I keep my tree and decorations up through the Epiphany. Sometimes I have them up longer. They are as much of a mess to put away as they are to put up. I have to buy some tape and seal up every edge of my boxes to put back into the shed. Before I put them back in, I have to clean the shed out and get rid of the stink bugs hibernation in there. I don't look forward to that job. I guess I'll go in there with the vacuum cleaner and clean them up that way. I ought to get that guy who does the "Dirtiest Jobs." I wonder if he has tackled the stink bugs yet?
News from the Vorlon Wife.
They had the Epiphany Service at church today. It is actually on the 6th but I guess this is the closest Sunday. I arranged for my neighbor to dog-sit Danny when I go on my trip. Danny can stay right here in his own surroundings and not have to be in a kennel.
I went to the Hibachi Grill with Chery and Ed. I had the stir fry. Ed had the sushi bar and Cheryl had the buffet. Ed and I also went to the buffet. I watched "The Sting" this evening. I am still tired from New Years Eve. I almost fell asleep but I managed to watch the show.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to my brother's yesterday to celebrate the New Year with him and his lady friend. We went to Sam's Place and had dinner and welcome in the New Year. There was singing and dancing. The owner of Sam's Place gave out silly hats, noise makers, and poured the champayne. We counted down, had a New Year's toast, sand Aude Lang Zyne, did the Mummer's Strut, and sang "God Bless America." I had a good time. I hadn't been out on New Year's Eve since 2000, I usually go to bed but I figured I call Don and see what was happening at Sam's. Sometimes my cousin, Scott sings there but he didn't this time. Sam's is about a mile from Don's house. I was ready to go home after "God Bless America" but Don and Evelyn were still dancing and enjoying the music with their friends there.
Needless to say, I was beat today. I felt hung over and I only had one glass of champayne. By the time we got home and I took Danny out it must have been 2am. I got my self together around 10 am and headed for home. I vegetated and napped all afternoon. There were all kinds of TV marathons. I chose Dr. Who. It made me feel sad though as Dr. Who is a show Ted and I enjoyed with Kathy and Ned. It seems you can't get away from memories. They are good memories but a sadness goes with them.
I cleaned up the yard from the branches that fell down with the storm. I talked to my next door neighbors. They are having trouble with critters, too. They had everything out of their shed and were cleaning it and trying to critter proof it. Mice got into their belongings and chewed them apart. Stink bugs are everywhere. We are afraid they will hatch out in the sping and it will be like and Alfred Hitchcock movie. The bugs are in our vents, under the mobile homes, under the shutters and siding. A friend of theirs was getting a new roof and they were under the shingles. We had tens of thousands of them swarm here in the fall. We will probably have millions of them hatching out in the spring. I shutter to think of it.
I brought home half of my dinner from Sam's and had it tonight. Danny, too, is tired out. He has been sleeping on my lap all day except for when I walk him. The poor little guy hasn't had a decent walk today. Everytime I take him out, some hunter starts shooting his gun.
News from the Vorlon Wife.