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I went to Pastor Amy's class yesterday. I had my camera but no birds were on the marina when I went by. I walked Danny when I got back. I was wondering what to have for dinner when I remembered the Lenten service was serving soup and bread before the service. It was being held at the Bohemian Wesleyan Church. They served four kinds of soup. I chose the chicken vegetable. It was good and hot for a cold gloomy day. I sat with friends from the Trinity Methodist Church where I attend.
The Wesleyan service was rather like the Nazarene service. They had Praise and Worship music and Pastor Kevin called for "Amens". The sermon was done by the pastor from the Chesapeake City African Methodist Episcopal Church. She had a strong voice and there were a lot of Hallelujahs and Amens. She was inspiring. The sermon was "What kind of Love is This?" She ended with the "Amen" song from the 60's. Then called everyone up front for prayer.
I went to exercise class this morning and saw the big blue heron sitting on the dock of the marina. Of course I didn't have my camera. It was gloomy and raining so I didn't bother to bring. It would have been a good shot of him as he was right out in the open on the dock instead of hiding partly in the reeds.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another cold day. It was 24 this morning. I walked Danny and then went to my exercise class at the church. I took my camera with me today but the big blue heron was not on the creek. I saw a couple Canada Geese on the marina but that was about it.
When I took Danny out at lunchtime, I met Sue and her husband walking their dog, cuddles. We went around the block a couple time. They said it was a half mile around. The red wing blackbirds were high in the trees singing with their trill.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another cold day. I worked on my computer, did some laundry, and went to the post office. I had a delivery notice that a package arrived when I was away. It was my medicine and needed a signature so I drove across town to get it. I saw the big blue heron on the creek where it enters the marina. I saw a big white egret there the other day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up late and barely had time to get to church. I went to Sunday School and was tired. I came home and rested. After walking Danny and having some lunch, a new friend from church called. She felt it wasn't enough to greet each other before and after services. She wanted to chat and get to know me better. She has macular degeneration and only sees things in a fog. Someone gave her a monocular and now she is able to see faces for the first time in ten years. She is so happy about that. She is a very sweet lady. After talking to Midge, I called Ted's parents and talked to his mother. Afterward, I walked Danny and got ready for my niece and her husband to pick me up and take me to dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Snow Glories have bloomed here. I'm glad I brought them from Vineland. They will spred nicely though the yard. I thought I had posted this before I left yesterday.
I went to help my Aunt Jean move yesterday. I left Danny Boy at my brother, Don's. The movers did the heavy work but we packed up some things and did the unpacking. We got her bed ready and the coffee pot and things she would need for the morning. I stayed at Don's overnight and then went back to Jean's in the morning. My cousin, Jan and I unpacked some more things and I got the yellow room put together. I went to Don's at lunchtime and took Danny for a walk. After lunch, Don and I went back to Jean's and Don helped my cousin, Donna's husband, Tom hang up the mirrors and wall paintings. Don got the computer and TV hooked up but FIOS isn't switching them over until Tuesday.
I took Don back to his house, walked Danny Boy and headed down the highway for home.
It has been cold and windy. It's been 10 degrees below normal and I saw some peach trees blooming. It seems to get cold when they bloom. I don't know how we ever have any peaches in the summer.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This old delapadated barn is just north of Chesapeake City on Route 213. It was taken out the car window.
Cold, cold, cold. It's going down to 28 tonight and 27 tomorrow night. It was raw and damp this morning. I went to my exercise class. Had a good workwout and was beat for the rest of the day.
I did some computer work and I got some photos ready to post and that's about it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When I walk Danny these days, I hear the twill of the red winged blackbird, the honking of the Canada geese, the peeping of the tree frogs, and the drumming of the woodpecker.
I went to Pastor Amy's Bible Study today. The sermon will be on Meditation and Worship. She wanted us to name a Bible passage on the subject. I said, "Be Still and Know that I Am God". Another lady, Carol said it was Psalm 46:10. Linda read a paraphrase edition of it but it didn't have "Be Still...." Carol read it from the King James version and Pastor Amy will be using it in her sermon.
Cousin, Joy called and I was glad to hear from her. It is always a joy to hear from Joy. We caught up on family news and hope to see cousin, Lorraine soon.
I did some laundry and that's about it. It was a dark, dreary, drizzly day. We were lucky; snow was flying not too far to the north.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning and then help my friend Frances with the chancel flowers. I help her each Sunday carry them to the refrigerator after church. They were looking kind of wilted so we thought we'd pull some of the wilted ones out. They look OK but we didn't think they would last until Sunday. Frances said she would get new ones so we each took two vases home with us. I got the white ones. I put a couple artificial daffodils in with them.
I worked on my taxes. I had to download a 1099 that was missing from my stuff. It will take some more time to go through everything.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today is the anniversary of what would have been my grandmother's 122 birthday.
Yesterday, I went to my cousin Shawn's fiance's bridal shower. It was a lovely occasion. It was held at the Neuman University in Aston, PA. The bridesmaid did everything including preparing all the food. I was a little disappointed though because I was the only person from Shawn's Dad's side of the family. I am actually Shawn's Dad's cousin. I met Shawn's fiance, Kristina, a couple times but only briefly. Everyone was very nice. I sat with the maid of honor's mother who was a long time friend of Kristina. Also at the table were relatives of Shawn's mother. The food was excellent and the decorations were lovely. I was sorry that I had to leave at 4:00 because she hadn't opened all the gifts yet. I had to drive an hour to get home to let Danny out.
This morning I went to Elkton to have my Dexa Scan and Mammogram. I made the appointment in the morning so I could get it over with and not sit around and think about it all day. The place is across from the Doctors office and is connected with the hospital. It is in the same building where I had my blood work done. Everyone was very nice and I was in and out of there within an hour.
Last night, I took Danny out in the yard and he saw something at my neighbor's house. He took off barking and the lease came unhooked. I was standing there with an empty lease. He didn't go far as what he saw was a plastic tarp rolled up. I easily caught him. He sometimes barks at plastic bags.
I think I must have attached him to his dog tag ring because now his tags are missing. He still has his rabies tag but his license and chip tag are missing. His license will be coming up for renewal soon so I'll get a new one then. I think I'll go to Pet Smart and print a new tag for his chip.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yellow snow crocuses blooming on the east side.
Mini Dutch Iris growing on the east side. I'm so glad I brought a couple of these. I don't see them in the catalogs anymore.
Daffodils on the west side.
Today, I had lunch with my friends at Dottie's church. From the left are Dottie's friends and neighbors. In the center in light green is Dottie's sister, Annie, next is Dottie's twin sister, Rosemary, next is Dottie's sister, Alberta, tucked between me and Dottie on the right. Since it was St. Partick's Day, the theme was of course, St. Patrick's Day. Most people were in green. I grew up with the four sisters. Alberta lives about 25 minutes south of me. Rosie and Dottie have summer places in the park where Alberta lives. It was good to get together with friends.
I went to the Target store near Dottie's church. I had to get a few gifts. I'm going to my cousin's fiance's bridal shower on Sunday. I also had to get two birthday gifts; one for Ted's grandniece and the other for my grandnephew.
The weather was great today. It felt so good to not wear a coat. Tomorrow is supposed to be even better. Yea Spring!
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Pastor Amy's Bible Study this morning. The Bible reading was John 3:1-17. It was about Nicodemus and being born again. We had a thorough discussion on it.
I vacuumed up more stink bugs today, rearranged some things and moved some of the Christmas containers from the kitchen to the shed. I got over half of the shed vacuumed. I still have to do the other side. Those critters make me sick. Yuck!
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went out into the shed and started vacuuming up stink bugs. How gross. I didn't take everything out; I just took out the mower, moved some boxes and started vacuuming. I restacked the boxes and saw it was clouding up so I put things in order, put the mower back in. I took Danny for his walk and then got my dinner ready.
I have to do a little more work out there before I can pack my Christmas containers into the shed. It's also time for yardwork. I need to put some mulch along the fence garden and along side the driveway and down along the sidewalk. It will be warm on Friday so I can do it then.
I found a nice piece of lumber in the shed that I can use to make a shelf in back of my sofa. I was going to buy a piece at home depot but now I won't have to. Danny is on the bed keeping his eye on me. I guess he want me to join him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I have a mini dutch iris blooming on the east side. I forgot what flowers I had brought from Vineland. I'm glad I brought one of them. I hope there are more. The flowers seem a little sparse so far. I had about 28 years of planting them in Vineland. I didn't do much today except catch some stink bugs. Danny barks at them and I have to look around to find them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A long day, the first day of daylight savings is.
I got up, got ready for church and walked Danny before I went. He was still sleepy. He doesn't know about daylight time. The minister announced she was leaving at the end of April. She has another position in Dover. She had been here eight years and that's long for a Methodist minister. When I first heard she had been here eight years, I figured she would be moving on soon. I don't like to see her go. I haven't known her eight years but only about two. Her husband does a lot of work for the church, too. He helps to run the Contemporary Service with the music and helps out with all kinds of jobs. He even helps out with the nursery children during the Traditional Service. They have done a lot for the church and we will miss them.
This afternoon, my family went to Red Lobster for my sister-in-laws birthday dinner. It was supposed to be for my brother, Don, too but Don has come down with another cold and wasn't feeling too good. They were having a Lobster Fest so I ordered a lobster tail. I haven't had lobster for years and it was good. It was nice to come out of the restaurant and have it still be daylight. I even took Danny out while it was still light.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted's amaryllis is blooming. This photo was taken in March of 2008 but the flower looks the same so I didn't take a new photo. I have photos of it for almost every year. Ted's grandmother gave this to him for Christmas many many years ago. In 2007, the bulb split and now the baby bulb will be blooming soon. It looks like three buds are coming out. I may have four but I'll have to wait and see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My friend, Dottie, stopped in for a visit last night. We went to dinner at a nearby local restaurant. It was good to see her. It gets lonely here but it was worse in Vineland as I wouldn’t be near where Dottie or my friend, Cheryl, could stop in. Dottie has a summer place about 25 minutes south of where I am. I often go to dinner with my niece, Cheryl and Ed on Sunday. That wouldn’t happen in Vld.
I go to the Methodist Church here. They have an exercise class on Tuesday and Thursday and Bible study on Wednesday. I am a Lay Reader. I just started and had my turn two weeks ago. I conduct the service except for the Sermon and a couple other things that the Pastor does. I have met a lot of nice people there.
My friend, Cheryl, (I have a friend, Cheryl and a niece, Cheryl) is in the process of moving to Christiansburg, VA to be near her daughter and new grandchild. I don’t think they put their house on the market yet but if not, they will be soon. Christiansburg is way down the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is probably a beautiful area but further away.
I was going to go food shopping but flood warnings are out and I don’t want to go out and not be able to get back home. The Delaware Bay is backing up and the Susquehanna is overflowing. Either on can back up into the canal. The canal will probably be OK but the little streams that flow into it may flood so I’m staying put.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I went to exercise class this morning and shredded some old paperwork from our business. I guess I got a good workout because I'm falling asleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up and out early today. I went to get my routine blood work done. It was the first time I went to this place. It was attached to the hospital in Elkton. They took my information and the printer printed a bracelet for me like the ones hospitals use. When I went into the room where they take my blood, the technician scanned my bracelet and the labels printed for the vials. It was pretty cool. The only trouble is, when taking my information, she keyed in a couple strokes and all my personal information printed out. It's kind of scary.
I drove past the gas station on the way home and notice the price of the gasoline was $3.379/gal. When I went back in the afternoon, it was $3.489. What an increase. I didn't need gas yet but should have topped it off this morning. I went to the pet store to get Danny some better quality dog food. I was giving him Purina One. He didn't really like it but it's hard to change dog foods. He gets sick easily. I have been researching dog foods on dogfoodadvisor.com. Purina One and most brands you find in the super market only rate one star and are full of ingredients such as garlic that are harmful to dogs. I have been looking for awhile to find one that doesn't have any harmful ingredients. I found California Naturals with a five star rating. I threw a piece of the kibble to him and he grabbed it and ran off with it. If it had been Purina One, he would have ignored it. I mixed a little in with his food tonight. I have to change it gradually so he can get used to it and not get sick. I thing he will be healthier with the new food.
At this house, I have a terrific view of the big dipper. In the summer, it is out front on the north side. Right now, it is out on the east side with the two stars of the cup pointing to the North Star. I also have a great view of Cassiopeia in the north sky and Orion high in the southwest. The sky is dark here so the consolations show up real well. The southwest has a lot of trees and this time of year, the trees are bare so I can see the stars. It's really cool.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It rained all day and really poured sometimes. Flood warnings were out in Delaware for the Christiana River. The bridge is at 10.5 feet and the river is at 10.1. It is expected to reach 11.5 before morning.
I went to Church and Sunday School this morning. Today is Transition Sunday. Last week was the last Sunday of the Epiphany and next Sunday is the first Sunday of Lent.
I didn't do anything today. When I took Danny out, we both came in looking like drowned rats and we were not out that long. He doesn't like pouring down rain.
I went with my niece and her husband to a different Chinese Grill. This one is called Hong Kong King or Hong King Kong, I'm not sure which as the King is in the center of the logo with Hong on one side and Kong on the other. There grill is a little different. It is round and the grill master uses long tines or instruments to stir the food with. The also have a buffet and serve Alaskan King Crab legs. They only bring out a few at a time. I guess people make pigs of themselves. Ed grabbed a few on a plate and we shared them.
After we ate, we went into the drug store in the same shopping center. It is called Happy Harry's Pharmacy. The chain is in Delaware and I always thought what a funny name for a drug store. I discovered it is owned by Walgreen's. Maybe they bought out Happy Harry's.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was milder today but I still didn't get much done. I did some laundry and that's about it. I was on the computer and that eats up a lot of time. Rain is forecast for tomorrow. My little yellow crocuses are blooming and some of my daffodils have buds on them. Ted's amaryllis has buds that are about to bloom. His grandmother gave it to him. A few years ago, it split and the baby amaryllis has a bloom on it this year.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The crocuses are coming on slowly. The cold weather it holding them up. It was cold all day today. It started out at 25 and went up to 40 with a cold wind out of the east. I suppose it will rain tomorrow. I trimmed Danny's face and feet but didn't do much else. I finished getting my lantern ready to mail but it wouldn't fit in my mailbox. I'll have to take it to the post office.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning. My neighbor, Jim, came around 11:00am to clear the branches off my roof. He looked around to make sure there was no damage. He said the shingles were in good shape. His wife and daughter are both ill. His wife is on oxygen and the daughter cannot even sit up in a wheel chair. Now his brother has lung cancer and only a few months to live. Keep Jim in your prayers.
It was cold today. It was 20 degrees when I took Danny out at 7:45am. It warmed up to 30 and is now 25.
I didn't do much today. I picked up the branches around the yard and that was about it. I filled out some paperwork for the church and worked on getting a package ready to send to Eveready. My lantern isn't working so I emailed them and they sent me a shipping label to return it to them. Not many companies do that anymore. They charge you five bucks for shipping back a defective item. I will be glad to have my lantern working again especially when the leaves get on the trees, I back yard is very dark. I take Danny out there before going to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When I went out to walk Danny this morning, a girl around 17 to 20 years old rolled down her window and asked what road it was indicating the road that goes by the mobile home park. I told her and she got out of her car. She was upset and crying. She had hit a deer. She called her father and he chastised her saying she always causes him trouble. Her mother was on the way and had passed by when we were talking. I sympathized with her and told her it wasn't her fault. She couldn't help it that the deer ran in front of her. I wondered if the girls father even asked if she were all right. Some people are so selfish they only think of themselves. The car didn't look like it had too much damage but it would need a new bumper, grill, and the hood was bent. It would cost plenty to fix but no amount could fix the damage the father had done. I heard her tell her mother she wasn't speaking to him again. The mother thanked me and said she was glad that her "baby was OK."
I went to Pastor Amy's Bible Study this morning. I like going in the morning rather than at night. We studied the scriptures that she will be using on Sunday. Her class does that each week.
After the class, I drove to the parking lot under the bridge and did some stair climbing on the steps. There are stairs on each side of the canal for people who want to walk from one side to the other. I went up to one flight below the top. The traffic sounded heavy so I didn't go to the top. I looked down and could understand why some people have a fear of heights. I put my hands on the rail and could feel the bridge swaying. I backed away from the rail. I looked around the other side and saw a lady walking her dog in the field in back of the school. It was a good workout and I can feel the sore muscles in my calves. It will probably be worse tomorrow.
My neighbor, Jim, said he would stop by tomorrow, after taking his granddaughter to school, to take the branch off my roof. He is one of Danny Boy's friends. Danny makes friends with the neighbors.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It must be spring. I heard the Spring Peepers yesterday evening and tonight. It's dropping down below freezing tonight so I don't know what that means for the peepers. Do they go back into hibernation or just hide in the trees?
I went to exercise class this morning. When I got back, I picked up the branches in the yard and picked up the trash that blew down the embankment during the wind storm. I brushed away the leaves covering the crocuses. I have one yellow early snow-crocus blooming on the east side and a clump of large purple buds on the crocuses on the south side.
It was a little bit cool today but not cold enough to put on Danny's coat. His fur is long now from growing all winter. I guess next year, I'll have to stop trimming him earlier.
News from the Vorlon Wife.