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This is a church in Galena. I believe it is of the Protestant Denomination, probably Methodist as most towns in this area have a Methodist Church. There is also a Roman Catholic Church in Galena that I have posted last year.
I went to church and Sunday School this morning and didn't do much this afternoon. My niece called and said they were going to her brother-in-law's for the afternoon so they won't be back for dinner. We usually go to the Asian Fusion Restaurant on Sunday Evening. I'm glad I didn't freeze the rest of my salmon loaf. I'll have that for dinner.
I talked to Ted's mother this afternoon. She was sorting through her clothes to take to her church rumage sale. I went with her to the sale last year while I was staying with her after Father's memorial service. This must have been a difficult time of year for her. I wish I could have gone out there to visit. I was hoping to drive out there with my friend, Dottie, but Dottie has had some health problems with her back. I didn't see Dottie all summer. I have talked to her on the phone but that's not the same as seeing her. I hope she has fully recovered.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Zumba class this morning. Afterward, I helped Joyce hang the white drape on the cross in the sancuary. Someone had taken it down and Pastor Mark wanted up until Advent. I used a sted stool but it could have been a taller one. It was only two steps. The drape had to be tacked up as there is no way to get around in back of it. The cross was hard wood so Joyce found a hammer. I could have used a tack hammer but this was a regular hammer. I tapped gently but the plastic tacks still broke. I hope the drape stays up. I also forgot to put Pastor Mark's chair back in place. I'll have to go early tomorrow and do that.
After I left church, I went to the libraray to get the DVD they had on reserve for me. It's the "Murder She Wrote" that I got last week but the DVD was damaged. They borrowed this one from another library in the county. Then it was on to the bank and the apple barn. I bought 10 mums for $20.00. They are smaller but larger than the ones I got last year. I was about to leave when I saw my cousin, Jane Small pull in. We talked for a few minutes and she took down my number to invite me to dinner. That was nice of her. She was getting her mums, too. She lives about a half hour from me on the Chesapeake.
I placed the mums around my house and found I could use 10 more. I got a variety of colors but like the yellow ones best. I put the orange/yellow one next to my scarecrow and pumpkins. It is not in full bloom yet but it will look lovely when it is.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The cyclamen pops out in the fall. The flowers pop out first and then the leaves come up and stay most of the winter. This is a hardy species and blooms in the shade. I may have it in too much shade; I'll have to move it. I brought it from Vineland. It was under an azalea bush so maybe it's not in too much shade. It's on the north side of my shed. It always surprizes me when it comes up and what a lovely surprise it is.
When got another half inch of rain overnight so I planted one of my little Alberta Spruce trees. I have two more to go and I have to move a red bud tree that popped two feet out of the ground this year. It is too close to my Alberta Spruce that is on the side of the east walk. It also hangs over the stepping stones I put in for the neighbor children to cross to their grandmother's house.
I didn't do much today. I took some box top labels over to my nephew's wife. The children are saving them for school. I had a whold bunch saved from when I lived in Vineland. I would give them to Sonia who worked for us. Her son needed them for school. I'm glad I kept them. Ryleigh glued them on a sheet of paper that had squares marked on them. The schools purchase things with them.
Now, I need to find someone who collects the aluminum tabs from the soda cans and I need to take the plastic caps to my friend who collects them. Ronald McDonald House uses the aluminum tabs. The tabs are pure aluminum while the can is not.
I made a salmon loaf for dinner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did some errands this morning. I went to the Dollar Tree to get some supplies, then the gas station to fill up, and then to Walmart for some food and other items.
Tonight, I went to the fellowship dinner at the church. Jeannie made speghetti and garlic bread with angel food cake for dessert. One of the angel food cakes was strawberry flavored. After dinner, I went to the Bible Study class and then choir practice.
I caught a few dozen more stink bugs in my coffee can. There were not as many today. I catch them when I see them on the doors. I figure one less to get into my furnace. I don't have as many in my house this year. My new front door must help. The old door had big gaps in it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Oh! The stink bugs were awful today. I must have caught a hundred of them in my coffee can and sprayed dozens of others. The heater man came and there were 8 or 10 of the crawling around in the motor. Yuk! They were all over both of my doors and dive bombing me when I went out. And they would spray me with their stink. I turned on the furnace several times this afternoon to make sure they wouldn't come in the hot flue. It was 80 degrees outside and I would put on the heater. The man did recommend getting a new motor for it. He thought it didn't have a strong rotation. He didn't think the few stink bugs should keep it from running.
I went to Bible Study in the morning. It is always good to meet with my friends and discuss the scripture for the sermon. We studied James 5:13-20.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the church this morning to help with the newsletter mailing. When I got home, I got Danny ready and went to the vet to get his nails trimmed and his glands epressed. He was rather hyper at the vet. He did not want to go into the back room. I had to pick him up and hand him to the girl. I put his muzzle on him bacause he was shaking and frightened. He must have given her a hard time because it took longer than usual.
I had a nice BLT for my lunch today. One of my tomatoes was untouched by the stink bugs. It was a nice big fat one. The super market had lettice on sale for $.99 and I had some bacon in the freezer. I cooked it all up and will enjoy a couple more BLT's.
Before I went to the church, I called the Heating company to clean out my furnace. He'll be coming tomorrow. I hope I didn't call too soon as the darn things are swarming again today. I asked him to put a wire mesh over my vent. I must have squirted a few dozen bugs today with my liquid detergent. They were inside the folds of my picnic table unbrella. They even got on my sheets I had hanging on the line. I put them in the dryer for 20 minutes on the light setting to make sure they are dry and to soften them up. When I took them out, there were four stink bugs dead in the dryer. Luckily, they didn't release their stink all over the sheets and the dryer.
I'm still having trouble with my hands itching. I took an antihistimine this morning but may have to take another one before I go to Choral practice because they are starting to itch again. They are dry, too from the dish detergent leaking down the squirt bottle onto my hands.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When I got up this morning, my wrists and hands were itching so bad I took a benedril. At first I thought is was misquito bites but It appears more like hives or a rash. Sometimes I get a rash that looks like poison ivy from plants that are not poison ivy. I got it after picking some tomatoes that were inside the wire baskets and I had a hard time getting my hands inside with the thick stems of the plants. Tomato leaves are poisonous to eat so the sap may have given me the rash. I have also been trimming my philadendren. Sometimes I get a rash after working with my house plants. I had to take another benedril tonight as the itching came back.
I stopped in the church to see if I needed to take the deposit from 11:00 service to the bank. I almost forgot about the 9am service so I took both. I took my DVD back to the library and told them about the damaged disc. They ordered me another from the Perryville Library.
I stopped in the new JoJo's Hot Dog place and got a mushroom cheese steak. It was so big I had it for both lunch and dinner. It was quite good. It has been hard to find a good cheese steak. This one was a winner.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Church in Easton, MD that we passed on our way from Ocean City, MD to St. Michaels, MD when we were on our lighthouse tour.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did battle with the stink bugs today. They seem to know where the doors are to the house and wait for me to open it so they could fly in. I was prepared. I have my squirt bottle with dish detergent and water mixed together and I let them have it right through the screen. They do not like the soapy water but some try to hang on. This afternoon, they were all over the deck, the picnic table, benches and railings. They also were up under the eaves and the edge of the roof. Tomorrow morning, I will turn on the heater and if any are in there, they'll get roasted. I guess I'll have to do that every morning until the darn things stop coming around. They eat holes in my tomatoes and then the holes turn black and get rotten. I've had to throw away a couple dozen tomatoes. I had to spray them with Seven. I did get two nice organic tomatoes before the invasion. I hope they aren't as bad as they were two years ago when they came in like a swarm and I could hardly get in the door because there were so many of them.
I went to Zumba class but it was cancelled. There was a note on the door saying the instructor was very sick. I hope she is feeling better. I went to the library and got the second DVD for Murder She Wrote but I could only watch 3 of the 8 episodes. The disc was marred and scratched so it skipped and I had to eject it. I put in one of my own DVD's and started to watch Hawaii Five O but fell asleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Still blooming, my hydrangea that I bought last spring. I also have another blue one and a pink one that my sister-in-law gave me for my birthday last spring. The three have grown and bloomed on the north side of my house along with three emerald green junipers and a few hosta lillies. They are all shade plants. I am amazed they are doing so well because the area was all stone for the driveway that came right up to the house. I was able to dig down past the stone to plant them and put mulch around them. Also, the new concrete drive is there now. I have about 2 1/2 feet of flowerbed.
Yesterday, I went to the fellowship dinner at the church, followed by small group class, and choir practice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another of the breakwater lighthouses at Cape Henlopen, DE.
I had Bible Study this morning. We studied Daniel Chapter 3:8-28. It will be used in Sunday's sermon.
After lunch, I put my turkey breast in the oven so I will have plenty to eat for the next few days.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I watched the last two episodes of the DVD this morning before taking it back to the Library. I moved some more things out of my bedroom closet and into the yellow room closet.
I had my first Choral Society practice tonight. It seems funny to be singing Christmas music already but it takes a long time to learn all the music.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the church and did the finances this morning. I walked Danny when I got home. I did a few things around the house. I made the bed in the yellow bedroom and moved a few things from my bedroom closet into the yellow room closet.
I did some work on my computer and rested the rest of the afternoon. I took Danny out for a nice long walk before dinner. After dinner, I watched a few more episodes of the "Murder She Wrote" video I got from the library on Saturday. I need to take it back tomorrow. I don't know why it's not a 21 day video as it has the Pilot which is double in length and 6 more episodes.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Church in Ocean City, MD. We passed while on our lighthouse trip last weekend.
I went to church this morning and then Sunday School. This afternoon, I went to my nephew, Rick's to celebrate my brother, Rick's birthday. Michelle made pasta, ravioli, meatballs and sausage served with a green salad. We had ice cream cake and a pumpkin cake for dessert.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Zumba class this morning. It was a beautiful morning. Danny and I woke up at 4:30. He went out around 5am and then again at 7:30am. I gave him a little trim around his face and feet. His fur is starting to grow in for the winter.
This afternoon, I met Cheryl, Ed, and Ethan at the Canal Museum. It is a mile down the road from me. The canal house was built in 1829. The huge engines that pumped the water into the locks was built in Philadelphia in 1854. The water was pumped by a huge water wheel.
Cheryl and I went to Kohl's afterward and then to the Dollar Tree Deals store.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
When I had the soil delivered for around my new sidewalk, it brought some weed seeds with it. I got a bumper crop of lamb's quarters, a grass the looked like a miniture corn, and morning glories everywhere. I pulled out all but one that I put up a trellis for.
The past few mornings have been weird as far as the weather goes. When I take Danny out around 7:30am, I can see fog at the tops of the trees but is clear around the houses and roadway. By the time we get back from our walk, the fog settles down to the ground and then takes a long time to burn off.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This middle east situation has me worried. It's really a mess and our president is too busy with Dave Letterman to bother with it.
I went to Lowes this morning. I needed a new filter for my freezer. It cost forty bucks. The checkout clerk said hers cost fifty bucks. Good Grief. I also got some spray for my tomatoes and 3 Alberto Spruce trees for my landscaping. One will go out front to balance the one on the other side of the house and the other two will go on each side of the steps of the deck. I got some little stones to put around the base of my airconditioning condenser.
We started our fellowship dinners at the church tonight and our small group meetings. I had choir practice afterwards.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Delaware Breakwater Lighthouse in Cape Henlopen State Park. It is near the terminal for the Cape May Lewes Ferry.
I went to the church to see if exercise class had started up but it hadn't. I washed my sheets and towels and hung them out on the line. The weather was clear and dry. It was a beautiful fall day. I was shocked to see the temperature at 6am was 48 degrees. The overnight lows up until now have been in the low sixties. I planted a couple more irises in a few spots I found available and weeded the flower beds on the east side.
I went to work trying to solve my computer problems. I was able to download one of the programs that had been deleted and find the data that goes in it. However, I was on the chatline with my email host provided for nearly 2 hours trying to figure out why I wasn't getting my email. My bill had been paid up until 2013 so that wasn't the problem. I think the shop deleted my configuration with Atlantic Broadband and I don't know where the information goes. The host company sent me a bunch of codes but I don't know where to enter them. I may have to call Atlantic Broadband but they are so rude to talk to. I already talked to them once and they rudely told me they didn't have anything to do with my problem I had to contact the host. I didn't even know who that was. I contacted the wrong host at first. They said I changed companies but how strange it is that my email is sitting in there webpage or whatever. I can log into them online and my email is there. It just doesn't come here. Site 5 is my host company and they were very nice and the man had to consult with his supervisor to try to figure out what's wrong. Ted was so good at fixing computer problems. I am at a loss when it comes to anything more than the usual things I do on the computer. I wish I could get my spell checker back on this program. Somehow, it too, got deleted.
Danny likes walking in the cool air in the morning. He doesn't go far in the warm afternoon. I am letting his fur grow back in so I guess he gets hot.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was cool today. Fall is in the air. I did my wash and hung it out on the line. I planted most of what was left of my irises. I have a few more but don't know where to put them. I planted a hosta lily that was in a pot. I put it in ther temporarily when I add the addition to the front steps. I put it next to my back deck. I have a few more things to transplant.
I had a Finance Meeting at the church tonight. It went well and only lasted an hour. I like short fast meetings.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Don got here around 8:45. We left for our lighthouse tour. Our first stop was in Bowers Beach, DE. There is a lighthouse there out in the water. You are supposed to be about to see it from the concrete bulkhead. We didn't see any bulkhead nor did we see any lighthouse. There were a few things out on the horizon but we were unable to tell if they were ships or what. I asked a young man who was on the beach with his daughter. He thought it was off of South Bowers Beach which jutted a little further out into the water but to ger there, we had to go back to the expressway, drive way south and then drive back northeast so we decided to skip it.
Next stop was Cape Henlopen, DE which is between Lewes, DE where the Cape May Ferry connection is and Rehobeth Beach. Cape Henlopen is a state park and very nice. We came to a World War I or II tower and climbed up for a view of the area. We saw two harbor lighthouses that marked the channel for the ferry terminal. We were quite a distance from them so we drove a little closer. We came to a hawk watch area and climbed the stairs to the platform. We were further away from viewing the lighthouses so we drove on. We came to another parking area and followed the path to the beach. We were able to get a good view the red lighthouse but would have to walk a distance to get a better view of the white one. The beach area was roped off as it was a nesting area for the shore birds. We took some pictures of it throught the dunes.
Next stop was Fenwick Island which is a long Island beginning in Delaware , south of Rehobeth at the Indian River Inlet to the end of Ocean City, MD. The Fenwick Lighthouse is locaterd on the north side of the border between DE and MD. We had to park on the MD side where the street is for the entrance to the lighthouse. I took a photo of the marker with one foot in DE and the other in MD. We were greeted by a volunteer who told us the history of the area and the lighthouse. He said his wife knew much more about it and he was filling in for her. We were unable to climb the lighthouse because of the insurance regulations in DE and much more stringent than other states. They needed to have a person certified in CPR on every level of the lighthouse and the top was not enclosed to keep unstable people from jumping off. They are working on getting the problem resolves. The volunteer showed us photos of the lighthouse keepers and one was an ancestor of his.
We stopped in Ocean City to grab a burger at Burger King. For a fast food resturant, the service was very slow. We continued on our journey across the Delmarva Pensula to St. Michaels. It was an hour and a half drive. St. Michaels is an historic tourist town located on the Miles River on one of the many necks that jut out into the Chesapeake. They have a Maritime Museum there with one of the screwpile lighthouses as the main attraction. It is called a screw pile as it has what looks like a giant drill bit on the bottom of each pile that drills into the bottom of the bay and gives more stability to the piles. It also prevents the ice in winter from lifting the pilings up at high tide and crashing them down at low tide. We toured through the many buildings they have there. They showed all the different kinds of vessels that were used on the bay from Native American dug out logs to crab and oyster vessels, and steamships. They also had examples of the crab and oyster processing. We were still a little full from lunch so we went to the Crab Claw Resturant on the dock and got a lump crabmeat appetizer and a glass of ice tea. It is like a shrimp contail but with crabmeat. After we ate, we began out journey back to Chesapeake City. It took a little over an hour.
I will post the photos as soon as I download them.
There was one little dog who was glad to see us.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A church in Middletown, DE.
I got up early and put on the weather. It was to be partly cloudy with rain beginning around 4pm. I got ready to take Danny out and it was raining. What a bummer. I called Don and told him about the rain. I wondered if we should postpone out lighthouse tour until next week. He said he would come on Sunday and we'd go to Fenwick Island Light in DE and St. Michael's on the Chesapeake in MD.
It cleared up by 9am and turned out to be a nice day. We could have gone the Turkey Point Light in Elk Neck State Park and Concord Point Light in Havre de Grace. We'll go there another time.
I took my books back to the Library and got a DVD. It had 5 episodes of Moonstone. I watched tonight and enjoyed them.
After the Library, I took some Mushrooms to Cheryl and Ed. They are giant portabella mushrooms. John left a whole crate of them on my back deck.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went out early to the laundrymat to wash the queen size comforter that goes on the bed in my yellow bedroom. Unfortunately, it didn't come clean. I'll have to try again but it cost $6.50 for the large washer.
After the laundrymat, I went into Big Lots which is in the same shopping center. They have such interesting things. I got a led lantern for when the power goes out. It's pretty cool.
It was a nice day but on the hot side. I prepared Danny's chicken and rice. I may have to take him to the kennel so Don and I can visit some of the lighthouses around the Chesapeake. I'll have to see if my neighbor will be around tomorrow and Sunday. Perhaps he can take Danny out for me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It's mum time! This was taken last year. It is blooming this year but isn't quite in full bloom yet.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I woke up around 4am. I put two loads of clothes in the wash and finished washing the floor in the blue bedroom. It was supposed to be partly cloudy and clear off by noon. Well, it was totally cloudy with a rain shower and cleared off at 4pm. We also had a little rain shower. When it got light outside, I hung my clothes out on the line. I had to throw them in the dryer to finish drying them.
I babysat my grand nephew, Ethan while his daddy, Ed, went to the dentist.
When I got home, I put the furniture back in the blue room and made up the trundle unit. I put the area rug back on the floor. I had cleared everything out to wash the floor.
Tonight, I went to choir practice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I spent most of the day going through nearly 4000 emails that have piled up since my computer was down. I had to go through one at a time as my email is not working properly and I had to go to my host to get them. The host doesn't separate the junk mail. About 90 percent was junk mail and another 5 percent were forwards that I didn't have time to look at. I still have to read most of the emails that I kept. My arm is sore from clicking the mouse.
I gave Danny his bath today. He is good about it. I don't think he likes it but he jumps right into the shower when I call him. I have an extra long shower hose so I can hose him down, soap him up, and rinse him off. He likes to be dried off and he likes the hair dryer. I don't know if he so much as likes it but he knows it will dry him.
We got another 2/10 of an inch of rain bring the total to 1.7 inches the past two days. We're supposed to get more. I'd better empty the guage.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yea! I got my computer up and running. I should say, my niece's husband, Ed got it up and running. Now, I have to find out if my email is working and figure out what to do if it isn't. Ed also helped me move the desk from the blue bedroom to the yellow bedroom. Now, I have to get the comforter washed at the laundry mat where they have the triple washer. I want to hang it out on the line so I may have to wait until Friday. It's supposed to rain every day until then. We got over an inch and a half since last night.
I didn't do much today. E went to Walgreens and Redners Supermarket. I needed a few things. When I got home, I watched a couple movies on Encore. Cheryl, Ed, and Ethan came around three thirty. We moved the desk and then went to dinner at the Asian Fusian. I had the stir fry. I chose what I wanted, put it on my plate and the young man cooked it up for me. I got some appetizers while I waited for my food.
When we got back, Ed hooked up my computer and got it running. I ran the Malware scan and it took a couple hours.
It's good to have it back but I will probable have about five thousand emails to go through. All but about will be junk. I also have to reinstall one of the programs that the computer store deleted and I hope the data was saved in Carbonite. Otherwise I will be up the creek without a paddle.
I'll work on all that tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church this morning. My friend, Betty was there. When it was time for the Alter Call, Pastor Mark walked over to Betty and asked her to come up to the alter and he would pray for her. Mikki, our choir leader, went up with her and I followed, then came my friends, Kathy and Frances and Barbara, the Lay Reader. We all stood with Betty, our hands placed on her as Pastor Mark prayed for healing. I couldn't help but cry as I have lost so many loved ones and friends to cancer.
After the service, I took care of the offering, sorting it and preparing the financial records and deposit.
We got a little rain this afternoon. I was hoping Cheryl and Ed would be going to the Asian Restaurant but I didn't hear from them. I spent most of the day putting things in the yellow bedroom closet and on the shelves. I got the desk ready to move in there from the blue room but have to wait until someone can help me carry it.
I thought I was thawing out Danny's chicken but must have put the wrong time on it as it was burnt to a crisp. I hate having to waste food but I would have needed a saw to cut it up and he wouldj have needed a chisel and hammer to eat it.
I thawed out another piece and mixed it with his rice. I had a slice of ham with lima beans and red cabbage.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This is either the Presbyterian or Methodist Church in Middletown, DE.
I didn't get to see the blue moon last night as it was hidden behind the trees. I did get up at 5am, looked out from the deck and saw it. I took a photo but haven't downloaded it yet.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I worked out at Zumba this morning. When I got home, I went to work on my yellow bedroom. I moved all the furniture, dust mopped and cleaned the floor. I had to take the shelves out of the book cases and get those glider things to put under them and move them. I am putting the room back the way it was before my cousin came. I put my area rugs back in as they were never vacuuumed while she was here. I put the sheets in the dresser drawers and the extra blankets I took off the bed in the blue room and put on the shelf in the closet. I started putting books and things on the shelves. They were stuffed in on my bedroom shelves on top of other books and were messy looking. I still have plenty of empty shelves. I wonder what I had on them? I need some help in moving my desk back in there. Maybe my niece and her husband can help me with that. Then I can pull the trundle bed out from under the daybed and set it up as twin beds in the blue room. I am slowly getting my home back the way I want it.
News from the Vorlon Wife.