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A red and pink crab apple tree on my neighbor's lawn on Bethel Road. The apple and crab apple trees are done now. It is dogwood time.
I woke up at 4:45 and thought I might as well watch the Royal Wedding. I grabbed the remote and put it on in my bedroom. The TV doesn't have a box so I only get a few channels but I figured they all will be covering the wedding. It was a beautiful wedding. I had been to London in 1971 and saw Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. It was cool seeing the places that I had been. I hope things work out better forWilliam and Kate than they did for Charles and Diana. It seems like just yesterday that I watched their wedding.
I cut the grass today. It was very long in some places. It has been growing like wildfire. My second bleeding heart is now blooming. I had stepped on it and was afraid it wouldn't bloom. It is a couple weeks behing the first one which is still blooming. My irises have big buds on them so they will be blooming soon. I didn't have many blooms last year as I had transplanted most of them. Even the ones that were here I had moved. I am anxious to see what ones will be blooming. I brought so many from Vineland; I hope they all survived.
Apple trees bloomed all over the hill across the street on Bethel Road. There were several like the one in the front with long spikes of branches with bloosoms. I didn't know what they were at first as they were not shaped like apple trees. They grow wild so I guess they are wild apple trees.
The Easter Vigil on Easter Saturday started outside on the lawn of the Trinity Methodist Church. It is an ancient Christian service that used to start at sunset and go all night in honor of watching the tomb of Jesus. This service started at 7:30 with singing and the procession went inside. I joined the church membership at this service. I was a little disappointed in that it was a contemporary service and the computer wasn't working so the words to the music were nnot up on the screen. I didn't know the songs so I stood there like an idiot. The young people pparticipated in the service and they enjoy the Contempary music. Many of the church members came up and laid there hands on me. The all welcomed me into the congration.
Sunrise over the Chesapeake Canal just before the Easter Sunrise Service. The service is an Eccumentical service. All the local churches participate although the Methodist seems to have the majority of people. This was taken just before sunrise. The sun came up over the canal during the serman so I didn't take it then.
I was a scary day today. The forecast was for severe thunderstorms, hail, and a tornado watch. We got a little rain and a little thunder. I took Danny out before it started and then went to my exercise class. It was very humid and warm. When I got back home, I used the trimmer on the east side before the rain started. When Danny heard the thunder, he hid under the bed. He stayed there for a couple hours. He didn't even come out at lunchtime. When he sniffs food, he usually is right under my feet. It cleared up this afternoon. I didn't know if more storms were coming or not but they didn't.
The flowers and grass are leaping out of the ground. The wood hyacinths are budded up and so are the irises and clementis. The daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths are finished. The apple blossoms are done and the crab apples have just about had it. Azaleas and dogwoods are blooming and the trees are pretty much leafed out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the pastor's Bible study this morning. When I got home, I did some weeding of the flower bed along the walk. It was another hot day in the 80's with the humidity up. The pollen is also up. My car looks green.
My cousin, Joy, called. I always enjoy talking with her.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was another warm day today. The air conditioner ran all afternoon until after dinner when I raise the thermostat to 80 and put it on hold. I had cooled down outside. I think it must have been in the 90's.
After exercise class, I drove over to Middletown. I needed to get a wedding gift, a baby shower gift, gasoline (which cost me over $50.00 to fill up), and to Lowe's for mulch and grass patch. Lowe's had mulch on sale for $2.50/bag. I got 8 bags. I will probably need more but I'll get them later. I wore my baseball cap walking Danny today. Yesterday, my lips got sunburned.
I didn't do much else today. I was tired out from exercise and the heat.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another hot day. I turned on the air conditioner this afternoon. I was so hot yesterday, I could hardly stand it so I thought no more of this. I heard everybody else's air conditioner running, too. I spray painted a couple picture frames and a duct register for the living room. I did them all in white. The frames need another coat. They will look nice in the blue nautical room. I did some computer work which ate up too much time.
Stink bug alert. Danny just spotted one in the bedroom. He barks at them. I caught it in my coffee can of water and dish detergent.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It's been a long day. I woke up at 4:30 and got up at 4:45. I went to the Easter Sunrise Service at the park by the marina. During the service, the sun came up over the canal. It was a beautiful site. I went over to the church for bagels and coffee and then came home to make my Waldorf Salad and pack up the car. I went to my brother, Don's to go to the 11:00 service at Holmes Presbyterian Church. We sat with my other brother, Rick and his wife Sylvia. One of the ladies, Debbie, whose husband works with Don, saw me and asked where I was going to sit. I sat over here with my brother. She looked at Don and said "What brother?" I said, "Rick and motioned toward him. (I was waiting for a friend who was talking to Rick and Sylvia to finish and move out of the pew.) Debbie looked surprised. She didn't know there was another brother.
After church, we got a couple sandwiches at WaWa for lunch and I took Danny for a walk. It was getting hot out and I wasn't dressed for summer. Don and I went up to the cemetery to take the flowers for our parents grave and for Ted's grave. It was 80 degrees by this time. When we got back, we packed up the car with food and flowers and headed for Rick and Sylvia's for dinner. She had both ham and roast beef for dinner with green beans, potatoes Au gratin, scalloped apples, and my Waldorf salad. Don brought a Key Lime Pie. I was too full, too hot and too tired for dessert. I took Danny around the block and then we exchanged our Easter flowers and I gave the children and Don chocolate rabbits. Sylvia gave us some food to take home and my dessert. Don drove me back to his house where I packed up the rest of my stuff and headed for home.
Interstate 95 divides into two expressways around the city of Wilmington, DE. I almost always take the 495 route. This time, most of the traffic was headed for 495 so I stayed on 95. The car in front of me was only going 60 so I tore around him and saw the speed limit was only 55. I slowed down and thought, "No wonder all the cars were taking 495, the speed limit is 65." 95 goes through downtown Wilmington while 495 skirts around to the east and is a lovely drive along the Delaware River. I only took 95 one other time going north. The exit to my friends house is on 95 but not 495. I learned that one time when I thought I missed the exit and had to go to the next one to turn around. It seems you can get off going south but not north.
Well, it's been a long day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
One of my bleeding hearts. When I transplanted them last year, they turned brown and looked like they had died. What a lovely surprise to find them doing well this spring.
One purple tulip. I brought about a dozen from Vineland but it looks like only one survived. It may be too shaded for them.
The Summer Narcisus is in bloom already. I think it bloomed in June last year.
Daffodills next to the steps.
Tulips along the walk. I brought these from Vineland.
One lone bloom on this flower. I'm not sure if it is a hyacinth or a Syberian Squill.
A lone daffodill in the middle of the lawn. I transplanted his buddies last fall but missed one.
Daffodils along the walk.
One lone red tulip among the daffodills.
It turned out to be a warm day today, in the 80's. I did some work on the two back rooms. I had padding to go under the rugs but was folded up, lying on top of the day beds. I cut it up into four pieces and put under the rugs in those rooms. The padding was from the rug I took up in the living room in Vineland. The oriental rugs in the yellow room had padding at one time but for some reason, Ted threw it out. It caused the rugs to wear more than they should have. The blue room has a lighthouse motif and never had a pad under it. They all feel good to walk on now. Both rooms needs the pictures hung up. That will be next but I have to get some more hooks.
I trimmed the grass out near the fence. I will be putting more mulch down in that area. I gave Danny a hair cut but it needs going over. I nipped my finger with the grass clippers and it was hard to cut Danny with a band aid on my finger. The fur stuck to the edges of the band aid. He always needs going over anyway because his downy undercoat gets matted and needs constant brushing. It is like fine strands of silk but is kinky curly and it takes going over a few times to get it evened out. I guess that's why they use clippers and scalp the poodles. I don't like the look of his naked skin when the groomer did him last time.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to my exercise class today. It showered off and on during the day. I moved my plants out of the way and took my Christmas candles out of the windows. They are battery operated and fit between the window and the storm. This mobile home doesn't have any windowsills. The candles worked well until the batteries went dead. They were cheap candles so they didn't last long. They made it through Christmas and that was it. I also have some nicer ones that are still working. They come on automatically around 5pm and go off at 11pm. I use them for night lights in the bathroom.
Danny has his toys strewn all over the bed. He only plays with two but he keeps the others on the bed. I have some on the top of the sofa that I squeak when he barks at the television. If he keeps it up, I throw it near him. It gets his attention away from the TV. He barks at animals on there. He must think they are in the livingroom.
I packed up some more boxes, taped up all the seems and put them under one of the beds. I have to use under the beds for storage. The day bed is high so I can fit bigger boxes under it. The trundle has limited space under it and the other beds are low to the floor. I do have a plastic picnic table and a card table under the king size bed and there is still plenty of room for Danny to hide under there. Speaking of hiding, There were several loud noises early this evening that shook the house. I have no idea what it was. I looked out both doors and saw nothing. None of the neighbors ran out. I guess they are used to it. It could have been the Army Corps of Engineers blasting something or the Aberdeen Proving Grounds setting off there artillery. Last time, it was a farmer blasting something with dynamite. I wish they would let us know when they are going to do that. It scares the heck out of me. I can't fit under the bed to hide with Danny.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do much today. I tried making some calls but couldn't reach anyone. I did some laundry and hung some things on the walls. I put some towel hooks in the 2nd bathroom. I wonder why they design bathrooms with one towel rack. I have always had to add towel racks. Two could be placed on the back of the door if the first one were high enough to put the second underneath it. The one that is in the second bathroom keeps falling off the wall. I think the mounting is bent. I bent it back and it seems to be holding. The towel hooks were actually for curtains to hold them back at the sides. I turned it up like a giant hook. It is sort of like having a towel ring but is open. I put one high enough so the second could go under it.
The master bath has a rack on back of the door that is too narrow to hang a wet towel on it. I have to drape it around the ends. The shower doors each have a rack. One is on the inside so I guess you either have to remember the towel is there before turning on the water or just use it for wash cloths. Maybe there is only one rack because they are so expensive.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Driving to church this morning, there was a sign in the road about three quarters of a mile west of here. It said "Road Closed". I thought great. I have to drive 20 miles around to get to church and only have five minutes to do it. An oncoming car came through so I continued on. I figured I could turn around if the bridge were flooded. I saw where the water had been over the road but had receded to the swamp. The bridge did not flood but a low lying area near it. I imagine the tide was coming up from the canal and bay and the rain was bringing water down from Back Creek. The parking lot at the Chesapeake Inn was flooded and possibly the ground floor there. I had two inches of rain in the rain gauge.
A children's group at the church was selling flowers so I got the last of them. It was less that a flat. There were two containers of wax plant begonias; one red and one pink, two containers of dusty miller, and one container of marigolds. Some had four in the container and some had six. It is still too early to plant them. I put them on the steps all day and brought them into the bathroom for the night.
When I got home from church, I did some raking of leaves that had piled up over the winter. I took Danny for his walk. We stopped and talked to two neighbors. One was a lady who is a truck driver and the other was Jim. Danny likes both of them. We also met a boy walking the Pug dog. They sniffed each other and then Danny growled and snapped at her. He usually likes other dogs but doesn't like puppies. I didn't think the pug was a puppy because she looked like she just had puppies. She could still be under two years or two and a half years old. That seems to be how old dogs need to be before Danny likes them. Although he has two dog friends who are puppies. One is a Cairn Terrier named Barley and the other is a Yorkie named Cuddles.
I watched the Burn Notice Marathon this afternoon. I talked to Ted's mother, had a light dinner and watched Sherlock Holmes and Masterpiece Classic.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It rained most of the day. I took my red winter coat to the dry cleaners and got a few things at Redner's supermarket. They gave me a card for discount gas at the Sunoco station. When I reach $100.00 in grocery purchases, I get $.10 off per gallon. The church will also get 1% of my purchases. Pretty cool.
We lost power for about 2 hours today. I was watching a movie, "The Young Victoria." I got cut off and wasn't able to see the last half hour of it. I hope they have it on again. Danny hid under the bed because of the thunder. I took him out around 6pm and got back in just in time before another round of thunderstorms. Danny ran back under the bed. He stayed there until 10pm. I took him out. It was rather quite and no rain. I got him out in the nick of time because it started raining again. Another band is coming through. There is supposed to be high winds and a tornado warning has been in effect. I'm afraid to go to bed. I may have to head for the ditch out back.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I cut the grass this morning. It was the first time I cut it here. I also put down the crab grass preventer in the area it grew last year. The grass was all uneven and now looks nice and green. The back yard is nearly all moss except for the onion grass. I also cleaned out the flower bed on the south side which is in the back. I tried to chop up the leaves with the mower and got a whiff of stink bugs. They must have been hiding in the leaves. I did find a couple hiding in my green plastic lawn chairs. I had the two stacked together and they were hiding between them. The mower got clogged with the leaves and shut down. I let it cool before putting it away. I got out the rake, raked them up and carried them down and threw them over the embankment. I have some more leaves to do under the steps on the east side and the flower bed in back of the steps. The wind blew them in there all winter.
While walking Danny, our neighbor, Sue, was sitting on her glider in front of her house. She invited us to sit with her for awhile so we did. It was nice. The sun was warm but not too hot. It was a beautiful spring day. The mowing was a little harder that it was at Vineland. Vineland was perfectly flat and here I have a slight incline. I didn't notice it much or didn't give it much thought but having to push the mower up an incline makes it noticable.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Pansies in my railing planter. I found the planter thrown over the embankment of the drainage ditch last year. I got a liner at Home Depot and planted petunias last year but while in Vineland, they dried out and never recovered. I thought I'd try pansies this year. I was able to put them in during March as they tolerate cold weather.
Chesapeake City First Presbyterian Church on the north side of the canal.
I went to my exercise class at the Methodist Church this morning. It was another tough workout. The executive assistant is leaving so I gave them my resume. I had thought on getting a part time job after I got settled. This is 4 hours a day and close to my home. I would not need a sitter for Danny. I have mixed feeling about being tied down to a job after not working for a few years. I don't even know if I'll get the job; I haven't had an interview yet. I thougt I'd look into it. I had to practically give my house away and everything is becoming so expensive. I won't be able to go to my exercise class but I'll have the afternoon's free. I'll have to give it some thought and prayer.
When I got home from the exercise class, I planted some bulbs in the flower beds. I had bought some from one of the neighbor kids. It was their Christmas fundraiser for school. I thought I bought delphiniums. When the bulbs came in, the ground was frozen. I didn't even look at them. I put them in the master bathroom as it is very cool in there. It was called the blue collection. It turns out it was purple crocuses, dutch irises, purple squill, and grape hyacinths. I hate grape hyacinths. I planted them in the woods. The others I like OK. I planted them along the front and side. I also planted an astilbe and a dalia. I got them at the supermarket.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My new hairdo.
This morning, I went to a Senior activity at the Chesapeake City Presbyterian Church on the north side of the canal. The speaker had a computer slide show of the historical buildings of Chesapeake City. Many of the buildings are no longer here. It used to be a community with all the stores one would need within an easy walk. The were two pharmacies, a few gas stations, a general store, a shoe maker, a barber shop, a movie theatre, and The American Store which is now called Acme Market. The Acme is 10 miles north of here. Many of the photos were taken in the 1920's. I brought my lunch but I didn't stay because Danny didn't cooperate this morning. I took him out twice but he wouldn't do his business so I hurried home. I shouldn't have bothered because he didn't do his business when I took him out at lunchtime. I wish he could talk and say, "I don't have to go." He finally went in the afternoon.
I went to the Lenten Service tonight. It was at St. Rose of Lima R. C. Church. They had a soup and bread supper before the service. I sat with a lady from the Methodist Church, Marian. She had a 17 year old girl with her. I don't know if it is her daughter or a friend. Marian teaches the youth group at church so it could be one of her students. The girl's name is Laurel Lynn. (not sure of the spelling). The priest, Father Grasing (pronounced Gray sing), sat at our table. It turned out he went to high school with Marian's brother in Delaware. She grew up on a farm, one of ten siblings. It was a nice service. It was their Vesper Service. Psalms were sung and a hymn was sung to the tune of Amazing Grace but with different lyrics.
The Presbyterian minister gave the sermon. It was very moving.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It rained this morning, cleared up and now it's raining again. I went to my exercise class. It felt like it was tough sledding. I was tired before I started and tired afterward. When I got home, I walked Danny and then took off for Walmart in Middletown, DE. I was out of everything so it took longer than I anticipated. It is a large superstore. I needed some crab preventer and the garden center was at the opposite end of the store than the groceries. I went through, comparing prices and looking at the sodium content of everything. What a pain.
It was 1pm when I got back so had to walk Danny before I could eat lunch. I had some soup and one to Walmart's whole grain rolls. I really like them. I had one for dinner, too.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the hair dresser this morning. Her name is Karen. She is the owner of Chesapeake Hair Studio. It overlooks the marina and has a beautiful weeping Cherry Tree in the yard. I got a new perm. It's a spiral perm and it turned out well. I took some pictures that I will post tomorrow. It feels good to have my hair curly again.
This afternoon, I planted some little trees from the Arbor Foundation in the back yard on the edge of the woods. They were just sticks but I had planted some in Vineland that grew very nicely and lined the edge of my yard. They are supposed to be planted in a sheltered area for one or two years and then transplanted to their permanent location. They are a couple dogwoods, redbuds, and myrtles. I will give some to my niece. She has a large property and and fit them in well. The dogwoods may be a problem as the ones in this area have a disease and have either died or are dying. Cheryl lost a couple and one of my neighbors lost a couple. Another neighbor has one that doesn't look too good. I have a Japanese dogwood that seems to be doing OK.
My flowers are jumping out of the ground. The dogtooth violet is about to bloom. The astilbies are coming up and so are my bleeding hearts that I thought I'd lost. I accidentally stepped on one while planting my trees. I hope it survives. I could kick myself for doing that. It was coming along really well. I have large yellow crocuses blooming along the driveway. I brought them from Vineland. The rhododendrons grew over them and they were too shaded and hadn't bloomed for years. Ted liked the large yellow crocuses. I'm glad they are doing well here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church this morning and left right after the service. It ran late on a day that I had to go to PA. I had to skip Sunday School which I enjoy. I rushed home to get Danny's things packed up and we were off. I dropped Danny off at my brother, Don's and went to my Aunt Jean's at her new condo. She and her daughters were having a bridal shower for her grandson's fiance, Kristina. The condo was decorated with lovely white garlands and balloons and white drapery. Jan and her daughters were down from upstate NY. They spent a lot of time preparing the delicious food. The table was elegant. There we were, as if we were all dressed up for the Prom and were stood up. Kristina was sick and unable to make it. She felt even more horrible when she found out they were having a shower for her. We played a couple games and ate the food. We had a nice time visiting with each other.
When I got to Don's, I took Danny for a walk around the block. He wanted to keep going. He likes to explore. I visited with Don for awhile and then headed for home. I watched the new "Upstairs, Downstairs." It was pretty good. Jean Marsh who starred in the original is also starring in this one. The program picks up years later in 1936. The house had been empty for quite sometime and a new young couple bought it. I enjoyed the show and look forward to next week.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It is hyacinth time. These are some that I brought from Vineland. There are a few that were here but they are a very pale pink, almost white. I like these bright pink ones.
I went to exercise class this morning. It was a good workout. I did some computer work. I went out to the shed, rearranged some things and vacuumed. I didn't see many stink bugs but I didn't move anything off the shelves. I just rearranged some thing that were on the floor. I made a little more space there. I saw some boxes that I have no idea what is in them. I'll go through them on another day. I just had to clear a space to get to them. That's about all I did except for put Danny in the shower. I must not have gotten him clean last night. He needed a good hosing down.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Pastor Amy's class this morning only to find it was canceled. I stopped by the new beauty salon. They had a list of prices in a box outside so I took a look. They looked reasonable so I went inside. A couple was leaving so I waited. I talked to the beautician, Karen, and made an appointment for Monday. She is the first hairdresser I ever knew who was open on Monday. We discussed what to do with my hair. I thought I'd try a spiral perm as my hair is very long now. If I don't like it, I can always get it cut.
Driving past the marina, I saw a bald eagle swoop down, catch a fish, and fly off with it. I had my camera with me but there was no where to pull over and even if I could pull over there wouldn't have been enough time to get a photo of it.
When I got home, I finished up my taxes and e-filed them. I hope they are accepted by the feds, and both states. Maryland's was very confusing. I only lived here three months of 2010. I had the income divided between when I lived in NJ and when I lived in MD. New Jersey's went fine but MD didn't ask anything about my income here only what I earned while living in NJ. I guess it pulled the info from the Fed and NJ returns but who knows.
I went to the Presbyterian Church tonight for the Lenten Soup and Service. Someone made a delicious white bean and chicken chili. There was homemade bread and rolls, salad, and desserts. Also, ice tea unsweetened. Yeah! I sat with Emily from my exercise class. She goes to the Presbyterian Church. It is on the north side of the canal. (I am on the south side.) My friends from the Methodist Church didn't come until later. Pastor Amy took part in the service and Pastor Kevin from the Wesleyan did the sermon. He did a nice job. Everyone applauded when he was finished. The hymns were traditional out of the Westminster Hymnal. Two of them I didn't recognize and the first one I don't think anyone else did either.
Danny is hiding under the bed. He is afraid of the snapping noise that the bottled water makes. The plastic is very thin and dents when holding it. It snaps back into place when sitting on the table. When it snapped, he took off to hide and hasn't come out. I guess he's down for the night. He usually comes out to sit on my lap when I'm on the computer. I guess he had enough of being terrified for today. When we were walking before dinnertime, some hunters shot off their guns and he made an about face to go home.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning and then headed to Elkton to pick up my prescription at Walgreen's. I needed a few things and Walgreen's had everything I needed including butter. It cost more there but it was pouring down rain and I didn't feel like stopping at the Acme. It was 72 degrees when I took Danny out in the morning. It dropped down to 48 degrees when I took him out before supper.
A lot of my flowers opened up in the warm air yesterday so I took some pictures of them. I'll get them ready for Friday. One of my neighbors has a magnolia all budded up and I saw either peach or cherry trees blooming. The pear trees are about to burst open. Spring is underway.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a warm day today. It went over 80 degrees. It's still 68 at 11:10. It was about 45 this morning. I dressed for winter but didn't put Danny's coat on him. When I walked him before lunch, it had warmed up to 70 degrees. Two neighbor ladies were riding their bicycles so when I was done walking Danny, I pumped up my tires and took out the bike. Robbie came and put the mulch down along the side flowerbeds and then put the throttle cable on the mower. He made sure it started up and it was good to go. Even the breeze was warm like a summer day. I hope the cold weather is gone. I got out my flip-flops. My feet felt free for the first time since November. I have worn hunting socks during the day and bed socks when I went to bed.
I talked to my friend, June in Vineland and to my Aunt Jean. She had a problem with her coffee pot and the circuit breaker for the kitchen. She had to make her coffee in the yellow bedroom. My cousin's husband said it was straightened out not.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A nice sunny day today. Still a little on the cool side. I went to church and Sunday School. I helped clean up the kitchen afterward. I saw one of the ladies doing it by herself. I was with Frances. She had a meeting after the 10 o'clock service and didn't know whether to stay or go home and come back. She didn't want to go to the Contemporary Service so I said, "Maybe she needs some help in the kitchen." So that's what we did. I got to take home a slice of blueberry pie and a few bagels that were left over from Fellowship Hour. They were going to be thrown out.
I needed to sort out some paperwork so I did that this afternoon. I also put out the recyclable trash. I had a lot of cardboard boxes that I had broken down during the week so I fit them in the can along with the other stuff and wheeled it out to the road.
I walked Danny at lunchtime and around 4 o'clock. We stopped to see his friend, Barley. Barley whines and cries when he sees Danny. Rex and Kay were out on their deck with Barley so we went up and talked for awhile. Danny and Barley sniffed each other and that was it for them. They ignored each other after that.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A spring peeper, also known as tree frogs, sitting on the railing of my entrance. It is about the size of the tip of my thumb. I don't here any out back but they are across the road and in the woods on the west side of the park.
It was another cold and gloomy morning. The sun finally came out this afternoon. Danny and I walked around the mobile home park with neighbor, Sue and her husband. The highlight was afterward when Danny got his bath or rather, shower. I have a walk in shower and when I'm done, I open the door and call Danny to come in. He doesn't like getting wet so I'm amazed when he comes into the shower. I bought an extra long hose for the hand held shower head. I hose him down and lather him up. I have to be careful because he doesn't know how to hold his breath. He tries to lick the water and can get some down the wrong pipe. After I lather him up, I squirt him off. He shakes a few times and then I open the door. He tries to dry his face on the towel mat. I rub him dry and then open the bathroom door. He takes off like a shot and runs from one end of the house to the other. He comes back, jumps up on the bed and is ready for the hair dryer to dry finish drying him off. After he is dry, he is ready to play with his plush toy bone. I throw it from the bedroom into the living room and he runs to get it. He then runs with it from one end of the house to the other. He comes back and wants to play tug of war until I get it and throw it again. After dinner, he curled up on my lap and went to sleep.
I just realized why his apricot fur has turned so light. The shampoo must have some kind of bleach in it as he becomes very white after his bath.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The early snow crocuses are finished now. In an early spring, I have seen them bloom at the end of January. This year, March weather seemed like February. I have some daffodils blooming on the west side but the others have big buds on them but have stalled in their blooming.
Purple crocuses are still blooming. Spring is set back because of the cold spell. It has been 10 degrees below normal for this time of year.