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Old Swedes Church in Wilmington, DE. It was one of the first churches where my ancesters attended when they came to New Sweden. It is a short walk from Fort Christiana on the Christiana River in Wilmington.
I went to Lowe's in DE this morning. I have a circular that said they had azaleas 4 for $10.00. They didn't have any. They said my circular was for MD and DE was a different district. I then went to Walmart and got a few things like Round-up and Spectracide. I also got a cover for my glider. I don't have the cushion on the glider as I don't want it out in the rain. It is in the shed. Now, I can get the cushion out and cover it when not in use.
After I got back, I walked Danny, and had some lunch. I looked up the store locater for a Lowe's in MD as I didn't know where one might be. I found one in Northeast but by the time I got there, they had only 4 white azaleas left. They looked like sticks sticking out of a pot with a few leaves on the tips of the sticks. Bummer. The other azaleas started at $9.98. I guess I'll got back to the Lowe's in DE and get the ones they had for $5.48. They had pretty pink ones. Only instead of getting 8 as I had planned, I'll only get two. I hope they still have them when I get there.
I stopped at the Chinese Take-Out to get myself some dinner. Erin is working a double shift and won't be home until after midnight. She has to be back at work at 8am. I hope this is just because they are getting started with a new client and they don't make a habit of this double shift stuff. She will only have 6 hours until she has to get up for work.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got a wonderful surprise today. A man came walking down the sidewalk and Danny started barking. I was afraid to open the door so I looked out the clear part of the glass and saw it was the Federal Express man. Someone sent me flowers. The return address was San Diego, CA. I don't know anyone there. I opened the box and saw it was from my good friends, Naomi and Jim. Naomi is my sister-in-law's sister. I went to school with three of the sisters. The flowers are a bouquet of irises with a vase. They haven't opened yet but are starting too. They will look beautiful
I didn't do too much today. I weeded some more and called the cable company as I wasn't able to get into my voice mail. Evidently, they change the program and the code had to be reset. They claimed they sent me a letter about it but I never got it. I was going nuts entering my code and getting a message that it wasn't a valid code. After getting that taken care of, I called Naomi to thank her for the flowers. We talked for a while and we were both having trouble with our phones.
Erin came home from her job around 4:30 and was talking to my next door neighbor, Robbie. He said he would cut my grass this weekend as he owes me a grass cutting from last fall. I had forgotten that I prepaid him and he wasn't able to do it. I'm glad he will be doing it as I hate cutting grass. I hate weed wacking even more. I use Roundup as much as possible to cut down the weeds.
After dinner, Erin and I went for a walk around town. There were a couple shops open so we went in. There was also a wedding going on at the church. The bridesmaids have on short, hot pink, sleeveless dresses and wore hot pink flip-flops. The men wore navy blue sport jackets and khaki pants. Somehow, the casualness didn't seem appropriate for a formal wedding.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My purple tulip and wood hyacinths that I brought from Vineland. They look lovely in the back yard bordering the woods and stream. The tulip has been blooming since March. I thought I had brougt more tulips from Vineland but this is the only one out back and I have some red ones out front by the fence. I do have some leaves that came up here and there but did not bloom. I guess I'll have to relocte them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning and then to the Dermatologist this afternoon. I had a dark spot on the back of my neck and couldn't see what it was. It turned out to be a vein but he saw some things on my face that I didn't see or know were there. He sprayed them with liquid nitrogen. He said it would be very cold. It felt more like it burned and now it looks like blisters. It will probably look even nastier before it gets better.
My niece, Cheryl and her husband, Ed invited us over for dinner for my birthday. Ed cooked bbq chicken breast, roasted corn, and potato salad. He also made a homemade pumpkin pie. It was a nice dinner. Cheryl gave me a nighty and Erin gave me a book that is about one of the main characters in Downton Abbey.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning but none of the ladies showed up. The church secretaries were folding the newsletters so I helped with that. I had brought my tape as they sometimes need extras. The letters need the pages put together, folded in half and then in quarters. Next, they need to be taped closed and the address labels need to be attached.
When I got home, I did some laundry, hung it out and took Danny for his walk. I made a couple phone calls and an appointment with the Dermatologist. There is something black on the back of my neck and I can't see what it is. It could be a vein and I hope that's what it is and not something I need to be concerned about. I also have something that looks like a mole but I wasn't born with it. It just appeared one day. My family doctor didn't know what it was and wanted to have a Dermatologist look at it. So I go there Thursday afternoon.
After lunch, I watched my Britcoms and did some weeding on the east side along the walk. I still need to do some more weeding. That is one job that never ends. I go around the house and when I am finished, it's time to go around again.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Saturday, I did some more painting on my deck, had lunch out there, got cleaned up and went to New Castle. It is a colonial town on the Delaware River. The Swedes first settled there in the 1600,s and then the Dutch took over. Shortly after the Dutch, William Penn landed in New Castle and it became an English colony. There is a statue of Penn on the green in the center of the town. Erin and I went into the courthouse and a tour guide greeted us and told us all about the courthouse that was built in the 1600,s. He answered our questions and gave us some brochures. The town rolls up its sidewalks at 3:30 so we didn't get to see much more of the colonial houses. We got a colonial ice cream cone that had a window outside of a bar. It was good. We looked inside the Colonial Presbyterian Church. It had been started as a Dutch Reformed Church when under the Colonial rule of the Dutch. We also looked around the cemetery of the colonial Episcopal Church. We left after that as I had to get back to let Danny out.
Yesterday, I did some spring cleaning. I started with Erin,s room because she is very messy. I got that room cleaned up and hope it stays that way. Next will be the little blue bedroom.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A replica of the Kalmar Nyckel that my ancestors came over on in 1638. It is Delaware's tall ship. It is docked at Fort Christiana in Wilmington, DE. The crew and maintenance workers are preparing it for summer cruises.
One of my new blue hydrangeas. I bought two for the front of the house.
I cut the grass this morning and spread the rest of the weed killer. It supposed to rain tomorrow night and Sunday. Erin got a job today and will start on Tuesday. I took her to dinner to celebrate. We went to Baker's Restaurant.
We came home and watched "Sherlock" on Masterpiece Mystery.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The ceremony of Colonial Swedes Day with the Lenape Indians who lived in the area. They had friendly relations with the colonists. My ancestor, Peter Gunnarson Rambo was an early Swedish Settler at Fort Christiana. He was a justice under Swedish rule, Dutch rule, and English rule. He was a friend of William Penn. He was one of the founders and Vestrymen of the Gloria Dei (Old Swedes) Church in Philadelphia.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A couple dressed in Colonial costumes at the Swedish Colonial Days Celebration in Wilmington, DE.
The gentleman was the MC for the event.
I awoke at 5am and did some editing on the photos I took at the Swedish Colonial Days Celebration. I put sausage, pepper, onion and pasta sauce in the crock-pot to have for dinner. At 9am, I went to exercise class and then helped Ursula with posting the invoices. The computer was not co-operating. It shut down in the middle of posting and I had to go back into the program. It is very slow and frustrating. We paid a couple more bills and then had to post them. We didn't get finished so I have to go back tomorrow.
I rested in the afternoon. I was tired out. The sausage and pepper was good. We'll get a few more meals out of that.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the church this morning to help Ursula with paying the bills. I have to go back tomorrow to post them.
After lunch, I went to the Shop-Rite to get some groceries. It's about 40 minutes and the air conditioner in my car is not working. I think I'm going to have to get a new car as it's emissions computer is also not working. It cost $2000.00 to fix that and I don't know how much to fix the air. The car is old and only worth $4200.00 so I don't think it is worth it to repair. Who knows what else will go wrong.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We got a little rain overnight. It had stopped when I took Danny out. The temperature rose quickly reaching 84 degrees on the east side in the shade and a good 90 degrees on the west side in the sun. I went to church early for choir practice and then church service, followed by fellowship refreshments in the social hall and Sunday School.
I took Danny out when I got home and then it was back to the church for CPR instruction. A friend from the church is teaching it to anyone who is interested in learning. Erin needed the certification for her job so the class came just in time.
After dinner, we watched PBS starting with Sherlock Holmes, then the Roots program, and ending with Masterpiece Classic which had a Charles Dickens story.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had quite a day. We went to Zumba and had a good workout then we were off to the Swedish Colonial Days at Fort Christiana in Delaware. It is where my ancestors landed in 1639. When we arrived, the Lenape Indians were having a celebration. The various members of the tribe would recite and then they would all say, "We are the Lenape People." They greeted the Swedes when they came and had a friendly relationship with them. Erin and I visited the many booths that were at the celebration and we talked with the people. We toured the Kalmar Nyckel; the ship our ancestor came over on. Then we went and visited the Trinity Old Swedes Church.
I was a warm day, getting up into the 70's. We were tired out when we got home.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Bible Study this morning and then to the hair dresser this afternoon. I got a new perm. I really needed one. Erin went for orientation for her job but it turned out to be selling Rainbow vacuum cleaners. She was disappointed. They were very secretive about their product and she felt scammed. Ted and I felt the same way years ago when a salesperson called to demonstrate a cleaner air machine. It turned out to be a Rainbow vacuum cleaner. Erin didn't feel she could sell them.
I went to my nephew's later in the afternoon to take him and his family their Easter gifts. They couldn't make it on Easter Sunday so everyone left their gifts with me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning and then came home and cut the grass on the east side and in the back. I took Danny for his walk and had some lunch afterwards. Erin went for a job interview and got the job. I don't know how I feel about it as it is a sales job selling air filters. I can't picture her doing sales. We will see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do much today. I was tired out from the weekend. I did my taxes online but need to print and file them. That took most of the morning and I lazed around the rest of the afternoon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a busy day today. Sunrise service was at 6:30 at the Marina. Refreshments were served afterward at the Trinity Methodist Church. I came home and did a few things and then back to 9am service. It was my turn to count the money and get the deposit ready after church.
When I got home, I got the ham ready and put it in the oven. I got everything ready for the Easter Dinner. I had ham and asparagus. I also had venison meatloaf. Sylvia brought mashed potatoes, Cheryl and Ed brought deviled eggs, Don brought coleslaw, Erin made chocolate chip cookies, and Tina brought pineapple stuffing. I had baked a pumpkin pie but there were no takers. I had bought a cherry Boston creme pie and everyone seemed to enjoy that. It was a nice day and I was tired out after a long day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The purple hyacinth was taken on March 16th. It is finished now as are all the hyacinths and most of the daffodils. I do have some narcissus and a few jiant daffodils blooming on the east side of the driveway. The creeping phlox is blooming sparcely as it was damaged when the sidewalk was put in last fall. Some tulips are blooming but I don't seem to have as many as I thought I would.
It will be a busy day today and tomorrow. I have go to the supermarket and get the ham and asparagus and the things I didn't get yesterday. Luckily, they are on sale at Redner's, the nearest supermarket. I'm going to the Good Friday service at noon. Danny needs his bath today and a little more trimming. I will be going to the cemetery tomorrow and do some baking.
I need to get something to eat and get going.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise this morning and then to Middletown to get gas and go to the supermarket there. I couldn't find anything that they had in their newspaper ad so I looked at the dates and it expired yesterday. I did find a turkey for $.99/lb. It was a small on so I could fit it in my freezer.
We went to the church tonight and they had a Seder dinner. First they served soup and bread and then the Seder dinner. They explained everything as we ate the food. It was followed by communion. There were not as many people there as were expected. I think they prepared for 60 and only 30 showed up.
I had choir practice afterward and Erin helped with the cleanup in the kitchen while I practiced. My young neighbor, Jamie, rode with us as her mother's car was having some problems. She recently started singing in the choir. She is 14 and does a lot to help in the church.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early, took Danny out and then headed for the hospital lab to have my bloodwork done. I took a cup of coffee with me so I could drink it when I got done. I had to fast before the bloodwork and it was hard to get going without having some coffee.
I put down some crab grass killer on the east side where the crab grass had been the thickest. I decided to do half of the yard at one time as it is hazardous to animals. It can be absorbed through their feet. I'll do the west side after we get some rain and the stuff gets diluted.
I did some wash and hung it out on the line. It dried quickly in the warmth of the sun and it was windy. The wind helps to dry it quickly.
I didn't know what to have for dinner so we went to the Deerhead Hot Dog Restaurant and got a couple cheeseburgers and fries. They were good. Their cheese-steaks looked good too. I'll try one next time. It has been hard to find a good cheese-steak.
Burn Notice was on tonight but the one show was a repeat that I saw twice before and the other was a repeat, too. I read my book. I want to read some more before I go to sleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning and then to Jack and Helen's Restaurant with my exercise friends. I had a pineapple upside-down pie. It was good but very very sweet.
When I got back, I took Danny out for a walk and delivered notices to hang on door knobs, telling about the Easter Services and Easter Egg Hunt at the Methodist Church. I still have to do Mallard Drive tomorrow.
I did some planting in the afternoon. I planted the Hardy Primroses and the summer narcissus.
I went over to vote in the primary later in the afternoon. Erin went with me but she hadn't registered before the deadline so wasn't able to vote. She will be able to in November.
I cooked up some rice and served it with chicken and mixed vegetables. It was a change from the Egg Plant Parm I made for Sunday and Monday.
When I took Danny out in the evening, I noticed the dogwood tree was blooming. Dogwoods usually don't bloom until the end of April and this is a Japanese Dogwood that blooms in May when the American Dogwoods are finished. I also saw the Dogtooth Violets blooming.
Tonight we watched a Doris Day movie, "Lover Come Back" on TMC. It was funny. We enjoyed it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Providence Methodist Church in Elkton.