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This barn is along Rt. 213 between Chesapeake City and Elkton, MD.
I went to exercise class this morning and to Jack and Helen's Restaurant afterward. I had one of their homemade apple dumplings. It was delicious. Erin had a fever so I made some more chicken soup. It is really good.
It went off to Choral Sociey practice then came home and took Danny out. He is now on my lap. He seems to want to be on my lap when ever I am on the computer.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
These are Galway Cows. They are a Dutch breed and have another name that is Dutch. They are also called Oreo Cookie Cows. Notice the white middle between the black front and black back. Athough, one of the cows looks brown in the sun. The farm is across the road from the Town Point Church where I go for my Yoga class. Town Point is owned by the Trinty Methodist Church. It had to combine services with us because of lack of finances to support two churches.
I made some chicken soup today from scratch. Erin has come down with a cold so I thought it would be good for her. It turned out really good. We both enjoyed it. Brian, my contractor, took the steps apart that were on the back of the house and we carried them around to the front where he reassembled them. Now I have a landing that is almost twice as big as I had before. I will be able to put a chair out there and do some bird watching on the east side in the early morning.
I went to K-Mart this afternoon. I got some more landscaping lights that were on sale. Now that I have two walkways, I need to light them both and have some for the back. I also did some food shopping at the Shop Rite. I got some aspargus for $1.69lb, brocoli for $.99lb and some other items that I needed.
I had some more soup for dinner and now it is time for tea and relaxation.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Oh Woe is me! When is it going to warm up? It's 20 degrees out there. It warms up during the day but then drops down overnight. Yesterday, I took Danny up the hill to the hunting grounds. They are doing a lot of work up there with bulldozers and earth moving equipment. They made the dike higher and the lake is drained down lower. I used to think people were nuts to live under a damn. I didn't even know the lake was up there when I bought this place. It was surrounded by woods. What I thought was a storm drain ditch in back of my house is the spillway for the damn. It doesn't worry me though, the water is pumped up from the canal. It is where they put the dredging from the canal. There is no stream flowing into the lake so the only water is what is pumped up or what collects from the rain.
There were a lot of deer prints on the middle road. The upper road is all new and the woods have been cleared away with chain saws. There were a dozen or so people fishing. They were casting their lines. They were a group of family and friends; men, women, children, and two beagle pups. They were catching croakers and said there were large mouth bass in there. The pups wanted to follow Danny and the kids had to keep running after them to catch them. Danny usually doesn't like puppies but he was good with them. We hiked about a mile down the road and then a mile back. One thing that was good about the trees and brush being cleared away, is that there was no place for ticks to get onto Danny. I hadn't gone up there for a long time as the place was full of ticks even in winter. The lower road still has trees and brush. The middle road is very muddy. I only had to venture on it for a short distance to get to the upper road.
At our 4pm walk, my neighbor's Cocker Spaniel got away. I was able to grab her leash as she ran right up to Danny. She usually barks at him but Danny ignores her. They just sniffed each other. Both dogs would not budge and I was unable to get Leila to Marlene's house. I looked around for someone to help and after a few minutes, Jeannie, from the church's grandson, Trenton came out and took Leila up to Marlene's door. Marlene's son came to the door and took her in. We walked on over to Mallard Drive and met a neighbor, Kay, coming out with her dog Barley. Barley whines to see Danny. Danny sniffs him and then ignores him. Kay said that Danny is the only dog Barley sees. I guess people don't walk their dogs that far. Kay and Rex live at the opposite end of the Mobile Home Park from my house. The park is only two streets. Actually I guess it is four counting the ends of the block.
In Sunday School, were are studying a Lenten series on the Last Words of Jesus. It is most interesting but I miss half the class as I now help to count the offering, copy and stamp the checks and get the deposit ready. I try to do it as quickly as possible but it takes some time.
Saturday, I picked up a couple movies at the library. Saturday night, we watched "Singing in the Rain," and last night we watched "Australia." They were both good movies.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ebenezer AME Church in Chesapeake City. Cheasapeake City Eccumentical Assoc. held its Ash Wednesday Service in this tiny rural church.
Zumba this morning and then help with the Kanal Kitchen serving lunch to the homeless. My job was dishwasher which was mostly scrubbing big pots. The lunch was good. I had a bbq chicken sandwich and green beans with a brownie for dessert. I also had what was called goulash soup. It had rigatoni pasta and ground beef in a tomato soup stock.
I dug up some bulbs and a hosta lily to get ready for my back steps to be installed as an addition to my front steps on the east side.. It will make the landing area a little larger. I can put a chair out there and to some early morning bird watching. I can do some great star gazing from my back deck. The sky is dark here so the stars show up really good.
I rested in the afternoon and we watched "Singing in the Rain.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sping has sprung in Chesapeake City. Yesterday, we had March winds and today, we have April Showers. These lovely little crocuses are blooming out back near the woods. I brought them from Vineland. They are scattered around my yard. Now that I have a walkway on the west side, I will have to do more planting: bushes, bulbs, flowers and grass seed. A big job ahead.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was about 70 degrees. So wonderful to ditch the hat, coat, gloves, and boots. It was a busy day. Exercise at 9am, coffee and Boston creme pie at Jack and Helen's with my exercise friends, help Jeannie with the fellowship dinner at 4pm, Yoga at 5pm, back to the church for dinner at 6:15, help with the clean-up afterwards, Bible Study at 6:30 (although, we were late getting started as there were many dishes to be washed and dried. Pastor Mark washed and I kept finding more for him to do. We had several dryers, including me.) After Bible Study, I went to choir practice. I could hardly keep awake; I was beat. I was grateful that Erin took Danny out for his nighttime duty.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We were chasing the sunset. We were on our way to the Ash Wednesday Service at the Ebenezer AME Church when we saw the great ball of a sun setting. I had Erin get the camera ready for when we got to an open area preferably over the water or field. By the time we got out of the valley, the sun was almost down. We managed to get this shot through the trees.
The Ash Wednesday Service was part to the Lenten Services by the Chesapeake City Eccumentical Association. The ladies of the Ebenezer Church had a soup supper in their social hall. The church was difficult to find; tucked away on a farm lane in what seemed the middle of no where. There were two kinds of soup: Chicken vegetable and beef vegetable served with crackers and croisants, tea, coffee, water, and a pumpkin bundt cake for dessert.
The church service followed. Erin said it was the littlest church she ever saw. Most of the churches in Chesapeake City are very small. I think my church is the largest. Rev. Dana Ashton of the Bethel AME lead the service. She is very energenic and full of the Holy Spirit. My pastor, Mark Avens, read the scripture. There were three men in the choir and their singing was very spiritual. Rev. Cynthia Laurie of Ebenzer preached the sermon about Simon of Cerene who carried the cross for Jesus. The service concluded with the annointing of the ashes. The ashes are from the palms used in the previous year's Palm Sunday Service. All the pastors who were in attendence applyied the ashes: Rev. Dana Ashton, Rev. Mark Avens, Rev. Pete Nester, and the new pastor from the Presbyerian Church.
A photo of the Ebenzer church will appear on Sunday's Steeple Chasin'
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today, this page is dedicated to the memory of my husband, Ted Armstrong 03/03/45 - 02/22/07
Mardi Gras King's Crown Cake.
St. Rose of Lima and St. Augustine had a Mardi Gras Pancake dinner. This was the dessert. It was delicious. It is a pastry filled with an Almond paste. The main meal was pancakes and sausage.
Afterward, I went to Choral Society Practice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is an historic church in Poughkeeppsie, NY. It is my cousin's church. Her daughter was married there in August, 2009.
This clock is at Widener University. I took the photo when I was there for the Swedish Conference in the Fall.
I went to Zumba this morning and had a good workout. This afternoon, I shredded files for the year 2003. I took a bag of shreddings out to the recycle can as Monday is recycle day. My snow crocuses are blooming all around to yard. A sign of spring. The snowstorm is heading off to the south of us so there will be no snow. It is 40 degrees now. I hope the temp keeps climbing up.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The crocuses are blooming all around my house as well as the snow drops. A snow storm is brewing for Sunday. We shall see.
I planted the flowers that I dug up when I had the deck put in. The wood hyacynths got planted in the back yard next to the woods. The hosta lily got planted in the back of the house and the little yellow Italian flowers got planted around the electric meter out front.
I did some wash and hung it out on the line. It went up in the 50's today. It's 39 degrees now. It will be another nice day tomorrow and then the storm will come. I better go to the grocery store tomorrow to get my items for French Toast.
This evening, we watched a couple Pink Panther movies.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was beat yesterday. I went out early to go with Don to the doctor's for his follow-up appt. It was rush hour traffic and it was heavy. I got there in time to walk Danny before we went to the doctor's. All went well with Don's check-up. Afterward, I had some tea with Don and then came back home. I was beat and felt nauseous so I layed down in bed for the rest of the day.
Today was a busy day. I went to exercise class. When I got home, I put all the Valentine decorations away and got out the St. Patrick decorations. I just changed the red candles to green ones and the red tablecloth to a green one. I didn't put the rest of them up. I went to help Jeannie with the fellowship dinner about 3:45. Then it was Yoga at 5:00, dinner at 6:15, Bible Study at 6:30 and Choir practice at 7:30. I watched Cold Case and now I'm ready to turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday, I went to the Dollar Tree Store, and K-Mart. From there, I went to my nephew, Rick's to take the children their Valentines. He was home getting ready for work. He works swing shifts. Ryleigh was home. She ripped open her card and hung it on the mantle. The proceeded to open her chocolate heart and eat it. Joey wasn't home from school yet.
When I got home, I got the chili ready for dinner. Erin made some cornmeal muffins to go with it. I had Yoga at 5pm and then dropped off a Valentine for my new nephew. I got him a stuffed dog carrying a big red heart that says, "Be My Valentine."
Erin was going out the door as I got home. She had a meeting at her church. I changed my clothes, gobbled, down my chili and went to the Finance meeting at the church. I got home around 8:45 and was beat. I vegetated on the sofa watching television for a while then turned in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted and I at the Church's Valentine Dinner, Feb. 2000.
My Mother and Father , Married Feb. 14, 1936 - Feb. 9, 1991
My deck. I can't wait for the weather to warm up. It's about 20 degrees out there now. Brr!
St. Basil's Ukranian Othodox Church, Chesapeake City, MD. St. Basil's has a sign that says Everyone is welcome. I wonder if they have their service in English or Ukranian.
When Ted and I first went to the Baptist Church in Vineland, we followed people into the Christrian Education Building and up the steps. We sat down and the Pastor came up to us and said, "I think you are in the wrong building. You are welcome to join us but we have our service in Ukranian.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When I was a child, there was a show on television called "I Remember Moma." I never dreamed there would be a time when I would only be able to remember Moma and not have her with me. It's been over 20 years and I still miss her very much.
Today is the 99th anniversary of her birthday and keeping to tradition, it snowed. We would always take Moma out to dinner on her birthday and sometimes the weather could be quite nasty.
We went to Zumba this morning and had a good workout. There was about 1.5 inches of snow on the deck, lawn, and sidewalk but the roads were clear. I took Danny out and then had some lunch. I went to the gas station, Big Lot's Store, K-Mart, and Redner's Supermarket. When I got home, I took Danny out again and then made the dinner. We'll have some ice cream later while we watch some movies. I have a Midsomer Murder Mystery from the library and Erin has not seen the Old Star Trek Movies. Last week, we watched "The Return of Khan" and now we are ready for "The Search for Spock."
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Early snow crocus. It was in bloom on Monday, Feb. 6th with more buds coming. I put a basket fence around it to protect it from squirrel or what ever at the bud the week before. There is a problem though. Now that I have the deck, I go in and out the back door and don't see the crocuses that are along the front walk. I will have to plant more in the fall. It was 20 degrees this morning so winter is still here. I saw a flock of Robins and thought, "Oh good, the Robins are back, a sure sign of spring." Then I rethought, "Robins leave the flock in spring and the males start building their nest. They are territorial so they would not be in a flock if it were spring." Bummer.
Thursday was a busy day for me. Exercise at 9am. Help with preparing the fellowship dinner at 3:30. Jeannie had hotdogs and French Fries ready to be cooked. Her granddaughter, Jamie, made a full sheetcake pan of brownies to be served with ice cream and chocolate syup. Jeannie brought pickles and relish she had made an oh boy were they good. I looked around for what I could do and there sat two onions waiting to be diced. I hate doing onions but it needed to be done. I was fortunate that the fumes didn't get into my eyes. I also got the coffee ready. Carol came to help so I was off to Yoga class at 5:30 then back to Trinity Church for dinner. Jeannie gave me a hugh slice of brownie with a generous serving of ice cream for my dessert. Pastor Mark was away so Jeannie, Carol, and I did our Bible Study together. Choir practice was at 7:30. Only five of us showed up including the organist and director. None of the men were there. I hope they show up on Sunday as the men start out singing the first page before the ladies join in.
I was beat when I got home. Erin said that Danny didn't eat his dinner so I gave him at treat and then he ate all his food. Sometimes a treat stimulates his appetite or if he sees he's not getting any table food, he goes away and pouts. Erin had soup for supper. I did see a tiny piece of white bread in his bowl but he won't eat white bread. He only eats wheat or whole grain bread. He must know something that we don't.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Michigan winter barn #10 taken January of 2011, in or near Lake Odessa.
We had a wintery mix fall on us yesterday. It started as snow then it was mixed with rain. I don't see any whiteness out there. I hope it is not icy.
Wow, I can't believe I haven't blogged since Saturday. Sunday, I watched the Super Bowl for awhile until Downton Abby came on. Monday, I went to Yoga class. Tuesday, I had exercise class in the morning and then went Jack and Helen's Restaurant and had an apple dumpling. Yum! It was off to Choral Society practice at night. Yesterday, I met with Ursula at the church to record the deposits in the computer and I learned how to do the reconcilliation. The pastor's Bible Study was at 10:30 and then I took a picture of St. Basil's Church to post on Sunday. I have run out of church photos so will have to take some more. I have plenty of barns but will take more of them. There are a lot of barns in this area. I also took a photo of my deck. I wanted to wait until the top soil was dressed around the walkway. I looks really nice but now I'll have to do some planting of bushes and flowers. I will also have to plant some grass seed or I'll have tons of crab grass covering it.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I went to Zumba class this morning, then to the bank and library. We got a couple movies that we watched tonight. After lunch, I went to the dollar store and Walmart. I got some groceries and a new bathroom scale. The old one had broken. I guess I put on too much weight! I also got a shower curtain rod to use as a towel rack. The rack that is on the door is only 18 inches and the towels do not fit on it. I'll get a 24 inch rack when I find one I like.
After dinner, we watched the movies. One was the last Star Trek movie that was made and the other was Cary Grant in "To Catch a Thief." Alfred Hitchcock always makes a cameo appearance in his movies and this time, I saw him. It was near the beginning when Cary Grant escaped from the police and was on the bus. Alfred was sitting next to him in the corner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
No they are not blooming yet but they do have buds on them. This photo was taken by Ted in March of 2005. After 68 degrees on Thursday, it was down to 21 degrees this morning. Danny woke me at 4am needing to go out. I put on my sweatpants and ran out the door. He had to do his duty and then ate some grass. He had his heartworm medicine yesterday and sometimes it upsets his stomach. He rarely runs to the door so when he does, it's an emergency.
Well, the Ground Hog did not see his shadow here so spring should be on its way. My daffodils have buds on them and so do my snow drops. I would expect the snow drops but the daffodils are early.
I went to exercise class this morning and then to Jack and Helen's Restaurant. I had a piece of Boston Cream Pie and coffee.
I cleaned up the yard when I got back and notched out a couple pieces of moldings to fit on my wall. I am making a shelf to support my brass framed mirror. I used a coping saw to do the notches. My walls have panels that have strips cover the joints of the wall board or panels or what ever they have on the walls. The walls are only 1/8 inch thick. I have to attach the mirror to a stud or it will not hold. The shelf will be attached to the studs and the bottom of mirror will rest on the shelf. The top of the mirror will attach to the stud in the middle.
At 3:30, I went up to the church to help Jeannie with the Fellowship dinner. She was dicing chicken for chicken salad. She had chicken noodle soup on the stove. I got the coffee ready and her granddaughter, Danielle, made the ice tea.
My Yoga class was at 5pm and then a 6pm, I went back to the church for the Fellowship dinner. The hot soup was good and so was the sandwich. Vanilla fudge ice cream was the dessert. Bible study followed the dinner and then Choir practice. I watched Cold Case and now I am ready for bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Bible Study this morning. The forecast was for rain all day but the sun came out and it felt like a balmy day in May. I thing it was 65 degrees. Off with the coat, hat and gloves.
After lunch, I went to People's Plaza in Glasgow, DE. It is a huge shopping center with various shops and a movie theater. Also Doctors, Dentists, Daycare and offices. I went to Dollar Tree, Home Depot, and the Safeway Supermarket.
When I got home, the deck was just about done. The gate was installed so I can let Danny out on the deck. He seems to like it but still hasn't gotten used to going out the back door. He did not like the old back steps. They were steep and had one more step than the front. There was also not back to the step and I think it scared him. My deck steps have a back and are wider.
It looks good but I looked at the Redwood Stain at Home Depot and it is $33.00/gal. and I will need at least two. It's good for 10 years so I guess it's not so bad.
News from the Vorlon Wife.