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I trimmed Danny's feet and face this morning and deleted some more photos and old emails off my computer. It was a hot day. I don't know how high it got; it was predicted to go into the 90's. I stayed inside most of the day. I watered the flowers I bought the other day and that was it for outdoors. Danny didn't go far for his walk. He went halfway around the block this morning. We met our neighbor, John. Danny likes John. He stops and looks at John's door each time we go past.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When I walk out the door, the air smells like honeysuckle. It is a lovely fragrance to greet the day.
I went to my brother, Don's this morning and then we went to Glenwood Memorial Gardens where Ted and my parents are buried. I put some red, white and blue bouquets on the graves and Don put some pink roses from my mother's garden. There is only one rose bush left as the trees have grown so tall that almost the entire yard is shaded. We got some sandwiches at WaWa for our lunch. Don showed some National Park Videos and a slide show he put together from his trip to Avalon, NJ. He also showed a slide show of our trip to Michigan. I left about 2:30 to avoid heavy traffic.
It was a hot one today and humid. It is still 88 degrees. The air conditioner was getting too cold so I pushed the thermostat up high enough to shut it off. I think it was running all afternoon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
May 29. 1971
The is the Chestertown Presbyterian Church. It was across from the Kentucky Fried Chicken where I ate last week.
Yesterday I had a wonderful time with my Aunt Peg and cousins Rosemary and Carmsie and my brother, Don. They came to visit me and we had lunch at a waterfront restaurant in town. We sat a table next to the window looking out over the canal and marina. What a joy is was to spend time with them. I hadn't seen them for about 10 years. They had all moved and so had I so we didn't have each others addresses, phone numbers or emails. I found Carmsie on facebook. She had a photo of her mother for mother's day so I was able to find the right person.
We so much enjoyed our lunch and our time together. It was so good to renew our relationship.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I woke up feeling an itch on the back of my leg. I felt a tick. It was a bitty little speck of a tick. I took the tweezers and got it out.
I got my hair trimmed and she put it in a French Braid. I was hoping it would last until tomorrow but my hair is very fine and the lower part of it is coming out. I may be able to salvage the upper part of it. She did a nice job on it. It is hard to do on myself.
I did some wash and ironed my cotton pants and capris. It was too hot to stay outside long. Danny didn't like being out either.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My Blue Trinity plants doing well in the deep shade of the wooded backyard.
The little yellow flowers I brought from Vineland. The started blooming yesterday. They usually bloom in June so they are a little early. A neighbor in Vineland gave me these plants about 30 years ago. He called them "Little Yellow Italian Flowers" I call the George's little Italian flowers.
They are doing well here. They have really taken off.
This morning, I took my house plants outside, squirted them off, pruned them and put them in a shady area. I cleaned up the mess that they left in the bedrooms. I took out a weed that was growing all through my lilies. I took Danny out but it was too hot for him. He didn't go far. I retreated to my air-conditioned house and stayed there all afternoon.
I had a lot of phone calls on my cell phone this afternoon. It seemed like one after another. My battery ran low. I think it's time to get a new phone. The battery doesn't hold its charge very long.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the pastor's Bible Study this morning only to find it had been canceled. I had wanted to go over the service for Sunday because I am the lay-reader this week. The Bulletin is usually ready on Wednesday but that wasn't done either. I hate having to get up in front of a group of people being unprepared.
I pulled a muscle in my arm yesterday; I guess it was during exercise class. I had Robbie cut my grass as I didn't think I'd be able to pull the starter rope. I didn't want to injure it any further. It I feeling better tonight.
I hung some more paintings and wall hangings in the yellow and blue bedrooms. I was waiting until I got some fancy wall hanging nails but you can't see it behind the picture anyway so I used what I had.
It was another hot one today but has cooled off now. I walked Danny and met a neighbor, Linda who lives in the next block. I walked with her almost to her house where I cut through the empty lot to come back home. Linda lives next to Sue, another neighbor and friend. Sue and her husband, Ray helped me shovel out the snow around Christmas of 2009 when we had two feet of the stuff.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning. It was our last class of the season. The Pre-school will be having their graduation on Thursday so the building will not be open for us until September. It was extremely hot and humid.
After the class, I went to the supermarket. I only had a few things on my list but ended up filling up the cart.
I didn't do much else today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I hung some more wall hangings in the computer room today and adjusted a shelf in the blue room. I did some laundry and worked on the computer. I talked on the phone to my sister-in-law, my aunt, Ted's parents, and my niece. I did some vacuuming and that was about it for today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was thinking today that Ted and I would go to the Jersey shore nearly every Saturday afternoon starting in April. I live to far from the Jersey shore but I live on a peninsula surrounded by water. I actually live on an island because the canal cut the peninsula off near the top. I decided to go out and see some of the sights here. I took Danny and drove to Chestertown. It is a little bigger than I thought with a shopping center and two super markets. It also is the home of Washington College which was founded in 1782. It is on the Chester River. On the way down, I drove past many dairy farms with Registered Holsteins. The land was flat to a slight rolling terrain of farm lands. I crossed three rivers, the Bohemia, the Sassafras, and the Chester. I also crossed three counties: Cecil, Kent, and Queen Anne. I actually drove a little past Chestertown when I crossed the Chester River into Kingston in Queen Anne County.
I wish I had a little more time. Chestertown is a quaint little town to walk around in. I was past dinner time and I needed to find a place with either drive thru or take out as I had Danny with me. I needed some things in the Acme. It was a smaller Acme than the one in Elkton and the food seemed more expensive with less variety. I didn't see any 10 for $10.00 items. They had mangos for $1.00 but they were hard and green. I got a couple oranges for $.75/each and a can of baked beans. I had one can in the cupboard but needed another to take as a covered dish to church tomorrow. I looked around but didn't see anything else I could take.
I past a couple gas stations the had gas for $3.779. I didn't stop because I was nearly full. Most places around here are $3.899. The Royal Farms in Cecilton just opened and has the $3.779. I filled up there last time but it's kind of a pain as you have to go inside to prepay and then they give you a credit if you don't use the amount that you guessed you would use. You also have to look at the number of the pump you are using.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This iris has more of a mauve tone.
Here are two different variets of purple irises.
My pink Trinity plant that I brought from Vineland. It blooms in deep shade. I don't seem any blue ones yet. I hope they will bloom later.
This purple and lavender iris is one that I brought from Vineland.
In this photo, the iris appears to be peach. It actually looks more like tan with yellow interior. I picked this up off the side of the road in Vineland where new neighbors moved in and tore out the iris garden.
My iris garden. The lavender irises were here when I came. They seem to have taken well to transplanting under the dogwood tree.
This is one of the Easter lillies I put in the church in memory of Ted. They were not open at Easter but bloomed beautifully in my planters out front.
The clementis was beautiful the firs part of the week. It is finished now.
This iris is so deep purple, it appears to be black. The camera lightened the color of the iris.
I had two good workouts today. I went to exercise class and then came home to cut the grass. I decided to lower the blade on the mower because I wanted it shorter. Maybe it won't long so long and straggly in two days. The grass was long, thick, heavy and wet. I think the clippings clogged up underneath and made the mower clunk out. I doesn't like to start when it's hot so I had to wait for it to cool down. I was hot and sweaty and it was humid. I wore myself out trying to start it hoping it had cooled enough. It took it's good old time and then when it was ready, it started right up. I was able to get the rest of the grass cut. I took Danny for his walk and then hosed myself down in the shower. I made some lunch and the storm came. It rained hard and then cleared off. Another round of thunderstorms came through. I took Danny out between storms. He was about to do his business when he heard thunder way off in the distance. It was bright and sunny out but he made a bee line for home and hid under the bed. I took him out again around 8:30. It wasn't raining but it was dripping and wet. He didn't want to stay out so he'll have to hold it until morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do much today. I did some laundry and then got on my grass cutting duds. I waited until about 11am for the grass to dry off. I opened the door and it was raining. I wear old clothes and shoes to cut the grass as they get grass stain all over them. I took off the grass cutting duds and did some computer work. At noon, I took Danny out and it had stopped raining. It didn't amount to much but wet the grass. I hope I can get to it tomorrow because it's going to rain again in the afternoon.
My cousin, Joy, called this afternoon. We talked for a long while. She wanted to see how I was recovering from my tick bite. I told her that cousin, Kassie, had some old family pictures that were displayed at the church hall after the funeral last week. Joy didn't go to the cemetery so didn't get to see them. There was a portrait photo of Joy's grandmother and my great grandmother. I wouldn't have know but something made me look closely at the photo and I turned it over and saw the name on the back. There was also an original photo of the Myers brothers blacksmith shop in Nebraska. The Myers's were my grandmother's cousins. The went from Nebraska to California. There may be more family photos. I'll have to invite Donna and Kassie over with the photos and scan them in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I stayed up last night to watch a Perry Mason mystery and fell asleep 15 minutes before the end. I hate when I do that. I don't know "Who done it?"
It stormed last night and was raining this morning. The rain stopped by the time I left for exercise class but it was cloudy all day. I felt tired all day. I don't know if it was because of the weather or what. I didn't do much. I did some computer word and ran the dishwasher. That was it for the day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The Landenberg United Methodist Church.
Landenberg is a tiny little town. It has a church, general store, hotel, and maybe a fire company. It used to have a train station but that is long gone. It wasn't there in my lifetime but I seem to remember the tracks. My mother used to go to Aunt Fannie's with her mother and Aunt Grace. The town is surrounded by woods and farms and more recently, expensive housing developements.
This is where my cousin's funeral service was last week. When I was a kid, I stayed for a few days with my Great Aunt Fannie and Uncle Ernest. I went with them to this little church. It seemed bigger then but everything seems bigger when you are a kid. Aunt Fannie also had her funeral service there. The pastor gave the ulogy on "In my father's house there are many rooms." He related it to "In Fannie Crossan's house there are many rooms." The pastor who was retired, had stayed in one of Aunt Fannie's rooms and so had many of my relatives. We could all relate to having stayed at Aunt Fannie's house and of the wonderful memories we had with her.
I just got finished washing Danny's feet with Dawn. He had pine pitch in the fur between his toes and pads of his paws. I had to cut some of it out. I think it came from the cedar trees. I have one out front and there is another one halfway down the block where Danny likes to mark his territory.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Elkton this morning. They have a nice department store called Peebles. I got a new white pocketbook for summer and a pair of black sandals. Peebles is in the same shopping center as the Acme Super Market where I got my groceries.
I didn't do much else today. I washed some clothes and planted some seeds out near the fence. It was a dreary, rainy day. The forecast is for more of the same for the next week. I took some photos of my flowers that I will post on Friday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took Danny to the Vet this morning. The growths on his skin were cysts. The one looked different as it had a hard core that was coming out of the center. It looked like an insect was burrowed in and then coming out. The Dr. took the core out and sprayed it with some kind of antiseptic. She looked at the other growth on his foot and that, too was a cyst. It looked like some kind of insect larvae. I was relieved to know they were nothing to be concerned about. He had his nails done while we were there. It took two of us to hold him down. He hated getting his nails done.
I planted the plants I got from the church sale when we got back. Wax plants and dusty miller adorn the back yard. They are good shade plants.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The carnations were here when I came. They make a lovely colorful addition to the dogwood garden.
These are the flowers blooming this week.
My clementis is doing beautifully. It was almost dead in Vineland as the trees shaded it too heavily. I hope eventually it will climb on the fence.
I think this is a Chinese dogwood. Notice the ends of the flowers are in points. The American dogwood has a concave structure at the end of the flowers with a pinkish stain. Some say it represents the nails in the Cross.
I believe I brought these irises from Vineland. They have spread nicely. I planted many in the dogwood flowerbed but so far, only two varietys are blooming. I hope the others survived and will bloom later.
The lavender irises were here when I came. They were in a separate flower bed in the middle of the lawn. They were overgrown with weeds so I transplanted them to the flower bed around the dogwood tree.
This pink lily was an Easter gift from my brother. It had two flowering stalks. One broke off before he could give it to me. The second one flowered beautifully. It had four gorgeous blooms and one more to open.
I went to my exercise class this morning. When I got home, I got the gas can and went over to the bank, post office, and to the gas station. I cut the grass, took Danny for his walk, and had some lunch. I downloaded my photos from my camera so they will be ready for Friday Flower Bloggin. I was exhausted so I vegetated for the rest of the day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
May has been balmy these past few days. I put on my jacket in the morning but by afternoon, it is warm and pleasant. I went on my interview this afternoon. I was the first one of six to be interviewed. I feel it went well but the others may have excellent qualifications, also. I will leave it in God's hands whether I get the job or not.
I cut the grass this afternoon. I only cut the east side and the back because I was low on gas. I didn't want to run completely out. I need to go to the gas station and get the can filled. Janine was cutting the grass next door so I thought it would be a good time to cut mine. She has her twin granddaughters living with her and I didn't want to run the mower outside her windows and disturb the babies. Since she was out there I figured it would be a good time. I'll finish the west side tomorrow after I get the gas.
I also worked on the trash can. The wheel fell off its axle. The cap was lost so I had to improvise on a way to fix it. I used an O ring from the hose washers and one of those clamps that screw on. It seems to be working all right. I just hope it holds up.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to my cousin's funeral today. It was a beautiful day and a pleasant drive through northwestern Delaware and southeastern Pennsylvania. The service was at the little Methodist Church in the town of Landenberg. My grandmother lived there as a child and two of her sisters married local boys. Grandmom's family moved to suburban Philadelphia but Aunt Fannie stayed in Landenberg. Aunt Hester was there for a while but also moved to the Philadelphia area, later. Aunt Fannie's husband was a farmer. Every Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day she would invite all her brothers and sisters and their families for a picnic at the farm. It was like having 3 family reunions each summer. She had a large farm house that was 3 stories. There were many rooms and some of the family would stay for the weekend. I had the opportunity to stay one summer when I was 8 years old. My older brother would go and stay every summer to help with the farm work. I wanted to do that too but I was a skinny little runt of a kid and the cows were big. I was afraid of them. It wasn't like the family reunions when all the cousins were there. I was the only kid and had no one to play with. Aunt Fannie called Lorraine to come over and play with me. We took a walk to the spring where ice cold water came flowing out of a fountain. When we got back, it was time to collect the eggs. It was an easy job for me but some of the hens wouldn't get off the nest. I was afraid of the but Lorraine, grabbed the hens and pulled them off so I could get the eggs. Five years later, Lorraine married my mother's cousin, John. I told this story at Lorraine's funeral today. Lorraine's family thanked me for sharing with them. Her children had no idea I knew Lorraine way back then.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I finished putting up the 2nd shelf in the blue bedroom and put everything back in.
I was concerned about the tick bite so I went to the doctor to check it out. It was a bull's eye and she put me on antibiotics for Lyme Disease. I was feeling good otherwise. I had no other symptoms but after lunch, my joints were aching and I didn't feel very well. I feel OK now but just tired. It may be side effects from the antibiotic. I'll see how I feel in the morning. I had planned to go to my cousin's funeral but if I'm not feeling well, I won't go.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
In memory of my dear mother who I loved and still love so much.
I did some more mulching today and planted my marigolds on the west side. Of course, before I planted them, I had to do some weeding. The west side garden was full of a vine that looks like a strawberry plant. It has tiny little strawberries on it but they are not strawberries. I tasted one once and it was terrible. There was also some other kind of weed and some poison ivy. The mint has taken over and is very fragrant when weeding. I only remove a few of the mint plants. I read where mice hate mint so I'll transplant the excess all along the perimeter of the mobile home and around the shed.
It was a nice day today, in the 70's. It started out cool with the temp around 40. It should be in the 70's all week. The mulch along the east walk way and the front fence looks nice. The grass is thickening up and is nice and green.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do too much today. I paid some bills and did the laundry. I put some mulch down along the walkway. I finished transferring my clothes from the yellow room to the master bedroom closet. Now I hope it will warm up so I don't have to run back and forth for my winter clothes.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The wood hyacinths are doing well but I only see the blue ones. I hope the pink ones survived the transplant.
Lily of the Valley. I brought several plants from Vineland but only a few survived. They will spread quickly.
Hardy gerainium although, it is much bluer than this appears in photo.
Creeping Flox along walkway.
Dogwoods blooming in woods along embankment.
My two bleeding hearts.
I installed a second shelf in the yellow bedroom closet this morning. It provides a lot more space to put things. I keep the out of season clothes in there. I also keep some extra blankets and comforters. I am starting to transfer the winter clothes from my bedroom to the yellow room and bring the summer clothes from there into here.
I also cut the grass this morning. I cut it last Friday but it needed it yesterday. I figured I'd do it today because tomorrow it's supposed to rain. I cut it on a diagonal this time. It is starting to thicken up. I have to keep my eyes peeled for snakes. The Park Manager, Janine, said the surveyor from the Army Corp of Engineers was out back of her house and saw some black snakes. I think I'd scream if I saw one. The Army Corp of Engineers owns the ditch and land surrounding it. Part of my back yard is owned by them. The Mobile Home Park pays rent to them. I wish they'd come and clean up the trees that have fallen in it. They make little damns that block up the water and mosquitoes can breed there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Here comes the Bride. Kristina with her Father. I don't know why this didn't come out very clear. I didn't get very good pictures.
Judy, Sean's Mother and Brandon, Sean's Brother, the Best Man.
The Wedding. Shawn and Kristina.
I went to exercise class this morning and then to the grocery store. I put some grass patch out on the bare spots on the lawn. My friend, Phyllis called and we had a nice chat. After lunch, I sprayed the Round-up around to get rid of the weeds. That's about all for today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a busy day yesterday. I ran out to do me errands. I went to the cleaners to get my long red coat. Nest to the pet store to get Danny's food and then to the dollar store to get greeting cards.
My neighbor's wife is expecting twins any day now. His sister, my neighbor on the other side had a baby shower for her yesterday. It was a lovely shower with relatives and friends. Jen got a lot of nice things for her babies and everyone had a nice time.
About 4:30, my neice's husband, Ed called and invited me to join them for dinner at a new restuarant in Middletown. I'm glad I didn't stuff myself at the shower. Cheryl, Ed, and I had a nice dinner. It was their treat to me in honor of my birthday last Tuesday. They are getting ready for their vacation to Florida.
News from the Vorlon Wife.