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This was taken last year. While it did bloom this year, it was not as prolific. I don't know why.
I think it's called a cellosia. The portulacas are still going strong and so it the cone flower. I planted some more irises but I need to decide where to plant the rest of them as there are a few more left. I want to plant them all because I do not know which ones are the special ones that I brought from Vineland. I can thin them out after they bloom next spring.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some wash this morning and hung it out on the line. I did some more planting of my irises. I still have a few more to do. I went over to the post office to change Erin;s address but they told me it was better to do it online. I tried but they wanted her debit/credit card number so I sent her a message to go online and take care of it.
I had choir practive tonight. I was tired and wondered why we were starting before Labor Day since we weren't singing until the second week in September.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I helped Erin packed the last few things into her car this morning and she was underway by 8:30. She was unable for find work here so she thought it best to go back home.
I went to Bible Study and then home to walk Danny and had a big salad for lunch. I cooked up Danny's chicken and did some wash. Tomorrow, I'll wash up the linens from Erin's bed and do some fall cleaning. Then I'll put my things back into the yellow bedroom.
I watched some of the convention and liked the speeches by Ann Romney and the others last night and tonight, I am watching again. I want to see Condolisa Rice. I liked the little films of the Bushes. George W. said when the Polish President came to America, he knelt down and kissed the ground. Vladamir Putin walked into the Oval Office with the sun streaming in the windows and exclaimed, "My God."
News from the Vorlon Wife.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I went to the Food Lion in Elkton this morning to get the chicken breast for Danny. I picked up a couple other things while I was there.
When I got home, Erin decided she would go back home so I helped her get packed up and load up her car so she could leave in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It rained off and on today. We got about 3 tenths of an inch. We need more. I didn't do much. I had a headache. This afternoon, I drove over to the Food Lion in Middletown to get a few things. They had ground chuck and chicken breasts on sale. I got the ground meat but they were out of chicken breasts. I ran the bell but the butcher shop was closed up and they had all gone home. I guess another trip is needed to the Food Lion. I'll be needing the chicken for Danny.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and Sunday School this morning. I was saddened to learn that my friend, Betty may have pancreatic cancer. Keep her in your prayers.
I went to dinner with my niece and her family.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The Lutheran Church in Wildwood, NJ
I went to Zumba this morning and then swept the driveway and walk. I did some ironing while I watched a Tyrone Power movie on Turner Classic Movies.
That was about it for today.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
One of several geraniums I bought at the apple barn in the spring. That add a bit of color to my flower beds.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the church this morning to help fold the Newsletter. Not too many showed up. Betty is having surgery in the hospital. I hope everything went well.
When I got home, I cut the grass. I was really beat afterwards and I only had to cut the east side and the back. I changed the batteries in the lights that needed changing. The flood lamps take two batteries so I have to go back to K-Mart and get another package. They're not cheap.
This afternoon, I went to the Dermatologist for my follow-up. He seems to like shooting that liquid nitrogen. He saw something on my face. I said it was a misquito bite. He said, "No, it has a scab." I thought to myself, That's because I scratched it. I also showed him something on my foot that he said was a wart so he shot that. Next check-up in six months.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did more weeding and transplanting this morning. I went to Bible Study and then home. Had some lunch, walked Danny and then off to the Shop Rite Super Market and K-Mart. I got some batteries at K-Mart for my Solar Landscaping Lights.
I was tired out and fell alseep during the last few minutes of Burn Notice. I didn't get to see what happened. I hate when I do that.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some more weeding today and thinned out my irises. I planted some back in the iris garden and put the rest out back in the shade. I'll plant them tomorrow. I got my computer back from the shop. He wasn't able to fix my email. I also noticed two icons were missing on my desktop. One had all my passwords and codes in it. I may be able to restore it but now I can't get on the internet. I don't know if I put the ethernet cable in the wrong hole or what. I ran the diagnostic fix program and it said it couldn't find my IP address. Wonderful!
My niece's husband, Ed said he would come over and look at it but the electric went out. It was out in three houses here. The wires on the pole that leads to our houses had shorted out. The power didn't come back on until 8:30. At least it was cool and not one of those 100 degree days.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ethan with his family at his Baptism. Pictured here are his parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I am in the red hat.
Ethan is one years old.
Pastor Mark with Cheryl, Ed, and Ethan at Trinity Methodist Church where Ethan was Baptised.
I did a little weeding in the morning and moved some of my irises to the other side of the house. They were overcrowed under the dogwood tree and did not bloom well this spring. In the evening, Erin and I went to the Ukrainian Church. The Library was sponsoring a program there about the history of the Ukranians in the area. They came here to work on the canal. They built their church which was the center of the community. They also built an orphanage which is on the other side of the bridge. On of the men in attendance was in the orphanage. The congregation is small now. Most of the people have blended in with the rest of the American people.
News from the Vorlon Wife
This morning was Ethan's Baptism. Three pews were filled with Orrells and Hellers. Pastor Mark had a good sermon on Baptism. Everyone seemed to enjoy the service. Afterward, we went to Rick's for Ethan's First Birthday Party. The house was overflowing with family and friends. Pastor Mark came and we all had a good time. We were fortunate that the rain held off. It was cooler today than it has been all summer so it made it nice to sit out on the deck.
Ethan got a lot of lovely gifts - clothes, books, and toys. I gave him a Children;s Bible and a couple DVD of the Vege Tales and Blues Clues.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up before the break of dawn this morning. I did some work on my computer and then went to Zumba class. After Zumba, I cooked up my peppers and mushrooms for lunch and dinner. My niece, her husband and baby came over. Ed cut up the tree that had come down in my yard and I got 10 of my white plastic chairs out of the shed so they could take them to my nephew, Rick's for the baby's baptism and 1st birthday party tomorrow. Ethan will be Baptised at the Methodist Church here in CC and then his birthday party will be at Rick's. It will be a pool party.
It was a nice cool day today. I was able to open the windows and air out the house. The airconditioner didn't kick on until around 3pm.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't have many gladiolas this year but this one is a beauty. I also had my pretty orange and yellow one that I brought from Vineland. They do well against the fence but I have to dig them up and bring them in in the fall as the fence doesn't offer and protection from the cold. In Vineland, they were next to the house and were sheltered from the cold. I bought some new ones and this pink glad is one of them.
Yesterday, I went to Middletown to the Dollar Tree and Walmart. I got some greeting cards and a giftbag and bow for my grandnephew, Ethan. He will be Baptised this Sunday here in Chesapeake City. He will also be celebrating his 1st birthday with a pool party at my nephew, Ricks.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Bible Study today and took mushrooms to my friends there. Pastor Mark wanted to know all about Betsey. He had watched the Women's Water Polo and was fascinated by it.
It was supposed to rain so I didn't do my wash. Needless to say, it did not rain. I will be busy tomorrow. I hope it doesn't rain then.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Nothing to comment on today. Had a bunch of updates to install on this laptop.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did sorme wash the first thing this morning. I washed a quilt that I keep on the sofa to protect it from Danny's dirty feet. I cut the grass after the dew burned off. I did a little weeding. I talked to my good friend, Dottie. That's about it. I had planned to go to Home Depot and the Dollar Store but Danny was having digestive problems and I didn't want to leave him alone in case he needed to go out. I hope he will be OK without having to take him to the vet. Every time I try to get him on dog food, he has problems. I am so tired of cooking chicken and rice for him and cutting up the chicken. I have to keep it frozen as it doesn't keep very long in the frig.
I watched "The Closer" which had it's season finale tonight and then led into the new show, "Major Crimes." It had most of the same charaters except for Kira Sedwick.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and Sunday School today. When it was time for joys and concerns, I announced Betsey's winning an Olympic Gold Metal for Women's Water Polo and the congragation cheered and clapped and commented on how wonderfun it was.
I didn't do much all day. I was worried about Danny, he is having digestive problems again. It seems everytime I try to put him on dog food, he gets sick. I'll have to keep him on chicken and rice. I hope he is better tomorrow. He seems OK tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Zumba class this morning and had a good workout. My neighbor, John, brought more mushrooms. I did some wash and hung it out on the line. It seems to dry quickly but when I went to bring it in, the humidity had gone up and everything felt damp. I put it all in the dryer for about 20 minutes. I read some of my book but didn't do much else.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I almost pulled these out in the spring, I thought they were weeds. It's a good thing I waited to see what they were going to be. Lovely purple cone flowers. I have no idea where they came from but don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
I got my wheels back this afternoon. It's hard to be without one's wheels. I rained all morning so it was a good day to stay home.
News from the vorlon Wife.
I was weeding the other day. Look what I almost touched. Yikes!
The Victory Circle on the right: Team USA Women's Water Polo Team takes home the Gold.
I took my niece to the surgical center to get a procedure done. Afterward, we got a couple burritos at Sonic and went to her house to eat them. When I got home, I took Danny out and put the Olympics on the television. The Women's Water Polo matches were on. First was the game for the bronze between Australia and Hungary. Hungary won. Next came the battle for the Gold and the loser got the Silver. Betsey did a wonderful job in blocking many goals. They even mentioned Betsey's parents being in the audience and told a litttle about them. Team USA won the Gold. I had tears in my eyes as I was so happy for Betsey and her teammates. What a wonderful way for Betsey to finish her Water Polo career as I think this will be her last time with Team USA. We are all so proud of Betsey. How wonderful for her.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I went to Blble Study this morning. We had a wonderful class discussion about Hebrews 10. Afterwards, we enjoyed zuccini bread made by Barbara.
I talked to my cousin, Joy. I hadn't told her about the Small Family Reunion so I updated her on that. We didn't have any other news but we enjoy talking with each other.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some weeding today. It seems to always need weeding in my flowerbeds. I had my tomatoes staked up in tomato baskets but they fell over. I tried put some stakes to hold up the baskets but that didn't work. I needed stronger stakes. I remembered there were some kind of poles that were left in the back of my shed. They looked like they went to a canapy or tent. I got two of them out and hammered them into the ground to hold up my tomatoes. They plants are full of green tomatoes. I will be giving them away soon.
I put on the television around 10am to find out when the womens water polo would be on. It's a good thing I did as they were on at 10:15, I was about to go out to Home Depot. Betsey did a wonderful job. We are all so proud of her.. My brother told me she was in an interview. I had missed it but it can be found at NBC Olympics. Click on Video at the top and scroll down to find her. You may have to enter water polo in the box at the left.
My niece called around 5pm. Her dog was having health problems and had to go to the Vet. I went over to stay with their baby while they took Sammy to the Vet. Hed had been having problems due to his age for about a year. His condition had deterirated and he had to be put to sleep. He was twelve years old and that is old for a lab. He was a good dog.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some weeding this morning and used the branch cutters to trim up some of the trees that were thrown in a corner or the back yard. I wanted to pile them up a little neater and get the big log ready to be carried over or to be cut up. I'll see if my niece's husband will come over with his chain saw. He may be able to use the wood for his wood stove as it is oak. He may already have a lot of his own as he had a lot of trees come down with that storm, too. He also cut down a lot of trees to make room for his garden. He aquired the lot next to him and has been doing a lot of clearing out.
I talked to Ted's mother today and to my cousin, Nora. Nora got a nasty case of shingles and I'm afraid it is much like the case I got. After five years, I still have nerve damage from them. Mine is livable now but Nora may have a long way to go. She hasn't been able to go to work for two months.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and Sunday School. When I got home, I cooked some hard boiled eggs for egg salad and some rice for Danny. I watched Betsey in the women's water polo match. She did another excellent job. I didn't do much the rest of the day as it was very hot and humid. It was supposed to rain all day but the rain didn't come until 6pm.
I went to Redner's supermarket to get some things. I needed more chicken for Danny. I did find him a dog food that I hope he can tolerate but it's expensive - Buffalo Blue chicken stew. I only put a few chunks in with his chicken and rice. So far so good but I can't rush it or it will be back to square one with the chicken and rice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
One of the Roman Catholic Churches in Wildwood, NJ.
I went to zumba class today. It was another hot day around 99. It was supposed to rain but didn't. It rained in Delaware. They got about 2 inches and had flood warnings issued.
i put my shelf together and stained it. It is a project I've been working on to install my brass framed mirror in the livingroom. The studs here are two feet apart and the mirror is very heavy. I just can't hang it on a nail; it will come crashing to the floor. I made a shelf to mount at the studs. The mirror will rest on the shelf and attach to the wall on the top. I'm not sure if I like the color of the stain. It looked the nicest on the chart in the store but it doesn't look how I thought it would when I stained it. I may add some golden oak over the maple stain. '
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A splash of color along the east side of my driveway. The portulacas are beautiful. Most of these have reseeded themselves from last year. I planted some on the west side but they are not as thick. Next year, I will plant more. They hardly need any water and do very well.
I cut the grass this morning and was soaking wet with sweat. It was another hot day and no rain in the forecast. I took Danny out and kaboom! A clap of thunder sent him running back to the house. I was able to get my clothes in before the shower came.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got my wheels back this afternoon. They had to order a part so they will call me when it comes in. I didn't do much as I was grounded. I went to the farm stand that I found in Elkton. I got some squash and some corn. The corn was old. Maybe I'll make succatash with it. My tomatoes will be coming on strong soon. Lots of green ones. I'll have to give them away to my neighbors. They give me things so now I'll be able to return the favors.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, I have been grounded today. My car is in the repair shop. They found a leak in some kind of valve in the evaporation system of the gas tank. They found it late in the day so have to order the parts tomorrow. I hope they can get the job done tomorrow. I don't like being without my wheels.
I did some cooking this morning. I cooked Danny's chicken and made some rice for him and for us. I defrosted some ground beef and made stuffed peppers in the crockpot. They came out pretty good.
I watched the Olympics and Betsey did a fantastic job as goalie in the women's water polo game against Spain. The score was tied 9-9. There was a lot of unlady-like and unsportsmanship going on. The girls would grab each other's bathing suits and the grabbee who try to defend herself and the referee would call a foul on the grabbee as he could not see the grabber under the water. Betsey, of course, was not involved in this as the players don't go near the goalie.
They have another game on Friday. I don't know the time as this game was at 1:15. The last game was at 2:30.
News from the Vorlon Wife.