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I went to Zumba this morning and wondered what all the cooking was about in the kitchen. I forgot it was the Kanal Kitchen Day for feeding the homeless people. I went back at noon, had some Sheppard's Pie and then helped with the cleanup in the kitchen. I mostly dried the dishes, trays and pans.
It was a cold raw day. I ironed and then got some dinner ready. I baked some french fries and a sausage and put some veges in the microwave. We watched some Perry Mason and Midsomer Murders. I put in a DVD of "The Duchess of Duke Street". Ted and used to watch it on PBS. This is a different series then we watched. I got it at the library. It is disk 5. I guess I should have started with disk 1. Oh well.
When I took Danny out tonight, it looked like my hosta lily had leaped out of the ground. It's about a foot high. It was only just coming out of the dirt yesterday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The Hardy Primrose is blooming on the east side flower garden. It is about done now and so are the hyacinths and some of the daffodils. I think the hot weather took its toll on them. The pink primrose is the only one that came up this year. I bought some yellow ones at the supermarket and will put them in out front on the northside. I went to the apple barn yesterday and bought the mulch for the west side along the new sidewalk. I'll get some azaleas or shubs when they go on sale. I have some planting to do. I had dug up some hostas and the summer narcissus that were in the way of the addition I put on the front steps. I put them in pots, but haven't replanted them yet. They are starting to grow. The summer narcissus is blooming. It bloomed in June the first year I was here. Last year, it bloomed earlier and this year earlier, yet.
I've felt rather miserable due to allerigies and I believe I have a cold on top of it. I didn't go to Bible Study yesterday or to choir practice. I wanted to stay home and rest.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The start of the St. Patrick's Day parade in Chesapeake City.
This cherry tree in Elkton, MD was blooming early in March. I was surprised to see it. It was about three weeks ahead of time.
We had our last concert tonight for the season. We will be meeting on April 27 at a Pizza Restaurant to go over things. The Restaurant has given out coupons as a fund raiser for us.
The concert went real well. My friend, Dottie, came to see us. She has been a wonderful friend. I have known her since we were 4 years old.
The weather has returned to normal. It was 27 degrees this morning. I went to the church for exercise class but it was canceled for today. A group of ladies were making Easter Eggs as a fund raiser. Also, another group was folding and labeling the monthly newsletter. I helped with that as I usually do. There were a lot of people helping so it went quickly.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The Elkton United Methodist Church where the Choral Society practices and will be having their concert this afternoon. I missed yesterday's concert because I had a cold and was coughing my head off. I was afraid I'd ruin the concert with my coughing. I sang in church this morning as seemed to be OK. I'll be going to the concert this afternoon and hope everything goes well.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today was my grandmother's birthday. It cropped her out of a photo with her sisters sitting on the old stone steps of Aunt Fannie's farm house. I miss her and her sisters. I have such fond memories of them.
We would go to Grandmom's house on her birthday. We would walk over to the train station and pass the magnolia trees along the way. Sometimes they would be in bloom and sometimes they wouldn't. It would depend on how cold March was. This year, the magnolia's bloomed a week before her birthday. They are in full bloom now along with the plum, pear, and cherry trees.
The pollen is getting to me. I had trouble singing at rehersal last night. I hope I will be able to sing in the concert on Sat. and Sun. without coughing when I hit the high notes. It is very warm. The overnight temp. was 54 degrees. That normally is the high for this time of year. It has been way up in the 70's almost 80 degrees. It makes it hot as there are not leaves on the trees. The water must still be cold as there has been a heavy fog in the mornings. It takes awhile to burn off.
Yesterday was not a good day. I woke up feeling nausous I believe from the pollen. I weeded my iris garden but did not do any painting. I have more weeding to do as well as more staining of my deck and front steps where I added the addition. I need to get some mulch, alot of it as I have the area of my new sidewalk to do. Home depot has it on sale. I wish I had a pickup truck to haul it home. I also need some stone for the perimeter of the house and the area where the outdoor faucet is. I have lots of outdoor work to do. I need to plant grass seed where the new topsoil was put around the concrete work. It is dry now but when it rains, it will be a mud hole. The forsythia is blooming so it will be time to apply the crab grass killer soon and I need to spray for ants today. I should have done that a couple days ago when my neighbors had ants. I saw some in the bathroom yesterday. I don't know what they were doing in there. I haven't seen any in the kitchen so I better get spraying before I do.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Elkton Assembly of God.
I didn't go to Zumba this morning. I wasn't feeling up to it. I got the corn-beef and cabbage ready and put it in the crock-pot. I put Danny's green bandanna on him. After all, his name is Danny Boy.
Erin and I went down town to watch the St. Patrick's parade. Everyone was dressed in green. The parade participants and the spectators as well. There were bagpipes and a String Band, floats, dogs with their fur colored green, Irish lasses, and leprechauns. There was even someone dressed as St. Patrick in a Bishop's outfit. A group from my church was in the parade carrying a banner and giving out St. Patrick prayers.
Many people saw me from church and from the mobile home park. I dept hearing my name either Karol or Miss Karol. The young people around here call me Miss Karol. We went to the library to get a movie and Tina from church was in there with her husband as well as the librarian who knows us by name. It's kind of cool living in a small town.
The movie turned out to be one that we did not care to watch so I took ejected it and we watched another Alfred Hitchcock silent film. We supply the dialog. It was a good movie; even though it wasn't a tear jerker, it was rather sad.
When I took Danny out tonight, I saw I had a large purple hyacinth blooming. I can't wait to see it in daylight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Early spring flowers in my southeast garden. Crocuses, te'te tet daffodils, and hardy primroses.
I had lunch with my friends, all sisters, Dottie, Rosie, and Alberta. I grew up with them. They lived two doors from us. The luncheon was at Dottie's church. Last year, the luncheon was a St. Patty's theme but this year it was a sports theme. I wore a jogging outfit and so did Dottie. Alberta forgot her St. Patty's outfit last year so she made sure she wore it this year. Dottie forgot to tell her it was a sports theme. It was a nice luncheon and there was enough roast beef left over so they sold it to us for $2.00 a container. It's a good thing because I didn't have anything to make for dinner.
The homeless shelter is being held at our church this week so there was no Fellowship dinner. I went to Bible study and then choir practice. One of the teenage girls who lives down the street from me joined our choir. I took her home so her grandmother didn't have to come back to get her. Her grandmother does a lot of the cooking for the fellowship dinners and last night she cooked for the homeless shelter.
The tree that has daisey like flowers is called a Star Magnolia. I saw one in my friend Joan's yard when we were going to Choral Society practice. Joan's family owns a nursery so she knew right away what it was. Her tree is quite large as it is an old tree. I will try to get a photo of John and Carol's tree. It is in full bloom now.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I painted some more of the deck yesterday. I have to do the steps, rails, gates, and all the vertical boards and woodwork.
I went to a musical performance at the Seniors meeting held at the Presbyterian Church. The lady;s name is Carol Lynch. She played the piano and another lady, Alyson sang songs from Broadway and older songs. Some were from the 90's; not the 1990's but the 1890's. She had quite a program. Some songs she would play a few notes and the audience had to guess what song it was. I guessed "Moonlight in Vermont." She was surprised that someone knew that as we weren't too good at guessing the songs. We brought a sandwich for lunch afterwards and the church served beverages and brownies. I sat across from their new minister. He is from Warren, MI and has served in various church all over the country and one in Japan.
Last night I was back at the Presbyterian Church for the Lenten soup and service. Our minister from the Methodist Church was preaching and our choir was singing. The organist did not have our music so we had to sing with out accompaniment. We were a little worried about that but it went well and our pastor, Mark, beamed with Joy at our singing.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I started painting the stain and wood preserver on my new deck. It was really hot out there. The temp. was 69 but the sun was beating down on me. I wanted to get half the deck done and then bring up my picnic table from the yard. I have a big umbrella that goes in it. I should have started on the south end of the deck so the umbrella could shade me but I started on the north end. I glued the ends of my landscaping lights. The ends go into the dirt and when I would move them, they would come apart and I would lose the end that has the point on it. I placed them along the driveway and sidewalks on both sides. I took the ones from around back so I'll have to get some to put back there. I took Danny out there tonight and forgot the flashlight. It was really dark.
Another thing I did today was to clean some of the fallen limbs and debris out of the spillway ditch. I used a garden tool with a hoe on one side and prongs on the other. I was able to stick the prongs into a railroad tie and pull it out of the way. I should have worn my rubber boots because even thought it looked dry. I stepped in the muck with my good sneakers. It was cold and the muck was black. Luckily, it washed out in the washer. I wanted to get that done before the weeds grew along the bank and before the ticks hatched out. The water would pool up behind the branches and the RR tie and it made a good breeding ground for mosquitoes. I'm glad I got that job done.
I went to Yoga class and then had a finance meeting tonight. Danny is panting; I think he is hot but I don't want to clip off his fur yet as it might get cold again.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Grace Baptist Chapel. This little chapel was on the corner of my friend, Frances' father's farm. They would walk down the lane to attend service on Sunday morning.
These lovely daffodils have been blooming for two weeks. I saw a cherry tree blooming in Elkton today. I should have had my camera. My neighbor has a magnolia blooming. Of course today it turned cold again but tomorrow it's supposes to warm up again. I hope it stays warm.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the church to help Ursula with the fiances. We fixed some of the chart of accounts for her P&L Report. It took awhile and I was late for the Pastor's Bible Study. He read Erin's article she wrote in the local newspaper about him. He was very pleased with it and the members of the class were, too.
I did some weeding after lunch and then watched the Brit Coms on PBS.
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church hosted the Lenten Service tonight. First they served soup and bread in the social hall and then we went to the church. It was an amazing service. The Ukrainian Priest did the stations of the cross. We all read about each station. We sang "Were You There" without music accompaniment and the Homily was given by the Roman Catholic Priest from St. Rose's. It was a tiny little church. The Methodists from my church made up the majority of the people. The Presbyterians sat in front of us. They said they had never seen a service like that. We had not either. It is so interesting learning of other cultures and we are all Christian Brothers and Sisters of our community. The services are part of the Ecumenical Assoc. of Chesapeake City.
Scroll down to February 12 for a photo of the Ukranina Church.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Brr! Again. Another morning with 20 degrees. Danny don't seem to mind. His fur has grown in long and thick. I don't even have to put his coat on him. Next month, he will get his spring haircut. I can't believe it's going to be daylight savings time this weekend. I think the government has gone mad. I like having it lighter at night but it will be dark in the morning again. It takes a couple weeks to adjust to it.
I went to exercise class this morning and to Choral Society practice tonight. It is down to 32 degrees already. I thought my weather station remote was broken. I took it off the front landing when the contract was adding the steps from the back out to it. I put it on the back deck and a storm came up and blew it down onto the ground. It was not transmitting the temp and I thought it got wet inside. I let it dry out good, changed the batteries, and used the hair dryer on it. It still wasn't working. When all else fails, read the instructions. I had to remove the batteries from the main unit and reinsert them. They had to be done first, before putting the batteries in the remote. It is now working. Yea! I like seeing how cold it is so I know what to wear in the morning when I take Danny out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Brr! It was cold today; we even had some snow flurries. It was 20 degrees when I got up and it didn't go above 30. We've been spoiled after 60 and 70 degree weather. I didn't get motivated to do anything today. Ursula canceled our meeting to do the finances at the church so I just surfed around on my computer, watched the two movies I got at the library and went to Yoga class.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is the 1st Presbyterian Church in Elkton. My friend, Nancy from the Choral Society goes there.
I took some photos of various church in Elkton when I was showing Erin where the Doctor's office was.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today would have been my Teddy Bear's 67th birthday. This photo was taken when he was 4 months old.
The lovely little snowdrops have been blooming for a few weeks. This group is on the west side but there are little groups scattered thoughout the grass.
Yesterday was a busy day. I went to exercise class and then to Jack and Helen's Restuarant with Betty and Liz. After lunch, I drove to Baker's Restaurant to meet Nancy. I had left my music for Choral Society in her car Tuesday night. From there, I drove over to the shopping center in Glasgow. I went into the Seed Store and priced grass seed and other items. I chatted with the owner for awhile. He showed me the different grass seeds he had but said it was too early to plant the seed. It would not germinate in the cold. I decided to buy some crab grass killer. It's still too early for that but I wanted to have it on hand. I got some light bulbs in Home Depot for my bathroom. They are the energy saving kind. They are fat fancy bulbs that go over the mirror. There are 4 of them so I'm hoping these will help lower the wattage. The bathroom circuit seems to frequently need the reset button pushed. The outside outlet is also connected to the bathroom and some of the bedroom outlets. I also got a mat for the laundry room as I used the mats I had to put my plants on under the windows in my bedroom and computer room. I didn't want to set them on the carpets. Now that I have my deck, I use the back door to go in and out. The front door is hard to lock as I put extra weather stripping to keep out the cold air. The deadbolt must be locked or you can see light around the edges of the door otherwise. Opening the lock on the outside with the key is difficult. You have to pull on the door real hard to take off the pressure to turn the key. It requires two hands and you have to put down anything you are carrying to do it. It needs a new door but they are expensive.
I went to the Dollar Tree store. I had to return an over the door hook as it didn't fit. I alway end of getting a few more things than I planned on. Eggs were $.79 for eight. I got some greeting cards and some snacks.
When I got home, I walked Danny and got ready for church. I went to help with the fellowship dinner. One of my new friends made a pasta dinner. Most everything was done. I put some paper towels in the big basket that was to hold the garlic bread sticks and a couple other little things. I left for my Yoga class at the Town Point church and then back for dinner at Trinity Church. The lasagne and garlic bread sticks were gone. I had the speghetti, macaroni, rigatoni, and cold chicken pasta salad. I also had a nice garden salad and two big scoops of ice cream. I helped dry the dishes as Pastor Mark washed. They had the kitchen pretty well cleaned up by the time I got there so I didn't get any leftovers to bring home.
I went to Pastor Mark's Bible Study and then to Choir practice. When I got home, I watched Midsommer Murders on PBS. They started a new season. It was good. It seem a lot of people in the little community were getting killed and almost all the people seem guilty or were hiding some kind of secret.
News from the Vorlon Wife.