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Michigan Barn #38
I did some laundry this morning and hung it out on the line. It was bright and sunny at the time. I went to Pastor Mark's Bible study and by the time I got back, it had clouded over. It got very dark by 4pm but it didn't rain. It also got colder. I went to dinner at Cheryl and Ed's. Erin came down with a cold and sore throat so stayed home. She didn't want to take the cold germs to Cheryl, Ed, and the baby. Ed made a delicious dinner of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. I stooped down to talk to baby Ethan and Big Bad Bell, their Golden Retriever bumped into me and knocked me over. She jumped on top of me and grabbed the big gingle bell on my necklace. She likes to take things and hide them. She liked the shiny bell but it was attached to my neck. I was laughing so hard I couldn't move or get her off me. Cheryl and Ed were in the kitchen so it took a while for them to get Bell off me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We had dress rehearsal last night. On the way, a deer ran out in front of Nancy's car and we nearly hit it. Someone in the other lane was blasting their horn and I wondered what was going on. Then I saw the deer right in front of us. Nancy thought she hit its tail but there was no evidence of it. The deer went on it's merry way. It was a large deer. I don't know how many points it had. It all happened too fast.
Tonight, we had our first concert in Rising Sun, MD. It went very well. The ladies of the church where the concert was held, made refreshments. They included sandwiches. Everyone was happy about the sandwiches as we didn't eat before the concert.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan Barn # 36.
The choir did not sing yesterday. We decorated the alter with greens and poinsettas. I placed the poinsettas on the alter. We sang Christmas Hymns as we did this. The lay reader explained the tradition of each item. The advent candle was lit for the 1st Sunday of Advent.
After church , I drove to the train station to pick up Erin. I didn't know what to expect as far as traffic was concerned. There wasn't much so I made good time. I got to the train station a half hour early and the train was 45 minutes late. 120 people got on the train in Stamford, CN.
I stopped in Home Depot for some Command hooks. I got a few other things on my list but forgot the hooks. I'll have to go back again. I cut the tabs for the large hooks and put them on the small hooks that I have. I still need another package of the small hooks. I put the wreaths on the west side but I still have 3 more windows and the back door to do. I did a little raking and moved one of the solar lights from the back yard to the front.
The weather is rather mild for the end of November. It went up to 70 Sat and Sun. It's supposed to go to 64 today and then rain. There was a red sky this morning. My first concert is tomorrow. Dress rehearsal is tonight. I can't believe it is time for it already.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was up early rearranging furniture. I moved the stereo speakers to the other side of the room. They didn't work at first. I connected the wires to the speakers but needed to connect them to the amplifier. It seems the TV isn't connected to the amplifier. I'll have to pull it out and take a look. It's an old TV so I don't know if it has the ability to connect.
I went to Zumba and had a good workout. I went back to the church at noon to help with the Canal Kitchen. Once a month, we serve a hot meal to the poor people. I served the green beans and then had some lunch too. I sat with a lady who was from Columbia. I dried the trays and pots and pans afterward.
When I got home, I finished putting the things back on the shelves I had moved. Then, I put some of the candles in the windows. I have to move all the plants out of the way to get to the windows. I still have to do the ones in the kitchen and the ones in front need size D batteries. I only have AA and C.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted's photo of the wreath on our French door in Vineland.
Rejoice and be Merry!
I started my day yesterday with a Zumba class. I came home, made my Waldorf salad, got a neighbor to take Danny out around 4pm and then went with my niece, her husband, and baby to my other niece's house. It was over an hour to get to Tina's house. We traveled all back roads through scenic Pennsylvania Dutch country. We passed a horse drawn wagon loaded with children and an Amish horse and buggy. There are Amish in this area, too.
There were 19 at dinner. Both nieces and their families, my nephew and his family, my brothers, my sister-in-law, my brother's lady friend, Tina's brother-in-law and her father-in-law with his lady friend. We all had a nice time. Lots of food and family time.
I was tired when I got home so I did not blog.
Today, practiced my music that I will be singing in the concert first thing this morning. I did two loads of wash and hung it out on the line. I cleaned the outside of the windows where I need to put my magic hooks on for my Christmas wreaths. I got some of the wreaths out and found the bows. I swept the leaves off the walk and changed both outdoor light bulbs, one in the front and one in the back. I hung the wreaths along the front and east side. I need to get some more hooks as I lost a few over the summer. Maybe they were shaken off during the earth quake. I am missing three and I have to get new tabs to stick them on. I guess I'll have to take them off when I take the wreaths down. I also hung a wreath on the fence. I put batteries in the flame-less candles and set the timers to go on from 6 to 10 pm. I'll put them in the windows tomorrow. I also started chiseling away on the wood molding that I will be using to hold a mirror in place in the blue bedroom. I need to made my cut out groove a little wider. The mirror will slip into the groove to be held between the molding and the wall. I have to run the molding along the wall so I can screw it into the studs. The walls will not support the heavy mirror unless I attach it to the studs. The studs are two feet apart but I have center it in the middle of the four foot molding. I will have to do the same for the one I want to put in the livingroom. It is not easy to hang things on these walls or to put hooks in the hollow doors. My house in Vineland had solid oak doors. I miss them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I just remembered the Thanksgiving service was tonight. I forgot all about it. I went to Middletown this morning did my grocery shopping and got gas in my car. The pump display read press debit or credit. I pressed credit and it went back to the first screen that said "slide credit card or go inside for prepayment. After I did this a few times, I moved to a different pump. I noticed another person pull into the 1st pump and soon left to find another.
When I got home, Erin and I made tuna sandwiches and had some pumpkin roll that I just bought. It was good but I bet homemade is a lot better. Erin is going to make one when she gets back.
She went to spend the weekend with her grandmother in CN. I took her to the train station in Wilmington. It is usually a half hour drive so I allowed 45 minutes. The traffic on Interstate 95 was horrific. We went about 10 miles an hour until we got past the exit for the Delaware Memorial Bridge. The bridge connects with the New Jersey Turnpike to New York or route 40 to Atlantic City.
It took us about an hour but we got there in plenty of time for the train. It too, was about a half hour late. It was Erin's first train ride. She was excited about it. The traffic going home was heavy but it moved along at 65 mph.
I had some supper and watched Burn Notice. I'm ready to hit the hay.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan barn #35 in my Barnstormin' Series.
Yesterday, we went for a walk on the north side of the canal. We only went about a mile. Erin's socks slipped down into her sneakers and I didn't want her to get a blister. Danny loves to explore new areas. He pranced along and did not want to turn around. The canal path goes all the way to the Delaware River.
When we got back, we made chocolate chip cookies. When we were done with the making the cookies, we went to get a cheese steak. It was OK but I haven't had a good cheese steak in years. They don't seem to make them like they used to. Even Jeno's in Philly does not make a good cheese steak. It is OK but not good. They use chopped onions and not stringy onions. They have no sweet peppers. A good cheese steak has stringy onions and peppers, either hot or sweet. At least, they use good rolls - Amoroso's.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is a church in Michigan. I took the photo when I was out there in October.
This is a pretty little wildflower that bloomed all summer. It looks like a member of the daisey or mum family.
All the flowers posted today are the last of the summer flowers. I don't expect them to last much longer as the temps are drifting downward and the leaves are gone.
My brother is doing very well after his surgery. This is wonderful news. His lymph nodes were all negative for cancer and he may not need chemo. He will meet with the oncologist next week to go over all his reports.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Wax Begonias are still blooming near the edge of the woods. They were protected by the oak trees and the fallen oak leaves. The red color really showed up against the green of the woods this summer.
Some of my mums are still blooming. I bought some last year and some the year before. I am amazed they survived the winters in the containers.
Marigolds still blooming on the west side. Their gold color is lovely for the fall.
My impatiens blooming along the south side and shielded by the big oak trees in the back. The oak trees have lost their leaves now so I don't know if they are still blooming. The foilage was peaking on Tuesday before I went to Don's but a day of rain and the leaves are gone. What a surprise when I got back home.
My new driveway and sidewalk.
Wow! It's the middle of November already.
I went to exercise class this morning. When I got home, I mopped the bathroom floor and did some wash. I went to the bank and did some ironing. I need my black silk blouse for the Choral Society Program. It usually needs to be ironed twice to get all the wrinkles out. It is good to go.
I packed up my suitcase and it's ready to go in the morning. I will be going out early to go with my brother, Don, to see his doctor. I hope I can get Danny up early. He sleeps until 8 or so.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sunset over Middletown, DE last night. I took it from the restaurant parking lot.
It went up to 70 degrees today. It felt like May rather than November. I did some painting. When we painted the railing, we missed an area so I did that this morning and also the landscaping timbers. They had been moved so the opposite side showed on the outside and needing painting. I touched up the fence and then moved on to the tan paint. I had put duck tape over the holes in the vinyl siding so I painted them to match. I painted the trim around the shed doors in the front and then painted the back door that I had installed on the shed. My shed has a little extension on the back and the door was falling apart. I brought one from the house in Vineland that had once beed the closet door but was replaced with sliding mirrow doors. I got some cheap brushes at the dollar store so cleanup was easy. I put them in a plastic bag and threw them in the trash. I hate cleaning brushes especially when using oil base stain.
I took Danny for his walk and as we were coming back, Erin got back from her interview. It went well but she has to wait about a week for them to check her references. She was told they have a lot of work in Middletown. This is good as it is only a 15 minute drive along country roads and she won't have to go on the expressways. She was upset though, as the radio and CD player that she just had replaced on Friday has failed just as the old one did. I hope it doesn't drain her battery.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
After church and Sunday School, I walked Danny and had some chicken veggie soup for lunch. I cut the grass. It was very long and there were some leaves that had fallen. There were also a lot of acorns covering the backyard. I mowed down the flowers that had gotten frosted. I am amazed the impatiens out back near the house are still blooming. It is the southern side and must have been sheltered by the big oak trees. They still have most of their leaves on them. The maples are bare.
We went to the Asian Fusion Buffet to celebrate my niece's husband's birthday. His sister and family were there, too.
I am exhausted from mowing the grass so I will hit the hay.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
One of the many churches in Michigan. I'm sorry, I didn't get the name of this church.
I went to Zumba class this morning. Afterward, we cleaned the house. I made some chicken vegetable soup for lunch and then we watched a movie. I ran over to Middletown to the Dollartree Store. I needed a few things. I took Danny out for his walk. He poked along even though it was cold. I had to hurry his along as the sun was going down and it was getting colder. The birds are flocking up. Lots of blackbirds and geese. I saw a few marsh hawks and a couple great blue herons.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted's mother's delphinum. I took this when I was out there in early October. I thought it was very beautiful.
I dug up my glads and some other summer bulbs that I thought wouldn't make it through the winter. I lost all my glads last winter. They did fine in Vineland but they were on the southern side. These were out by the fence and must have got frozen.
I rearranged some of the landscaping timbers that were moved when the walk was put in. The contractor placed them where I wanted them but they were crooked. I put some wash out on the line figurring the wind would dry it but some of the clothes blew down. There was a little too much wind today.
My brother is doing well. He went to work for a half day, yesterday and today. I go with him next week for his follow-up visit.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning. When I got home, I washed some clothes and hung them out on the line. I talked with the contractor briefly. I went over what I wanted for a deck on the back. He has already put in the stone for the walk back to the proposed deck. We had some lunch and then Erin made an appointment for her car. When we got to the dealer, they said the battery was fine and so was the fuse but the radio was getting no power. Somewhere between the fuse and the radio seemed to be the problem. We had to come back to the house, get my car, and take Erin's car back to the dealer. When that was all done, I brought in my clothes, took Danny for a walk. Got my shower, ate dinner, and went to Choral Society practice. The time is getting close. Our 1st concert is Nov. 28th.
I am tired out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan Barn #34
Yesterday, I met with my neighbor ,who is a cement contractor, to get an estimate on a paved driveway and sidewalk. We went over everything I wanted done and he'll start this week. It will be so much nicer and cleaner to have a nice driveway and walk. It will help keep the leaves and dirt off my white carpet.
I went to practice with the Cecil County Choral Society last night. I meet my friend, Joan and her friend, Nancy at Baker's restaurant and we drive the rest of the way together. It's not that far but it's nice to have company for the ride.
I have to pack up and go to my brother's. He may be released from the hospital today. I don't know how long he will need me but at least I'll be able to use his computer for my blog and facebook.
News from the Vorlon Wife.