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I did some weeding today and took Danny to the groomers. Shawn and Kristina came this evening and shampoo my livingroom rugs. They were really dirty from all the dirt and debris brought in all winter and spring. I firmed up some more plans for when my cousins from Georgia come up. I have a lot to do tomorrow. I have to do the grocery shopping, put the furniture and things back into the living room, make up the bed for David and Gloria and cut the grass.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I fooled around with this computer for a while today. It is out of disk space. I have too many photos on it. My niece's husband will come and fix it but has other obligations for the next few days. I am unable to upload any photos. I'll use my laptop for Friday Flower Bloggin'.
I cleared away the clutter and small furniture from the living room so I would be ready when my cousin came to clean the carpets. He had to work late tonight so they will be coming tomorrow. I also will take the dog to the groomer tomorrow. I glued some mosaic tile pieces back onto my mosaic I had made in high school and hung it in the bathroom. It is of a schooner in the sunset. I also glued a hat my friend Sonia made for my front door. They were laying around in the way. I started to weed out front but it started raining. We got about an inch in a very short period of time. We needed it gut It will dry out quickly.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I made plans for my company that's coming for the weekend. I think we will go to Philly on Friday, Aunt Jean's on Sat. and also to see my cousin, Scott sing. Sunday we will go to my cousin Rosemary and Aunt Peg's and visit with their family. Monday is uncertain. There are fireworks at the marina so we may go there at night.
My cousin, Shawn and his wife, Kristina are coming tomorrow night to clean my livingroom carpets. They just started a cleaning business so I asked Shawn if he cleaned carpets. My livingroom carpet is off white and cream. What a mess. I take off my shoes, wipe off Danny's feet and still debris get tracked in all over the carpet. I have a mat near the door and a runner across the livingroom. I spot cleaned where Danny threw-up and the spots are bright white. I don't have the energy to do it myself so I am glad Shawn and Kristina will do it.
I also did some menu planning. I'm not used to cooking for a large family. When I had a big group at holiday time, I had Ted to help me. I don't even know how much food to buy. I'll see what's on sale and go from there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Old Episcopal Church on road between Cecilton and Chestertown, MD. This little church had its windows all boarded up. It's sad to see that.
I didn't do much yesterday. The roof was finished. My friend and neighbor, Marlene, and I went into town to look around at the sidewalk sales and the boats in the marina. I found a place to park not far from the marina but we had to walk about 3/4 mile to town. One boat in the marina was blaring loud, obnoxious music and the people on the boat were dancing and singing along with it. The lyrics contained four letter words that was broadcast for miles. The church band played praise music and guess which one got the complaint? Maybe they didn't hear the other. The church was at one side of town and the boat at the other.
I went to church today and as I was sitting there, I remembered I forgot to take the roller out of the end of my pony tale. I'm glad I remembered before I took up the offering. The would have been cute walking down the center isle with a blue roller hanging from my hair.
I had more bad news about my cousin's husband. They have given him 11 months to live. This is just so unbelievable. He was like Ted in that he was physically fit and ate well. He would make a juice drink in the blender like Ted did.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
These lovely lilies were victims of the work I had done under my trailer. They were big buds so I brought them in, put them in water and look how pretty they are.
The air conditioner had been coming on around 11am. Yesterday, it came on at 8:30am and this morning it came on at 6:30am. The weather keeps threating rain but so far none. The roofer hoped to finish today but it just got too hot. He had to quit. He was sunburned. The sweat washed the sunblocker off. He should finish up tomorrow morning. This is Canal Days weekend. I ran into town and the traffic was starting already. It will be worse tonight and tomorrow I'll have to go out the back way if I want to go anywhere. I need a new cell phone. Mine won't hold a charge. I thought I'd get one of those new fangled ones but the month fee is $60.00 more than I am paying now. Forget it. I don't need to email from my phone and I don't need to take pictures with it. All the phones come with cameras now but I like my digital camera. If I have to take a picture with my phone in an emergency then I'll pay the .20 to download it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The roofing materials were delivered late this morning. The pallets came on a truck with a crane type thing to lift then onto the roof. The roof has been working on the roof ever since. It was cloudy so it wasn't so hot up there. Danny is terrified of the noise. He doesn't know where to hide. He goes from one hiding spot to another. It looks like almost half the roof is done. I guess he will work until dusk. The forecast called for showers all day. It sprinkled a little and I did hear some thunder but the sun has peeked through now. Barring rain, the roof should be done tomorrow or Sat.
I didn't do much of anything today. I was on the computer for awhile. I was trying to track my package I am expecting from UPS. It left TX on the 16th, went to Kansas and there was adverse weather conditions and a train derailment. Next, it went to Laurel, MD which is about an hour away from here. Then for some reason, it went back to Kansas and has been there for two days. I went online and had a chat with someone at Overstock.com. She called UPS and they said it would be delivered within 5 to 10 days of when I bought. I hope so. It is a memory foam mattress pad that I am going to put on the sofa bed when my cousin and his family come next week.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I hung my clothes out on the new clothes line today. I haven't hung clothes outside for a long time. I had a line in Vineland but the backyard became overgrown with trees and the birds would drop their droppings on them. I used the dryer and a clothes rack for things that couldn't go in the dryer. Here I had been using the clothes rack and I put an extra shower curtain rod centered over the bath tub. I hung my clothes on there all winter. It worked out pretty good. The dryer runs up the electric bill more than anything. I just use it when I have too. Sometimes after the clothes are dry, I spin them on air fluff for 15 minutes.
I did some weeding today. I weeded the dandelions out of my flower beds. I also pulled out some crabgrass and zoisa grass. One shoot was about three feet long. I hate that stuff. It looks like crabgrass and it grows into my flower beds.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had some very sad news today. My cousin's husband has inoperable pancreatic cancer. He was like Ted in that he ate well, exercised, and kept himself fit. He is only 56 years old. I just don't understand these things. Please keep him in your prayers. Also keep my friend, Phyllis and her family in your prayers as her mother has passed away.
I didn't do much today. I got a slow start. It was raining when I woke up and Danny didn't wake up until late. I took him out and then went to the bank. I ate my breakfast when I got back. I was on the computer most of the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday, I went to church and there was a small turnout. The substitute minister said the altar candles are not lit. I saw no children in the congregation to be the acolyte so I volunteered to fill in. I always thought it was neat for the young people to light the candles and I thought it would be nice to do so the opportunity presented itself and I was happy to do that. I also have been helping out as an usher for the offering. I was asked to fill in for the head usher next week. Just recently I was wondering what I could do to serve the Lord and opportunities seem to present themselves.
I went to my nephew, Rick's to celebrate Father's Day for the fathers in our family(My brother, Rick, his son, Rick III, Rick's father-in-law, Mike, and Tina's father-in-law, Jack.) and to celebrate my niece, Tina's birthday. It turned out to be a beautiful day as far as the weather was concerned. Rick had a pool party and almost everyone went into the pool. It was hot and humid so the pool felt good.
Danny is much improved. He bounded up the flight of steps to Rick's second floor a couple of times. The third time he looked at the steps as if he were saying, "I'm too old for this." I guess he is out of practice for stairs. I had a two story house in Vineland but here it's all on one floor. He also ran around Rick's yard, chasing the neighbor's dog along the fence. It was good to see the little guy back to his old self.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had some work done on the mobile home today. I added some work for the contractor who will be doing my roof. He installed my clothes line. It is the umbrella type and had to be put in the ground with concrete. I had him install it so that I could take it out if I needed to bring my car or a truck to the shed. The clothes line is in front of it. It had to be in the back part of the property but I wanted it far enough away from the big oak trees out back.
The next thing was some work underneath the mobile home. He put a plastic moisture barrier on the ground, installed some insulating material along the north side of the skirting and repaired some of the insulation that was coming down. It appeared that plumbers and electricians tore some out and left it hanging open. Anyway, those things are done and next winter should be a little warmer. At least it should save on heat.
Danny is doing well. He seems to have gotten over what ever was wrong with him. He still comes up the stairs one paw at a time but he is leaping up and down off the sofa.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Blooming this week is the lovely red lily that I brought from Vineland. There were also yellow lilies that grew nest to this in Vineland but I don't see any here. I hope the small plants that are growing here are the yellow ones.
The pink lily growing on the east side is starting to bloom. I think of it as the bridal bouquet as when it bloomed in Vineland, it had a cluster of blooms that looked like a lovely bridal bouquet.
Pink astilbe growing along the south side of the house which is shaded by the large oak trees.
An Easter Lily I planted last year. I got it at the church: it was placed there in memory of Ted. I have several that are growing nicely.
Danny went for his ultra sound and blood work this morning. He had to check in by 8am. They said the Drs. are at lunch from 12 to 2pm so I paced around all day worrying about Danny. I did plant the rest of my flowers. I put the portulacas along the side walkway near the front and the rest of the impatiens were planted along the back of the house. It is the south side but shaded by the tall oak trees out back.
They finally called at almost 3pm so I went over to get him. I had to wait for Dr. Blakeman as she had another patient. They finally called me and put me in an exam room. An attendant brought Danny in. He was happy to see me and was very hyper and active. I could hardly hold on to him. The attendant forgot to bring his leash so I opened the back door and looked to see if I could see the leash or someone to get it for me. Danny ran out the door, down the hall, and into the lobby behind the desk. I think he wanted to hide somewhere but there was no where to hide.
I got ahold of him and carried him back to the exam room. Dr. Blakeman came in and went over the results of the tests. The ultra sound show everything was normal except for some small cysts on his liver. This was normal for older dogs. His blood work showed a slightly high level of sugar but he had no sugar in his urine so she could diagnose diabetes. Another decease was ruled out because he did not have a bloated belly and he is not overweight. She was puzzled by all this. She gave me a supplement for Danny's liver and I have to go back with a urine sample in three weeks. We just have to monitor Danny and watch for any other symptoms. He seems to be feeling much better. He had been bounding up the steps and in the door. He had jumped up on the bed and sofa and has even played with his toy Zanie bone. He seems back to normal. I just hope he stays that way.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I have gotten several phone calls and messages about Danny. All offering prayers, concern and support. Thank you so much. He seems to feel a little better today. He was anxious to go for his walks and he hopped up on the sofa when I went out to the store. He is still having difficulty get up the steps but goes down OK. He whimpered when I picked him up this morning. I hope the Drs. can find out what is wrong with him and they are able to fix him up. He has been my little buddy and has been with me through thick and thin.
After walking Danny this morning I went out to find the new staples in Elkton. Well, I passed through Elkton and then Northeast and was heading toward Perryville so I turned around. I thought maybe it was in the new Walmart Shopping Center but no. Anyway, I went into Walmart to get the toner for my printer. I stopped in Redner's Supermarket on the way home to exchange a T-shirt that I bought. It had a defect in the back as though it had been torn and then sewed up. They gladly exchanged it and I came on home.
When walking Danny this afternoon, he stopped and stared at my neighbor, John's door. I told Danny John was at work. He stood his ground staring at John's door. He really likes John. I saw John's wife, Carol tending her flowers so we went up and talked to her. She likes Danny, too. She would like to have a dog but she is handicapped and wouldn't be able to take the dog out when John was at work. They also have some beautiful flowers growing in their yard. She had a beautiful lavender Calla Lily. I never had good luck with Calla Lilies but I really like them. Hers were growing on the south side but were shaded by some bushes.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took Danny's urine sample to the Vet this morning. They did the analysis while I waited. There were no signs of anything wrong. I have to take him back on Thursday morning to have an ultra sound done on his abdomen. He seemed a little better today. He walked all the way around the trailer park at noon and at 4:30 this afternoon. He seemed to want to. I left him on the sofa when I went to the Vet and when I came home, he was on the bed so he was able to jump up there. He jumps down OK but will not jump up. He still has a hard time getting up the steps.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took Danny to the Vet again this morning. She took an x ray and it didn't show anything wrong. I had Danny's file with me from his previous vet and remembered that when I first got Danny, he had calcium crystals in his urine and was monitored for that every six months until last year when he had several times that his urine was clear. The Vet said he may have stones in his bladder but it was empty and too small to see. He may have crystals that are irritating him. She thought it sounds like it may be the problem but she has to test his urine to know for sure. He had all ready gone so she was not able to get a specimen while I was there. I tried several times at home but he has short legs and get up close to a pole and I was unable to get a sample. I will try again tomorrow morning. He is still having difficulty getting up the steps and up on the sofa. He seems to get down OK. I just carried him to the bed and he settled down for the night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This a little church on the road to Chestertown. I believe it is a Methodist Church. I forget the name of the little town it is in.
Danny is not doing very well today. He is not able to jump up on the sofa or the bed. I pick him up but he is in pain and moans a little when I do. He was on the sofa this morning but when he saw me going out the door, he jumped down hoping I'd take him with me. He was still standing there when I got home. My niece called and asked me to dinner but I didn't want to leave him standing in the livingroom while I was gone. I'm afraid he may try to jump up on the sofa and not make it, fall on his back and hurt himself. Right now he is hiding under the bed because he heard thunder. I'll take him back to the vet in the morning. I talked to my brother, he said sometimes it takes a while for the antibotics to kick in. I hope that is the case. I am really worried about him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I cut the grass this morning and watered the plants on the west side and along the back. They have no mulch so get dried out faster. I was done-in for the rest of the day as it was about 85 degrees with high humidity. I took Danny for his walk and jumped into the shower. I gave Danny his rice with chicken broth and made a salad for myself. Danny seems to be going down the steps all right but is still coming up slowly, one paw at a time. I hope he is doing a lot better tomorrow. It hurts me to see him in pain.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yellow portulaca. These are also called moss roses.
Danny is doing a little better this morning. I was able to get his medicin into him without any problem. He went down the steps OK this morning but hesitated to jump up on the sofa. Whe I picked him up to sit on my lap at the computer, he whimpered a litttle bit. I hope the medicine cures his problem.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
White astilbe growing next to the shed. It is very shaded here.
Stella d'oro lily. I have one on each side of the house. This one is doing great. They are supposed to bloom all summer but mine don't seem to do that. They may have been too small. I hope they bloom all summer this year. The one on the west side is smaller and more shaded. It is blooming this year and it is larger than it was last year.
Posted by tedkarol on 06/10/11 8:41 AM | Link
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Red flowers on red leaf wax plant begonias. I planted these along the edge of the woods in the back of the house. The red flowers show up well and they bloom in the shade. I want to get either some white wax plants or impatiens for that area. They will some up nicely.
Orange portulaca. The come in many colors.
I brought these pink and lavender astilbes from Vineland. They will bloom in the shade. Here they get a little morning sun along the back of the house. The back is on the south side but is shaded by large oak trees.
I planted portulacas this year. They are just getting started. I had some in Vineland and they reseed themselves. I hope they do so here. They should spread out along the edge of the fence area.
These lovely flowers are doing nicely. I forget their name. They may have several names. I believe they are related to blackeyed susans.
The daisies along the fence just started blooming.
I took Danny to the Vet this morning. He seems to have an inflammation of the abdomen. It could be in his pancreas, liver or stomach. All three are treated with the same antibiotic. I knew there was no way he would take a pill so the Vet gave me a liquid form. That was fun trying to get the syringe into his mouth. I even coated it with jellified chicken broth. It was hard to keep one hand on his harness, one on the syringe and one trying to open his mouth. He had two medicines to take that way. I finally got it down him. He has to get it twice a day. Now he knows what's coming he will be harder than ever.
It was very hot today; it may have reached 100. My neighbor across the street is elderly and doesn't put on her air conditioner. She says she can't afford it. She has an older trailer and no shade at all. It must have been like an oven in there. I invited her to come to my house but she wouldn't come. She said she'd be all right. I offered her my fans that I have in the shed but she said she has three going. I just checked on her and she is OK. The thunder started while I was talking to her and Danny made a bee line for home. He is hiding under the computer desk. When he came in, he looked all over for a place to hide. I guess he wanted to hide near me as he followed me around the house until I opened the computer room door and he ran in under the desk. The rain should cool things down a little. It's only 'sposed to go to 91 tomorrow.
I did some small loads of wash this afternoon. I did a load of reds and a load of darks. That was about it for today.
Thanks for sending your good wishes for Danny. I hope this clears up and it is nothing more serious. The Vet said little dogs have short legs so an infection in the abdomen area will affect their walking and climbing up and down.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I made an appointment for Danny at the Vet. He won't go up or down the stairs. He just stands there and looks at them and then at me. When I picked him up, he whimpered. I hope he will be OK. He did just jump off the sofa and up onto the bed.
I didn't do much today. I sewed the hems on a pair of pants that I cut off and made Capri's out of them. The knees wore out when I was planting my flowers. They were frayed at the bottom so I wore them for grass cutting and gardening.
I took a lamp apart and put a new switch in it hoping that would solve its problem. I got it all put back together, screwed in a bulb, plugged it in an it worked. I took it to the bedroom that I wanted it in and it did not work. The sewing machine was plugged into the same outlet and that worked so I took it back to the outlet in the kitchen and it did not work. I may have to replace the cord.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This morning, I did some computer work. I went out to water the plants and found some gladiola bulbs in the shed. I planted them and then watered the flowers. Some were still moist from the rain but others were dry. I discovered that two of my impatiens were dug up by squirrels. They did that to me in Vineland. If they are dug up again tomorrow, I'll have to anchor then down with cut off clothes hangers. They can't take too much of that or the roots will dry out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I fell asleep last night watching Masterpiece Mystery. I was too tired to blog. After church, I planted my gladiola bulbs and the rest of my portulaca. I also trimmed the bushed back in the back yard. I was hoping to cut down on the ticks getting into the yard. I went the the Hibachi Grill with my niece and her husband for dinner.
Today, I painted some picture frames white and planted my impatients along the edge of the woods in the back yard. I sprayed the area with Yard Guard. I wore long pants tucked into my socks, a long sleeve shirt, a hat, and leather gloves. A tick managed to get between my shirt sleeve and glove and bit the back of my hand. They look like specks of dust. I'll spray with Spectracide tomorrow.
I mounted my pictures into the frames and hung them. The white frames look nice against the blue walls in the back bedroom. One picture is a print of a seascape by Claude Monet. The rest of the pictures are of lighthouses. I also have a crewel work of a seascape. I need two more pictures of lighthouses to balance the one wall. I'll have to have some made of the lighthouse photos I took in Michigan.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The little yellow Italian flowers are in full bloom. I brought both of these flowers from Vineland and they are doing well. I weeded and planted my snapdragons today. I spent the rest of the day getting ready for my cousins' visit.
Pink lilies are blooming.
I cut the grass today and that was it. I was done in. I moved some planters from my bedroom to the kitchen and moved some plants around. I also did some laundry. Oh, and I gave Danny his bath. He doesn't like getting a bath but when I called him, he jumped right into the shower. Afterward, he zoomed around the house running from one end to the other. He buries his face in the towel and tries to rub it dry.
It was much cooler today. It got up to about 80 degrees with a cool breeze. We could use some rain. I guess we got all the rain in the spring and now it is finished. I hate dragging the hose around. My flowers need watering badly.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I planted my dahlias and portulaca's out front by the fence. It was hot and humid by 9am. I hopped into the shower afterward and then headed for Home Depot and the Red Lion Supermarket in Delaware. I got some Round-Up and Weed-Be-Gone as well as some groceries.
I came home, walked Danny and had some lunch. I settled down to watch some television and the cable went out. It was out a couple hours. I didn't have Internet, either. I didn't think to check the phone.
I stayed in out of the heat. It's still 82 degrees.
My cousin's wife called. They are from Georgia but went to Conn. because her father passed away. They drove straight through on their way up but will be stopping here overnight on the way back. I had invited them and they will be here on Saturday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.