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Michigan Barn #33
I went to PA to visit my brother in the hospital. I went yesterday afternoon and came back this afternoon. I wanted to be here to give out the candy to the trick or treat kids. I had about 18. I didn't want to be stuck with all that candy. I still had a lot left over but better to have too much than have to turn kids away if I ran out.
My brother is doing well. They got him up yesterday to walk in the hall and today he walked down one hallway and then back and down another. The nurse tech sat him in the waiting area for awhile where he could look out at the mall. I was hoping the doctor would come to discuss his biopsey before I had to leave but he didn't. I had to get back to Don's house to take Danny out and I wanted to leave before the rush hour traffic.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan sugar maples. I took this photo on my recent trip to Michigan. They are a few weeks ahead of us. Our colors are starting to peak now.
I had a busy couple days. I drove to PA to take my brother to the hospital. He had surgery for cancer and everything went well. He is doing fine. I was going to stay a couple days but I forgot my medicine. I had a couple pills with me but needed to get back to get some more. I made sure Don was OK before I left. The Doctor has my number and my other brother's number in case he needs to contact me.
Winter storm advisories are in effect for the Route I 95 corridor from DC to Boston. I went to the supermarket this evening because we were out of everything. I was surprised to see not many people were there. They either didn't know about the storm advisory or are waiting to make their mad rush tomorrow. I went at dinner time so maybe people weren't home from work yet. The shelves were well stocked with bread, milk, and eggs. These are the things that are cleaned out when we are about to have a storm. One of my nephews calls it the "French Toast Syndrome."
Zumba tomorrow weather permitting. I hope the custume party doesn't have to be canceled.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan barn #51
I have been busy this week. I took my younger brother to the doctor's on Monday to go over the results of his tests. He goes into the hospital this morning. I will be going up there to take him; I'll leave in a couple hours. Danny needed some shots at the Vet's so we went to Middletown on Tuesday after I went to exercise class. We did some shopping while we were there. When we got back, Erin and I went to the Canal museum in CC to take some photos for her article in Examiner.com. She has a job writing about the history in this area. Go to examiner.com and type in the search area: A Brief History of Chesapeake City.
I went to the Choral Society practice Tuesday night. It is difficult learning the songs. Some have a lot of very high notes. Joan said her lungs hurt from all the singing. I felt that way, too.
Yesterday, I went to Bible study and then we ventured up to Boscov's and the Burlington Coat Factory. Boscov's had some nice coats but they were expensive. Erin got one at Burlington. I don't think she realizes how cold it can get here. Of course, they don't make coats that keep you warm unless you get one at LL Bean or The Land's End or one like they sell there. Many people go around with thin little coats that have open necks, no hat, no scarf and gloves that I wear when it's around 40 or 50 degrees. They don't cut it when it's 30 degrees and a wind that cuts through everything. We may be going back after Christmas when everything is on sale. Erin got a pea coat with a hood. The hood will come in handy when there is a biting wind.
I have to pack up and get ready to leave.
Say some prayers for my brother, Don that his surgery goes well.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Michigan barn #23
I went to church and Sunday School this morning. I walked Danny when I got home. Erin and I had left over pizza for lunch. I set to work on getting my plants situated in my room and the computer room. I searched the shed for some items that were missing and then washed the 5 remaining plants. I let them dry on the steps and then brought them in. I could finally scratch that job off my To Do List.
We finished off the rest of the Pot Roast and Winter Squash. I made baked apples for dessert. They were good. I should have put a scoop of ice cream on them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I believe this is the Presbyterian Church in Hastings, MI. It was hard to get a good picture of it from the car as there were trees surrounding it. The steeple can be seen for a couple miles away.
We had a busy day yesterday. We went to our Zumba class. The class was videotaped for Survivor's awareness for cancer, abuse and all surivors. Most of us were dressed in pink. It's supposed to be on Yutube.
We painted the front steps with redwood stain. Of course, we got paint all over us even though we wore old clothes and rubber gloves. The paint managed to get on our wrists between the shirt and gloves.
After we cleaned up, we took a drive to Elk Neck State Park. It is on a peninsula between the Susquhanna River and the Elk River at the head of the Chesapeake Bay. It is south of the town, Northeast, MD, another waterfront town with an historic downtown and marinas. We'll have to visit there sometime. At the tip of Elk Neck is a lighthouse.about one and a half miles along a stoney path. Most people walked in the grass next to the path. We were on the path for awhile but it was hilly and I almost slipped as the stones rolled under my feet. We too, walked in the grass.
The lighthouse sat atop a sharp cliff. There was a hundred foot drop at the edge that was almost straight down. It made me quizzy to look down. Across the Elk River side was the community of Crystal Beach. I have cousins who live there. It was a gray cloudy day. The lighthouse was not open. I think it closed at the end of the summer. The park has camping facilities and a beach for swimming.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan barn #22. This is a beautiful photo of a barn complex with a glimse of the grain storage silos to the left.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did a lot today but only got one thing crossed off my list. I worked on my plants. I moved the plants in my bedroom and computer room into the two back rooms and kitchen. I washed and hosed down the plants I had outside to get them ready to bring in. They were filled with dirt, acorns and leaves. I washed off the pots and gave them all a trim. After they dried off, I brought them in and put them in the garden tub to finish drying. I have a few more to do but I was getting too cold.
Before I started my plant project, I did some laundry and got the pot roast ready for the crock pot. Boy, did that smell good cooking all day. I still have some more things on my list but I have to wait until afternoon for it to warm up. It will be dropping down into the low 40's tonight. It is 48 degrees, now.
Zumba tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Fall is time for mums. This pretty yellow one, I bought last year. It is at the head of my driveway and entrance to my side walk.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a long day. I went to exercise class and then I went to a luncheon with my friend, Dottie at her church. It was almost an hour drive to where she lives on the Interstate. Fortunately, traffic was not heavy. The luncheon had an "Oldies" theme. We had to fill out a sheet of fill in the blanks to the oldies songs. I one the prize. I had 19 out of 20 correct. I got a bag of Ghirardelli Mint Chocolate candy. I went to Dottie's house afterward for about an hour and got on the road before the rush hour traffic.
When I got back , I walked Danny then went to the church to help with preparing the dinner. Jeannie made the vegetable soup and bread. Dessert was a huge slice of apple pie with ice cream. I went to the pastor's bible study and then choir practice.
I am tired out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan barn #21
One of the many barns that is in a state of decline.
It was a busy day. I stayed overnight with my brother last night as he had an early morning medical procedure. He was sedated so I had to drive him. It was a standard procedure for a check up but they found something that requires more tests. I pray that it is benign. It was upsetting to find that.
Erin stayed with Aunt Jean so I picked her up this afternoon and we drove home. I went to Choral Society practice. We started singing the words tonight rather than the do do do. It was a little harder to read the notes and the words at the same time.
Erin left her phone charger at Aunt Jean's so we went over to Wal-mart. I figured I might as well get my groceries while we were there as we were out of everything except goodies. We are well stocked with them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan barn #20.
Yesterday, we went to the Fall Festival in Chesapeake City. My church was selling popcorn and peanut brittle. Erin won a cake at the cake raffle and I won a vacation for a door prize. There was pumpkin painting for the children and the elementary school children performed a couple square dances. They were really cute. We walked around the town through the little shops and had a nice time. I should have brought my camera. We took a rest afterward and then went to dinner at the Asian Infusion Restaurant with Cheryl, Ed and little Ethan.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Church of the Nazarene, Lowell, MI.
Yesterday, Erin and I went to Zumba class. We had a good workout. When we got back, I did some wash and hung the sheets out on the line. It was windy so I figured they'd dry fast if they didn't end up blowing off and ending up in the trees. We decided to go to the Applebutter Festival. So I goolged a map and we drove off. The Festival was interesting. There were two of them. One at the Fairgrounds and the other at an old villiage preservation. The houses were buitl during colonial times but had been abandoned for years and one was completely in a state of ruin. I wish I had brought my camera. The applebutter was made in giant copper pots on an open fire. It took ten hours to cook. I thought applebutter was Pennsylvania Dutch and some people looked Amish or Menonite but they had Scottish Bagpipers there and Scottish food was advertised but I didn't see any or I didn't know what it was. There were hot dogs and chilli but I saw a big fat apple dumpling and wanted opted to have that for lunch. Erin got the sausage roll. We both got apple cider. The apple dumpling was delicious. We went into one of the old houses where an artist had her paintings and drawlings on display. I noticed the name McKeown and asked if she were related to my friend, Joan. The husband said Joan was his cousin or rather her husband was. I also noticed the artist had a drawing of the Brick Meeting House. My grandmother on my father's side was born at Brick Meeting House so I bought the drawing. Brick Meeting House was a colonial town or place. One of my ancestor's was a captain in the Revolutionary War and was George Washington's taylor. When I got home, I googled him and found a message on Geneology Formum that a man at church was also descended from my ancestor. At least it was someone with the same name. I'll ask him when I get to church this morning. I may have found a long lost cousin.
We were beat when we got home. I did some more laundry and got some dinner ready for us.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan Barn #3. Now that I have my Michigan barns in a catalog, I can go back and find the ones I have missed. This barn is somewhere along route 66 between Battlecreek and Ionia.
These Fungai have been growing in a ciccle around the silver maple tree. There are some very odd fungus that grow, these remind me of cow pies. I am concerned because they grow on dead organic material. I believe they are growing on the dead roots of the tree. I may have hire a tree surgeon to trim the part of the tree that would hit my house if it came down. The park management seems to be dragging it's feet about trimming the trees.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I got some more photos from my hard drive and put in a catalog in my Photoshop software. I made a catalog of the Michigan barns. I still have to add some more but I almost forgot about exercise class. I had a good workout. It was a gloomy, rainy day. At 4:30, I went to help with the dinner at the church. I put the cole slaw in little dishes and helped serve the food. Jeannie had made pulled pork and rice with beans. It was excellent.
I stayed for Pastor Mark's Bible Study and then went to choir rehearsal.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was beat yesterday. I went to my Bible Study yesterday morning and then Erin and I went to visit Aunt Jean. Erin saw her new Condo. It is a nice condo and perfect for Aunt Jean. The three of us went to lunch at the Town House in Media. We had a nice lunch of crab cakes and a wonderful visit. We had to drive home in rush hour traffic but arrived safely. We were stuffed to the gills after a late lunch so I think Erin just had some snacks and I had a small serving of my chicken stew for supper.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan Barn # 19. I had so many pictures of barns that I had to number them. I took some more on my recent trip to Michigan. I tried to get more photos of churches for my Steeplechasin' series but they were a little more difficult as they are closer to the road and I didn't have much time when we approached one.
I got a late start this morning. I took Danny out and then some hunter fired his gun so that was the end of Danny's walk. I had to take him out again, later. I went to my exercise class and had a good workout. It was hard after being away from it all summer. After lunch, Erin and I went to the supermarket and got some food. I seemed to be out of everything. I forgot to get the milk so will have to get some tomorrow.
We have been spraying and capturing stink bugs. They are so gross. They are still getting into my cabinet over the stove. I'm going to have to take everything out and inspect for cracks or holes where the little critters are coming in.
I made some chicken stew for dinner. I was going to have pot roast but the beef roasts were too expensive. I'll have to keep my eye out for when it is on sale.
I went to my Choral Society Group tonight. We went over some difficult areas in the music we will be singing. I was tired and got lost a few times. I can't wait until I learn it all and we can put it all together.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan barn #18 taken Sept. 2010
Today, we went to Walgreen's in Middletown. I got my flu shot and Erin got some cosmetics. We tehn went to Tractor Supply where I got some rain boots for $14.99. They will be good for walking Danny in the wet grass. We have a heavy dew here and my shoes get soaked. When we got home, I put screening over the vent hole in Erin's car so the stink bugs couldn't get into her ventilation system. They are still in my cabinet. One was on the luncheon plate. It startled me and I sorta screamed. Yuk! I hope it had been hiding before I chalked and they are not still coming in somewhere. After we finished that we went jogging. We walked and jogged but only went a half mile.
I spent most of the evening trying to figure out my Photoshop. I tried to import a whole catalog file from the hard drive. I got one photo and could not get out of that screen. I tried there online support but got nowhere. I think I did something that made the program work like my older version. I hope I can upload photos to my blog. The above photo was prepared last week. We shall see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I walked Danny early this morning. Erin and I got ready and went to church. We went to the 9am service. I sang in the choir. That was followed by fellowship coffee hour and Sunday School. We stayed for the music at the 11am Contemporary Service. There were three guitar players. I didn't know the first two songs but I enjoyed the third as it was one that I knew. We left after the singing as it was the same sermon as the early service. I wanted Erin to see both services so she could decide which she liked.
We had some lunch when we got home and then took a nice long walk with Danny along the C&D canal. It was a beautiful day and a little on the warm side. I should have brought some water for Danny but didn't realize how warm it was. It was a long walk for him and I ended up carrying him for a bit. He liked looking out over the water and seeing the boats and birds. He probably wanted a drink of the water. We were all tired out when we got back. My niece had her cousin and family visiting today so we didn't go out to dinner. I made our dinner of chicken, carrots, green beans and Moose Tracks ice cream. I had also made a pot of strong tea so we could have iced tea.
The stink bug were out today. I caught a few inside the house and sprayed a few outside. My next door neighbor was out spraying them on her house. She was using my formula of Dawn dish detergent in a spray bottle of water. It kills them better than the $14.00 stink bug killer insecticide.
I am afraid I will be doing battle with them tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The African Methodist Episcopal Church in Chesapeake City.
I'm back. I don't know why I couldn't log in from my brother-in-law's computer. It looks like I had the correct address for my software.
I got in to Philadelphia last night. It was a smooth flight, both of them. I flew from Grand Rapids with a stop over in Detroit and then to PHL. It was a long day. It was good to spend time with Ted's family. I just wish it wasn't for such a sad occasion. I had to have a man fix the furnace in my mobile home while I was away. It turn out it was clogged up with stink bugs. How gross. They must have been there from last year because there are not that many this year. At least not yet. Maybe they got in there and laid their eggs and couldn't get out. Anyway, the man was familiar with the problem but said I was the first this year. The man said they get in through the chimney. I did have them clog up the ventilation system in my car. Those darn things cost me money. Besides the clean up, I had to get stink bug spray and a trap. The trap doesn't seem to work. I don't see any bugs in it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.