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I went to exercise class this morning and then to breakfast at JoJo's. I dropped off a couple more posters for the Choral Society at the Dentist Office and the Library and then home to walk Sparky.
I raked the back yard along the edge of the woods. My flowers are coming up and the crocuses are blooming. I cut off the vines and stickers and raked the leaves over the embankment. I wanted to get that done before the ticks started hatching out. The last two nights, I heard the spring peepers peeping so spring is here. It was sunny earlier this morning but has clouded up. We had some rain overnight as it was all wet again this morning. I don't know what the forecast is for the rest of the day or tomorrow. I only noticed that it was dropping down below freezing at night for the rest of the week.
I am tired out from the yard work so I'll rest this afternoon and then head out for the fellowship dinner and choir practice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to Bible Study this morning and stopped in the Town Hall and hairdresser to take some posters for the Choral Society concert. I made an appointment to have my hair done next Wednesday.
When I got home, I walked Sparky and had some lunch. I rested in the afternoon.
I went to the Lenten Soup and Bread dinner and Lenten Service at St. Rose’s RC Church. They are part of St. Joesph’s in Middletown, DE. It is a quaint little church. I took a photo of the sanctuary that I will post on Sunday. It was an interesting service with lots of singing. The priest from St. Joseph’s was the host and the priest from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church gave the Homily. Near the end of the service, the sang five verses of a hymn to the tune of Amazing Grace. I was sitting with three other members of my churches choir and we really sang out in praise to God.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A barn in Chester Co. PA on Christmas Day. We passed it on our way to my niece's house. I don't see any electric wires going to the barn. It could be an Amish farm but I see a car or truck back by the garage so I don't know. We did pass several Amish horse and buggies on the way.
I went to exercise class this morning and then to JoJo's. I stopped back at the church and did the filing. When I got home, I walked Sparky and had some lunch. I did a couple loads of wash and rested in the afternoon. After dinner, I went to choral pracctice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I spread the lime on the west side and part of the back side of the house. I did it that way so I could take Sparky out on the east side until the rain soaks it into the ground. I didn't want him walking on it as I don't know if it would be harmful to him or not.
I gave him a bath for the first time today. What a time I had with him. I got my shower first and when I opened the shower door. Sparky had gotten into the linen closet that I had left open when I got out his towels. He had two rolls of toilet paper shredded all over the bathroom. I picked him up and put him in the shower. He did not like it at all. I hosed him down, shampooed him, applied the conditioner, and hosed him down again. He kept running away from the shower head. Drying him was another trip. He doesn't seem to like being dried. I don't know if he thought I was playing with him or what. He growls when playing with him and I don't know if its a playful growl or a warning growl. The hair dryer scared him so I had a hard time getting him dry. Danny tolerated getting a bath but he liked getting dry and he knew the hair dryer dried him so he didn't mind. It was soon time to take Sparky out so I put his coat on because I didn't know how dry he was. It was in the mid forties but I didn't want him getting cold.
He seems to like everybody but will growl at someone he doesn't know.
I cleaned and put away the dishes and things I used for the birthday dinner. Sparky and I both rested the rest of the day.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I got up early and took Sparky out. I got my food that I had chopped yesterday and put everything in the crock pot for pot roast. I went to church the sermon was on Jesus saying he would look after us like a mother hen looks after her chicks. He had everyone stand up and do the chicken dance. We all laughed, it was fun.
When I got home, I took Sparky out and then started preparing everything for my dinner. It is difficult preparing a big dinner alone. Ted was such a big help. I had 11 for dinner. My grand niece and nephew, Ryleigh and Joe, played with Sparky. They were laughing, and screaming in my bedroom and Sparky was running around from the bedroom to the living room. One time, he jumped up on the sofa with Don and he looked like he was hiding from the kids. He was panting and looked worn out. The kids had more energy than Sparky. He took a nap after everyone left. Joey said, "I like Sparky, he's fun."
My other grand nephew, Ethan is a year and a half old. He ran around getting into everything. Cheryl ran after him and put things up higher where he couldn't reach. He wanted to go into the bedroom with the other kids but Cheryl wouldn't let him so he threw a tantrum. He was afraid he'd get into things he shouldn't. Joe and Ry were working out on my exercise equipment.
Now I know how Grandmom must have felt when we all went to her house and ran around upstairs. Exhausted after everyone left.
Don was the last to leave so he walked with me when I took out Sparky.
Now to relax.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to the Acme Super Market to get a roast beef that was on sale. I got a few other things to make for my brother Don and Sister-in-law's birthday dinner. It was a dreary drizzly day.
I did some wash and cleaning to get ready for my company. I got the extra chairs out of the shed and got out the large yellow table cloth to put on my table with the three extensions added. It belonged to my mother. Her table must have been longer than mine because the tablecloth was much longer than the table.
I watched some movies and now must turn in.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Prickly Pear Cactus taken at my home in Vineland, June 2009
I'm tired of winter; can't wait til summer.
I've been so busy, I haven't had time to blog. I went go Bible study on Wednesday morning and the to Redners for a few things. Wed. night, was the Lenten soup and bread supper followed by the Lenten Service at my church. I sang with the choir.
Thursday, I went to exercise class. I had an appoint with my dermatologist in the afternoon and then the fellowship dinner, Bible Class and choir practice.
I went to Middletown early this morning to get a crate flr Sparky. I want to train him to the crate so I can take him to my brothers when I go. I got some bird suet cakes. They had them for 99 cents. I filled up my gas tank at the WaWa and then stopped in Walgreens for a couple things.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Dad Nov. 1909 - Feb 2007
I went to exercise this morning. It was bright and sunny. We went to breakfast at JoJo's. By the time we finished breakfast, it had clouded up and was starting to rain. I got a quart of soup for lunch and dinner. I dropped my movie off at the library. When I got home, I tried Danny's raincoat on Sparky and it fit. sparky let me slip it over his head easily. Danny didn't like it over his head. I put on my raincoat and off we went for our walk. It was just a light drizzle. I have Choral Society tonight so it will be a late night for me.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I did a lot of fixing things today. I put away the Valentine decorations and glued a few things. I had to spray some carpet cleaner on the rug as Sparky had an accident. He's been really good. I don't know what happened except it was very cold and windy and I may not have kept him out long enough.
Brian came and put a rain gutter and down spout on the area over my deck and back door. I was tired of being drenched every time it rain or when the snow melted and ran down off the roof. It splattered all over the deck and the furniture I had out there.
My brother, Rick and his wife, Sylvia came to visit. They wanted to get out and go somewhere. They came here first and then went to my niece, Cheryls and then to my nephew, Ricks.
I went to the library to return my movie but forgot they would be closed for President's Day. The bank, too but I was able to use the ATM.
News from the Vorlon Wife
This is a Methodist Church near Kennedyville, MD. It is on the way to where I got Sparky at the Chestertown SPCA.
I went to church and Sunday School this morning. When I got home, I took Sparky up to the hunting grounds. I had hoped the ground was frozen but it wasn't. I saw a car up there and the man rolled down his window and said help was on the way. He had gotten stuck in the mud. He had followed the canal road and came out at the Army Corp of Engineers. However it was closed on Sunday and the gate was shut. The man thought he could find another way out on Bethel Road but got himself stuck in the mud. I told him there was no way to get out on Bethel Road he wouldj have to go back to Telegraph Road to get out.
I had some lunch and then saw a truck up there. Brian, my carpenter had called me to put the molding up over the door. He said he just pulled the man out of the mud. Brian cut and put the molding on. He going to come next week and up a rain gutter up along where my deck is. The rain spatters all over the deck and the furniture on it. It also pours down off the roof and one gets soaked going in and out the door.
It was very cold today and the wind didn't help. It made it brutal out there.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
went to Dollar Tree, Concord Pet, the jewelry store for a new watch band, Home Depot, and Redner's for some food. When I got home, I walked Sparky and had some lunch. I went to the library and got The Dark Knight Rises.
After supper I put in the DVD. Sparky made a pest of himself. I had to stop the movie twice to take him out.
New from the Vorlon Wife.
They're Back! Crocuses are blooming in the flower beds. Yippee! The only problem is two more snowstorms are forcast. Bummer! These are snow crocuses and it looks like there will be a lot of them this year. I have 4 in bloom now with lots more buds. They will bloom in the snow. It is good to see them after the bleak dark winter. It went up to 60 degrees this afternoon but was 22 this morning.
I took Sparky to the vet today. He needed his lyme disease booster and the vet checked out his leg. His knees were excellent but couldn't tell about his hip. She said a lot of times, abused dogs get kicked in the hip so it may be an old injury. If it doesn't clear up, I can get an xray done.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
My parents, Ruth and Rick Orrell. Today was their Anniversary.
My friend Dottie came for a visit today. We had lunch at Baker's Restaurant and had a nice time. It was great seeing her.
I rested in the afternoon and went to the Lenten Service in the evening. It was supposed to be at the Ebeneezer AME way out some dark country road. I could hardly find the road in the rain. I first went into the cemetery and had to turn around and take the next driveway. The church was all dark and only one car in the lot. The lady told me their heater was broken and the service was at the Presbyterian Church. I got to the Presbyterian Church and saw everyone sitting there and wondered why I was the only person not notified about the change. I had driven 10 miles in the opposite direction. The soup was good and hot on such a cold rainy night. It was already mixing with snow when I got there.
It was a nice service but long. the AME minister conducted the service. I don't like leaving Sparky more than 4 hours without taking him out. He was OK when I got home. The snow was coming down and the visibility was poor. I could only see white streaks in the headlights and not far ahead on the road. I got home safely and took Sparky out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today was my mother's birthday. I have lots of photos of her but only one on this laptop and I don't know how to hook it up to my scanner. I had better get busy and order a new computer. Ted always took care of the computers and I am lost without him.
When I was walking Danny at lunch time, I saw one of my neighbor's named Ted. His wife recently passed away. Kay was his second wife and he had to go through this twice. He said he had 14 wonderful years with Kay and 48 wonderful years with his first wife.
The sun finally came out this afternoon and it makes things so much more cheerful. I went to exercise this morning but didn't go to JoJo's with the ladies. Although I enjoy going with the ladies, it seems to take too long. They like to relax and talk and I keep thinking about what I have to do at home. I did a couple loads of wash and vacuumed the living room, bedroom and office. I got my shower and now th dishwasher is running. I will study my music next and at 5pm, I'll go to the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at St. Rose's Church in North Chesapeake City, I will then come home, take Sparky out and head for Choral Society practice.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to church and Sunday School yesterday. My niece and her family were not at the 11:00 service so I came home and took Sparky out. It was only 12 degrees when I got up and took Sparky out the first time and it didn't warm up much all day. It rained over night with 8 tenths of an inch in the rain gauge today. It misted all day long.
I went to the library to return the DVD and then to the Post Office to mail some letters and get some stamps.
I'm not looking forward to this week as I have to go out every night except Friday. I have a Finance meeting tonight, Choral Society tomorrow, Lenton services start Wednesday, and choir practice on Thursday. I do not like going out at night. It's hard to get to sleep after being out and I know I will start dragging by Wednesday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
A little church on Christmas Day 2012 somewhere in Chester County, PA.
The snow totally missed us. Yesterday we got 4/10 inches of rain in the gauge and that was it. It was windy today and made it seem a lot colder than the 39 degrees that it was. Sparky has the funniest bark I have ever heard. It sounds like he has laryngitis. My Vet thought he may be a little hoarse from barking at the shelter but his bark hasn't improved any. He has a deep growl so his vocal cords are OK. I thought maybe he was eating my diffenbacia plant but I moved it up high so he can't reach it. I do have a couple large ones but I haven't seen him near them. He gets into everything. He got hold of my box of tissues I have on one of the shelves of my bookcase headboard. It had my dental floss in the box and he chewed that up along with a few tissues. I have to always check to see what he's getting into.
I went to the library and got "The Dark Knight" DVD. It was scratched and I was afraid I would have problems playing it but it ran smoothly. The library has "The Dark Knight Rises" but it's in blue ray and I don't have blue ray. I'll have to ask if they have it in regular DVD.
Note to Ruth: Ruth Orrell was my mother. I may have mentioned "Ruth Orrell's Maryland Biscuits. She is no relation. Well she may be if we go back enough generations to the 1700's and it would be on my father's side. My Dad's brother married a Ruth and their daughter is Ruth so there were three Ruth Orrell's who were in my family.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ruth Orrell February 11, 1912 - February 9, 1991
My little holly tree that I brought from Vineland. It is near the brush pile and surrounded by leaves. I will have to go through the brush pile when the weather gets better and cut the branches into smaller pieces. Someone could use them in their wood stove or I could give them to Dottie for her camp fire at her campground.
I went to the gas station and supermarket this morning. It rained most all day. The girl across the street came to rake the yard. I said, "In the rain?" She shook her head yes. So I got out the rake for her. It was a light drizzle. I talked to my friend, Dottie. She had called yesterday but the voice mail didn't come through until today. Don't know what's going on with that.
There is still a light drizzle but the temp is 33. It should be changing any minute.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise class this morning and then to breakfast with my friends. I went to the fellowship dinner at the church. Jeannie had chili with three different kinds of bread, white, cornbread, and jalapino. I had the cornbread. It was served with sour cream and shredded cheddar. Sandy made banana pudding with nilla wafers.
I waited for
Laurie to teach the class but she must have gone home so I went to Pastor Mark's class. Choir practice was next and then home to take Sparky out.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It was a nice day. I put Sparky out on the lead while I cleaned up the yard. A large branch had come down during the last storm. A girl across the street had asked for work and I told her I needed some to pick up the branches and rake the back yard but she never came back. I guess the kids like to do the work right then and there but I didn't have any money to pay her. I needed to go to the bank.
I cut off all the small branches with the pruners and carried them all back to the brush pile at the edge of the woods.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I went to exercise this morning and then home to take Sparky out. He had drunk a lot of water just before I left and I didn't want him having any accidents. I put up my Valentine decorations. I usually put them up in the middle of January but I didn't get to it this year. They keep things bright after taking down the Christmas decorations. I leave up my red bows and put Valentines on them.
I didn't do much else. I studied my music but Choral Society practice was canceled do to threat of a winter storm. The thought was we could all get there all right but they roads may be icy when we left. It turned out we only had a flurry and a scant dusting of little balls of snowflakes.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Ravens won the Superbowl. That will make a lot of people at my church happy. I seem to live in Raven territory.
I took Sparky to the Chestertown Vet this morning. He had his sutures removed and the cone taken off his head. All the people down there like Sparky. I stopped at the Humane Soc. to get a copy of the adoption papers and receipt for his neutering but they were closed on Monday. I saw someone inside so I knocked on the window. The lady came out and let me in. I told her what I wanted but she was the shelter tech and did not have access to the office. She came out to the car to see Sparky. They all liked him.
More snow expected tonight.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Another church that we passed Christmas Day on our way to my niece, Tina's. It is somewhere in Northeastern Maryland or Southeastern PA. I forgot I had taken them and I couldn't remember where they were or what the name of the church was.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
I didn't do too much today. Some wash and some cleaning. Juan came about 11:45 and worked on the toilet until 1:30. He had to take it all apart as the bolts were rusted and some of the old parts were missing. He got a kit and replaced all the parts that are inside the tank. He had to remove the tank to do it. He had it all back together but it was leaking so he had to adjust things and now it is working fine.
It was another cold day. I took Sparky out to the back field. He likes to explore. It is snowing now. Sparky likes to eat the snow. He doesn't seem to mind the cold. I put Danny's coat on him. The velcro closure is wearing out. I'll have to either fix it or get Sparky a new coat.
I got a movie at the library but it is badly scratched and would not play on my DVD player. It kept spinning and spinning. It wouldn't stop or eject. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get it out. I thought my machine was broken. I unplugged it and it stopped spinning. I plugged it back in and ejected the disk. I watched one of my DVD's of Chuck.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
The photo of the forsythia was taken in Vineland March 28, 2010.
It started snowing when I took Sparky out at 5;30. By the time I got ready to take my car to the garage for its oil change, we had an inch of snow on the ground. I didn't last long. When I got back it had stopped. I took Sparky out for his walk. He likes the snow.
My toilet was running and wouldn't stop so I had Juan the plummer take a look at it. He got parts for both toilets as they both had broken and were wired together with string and wires that are used for Christmas ornaments. Juan fixed the one toilet but the one off the master bedroom had another broken part and other parts were corroded with rust. Juan needs to get more parts and come back tomorrow. The whole top of the toilet needs to be taken off to replace the corroded part. Things always seem to need more than one first thinks.
I had some of Jeannie's chicken and biscuits for dinner. She cooks the fellowship dinners and give me some of the leftovers. The biscuits were all eaten so I put a couple of Ruth Orrell's biscuits in my dinner tonight. I have another serving for tomorrow's lunch and I put a container in the freezer.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Sparky is two years old. He still has a lot of puppy in him. He is getting the hang of things. When I brought him in tonight, he went straight to bed. He was bad tonight though, I went to put something in my bedroom and I heard something get knocked over. He had climbed onto the coffee table with that darn cone on his head and knocked my cup of tea all over the table and the rug. Earlier that darn cone caught his waterbowl and upset that. It comes off on Monday. What a relief that will be.
I went to exercise this morning and then to JoJo's for some coffee and a big chocolate chip cookie. I needed some groceries so went to Redners. It was windy and the temp was dropping. I walked Sparky a few times around the mobile home park. I went to the church for the fellowship dinner. Laurie couldn't make it to lead the class so I went to Pastor Mark's class. After the class, I went to choir practice. Choir practice always seems so late. We start at 7:30 and end at 8;30 but it just seems so late. I guess it's because by 8 o'clock, I start getting ready for bed. I don't go until 10 but I start getting ready. When I go out at night, it seems to mess up my routine.
News from the Vorlon Wife.