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Orange mums. One of the mums I bought in October. I only have a few yellow ones left blooming. The others are done.'
I went to the Verizon store this morning. My new tablet could not connect to the internet. I thought maybe it needed to be charged so I charged it and it still wouldn't work. Three people in the store fiddled with it and then they tried a new SIm or Sym chip. That cured the problem. The tablet has a lot of features I had on my Palm. I just need to load all my information in it.
When I got back, I went to the church and the secretary ran my labels through the copy machine as my desktop is down and I can't print my Christmas card labels. I have over 100 cards on my list so writing all the addresses by hand would be time consuming. Also, the labels are my list. I had a copy of the labels printed onto plain paper to use as my list. Luckily, I still had it and was able to take the label paper and my list and run them through the copy machine.
When I got done that, I helped the ladies decorate the church.
I came home and had some lunch. I did a couple loads of wash. I didn't go for my walk today; I didn't even get my mail at the mailbox. I got some Christmas decorations out of the shed. I put a couple more wreaths on the windows and one on the fence. There were 4 in a long box in the back of the shed. I got out the trees and found I have to get a white vinyl table cloth to put under my large tree. I put that down to catch all the artificial snow that I throw on the tree. I got the snow earlier as there is never any left after Black Friday.
I went back to the church as I noticed no one had signed up for the clean up crew for the homeless shelter. I got there early and started washing up the pans as they finished with them. The St. Augustine's Episcopal Church cooked the dinner. The Pastor, Charlotte, and I were on clean up duty. They made a nice dinner of ham, carrots, peas, macaroni & cheese, and green bean casserole with rolls. There were plenty of desserts, too.
Many of the St. Augustine people helped with the dishes. We have a very fast dishwashing machine and it helped to have a lot of people drying so we were able to empty the tray and fill it back up again. I got home at 7;30.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Yesterday, I went to Bible Study. When I got home, I tried to clean some spots out of my rug with the heavy traffic Resolve. I had to do it again this morning. The smell from the resolve was getting to me so I poured some baking soda on it to absorb the smell. I don't know if it helped the odor but it made the spot look better as the rug is white and the baking soda is white. I wanted to get the room ready for putting up the tree.
This morning, there was no exercise class as our church is hosting the homeless shelter this week and the cots are set up in the room we use. The secretary called me yesterday and needed help with folding the newsletter today so I went and did that. There were only four of us so it took awhile. Some other ladies were there getting the church ready for Advent. The candle globes needed cleaning and we got the wreaths out of the closet in the basement.
When I got home, I made my lunch, studied my Choral Society music and used my computer.
I have Choir practice tonight. There is no fellowship dinner as the homeless people come in for dinner and to spend the night. They have breakfast there and then are taken in vans to the daytime shelter in Elkton.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Lighted Carolers near the ice cream store in Chesapeake City.
I went with my brother to the doctors today and the results from his test all came out good. We got some soup and roll at WaWa for lunch. It was a cold rainy day and the soup went down well. After lunch, he went to work and I drove home.
I was cold when I got here and the heat had been turned down so I turned it up and piled my blankets up on the sofa. I dozed off for a nap and when I woke up, I was nice and warm. I made some turkey soup for dinner and went off to Choral Society practice.
For some reason, I can't upload a photo. I hope I can upload my posting.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went down town last evening to watch Santa arrive by boat. He took too long. It was 20 degrees and I was cold. They had a whole program of the high school singing Christmas music. The mayor spoke and Pastor Mark gave the blessing. The program was supposed to start at dusk which was 5:30. It didn't start until six. Standing around on the cold waterfront was too much for me. I had on my long winter coat, my hat that comes down over my ears and ties around my chin, and my hood, my hunting socks, and LL Bean boots. I could have used my ski mittens and my Sorrel boots. I took some photos. The one above is of lights over at the Army Core of Engineers. There are two ships and some green things inbetween. It looks like a palm tree and an arrow. I don't know what there about but they look pretty. The town got a grant for new lights this year. It was really quite lovely.
I came home, ate my dinner and watched The Nativity Story. I will be heading for Don's. He has a doctor appointment tomorrow to go over his test results. Pray for good results.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A little church in Atlantic City that we saw on our Lighthouse trip.
I went to church this morning and did the finances with Ursula. There was no Sunday School today as they were making decorations for the Christmas Tree in the sanctuary. I got there too late to make a decoration but was able to help tie ribbons on them so they can be hung.
I put up my little trees and got my wreaths out of the shed. Now, I have to find the bows to put on them and then hang them on the doors and windows.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Zumba class this morning. It was the last class. The instructor is having health problems so cannot continue with the class. I hadn't been there for about six weeks. I was away on two Saturdays. The instructor was sick one week. One week was when Danny was dying and I had to take him to be put to sleep. Last week was the Christmas Bazaar. I feel exhausted from lack of exercise. I will miss the zumba classes. They helped keep the weight off.
I finished getting my little trees ready and went to put them up outside along the drive. It was so windy I just laid them on the ground as the wind was too difficult to get them set up. Last night, I thought someone was trying to get in the window. It was some cardboard boxes my neighbor had put out for the trash. They blew over hitting my window and siding.
I went to the library and got some movies for the weekend as there is nothing on the TV. There are some Christmas movies on Hallmark but I can't stand all the commericials. I got the Sherlock series that's on PBS. It takes place in modern times with modern technology.The other movie is the Nativity Story.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I ran to the Hardware store today. I put the Commander hooks on the windows for the Christmas wreaths. I cleaned the windows with alcohol before putting the hooks on. When I finished that, I transplanted a redbud tree. It grew this summer. I didn't even know one was there. I have no idea where it came from as the ones I have out back are too small to flower or bloom. This one was growing too close to my Alberta Spruce and hanging over the pavers I put in to cross the flowerbed from the drive way. It was a good three feet tall and had a deep root system. I was surprised at how it leaped out of the ground. The ones I brought from Vineland and planted outback are less then a foot tall and have been there for two or three years.
While searching for the hooks for the wreaths, I found a few clips for putting Christmas lights on the rain gutters. They look perfect for connecting my led lights to the tree frames. I drove to the hardward store to get some. I didn't want to go to K-Mart, Walmart or Home Depot on Black Friday. I figured the hardware store won't be crowded and I figured correctly. I took the tape off the frames and used the clips to fasten them on. It works well except I broke the plastic frames a couple times. I used the glue gun to glue it back together. My fingers got tired so I took a break after glueing the frame back together. I had to wait for it to dry. I have one and a quarter more trees to do and I can put the set out on the driveway.
I drove to the mailbox as it was getting dark and I reset the candles I have in the windows. They went on at 3pm so I reset them at 5pm. They are still on so they must be for 5 hours. We'll see.
I baked Danny's chicken that I had put in the freezer and bake a large sweet potato and had them for dinner with some Brussels sprouts and cranberry sauce. I had taken out some turkey to thaw but the chicken was hot out of the oven so I ate some of that and froze the rest. I'll have the turkey tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Look what's still blooming in my flower garden. Snap dragons. I should say they just started blooming in the fall. They didn't do much all summer. I didn't realize they liked cool weather. Nothing else is blooming except for some of my potted mums and they are about finished. Time to put up the Christmas wreaths and lights on the trees and house.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I wanted to put my candles in the windows so they would be on when I got home from my nephew's tonight. I thought I had plenty of batteries but when I got them out, I found I didn't have enough. I had changed all the batteries in the flashlights in preparation for Hurricane Sandy. I drove out to Redner's to get the batteries. I needed AA, C, and D batteries. I got a couple other things while I was there. When I got back I put all the batteries in and put the candles in the windows. I have windows and storm windows in the mobile home so I put the candles in between them. The problem is they have timers and I put them in too early so they were not on when I got home. I'm going to have to turn them on at 5 or 6 pm tomorrow so they will stay on until 10 or 11.
I went to my nephew's with my niece, Cheryl and her husband Ed and their baby Ethan. Rick and Michelle had a very nice turkey dinner. Almost all the family was there except for my nephew, Bob and Michelle's uncle. Michelle gave me a photo of Danny Boy taken last Thanksgiving. It is a nice photo and looks like he did in his later years. Most of my photos of him were taken five or six years ago. His fur was cut different in the past few years and he lost the apricot coloring in his ears. It had turned white. Perhaps Danny was older than they originally thought.
I called Ted's mother when I got home and now I am ready to turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to get gas at the Liberity station; it has always been the cheapest one. It was the slowest pump I ever dealt with. It took twice as long as other stations. I went on down to the Dollar Tree to get some things and stopped in the Amish Market. The line at the bakery was winding around through the store. I left. I stopped in the Verizon Store and upgraded my service. I felt I needed to get into the 21st Century. I can now text and email with unlimited service. I can upload my photos. Now, I need to figure out how to hook this laptop to the printer. I can get on facebook from my phone when I figure out how.
I thought my bank had a branch in Middletown but I didn't see it. I went to the ATM at WaWa and saw the WaWa gas was cheaper than Liberity. 1.379 vs 1,376. Onto Walmart. I got some milk and a pumpkin roll to take to my nephew's tomorrow. I can take all back roads to Middletown so there is no traffic.
I had lunch when I got home and then cut the grass on the east and west sides. It's amazing what a difference it makes with the grass all one length. I have a mulching mower so it mulched up the leaves as I mowed. There will be a lot more oak leaves when they fall in a couple weeks. I'll rake them into a big pile and run the mower over then to chop them up for a nice mulch.
The Thanksgiving Service was held at my church. There were five churches represented. The five pastors participated in the service. Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopals, African Episcopal Methodists, and Roman Catholics were all in attendance.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got all ready to go to exercise class when Frances called me and said there was no class today. The preschool was having grandparents day in the social hall.
I did a couple loads of wash and hung out on the line. It was nice and sunny but the sun disappeared by noon and my clothes were damp when I took them down. I put them in the dryer for 20 minutes. I guess that's better than putting them in for an hour.
I went out and dug up my glads and weeded the dandelions. I have dug them out several times during the summer and they just keep growing back. My snap dragons are still blooming along with some of the mums. Everything else is finished. I still have to cut the grass one more time. I have some broad leaf, long grass on both sides of the yard. The back is OK. I have to wait a few more weeks for the oak leaves to fall.
I went to Choral Society practice tonight. It was a good practice but someone wears hair spray and the laquer gets in my throat everytime I breath in. I could hardly breath nevertheless sing..
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do much today. I finished the one string of lights on the little Christmas trees. I went to the church to clean the chair but the secretary said there was no stain so It was OK. I read where coffee stains may take a few days to show up so I'll wait and see. She said it was a sample chair and it was downstairs with some others. Maybe I can switch it with one downstairs if the stain shows up and can't be removed.
I got another card from the Vet. All the doctors and staff signed it. I still feel lost without Danny. It is 8pm now and I would have been taking Danny out.
I hope everything went well with Cheryl's surgery. I haven't heard anything.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
St. Augustine's RC Church in Atlantic City. One of the churches we saw on our lighthouse tour in October.
I went to church and Sunday School today. I helped Ursula with the finances before SS. I didn't do much this afternoon. I called my brother and my niece. Cheryl will be going in for surgery tomorrow. I think it's a same day surgery. They may need me to stay with Ethan during the her recovery. I hope and pray everything goes well for her. I took them some soup and homemade bread that I got at the church. I did go to Big Lots to get a vintage stereo set. It has a turntable, dvd player, am/fm radio, and a tape deck. It was on sale. I never heard of the brand so I hope it works. I haven't been able to play my records for years as the turn table couldn't hook into the amplifier when we got a new one. Now, the speakers on the stereo components do not work. The front speakers worked for awhile but stopped and when I switched to the back speakers, They worked for awhile then stopped. I think mice may have eaten the wires that run under the mobile home. It would be hard to replace the rear speakers as there is insulation under the mobile home. It was easy to run wiring in my house in Vineland because I had the basement.
I had some of my soup and homemade bread for my dinner along with an apple dumpling for dessert.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I spent all morning and afternoon at the church working at the Bazaar. I helped in the kitchen and anywhere they needed help. It was a long day. I bought a gazing ball. The one I had broke when I tried to put it away for the hurricane. That reminds me, I left it out in the car. I also bought 2 quarts of the soup I helped make, a loaf of homemade bread, and a couple apple dumplings.
I had them for supper. I was beat so I vegetated on the sofa except for walking to the mailbox which has been moved down the block.
Now, I am going to watch a Rockford Files DVD in my room and turn in afterward. I hope I don't fall asleep.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I spent the morning and most of the afternoon at the church preparing the vegetable beef soup for the Christmas Bazaar tomorrow. We chopped vegetables and beef to fill 4 giants pots of soup. Then we had to stir and keep an eye on it while it cooked and simmered. I had to run to Redner's to get some more ingredients for the soup.
When I got home, I made the pumpkin bars for the cake table. My friend, Marlene came to the door with some cookies. She had been helping her friend who's husband's funeral was today. The man had been very ill with cancer for some time. Marlene wanted to tell me how sorry she was about Danny and hoped the homemade cookies would help me to feel better. It was so kind of her. I had some of the cookies for my dessert after dinner. They were good.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I wasn't able to get on the internet again this morning. I don't know what is going on.
I went and did some shopping this morning. I browsed around K-Mart looking at the Christmas decorations. I went to Deal's Dollar Tree and got my eggs and a couple greeting cards. I went to the Acme and got the Pumpkin Bars. I was looking for a box and they were in a plastic bag type package. My last stop was at Redner's Supermarket.to get the bottled water. My filter on the kitchen faucet needs a new filter and the well water tastes terrible so I got ten gallons of Deer Park Spring Water. They were 10 for 10. Yesterday, when I was there, they were out. This area has a very heavy concentration of iron in the ground water. They have a filter on the well but it is always getting clogged up with the iron.
I went to the fellowship dinner and saw Cindy, a lady in my small group class. She said there was a note on the door saying no dinner tonight. Meaghan went to Maria's and is bringing back pizza. I went in the kitchen and got out the napkins and plates. Fred, Cindy's husband make the ice tea and lemonade and I went down to get some ice. There were six or eight of us sharing the pizza.
We finished up our last lesson of our small group study. It was about setting boundaries and knowning when to say no rather then saying yes to everyone who asks you to do something and you get wore out and resentful.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I finally got on the internet. I couldn't get on this morning.
Yesterday afternoon, I had a nice time at the luncheon for Gertrude. I met Gertrude a couple years ago. She attended the Sunday School Class. She got ill shortly afterward so she didn't remember me but was glad I came to her luncheon and was glad to meet me. She is 92 or 93 or 94; she doesn't remember. My friend, Frances invited me and I was happy to see the rest of my friends from church and choir there. It was good to get out of the house instead of moping around feeling sorry for myself.
I went to Choral Society practice last night. We had a good practice and I did somewhat better at the Halelujah Chorus. It really goes up high and keeps going higher. Kay was there so her strong soprano voice helps to pull the rest of us up there.
This morning it was 20 degrees outside. Brrr! I took a short walk around the block. It seems empty to walk without Danny and very hard to enter the house and not have him waiting at the door waging his tale.
I went to my Bible Study Class. There were not too many there today. Pete had heart surgery and is recovering. Barb and Kathy had to work and Audrey is in Hawaii. Jeannie had to babysit her grandchildren.
I went to Redner's Supermarket after the class. I wanted to get some pumpkin brownie mix but they didn't have any. I got double chocolate crunch brownies to make for the church Christmas Baazar. Now, I have to get some eggs. I rarely bake anything and I don't have the ingredients on hand. My eggs were out of date so I tossed them out. I only had two left. I'll have to go to the dollar store to get some tomorrow. Maybe the Acme will have the Pumpkin Brownies. They are not Brownies but bar type like brownies are, but made with pumpkin. Kathy made some last week for Bible Study. She always supplies us with homemade goodies for after the class. She even sends some when she can't make it to the class. We are all grateful to her.
I went to choir practice tonight. We had practice tonight because the director couldn't make it tomorrow. She is the music director at the high school and had a conflict.
This afternoon, I rearranged the furniture in my bedroom. I put the bed catty corner so that I can have access to both windows. I did have the bed in front of the front window. When I would hear a noise outside, I wasn't able to look out to see what was going on. Now I can. I can also put one of my Christmas trees in the window. I still have a few more things to arrange but I was tired and had to go get the mail. I got another sympathy card for Danny. My friend, Dottie sent it. I am amazed at how Danny has touched so many lives. Dottie went with me when I took Danny to put him to sleep. She stayed with me after Ted passed away. I am so grateful to her.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I better blog while I can access the internet. Maybe service has been disrupted because of Hurricane Sandy.
I varnished the little shelf I am making to support my brass mirror. It is very heavy and the thin walls will not support. I have to screw the shelf into the studs. It is about two inches wide. The mirror will rest on the shelf and attach to the stud at the top. I had stained the wood but it wasn't the right color so had to get another stain. Then I had to wait for good weather to do the painting. I still need to do another coat of varnish so will have to wait for good weather again. I need 4 hours of nice weather over 55 degrees. Not many of those left in the season. Summer went directly into winter. It's raining today followed by cooler weather. I'm working on putting LED lights on my little white plastic trees that line the driveway. I had to tape the lights to the frame.
I went to the finance meeting last night at the church. Some things are complicated. The secretary has been sick so Pastor wants me to learn how to do the reports that she does. I don't know what they are never-the- less how to do them.
I have to eat and get ready for exercise class. I don't know if I'll be doing too much in the way of exercise but it gets me out of the house and spending time with friends.
I've also been invited to a luncheon at the assisted living home with a shut-in friend. We bring our own lunch. I don't really feel like doing anything but staying in my home and vegetating but force myself to go out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got online this morning with no problem. I had four tower on my signal strength. I don't know if Verizon is having a problem or my modem is failing. I hope I don't have to buy a new one; they are expensive.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I can’t seem to get on the internet. I don’t know why, I have 3 towers on the signal. I was on this morning but unable to get back on since this afternoon. I’ll post this as soon as I get the chance.
I have gotten a lot of support since Danny’s passing. I was feeling alone yesterday. I walked down to the mailbox to get the mail and met several neighbors on the way. Everyone was so sad about Danny, even his little dog buddy, Bambi, seemed to wonder where he was. Bambi kept sniffing me. Sue and Ray brought me a card and gift with their thoughts and prayers.
I went to church this morning. We sang a difficult him with several different parts. During one part, one of our members, John recited the Apostles Creed when the rest of us sang softly. We had a lot of trouble with it at rehearsal but it went well during the service.
It is my niece’s husband, Ed’s birthday today so we went out to dinner at the East Fusion Buffet. My brother, Rick, his wife, Sylvia, my nephew, Rick, his wife, Michelle, and their two children met us there. Rick, Michelle and the children gave me a gift and card with their kind thoughts about Danny. The gift was a lovely picture frame to put a photo of Danny in it. Michelle said she has a nice photo of Danny but has to fine it. It was taken Thanksgiving a couple years ago.
Everyone keeps saying to get another dog but I could never replace Danny. He was a part of Ted. Danny was with me through some of the darkest times in my life. I don’t know if I could ever feel the same with another dog. Maybe in time, I’ll feel differently.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We saw this little church while on our Lighthouse Challenge. It is St. Peter's Church in Barnigat Light, NJ.
I didn't go to Zumba this morning. I wanted to give my back some more rest. I went out for a walk and it was very quiet. No one was out. I was going to get some things out of the shed and when I opened the door, it was raining. It was not forecast. There wasn't much to it but enough to chase me back inside. I wasn't able to get on the internet this morning. It is weird. I can't seem to get on early in the morning. I had three towers but no luck. Tonight, I have four towers. You would think things would be busier at night when more people are online. Oh well.
Masterpiece will be coming on in a few minutes. I want to get a nice cup of tea and retire to the sofa.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A monarch butterfly on a hydrangea plant at Hereford Inllet Lighthouse Gardens in North Wildwood, NJ.
I took a walk around the block this morning and then went to the church to do the finances. Ursula and I work on them until about 11:45. I went home, had some lunch, made a list of where I needed to go and what I needed to get.
First stop was the Vet to pick up Danny's remains. It was difficult to drive to the Vet without Danny riding in the car. I had a whole box of Advantix II Plus to return. They gave me a bag with Danny's remains and a couple other things. They said how sorry they were about Danny and I started to cry. The clerk came out from around the counter and hugged me. I composed my self and went off the the gas station. It was Sun gas. On the internet, I thought it was Sunoco but it wasn't; It was an independent station called Sun. The price was $1.349. It is located arcoss the road from the Vet.
From there, I went to Wal-Mart. I got some LED Christmas lights. I needed a couple more strings of the blue/white and the red/green lights for my two trees. I haven't be able to find them for a couple years. I also got the plastic snow and two reels of led lights to replace the regular mini lights that are on my little trees that I line the drive with. The regular lights, were too much for my outdoor circuit that is on the same circuit as my bathroom. Last year, when I put on the lights and fan in my bathroom, the circuit would blow. The LED use very little electric.
I tried to find a couple jewerly stores in Middletown that were listed on the internet. I couldn't find them so I headed home and got my dinner.
I opened the package they gave me for Danny. His ashes were in a beautiful carved wooded box and they made a plaster paris cast of his paw with his name and date on it. They gave my a lovely sympathy card from the entire staff. It had the Rainbow Bridge poem on it.
After dinner, I called my friend, Dottie, to let her know how much I appreciated her helping me with Danny last week. It meant a lot to have her there with me. She is so sensitive and understanding. She is in a lot of pain with her back so keep her in your prayers.
When I got the mail, I got a sympathy card from Ted's mother. She also included a copy of the Rainbow Bridge poem. I'll post it tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My back felt better this morning so I went to exercise class. I didn't do much but felt tired out so quit. I went in the office and talked with Ursula. She wanted me to do the reconciliation but I wasn't feeling up to it; I told her I'd do it tomorrow. I went with my exercise lady friends to JoJo's and had a cup of tea and a big chocolate chip cookie.
It is so hard coming home to an empty house. I keep finding Danny's things and have been putting them away. Every time I see something of his I feel like crying. I went off to the fellowship dinner, small group study, and choir practice. Then again, I had to come home to an empty house without my sweet little Danny to greet me at the door. I miss him so much.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Well, I was sick when I clicked on the news to find the election results. I fear for our country. The baffoon in the White House is going to shove his agenda down our throats. Higher taxes, higher unemployment, increase in the deficit, increase in foreclosures, higher gasoline prices, higher cost of energy, higher food prices, more companies closing, decrease in the quality of health care, and the jeopardizing of our national security.
I went to the chiropractor this morning and I am feeling better. I still have a little soreness but I don't have to go back unless I have a problem.
I went to my Bible Study and then came home and had some lunch. It has been raining all afternoon. The temp has been too warm to snow. I don't know if it's going to drop below freezing or not. This morning, the weather report was for 4-6 inches. The ground is still warm so it should melt. We'll see when we get up in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I always wake up so early. Now I awake at 4:20 until I get used to the time change. It was 22 degrees out there this morning. I watch the news and weather, get some breakfast, and got ready to go to the chiropractor. I had another treatment and feel a little better. I have to go back tomorrow morning. He said I should be better by Friday. I was hoping to do some projects to take my mind off Danny but I can't lift anything or do any bending.
When I got back from the chiropractor, I stopped in the church to let the ladies in my exercise class know why I wasn't there. I went with them to Jack and Helen's Restaurant. I just got some coffee and a piece of pumpkin pie.
I studied my Choral Society music and then got some lunch. I miss my walks with Danny but am not feeling up to it today. I hope I feel better tomorrow. I wish I didn't have to go out tonight but I have missed two weeks from singing. I was sick the one week and it was cancelled last week because of the storm.
I hope tomorrow's storm doesn't come before I can get to the Dr.'s. I don't want to miss my back treatment.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early and took a walk around the block 2 times to equal a mile. I went to the church to help with the finances. Ursula wasn't there yet so I talked to Pastor Mark for awhile. I told him about Danny and he also had to put a dog to sleep. He hasn't got another one because he was moving and has been pretty busy since he got here. Ursula came and we went over what we had to do. The new computers had come in and the office was rearranged. I went through some old files and threw some stuff out. I left some for Linda to look through. We did some filing and I wrote out a check on the computer.
Eileen from the Ecumentical Association came into the church. She is very knowledgable about computers so is going to help me with mine. Evidently, mine are obsolete so I'll have to get a new one. Eileen is going to help me figure out what I need. The church has Acers. I'll have to check with Carl to see what he recommends.
When I got home, I went for another walk and then had some lunch. I wanted to keep busy to take my mind off of Danny so I started to rearrange my bedroom furniture. I had purchased some gliders so I could move the furniture over the carpet easily. I used a crow bar to lift the bureau and put the gliders underneath. I vacuumed where I had moved things. When I went to pull out the plug of the vacuum cleaner, my back went out. I hurt pretty bad so I called the Chiropractor and he took me right away. It is still sore and I have to go back again tomorrow morning. What a bummer.
I made some turkey soup for tonight. It hit the spot. Especially since I don't feel well from the back pain. It is also cold today and the hot soup goes down well. I have enought for a couple days. It's going to be stormy so it will be good.
I really miss my little dog. We would walk together and I put his dinner bowl on the floor next to me so I would have a dinner companion. I can't help but thinking about him as we did almost everything together. He always wanted to cuddle up with me even when I was on the computer.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
This church is in Gloucester City, NJ as viewed from the Walt Whitman Bridge. I always enjoy the view as I traviel east on the bridge.
I want to thank everyone for the heartfelt condolences on my loss of Danny Boy. It was so goo to hear from all of you. It was a lonely night without him cuddling up to me. He was such a good little dog and companion. I miss the pitter patter of his paws when he would follow me around the kitchen. I will miss him running to the door to greet me when I came in. It was horrible to come home to an empty house.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Danny Boy has not been well since last May. He developed kidney failure and I had to have him put to sleep today. My friend, Dottie, came to take us to the vet because I was afraid I'd be too emotional to drive. He was such a sweet little dog; I don't know what I will do without him. Ted and I adopted him October 29, 2006. He was 6 years old then. Ted wanted a little lap dog when he was sick. Danny has been my buddy and companion through some difficult times. I miss him so much. It was hard coming in the house and not have him running out to greet me with his tail wagging. I will miss walking with him and talking to him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
These beautiful mums were in the gardens of Hereford Inlet Lighthouse, North Wildwood, NJ. I wonder if they are still there after the storm. I heard on the news that the Wildwoods, Stone Harbor, and Avalon were letting residents back in. Many of the other seashore towns are still closed to residents. Miles of cars are lined up on the Atlantic City Expressway. They have checkpoints and are only letting people into neighboring communites of AC: Brigantine, Margate, and Longport. AC is still closed. I pray for all the victims of the storm and I thank God we did not have any damage here or at my brother's.
Danny had a rough night last night. He was sick at his stomach several times. He has kidney failure and I don't know how long he will have. I has been a sweet little dog and such a wonderful companion. He did get up and go outside to do his business. I thought that was a good sign but he had a restless night. I had to get up with him a couple times; He didn;t seem to know what he wanted and I didn't know what to do for him but follow him around. He finally settled down and went to sleep.
Trick or Treat will be tonight so I have to go out and get some candy. I guess I'll go before Danny gets up.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got ready to go to exercise class. I just had to wait for Danny to get up. He was sleeping. He didn't want to get up. He just looked at me but didn't wag his tail when I talked to him. He just layed back down and went to sleep. I carried him outside around 11am. He walked around the grass a little bit and went #1. I carried him back in and then worried about him. He licked some water on my glass of coke. I was afraid his body was shutting down as he has kidney problems. I called the vet and asked my niece's husband to take me. I was afraid I'd have to put Danny down. Danny seemed to perk up a bit when Ed came and at the Vet's office. They examined him and found he was dehydrated. They gave him some liquied through and IV, and gave me some medicine and nutrients in the form of a gel. I have to take him twice a week for the IV until he gets better. He threw up while waiting for the bill to come. He also was sick on the way home and again after we got home. I guess last nights dinner was just sitting in his stomach. Poor little guy. No wonder he didn't feel good. He was laying on the sofa with me until I went out to get the mail. When I got back, he jumped down off the sofa and wanted to go outside. He went again and then came slowly up the steps. He has been coming up them slowly for awhile. I gave him some of the nutrient gel. It is gross looking but what didn't get in his mouth, I wiped off his face with my finger and he licked it. I guess it doesn't taste bad. I hope he feels better tomorrow.
I was so upset today, I hardly ate anything since breakfast. I'm not very hungry. I'll go to bed early tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.