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Trinity Presbyterian Church on Naaman's Road in Delaware.
I went to church and Sunday School this morning. Ursula wasn't there so Tucker and I counted the offering and other duties we have with the finances. I pulled out the calculator so I could count up the checks and the cord came off and fell in back of the desk. I looked back there and couldn't see it. Tucker looked and didn't see it either. He got a big flashlight and we looked and looked and could not find the cord. Luckily, I had brought my new tablet and was able to calculate the checks on there.
Cheryl and Ed were not in church so I came on home. I didn't really feel like driving to PA but felt I should. I had one of Don's gifts that I wasn't able to pick up until after Christmas. I called him and he said he had a cold so I just dropped off his gift and went to Aunt Jean's. We had a nice visit. My cousin, Scott was there and he brought some home made soup. It hit the spot on a cold day. Later in the afternoon, my cousin Jan came over and we went to dinner at a restaurant near where Aunt Jean lives. My family went there several times but the restaurant had changed hands and remodeled. We did not care for the decor. It was dark and dingy looking. All in all I had a nice time visiting with my Aunt and cousins. We used to spend many Christmases together when my grandmother was living and when Aunt Jean and Uncle Bud had all their children living at home. My mother and her brother, Bud were very close and we had a close relationship.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I finally got my mirror installed this morning. It took me two years to get it done. First, I had to figure out how to attach it to the thin walls here as it is a heavy brass mirror. I had to get some lumber and stain to make a shelf to support the weight of the mirror. I had to wait for some good weather to stain it and then didn't like it so had to buy some more stain and wait for good weather to apply the new stain. Then I had to polyurethane it and had to wait for good weather to do that. Then I had to keep hunting around for some hardware to attach it at the top. I finally found a mirror clasp at Walmart the other day. I did some drilling and screwed the mirror onto the wall where the stud it. I screwed a little molding at the bottom of the mirror so it wouldn't fall off the shelf. I had a couple wooden peg coat hangers that I used to hold Danny's leash and things so I screwed it to the bottom of the shelf. I hung the Christmas stockings on them.
I took the photo at an angle from across the room so the flash would be seen in the mirror. We didn't mount the mirror in Vineland but placed it on top of the fireplace mantle. It was made of cast concrete so it was able to support the weight.
I made up a few snack bags and took to the soup kitchen. I didn't have much but added them to what others brought. I helped serve the soup. There were six crockpot of soup for the homeless people. There were a couple vegetable beef, a couple chicken vegetable, a fish chowder, and a chicken succotash soup. I had the vegetable beef and fish chowder. I had a taste of the chicken succotash. It was good I should have gotten that instead of the beef vegetable as it was a little too peppery for me.
We got about an inch of snow but it is melting. None stuck to the roads. It was forecast to snow until Monday but it has cleared off. We'll see.
I got a movie at the Library to watch over the weekend. It has been the loneliest holiday I have ever had in my life. Things keep reminding me of holidays I had with my husband, parents, and grandmother. And even Danny. I ran into my neighbor, Rex and his little dog Barley. Rex didn't know about Danny and Barley kept sniffing me as if he was wondering where Danny was. I hadn't seen Rex as I hadn't walked that way very much. I have to cut across the wet grass. The weather has been nasty. Either rainy or cold. Rex sits out on his deck in good weather and he hasn't been out. Today, I happened by as he was walking Barley. Barley looks like a Cairn Terrier. He is real cute.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My door wreath. I had two on my French doors in Vineland. I do have French doors here but they are between the bedroom and the computer room.
Ted had a photo of one of the wreaths of the French doors on the computer to sign in but I had it repaired onetime and the sign in was lost. I didn't know how to get it back. Now that computer is kaput.
I did some errands today. I went to Walmart to get the suet cake. They didn't have the $.97 one so I got two that were $1.27. At least they weren't two dollars each. From there, I went to Walgreens to pick up my prescription. I forgot the slippers my niece gave me so I"ll have to go there another day. I went to downtown Elkton to the jewelry store to see if they had a watch band for my watch but they didn't have the right size. I did get a battery for my other watch. It cost ten dollars. I only paid two at the jewelry store in Vineland. I haven't been able to find jewelry stores in the area. When I came out of the store, I saw some other shops that looked interesting. A gift shop and a couple art galleries. The gift shop had some antique items. I saw some green handle utensils and it reminded me of the ones my grandmother had. I felt a sadness come over me and I had to leave the store. One of the art galleries had used books for sale in the back. I got a couple mysteries. The owner was very nice and told me all about her store and events they had there. Elkton has a 1st Friday when they are open at night and had different events going on. She invited me to come. Millville, NJ had a similar event.
Home again, I had some lunch of a hotdog with cheese, mustard, relish and a sandwich slice of a pickle on it. I read more of my book and baked my winter squash in the oven. I had it with my turkey, Brussels sprouts and a baked apple for my dinner. I waited for the mystery to come on and it was one I saw two or three times before. I wish they would get new ones.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went for a walk to the mailbox this morning. It was rather windy. I didn't get the mail yesterday as the weather was too nasty. I saw that the wind had blown my Star of Bethlehem off the peak of the house and my little trees that line the driveway were blown over and some were broken. I'll have to get the glue gun after them.
I went to Middletown. I wanted to check with the Vet about Danny's Flea Medication I had returned. It was unopened so I was able to return it. I had paid by check so they didn't know how to do the refund. If I had paid by credit card, they could have issued a credit to my card. Anyway, they gave me a credit on my account.
Next I went to Walmart to get some suet cakes. They sell them for $1.00 but were out of them. Other stores charge $2.00 for them. I'll try the Walmart in Elkton or go back next week. I got a few other things that were on my list. When I got home, I had some turkey that Tina had given me and finished up my Waldolf Salad.
I did three loads of wash. Towels, lights, and darks. I still have some reds to do but I'll wait until I have more.
I read some of my book. Ted had given me a book one Christmas a long time ago. I read about a quarter of it and never finished it. I don't know why, it is a good story. Maybe because he went to bed so early and I couldn't turn on the light to read in bed. I had put it aside and forgot about it. I remember the first chapter but not the rest of them. Anyway, I have a good book to read on these cold winter days.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do much today. It was snowing, sleeting, and raining. I got 1.2 inches of rain in my rain guage. I ironed a few things and put some of my gifts away.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My red and green tree that I have in my bedroom window. the light twinkle red and green all individually.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I got up early and baked my brother's pie. I had gotten it ready Christmas Eve. The crust was thawed so I didn't want to put it back in the frig and have to let it come up to room temp. I put the crust in the pie pan and put the mincemeat in and covered it with the top crust. I place plastic wrap over it and put it in the frig. I made my Waldorf Salad while the pie was baking. I looked through the gifts Santa brought me and got ready to go to Tina's with Cheryl and Ed.
We had a nice drive through Amish country. We passed a few Amish buggies. I was about to take a picture of one but remembered they believe that photos are graven images so I respected their belief.
Tina and Sean had a wonderful dinner of roast beef and turkey along with all the fixings.
Their tree was in the dinning room in the window with all the gifts gathered around it. The dinningroom table was in the kitchen where we all sat and had our dinner.
On the way home, we saw many Christmas lights. It was all lovely.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Merry Christmas!
This is my blue, white, and silver tree that I have in my living room.
Ted and I bought it when we first got married so it has sentimental value. The decorations have changed over the years but I like the size of it. I toyed with getting a new one but they are expensive. The ones that are prelit, have mini lights and I have switched to LED lights. They are much more energy efficient.
II intended to make my brother's mincemeat pie first thing this morning but the crust was in the freezer and I didn't have time to thaw and bake it. I got ready and went to my nephew's. Ryleigh and Joey greeted me at the door and wanted to open their gifts. Ryleigh immediately took the dolls clothes off and the ribbons out of the braids in its hair. Joey liked his remote control car and said it was awesome. I was eating my dinner when I looked out the window and saw it was snowing. I had to leave to go to church for the candle service. My friend, Tina asked me to help light the alter candles and for me to light the Christ candle. She said it was to be lit first but I thought it was lit last. She wasn't sure so I asked the Pastor. He said neither, the family was going to do it. Good thing I asked. There was a lot of beautiful music sung by different people as well as the choir.
When the service was over, the snow had changed to rain. I went back to my nephew's and had some more dinner with my family.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and Sunday School and then to the Contemporary service with Cheryl, Ed, and Ethan. When they sang "Joy to the World", Ethan sang "AH" at the top of his lungs. He likes music. After the service, we had breakfast at JoJo's. I wrapped up the gifts this afternoon and then went out with Cheryl pick up some last minute things. I needed some cellophane to put around a basket I'm makeing up for my brother's gift. I also needed to get a couple strings of lights as I broke the one on my Alberto Spruce Tree. I got a couple more for my other evergreen. The trees have grown bigger and I needed more lights to fit around them.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My friend, Dottie's church, Church of the Holy Child, near Brandywine, DE. It is where I went to lunch with her and her sisters and friends last Thursday.
I went to the post office and bank this morning and then it was off to Don's. Traffic was heavy on the interstate from the minute I got on. The right two lanes were crawling bumper to bumper. Fortunately for me, I needed the left lanes. The right lanes were headed over the Delaware Memorial Bridge and NJ Turnpike and northbound. It was heavy all the way to the three way split of 95, 495, and 295(Bridge). I took the 495 split; it parallels 95 and connects back into it. It has a higher speed limit and fewer exits. It got somewhat congested again as I neared Philadelphia but I get off before there.
Don and I got some Lobster Bisque soup at WaWa and then went to the cemetery to put the sprays and grave blankets on my parents and Ted's graves. I headed back home around 3:30 as the wind was picking up and if it was high enough, they'd close the bridges. I was wondering as I drove down 495 over the Christiana River Bridge in Wilmington, DE. I could feel the wind buffeting the car. Traffic going northbound on the interstate was still backed up and heavy from the 896 entrance on up. People still heading north for the holidays. I was heading south.
It was cold and windy. My little driveway trees were blown over and one was broken. I propped them up and hooked the broken part on. I made myself some dinner and watched "Miracle on 34th Street."
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the church this morning to cut a check for one of our vendors. Bethel road had been flooded by the rain yesterday. I water had drained enough for me to get through on the far left of the road. I could see the debris from the high water mark earlier. I got to the chuch and found that when the office was rearranged, someone threw away or misfiled my notes. Luckily, there were people there to help me. I got the check ready and came home. It has gotten cold and windy. It was also dark and dreary.
I worked on my computer for awhile. After lunch, I went into Chesapeake City. I went in the General Store and there on the counter were "Orrell's Biscuits". The founder of the company was named Ruth Orrell. No it wasn't my mother. I had read about Ruth Orrell's Biscuits years ago. The company is located about an hour south of here. The Orrells came to the Eastern Shore of Maryland in the 1600's, My great-great grandfather was born about an hour south of where I live. We have not been able to connect to the other Orrell's in Maryland other than we all came from the same area. I intended to go to the historical society in Caroline County but haven't gotten there yet. I didn't have a dog sitter and I couldn't leave Danny for that long. Maybe I can go before I get another dog. I haven't seen any that I'd like to adopt. There are mostly Pit Bulls and other large dogs.
I still have some wrapping to do and I will be heading for my brother's and the cemetary tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I saw this plant start to grow in the fall. What a surprise when I found it blooming yesterday. It is a weed. The leaf looks like a geranium. I thought it might be a hardy geranium but the flower although is blue is not a hardy geranium flower. Maybe it's a wild hardy geranium. It will be pulled out as the flowers can't even be seem under the foliage which is abundant.
News from the Vorlon Wife
It's funny, I can't even remember what I did this morning. I was on the computer quite a bit. This evening, I went to a church choir Christmas gathering at a couple's house who are members of the choir. We all brought a covered dish. Todd and Marian have a lovely home in a rural location. The road was dark and I was afraid I'd miss it. I remembered a three rail fence but it was to a farm next door. I saw the next driveway and the number on the mailbox so turned in. We all had a wonderful time of good food and fellowship and then practiced our music for Sunday and Christmas Eve. It had started raining before I went there and when I came out my car got stuck in the mud. Everyone had parked in the back on the grass. Someone had particially blocked me in so I had to stop and maneuver the wheels. That's when I got stuck. Todd came out and said it's happened to him all the time. After rocking the car and trying to push it, Todd got a shovel and dug out the mud. Three of us pushed while Tood drove. We finally got it free but I had mud all over my good red coat and my slacks. I think my athletic shoes are also mud covered.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I had a wonderful day today. I went to a luncheon at my friend, Dottie's church in Delaware. Two of Dottie's sisters were there and two of her friends. It was so nice to have fellowship with the friends I grew up with. There was a sad part about it. I drove up and down Interstate 95 so much with my Danny in the car. There are several places along the road where we would make a pit stop for Danny to stretch his legs. I can't help thinking of him when I drive along the road and when I come into an empty house. The sound of rain on the roof will remind me of how the little guy would run and hide under the bed.
I look at the local spca's for pets and it seems they are overwhelmed with pit bulls and large dogs. There were some poor little malteze dogs that were rescued from a puppy mill. They needed to have another dog in the household. We're only allowed to have one pet but some people here have two or three. My nephew has a malteze and it is not very good at housebreaking rules. They are also known for having bad teeth.
I'll have to keep looking.
I made some stops on the way home. I took some photos of churches in DE as I need more for my steeplechasin' entries. I usually forget to take my camera. I can use my cell phone but as yet don't know how to down load them. I have to sign up to the class at Verizon. I think they have on on the 27th. I hope it's not filled.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning and then to breakfast with my exercise friends. It was our last class until after the holidays. I took the gifts to the post office that needed to be mailed. The postage cost over twice as much as the gifts but I wanted them to get there on time for Christmas.
I then went to Peebles Department Store to see if they had some corduroy slacks like my friend bought. I found a pair in my size in sage so I got them. It was Tuesday and I got the Senior Club Discount and they were marked down 40% to start with. A good deal I felt.
I stopped in Redner's to get some apples and grapes for my Waldorf Salad. I need to take it to Choir on Thursday. We will be having our choir practice at a member's house and are to take a dish. It sounds like a good time.
I went to our mini concert at Chic-Fil-A this evening. I was very please to see my family had come to see us. My nephew and his family came and so did my niece's husband and baby Ethan. My mother's cousin's were there, Bob and Jane Small. They live about 20 minutes south of me. A friend from church came for our second performance. It went real well I hope we made a lot of money for our Choral Society. Funds and grants have been cut and we've had to try to do some fundraising events.
My nephews went to see the Christmas lights in Elkton and Chesapeake City. The children were anxious to see them.
I had dinner after the concert and sat with Joyce, Nancy's friend. It was after 7pm and I was hungry smelling all the food in the restaurant.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
What a bleak, dismal day. There was a heavy fog that was supposed to lift by 10am. I ventured out at 10 and the fog had not lifted. I went to K-mart to get a few things and then to the Shop-Rite Super Market. I found a doll that was acceptable to me for Ryleigh's Christmas gift. I also found gifts for Ted's niece's children. I am about done. I just need to get some gift certificates and bake a mincemeat pie for my brother. I can do that next week. When I got home, I laid down. I turned on my Christmas trees so I could watch the lights and brighten up the place.
I think the weather man meant the fog would lift at 10pm. That's when it rained.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church this morning. They had the children's Christmas play so the choir didn't sing. The children sang and put on a nice little play. I helped Ursula with the finances afterward by making copies of the checks and totaling them up for her. I went down to Sunday School where we are studying Adam Hamilton's book, "The Journey". It is a 28 day study guide for Advent. I was about 3 weeks behind. I think I am caught up but have to ready a segment every night besides my reading the Bible in a year. I was behind on that but am a little ahead now.
After church, I took my grand niece's birthday gift over to her. I got her a hop scotch game and she said, "I don't know what this is." I told her and her mother said it was a fun game that her students play at school. So, Ryleigh looked a little happier. I think she will like it when she starts playing with it.
I thought it was a cool gift but it reminded me of when I bought my niece, Tina a sled for Christmas. I thought a sled was a really cool gift but it hadn't snowed for a couple years and she had no idea what a sled was or what it was for. I thing it was 60 degrees that Christmas.
I guess sometimes, one strikes out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I ran out to Walmart in Middletown in the morning. I can take some rural back roads and avoid traffic. I needed a couple things and was able to find them there. I got some gas at WaWa and headed home.
The water was not working the first thing in the morning and I was afraid the heat tapes failed and the pipes had frozen. I went out to see if any neighbors were stirring when I saw the park manager heading toward the pump house. She had just put a brand new filter on the night before and it was clogged already. We have heavy iron in the water and the filter clogs up daily. I was glad it wasn't the pipes.
I went over to the park in the afternoon to sing Christmas Carols. I was a little disappointed as one of the ladies brought sheets of lyrics without the music and they were mostly secular songs. I like singing carols. I don't know why it bothered me but I have been feeling out of sorts since the awful thing happened to the school children in CT. When I first saw it on the news, I thought they were still talking about the shooting in OR but saw the CT down in the subtitles. When I found out what had happened, I just cried. I don't know anyone there but I just couldn't imagine what the families and community must be going through.
There seems to be so much tragedy anymore. '
When I got home from caroling, I made my dinner and put on the White Christmas movie. Then I watched one of the free ON Demand movies, did some reading and now off to bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I copied this photo from an entry from last year. I don't have many photos stored on this computer and my desktop is down. The holly berries are pretty this time of year.
I went to blble study this morning. When I got home, I finished decorating the tree by putting my Thomas Kincade Village under the tree and outdoor lights on the east side railing and Alberta Spruce tree. I have an old set of LED lights from when they first came out. When it got dark and came on, I noticed I have 4 bulbs not working. The green bulbs are so light that I have to cup my hands around them to make sure they are on. If I get new bulbs, they will be much brighter than the rest. I may have a couple spare and I'll have to go back into the shed and find the box that contained the lights. I put most of the containers away and its not fun to have to take everything out of the shed to find what I'm looking for. At least the house is back in order. With all the Christmas containers, the place looks like a disaster area until everything get put up and the containers are taken out. I am missing my holly berry bowl. I have no idea where it is. I hope it is in the computer room and not in the shed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Carolers from the Chesapeake City Ecumenical Association singing in the gazebo at Pell Gardens near the marina. That's me in the red coat and Santa hat. There were about 8 of us. We had a lot of fun. The photo was taken either by my niece or her husband. They brought the baby down to see Santa Claus. Ethan wasn't sure if he liked sitting on Santa's lap. He didn't cry but was about to so Cheryl picked him up. He is 15 months old so doesn't understand who Santa is. Maybe next year.
It was another miserable day today. Rainy with fog. At times the fog was heavy. I didn't go out except to walk down to the mail box and another walk earlier this morning. I had 8/10 of an inch in my rain gauge.
I was going to go to the church to do some filing but the power went out around 10am. I looked on the internet and saw the outage was throughout the region. I heard fire whistles blowing but have no idea what happened. It's a good thing it wasn't cold out. I called Ted's mother and had a nice long chat.
I needed to rest up after a busy weekend. One more concert tomorrow and then singing a partial concert at Chic-fil-A next week. They will be donating the profits to the Choral Society.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another church on our lighthouse tour. This one is located on Rt. 49 somewhere between Finn's Point and East Point.
I had a busy time. Yesterday, I sang at the town park at 4pm and then went to sing at the church at 5pm. I should have come home and had some dinner as we didn't start at the church until 6pm. I misunderstood. I thought we were to sing for 15 minutes but we were to sing every 15 minutes from 6 to 9. I was tired and hungry and my voice was giving out. I also didn't want to strain my voice because I had a concert the next day so I went home at 8pm. I took some photos with my phone but haven't figured out how to send them to my computer.
It was fun singing in the park. Cheryl and Ed brought Ethan to see Santa Claus who was at the park. He was in the pavilion and we were in the gazabo at the other end of the park. People came out of the restaurant and shop and the B&B to watch us sing. Our leader had food poisoning and did no make it. We had no music but one lady brought some song sheets she had saved from the local paper. They were all different so we had to hunt through the pages to find the carols. We had no music to accompany us but we had fun and people seem to enjoy it.
It was weird singing at the church as we sang every 15 minutes and it always seemed to be after the people left and we sang to an empty church. After a while, we were able to sing to the jpeople as there were 200 visitors from the Candlelight tour that came into the church. The town has a tour and people come from all over to walk through the town and go into the homes of those participating in the tour. We gave out literature about the church and Chrisdoms that the Sunday School children had made. We also had cookies, hot apple cider, and hot chocolate.
Today, I went to church, sang in the choir, help Ursula by making copies of the checks, went to Sunday School and then went to the Contemporary Service with Cheryl, Ed and Ethan.
When I got home, I changed my clothes for the concert, had some chicken vegetable soup and went to the concert in Cecilton. My cousins, Bob and Jane were there helping serve the refreshments and hosting out Choral Group. It went very well and the church was packed in-spite of the miserable weather - rainy and foggy.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted took this photo of a milkweed pod that is opening and has it's seeds about to blow away in the wind. He liked to take pictures of things in nature. It found it so interesting.
I have been having a busy week. I had to run out to Boscov's dept store yesterday to look for some black shoes. The ones I have were killing my feet during the concert. I usually don't wear dress shoes except to church and I am sitting most of the time there. Standing for a couple hours in dress shoes is a killer. I wear either athletic shoes or boots in the winter and sandals and flipflops in the summer. I wear slippers around the house. I hate dress shoes. Anyway, I tried on serveral pair and they were not comfortable. I did find a pair that were comfortable but too big. They didn't have my size and these were a half size larger. I tried on a half size smaller and they were too small. Bummer! They put them on hold for me at another store which is farther away but will be going there tomorrow. My friend, Dottie, lives near the store so we'll go together in the morning. Meanwhile, one more night in the dreaded shoes.
I went to choir practice last night and have a concert tonight. Then singing carols on Sat. at the town park at 4pm and then at the church at 5pm. The town has an annual event of a Candlelight tour. The homes and businesses are open for a walking tour to see the pretty lights and decorations.
It is a miserable rainy day today and this will continue until Sunday.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I have been busy with meetings and concerts. Last night, we had our first concert at a nursing home in Calvert, MD. I was saddened to see all the people in wheelchairs and needing so much assistance. They really enjoyed our concert. One lady sat there shaking her head in a yes motion. She didn't speak but when I smiled at her, she smiled back and looked happy.
I went to Bible Study this morning and got a new perm this afternoon. Tonight, it was off to a council meeting at the church with the District Superintendent. We presented our annual reports to him and he seemed pleased with the work we are doing here at the church and in the community.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I wore myself out yesterday. I took my hard cooked eggs to the church for the homeless people. We hosted them for the week and the Adult Sunday School made the breakfast. I went at 7:45 and the people were nearly finished. I put my eggs in a bowl and let them know so they could take them with them to eat later.
I had a little of the egg cassarole and a small blueberry pancake. Choir practice was at 8:30 and then church at 9:00. Ursula wasn't there so Tucker and I did the finances and there were checks and money for all kinds of events going on for the holidays. People were running in and out of the office. Tucker and I didn't know what went where so we put everything in the safe with notes. I went down to Sunday School and missed most of it. Jim had his 90th birthday and someone made a cake for him. After SS, I looked in the sanctuary and saw my niece and her family so I went in to the 11:00 service. We went to JoJo's for breakfast afterward.
When I got home, I ran the mower over the big pile of leaves to mulch them up. I put them on my back flower beds. Then, I put my pork, apples and sauerkraut in the oven. I found the decorations for my blue and white tree and put the lights on but still don't have enough even tho I bought an extra set. I'll have to try to get another at Walmart if they have any left.
I practiced my music and at 5:15, I was so hungry, I was nauseous. I ate some carrots and potatoes and laid down for awhile. I felt better so ate some of my pork and kraut.
I did some reading and went to bed early.
This morning, I went to the church to straighten out the finances. It took Ursula and I 2 1/2 hours to figure out the mess. I came home and put some polyurethane on my shelf. It was 70 degrees so I figured it would dry quickly. I finished putting some of the mulched leaves on my garden next to the shed. Then I came in and had some lunch of pork and kraut. I strung the led lights on my Nativity Star and put it up on the peak of my house. I have everything plugged into an outlet that goes on at dusk and off at dawn.
One of my wreaths keeps falling off the window. It has a Commander Hook and it keeps coming unglued. I cleaned the window and put a new sticky tape on but my wreath still falls to the ground.
Time for dinner and off to Choral Society practice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
We decked the halls on Friday, someone put the Christdoms on the tree and the church is ready for Advent and HAoly Communion.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I was up and out early this morning. I went to Walgreens for my prescription and then to K-Mart for some Commander Hooks. Next, I went to Peebles Department Store and found some Christmas gifts. They were having 20% off on top of their other discounts. I made out great in that store. Off I went to Deal's Dollar Tree for one item and came out with about 10 things. Next was the cleaners to pick up my clothes. Into Redner's Supermarket I went for some food and such and then stopped at the gas station. Redner's has a perks card that for every $100.00 you spend, the gas station gives you $.10 off each gallon. I spent 200.00 this month so I got $.20 off and my gasoline was $3.259/gal. What a good deal that was. The perks card also benefits the church. We take in the sales slip and the church gets a discount on food at Redners. Good deals all around.
When I got home, I had my lunch and then got out the leaf blower and blew the oak leaves into tow piles. I will run them over with the mower tomorrow or Monday. I hope I can get to it as I have a busy schedule.
I jumped into the shower after blowing the leaves and walked down to the mailbox. Cheryl called as I was walking back and said they were on their way to the Chesapeake Inn and if I wanted to go. I said yes and quickly put on more suitable attire. We had a nice dinner on the deck (inside). I had the cod fish and chips. Ethan had ravioli, Ed had a softshell crab BLT and I forget what Cheryl had but we all enjoyed our meal and watched the Christmas Lights of Chesapeake City come on over the water.
I made some hard boiled eggs for the homeless people. They will be having breakfast at our church tomorrow and my Sunday School class is making it. The people can put the hard cooked eggs in their pockets and take out with them for later in the day.
I put up my Christmas Tree but can't find the lights. There must be another box hiding in my shed. I did put the string on that I recently got at Walmart. They are blue and white. They are a little different than my other sets which has each bulb changing color independently. This set has a remote control that has several settings on it. All blue, all white, blinking blue and white fast, blinking all blue, blinking all white or fading slowly from blue to white. I think I will string them on the inside and put the others on the outside. I hope I can find the lights, angel and decorations for the tree.
News from the Vorlon Wife.