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We had a terrible thunderstorm come through last night. It woke me up with lightning flashing all over the place and thunder booming. The electric went out. I looked out the window and saw the wind blowing the rain uphill in the street and little waves crashing at the side of the road. It really poured for a long period of time and the lightning and thunder kept flashing and booming. I feared for my niece and her husband being out on their boat as it was Canal Days and the marina was filled with boats. Around 12:30, the power came back on and I fixed all the clocks. I went back to sleep only to wake up again in total darkness. I got up about 4;45. I took a look outside and found the entire top of the oak tree out back was lying on the ground. I'm glad it didn't hit the house. Trees were down everywhere and one was hanging on the electric wire in front of my house. A couple men came and took it away. One neighbor down the street had a tree fall through his shed and demolish it.
I didn't do much of anything as it was supposed to go up to 105 degrees again today with more severe thunderstorms. It didn't happen and I am glad. At least no storms yet and it only went up to 93. Erin walked into town to see the Canal Days Vendors but I had no desire to go out the door except to walk Danny. He seems to be doing better.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We took Danny to the vet this morning. He had diareahea. He's been having problems with his digestive system. He got a shot and some medicine. Actually, he got tow shots; one was from his Kennel Cough Booster. He seems to be doing better not. It is really hot. 105 on the deck. The official temp is 99 and the feel is 110 so the deck's feel is about right. It is 98 on the shaded side. Danny doesn't stay out long and neither do I. I have to pull him into the shade. I will miss those trees when they come down. It's a wonder the storms haven't brought them down they are half dead. The management started to take them down and the man's ladder has been in back of my shed for a month. I don't know why they haven't finished. I did some weeding this morning and although I was in the shade and it wasn't that hot, the sweat just dripped off me.
Erin went with me to the vet so I could run into the store afterwards and she could wait in the car with Danny. I needed to get him some chicken. I had cooked some rice for him before I went to the vet. I also got some food we needed for the weekend as it is Canal Days and the traffic in town will be horrendous.
News from the vorlon Wife.
I know its a weed but Queen Anne's Lace is beautiful. I found a lovely crop of Queen Anne's Lace growing near the lighthouse in North Wildwood. We had gone to the Italian Festival there and walked along the prominade and gardens of the lighthouse.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I woke up around four and stayed in bed to 4:45. I made my coffee and went outside to water my grass and plants. I had watered the night before but everything was dry. I weeded along the east side of the driveway. It had a bumper crop of dandelions. I should have sold them at the Itailian Market. They tangled themselves around my portulacas. The ones that got pulled up got planted in another area. I went over to the apple barn to get some more mulch. They were sold out. I looked around to see what flowers they had left. The flats were half price. I got some white wax begonias to plant between the red ones out by the woods. I got some geraniums and snap dragons to plant in my sunny locations and some impatiens to plant out back on the south side which is shaded by the woods. They did real well there last year.
I just got the antivirus software and it needed to be upgraded already. I had to go to the computer repair store to get the codes to upgrade this computer. I thought, "Good Grief!"
I got some more of the spindles painted on my deck. I finished the outside of them and both sides on the inside. All that's left is the front on the deck with the gates. Just the inside needs to be done. I also have to crawl under the deck to finish some under there and to clean out the area between the concrete and the house. There are stones there with little trees growing in them and leaves clogging the drainage. I'll use the leaf blower and I may have to chip some of the concrete away that leaked out into the drainage area when it was poured. It should be fun working under there as it is only about two feet clearance.
I was tired out so watched Doc Martin in my bedroom and of course fell asleep and woke up to see the credits rolling.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Blble Study and then took my computer over to the shop to remove the virus it got when the software expired. I didn't get much else done as it was too hot to work outside.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The Cape May Lighthouse. We climbed up to the top. The views are fantastic. I'll post them another time.
We got up early and took our walk down to the beach. The redwing blackbird was watching and came to dive bomb us. We waved our arms up in the air to shoo him off. We went back to the motel, showered and got ready to walk to the restaurant for breakfast. We packed up when we got back and left for Don's home. We unloaded Don's car and loaded mine. We were off to Middletown, DE to pick up Danny Boy. When Danny saw me, the attendant said it was the first time she saw Danny wag his tail. He must have been a sad dog wondering where I was and why I left him there. He followed me around all afternoon.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It rained during the night and cleared up a bit for us to walk on the beach and go to breakfast. It rained on our way back so we got all wet. We hung out in the room until it cleared again. Don and I went to the boardwalk and got caught in another rain storm. We were soaked by the time we got to the car. When we got back, we changed into dry clothes again. We were running out of clothes. We had some lunch but I wasn't feeling well so I went in my room and layed down for awhile. I was awakened but a chemical smell and tried to track down the source. I sniffed the air-conditioner, the stove, the frig, the bathroom to no avail. I couldn't find anything. It was making me sick. After it stopped raining, I went to the manager's office to let them know about the odor. It seems he had sprayed the room next to us with something similar to WD40. He and another man went into the room. We went out and took a walk toward the boardwalk. We didn't go far as the sun was out and it was hot. We turned around and went to a restaurant. I just got a ginger ale as I wasn't feeling that great. Don and Erin got sandwiches. We walked back to the motel and I called Ted's mother. We talked for awhile and then it was getting toward sundown so we went to Sunset Lake to watch the sunset. It was a nice sunset. I was going to take a swin but my bathing suit won't dry overnight and I don't have a plastic bag to put it in.
We will be leaving early in the monring.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Don and I got up early and went to WaWa for our breakfast sandwiches and our sandwiches for lunch. We then went to the Acme to get some more food for the Reunion in Cape May Point State Park.
Erin and I walked to the Wildwood Crest Methodist Church which was two blocks from the Motel. The people were very nice and we enjoyed the service.
We got ready and went to the Reunion. Connie, Nick,and their family were there as well as Skip and Judy and their family and Jenny, Keith and their family. We were the early birds. Kris's family was over at the beach. They had arrived early and didn't see anyone so went to the beach. Jenny and I had walked over to find Jenny's son and daughter and we found Anna and her family. Anna is Kris's wife but Kriss wasn't able to come. He had to work.
Many of the "Small Family" arrived throughout the afternoon. Don and I went up into the Lighthouse. The view from the top is fantastic. After lunch, we took a walk through the Wildlife Sancuary. We saw Swans, turns, redwing blackbirds, purple Martins, and a big blue heron. We also saw about eight rabbits hopping around.
We had a wonderful time chatting and enjoying the food and family.
We left the Park around 6pm and went to the another park to watch the Cape May Ferry. We saw one leaving and watched another come in. When we got back to the motel, we ate a little supper and went to Cecilia's for an Italian Gelato. We parked next to Sunset Lake but the sun was pretty much down.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The ferriswheel on Mariner's Pier, Wildwood, NJ.
When we got back to the motel, I heard some music ringing throught the air so I took a look and there was a concert at the beach so we went over to watch it. They were playing music from the 60's
News from the Vorlon Wife
We got up early and went down to the beach. It was cloudy so we couldn't see the sunrise. A redwing blackbird dived bombed me as I was walking past the dunes. We had breakfast at a Motel in the next block. We just hung out until after lunch and then went over to Cape May to visit my cousins, Connie and her family. It was good to see them as we only get a chance to see them every other year. Last year, Connie didn't come so it was four years since I saw her.
Erin went out with her friend who lives in Wildwood so we didn't see her until later. Don and I got some pizza and went to watch the sundown at Sunset Lake. Lots of people come to watch and take pictures of the sunset. Some people walk their dogs along the lake.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I took Danny to the Kennel and checked him in. He didn't want to leave me. He thought he was being taken into the exam room and put his brakes on. The boarding services lady gave him a tug and away he went. I felt like a mother must feel when she puts her kindergarten child on the bus for the first time.
We drove to Don's house and waited for him to get home from work. They kept giving him more to do. We got some sandwiches at WaWa and took off for the Shore. Traffic was heavy but moving. We arrived in Wildwood Crest in an hour and forty-five minutes. We checked into the motel. It is about a half block from the beach. If we were on the second or third floor, we would have an ocean view. We have to go up to the sun deck or walk down the block.
We went to North Wildwood for the Italian Festival. It was thundering so the vendors were battening down. We walked up on the seawall which has a walk way along it. We went down to the lighthouse and through the gardens there. We went inside the gift shop. The lighthouse tour closed at 4:00 and it was 4:30 so we couldn't go up into the light house. It is not a high light house. The lady said it was a Harbor Light for the inlet. The ones for the ocean are much higher. We ate at a little Italian restaurant. Don and I got veal parm sandwiches and Erin got a sausage parm sandwich. The vet called while we were eating to see if I wanted Danny to have a sedative to calm him down during the thunder storm. He get terrified and there was no place in the kennel for him to hide. I had such a hugh sandwich so I brought half of it back to the room. It was raining and lightning so we wait until it cleared up before leaving for the boardwalk. We drove into Wildwood and parked in a lot for five bucks. We walked along the boardwalk to Morey's Pier and back again. Erin bought a T-shirt and since I left my reading glasses at Don's house, I bought a pair at a dollar store. We got a Kohr's Kustard and sat on a bench on the boardwalk. It started raining and was starting to come down hard as we walked to the car. It is still raining but not as hard. I still hear thunder though. Erin got a text from my nephew, Ed saying my nephew, Rick had damage from the storm All his trees came down and his roof is leaking. Ed said the storm was not that bad in Chesapeake City.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was up early and started painting. There was no dew this morning but the humidity was high. The stain took longer to dry. I am working on the spindles. I have 15 more to do on the outside of the deck and then I will do the inside. The inside will be easier as there will only be one side to do. I do three sides when I stain the outside of the spindles. I still have a lot of weeding to do but I had to run to Staples after I ate breakfast. My mouse for my laptop died and I went to get a new one. I also needed some groceries.
It was over 100 degrees today. My airconditioner cut out from 3 to 5. I have volunteered to have it cut out when there is high usuage to avoid a power failure. They also give me a credit on my bill. It is supposed to go on at 80 degrees but it got up to 85 in here before it went on. It is still hot and humid, about 84 out there now. I had the overhead fans going so it wasn't too bad but it sure felt good when the air went on.
I've got my bags packed and will be heading to Cape May tomorrow. Danny will go to the Kennel at the Vets. I hope he will be OK. I will worry about him. There are supposed to be thunderstorms and he will be terrified.
I think a branch just fell on the roof. I heard a bang and Danny ran under the bed.
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News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Blble Study this morning. I spent the whole afternoon trying to install my antivirus software. It has all changed and I had to uninstall the old software. It didn't go well on my desktop computer. I wasn't able to uninstall it. Well, it's half uninstalled. I can't install the new until I get the rest of it off.
It went much better with my laptop. I was able to uninstall old and then install the new. My laptop had not been used for over a year so the old software was out of date. I took a look at my desktop and found that it too was out of date. I think it may have a virus as it has been acting flakky. At least I have a computer I can use although, it's not hooked up to the printer.
I'll try again tomorrow. It was very hot today even tonight when I took Danny out, the air was heavy and I could hardly breath. He seemed to want to stay out but I needed to get back to the airconditioning. I hope tomorrow is better. Sorry for any mis-spellings this computer doesn't have a spell check with the blog software. I don't know why as I have to go out on the internet to get it. Very odd.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was cool and cloudy today. We got a little rain but not much. I did some weeding and thinning out of my portulacas that reseeded themselves from last year. The crab grass likes to hide amongst them. I only got about a third of the way across where the fence is. It got to be lunchtime and I had to take Danny out.
After lunch, I cut the new grass that I had seeded. It was its first haircut. Then I planted the portulacas that I had thinned out. I put them along the walk on the west side.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I've got two tomatoes growing, one on each plant.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Lots of lilies. Several Easter lilies blooming from previous years. Pink, red, orange, and yellow. What a lovely sight.
I went to the church to do some financial work. That took up most of the morning. It finally rained lightly all day and then heavy at night. Danny hid under the bed shortly after dinner. I was hoping to take him out one more time before going to bed but now it's raining hard again. Oh! here he is. He came out to the computer room, heard the rain and ran back under the bed. I hope he can wait until morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I painted some more of the lattice on my deck. I have the lattice on one side done. Now I have to do the lattice on the other side. I paint in the morning before the sun comes around and it gets too hot. It looked like rain all afternoon and we got zip. After lunch, I went to Kohl's, Home Depot, Lowes, Good Will, and Dollar Tree in Middletown. I had a gift card for Kohl's and I got some new rain boots and a pair of green sandals. I have been looking for black sandals but so far, haven't found any that I like. I got a new nozzle for my garden hose and a coupling to put on the end of the hose extension. The hose is one that has been cut. I don't know why it was cut. Ted must have used it for something. It's about 10 feet long and give me just enough extension on the hose to reach my flowers out by the front fence.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and Sunday School this morning. When I got home, it was too hot to do anything outside. Danny didn't walk very far. I stayed in and did nothing. After dinner, I put in Video of South Pacific. It had been a long time since I watched that one. There was absolutely nothing on television so I figured it was a good night to watch a long movie.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is a church in Marple Twp., PA. The area has many lovely churches. This one is on the road where Ted's cemetery is.
News from The Vorlon Wife.
I went to Zumba class this morning and then took Danny to the Vet. He needed a couple shots. It was vaccine clinic day and it was crowded with dogs and people. When I got home, I got ready and went to Don's with Danny. We had a party to attend. It was a nice day and it's a good thing the sun was hidden by clouds or it would have been unbearable.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My pink asian lilies are looking beautiful. My brother gave me this as a potted plant one Easter many years ago. It did well in Vineland and it is doing even better here.
I started staining the deck early this morning. I got the large flat rails done and also the steps. I ran around to the front and stained the wood that was used to extend the front entrance deck. I finished up a little after 12 noon, took Danny out and then had some lunch. I am beat.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I washed some clothes and hung them out on the line the first thing this morning. I went by the church to go to exercise class but no one was there so I went on the the bank. I painted some more of the deck. I used the large brush for the top rails and the wider boards. I painted until 12:30 then had my lunch. I still have more of the wide boards to do including the steps. I wanted to get all the horizontal surfaces done. I use the smaller brush for the spindles and lattice work. I dread doing the lattice.
I drilled the holes for my molding to hang my brass mirror in the livingroom. I have to find my red oak stain for it. It is somewhere in my shed. I dread looking in there. I'll have to pull everything out to find it.
I vacuumed my bedroom and straightened up a bit. I watered some of my plants. I'll have to finish them tomorrow. I also watered the grass seed and the outdoor plants and flowers.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Bible Study this morning and then my friend Dottie came down to have lunch at the Chesapeake Inn. We had a table right next to the water and watched the Mallard Ducks swimming back and forth in front of us. It was good to see Dottie.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I washed some towels and hung them on the line. After I walked Danny, I went to the Dollar Store and to Home Depot. I needed a few things at both of those stores. I needed a molding for over the new door as the old one doesn't fit. I forgot to take to old one with me to match it up. I have some moldings in the shed but they did not match either in color or the shape.
I felt tired out after lunch so I took a nap. I baked the chicken I bought yesterday at the Acme Super Market. I didn't know how I was going to fit it in the freezer but I managed to do it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This morning, I went to Walgreen's, the gas station, and then the Acme Super Market. When I got home, I walked Danny, had some lunch, and then cut the grass. The mower did not start easy as the man claimed it would but I did get it started after about 20 pulls on the cord. It was rather cool today so cutting the grass was not that bad as far as the heat goes. It threatened rain all day so I didn't do any painting on the deck.
I gave Danny his bath. I am amazed that he comes and jumps into the shower when I call him. He don't like getting the bath but he loves getting dried and he likes the hair dryer because he knows it dries him. I also gave him a little trim to even up his fur.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and Sunday School this morning. It was too hot to paint or cut the grass when I got home. I worked on the livingroom and bedroom. I rearranged the furniture in the livingroom and found a coffee stain had been under the sofa. I spilled coffee a couple weeks ago and cleaned it off the blue area rug. I didn't realize it had gone under the sofa. I used some resolve to clean it up and it worked well.
I moved the kingsize bed out from the wall and put the back on the headboard. I had left it off for a couple of reasons. I thought I could reach and open the window with it off but I could not. I also wanted to run the wires to the electric blanket through the back. I decided to cut holes in the back so the wires could go out the back. I didn't want to nail with the nails that came with it as I learned from having book cases with the backs nailed on that you could not take them apart without ripping the back out. I looked in the little case where Ted kept screws, nuts, bolts and other things of that nature. I had enough little screws to do the job. I used my portable drill to drill the holes for the screws and the 1 inch hole bit for the holes for the wires. I also used a hole saw to cut the end out It all worked out fine.
My lilies are blooming now and the daisies and portulacas are starting to bloom. I took some pictures of them today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A little church along route 202 in Delaware.
I got some more of the deck stained yesterday. I did three sides of the spindles on the norh end of the deck and about half of the lattice work on that end. I hate painting lattice. The lawn equipment repair man brought back my mower so I'll be cutting grass today or tomorrow. My grass seed is growing nicely but I think I'll throw some more seed down. I also need to throw some seed on the ground where the old storm door was lying. The sun killed the grass underneath it. It was only there for an hour or so. My Stella d'Ora Lillies are in full bloom. They look lovely. I hope they bloom all summer. I may get some more and put along the sidewalk.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This yellow and tan iris came from my home in Vineland. One of the new neighbors ripped out all the irises and through them in the street. I grabbed as many as I could. I brought several from Vineland but not many bloomed this year. I have to separate them and hopefully my deep purple/black iris will bloom next year. I don't know what happened to my ice blue iris. I'll have to buy more. My neighbor, here gave me some of his irises that he thinned out. He doesn't know what color they are so I will be surprised next year. I was up early, did some wash, hung it out, and then started to paint the deck. The forecast called for rain but has been wrong for the past month. Of course, today the weatherman was right on. He claimed it would start raining at 10am and it did. At least I got the north side of the deck done. I am working around on the west side now. It has to be done in the morning as the sun moves around and it can get up to 100 degrees out there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.