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I went to church this morning. My brother came around 12:30 and we went to the Southside Cafe for lunch. We both got the crab cake platter and the Southside Sundae. The sundae was a large scoop each of vanilla and chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce. Yum! The cafe is in downtown Chesapeake City. It is a new place. It used to be the Yacht Club witch was very expensive. The Cafe is moderately priced. The crab cake sandwich is $5.00 and on Tuesday it is $2.00. I'll be going back on Tuesday. Of course they probably hope people will drink booze but my drink of choice is iced tea.
This evening, I went to dinner with my niece and her husband. We went to the Hibachi Grill in Middletown. I got the stir fry and some sushi.(not the raw fish kind but the avocado). We were wondering if they are franchises as the all seem to have the same decor.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I haven't felt that great today. I feel a little nausea and tired. Maybe it's the heat. I hope I feel better tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This lovely little beauty was an Easter gift from my brother, Don. I planted it on the south side which is shaded by large oak trees in back of my house. I think it is some kind of a daisey but can't think of its name offhand. I don't know whether to transplant it out front or not. It may be too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter.
We got about an inch of rain last night but it hasn't cooled thing off. It is 75 degrees at 7am and expected to climb to 90. With this humidity, it will be oppressive. There is no relief in site for the next ten days and I heard it will be hot for the next two months which will be the end of September.
My cousin may be coming to live with me in October. She is now living in GA but doesn't like it there. I will be busy getting the two back rooms ready for her. It will be wonderful to have her. I hate living alone and she is looking forward to coming here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went out early to the grocery store and then went to the church to help with folding the newsletter. They had to be taped on three sides so they could go through the postal machine. It took a lot of time to do the taping. There were about 8 of us there but only two rolls of tape. Sandy and I shared a roll and later another lady shared Frances' roll. I still got back home by 10:45 and drove over to the vet. I thought I had to refill Danny's prescription but they checked with the doctor and he didn't need it now. I got some corn at the farm market and went into the Tractor Supply Store. My mower needs a new spark plug but there were a couple dozen sizes and I didn't look up what size I needed. I'll have to get the book out and go back again.
Danny ran under the bed about an hour ago. Evidently, it was raining and I didn't know it. It was raining softly then but now it is coming down hard. The TV had severe storm warnings for the southern counties. I hope it's not for here.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today, we have a red sky in morning but I don't think it's supposed to rain until tomorrow. I opened the curtains to see a blazing pink sky in the east.
Yesterday, I had dinner at my niece's. Her husband cooked tilapia, rice pilaf, and broccoli with a fresh garden salad. It was good to have a home cooked meal instead of just fixing something or heating something up. One tends to do that when living alone.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do much today. I ironed the cotton clothes and caught up with that. I measured the wall for a shelf I want to put in the closet. I cut the shelf yesterday but I measured it wrong so will have to cut another inch off. My niece stopped in on her way home from work. My neighbor had given me some green beans and I had more than I could eat so gave some to Cheryl. Danny had a good day today. He trotted down the road like his old self. He played with his toy and ran around the house. He really likes the Paul Newman Dog Food. He gobbles it right down. He hated his dry food. I'm glad I found something he likes.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I cut the grass this morning. Then I watered my flowers. It looks like I lost 3 snap dragons. The portulacas are doing very well. It was a good choice as they do not need much water and they are quite colorful. I was done in for the rest of the day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is a church in Aston, PA. I passed it on the way to Kristina's bridal shower at Newman College on March 20, 2011.
The power went out last night a little before 7pm. You might know if would happen on the hottest day of the year. It was 105 outside my back door. The heat index in Wilmington, DE was 123. Wilmington is about 20 miles from here. Anyway, I talked to one of my neighbors who had called the power company and found it would take until 9pm for the power to be restored. It was 7:30 by then and the heat and humidity had climbed inside the house. It was 89 degrees in here. I called my nephew and went to his house until 9 o'clock. When I returned home, the power had been restored. The neighbors and I thought someone must have hit a utility pole because about 5 minutes later, the fire whistle blew. It must have been on the Chesapeake City side of Bethel Rd because there was on sign of any accident heading toward DE.
I woke up at 4:30 am and turned the A/C down to 78 to cool the place down before the peak usage time cuts off to 80 degrees. It's supposed to be another hot one today (102)until 8pm when the Tstorms come. Then it will cool down to 90 degrees tomorrow.
I went to Home Depot yesterday with a list of things to get. They didn't have one. Mulch was on sale the other day but it must have been a one day sale because it was no longer on sale. I needed some clamps to screw my white wire shelves to the wall. Home Depot did not have any white wire shelves. They had gray wire shelves with totally different accessories for installing them. I tried Lowe's. They had the clamps but were plastic. Plastic does not hold up. After a couple years, the clamps break and the shelf falls off the wall. I had no choice but to get them. When I checked out, the cost was $9.72. What a rip-off. I don't remember the metal clamps being that expensive. These clamps are Rubbermaid and the metal ones are Closet-Maid. I'm going to try the other Home Depot. If they have the Closet-Maid, I;ll return the Rubbermaid to Lowe's.
It's off to my niece's pool today. Her pool is in the shade.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My dalia's look lovely by the redwood fence. I planted 4 but one of them has been struggling since I planted it and it looks like it's not going to make it.
It was 85 degrees at 6am and still is. High supposed to be 101 and excessive heat wave warning is in effect until Sat at 8pm. I went out for my mile walk without Danny this morning. He has been walking slowly and not as far lately. I haven't been getting my proper exercise. I have to start out slowly as the other day, I after I walked the mile, my shins were sore. I didn't realize how out of shape I had gotten. Danny went out in the back yard but heard a noise like a gun shot and went back into the house. Now, I have to take him out again. Next on my agenda is to get a new phone as mine is not holding a charge. It dies after 12 hours. I have to keep it plugged in almost all the time. The new phones have so many new fangled things that I don't want and probably don't know how to use. Plus they are more expensive per month. I pay enough as it is with just the basics.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went out early this morning and painted the landscaping timbers with redwood stain. I also painted the picnic bench that was repaired. I stayed in the rest of the day except for taking Danny out. He didn't walk very far in the heat. It was 100 degrees and is now down to 85. The humidity is high too. Tomorrow, I'll have to go out early and water the flowers.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Home Depot this morning and got my paint and some other things. I also got some things at the Dollar Store. It was in the 90's so I stayed inside this afternoon. Around 3pm, the thunder started rolling in. It thundered for a good half hour before it started to rain. We got less than a half inch but in DE, they got a good 3 to 4 inches. There were flash flood warnings on the TV. The flowers look good after the rain. Even though I watered them yesterday, it doesn't seem to do the job as well as the rain.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A barn in Michigan near the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Photo was taken in August 2010.
I got up early, did two loads of wash and hung it out on the line. I watered all the flowers and cleaned the birdbath. I drilled some holes in a molding I plan to put on the wall to support my mirror. I was in the shed looking for Ted's tools to countersink the screws. I found a few things but not the counter sink bits. I found the holder Ted made to keep them in but have no idea where I put the tools that were on the pegboard in Vineland. I found a box of cups and things that belonged in the kitchen. A mouse had gotten into the box and shredded the newspaper I had packed them in. I took the things out and put them in the dishwasher. It filled it up so I ran that. I was exhausted from the heat but took Danny out. He stayed in the yard as he didn't like the heat either. I jumped in the shower before lunch. After I rested for awhile, I called Ted's mother. I hadn't talked to her for awhile so I had a lot to tell her. It's 102 degrees on my back steps. I roasted taking down the wash. This afternoon, Danny went to the bottom of the step and marked his territory on the nearest blade of grass. He sniffed the hot air and headed back into the house. I started to get ready to paint my landscaping timbers this morning. I got my brushes and things together but when I picked up the redwood stain, it felt nearly empty. I'll have to go to Home Depot before I can do that job. I had some 4x4 board in back of my shed so I had my contractor cut them to fit my flower gardens out in front of the house. I had placed some of them last fall across the front but needed to have some cut to finish the sides. I have to stain my picnic bench the contractor fixed for me and both front and back steps need to be redone. First I need one of my nephews to power wash them and the shed. Things are getting done slowly but coming into place.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Not much to report today. I installed a latch and handle on the back door of my shed. I was going paint wood stain and preserver on my landscaping timbers but thought my brother was coming. I didn't want to get out the paint and then have to stop before I was done. I'll have to do it on Monday.
Danny is doing OK. He doesn't go far on his walks although this evening, he went down to the circle.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the hardware store this morning. They had traps for stink bugs so I bought one. It's to be hung outside where the bugs are in the summer. It lores them away from the house and traps them inside. I'll have to buy more in the fall and then a light attachment for indoor use in the winter. After I left the hardware store, I went to the Acme for groceries. Then I stop at a farm-stand for some fresh corn. I had two ears for dinner. They were very good.
That's about all I did today except for fooling around with the Photoshop software. I had to post from Paint Shop anyway because I haven't figured out how to post from Photoshop. The computer eats up a lot of time.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Pink and Yellow Portulacas. They make a lovely splash of color near my fence.
I got new photo software and I am finding it difficult to prepare it for posting.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny seems to be feeling better today. He is eating well but he yelped when I picked him up so he must be having some pain. I watered the flowers outside. It is very dry and no rain in sight for the next week. I also watered the plants inside, vacuumed and ironed. I still have some more ironing to do tomorrow.
I talked to Cousin Joy tonight. I told her all about David's visit and what a nice time everyone had.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Bible Study this morning and spent the afternoon at the Vet. Danny was pacing around the house and over to the door. I took him out and he had blood in his stool. It freaked me out. I called the Vet and took him over. She didn't find anything other than his liver cysts. They can cause his nausea and other problems. She gave me some medicine in liquid form. She also cleared his glands which was painful to him. The Veterinary Hospital was a zoo today. I learned that Wednesday was clinic day for shots and some dogs were getting their nails clipped. The lobby was crowded with dogs and people. Danny had a good time barking at all the dogs. I took him to the far side of the room away from the big dogs. When it was Danny's turn, he put on his brakes and did not want to go into the exam room. People were laughing at him and I heard someone say "He doesn't want to go in there." I had to pick him up and carry him.
I felt a little better after talking to the Vet.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I spent 2 hours last night and another 2 hours this morning upgrading my photoshop software. What a complicated mess. It seemed like going around in circles. Download this, pay for this, download, pay, already did. Buy some product that I don't want, no thank you. I finally got it but it was very frustrating. I was able to fix the desktop icon to my antivirus software. I located it in "my computer" a couple pages deep. I clicked on it, opened it and somehow it reappeared on my desktop. I don't know how but I figured don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
I hung a little mirror in the laundry room and sawed a molding to hold the mirror I want to hand in the blue room. I also sawed a white wire shelf that will go in the walk-in closet. It was another hot day. Danny walked this morning but ate grass. Sometimes he likes to eat grass but this time, he threw it up several times and moped around. I cooked him an egg for lunch but he didn't want it. I was worried about him as he really likes eggs. He perked up around 5pm and went straight for his food dish. He ate the few pieces that were in it and I took him for a walk. He walked down to the circle looking for his friends but no one was out in this heat. It had cooled down a little but was still warm. When we got back, I gave Danny the egg I had made for him and some brown rice sprinkled over his dog food. He ate all the egg and rice and some of the dog food. He seemed to be feeling better but laid on the sofa with his head on my lap. When the lightning started, he headed for under the bed. He came out when I sat down at the computer and is hiding under the computer desk. I hope he feels better tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We got 4 inches of rain yesterday. It was odd. It would pour down rain and then stop. It would still be cloudy but the rain would stop. Then it would pour again and stop. It did this about 5 times. Danny hid under the bed from 12 noon until 7pm.
I weeded the flower garden around the fence this morning. This afternoon, I rearranged some furniture. I moved the file cabinet from one side to the computer room and put it next to the computer desk. I took the metal shelf out of the blue bedroom and put it where I had the file cabinet. Then I put the rocking chair in front of that. It opened up a lot of room in the computer room. I took a shelf out of the walk-in closet and put that in the blue bedroom. It is not as tall as the other shelf and I can place my mirror above it.
I found a screw driver that had been missing. It was under the shelf in the closet. I was glad to have found it. I use that one the most and have missed it. Hopefully, my photo program will be fixed tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I used the camera software to upload this photo. I could not find how to resize the image to post it so I trimmed it down to one flower on the portulaca. The original photo has several flowers. They are doing very well and provide a wonder splash of color in front of my fence.
I need a new cell phone but want exactly what I got. I do not want to pay more for stuff I do not use. I wish I could get a new Palm but they don't make them anymore. They went to cell phones and I don't think they have the features I have on my old one. Bummer!
We are getting some much needed rain this morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I got a urine sample from Danny Boy and took it over to the Vets. I stopped at a Farmer's Market near there to get some fresh corn on the cob. Next stop was Walmart for some bottled water and cereal. I also got a pair of red capri pants that were on sale. I forgot to stop at the Verizon store. I need a new cell phone. Mine will not hold a charge for very long. It used to go for two days and now it needs recharging after one call.
It was nearly lunchtime so I walked Danny when I got home. The heat had really shot up. I felt like I was walking in the desert. The heat index was over 100. I made some lunch of a big garden salad and corn on the cob. I ironed for the rest of the afternoon. All the summer cottons needed to be done.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went out early this morning before breakfast and painted the trim around the door of my shed. I wanted the get that job done before the heat built up. It's been going into the 90's with high humidity. The ground is like baked clay. The trim around the doors of the shed was weathered and in need of paint. I painted it with primer to at least protect it until I get the final coat on.
The new minister had his bible study this morning so I went to that and then over to the county office to renew Danny Boy's dog license. Danny was sitting on my cousin's lap the other day and she said, "Did you know Danny's tag expired yesterday?" I had forgotten that July 1st he needed a new tag.
From there, I went to the car wash in Elkton. My car needed washing and Wednesday is $3.00 off. The car is washed and wax put on and the vacuuming is free but you have to do it yourself. They had a nice big vac hose so I was able to do the trunk, too.
Next stop was the grocery store. I needed a few items. Then is was home to walk Danny and have some lunch. I fell asleep watching my afternoon program. The heat takes a lot out of me.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I did some yard work in the shade this morning and the sweat was pouring down my face. It was hot as the devil. I also did some wash. There were two sets of king size sheets, one queen size set and one twin set, 7 pillow cases and a queen size mattress pad. A neighbor knocked on my door and asked where I got my clothes line. She liked it as it fit all the sheets on it. Hers is smaller and the sheets don't fit unless you fold the in fours.
I can't get into my photo program as the path points to the other drive. My niece's husband will have to come over and tweak my computer.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some laundry today and hung it out on my clothesline. It dried in no time. Cheryl and Ed picked me up tonight and took me to the Chinese/Japanese Restaurant. Afterward, Ed worked on my computer and freed up my extra hard drive for my photos. He also hooked my other computers up to the network. He still has to do one more thing to created a path for this computer to the network. Tomorrow, I will be able to download my photos and get them posted.
I have plenty of space now on both hard drives.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My cousins left at 6:15 this morning. We had a wonderful weekend visiting with my aunts and cousins. Saturday we went to cousin Jan's. Her family was down from NY state. They recently bought my aunt's house and they are busy doing renovations and landscaping. Nate has planted some beautiful flowers around the yard and trimmed up some of the bushes. The carpets have been removed to show the beautiful hardwood floors.
Aunt Jean came over and more cousins came to visit at Jan's house. I left to take Danny Boy to my brother, Don's and stopped in to see my sister-in-law, Sylvia. She had just come home from the hospital from knee replacement surgery. I took Danny to Don's and changed for dinner. I returned to Aunt Jean's house so I could take her to Sam's Restaurant. Cousin Scott was singing at Sam's which is mostly an Italian. In came 22 of us. I thought of it as the Irish Invasion as it was the Irish side of my family. We had a nice dinner while we enjoyed Scott's singing. Aunt Jean got up and sang "Always" and the people wanted and encore so she sand "Because of You." She got a standing ovation for both. Another man in the audience got up and sang and then did a Rodney Dangerfield impersonation. He was good and had everyone laughing. The band played a little Philadelphia Mummer's string band music and Don's friend, Evelyn got up doing the mummer's strut alone so I joined her strutting around the dance floor. I had not intended to stay long but our group stayed until closing when everyone stood up and sang two rounds of "God Bless America" Dave, Gloria, and family stayed at Jan's house. Jan had 14 people staying overnight there. Aunt Jean had invited me to stay with her but I had Danny Boy and her condo doesn't allow dogs. I stayed at my brother, Don's.
I got up early and headed for home so I could go to my church. Our new pastor was starting on Sunday. I had Don go to Jan's as we were invited to my other cousin, Rosemary's Sunday afternoon. I drove to Rosemary's from here and Don led Dave and Gloria from PA/
Rosemary lives in a country town in PA. She had a lovely spread of food with fresh garden vegetables grown by her husband - beets, yellow zucchini and watermelon. she also had strawberries, raspberries and black berries. Norman grilled the yellow zucchini on the grill and Rosemary made a yellow squash casserole. Yellow zucchini is yellow like the squash but has a fat green stem like a Puccini. When cut open, it also looks like a zucchini. They also served bbq chicken, burgers and hot dogs. Rosemary made homemade potato salad and baked beans. Other relatives brought dishes. I brought a potato salad. It was cousin Michael's birthday but his 3 year old daughter wanted it to be her birthday so she told her grandmother, Rosemary what kind of cake she wanted. Rosemary is my uncle Cook's daughter. Aunt Peg was there along with cousin's, Cookie, Lou, Bill and family, and Carmsie. Cookie's wife was there also with her mother. Some of Rosemary's neighbors were there, too. Dave and Gloria got to meet many of his cousins that he did not know as they always lived far away. They now live in GA.
When we got back here, we rested for a bit and then went down to the marina. Meaghan wanted to take some pictures of the boats and canal. We stood on the dock for a while watching the boats and then came back here. We had some ham sandwiches and then turned in for the night.
We all had a wonderful time connecting with our aunts and cousins. They are all such wonderful people.
I will download my photo's when I get my hard drive freed up.
News from the Vorlon Wife
My cousins arrived last evening around 5pm. We took a little walk around town and then came back for dinner of ham, potato salad, and coleslaw. We talked for a while and then turned in. When we got up this morning, we headed for Philly. After wondering around one-way streets and Market St where you can not make any turns at all for 10 blocks, we found a place to park. We got to Independence Mall and the line for the Liberty Bell was and hour wait in the hot sun. We proceeded to Independence Hall and the tours were all filled up until 4pm. We looked around the grounds and then headed for Geno's Steaks. My cousin Meaghan wanted a Philadelphia cheese steak. We once again wondered around the one way streets and were about to give up when we saw it. It was fun to get the cheese steak, eat outdoors in South Philly at the famous shop. We enjoyed our steaks sandwiches and then headed for Gloria Dei, Old Swede's Church. Our ancestors founded the church in the early 1700's and it is the oldest congregation still having Sunday Services. It is a quaint little church nested in a wooded church yard near the I 95 expressway. The trees shield the church from the noise of the traffic.
We came back home and everyone is tired out and napping.
News from the Vorlon Wife.