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Today, I had lunch with the Methodist Women at my friend, Ella's cabin on the Northeast River near the Chesapeake Bay. It was a lovely vacation home that was in Ella's family since she was a kid. The side of the house facing the water was shaded and a lovely breeze blew onto the screened in porches. One of the porches was set up with the dinning table. Many of the ladies were in their 80's and they talked of the good old times they had. I felt like the new kid on the block and was so happy they included me in their group.
Joan, Betty, and I sat on the glider when we first got there. We looked out over the water and saw a big blue heron sitting on a raft. It scooped its long neck down into the water and caught a fish. I could kick myself for not bringing my camera.
When I got home, I took my car to the repair shop to see about the check engine light problem. Hopefully, it won't need a new computer.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the computer store this morning to return my computer. After the virus was cleaned off it, some of the files were not replaced. I made a list with the error messages so they can fix it. I then went to the bank and the church. I wanted to make sure the deposit for the second service on Sunday was taken care of. It was.
I went to the Garage to make an appointment for my car to get a new emmissions computer. The man said it would check everything out first to make sure it is not something else. He wanted to be sure before I had to pay for a new computer.
Next, I went to Staples to get ink for my printer. I went to Big Lots right next to Staples to get some school supplies for the church mission for the poor kids. They had note books for seventeen cents and composition books for thirty nine cents. I also got a package of pencils and some tissues for the Bible School.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
One of the many churches in Middletown, DE.
I took Danny out this morning. He sniffed the hot air and came back in. I went to Zumba class and had a good work out. I took Danny out again when I got home, had some lunch and went to my niece's to have a swim in her pool before the storms came. It was refreshing to float around in the pool.
When I got home, I took Danny out and he did go for a walk around the block. It was near 100 again. I stayed in the rest of the day. I made dinner and got Danny's ready. Erin was not home. She did come in, changed her clothes and went out again. Danny hid under the bed as a storm came up. He didn't come out until 8:30 when I jingled his leash to take him out. He didn't like it outside. I made him stay out until he did his business and then fed him when he got in. He ate about half of it and then ran back under the bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My hybiscus. I thought I had lost it over the winter but it came up later than the other flowers. I almost pulled it out thinking it was a weed. Ted and I bought this plant at a farm market in Vineland. It's flowers only last one day but has several buds. This was taken on Tuesday and the flower that bloomed yesterday was even bigger than the one here.
There are always new critters here. Yesterday, I saw what I believe was a salamander. It looked like a tiny little snake with legs. By the time I went in and brought out the camera, it was gone. I have lots of little frogs or toads hopping around. I'll have to dig out my clay flowerpots and make some toad houses. I carefully notch out a piece at the top for a door, turn the pot upside down and place it on the ground under a bush or shrub.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went out early, walked Danny and then watered my flowers. I went to the Shop Rite Super Market to get the groceries. I also went into K-Mart to get the hand towels to match the navy blue towel set I had purchased in December. They were out of hand towels at the time. I also got a couple red hand towels for the kitchen. School supplies were on sale at both stores so I got some for the church mission to give to children who cannot afford school supplies.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Bible Study this morning. It was hot and sticky so I didn't do much else.
News From the Vorlon Wife.
I went to help fold the newletters at the church this morning. Then it was back again tonight for the Ecumentical Assoc. meeting. I am on the board of directors. My term starts in Sept. They meet every other month. They sponsor the Vacation Bible School for all the churches in Chesapeake City. They also sponsor the food bank. They have combined services for Thanksgiving and Lenten Services.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This lovely critter was outside my back door on the deck. He stayed there almost all day. I believe he is a luna moth.
On Friday, I went to the funeral of a long time friend that I grew up with. Larry and his family lived up the street from my family. He was one of 12 children. He was also the cousin of my good friends, Rosie and Dottie. It was good to see all my old friends but such a sad occasion.
I left Danny Boy at my brother Don's house. Don came home for lunch and a meatball fell out of his sandwich. Before he could pick it up, Danny had eaten it. That explains his digestive problems and eating grass. Meatballs usually have onion and garlic powder in them which is very bad for dogs. Don said it was only a little meatball. It's a good thing or he would have been sick all over the place.
I was amazed at some of the people at Larry's funeral. They were little kids when I last saw them and they knew right away who I was. There were five sisters in Larry's family. I knew the older two but I guessed the wrong name for the younger two. Another neighbor who I remember as a little kid was Harry Hamilton. Harry knew me right off and I had no clue who he was until he told me his name. He was very tall. I knew his older sister and brothers. His brother, Richard, was my history teacher in High School. My mother taught Harry in Sunday School. He remembered things that I would have thought him too young to remember.
We had a good rain overnight Friday. There was an inch and one half in the rain guage. We really needed the rain but could use a lot more.
Saturday, I went to Zumba class and then stopped at the hair dresser to make an appointment for a hair cut. She had no one in the shop so she took me right away. I got it cut short. I was tired of my hair clogging up the drains and the rotor brush on the vacuum cleaner. I would have to cut my hair off the rotor brush with scissors. My perms just don't seem to work anymore and my hair was fine and limp even right after a perm. The short length has put some spring back into my perm. I spent the rest of the day ironing my summer cotton clothes and my linen blazer. I'll wear it to church and soon it will look like an unmade bed. I'll never buy linen again. Polyester linen look works well for me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
First Methodist Church in Wildwood, NJ.
This beautiful lily is one of the lovely flowers in the gardens of Hereford Lighthouse in North Wildwood, NJ.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some wash today and hung it out on the line. It was too humid for the towels to dry so I finished them in the dryer. I went to the bank and made some lunch when I got home. My neighbor brought some green beans but I'm afraid there are too many for me. I'll have to give some away.
We finally got some much needed rain and it's supposed to rain tonight and all day tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the eye doctor this morning for my check-up. I got good news, I do not need my glasses except for reading glasses. When driving, I noticed that I could see better without my glasses. He did recommend that I use sunglasses when outdoors. How cool is that?
Another hot humid day. The heat index was 105. It reached 100 for a couple hours today until the rain came. We didn't get much only a few drops in the rain guage. I hope we get some more tonight. Danny was hiding again tonight from the thunder. It had passed and it was time for him to go out so I knocked on the door. He didn't come so I opened the door and said, "Hi" to the air. He came out running to see who was here. He didn't eat much today. I hope he's not sick again. He ate some grass when he went out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I watered my flowers first thing this morning and then painted my picnic table with redwood stain. I had done the legs last fall to protect them from being on the ground in the winter. The top was getting rather shabby looking so I gave it a coat of the redwood. It was another 100 degree day so I stayed inside the rest of the day. I only went out to take Danny out and to get the mail. He hid under the bed again tonight so I knocked on the door and he came out a barking. When I opened the door, he stood up to look out to see who was there. I hope he doesn't catch on to my tricks.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the church this morning to work on the finances. I didn't feel well all day so I rested the rest of the day. Around 7pm, Danny went and hid under the bed. I thought maybe a storm was coming but there were not any storms around. He must have heard something that scared him. About 7:45 I tried to coax him out from under there. I called him, I whistled, I squeaked his toy, I said, "Walk and Out" but to no avail. Finally, I went to the front door and knocked on it. He came out arunning and barking at the door. I was able to get him out before we had to turn in for the night.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday, I went to the supermarket to get a few things I needed. I contacted Carl who used to work for us at Eastern Business. He got back to me on voicemail and said he needed to know a few things so he could help me. I gave him what information I could think of and he was able to look up my email host.
Today, I went to church and Sunday School. I walked Danny when I got home. Carl called around 1pm and went over my email problem with a fine tooth comb. He feels when the shop cleaned my computer, they deleted some files and didn't put them back. Everything is set up properly except for the missing files. He was able to get me into my email through the host company. I didn't know how to do that before so he set me up to do that. He recommended some other things for me to do. I need to update my information as it has my Vineland address and phone number in my email and web accounts. They won't be able to contact me if there is a problem. He also said I needed to find my Windows XP disk so the files can be restored. I have to go through some boxes to fine it as it wasn't in any drawers in the desk.
While I was talking to Carl, Erin's parents came. We were going out to lunch. It took longer than I thought for Carl to find the problem. I figured it would be an easy fix but it was much more complicated. He had to go through and check everything that could be causing the problem.
I did go to lunch with my cousin's at the Chesapeake Inn. It was a little pricey but the food was good and we could look out over the water. We had a nice visit while we enjoyed out lunch. Erin is going with them to visit Gloria's family in Conn.
I just got back from walking Danny. It looked like it was going to storm so I wanted to get him out before the thunder or he would hide under the bed and not come out. It started raining a little as we started out. We got halfway down the block when we heard a rumble in the distance. Danny didn't give me a hard time about coming back home. He doesn't like to turn around. Usually I have to almost drag him back.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My flowers are on the other computer so I'll have to do my Friday Flower Bloggin' later.
I was up early, watering my flowers and cutting the grass. I picked my tomato and had it for lunch in my sandwich. I was the first time I raised a tomato on my own. Ted and I raised them together when we lived in Bucks Co, PA and in Massachusetts and I would help my father with his garden but this was the first time I planted and harvested on my own. The tomato was good on my sandwich and I had the rest of it with my tuna salad for dinner. Erin doesn't eat tomatoes so I had it all to myself. I have another coming on. It is yellow/orange and a small green one. I hope the plants start producing more. There are flowers but no more fruits as yet.
It was in the 90's again today and the humidity was horrid. It rained to the east of us in DE but none here. We need it very badly.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early, watered my flowers and put down some more mulch. I went to the Mobile Home Parts Store to get my molding for over the new door. I stopped in the nearest supermarket to get some food and then home again.
It was cooler today but still got up to 90 degrees.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I finished planting my flowers this morning. I planted white wax begonias out back along the edge of the woods. I planted them in between the red wax begonias. It's a little late in the season but I hope they fill in OK. I need to dig up my irises and replant them. They are too crowded where I have them.
I went to Bible Study and then home for lunch and walking Danny. He seems to be feeling much better. I need to gradually get him back on dog food. His chicken and rice diet is tedious and expensive. I have mixed his dog food in for the past 3 days but have to do it gradually or he will be back to having digestive problems again.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I felt tired out today. In the middle of the night, I thought one of the smoke alarms was beeping from low battery. I got up and stood under the one near the back bedrooms and found it was not the one beeping. Then it stopped and I didn't know which one it was so I went back to bed. It awoke me again so I grabbed and wooden chair and took the battery out of the one outside my bedroom. I think the beep woke me up several times. At 6am, I got up and walked into the kitchen and heard the beep coming from on top of the cabinet. I got the chair and stood up there and saw it was the CO2 detector. It was beeping and showed LB meaning Low Battery. I changed the batteries and made my coffee. It took AA batteries. The others take 9 volt. I thought I might as well change them but I couldn't find any 9 volt batteries. I thought I had two in the cabinet but all I saw was AA, AAA, and C.
It was cool so I put on my clothes that had been sprayed with OFF and went to the back yard with my bow saw. I was able to cut the limbs off the big branch that fell into the yard during the storm. I dragged them over to my brush pile which is getting quite high. The big branch can be carried away if I get someone to help me.
I went to my dentist appointment this afternoon for my check up and cleaning.
I still didn't get my email up. I didn't feel like dealing with the cable company today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I watered my plants on the west side this morning. I didn't get to the ones on the east side. It had rained during the night but it only wet down the dust. There was nothing in the rain guage. I had to go to the church and pick up the deposit for the second service and take to the bank. Ursula was there so we went over some things that had gotten behind due to the storm and power outage. I went to the bank and then the computer store. My computer was not ready and they would call me when it was.
I came home and called the mobile home store and found that the company had sent the wrong molding. They sent crown molding instead of casing molding that I had ordered. They are investigating to find what happened and get the proper molding sent out. They'll call me Wednesday afternoon.
I had some lunch and relaxed for awhile. The computer store called and said my computer was done so I went over to pick it up. It was another hot, humid day. I was exhausted from carrying in my computer and the hot weather so I took a nap. When I woke up, I plugged the wires into my computer and I got the dinner ready. I made somr rice for Danny and put the potatoes, carrots, and celery on to cook in the chicken broth. At lunchtime, I had de-boned the turkey from the drumsticks. I had turkey salad for lunch and had the turkey and veggies for dinner.
After dinner, I went to the church for a financial meeting. It lasted exactly one hour. I like meetings that get things done quickly and efficiently. My email is not working so I'll have to call the cable company tomorrow. Everything else looks in order except the icons have been re-arranged and the weather channel is missing. It's just as well because it took a long time to load. I can just google the weather channel if I want the weather.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I'll be darned, my spell checked for my blog software is missing. Bummer!
Another hot humid day. 101 was the temp. I saw with Betty and Joan in church this morning. We sang "Morning is Breaking." Joan was playing the piano so she, with the strongest voice was singing into the piano while Betty and I more or less were singing a duet. Ursula was not there so I had to take care of the money. I was late for Sunday School.
After lunch, I walked Danny and then went to my niece, Cheryl's for a swim in her pool. It had clouded up but was still hot and humid. About 3:30, we felt the clouds looked stormy so we got out. It didn't rain last night as predicted and it was supposed to rain all day today but did not. I didn't water my flowers yesterday or today because of the forecast and the cloudy weather. Rain is predicted for tonight so if it doesn't come, I'll have to get out there and water tomorrow. I went with Cheryl, Ed, and Ethan to the Asian Fusion for dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Norwood, PA. This is the church of my Pennsylvania Dutch friends, the Hunsbergers..
Another hot day. 103 was the temp. I didn't do much. I went to my Zumba class and then over to the computer store to find out the status of my computer. The store had been without power from the storm so things got backed up. He had cleaned it up and was giving it the final check. He said it should be ready by tonight but I didn't want to go out again in this heat so I told him I'd pick it up on Monday.
I stayed in the rest of the day except for hanging out my wash and taking Danny out. He is hiding now. A thunderstorm is on the way. He runs from under my bed to under Erin's bed at the opposited end of the mobile home.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was up before dawn. I put on the tv for the weather report. 100 today and 103 tomorrow. I painted the rest of the spindles and took Danny out. I saw Janine, the manager and asked if everyone was up in her house. I wanted to cut the grass before it got too hot. She said, :Good idea. I'll cut mine, too. It was 7am. After the grass was cut, I watered the flowers and shrubs. I took Danny out again before it got too hot.
Next, I got my tools and molding together and went to the mobile home store to see if I could match the molding for over the door. They carry them but were out of stock. The man ordered it for me and will have it on Monday.
I stopped at a farm stand to get some sweet corn and then to the Acme at Fox Run. I had to get some chicken for Danny. He's been having digestive problems and is on a chicken and rice diet. He eats the chicken and spits out the rice all over the floor. I put the chicken and rice in the food processor and pulverized it all together. He sniffed it and walked away. I think the heat was getting to him. He didn't even want any sweet corm. He did eat at dinner time.
After dinner, I took my car down to the marina parking area and left it there. Erin followed me and brought me back. Last year, there was no where to park. We started walking down to the marina where they were going to have the fireworks. My neighbor picked us up and drove us down. Cheryl and Ed had a good spot on the grass so we put our blanket right next to theirs. About 200 people were there waiting for the fireworks. The firemen came and told everyone they would have to move as the grass was in the fall out area. This year, they were going to shoot them off on the hill. They usually shoot them off of a barge in the basin. Ed had his truck parked in a good place for viewing so we all got into the back of the truck. When the fireworks went off, it appeared as if they were going to come right down on top of us. Luckily, the wind blew them away from us. They were right over our heads. They had a really nice show of the fireworks. It was better than we saw in Elkton and it was much easier to get out of the parking area.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The gardens at Hereford Light in North Wildwood, NJ.
It's going to be another scortcher today. 100 degrees is predicted and worse for tomorrow. The heat index is to be 115.
I'lll either have to cut my grass at 7am or wait another week until it cools down. Janine, next door cut the west side as she was doing her daughter's and there is just a little bit of mine that adjoins. I need to do the lawn between my house and Janine's. I weeded yesterday morning. My flowerbeds on the west side were full of zoia grass and some kind of grass that looks like a corn stalk. It took me all morning and I had to stop when the sun got over the trees.
Time to get moving.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another hot one today. It was about 97 in the shade and 102 in the sun. I took Danny for a walk and he saw my neighbor, John and made a beeline for him. John took me in his house to visit with his wife, Carol. Carol is handycapped and doesn't get out much. We enjoyed our visit together.
I did some yard work. Mulching and planting. I put some geraniums out front and mulched the them and the snap dragons that I planted yesterday. I also planted some impatiens out back and around the red maple tree. I mulched them, too. The sun was over the trees so I had to quit. My familly wasn't doing anything for the 4th. Everyone is tired out from cleaning up after the storm. I still have a big tree down in my back yard. I may take a bow saw and trim off some of the branches.
Cheryl called and we all went to the fireworks in Elkton. Rick and Michelle went too. I felt like we were having a tailgate party as both of them have trucks. We sat in the back of the trucks to watch the fireworks. I took my off clip on but I still got bitten by misquitos. It was a nice display and Cheryl and Ed's baby was fascinated by it. Chesapeake City will have theirs on Friday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a busy day today. I weeded the front and the rest of the side along the walk. I did a couple loads of wash and made some turkey soup. The turkey bones were taking up a lot of space in the freezer so I figured I would make the soup. I was picking dust bunnies up near the hot water heater and wondered why some of them were wet. I felt around the valve of the pipe coming in and it was rusting and wet. I thought wonderful, I have to call a plumber. I took Danny out and walked down to a neighbor who works for a plumber. He came up and took a look. I also had him look at my laundry sink. It was never finished being installed because my washer and dryer were not in when the sink was put in place. The drain leaked so I haven't used it.
The plumber went and got the parts and had to go to another job first. I went to the bank to get the money and take the church deposit. The bank was closed as they didn't have any power yet. I stopped at the church to find out what I should do. The secretary gave me the deposit for the 2nd service and said to take it to another branch or wait until the bank opens. I came back home and had some of my turkey soup.
After eating, I went to the bank in Elkton and to the K-Mart. They had ground chuck on sale so I got a couple packages. I stopped in the gas station to fill up before heading home. I was watching my Brit Coms and just dozed off when the plumber came. He went to work fixing my pipes and sink. It was a relief to get that done and now I am able to use my sink. It will be handing for washing my hands when I come in from doing yard work and for washing Danny's feet off.
I had more turkey soup for supper with lemon merangue pie for dessert.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The 2012 Small Family Reunion. Most of the people in this photo, are decsendants of my grandmother's brother, Melvin (aka The Squier) I am in the second row from the top wearing a white and green shirt. There are second, third, and fourth generation of cousins.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I went to church and saw a big sign on the door. The A/C is on, come in and cool off. I found that the town didn't get power until 4;30 yesterday and the outlying areas still have no power and could be out for days. My niece is still out but they have a generator. Ed weathered the storm in his boat. He turned on the engine and kept the boat turned into the wind. My other niece's husband was on the boat and scared to death. I was scared for them as the storm was terrible. There was a poor turnout for church as some people were unable to get out. My friend, Kathy was coming home from work just as the storm began. By the time she got to Chesapeake City, she had to leave her car in a friend's driveway and walk. She called her husband to meet her. She had to climb over three trees and he had to use his chainsaw to cut some trees out of the road. They are without power.
I didn't do much as it was another scorching hot day. It was 96 in the shade and 102 on the deck. Erin and I picked up as many branches as we could. The heavy ones will have to stay until Ed or someone comes with a chain saw.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Notre Dame RC Church in Wildwood, NJ