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I went to exercise class this morning and then to Jack and Helen's with ladies from class. Two ladies had breakfast and the other had rye toast as usual. I had a piece of Boston Creme Pie and a huge iced tea. They had size small and huge.
I didn't do much the rest of the day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
There we were, "On the Way to Cape May." We were on the Cape May Ferry. Today would have been our 41st anniversary.
I had a new front door put on today. The old one, had big gaps in it and you had to shove your body against it and lock the deadbolt or you would see light all around the gaps. So heat and air were going out the door. The storm door didn't fit properly either. It was one solid sheet of plexiglass without a screen. I got the door combo with the storm and screen. My neighbor who does construction work went with me to pick out the door and bring it home in his truck. He installed the door. I am happy with it but it only has a peep hole and no window. I would have like a window but this was the only one in my size. Mobile homes have smaller doors than regular houses. I will like being able to open the door and have the screen to get some cross ventilation. There is a double window near the door so light can come in. The window is a pain to open so the door will work out just fine.
I went food shopping this afternoon; we were out of everything.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a busy day. We visited the cemeteries to put flowers. Mt. Moriah was first. It is located in a not so good neighborhood in Southwest Philadelphia. It is in a horrible state of neglect. My grandparents tombstone was in a field of ragweed that was almost as tall as I am. I put a bunch of tools in the car and used the manual hedge shears to cut down the ragweed. The stone is located near the road so we had to snip and peer into the weeds. Don found it so I snipped away and cleared a small space to put my bunch of silk flowers. Mosquitoes were biting so we didn't stay long.
Next stop was the churchyard at St. James Episcopal Church. It is an old Swedes Church where my ancestors are buried. We couldn't find any of them. The old tombstones were not legible. I'll have to make an appointment with the Sexton to see if their graves can be located.
Next stop was Mt. Zion. We placed flowers on all my families graves. My grandparents, and grandmoms parents, brother, and sisters. Then we walked over to place some on grandpop's parents and sister. We went over to the older section of the cemetery where the veterans were having a service. They were honoring Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War Vets. It is where the site of the Darby Methodist Meeting House was. It had been cleared up and restored. We found several of our ancestors graves. One, Moses Lincoln, was a Revolutionary War Veteran. We met Mrs Wardell who loves history and found the old section of the cemetery and organized volunteers to clean it up. Many trees had to be removed. I met some other descendants of my Lincoln ancestors. Mrs. Wardell had a couple of her books with her so I purchased one. It had much history of the early settlers. It was so nice to meet Mrs Wardell. She did a wonderful job restoring the cemetery and writing about the early history of the area.
We went home to Don's to have some lunch and cool off. The temp. was in the 90's today. i took Danny to the WaWa to get some sandwiches. Erin ordered hers and printed out her ticket then she came out to hold Danny while I ordered for Don and me. We watched a movie while we ate and afterward, we went to the cemetery where Ted and my parents are buried.
We watched the end of the Phillies game as we cooled off again at Don's then we hit the road and headed home.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and Sunday School this morning. The choir sang "The Mansions of the Lord" for Memorial Day. After church, I got ready to go to my nephew,Rick's for a BBQ and take a dip in the pool. The weather was hot. It felt more like July than May. Rick's pool was warm and refreshing.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A church on route 202 between Wilmington, De and Concordville, PA.
I went to Zumba this morning. Cheryl called when I got home and invited us out on their boat. I was walking Danny when she called. I hurried and made some turkey salad and through some things in the cooler. We went out on the Bohemia River for the afternoon. There was a cool breeze on the River and the water was in the 70's. It was a pleasant day. I thing the temp. here was in the 90's. Shorty before we left the river, Ed saw smoke billowing up near the marina. It started as gray smoke but then turned black. It was hard to see what it was but we assumed it was a boat as it was cast away from the dock to burn in the river. We heard the fire whistles and the Maryland State Resources boat came up the river with it's siren screaming followed by the Coast Guard. We could see blue lights flashing near the fire and an ambulance at the marina. As Ed drove his boat back to the marina, we saw what of left of a sailboat; its mast hanging over the side and the back of the boat all black. I hope no one was injured.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
One of my new azaleas. They are finished blooming now but make lovely shrubs along the driveway and walks.
Erin spotted a turtle crawling and swimming in the spillway stream out back. It was probably a snapping turtle but I'm not sure.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I put the turkey in the oven around 8:30am. Today looked like it would be the coolest day to light up the oven. It was done before noon. It was nice and tender and fell off the bone. I didn't bother to stuff it so I cooked quickly. I planted some of my portulacas. I had to do some weeding as I planted. It was supposed to rain in the afternoon so I wanted to get them in before the rain. I went to the dermatologist for my follow-up. He shot me with some more liquid nitrogen as some of the spots still had a little left. He also shot a couple other spots. I felt something on the back of my neck so he shot that one. He also shot what I believed to be a freckle on my arm. I go back in three months for another follow-up.
I took Danny out around 4pm and it had started raining. He wanted nothing to do with going out. He heard thunder in the distance and that was it. He ran back in. He had been leary about going out all day.
I enjoyed my turkey dinner and then went to choir practice. We will be singing "The Mansions of the Lord" for Memorial Day. We had sung that one in the Choral Society Concert.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some wash early this morning and hung it in my shower as the forecast called for rain. It didn't rain. It was hot and humid. I was getting ready to go to Bible Study when the phone rang and it was my friend, Barbara who was my neighbor when we lived in Trevose, PA. I had sent an email and left a phone message for Barbara inquiring about her rental house in Cape May. On the Internet, it said it was available for the week I wanted to go there. Barbara and her husband have been going through some difficult times and they are not able to get there rental unit ready for the summer. Barb's mother passed away and shortly after, her husband, David's mother passed away and now, their son, has passed away. He was about 40 years old. They and their daughter are just devastated. I felt so sorry for her. I was late for Bible Study as I wanted to talk with Barbara.
Bible Study was good as usual and there was a big turnout today. Last week, there was a small turnout. There was only one seat left when I got there. We discussed the Scripture Lesson for Sunday and then shared our joys and concerns. I told them about Barbara and we prayed for her and her family.
I didn't do much when I got home. I felt upset about what happened to Barb. One never knows what will happen from one day to the next.
Poor little Danny, I have to literally pry his mouth open and shove his pill down his throat. I don't know how he does it but he manages to spit it out. It took only three tries this morning and about 5 tonight. I give his some peanut butter as a reward.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class with my exercise friends and then we went to Jack and Helen's Restaurant. The ladies call it the Grill as that was what it was called years ago.
I did 't do much in the afternoon. Erin went to work but the patient was not there. She waited for awhile after calling her boss but there was no response. The boss called after dinner and claimed she had sent an email. The patient must have become violent with another aid and was sent to jail. So Erin is out of work until the middle of June when she will be assigned to a group home.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was off early. I stopped at the bank and went on to Don's. I walked Danny and saw Don coming down the street in his new Nissan. It is dark blue like my car. I went to the Doctor's with him for his six month check-up. Things looked good and he goes back again in six months. The doctor is retiring so he set Don up with one of his associates.
We had some lunch and I drove back. We were supposed to get a lot of rain but none came. I had to water my grass. Bummer!
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Media Presbyterian Church in Media, PA. Obviously, it was raining the day this was taken,
There was no zumba class today; the instructor was sick. We went to the library, the bank, and then to the VFW flea market. We looked at the flea items then went inside. I bought a cake, some cheeseburgers and fries for lunch. Then we headed to Elkton to go to Deals. It is sort of like a Dollar Store but some things are more than a dollar. There are a lot of dollar items. Next, I went to the cleaners to drop off my coat and to the pet store to get Danny some food. The vet wants him on a low protein diet. She suggested Hills Science Diet but dogfoodadvisor.com rates it as one of the worst dog foods. It has ingredients in it that can be harmful to dogs. I got Danny California Naturals. It is a dry dog food and he won't eat it unless I wet it down. I have some broth in the freezer to wet it down with. After the pet store, we went to the supermarket. When we got home we watched a movie we got at the library.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I planted my gladiolas today and weeded the flowerbed in front of the fence. I was delighted to find hundreds of tiny portulacas. They reseeded themselves and now I will have them all around the house in the sunny areas. They were delightful last year and will look nice along my new walk. Two men came this afternoon and started to take the old silver maple tree down. They may have to get a cherry picker to get the large limb that hangs over my house. It made a lot of shade but it is dying and I fear it will come down on my roof one of these days.
Erin and I looked at a couple mobile homes today. One is very nice and costs more than the other but it is in better condition. The problem is another lady had looked at it last week and she came back. I don't know if she put down a deposit or not. We'll have to see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The irises are doing well but I see very few that I brought from Vineland. This is one of them. I have many that were already here. They are all blue ones. They are pretty but I miss the variety I had in Vineland. I may have given some to my niece. I'll have to look in her yard.
Yesterday, I had lunch with my friends that I grew up with. Dottie's church has a luncheon every other month and we all get together with her. Two of her sisters were there and two of her other friends. We had a nice time. They played a few games of bingo. Dottie won a prise. They we rolled the dice on the table and whoever got doubles got a prize. We kept passing the dice around and almost all of use got a five and a one. I finally rolled two fives and got a prize and so did Dottie's friend. We both picked out flower kits. I took the impatiens and she took the daiseys.
I went to choir practice and only four of us showed up. Me being the only soprano, Tina the only alto, and two of the men. I hope more show up on Sunday. We will be singing a familiar hymn and we practice again before church.
Tina followed me home and I gave her some mushrooms. She and her husband love them. I guess one either loves them or hates them.
My brother called yesterday. He went to the mall on Saturday. When he came out his car was missing and he had his cell phone in the car. He went back into the mall to use a phone to call the police. They said, "Oh, that's the car that was on fire. We had it towed away." What a shock. I'm glad he wasn't in it and I hope no other cars were damaged.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It's been a busy week. Tuesday, I took Danny to the Vet to have his teeth cleaned. He had to have 3 teeth pulled. My poor little baby. His digestive problem seems to have cleared up but he needs to take his antibiotics until they are done. He also needs to take pain medicine and antibiotics for his dental surgery. While he was knocked out, I had them do his nails and glands. He also got his lyme disease booster. Getting him to take medicine is a challenge. I tried almost everything. My friend Linda suggested putting the pills in peanut butter. He ate the peanut butter and spit out the pill. Erin said her mom would hold there dogs head up until they swallowed the pill. That worked but he was not a happy camper.
There are a couple mobile homes for sale down the street that Erin is interested in. We looked at one. An elderly man lives there and he let us look around. It had been remodeled about two or three years ago. It has a new heater but I see a window airconditioner. It has a fireplace which Erin liked. The place is a mess and needs a good cleaning throughout. I have to make an appointment to look at the one across the street. It has just been remodeled but looks like it needs a new roof and back door. Several neighbors said the old man's mobile home is a better deal. The one that needs the new roof belongs to the mobile home park and they had to do a lot of repairs. I don't think they will come down on their price as they want to recoup their expenses. It had a sky light that leaked so it needed all new carpets and flooring. Who knows what else was damaged or if it needs a new heater and h/w heater. The neighbors thought the price was outrageous. It is $10,000.00 more than the old man's trailer.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My bleeding hearts in my backyard.
It rained off and on all day today. I didn't do much. I went to the bank and then the apple barn . I got a flat of portulacas, a flat of wax begonias, and two yellow begonias. It's time to start planting. Yesterday, my neighbor, John, gave me a bunch of irises so I'll have to plant them, too. I have my glads to plant, also.
I talked to Ted's mother today. She was busy with her estate sale yesterday so I didn't call her. I hope she got the Mother's Day card I sent. I think I sent it to the old address.
I had a finance meeting at the church tonight. There were only four of us there so the meeting went quickly. We were able to go through the agenda and get things done. It seems when there are alot of people at a meeting, it drags along and takes forever.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Victoria Chapel on the Baltimore Pike, I believe in Wallingford, PA. It is on the border of Media, Springfield, and Swarthmore, PA.
I didn't do much today. I was afraid to go out with Danny being sick. He slept most of the morning. I raked up the rest of the soil and sowed the grass seed. I watered it down good. I had a nice chat with the lady next door. She is Christine's great aunt and takes care of the children while Christine works.
I took Danny out several times but he did not do any business. I could have gone out to do the things I wanted but I didn't want to take the chance. Danny walked a little slowly. I don't know if he didn't feel well or if the antibiotic was making him sleepy. He saw several of his friends and seemed happy to see them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My orchid iris. The irises are doing well this year.
I finished pulling the weeds out of where I want to plant the grass seed and started to break up the soil with the rake. I had to walk Danny and was freaked out when he had blood in his stool. I called the Vet and took him in this afternoon. I took his stool with me. He had no parasites or anything. They did some blood work and his pancreas levels were high but that is normal with gas and diarhea. They are treating him for a bacterial infection. I am giving him an antibiotic. I hope he will be OK. He seems fine other than his gassy ness. His insides were making a lot of noise for the past week which I thought was odd.
We went to dinner at Cheryl and Ed's. Ed made a delicious turkey dinner. Their dog had a similiar problem a few weeks ago. When I got home I found Danny had messed in my bathroom. It was on the tile floor so cleaned up easily. I'll have to leave the door open in case he has to go in the middle of the night. I probably won't sleep as I'll be listening for him so I can take him out if necessary.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The Club House at Broomall's Lake. The luncheon after Nate's funeral was held here. Jan's house is just beyond the trees. My uncle, his brother, and his father-in-law built the house. My father helped with the electrical work. That was over sixty years ago.
I would stay at my aunt and uncle's in the summer and we would walk down the path to the lake and swim. I could only doggie paddle the first time I went there. We would swim from raft to raft and I learned to swim quickly when I knew I couldn't touch bottom. We also ice skated on the lake in the winter. My Uncle Bud was a terrific ice skater. Roy Shipstead want him for the Ice Follies but it was during the Great Depression and Bud was head of he household and had to work to support the family. He didn't have the time to practice and travel with the Follies. He picked out the site next to the lake to build their house.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I washed sheets and towels and hung them out on the line. It was windy so they dried quickly. It reminded me of the phrase "Two sheets to the wind." I actually had four sheets. The wind blows the clothes pole around. It turns in a circular motion.
I planted the rest of my azaleas and the plants I got for Easter. I have one more Easter Lily to plant. I also planted my tomato plants and found the baskets for them to climb on.
My neighbor, John, was walking by so I asked him to carry my bags of crushed marble around back. I managed to get them out of the trunk but they were heavy so I stacked them in the driveway. John was glad to help. He and his wife are so nice. Carol is handicapped and doesn't get out much. Danny loves both of them. He stops in front of their door and watches to see if they are coming out. When Danny sees John he gets so excited, wagging his tail and making a beeline toward him.
I pulled the rest of the lamb's quarters out of the soil in the back. I still have to get the dandelion digger for them and the plantain weeds. I have to get the rake out and loosen up the soil for the grass seed. The stone is ready to be dumped in front of the outdoor faucet. The cement men ruined my spray nozzle on my hose. I just got it the end of last summer. For some reason, they took it all apart and now it leaks like a sieve. I watered my plants and got soaked with the water leaking down the hose. The water pressure was weak because of the leaks. I had to set the nozzle on power-wash to get a stream of water. It was a weak stream at that. It should have reached twenty feet and only reached about 4 feet.
I went to choir practice. We went over our hymns for the next two weeks and were given the lineup for the month. The 27th will be our last day for choir.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I downloaded my photos and started catching up on my blog. I went to my Bible Study class then came home and walked Danny. It was pretty wet out so I couldn't do any weeding until late afternoon. I still have some more to do. I did around the sides as far as I could reach. The dirt was wet so the weeds came out easily. My neighbor, Marlene, came over with the lesson at missed at Sunday School and brought me two tomato plants. It will be nice and sunny on the west side especially when they take down the silver maple tree. I will plant them among my flowers.
I made some pasta for dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class and then to Jack and Helen's Restaurant with my friends. When I got home, I went to Glasgow to get grass seed and to Home Depot to get some stone for around the area of my outdoor faucet.
I had to pull out weeds that sprang up in the new soil around my concrete patio and rake it to brake up the soil. I only did a small patch on the west side of my stepping stones before it started to rain. I sprinkled the grass seed on the part I had worked up.
We needed the rain and it came in a light drizzle until later that night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Snapper soup anyone? This guy was huge. He swims up to the dock at Broomall's Lake when he sees people standing there. He's looking for a handout. The blug gills were there, too.
Nate's visitation was at 9am with the funeral service at 10:00. There were a lot of people there and Don got the last parking place in the procession to the cemetery. He had to squeeze into a space at the corner. The people who came after us had to fend for themselves to find a space.
It was a lovely service with a beautiful soloist. The cemetery was not far from the church. I felt sorry for Nate's father. He was sitting in a chair next to the grave and when everyone left, he did not want to leave. His other sons had to talk to him to get him to leave.
The luncheon was held a Broomall's Lake Country Club which is right next to Jan's house. My uncle built the house right next to Broomall's Lake. We ate on the outdoor deck next to the lake and when we were finished, Nate's brother, Conrad, invited us inside so we could speak without the noise of the fountain. Conrad started by telling us his memories of Nate and said we would do it Quaker style. Whoever felt moved to speak could stand up and speak. One by one, almost everyone got up to say a few words on their memories of Nate. It was a wonderful tribute to him. He was loved by everyone and he will be missed.
I went back to Don's and had dinner there and waited for the traffic to clear out on I 95 before I drove home.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Nativity BVM RC Church in Media, PA. My Aunt, Uncle and cousins worshiped in this church.
Don and I walked to the WaWa to get some breakfast sandwiches and coffee. It is a block away. After eating, I walked Danny and asked my friend who lives across from Don if she could walk Danny Monday afternoon while we went to Nate's funeral. She was happy to do so.
Don and I went to the Holmes Presbyterian Church where I grew up. They had some flowers and goodies left over from their sale on Sat. so I bought a hanging Geranium for Jan and some cupcakes for her and her family. After lunch, I took them out to Jan's house. She wasn't home as she had some last minute preparations to do for the funeral. I was greeted by her daughter and son-in-law. Jeff hung the geranium on a post along the front walk. It looked nice there. I went in and stayed for awhile with Jan's children. Alan came and we walkd down to the club house at the lake. The luncheon was to be held there after Nate's service. Jan's sister, Donna and her husband, Tom, and daughter, Gianna were helping to set things up. Jan's brother, Scott and his wife, Dee were also helping to set things up. We talked about the fun times we had swimming in the lake and ice skating on it. They lived right beside it. The lake is no longer used for swimming. A pool was built in the back of the lake. I did see a young man fishing in the lake. The town is thinking about draining the lake and just letting it go back to being a stream because the dam is not safe and it will be expensive to rebuild it. I hope they keep the lake.
When I got back to Don's, I walked Danny and Don grilled some Salmon steaks for dinner. We alternated between watching the Phillies, the Flyers, and Sherlock on Masterpiece Mystery.
News from the Vorlon Wifel
I went to zumba class and then to the hardware store to get a spark plug for my mower. I stopped in Redner's supermarket for some food and the pet store. When I got home, I had some lunch, walked Danny then mowed the lawn. It was warm and humid so I sweated a lot. I got into the shower and then called Danny in for his bath. I got an extra long hose for the hand held shower so I could hose him down easily. He hates water but jumps into the walk-in shower when I call him. He then cowers by the door when I hose him down. He likes getting dried off and the hair dryer drying him. I don't think he likes the air dryer but knows it dries him. I packed up and went to Don's. We went to Sam's Restaurant for dinner and to watch our cousin, Scott sing. He sings there the first Sat. of every month. I wasn't sure if Scott would be there as his brother-in-law passed away. Scott's mother and brother, Alan came later to join us in watching Scott. It is usually a late night so I stay at Don's overnight. This time, I stayed for the weekend because Nate's funeral was on Monday.
My clementis is doing well this year. This was taken last week and it has bloomed more fully this week.
I took my car to the garage first thing this morning. I had the oil changed and the A/C check. It had no freon. They filled it up and could not find any leaks. The hose was wet so a very small leak is suspected. I guess I should have it replaced as I don't like having freon leaking into the atmosphere. I don't think that is good. I was able to read a good deal of my new book that I got for my birthday while I waited for my car to get done.
I wanted to cut the grass today but couldn't get the darn mower started. I was going to go get a spark plug but waited until Erin's cousin came for her. She left around 2:45 for Washington, DC. He is judging a dance contest there. It should be a fun weekend for her.
The weather man called for rain today and it looked like it would but it didn't. It was humid and then became hot. The air kicked on in the late afternoon. My neighbor gave me a couple rock fish so I had a piece for dinner. He does a lot of fishing. I was happy to get the fish. Rock fish is one of my favorites.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a busy week doing yard work. I bought some more mulch to finish the area along my new walkway. My neighbor was going to cut my grass but so far hasn't done it. It has been raining and the grass is too wet.
Erin had some trouble with her patient yesterday. He became violent and she had to call 911. He is now in the hospital. I hope her agency finds her a better job.
I had some very bad news yesterday. My cousin's husband passed away. He was 57. He had pancreatic cancer. He was youthful and active before the cancer. I hate that this has happened to Jan and Nate. They had just bought my uncle's house in Media before Nate become sick. They had been living in upstate New York. Three of their children will be moving in with Jan. Their oldest daughter is married and will remain in upstate New York.
I was planning to visit them this weekend. Now, I will be visiting for a funeral. My thoughts and prayers are with Nate's family.
News from the Vorlon Wife.